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    黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语(无答案)
    黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语(无答案)01
    黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语(无答案)02
    黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语(无答案)03
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    黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语(无答案)

    这是一份黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语(无答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What will the wman prbably d with the man’s phne?
    A. Repair it.B. Check it.C. Replace it.
    2. Why did the man cme t talk t the wman?
    A. T give supprt.B. T seek advice.C. T ffer infrmatin.
    3. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On a farm.B. At hme.C. In a market.
    4. When will the speakers pssibly arrive at the htel?
    A. At 5:45.B. At 6:15.C. At 7:00.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A language lessn.B. A turist destinatin.C. A business trip.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What will the new gallery d?
    A. Hld a cmpetitin.B. Sell wrks t lcals.C. Exhibit wrks f new artists.
    7. Hw can the speakers cmplete the submissin prcess?
    A. By applying nline.B. By delivering the wrks.C. By registering in persn.
    8. Why did Jimmy start the club?
    A. T teach chess classes.
    B. T rganize fun turnaments.
    C. T teach advanced techniques.
    9. Which f the fllwing impresses Linda?
    A. The age range.B. The chess strategies.C. The cmpetitive nature.
    10. What des Linda ffer t d?
    A. Help t run the club.B. Prvide sme mney.C. Call up new members.
    11. What des the man think f self-help bks?
    A. Special.B. Practical.C. Uninteresting.
    12. Hw des the wman usually read self-help bks?
    A. She picks the useful cntents.
    B. She ges thrugh tw chapters.
    C. She reads frm beginning t end.
    13. What is the bk abut?
    A. Cuntry life.B. A natural disaster.C. Persnal experience.
    14. What might be the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Cuples.B. Clleagues.C. Friends.
    15. What wuld the wman prefer t d?
    A. Watch a park shw.B. Chase a gat.C. Cllect eggs.
    16. Hw des the man like the farm life?
    A. Advanced.B. Enjyable.C. Mdern.
    17. What might the speakers d after lunch?
    A. Take the subway.B. Paint the fence.C. Enjy street perfrmance.
    18. What des the speaker say abut the City Hall Statin?
    A. It is a ppular restaurant nw.
    B. It represents the splendid building style.
    C. It is still used as part f the subway system.
    19. Hw can turists see the Old Hall Statin?
    A. Taking N.6 train line.
    B. Entering frm the street.
    C. Getting a membership fr free.
    20. Wh is prbably the speaker?
    A. A radi hst.B. A tur guide.C. A teacher.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Whether yu’re frm Massachusetts, Manchester, r Mumbai, a first-year student r a transfer(转学生), there are a few key things yu need t d t apply t New Yrk University (NYU). But requirements such as standardized testing and English language testing vary fr different applicants.
    •First-year applicants
    •Internatinal applicants
    •Transfer applicants
    •Hmeschled applicants
    •Internal transfers
    •Secnd Bachelr’s Degree
    If yu’re applying t ne f the prgrams listed belw, d nt cmplete the Cmmn Applicatin. Visit the links fr applicatin instructins:
    •Dental hygiene prgram
    •SPS Divisin f Applied Undergraduate Studies
    Things t Knw Befre Applying
    Email address
    Make sure t use a persnal email address. We strngly encurage yu nt t use a schl email address t submit yur applicatin, as yu may miss imprtant infrmatin abut yur applicatin and admissins decisin.
    Please submit nly dcuments r cpies that yu can replace because NYU des nt return applicatin dcuments.
    Applicatin authenticity
    It is yur respnsibility t ensure that yur applicatin infrmatin and all supprting dcuments are based n facts. NYU has a strict plicy n applicatin authenticity.
    Submitting yur applicatin
    Please cntact admissins@nyu.edu with a request fr an extensin befre r shrtly after ur applicatin deadline.
    Students Affected by Natural Disasters, Plitical, and/r Gvernmental Decisins
    Fr students and families affected by natural disasters, natinal gvernments, r any extreme extenuating(情有可原的) circumstances, we want t be as accmmdating as pssible t avid additinal stress. We encurage any student in these situatins t reach ut t ur ffice t infrm us f the situatin s that we can prvide yu with a recmmended curse f actin. We will be as flexible as pssible when waiting fr supprting applicatin materials.
    21. Wh shuld avid the Cmmn Applicatin?
    A. First-year applicants.B. Transfer applicants.
    C. Hmeschled applicants.D. Dental hygiene prgram applicants
    22. Which is mst likely t have a negative influence n applying NYU?
    A. Requesting an extensin at any time.
    B. Applying thrugh a persnal email.
    C. Submitting replaceable dcuments.
    D. Prviding truthful applicatin materials.
    23. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A library guide.B. A schl website.
    C. A newspaper reprt.D. A university brchure.
    My eleven-year-ld sn reads a lt, but fr the past year he’s nly been reading cmics r graphic(图解的) nvels. In my view, these are the bks made up, mainly, f cartns and speech bubbles and are lacking in full pages f text. As a PhD in classical literature, I turn my nse up at my sn’s cmics, cnsidering them just picture bks.
    My sn has argued well fr his cause. His claim is that cmics are literature r clse enugh and they d cntain many f the basic elements f any nvel: plt, backstry, dialgue and etc. But my view is that language is unique. The cmplicated details f plt, emtin, and inner thught that wrds alne can cnvey are surely lst when graphics take their place. And if the pictures are already there fr yu, what wrk is left t the imaginatin?
    Accrding t the view f sme experts n parenting, we shuld encurage ur kids t lve bks in all shapes and frms, withut limiting the type f bks they shuld lve. I see their pint, but I als wrry that laziness might be playing a rle here and that’s a mtivatin I’m less happy t enable. Cmics are simply easier t read than ther kinds f bks; they demand less attentin and my suspicin is that they becme appealing fr that very reasn. While this is a fine way t help early r reluctant(不情愿的) readers get int better habits f reading, I’m nt s sure the same is true fr lder kids. In an age f instant satisfactin frm fragmentatin(碎片化) reading, we are all lsing the ability t fcus n lnger texts, and that’s wrrisme.
    My sn is in his academic and emtinal develpment. I want him t be reading things that will challenge him and frce him t think deeply and critically, which will help him imprve. Isn’t this what reading is fr? D his cmic bks have such pwer?
    24. What is the authr’s attitude tward cmics accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. DismissiveB. ApprvingC. UnclearD. Objective
    25. Why des the authr think graphics cannt take the place f language?
    A. Plt can nly be expressed by language.
    B. All the details cannt be cnveyed by graphics.
    C. Language can shw the basic stryline mre clearly.
    D. Graphics fail t develp children’s interest in reading.
    26. What d we knw abut the authr’s sn?
    A. He likes reading bks with full pages f text.
    B. He thinks cmics give much space fr imaginatin.
    C. He believes cmics share many similarities with nvels.
    D. He claims cmics are easier t read than ther kinds f bks.
    27. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T advise kids t get rid f reading cmics.
    B. T shw the significance f reading fr children.
    C. T share her wrry abut her sn’s chice f reading.
    D. T cmpare the differences between cmics and nvels.
    Smart technlgy is helping dctrs prvide better service in the medical field. At the 2023 Wrld Internet Cnference Wuzhen Summit, Xia Bangb, a dctr frm Sir Run Run Shaw Hspital, shwed a 5G+AR remte emergency medical services system.
    With this system, dctrs at grassrts(基层的) levels can wear prtable(便携式的) AR devices t immediately cnnect with higher-level medical experts fr cmmunicatin, receiving advanced medical guidance. “In medical wrk, especially in emergencies, what dctrs need mst is rapid decisin making, which dctrs at grassrts levels currently lack in terms f respnse speed,” said Hng Yucai, directr f the emergency department f the hspital. He expressed that this 5G+AR system, using a cmmunicatin system based n 5G and AR technlgy fr audi and vide interactins, rapidly cnnects grassrts and higher-level dctrs.
    This 5G+AR system als uses artificial intelligence (AI). Even if a ship carrying it n the sea lses netwrk cnnectin and n dctrs are present, the AI dctr in the system will prvide real-time guidance t thse arund. Since its trial run at the beginning f 2022, this smart system has cvered mre than 40 cunty-level hspitals and cmmunity health service centers in seven cunties in Zhejiang.
    Anther way AI is being used in medical service is t cllect and study data frm smartwatches and wearables. China’s cmpany Zepp Health recently launched several AI-pwered prducts t g with its existing smart wearables. Zepp Aura, fr instance, is a new sftware service that ffers users tailred guidance, sleep analysis, as well as AI-generated sleep music which adjusts in real time based n the user’s heart rate.
    With the develpment f AI, big data, and ther innvative tls, smart technlgy in healthcare will certainly be changing the game in mre ways.
    28. What prblem des the 5G+AR system slve?
    A. The slw reactin f grassrts dctrs t medical cases.
    B. The pr medical equipment in remte areas.
    C. The lack f cmmunicatin between grassrts dctrs.
    D. The inexperience f yung dctrs.
    29. What can the 5G+AR system d?
    A. Imprve medical level f hspitals in cities.
    B. Cllect data frm users’ smartwatches.
    C. Guide rdinary peple t handle medical emergencies.
    D. Prvide audi and vide materials fr higher-level dctrs.
    30. Which f the fllwing can best describe Zepp Aura?
    A. Multi-functinal.B. Cst-effective.
    C. Grundbreaking.D. Lifelike.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Smart Technlgy Betters the Wrld.
    B. AI’s Develpment Prmtes Peple’s Health.
    C. Smart Technlgy Imprves Medical Service.
    D. Medical Field Is Changed Cmpletely by AI.
    In parts f Africa, peple cmmunicate with a wild bird called hney guide in rder t lcate bee habitats and harvest their stres f hney. It’s a rare example f cperatin between humans and wild animals, and a ptential instance f cultural cevlutin(共同进化). Brian Wd frm UCLA and Claire Spttiswde frm University f Cape Twn were leading authrs n a study shwing hw this valuable partnership is maintained and varies acrss cultures.
    “Our study demnstrates the bird’s ability t learn distinct viced signals that are traditinally used by different hney-hunting cmmunities, expanding pssibilities fr mutually (相互的)beneficial cperatin with peple,” Wd said. “Hneyguides seem t knw the landscape well, gathering knwledge abut the lcatin f bee nests, which they then share with peple,” Spttiswde said. “Peple are eager fr the bird’s help.” The hneyguides als benefit frm lcating the clnies: They eat the leftver hneycmb.
    Spttiswde and Wd’s study was dne in cperatin with the Hadza in Tanzania and the Ya cmmunity f nrthern Mzambique. Their prir wrk in bth cmmunities dcumented differences in hw the tw cultures enchant hneyguides. Amng the Hadza, a hney-hunter annunces a desire t partner with the bird by whistling. In Mzambique, Ya hney-hunters d s with a “Brr! …” fllwed by a “…hmm!”
    Using mathematical mdels and audi playback experiments, the team studied these signals, their usefulness t peple and their impacts n birds. They experimentally expsed hneyguides in Tanzania and Mzambique t the same set f prerecrded sunds. This enabled the researchers t test whether hneyguides had learned t recgnize and prefer the specialized signals that lcal hney-hunters used, r were naturally attracted t all such signals.
    The hneyguides in Tanzania were ver three times mre likely t cperate when hearing the calls f lcal Hadza peple than the calls f “freign” Ya. The hneyguides in Mzambique were almst twice as likely t cperate when hearing the lcal Ya call, cmpared t the “freign” Hadza whistles.
    32. What d hneyguides gain by cperating with hney-hunters?
    A. Their nests can be better sheltered.
    B. They can have access t mre fd.
    C. They can lcate bee habitats mre easily.
    D. They will be mre familiar with the landscape.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “enchant” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Shape.B. Guide.C. Investigate.D. Attract.
    34. Why did the researchers use the same prerecrded sunds?
    A. T prve the their usefulness t human beings.
    B. T help hneyguides learn and recgnize them.
    C. T see if they make hneyguides mre eager t share.
    D. T check if the preference t them is brn r acquired.
    35. What can we learn frm Spttiswde and Wd’s study?
    A. The hneyguides benefit mre frm the human-bird relatinship.
    B. The hneyguides are mre respnsive t calls frm the lcal peple.
    C. The signals frm the Ya were mre effective in attracting hneyguides.
    D. The ways t maintain this human-bird partnership are quite cmplicated.
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    The Pwer f “Like”
    Like it r lve it, scial media is a majr part f life. Teens spend mre than half f their waking hurs nline. And mst f what they d is read and respnd t psts by friends and family. Clicking n a thumbs-up is an easy way t stay in tuch. 36
    Clicking “like” n a pst can increase the number f peple wh see it. If ther peple have liked a pst, new viewers will be mre likely t like it t. 37 As a result, that ppularity can feed n itself.
    What’s mre, viewing ne’s wn psts with a lt f likes activates the reward system in their brains. Psitive respnses t teens’ wn phts (in the frm f many “likes”) tell them that their friends appreciate the material they’re psting. 38 Seeing smene else’s ppular pht, hwever, desn’t necessarily turn it n.
    39 In ne 2011 study, teens ding driving task in a lab tk mre risks when their friends were arund, which suggested that teens were changing their behavir t try t get scial apprval. And they make similar changes when using scial media accrding t a research cnducted last year. The research shwed that ppular phts might signal t teens that what’s in thse phts is scially acceptable. Fr example, images related t alchl may encurage teens t drink. That means that what yu like nline has the pwer t influence nt just what thers like, but even what they d.
    Jining scial media can give peple a sense f being in the knw. Hwever, psts may exaggerate(夸张) hw well ur friends and thers are feeling, making them appear much happier than we are. 40
    A. It can als lwer the viewer’s self-cntrl.
    B. Teens use it t learn hw t handle their scial wrld.
    C. Many scial media sites share mre f the higher-ranked psts.
    D. It’s n surprise that respnses frm peers affect hw teens behave.
    E. Their brains respnd t thse “likes” by turning n the reward center.
    F. And that can, inapprpriately, make us feel less successful than them.
    G. But thse “likes” can have pwer that ges beynd a simple cnnectin.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A fur-year-ld child in Newberry Cunty had last been seen at abut 3:00 p. m., but she was missing later in the day. The situatin tk a 41 turn arund 6:00 p. m. when a hunter in the area heard the cries f the missing child. Reacting immediately, the hunter 42 an emergency call telling authrities the child’s lcatin. The peratrs 43 immediately, applying advanced mapping technlgy t lcate the psitin. This crucial infrmatin was then 44 sent t the related Law Enfrcement Divisin and the cunty’s first 45 .
    With the lcatin data in hand, a search team quickly 46 t the wded area. The tireless effrts f these rescue wrkers ultimately 47 a heartwarming reunin. The missing fur-year-ld was fund in the frest, safe and sund except sme slight injuries. Despite her 48 experience, she was fund t be in surprisingly gd 49 , except her understandable tiredness, thirst and fear.
    The 50 rescue was the result f the 51 between different departments and the cmmunity as a whle. The Newberry Cunty Sheriffs Office expressed their 52 fr the effrts f everyne invlved, including thse 53 their thughts and prayers during the search. And they shwed their relief at the 54 f the little girl in the care f family. Their heric actins will be 55 as a heartwarming success stry in Newberry Cunty in the cming years.
    41. A. hpefulB. disappintingC. reasnableD. challenging
    42. A. receivedB. placedC. missedD. answered
    43. A. appearedB. escapedC. arrivedD. acted
    44. A. ptinallyB. carefullyC. entirelyD. rapidly
    45. A. rescuersB. discverersC. peratrsD. survivrs
    46. A. adaptedB. returnedC. pintedD. headed
    47. A. paid frB. set upC. led tD. tk n
    48. A. regretfulB. frighteningC. annyingD. shameful
    49. A. mindB. shapeC. rderD. faith
    50. A. riskyB. traditinalC. remarkableD. jyful
    51. A. respectB. balanceC. cperatinD. discussin
    52. A. blessingB. kindnessC. cncernD. gratitude
    53. A. fferingB. praisingC. advcatingD. assessing
    54. A. perfrmanceB. virtueC. recveryD. curage
    55. A. celebratedB. perfectedC. perfrmedD. crrected
    The year 2024 marks the 56 (sixty) anniversary f the establishment f diplmatic(外交的)relatins between China and France, which has been referred t as the “Franc-Chinese Year f Cultural Turism”.
    During the mnths 57 (cme), many events will be held bth in China and in France, with sme f them already 58 (take) place. Fr instance, the Harbin Ice and Snw Sculpture Festival cntains sculptures f Ntre-Dame de Paris and f the Temple f Heaven. Bth sides have been making effrts t rganize varius prgrams.
    Mst imprtantly, China will cntinue t prmte the 59 (translate) and publicatin f the wrks f Chinese academics and writers in the French language, an effrt that it 60 (sustain) fr a number f years. This state-led effrt slightly crrects the large imbalance in 61 number f translated wrks: Chinese publishing 62 (cmpany) translate many mre bks frm the French language than their French cunterparts d frm the Chinese.
    Direct and cnstant exchanges between the artists, writers and thinkers f the tw cuntries are essential fr building lng-term friendship 63 influence the way the citizens f the tw cuntries appreciate each ther’s culture. Besides, 64 the histry f French-Chinese exchanges shws, artistic and literary creativity is set ff and develped by cntinuus interactins amng partners wh have learned frm ne anther and are 65 (cmmit) t cntinuing t d s.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你的英国好友 Jim给你发邮件分享了他的暑假计划,并询问你在高考后的暑假安排。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括:
    “Bang…!” Tina pushed the dr pen. She threw her schl bag nt the flr and called ut, “I’m hme!” There was n answer and the huse was silent. It sunded empty but she knew it wasn’t. Her mum and dad were wrking upstairs.
    Tina gt a glass f range juice, went int the cnservatry(玻璃房) and sat dwn in her favurite chair. The garden was still in the dark afternn. On ne side, her mum’s garden was neat and tidy with bring shrt grass, bring straight flwerbeds and bring straight paths. But n the ther side, Tina’s Nature Garden lked wild and exciting with big dead sunflwers and tall grasses.
    “Nbdy is interested in me. Mum and dad nly think abut their wrk,” she thught sadly.
    Then she recalled: One mnth earlier, she learned in a magazine that many dgs were abandned because their wners gt bred with them. One hur earlier, she saw a cute dg waggling(摇) its tail and licking(舔) her friend’s face.
    Tina knew tday was special. Tday things were changing. She culdn’t wait any lnger. It’s time t talk t her parents.
    S Tina gt up frm her chair and climbed all the way t the upstairs. “Mum, I want a talk.” said Tina. “Just a minute!” Her mum clicked n the keybard, tk ff her glasses and turned t her daughter. Tina cughed, tk a deep breath and tld her mum that she wanted a dg. “N, Tina. That’s impssible,” her mum said firmly. Tina went t her father but gt the same answer. She rushed it t her rm angrily and shut the dr with a lud nise.
    Later, Tina’s mum kncked at the dr and went in. “Darling, we knw this is imprtant t yu. Yu can have a dg if yu take the respnsibility. But lk at yur Nature Garden, yur schl bag, yur bedrm! What a mess! D yu think yu can take gd care f a dg?” said her mum.
    Dear Jim,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Tina was lst in thught and decided t make sme changes.
    With the dg’s cmpany, Tina began her busy but jyful life.

    黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语 Word版无答案: 这是一份黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试 英语 Word版无答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024黑龙江省“六校联盟”高三下学期联合适应性测试英语无答案: 这是一份2024黑龙江省“六校联盟”高三下学期联合适应性测试英语无答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试英语试题(无答案): 这是一份黑龙江省“六校联盟”2023-2024学年高三下学期联合适应性测试英语试题(无答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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