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    这是一份59,四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.In 2006, 只允许修改10处,多者不计分,中文发音,英文字幕等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Their favrite sngs.B.Online English curses.C.Language learning.
    2.What des the wman want fr her new hme?
    A.A cnvenient neighbrhd.B.Better nature scenes.C.Larger space.
    3.What des the man decide t d?
    A.G t the department stre in a few days.
    B.Drive t the department stre again.
    C.Lk fr a parking space.
    4.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Classmates.B.Teacher and student.C.Dctr and patient.
    5.When will the man hld his birthday party?
    A.On August 14th.B.On August 15th.C.On August 16th.
    6.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Their hbbies.B.Plans fr cmpetitins.C.An activity hliday.
    7.Hw did the wman find her way back?
    A.By referring t a map.B.By turning t sailrs.C.By calling the plice.
    8.What is the man cmplaining abut?
    A.Nt getting the prmised discunt.
    B.The implite attitude f the salesman.
    C.The pr quality f the gds he bught.
    9.What will the wman give t the man?
    A.An extra discunt.B.Sme mney.C.A letter f aplgy.
    10.What des Martha think f the beach?
    A.It is bring.B.It is exciting.C.It is dangerus.
    11.Which place des the man suggest fr the trip?
    A.A museum.B.A lake.C.A gallery.您看到的资料都源自我们平台,家威鑫 MXSJ663 免费下载 12.Why des the wman want t g t the muntain?
    A.Because it is nearby.
    B.Because she has never been there.
    C.Because children culd get enugh exercise.
    13.Hw did the man knw James went t the cinema?
    A.Frm scial media.B.Frm anther friend.C.Frm James’ text message.
    14.What des Nancy think f the latest film?
    A.InterestingB.Just s-s.C.Disappinting
    15.Why will the wman g t the man’s huse?
    A.T have fun.B.T watch the film.C.T prepare fr the exam.
    16.When will the speakers arrive at the cinema?
    A.Arund 3:10 p. m.B.Arund 3:40 p. mC.Arund 4:10 p. m
    17.Hw did Sharapva tell the wrld she wuld leave her sprting wrld?
    A.Thrugh a friend.B.Thrugh an interview.C.Thrugh a magazine.
    18.What caused Sharapva t stp playing tennis?
    A.Her physical cnditin.B.Her business.C.Her age.
    19.When did Sharapva win the US Open?
    A.In 2004.B.In 2006.C.In 2012.
    20.What is Sharapva like?
    A.She’s humrus.B.She’s self-centered.C.She’s hard-wrking.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Nurses are required in all areas f the medical field frm hspitals and nursing hmes t schls and the armed frces, leading t a great need f certified nurses. Here are sme best universities fr a degree in nursing.
    Simmns Cllege
    Simmns Cllege is a private wmen’s cllege funded in Bstn in 1899. Nursing is the tp-ranked majr at the schl as well as the mst ppular. The nursing graduates frm Simmns make abut $58,000 every year.
    Villanva University
    Villanva University is a research university lcated in Radnr Twnship, Pennsylvania. Named after Saint Thmas f Villanva, the schl is the ldest Cathlic university in Pennsylvania. Nursing is a ppular majr and is ffered as an nline degree as well. The nursing graduates frm Villanva make abut $63,000 every year.
    University f Califrnia, Ls Angeles
    The UCLA Schl f Nursing is knwn fr its excellent educatin prvided by a grup f leaders in the medical field. The fur-year prgram allws students t be qualified nurses thrugh classrm learning and clinical training. A nursing degree frm UCLA leads t psitins in many hspitals and clinics, with a yearly incme f abut $84,000.
    New Yrk University
    New Yrk University attaches great imprtance t real-wrld experience. Alng with taking classes in schl, students mainly wrk in the health care envirnment receiving technical training Additinally, NYU Cllege f Nursing students have the chance t study in Abu Dhabi, China and ther cuntries in Africa, Asia, Eurpe and Suth America. The educatin frm NYU will prepare students t help dctrs treat patients, earning a yearly incme f abut $86,000.
    21.If Nra has t lk after her children at hme, which university can she chse t get a nursing degree?
    A.Simmns Cllege.B.Villanva University.
    C.University f Califrnia.D.New Yrk University.
    22.What makes the UCLA Schl f Nursing famus?
    A.Its high-quality teaching.B.Its fur-year prgram.
    C.The clinical training it ffers.D.The yearly incme f graduates.
    23.NYU Cllege f Nursing fcuses mre attentin n students’ ________.
    A.future incmeB.learning envirnment
    C.practical trainingD.chance t study abrad
    The clck always seems t be ticking rather t fast in the dctr’s ffice and the queue f patients utside the dr seems t be pressing rather t hard. Sme say it’s high time fr the mdel f shrt, sharp ne-t-ne appintments t give way t shared medical appintments (SMAs共享医疗预约).
    SMAs are dctr-patient visits in which a grup f patients receive patient educatin and cunseling(咨询), physical examinatin and medical supprt in a grup setting. Typically SMAs are designed t have ne r mre dctrs attend t a grup f patients wh share a cmmn illness r medical cnditin. In cntrast t ne-t-ne visits, SMAS prvide a lnger appintment time-frame as well as the pprtunity fr patients t have imprved access t their physicians and meanwhile pick up additinal infrmatin and supprt frm peers.
    Hwever, dctrs wh have pineered the shared appintment apprach reprt that there are significant challenges invlved. Dr. Sumeg, directr f shared medical appintments, Cleveland Clinic,identifies culture change as the mst significant challenge. Physicians and nurses are trained in a mdel f persnal service and privacy; the SMA apprach is a fundamental challenge t thse fixed ideas. They need shared gals and a way f testing the innvatin against agreed standards. Dr. Sumeg says, “The physicians may be wrried abut the pssible chas and efficiencies that are marketed. They als have t make the patients understand what their appintment is, and what the expectatin is.”
    “S, if an rganizatin was lking t start shared medical appintments, I wuld advise them t start the buy-in frm a few champin physicians, develp the wrk-flw and develp sme experience. Prvide sme supprt behind what that best practice shuld lk like. Create sme standards s that, as the cncept spreads, yu can emply that experience t start the next shared medical appintments and the next.”
    24.What is the purpse f the SMA apprach?
    A.T imprve medical service.B.T prmte dctrs’ reputatin.
    C.T cnduct medical research.D.T meet patients’ expectatin.
    25.Accrding t Dr. Sumeg, what prevents the SMA apprach frm being widely adpted?
    A.Persnal service.B.Fixed ideas.
    C.Lack f equipment.D.Shared gals.
    26.What can the underlined “buy-in”in Paragraph 4 be replaced by?
    27.What can be learned abut the SMA apprach in the last paragraph?
    A.It is currently being questined.B.It is impractical in sme areas.
    C.It will enjy wide ppularity sn.D.It shuld be carried ut step by step.
    A math and physics teacher frm rural Kenya, wh gives away 80% f his mnthly incme t help the pr, has wn a $1 millin prize.
    Peter Tabichi was awarded the Glbal Teacher Prize n Sunday. He teaches at a rural Kenyan schl in Pwani Village, with nly ne cmputer, pr Internet and a student-teacher rati (比率) f 58:1. Nearly all his students are frm pr families, and almst a third f them have n parents r nly ne parent alive.
    Tabichi gets nline educatinal cntent by visiting Internet cafes and uses it ffline in class. He guided the schl’s science club, in which students nw cmpete in natinal and internatinal cmpetitins. The mathematical science team qualified t cmpete in the INTEL Internatinal Science and Engineering Fair this year in Arizna. His students als wn an award frm the Ryal Sciety f Chemistry after using lcal plant life t prduce electricity.
    “This prize des nt recgnize me but recgnizes this great cntinent’s yung peple,” Tabichi said. His students face many challenges, including fd shrtage, drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and yung marriages. Yet at the Kerik Mixed Day Secndary Schl where Tabichi teaches, the number f students has dubled ver three years and mre f the students are ging n t cllege.
    Tabichi was chsen frm 10,000 applicants in 180 cuntries. He accepted the award frm actr Hugh Jackman. The annual Glbal Teacher Prize was first launched in 2014 by Sunny Varkey, funder and chairman f GEMS Educatin. Nw in its fifth year, the Glbal Teacher Prize is the largest f its kind. The $1 millin award is presented t an exceptinal teacher wh has made an utstanding cntributin t their prfessin.
    28.What d we knw abut Peter Tabichi?
    A.He enjys a high enugh incme t help the pr.
    B.He makes a difference t many f his students’ life.
    C.He des nline teaching in Internet cafes smetimes.
    D.He helps take care f parentless students’ daily life.
    29.What d we knw abut Peter Tabichi’s students?
    A.They slved the prblem f electricity supply in Pwani.
    B.They are trained t cmpete fr varius academic awards.
    C.They shw great ptential with the help f Peter Tabichi.
    D.They persuade their friends t g t schl tgether.
    30.What des the authr intend t d in the last paragraph?
    A.Summarize the previus paragraphs.
    B.Prvide sme advice fr the readers.
    C.Add sme backgrund infrmatin.
    D.Intrduce a new tpic fr discussin.
    31.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.A Rural Kenyan Teacher Guides Students in Cmpetitins
    B.A Rural Kenyan Teacher Changes Students’ Life Path
    C.A Rural Kenyan Teacher Dnates Mney t the Pr
    D.A Rural Kenyan Teacher Is Awarded a $1 Millin Prize
    Wh can think f the race between the trtise and the rabbit when it cmes t the greatest races? Sure, that race nly tk place in ancient Aesp’s mind, but while the great mdern races can teach us a lt abut cmmitment, perseverance (毅力) and the virtues f having a rather large engine, “The Trtise and the Rabbit” may tell us everything abut animals and even vehicles n this planet.
    In a study published this week, Adrian Bejan, a prfessr f mechanical engineering, cncludes that n ne shuld be surprised that the trtise wins ver the seemingly speedier rabbit. In fact, after analyzing the reprted speeds f land-air-and-water-based animals, Bejan cncludes that the wrlds well-knwn speedsters are actually amng the slwest when their mvements are averaged ut ver the curse f a lifetime.
    The study builds n Bejan’s previus research shwing that an animals speed increases with mass regardless f species. And that principle can als be extended t nn-living things, like aircraft.
    After studying data frm histrical airplane mdels, Bajan nted the speed f each mdel increased with its size, t. That desn’t sund right. What abut the mdern jet fighter? Hw is that relatively small craft nt faster than a clumsy large transprt plane?
    Again, Bejan harks back t the trtise. That transprt plane spends lts f time in the air, mving regularly acrss lng distances. The fighter jet, n the ther hand, may fly acrss the sky ccasinally, but-like the rabbit-it’s ften fund resting n the grund.
    The slw and steady transprt plane wins the marathn f life.
    But like s many gd stries, Aesp’s tale ffers even mre than a lessn in perseverance.
    At ne pint, the rabbit asks the trtise hw he expects t win a race at such a slw pace.
    The trtise—ever fcused—desn’t respnd But it’s the rabbits wn wrds that prvide the mment t reflect n, especially in mdem times.
    “There is plenty f time t relax,” Until there isn’t.
    32.Why is the stry “The Trtise and the Rabbit” mentined?
    A.T warm peple nt t be prud.
    B.T intrduce a unique phenmenn.
    C.T help put frward the authr’s idea.
    D.T shw the imprtance f perseverance.
    33.What has Bejan prved in his research?
    A.Airplanes imprve in speed.
    B.Speed has nthing t d with size.
    C.Speed matters mst in the animal wrld.
    D.Animals’ speed and mass g hand in hand.
    34.What lessn des the authr want t teach us?
    A.We shuldn’t lk dwn n thers
    B.We shuld put ur time t gd use.
    C.Staying fcused during races is imprtant.
    D.Peple shuld ften reflect n themselves.
    35.What is the main idea f the passage?
    A.Life is just like a race.
    B.Nearly all races are the same
    C.Quickness is nt all advantage in a race.
    D.The slw but steady are always winners.
    A Pen That Draws in Any Clr
    The Scribble is a magical pen that can scan clrs and instantly reprduce the clrs. Hld the Scribble’s scanner up t any clr, and within a secnd that clr is stred in its memry. 36
    Wh can use the Scribble?
    Children will lve the Scribble because it can create different clrs, replacing even their biggest bx f crayns. Besides, anyne wrking with clr in their prfessinal lives, such as artists, will be able t scan and reprduce clrs instantly.
    Green! One f the mst imprtant characteristics f the Scribble is that, since it can reprduce any clr, it replaces marking pens, greatly reducing the huge amunt f plastic waste.
    What’s inside the Scribble?
    There will be tw different versins f the Scribble, the Scribble K and the Scribble S. The K will be able t reprduce exact clrs n paper. It includes a clr sensr and a rechargeable battery. 38 The S lks exactly the same as the K, but it is intended fr use n screen.
    Hw did we create the Scribble?
    We’ve been in the design prcess fr tw years and the Scribble has gne thrugh varius design changes t get it t where we are nw. Because f its small size we have created sme ideas never seen befre in the clr reprductin industry. 39
    Thank yu fr yur supprt.
    40 Thank yu als fr yur supprt! Make sure t bkmark ur website and check back ften t see the prgress as well as the updated times fr prductin and delivery f yur Scribble.
    A.What d we need the Scribble fr?
    B.What’s the Scribble’s best clur?
    C.It’s the best birthday gift yu may chse fr yur kids.
    D.Thank yu s much fr yur cncern abut the Scribble.
    E.There is 1 GB f internal memry that will stre ver 100, 000 clrs.
    F.We created the Scribble fr YOU and want yu t be a part f the prcess.
    G.Once stred, that clr can be used t draw n paper r n a digital screen.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    I std n my grandmther's frnt prch with my sn. He had a bttle f bubbles. Yu knw the 41 : it’s basically sapy water with a plastic lp n each end. Yu dip the lp in the bttle, pull it ut, and blw it t make bubbles. My sn understd the principle but was 42 trying t blw bubbles. He 43 dip and dip and blw and blw, but alas, n bubbles. He 44 me the bttle and lp and asked me, “Daddy, can yu make bubbles?”
    I hadn’t blwn bubbles in years. I am a 45 by educatin, fairly well-trained in surfactant(活性剂) technlgy. I have 46 several shamps, s I understand surface tensin and related faming(发泡沫)characteristics f surfactants. All that knwledge is 47 useless when trying t blw bubbles frm a lp 48 with sapy water. I was having n 49 success than my sn. I dipped and puffed, still n bubbles; the sapy film n the lp wuld just pp withut 50 any bubbles.
    After several fruitless 51 ,1 changed strategies. 52 puffing n the lp f sapy water, I gently 53 n it. My sn screamed with delight as a big beautiful bubble frmed and 54 away. He grabbed the lp, dipped and blew. N bubbles. I 55 t him, “Sn, yu can’t blw hard. Yu must ever s gently breathe n the lp t make bubbles.” He cntained his urgent 56 t make big bubbles by blwing hard and 57 my advice. Big bubbles.
    There are sme things that yu can get with 58 frce, but ther things like lve r respect nly 59 the gentleness f a sft breath. The 60 smething is t higher spirit, the mre it is like bubbles; it can't be frced. Blw beautiful bubbles; breathe easy.
    43.A.culd .B.wuldC.mightD.shuld
    52.A.In additin tB.Other thanC.Instead fD.In spite f
    59.A.result inB.cme tC.cnsist fD.arise frm
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    My mm was a nurse and ften tk me alng t visit the 61 (family) she was caring fr, including ne wh had a series f strkes (中风) and was bedridden. One afternn Mm tld me that we needed t visit the wman 62 (give)her medicatins, and that we wuld stp at a stre 63 the way. I thught we wuld stp at a drugstre, but we pulled up t a shpping mall.
    My mm 64 (head) t the perfume(香水)cunter and bught the mst expensive bttle they ffered. She als bught a beautiful nightdress. When I asked her wh they were fr, she said they were fr her patient. She 65 (far) explained althugh this wman was ld and bedridden, she was still a lady, and 66 ld deserved t be treated with respect and grace. When 67 (care) fr smene, we shuld lk past the disability r the illness and lk int the sul f the human, s we can cnnect them with sympathy. I sn realized that my mm’s greatest 68 (strng)was taking care f thse wh cannt advcate fr 69 (they) and need trustwrthy care prviders. That’s 70 I wanted t becme a dctr.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    The ther day, we mved t the new schl yard, where lies in the far nrth f the city. We were all n high spirits. It is much big than the ld ne. The classrms are bright and clean. We have a lt f mdern equipment, making cnvenient fr students t learn every subject. Nw we can have a lt f after-class activity n the new playgrund. Our teachers ften play the basketball and sccer tgether with us. As spring apprached, the flwers newly planting in the yard have just cme ut. With such many green trees and fragrant flwers arund, we feel it less hardly t study and ur schl life mre enjyable.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72.假定你是李华,你市图书馆将播放关于中国茶文化的纪录片。你的外教Mr Smith是中国茶文化爱好者,请给他写一封邮件,邀请他一起观看。内容包括:
    参考词汇:纪录片dcumentary 字幕subtitles
    Dear Mr Smith.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua

    60,四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学英语试题: 这是一份60,四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了这本书给你的启发等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    60,四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学英语试题(1): 这是一份60,四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学英语试题(1),共4页。试卷主要包含了A 2,B 14,B 33等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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