所属成套资源:北师大版高中英语必修第一册 PPT课件
北师大版高中英语必修第一册 Unit 3 PROJECTS 1–3 PPT课件
这是一份北师大版高中英语必修第一册 Unit 3 PROJECTS 1–3 PPT课件,共43页。
PROJECTS 1–3PROJECT 1①Brainstorm You are going to make a plan about your new secondary school life(studies, friendships, clubs, hobbies, social life, etc.).头脑风暴你要为你的新中学生活(学习、友谊、俱乐部、爱好、社交生活等)制定一个计划。Think about which aspects you want to cover in your plan.想想你想在计划中涵盖哪些方面。②Make a Plan Look at the following questions and add your answers to each question. 制定计划查看以下问题,并将您的答案添加到每个问题中。①What aspects of secondary school life do you want to experience (academic social, extracurricular, home life, etc.)?②Why do you want to include these activities?③How do these aspects of secondary school life contribute to a happy and successful life in your senior secondary school?中学生活的这些方面是如何帮助你在高中过上幸福和成功的生活的?④What will you do to stick to your plan?你会怎么做才能坚持你的计划?③Work as a Team Discuss your ideas in groups and make a poster to present.团队合作小组讨论你的想法,并制作海报展示。④Prepare Prepare the poster and allocate the tasks according to each member's interests and strengths.准备海报,并根据每个成员的兴趣和优势分配任务。⑤Present Present your poster to the class. Put the poster on the wall of your classroom You may check by the end of the semester to find out whether you have stuck to your plan.向全班展示你的海报。把海报贴在教室的墙上你可以在学期末检查一下,看看你是否坚持了你的计划。Reflect1.Did your group work well together?□Yes □ No □ Why?2.What was your role in the project? How were the tasks divided? (e.g. based on2each member's interests or strengths)你在这个项目中扮演了什么角色?任务是如何分配的?(例如,基于每个成员的兴趣或优势)3.What resources or strategies did you use for your research? How useful were they?你在研究中使用了哪些资源或策略?它们有多有用?4 Were you satisfied with the final product?你对最终产品满意吗?□Yes □ No □ Why?5 How could your panel discussion be improved?如何改进您的小组讨论?6 Which areas of the topic do you want to explore further?你想进一步探讨这个主题的哪些领域?7 What did you learn from the other groups?你从其他小组学到了什么?PROJECT 2①Brainstorm You are going to create a fact file of a sport and present it in class. Discuss and choose an interesting sport for your fact file.头脑风暴你要创建一个运动的事实档案,并在课堂上展示。讨论并选择一项有趣的运动作为你的事实档案。②Research Decide which sport you are going to present and think of the areas that interest you and your group. Look for information online or in books, magazines or encyclopaedias.研究决定你将展示哪项运动,并思考你和你的团队感兴趣的领域。在网上或书籍、杂志或百科全书中查找信息。Why did you choose this sport?你为什么选择这项运动?Describe the sport (rules, equipment, team sizes, etc.)描述这项运动(规则、装备、团队规模等)What qualities are the most important for playing this sport (e.g. teamwork,strength, flexibility)?参加这项运动最重要的品质是什么(例如团队合作、力量、灵活性)?Who are the most famous or important athletes that play this sport? Why are they famous or important? What are their achievements?参加这项运动的最著名或最重要的运动员是谁?为什么他们出名或重要?他们的成就是什么?Find some interesting news stories related to this sport. What kind of impact does it have on society (e.g. popularity, related industries, international influence)?找一些与这项运动有关的有趣的新闻故事。它对社会有什么样的影响(例如知名度、相关行业、国际影响力)?③Work as a Team Gather your research and decide what information to include in the fact file. You may want to include photos, Discuss and allocate the tasks according to each member's interests and strengths. 团队合作收集您的研究,并决定在事实文件中包含哪些信息。你可能想附上照片,讨论并根据每个成员的兴趣和优势分配任务。④Prepare Decide how to put everything together and present your fact file. It could be a poster, webpage or booklet. Think about how you will organise and rewrite your information in a way that suits your chosen form. 准备决定如何把所有的东西放在一起,并提交你的事实档案。它可以是海报、网页或小册子。想想你将如何以适合你选择的形式组织和重写你的信息。⑤ Present Present your fact file to the class.向全班展示你的事实档案。Reflect1.Did your group work well together?□Yes □ No □ Why?2.What was your role in the project? How were the tasks divided? (e.g. based on2each member's interests or strengths)你在这个项目中扮演了什么角色?任务是如何分配的?(例如,基于每个成员的兴趣或优势)③What resources or strategies did you use for your research? How useful were they? 你在研究中使用了哪些资源或策略?它们有多有用?④Were you satisfied with the final product?你对最终产品满意吗?□Yes □ No □ Why?⑤How could your fact file be improved?如何改进您的事实档案?⑥Which areas of the topic do you want to explore further?你想进一步探讨这个主题的哪些领域?⑦What did you learn from the other groups?你从其他小组学到了什么?PROJECT 3①Brainstorm You are going to make a presentation on how different cultures celebrate special occasions or events.头脑风暴你将做一个关于不同文化如何庆祝特殊场合或事件的演讲。Discuss and choose a cultural celebration.Try to choose lesser known or unusual celebrations.讨论并选择一种文化庆典。尽量选择鲜为人知或不同寻常的庆典。②Research Identify specific aspects of the celebration that interest you and your group. 研究确定你和你的团队感兴趣的庆祝活动的具体方面。Look for information online, in travel magazines and books, or in encyclopaedias.在网上、旅游杂志和书籍或百科全书中查找信息。Which celebration did you choose?Why did you choose this celebration?Describe the celebration (date, reason for celebration, country / culture where it is celebrated, who takes part, etc.)What are the most important aspects of this celebration? (e.g. food, decorations, celebrating activities)Why do you think this celebration is so important to the people who celebrate it?③Work as a Team Gather your research and decide which specific aspect of the celebration you would like to highlight (e.g, a specific dish, decorations, what people do). Allocate the tasks for your group project.团队合作收集你的研究,并决定你想突出庆祝活动的哪个特定方面(例如,一道特定的菜、装饰、人们做什么)。为您的小组项目分配任务。④Prepare Decide how to present the aspect of the celebration you have chosen. Think of ways to highlight your celebration (e.g. presenting a real dish and introducing ways to make it, making a role-play of what people do during the celebration). Give clear instructions on what to do.准备决定如何展示你选择的庆祝活动。想办法突出你的庆祝活动(例如,展示一道真正的菜并介绍制作方法,对人们在庆祝活动中的行为进行角色扮演)。对该做什么给出明确的指示。⑤Present Present your cultural celebration to the class. Give the class step-by-step instructions on how to make the dish / decorations.向全班展示你的文化庆典。就如何制作菜肴/装饰品向全班提供循序渐进的指导。ReflectDid your group work well together?□Yes □ No □ Why?What was your role in the project? How were the tasks divided? (e.g. based oneach member's interests or strengths)你在这个项目中扮演什么角色?任务是如何分配的?(例如基于每个成员的兴趣或优势)What resources or strategies did you use for your research? How useful were they?你在研究中使用了哪些资源或策略?它们有多有用?Were you satisfied with the final product?你对最终产品满意吗?□Yes □ No □ Why?How could your instructions / presentation be improved?如何改进您的说明/演示?Which areas of the topic do you want to explore further?你想进一步探讨这个主题的哪些领域?What did you learn from the other groups?你从其他小组学到了什么?
PROJECTS 1–3PROJECT 1①Brainstorm You are going to make a plan about your new secondary school life(studies, friendships, clubs, hobbies, social life, etc.).头脑风暴你要为你的新中学生活(学习、友谊、俱乐部、爱好、社交生活等)制定一个计划。Think about which aspects you want to cover in your plan.想想你想在计划中涵盖哪些方面。②Make a Plan Look at the following questions and add your answers to each question. 制定计划查看以下问题,并将您的答案添加到每个问题中。①What aspects of secondary school life do you want to experience (academic social, extracurricular, home life, etc.)?②Why do you want to include these activities?③How do these aspects of secondary school life contribute to a happy and successful life in your senior secondary school?中学生活的这些方面是如何帮助你在高中过上幸福和成功的生活的?④What will you do to stick to your plan?你会怎么做才能坚持你的计划?③Work as a Team Discuss your ideas in groups and make a poster to present.团队合作小组讨论你的想法,并制作海报展示。④Prepare Prepare the poster and allocate the tasks according to each member's interests and strengths.准备海报,并根据每个成员的兴趣和优势分配任务。⑤Present Present your poster to the class. Put the poster on the wall of your classroom You may check by the end of the semester to find out whether you have stuck to your plan.向全班展示你的海报。把海报贴在教室的墙上你可以在学期末检查一下,看看你是否坚持了你的计划。Reflect1.Did your group work well together?□Yes □ No □ Why?2.What was your role in the project? How were the tasks divided? (e.g. based on2each member's interests or strengths)你在这个项目中扮演了什么角色?任务是如何分配的?(例如,基于每个成员的兴趣或优势)3.What resources or strategies did you use for your research? How useful were they?你在研究中使用了哪些资源或策略?它们有多有用?4 Were you satisfied with the final product?你对最终产品满意吗?□Yes □ No □ Why?5 How could your panel discussion be improved?如何改进您的小组讨论?6 Which areas of the topic do you want to explore further?你想进一步探讨这个主题的哪些领域?7 What did you learn from the other groups?你从其他小组学到了什么?PROJECT 2①Brainstorm You are going to create a fact file of a sport and present it in class. Discuss and choose an interesting sport for your fact file.头脑风暴你要创建一个运动的事实档案,并在课堂上展示。讨论并选择一项有趣的运动作为你的事实档案。②Research Decide which sport you are going to present and think of the areas that interest you and your group. Look for information online or in books, magazines or encyclopaedias.研究决定你将展示哪项运动,并思考你和你的团队感兴趣的领域。在网上或书籍、杂志或百科全书中查找信息。Why did you choose this sport?你为什么选择这项运动?Describe the sport (rules, equipment, team sizes, etc.)描述这项运动(规则、装备、团队规模等)What qualities are the most important for playing this sport (e.g. teamwork,strength, flexibility)?参加这项运动最重要的品质是什么(例如团队合作、力量、灵活性)?Who are the most famous or important athletes that play this sport? Why are they famous or important? What are their achievements?参加这项运动的最著名或最重要的运动员是谁?为什么他们出名或重要?他们的成就是什么?Find some interesting news stories related to this sport. What kind of impact does it have on society (e.g. popularity, related industries, international influence)?找一些与这项运动有关的有趣的新闻故事。它对社会有什么样的影响(例如知名度、相关行业、国际影响力)?③Work as a Team Gather your research and decide what information to include in the fact file. You may want to include photos, Discuss and allocate the tasks according to each member's interests and strengths. 团队合作收集您的研究,并决定在事实文件中包含哪些信息。你可能想附上照片,讨论并根据每个成员的兴趣和优势分配任务。④Prepare Decide how to put everything together and present your fact file. It could be a poster, webpage or booklet. Think about how you will organise and rewrite your information in a way that suits your chosen form. 准备决定如何把所有的东西放在一起,并提交你的事实档案。它可以是海报、网页或小册子。想想你将如何以适合你选择的形式组织和重写你的信息。⑤ Present Present your fact file to the class.向全班展示你的事实档案。Reflect1.Did your group work well together?□Yes □ No □ Why?2.What was your role in the project? How were the tasks divided? (e.g. based on2each member's interests or strengths)你在这个项目中扮演了什么角色?任务是如何分配的?(例如,基于每个成员的兴趣或优势)③What resources or strategies did you use for your research? How useful were they? 你在研究中使用了哪些资源或策略?它们有多有用?④Were you satisfied with the final product?你对最终产品满意吗?□Yes □ No □ Why?⑤How could your fact file be improved?如何改进您的事实档案?⑥Which areas of the topic do you want to explore further?你想进一步探讨这个主题的哪些领域?⑦What did you learn from the other groups?你从其他小组学到了什么?PROJECT 3①Brainstorm You are going to make a presentation on how different cultures celebrate special occasions or events.头脑风暴你将做一个关于不同文化如何庆祝特殊场合或事件的演讲。Discuss and choose a cultural celebration.Try to choose lesser known or unusual celebrations.讨论并选择一种文化庆典。尽量选择鲜为人知或不同寻常的庆典。②Research Identify specific aspects of the celebration that interest you and your group. 研究确定你和你的团队感兴趣的庆祝活动的具体方面。Look for information online, in travel magazines and books, or in encyclopaedias.在网上、旅游杂志和书籍或百科全书中查找信息。Which celebration did you choose?Why did you choose this celebration?Describe the celebration (date, reason for celebration, country / culture where it is celebrated, who takes part, etc.)What are the most important aspects of this celebration? (e.g. food, decorations, celebrating activities)Why do you think this celebration is so important to the people who celebrate it?③Work as a Team Gather your research and decide which specific aspect of the celebration you would like to highlight (e.g, a specific dish, decorations, what people do). Allocate the tasks for your group project.团队合作收集你的研究,并决定你想突出庆祝活动的哪个特定方面(例如,一道特定的菜、装饰、人们做什么)。为您的小组项目分配任务。④Prepare Decide how to present the aspect of the celebration you have chosen. Think of ways to highlight your celebration (e.g. presenting a real dish and introducing ways to make it, making a role-play of what people do during the celebration). Give clear instructions on what to do.准备决定如何展示你选择的庆祝活动。想办法突出你的庆祝活动(例如,展示一道真正的菜并介绍制作方法,对人们在庆祝活动中的行为进行角色扮演)。对该做什么给出明确的指示。⑤Present Present your cultural celebration to the class. Give the class step-by-step instructions on how to make the dish / decorations.向全班展示你的文化庆典。就如何制作菜肴/装饰品向全班提供循序渐进的指导。ReflectDid your group work well together?□Yes □ No □ Why?What was your role in the project? How were the tasks divided? (e.g. based oneach member's interests or strengths)你在这个项目中扮演什么角色?任务是如何分配的?(例如基于每个成员的兴趣或优势)What resources or strategies did you use for your research? How useful were they?你在研究中使用了哪些资源或策略?它们有多有用?Were you satisfied with the final product?你对最终产品满意吗?□Yes □ No □ Why?How could your instructions / presentation be improved?如何改进您的说明/演示?Which areas of the topic do you want to explore further?你想进一步探讨这个主题的哪些领域?What did you learn from the other groups?你从其他小组学到了什么?