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    这是一份2024杭州高一上学期期末学业水平测试英语含答案(含听力),文件包含浙江省杭州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末学业水平测试英语含答案docx、2024浙江省杭州市高一上学期期末考试英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Why des Bella prepare phts?
    A. Fr a prject. B. Fr her mther. C. Fr a marriage.
    2. When will the bus leave?
    A. Befre 7 am. B. At 7 am. C. At 7: 05 am.
    3. What will the wman d next week?
    A. Bring gd news. B. Have a cmpetitin. C. Present her writing.
    4. Where are the speakers?
    A. On a bus. B. At a lst and fund center.C. In a backpack stre.
    5. Hw much mney will the wman have left if she buys the gift?
    A.3 eurs. B.2 eurs. C.1 eur.
    6. Where des the man live nw?
    A. In Chile. B. In UK. C. In Germany.
    7. Which sprt des the man play quite ften?
    A. Ftball. B. Basketball. C. Tennis.
    8. Hw much time did the wman spend n the beach?
    A. N time. B. A little time. C. Much time.
    9. Hw was the weather the first day the wman arrived in Italy?
    A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.
    10. What clthes items did the wman buy?
    A. Dresses and shrts. B. A pair f trainers. C. A pair f jeans and a jacket.
    11. Hw many classes des Tanya have befre the break?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    12. What subject d Tanya and Chris bth like?
    A. Science. B. Drama. C. French.
    13. What is Chris ding during the cnversatin?
    A. Shwing Tanya t her classrm.
    B. Helping Tanya rearrange a schedule.
    C. Inviting Tanya t have lunch tgether.
    14. What des Rashid think f the new prject team?
    A. They ask each ther fr help.
    B. They share infrmatin.
    C. They each wrk by themselves.
    15. Hw did Rashid get the team t knw each ther at first?
    A. By hlding a meeting. B. By attending a talk. C. By intrducing the prject.
    16. What is ne f the wman’s suggestins?
    A. Organizing a team-building.
    B. Frming a new team.
    C. Having a daily lunch meeting.
    17. Hw did Lane start t make mney?
    A. Frm daily newspapers. B. Frm his writing. C. Frm new bks.
    18. Why did Lane’s website becme ppular?
    A. Fr his pinins. B. Fr his creativity. C. Fr his kindness.
    19. What des Lane d first in his daily lives?
    A. He ffers help t thers.
    B. He finishes his hmewrk.
    C. He manages his website.
    20. What is Lane’s plan fr future?
    A. Giving speeches. B. Applying fr a jb. C. Studying in cllege.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Fly like superman!
    Have yu ever imagined hw it feels when fresh air is in yur face? Or t see the beauty f nature frm the tp? Yu can d it in a ht air balln ride.
    Ht air ballning is the activity f flying in a basket hanging ver a ht air balln. Attractive parts f ballning include the unusual quiet, the lack f a feeling f mvement, and the bird’s-eye view. Since the balln mves with the directin f the winds, the passengers feel abslutely n wind, except fr brief perids during the flight when the balln climbs r falls int air currents f different directins r speeds. Ht air ballning has been recgnized by the Wrld Aernautical Federatin(WAF)as the safest air sprt, and accidents seldm happen. Hwever, yu must fllw sme rules such as:
    * Yu have t respect the limit f passengers allwed in the ride. A catlán has drawn new attentin t the danger f ballning. Fur years ag, 1 1 peple were injured and 2 were killed when their ht air balln basket struck in line and caught fire.
    *The pilt must check the weather and select a suitable take-ff pint. The current and frecast weather must have gd visibility fr the pilt t see, and slw winds t allw take-ff and landing. * Children aged under twelve have t be with their parents all the tur.
    * Pilts must nt carry passengers wh have participated in scuba dive(蛙潜)the day befre.
    There are many regular(定期)gatherings f ballns and ballnists in Hidalg arund the year, which prvide bth a place fr ballnists t interact as well as a place fr visitrs t entertain. Yu must try this activity at least nce in a lifetime.
    21. What is an attractin f ht air ballning?
    A. Hearing the sund f the wind. B. Enjying a breathtaking view.
    C. Experiencing different weather. D. Having a feeling f mvement.
    22. What can we learn frm the rules f ht air ballning?
    A.13 passengers are allwed n bard at mst.
    B. It allws take-ff r landing in strng winds.
    C. A persn aged 12 and lder can ride alne.
    D. Any scuba divers are allwed as passengers.
    23. What kind f text is it?
    A. A news reprt. B. A scientific research.
    C. A travel guide. D. A technical dcument.
    Wrking fr a big cmpany in Lndn n a salary(薪水)f ver £100,000, yu might expect Grayden Reece-Smith t have a luxurius(奢侈)lifestyle, ging n expensive hlidays r driving a sprts car arund suth Lndn, where he lives. In fact, the 28-year-ld lives a very different existence frm his clleagues. He gives away everything he earns ver £42,000–a figure that he thught he culd cmfrtably live n.
    Over the past five years, Reece-Smith has handed ver mre than £250,000 t rganizatins such as Internatinal Care Ministries, which helps pr families in the Philippines, and the Against Malaria Fundatin. He is part f a grwing number f yung prfessinals described as “effective altruists”. Effective altruists typically dnate regularly t a charity which they think will have a great impact (影响). Sme change careers t make mre mney, which can then be given away.
    Reece-Smith cnsidered wrking in the charity sectr after graduating frm university, but thught that he culd make a bigger difference by dnating a large part f his salary. He had vlunteered as a teacher at a schl in Tanzania, but then realized that earning and giving wuld be mre effective. “The cst f my flights there culd have paid the salaries f tw teachers fr an entire year,” he says. Instead, he culd “stay at hme, living a nice life and still make a huge difference in the wrld”.
    He is nt mean with mney-last year he went t Cuba n hliday, and spent several thusand punds n a new sfa. But his lifestyle isn’t as luxurius as sme f the peple he wrks with. “I usually dn’t buy supermarket-branded fd prducts, but I dn’t wn a car. Other peple n my salary might have a bigger huse. Sme f my clleagues have fur-bedrm huses, but we nly bught what we needed-a tw-bedrm flat.£42,000 is mre than enugh t live n and still save,” he says.
    24. Hw much mney des Grayden spend n dnatin every year?
    A. Less than £42,000. B. Over £100.000.
    C. £50,000. D. Any incme ver £42,000.
    25. What may an “effective altruist” d accrding t the text?
    A. Dnate t impactful charities. B. Make mre mney t enjy lives.
    C. Create a gd public image. D. Enter a teaching prfessin.
    26. Why did Grayden decide t dnate mney but nt wrk in the charity sectr?
    A. T access his inner life. B. T create a strnger effect.
    C. T give away all f his salary. D. T be a teacher at a schl.
    27. What can be inferred abut Grayden frm the text?
    A. He leads an expensive lifestyle. B. He buys fd prduced by supermarkets.
    C. He lives in a fur-bedrm huse. D. He balances his life and dnatin.
    In the past few weeks, Richard Eckersley has nticed a change in the type f peple wh cme int his shp. In 2017, the frmer Manchester United ftballer set up Earth. Fd. Lve in Tnes, Devn, with his wife, Nicla. It’s the UK’s first “zer waste” stre-the fd is in big jars and bxes and peple bring their wn cntainers(容器).“A lt f new peple are cming in-peple wh have nt necessarily been interested in envirnmental issues befre”, he says.
    Recently, the gvernment called fr supermarkets t intrduce plastic-free passageways. But Eckersley says many custmers are already way ahead f pliticians(政治家). He and Nicla have helped peple set up similar stres in Wales, Birmingham, and Bristl. Ingrid Caldirni had a similar idea. She set up a plastic-free shp in Lndn last year, which has been s ppular that it is sn mving t a bigger site.
    Eckersley and Caldirni are members f an anti-plastics mvement in the UK that has been grwing as a result f the BBC’s Blue Planet series and a general wrry abut the damage plastic is ding t the envirnment. But big supermarkets have s far nt tried very hard t reduce their plastic waste. Sian Sutherland, funder f the mvement “A Plastic Planet”, says, “The mst exciting thing is that pliticians and industry are n lnger saying that recycling will slve the prblem. Banning(禁止)the use f plastic packaging fr fd and drink prducts is the nly answer.” Walking dwn the passageways f the supermarket where everything frm pizza t fresh fruit and vegetables is cvered in plastic, Sutherland says immediate actin is needed.
    Plastic pllutin is causing widespread glbal damage. Mre than ne millin plastic bttles are bught arund the wrld every minute, and mst end up in landfill r the sea. The cntaminatin is s wide that tap water arund the wrld als cntains plastic.
    28. What is special abut Earth. Fd. Lve?
    A. It gives away bxes f fd. B. It is a stre withut plastic bags.
    C. It has few new custmers. D. It is the UK’s first supermarket.
    29. What caused Caldirni’s shp t be relcated t a larger place?
    A. Its ppularity. B. Its prducts. C. Its prfits. D. Its similarity.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “cntaminatin” in last paragraph mean?
    A. Pllutin. B. Acceptance. C. Influence. D. Applicatin.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The impact f BBC’s Blue Planet series n anti-plastics mvements.
    B. Rising anti-plastics mvement alngside increasing envirnmental cncerns.
    C. A guide t setting up plastic-free stres t prmte recycling in the whle UK.
    D. Richard Eckersley’s persnal jurney in waste reductin and pllutin preventin.
    Thusands f lives have been saved by giving bld-thinning drugs t peple with a heart cnditin that leaves them at risk f a strke(中风), accrding t the head f the NHS.
    Since January 2022 abut 460,000 peple in England wh suffer frm atrial fibrillatin(AF)- a dangerusly irregular heart rate-have begun taking ne f fur anticagulant(抗凝血剂)drugs that are prved t reduce strke risk. Speedy intrductin f the drugs has kept 4,000 peple alive wh wuld therwise have died and prevented abut 17,000 strkes, accrding t Amanda Pritchard. Strkes kill abut 27,000 peple a year in England and lead t abut 120,000 being taken t hspital.
    A drive t encurage take-up f the drugs means 90% f the 1.5 millin peple in England with AF are using them. That shuld result in fewer strkes, which are a leading cause f death and disability, given that AF causes abut ne in five strkes.
    “The rapid intrductin f these drugs is a big step frward in prviding the best pssible care fr patients with heart disease”, Pritchard, the leader f NHS(Natinal Health Service) England, will say in a speech tday at the King’s Fund health experts’ yearly cnference.
    The drugs, called direct ral anticagulants, help stp bld frm cltting(凝血), therefre reducing the risk f a clt develping and causing a strke. In 2021 the Natinal Institute fr Health and Care Excellence recmmended that dctrs use fur anticagulant drugs.
    Dr Maeva May, the Strke Assciatin’s directr, thught the widespread use f the drugs as “fantastic news”, because AF accunts fr ne in five strkes and strkes in peple with AF are mre likely t result in death r serius disability.”
    NHS England has used its spending pwer t cut deals with the makers f the fur drugs, which has made them much mre widely available. The British Heart Fundatin praised the NHS’s “great prgress twards its gal f reducing strke deaths”.
    32. What is the purpse f listing numbers in paragraph 2?
    A. T attract the readers’ attentin t strkes.
    B. T intrduce the specific infrmatin abut AF.
    C. T shw the effects f fur anticagulant drugs.
    D. T summarize the steps twards reducing deaths.
    33. What is the main functin f anticagulant drugs?
    A. T identify signs f strkes. B. T reduce bld pressure.
    C. T keep heart beating. D. T prevent bld cltting.
    34. What can be inferred abut NHS England and drug makers frm the text?
    A. They have reached sme agreements. B. They have prvided free treatment.
    C. They have established disease funds. D. They have reminded f strke deaths.
    35. Which is the best title fr the text?
    A. Recgnising Signs f A Heart Attack B. A Breakthrugh in Strke Preventin
    C. Explring Kinds f Anticagulant Drugs D. NHS England’s Life-Saving Cnference
    A yung man called Jerry King attended a shw in his hmetwn f Tampa, Flrida in 1918 and was deeply impressed by the unicyclists(独轮车手). 36 . It wuld take anther 40 years fr the dream t cme true when he frmed The Charles Riders, knwn tday as The King Charles Trupe(剧团), a grup f yung African American kids wh perfrmed unbelievable basketball skills while riding unicycles.
    Mr. King first taught his 6-year-ld sn Charles hw t ride unicycle in the hallway f their huse. When the weather turned nice they mved utside t the lcal park where Charles shwed his skills t the ther kids in the neighbrhd. 37 .
    In 1958, with the purpse f getting mre peple in the cmmunity invlved, Jerry King started a unicycle club. The club, based ut f the Suth Brnx, was made up f 100 kids, and Mr Jerry used it as an pprtunity t build their character. 38 .
    The first try f the trupe tk place in 1961 n a sidewalk utside Madisn Square Garden. 39 . A prducer named Irving Feld, frm Barnum and Bailey Circus, sensed immediately that the raw energy f these yung athletes culd be shaped int a high-quality prductin. The King Charles Trupe made its first public perfrmance ne year later, and thereafter began their rad int the sptlight.
    Nw, n its 5th generatin, the trupe has perfrmed t ver 100 millin fans. “ 40 . We’ve had difficult times, but they’ve nly deepened ur faith in thse ideals.” said Harrisn, ne member f the trupe.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Trbjrn Pedersen is a Danish traveler wh recently finished a trip arund the wrld. But this wasn’t just any trip. Mr. Pedersen spent nearly 10 years 41 every cuntry in the wrld.
    As he began t plan his trip, he made a few 42 : n flying, n visiting hme, and spend at least24 hurs in every 43 . He hped that he culd 44 abut $20 a day, and finish his trip in abut fur years.
    It tk him far lnger. The first part f his trip was pretty easy. He 45 acrss Eurpe and Nrth America, where his biggest 46 was nt spending t much mney. But as he 47 n t ther parts f the wrld, things began t get much 48 . Mr. Pedersen says he had many difficult experiences. He was nce 49 at gunpint and thught he might be killed. He als became 50 ill with malaria(疟疾).
    But he als had many gd 51 . Mr. Pedersen says that ne reasn he didn’t 52 was the help he gt frm peple all ver the wrld. “Yu might have t try 1,000 clsed drs,” he says, “But there is always a(an) 53 dr smewhere. Never, ever give up.”
    On July 26, 2023 Mr. Pedersen arrived back in Denmark after a 33-day bat ride. He was 54 by abut 150 peple, including friends and family members. Mr. Pedersen says he plans t write a bk and 55 what he learned in his travels arund the wrld.
    41. A. checking B. visiting C. recgnizing D. cntacting
    42. A. attempts B. guesses C. wishes D. rules
    43. A. twn B. city C. cuntry D. cntinent
    44. A. check ut B. make up C. apply fr D. live n
    45. A. traveled B. cut C. drve D. hiked
    46. A. challenge B. awkwardness C. respnsibility D. hnur
    47. A. gt B. mved C. turned D. fcused
    48. A. sillier B. stranger C. crazier D. harder
    49. A. reminded B. cncerned C. held D. attended
    50. A. actually B. unavidably C. seriusly D. bviusly
    51. A. experiences B. emtins C. traditins D. prpsals
    52. A. make ut B. die ut C. refer t D. give up
    53. A. back B. pen C. big D. secret
    54. A. met B. blcked C. waved D. bserved
    55. A. qute B. dnate C. preserve D. share
    Few discveries are as amazing as discvering the Terractta Warrirs in Xi’an. But behind the lifelike masterpieces, there is a grup f experts wrking hard 56 (keep)the mre than 2,000-year-ld histrical relics in gd cnditin.
    Lan Desheng,52, is amng the 57 (dzen)f experts n the restratin(复原)team at the Emperr Qinshihuang’s Mausleum Site Museum in Xi’an.“ 58 prcess f restring Terractta Warrirs is very similar 59 dctrs treating patients,” said Lan, wh has spent 25 years 60 (repair)mre than 150 figures f the Terractta Army.
    Lan said that mst f the Terractta Warrirs shwed signs f decay(腐化)after being buried fr thusands f years, which was made 61 (bad)by xidizatin(氧化)after they were discvered. The brken pieces, whse weight culd smetimes reach hundreds f kilgrams, 62 (make)the restratin bth difficult and challenging.
    Fr Lan, the mst challenging prject was the restratin f a general, 63 tk his team mre than tw years. Even s, Lan felt 64 (satisfy)with his jb. “I hpe that by restring them, we are able t uncver histrical facts 65 awaken the culture f Qin Dynasty.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. Wrking day and n________ withut a rest can be harmful t yur health.
    67. As a rle mdel, it’s imprtant t set a gd e________ fr thers t fllw.
    68. He tk a few deep breaths t c________ himself dwn.
    69. We human beings shuld live in h________ with ur mther nature.
    70. He gt a________ t playing e-games n the Net, which made his parents feel annyed.
    71. An expert n mdern literature will be invited t d ________ a speech fr us.
    72. It is believed that many plant species are t________ with extinctin.
    73. Sn after the quakes, the army sent many sldiers t dig ut thse wh were t________ and t bury the dead.
    74. Lang Ping led the China wmen’s vlleyball team t m________ at wrld champinships and the Olympics.
    75. In the past Tibetan antelpes were hunted i________ fr their valuable fur.
    The little girl stuck her finger in muth. Smething felt different. When she tuched her bttm teeth, ne f them mved. Cali lked at her face in the bathrm mirrr. Her teeth were all there, but that frnt ne n the bttm lked funny. “Aunt Lisa!” she called. Cali lived with her aunt and uncle. “My tth lks strange!”
    Her aunt jined her and lked in her muth. “Dn’t wrry,” said Aunt Lisa. “Yu have a lse tth. That means yu are grwing up!”
    “I dn’t knw if I like that,” said Cali. She lved the idea f grwing up, but thinking abut ne f her teeth cming ut make her feel a little anxius. “Then I will have a hle in my head.” That seemed strange.
    Cali’s uncle walked by and stpped when he saw them. “Cali, my dear, yu already have a few f thse! Think abut yur ears and yur nse and yur muth. One tiny baby tth wn’t make much difference. D yu want me t pull it ut fr yu?” laughed Uncle Gerge. “Then it wuld be gne in a flash! Maybe I shuld tie a string(细线)arund it, tie the ther end t the dr and slam it?” he asked.
    “That’s a terrible idea, Uncle Gerge!” Cali yelled.
    “What if we get ur dg t play tug-f-war(拔河)with yu, but yu use yur muth like he des? Then yur tth wuld pp ut!” suggested her uncle.
    “Maybe I’ll just leave it in fr a while,” decided Cali. Having enugh f her uncle’s crazy plans, she felt a little anxius abut her lse tth and she immediately ran t Aunt Lisa wh was cutting up an apple int slices in the kitchen. The little girl picked up an apple slice and bit int it. It was sweet and juicy.
    A. What he experienced that day sparked(触发)a dream.
    B. Their excellent skills are nt achieved vernight.
    C. Frm this club, The King Charles Trupe was brn.
    D. Cmbining unicycles with basketball was a cmmn attempt at that time.
    E. Mr. King shared his talents with ther kids wh wanted t learn hw t ride.
    F. This trupe is all abut living the ideals f the character that Mr. Jerry taught us.
    G. There, the team shwed their unicycling and basketball passing skills successfully.
    Dear Gerge,
    Li Hua
    As she crunched(嚼)int it, Cali felt smething strange.
    2023 学年第一学期期末学业水平测试
    1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C
    6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C
    21. B 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. B
    29. A 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
    36. A 37. E 38. C 39. G 40. F
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41. B 42. D 43. C 44. D 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. D
    49. C 50. C 51. A 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. D
    56. t keep 57. dzens 58. The 59. t 60. repairing
    61. wrse 62. made 63. which 64. satisfied 65. and
    66. night 67. example 68. calm 69. harmny 70. addicted
    71. deliver 72. threatened 73. trapped 74. medals 75. illegally
    第二节(满分 15分)
    Dear Gerge,
    Knwing that yu are curius abut my schedule f the appraching winter vacatin, I can’t wait t share with yu my plans.
    At the beginning f the vacatin, I intend t head fr the Sunshine Nursing Huse t help sweep the cmmunity fr the cming New Year and keep the elderly cmpany, which can nt nly bring warmth t thse in need but als cultivate my scial respnsibility. On the Spring Festival, a celebratin will be arranged where my family will share a large and festive meal and enjy the reunin.
    Hw abut yur recent schedule? I’m lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    第三节(满分 15 分)
    As she crunched(嚼)int it, Cali felt smething strange. She tk ut the piece f apple and tk a glance at it. There, in the middle f the fruit, was her bttm tth! It didn’t hurt at all. She stuck her tngue in the spt where her tth had been, and shwed her aunt. “Cl! The tth just falls ut by itself.” she yelled ut. Hearing smething, Uncle Gerge came int the kitchen, nw hlding a pair f pliers frm his tlbx. “I’ve had anther great idea,” he said with a brad smile n his face. “Hw abut letting me use these and…”He stpped when he saw Cali grinning at him. “T late, Uncle Gerge!” she laughed. “It’s ut!”

    2024杭州高一上学期期末学业水平测试英语含答案(含听力): 这是一份2024杭州高一上学期期末学业水平测试英语含答案(含听力),文件包含浙江省杭州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末学业水平测试英语含答案docx、2024浙江省杭州市高一上学期期末考试英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

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