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    第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
    1. Where will Judy g this summer?
    A. Canada. B. Australia. C. England.
    2. What time is the flight?
    A.5:00. B.5:30. C.6:00.
    3. What are they talking abut?
    A. Hw t learn English well.
    B. Hw t learn Chinese well.
    C. Hw t write a gd diary.
    4. Wh made the mdel ship?
    A. Tm. B. Tina's cusin. C, Tm's cusin.
    5. When was the air cnditin er invented?
    A. In 1902. B. In 1952. C. In 1982.
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What are the flwers used fr?
    A. T decrate the living rm.
    B. T decrate the classrm.
    C. T decrate the bedrm.
    7. Hw lng were the flwers made?
    A. Tw days. B. Five days. C. Six days.
    8. Why d Jack and Mary g t the Science Museum?
    A. Because they are interested in spaceships.
    B. Because they want t learn abut sme new inventins.您看到的资料都源自我们平台,家威杏 MXSJ663 低至0.3元/份C. Because they are interested in the ancient inventins.
    9. What time will they g t the Science Museum?
    A. At 8:00 a. m. B. At 8:30 a. m. C. At 9:00 a. m.
    听下面一段独白,回答第 10至第12 三个小题。
    10. What is the speaker perfrming a play fr?
    A. T shw his acting skills.
    B. T imprve his acting skills.
    C. T imprve language skills.
    11. Wh reads the play with the speaker?
    A. His friend.
    B His teacher.
    C. His grup members.
    12 Hw many plays have the speaker perfrmed?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第15三个小题。
    13. What is the relatinship between tw speakers?
    A. Mther and sn.
    B. Brther and sister.
    C. Father and daughter.
    14. Where will they g in this hliday?
    A. Shanghai. B. Hng Kng. C. Paris.
    15. Hw will they g t Disneyland?
    A. By ship. B. By plane. C. By train.
    第三节 听下面一篇短文,按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
    16. ________ 17. ________18. ________19. ________ 20. ________
    二、阅读理解(20 小题, 每小题2分, 共40分)
    Yur summer vacatin is cming at the end f June this year. The fllwing activities in the city can help yu t have a clrful vacatin.
    1. In Achievement Hall, yu will see _________.
    A. a bkB. many inventinsC. sme il paper umbrellasD. sme painting wrks
    2. If yu want t knw mre abut the bk, yu shuld g t Schl Hall n ________, 2023.
    A. July 1stB. August 10thC. June 30thD. July 6th
    3. Where can yu see the inventins?
    A. Schl Hall.B. Sunshine Hall.
    C. Sightseeing Hall.D. Achievement Hall.
    4. Hw lng des it take t make an il paper umbrella?
    A. At least a week.B. At least a year.
    C. At least a mnth.D. At least tw days.
    5. If yu are interested in science, which activity will yu chse?
    A. Paintings & Calligraphy.B. Inventins.
    C. A bk n embridery.D. Oil paper umbrellas.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
    细节理解题。根据“Paintings & Calligraphy ... Place: Achievement Hall”可知在成就大厅,你会看到一些绘画作品。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“A bk n embridery ... Time: 14:00 —15:30 June 30th, 2023 Place: Schl Hall”可知如果你想了解更多关于这本书的信息,你应该在2023年6月30日去学校大厅。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Inventins ... Place: Sunshine Hall”可知在阳光大厅可以看到发明。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“It takes at least a week t make an umbrella.”可知制作一把油纸伞要花费至少一个星期。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据“Inventins T memrize Yuan Lngping, Father f Hybrid Rice, peple in ur city will shw yu their greatest inventins n saving fd. In the shw, yu can see a lt f new inventins frm peple at different ages.”可知发明这一部分主要展示很多在节约粮食方面的发明及不同年龄的人们的新发明,由此推出对科学感兴趣的可以选择“Inventins”这个活动。故选B。
    The rckets take astrnauts and man-made satellites int space. The satellites are used fr cmmunicatin, weather mnitring and research. But hw d satellites stay up withut falling dwn?
    There are tw ppsite frces (力量) acting n the satellites. One f them is the frce f gravitatin (地心引力), whiçh tries t pull the satellites twards the earth. The ther frce is created by the rtatin (旋转) f the satellite arund the earth. This frce tries t take the satellite away frm the earth. With these tw frces, the satellite ges rund and rund. The gravitatinal pull f the earth (the frce which pulls everything twards the grund) is like a rpe which keeps the satellite frm flying away.
    Everything that ges up has t cme dwn. It is nly a matter f time befre a satellite cmes back t the earth. As time ges by, the satellite lses its speed, which makes the gravitatinal pull strnger than the frce pulling it away. This makes the satellite crash (坠落) dwn t the earth.
    6. Which f the fllwing uses f satellites is nt mentined?
    A. Cmmunicatin.B. Mnitring the weather cnditin.
    C. Ding sme researches.D. Taking pictures.
    7. The frce that pulls the satellite twards the earth is created by ________.
    A. the earthB. the satellite itself
    C. the rtatin f the satelliteD. the rpe
    8. Why can’t the satellite fly away?
    A. Because f the frce frm the earth.
    B. Because the satellite is t big.
    C. Because f the frce created by the rtatin f the satellite arund the earth.
    D. Because peple n earth have made rpes t tie the satellite tightly.
    9. The satellite will finally crashes dwn t the earth ________.
    A. when it flies fasterB. when its speed slws dwn
    C. when peple cut the rpeD. when there is n electricity in it
    10. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. There are fur frces acting n the satellite.
    B. The frce f gravitatin makes the satellite g rund and rund.
    C. As time ges by, the satellite will finally fall dwn.
    D. The satellite will stay in space frever.
    【答案】6. D 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C
    细节理解题。根据“The satellites are used fr cmmunicatin, weather mnitring and research.”可知卫星用于通信、天气监测和研究,没有提及到照相。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“One f them is the frce f gravitatin (地心引力), whiçh tries t pull the satellites twards the earth.”可知,将卫星拉向地球的力是由地球产生的。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“The gravitatinal pull f the earth (the frce which pulls everything twards the grund) is like a rpe which keeps the satellite frm flying away.”可知,因为地球的引力就像一根绳子,防止卫星飞走。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“As time ges by, the satellite lses its speed, which makes the gravitatinal pull strnger than the frce pulling it away. This makes the satellite crash (坠落) dwn t the earth.”可知,当卫星速度减慢时,它最终将坠落地球上。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“As time ges by, the satellite lses its speed, which makes the gravitatinal pull strnger than the frce pulling it away. This makes the satellite crash (坠落) dwn t the earth.”可知,随着时间的推移,卫星最终会坠落下来。故选C。
    D yu knw that 93 percent f ur cmmunicatin is thrugh ur bdy? We call it bdy language. This can include the bdy-gesture language, head-neck language, sign language, face language and lks language. In different cultural backgrunds, the same mvement might have quite different meanings, which, as a result, may usually lead t misunderstanding in cmmunicatin. Misuse f bdy language can be an unpleasant r even dangerus experience.
    In 1992, the President Gerge H. W. Bush made a state visit t Australia. Peple lined up alng the radside t welcme the American President wh greeted them with raised fingers in the frm f “V” with the back f his hand tward the nlkers. The fllwing mrning a headline in a lcal newspaper annunced that the American President insulted (侮辱) the Australians. In Australia, the “V” sign with the back f the hand equals t the middle finger. But in America it means victry.
    Have yu understd the imprtance f bdy language? Pay attentin t the fllwing and yu will realize that they are very helpful when yu are in Australia.
    Men in Australia shake hands instead f kissing when they meet. In China, thumbing up means “Yu are gd”. Hwever, it’s rude in Australia. If an Australian laughs at thers, he makes his thumb dwn. If yu want t rder a glass f beer in the bar, just hld up yur frefinger. And in scial situatin, yu shuldn’t yawn r stretch yurself.
    Keep these in mind and have a nice trip in Australia.
    11. Hw many bdy languages did the authr mentin in the first paragraph?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five.D. Six.
    12. What did the Australians think f American President Bush after he visited Australia in 1992?
    A. He was friendly t Australia.B. He was rude and implite.
    C. He was a lvely persn.D. He was a real man.
    13. Hw shuld yu act if yu want t have beer in the bar f Australia?
    A. Yu can put yur thumb up.B. Yu can shake hands.
    C. Yu can raise yur fingers.D. Yu can hld up yur frefinger.
    14. After we read the passage, we learn that _______.
    A. we nly cmmunicate by using wrds
    B. Bush’s visit t Australia in 1992 is successful
    C. it’s implite t thumb dwn in Australia
    D. yu can stretch yurself in public in Australia
    15. Wh is the passage written fr?
    A. Turists.B. Businessmen.C. Officials.D. Players.
    【答案】11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据“This can include the bdy-gesture language, head-neck language, sign language, face language and lks language”可知体态语包括肢体语言、头颈语言、手语、面部语言和表情语言,一共5种语言。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“The fllwing mrning a headline in a lcal newspaper annunced that the American President insulted (侮辱) the Australians”可知,澳大利亚人认为美国总统侮辱他们,可见他们认为美国总统是粗鲁和不礼貌的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“If yu want t rder a glass f beer in the bar, just hld up yur frefinger.”可知如果你想在酒吧点一杯啤酒,只需举起食指。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“If an Australian laughs at thers, he makes his thumb dwn.”可知,如果一个澳大利亚人嘲笑别人,他会拇指朝下,这是不礼貌的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“Keep these in mind and have a nice trip in Australia.”可知,本文是写给想去澳大利亚旅行的游客的。故选A。
    Bamb is a wnderful plant fr many peple arund the wrld. ____16____ Peple make tables, clthes, medicine, and musical instruments with it. Pandas may eat bamb every day, but peple can als eat it.
    ____17____ Sme bamb grws s quickly that peple say they can watch it grw. The speed f grwth depends n the type f bamb, the earth and the seasn. Nrmal bamb grws 3cm, 10cm a day. It usually grws in trpical (热带的) areas. ____18____ Bamb plants are fund in Asia, Australia, parts f Africa, and Suth America.
    One f the wrld’s ldest building materials is bamb. Like tday, peple use it because it’s very strng. They use it t build huses, bats, and bridges. The Chinese made a bamb bridge ver the Min River in Sichuan, China almst 1,000 years ag. ____19____ Als, bamb is still used t build huses tday, especially in China and Philippines.
    As a part f histry, bamb is very imprtant. The great scientist Thmas Edisn did nt invent the light bulb (灯泡), but he made it perfect. He wanted the material inside t burn fr a lng perid f time. He tried ver 1,000 different types f materials. ____20____ One day, he tried t use a piece f bamb and the light bulb lit up fr ver a thusand hurs. This inventin helped ther scientists t make the mdern light bulb we use tday.
    根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、 内容完整。
    A. Yu can still visit it tday.
    B. There are ver 1,000 uses fr it.
    C. Hwever, nne wrked very well.
    D. The fastest grwing plant in the wrld is bamb.
    E. It can als be fund in ther parts f the wrld.
    【答案】16. B 17. D 18. E 19. A 20. C
    根据“Peple make tables, clthes, medicine, and musical instruments with it”可知竹子有很多用处,选项B“它有1000多种用途。”符合语境。故选B。
    根据“Sme bamb grws s quickly that peple say they can watch it grw”可知竹子长得很快,选项D“世界上生长最快的植物是竹子。”符合语境。故选D。
    根据“Bamb plants are fund in Asia, Australia, parts f Africa, and Suth America”可知此处介绍的是竹子的产地,选项E“它也可以在世界其他地方找到。”符合语境。故选E。
    根据“The Chinese made a bamb bridge ver the Min River in Sichuan, China almst 1000 years ag”可知此处内容和一千年前的竹桥有关,选项A“你今天仍然可以参观它,”符合语境。故选A。
    根据“He tried ver 1,000 different types f materials”可知他尝试了1000多种不同类型的材料,可推断此处应讲述这些材料的效果,选项C“然而,没有一个效果很好。”符合语境。故选C。
    先通读短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 A、 B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
    Meimei is a girl frm a village far away. It has been sme mnths ____21____ she mved t the city. She is a girl ____22____ studies hard. ____23____ she is als an hnest girl, the gvernment sent her t the lcal junir high schl. ____24____ the students here are warm and friendly, she still has difficulties at schl, especially in English learning. She felt ____25____. She sat in ____26____ at the English class. She ____27____ t d grup wrk, nly watching thers withut a wrd. Sn the teacher fund this and asked her reasn. Meimei is such an ____28____ girl and she tld the teacher what she thught. She haven’t learned ____29____ language befre. She ____30____ nt speak English because she is afraid f making mistakes. English is difficult ____31____ her ability. Besides, she will nt have chances t g t ther cuntries. The teacher ____32____ why we Chinese shuld learn English well. Fr instance, English is a gd tl t knw the utside wrld. The teacher als gave her sme advice n ____33____ t learn English well, like previewing befre class r singing English sngs. She has studied hard frm then n. Nw Meimei can prnunce the wrds ____34____. The teacher ____35____ her change. She hpes that Meimei can make great prgress.
    A. sinceB. frC. afterD. befre
    A. whmB. whichC. whseD. wh
    A. AfterB. BecauseC. BefreD. S
    A. AlthughB. IfC. SinceD. As
    A. excitedB. interestedC. activeD. sad
    A. victryB. curageC. silenceD. palace
    A. refusedB. achievedC. breD. created
    A. sleepyB. hnestC. bredD. silly
    A. nativeB. sleepyC. certainD. freign
    A. dareB. shuldC. needD. must
    A. insideB. thrughC. beyndD. including
    A. dividedB. previewedC. mentinedD. explained
    A. whyB. hwC. whenD. where
    A. widelyB. ttallyC. prperlyD. wisely
    A. is pleased withB. is wrried abutC. is similar tD. is famus fr
    【答案】21. A 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. A
    since自从;fr为了;after之后;befre之前。根据“It has been”可知是现在完成时,用since,故选A。
    After之后;Because因为;Befre之前;S因此。根据“she is als an hnest girl, the gvernment sent her t the lcal junir high schl.”可知是因为她也是一个诚实的女孩,所以政府把她送到了当地的初中。故选B。
    Althugh虽然;If如果;Since自从;As因为。根据“the students here are warm and friendly, she still has difficulties at schl, especially in English learning.”可知是虽然这里的学生热情友好,但是她在学校仍然有困难,特别是英语学习。故选A。
    excited兴奋的;interested有趣的;active活跃的;sad悲伤的。根据“she still has difficulties at schl, especially in English learning”可知她在学校仍然有困难,特别是英语学习,因此是悲伤的,故选D。
    victry胜利;curage勇气;silence沉默;palace宫殿。根据“nly watching thers withut a wrd”可知在英语课上都是不发一语,因此此空表示沉默,故选C。
    refused拒绝;achieved实现;bre厌烦;created创造。根据“nly watching thers withut a wrd”可知并没有参与小组作业,因此是拒绝做小组作业,故选A。
    sleepy睡觉的;hnest诚实的;bred厌倦的;silly傻的。根据“she is als an hnest girl”可知她是诚实的,如实告知老师,故选B。
    dare敢于;shuld应该;need需要;must必须。根据“afraid f making mistakes”可知是害怕犯错误,因此是不敢说英语,故选A。
    inside里面;thrugh通过;beynd超出;including包括。根据“English is difficult”可知英语很难,因此是超出了她的能力。故选C。
    divided分成;previewed预看;mentined提到;explained解释。根据“Fr instance, English is a gd tl t knw the utside wrld.”可知老师是在举例子解释中国人为什么要学好英语,故选D。
    why为什么;hw怎样;when什么时候;where哪里。根据“like previewing befre class r singing English sngs”可知是指如何学好英语的建议,故选B。
    widely宽广;ttally完全;prperly正确地;wisely明智地。根据“Nw Meimei can prnunce the wrds”以及结合前文对她课上不敢开口,害怕犯错的描述,可知此处是指现在能正确发音,故选C。
    is pleased with对……满意;is wrried abut担心;is similar t与……相似;is famus fr因……而出名。根据前句描述她现在可以正确发音,因此老师是对她的改变很满意,故选A。
    四、语篇填空(15 小题, 每小题1分, 共 15分)
    阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词, 每词限用一次。
    Class One was having a meeting. The students were having a ____36____ in the classrm. What were they talking abut? The tpic was the best ____37____ in ur daily life. Tm thught the clck was the mst useful. It culd tell the time ____38____. Withut clck, we didn’t knw when t leave fr schl. Maria shwed us a ____39____ n the desk. It culd be used t draw beautiful pictures. S it was helpful. Peter preferred cmputers. He said that the wrld was ____40____ tgether by cmputers. We culd get the infrmatin far away in a minute. There were als tiny cmputers ____41____ the patients’ bdies. These cmputers were used fr treating illnesses. Lily was ____42____ that the rbts were imprtant. The rbts ____43____ wrked in the factries helped peple perfrm different tasks. It’s n ____44____ that all f these abve changed ur habits, and they make us wrk and live mre cmfrtably. Perhaps in the future we can invent smething fr ____45____. I’m sure we have the ability t be a real inventr.
    【答案】36. discussin
    37. inventin
    38. exactly
    39. crayn 40. cnnected
    41. inside 42. certain
    43. which 44. dubt
    45. urselves
    句意:学生们正在教室里讨论。根据“What were they talking abut?”可知他们在教室里进行一场讨论,备选词discuss的名词形式discussin“讨论”符合语境,a接可数名词单数。故填discussin。
    句意:这个话题是我们日常生活中最好的发明。根据文章末尾“Perhaps in the future we can invent smething fr”可知他们讨论了最好的发明是什么。备选词invent的名词形式inventin“发明”符合语境,由“was the best”可知这里填名词单数。故填inventin。
    句意:它能准确地报时。根据“tell the time”可知是准确报时,备选词exact的副词形式exactly“精确地”,修饰动词tell。故填exactly。
    句意:玛丽亚给我们看桌子上的蜡笔。根据“It culd be used t draw beautiful pictures.”可知是蜡笔,备选词crayn“蜡笔”符合题意,结合“It”可知填名词单数。故填crayn。
    句意:他说世界是由电脑连接在一起的。根据“wrld was”以及“tgether by cmputers.”可知是说世界被电脑连接起来,备选词cnnect“连接”符合题意,这里指的被连接,设空处前有be动词was,因此填过去分词。故填cnnected。
    句意:病人体内也有微型电脑。根据“the patients’ bdies.”可知应该说在病人身体里有微型电脑,备选词inside“在里面”符合语境。故填inside。
    句意:莉莉确信机器人很重要。根据“that the rbts were imprtant.”可知是说确信机器人重要。结合设空处前的was可知是be certain“确信”,备选词certain符合题意。故填certain。
    句意:毫无疑问,以上这些都改变了我们的习惯,使我们的工作和生活更舒适。根据“It’s n”以及“that”并结合备选词,可知是it is n dubt that“毫无疑问”固定句型,备选词dubt符合题意。故填dubt。
    句意:也许将来我们可以为自己发明一些东西。根据“we can invent smething fr”可知是我们自己发明,fr neself“亲自”,主语是“we”,用 反身代词urselves“我们自己”。故填urselves。
    Except Plut (冥王星), there ____46____ eight planets in the slar system nw, including Earth. By the distance frm the Sun frm clse t far, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Plut used t be knwn as ____47____ smallest planet in ur slar system, and the furthest planet frm the Sun.
    Plut was discvered in 1930, and was named by an eleven-year-ld girl frm England. Plut is nly half ____48____ wide as the United States. This planet takes 248 earth years t travel arund the Sun. It means we need 6. 5 earth days t spend a day n Plut. Plut is abut 40 times farther frm the Sun than Earth is. Plut is in an area f space called the Kuiper Belt ____49____ has thusands f small, icy bjects. The temperature n Plut is ____50____ lw that Earth air wuld turn int ice sn. The gravity n Plut is less strnger than that n Earth. S fat persns may prefer t mve there, they wuld weigh much less n Plut.
    【答案】46. are
    47. the 48. as
    49. which##that
    50. s
    句意:现在太阳系中除了冥王星,还有八颗行星,包括地球。根据题干可知,此句是there be句型,意为“有”,由“nw”可知,此句用一般现在时,主语“eight planets”是复数,所以be动词用are,故填are。
    A: Hi, Jhn Yu did quite well in the English test last week. ____51____?
    B: I learned it by asking the teacher fr help.
    A: That’s a gd way t learn English. D yu imprve yur English by cpying new wrds every day?
    B: ____52____, because it helps little. I have anther way, watching English mvies, which can practice listening.
    A: Really? ____53____?
    B: Almst every week. Last week I watched Avengers: Endgame.____54____?
    A: N, nt yet. But I heard the characters in the mvie like Tny Stark and Steve Rgers, were really attractive.
    B: Yes. I d like the heres in the mvie.
    A: Sme new films have been n this week. I heard Thmas & Friends: Big Wrld! Big Adventure! has been n the day befre Children’s Day. Wuld yu like t g t the mvie with me?
    B: Sure, I’d lve t. ____55____?
    A: Let’s meet at the schl gate n Friday evening.
    【答案】51. Hw did yu learn it
    52. N/N, I dn’t/Never
    53. Hw ften d yu watch an English mvie/Hw ften d yu d it
    54. Have yu ever watched it/Have yu watched it yet
    55. When and where shall we meet
    根据回答“I learned it by asking the teacher fr help”可知询问的事学习英语的方式,用hw引导特殊疑问句,时态是一般过去时,助动词did提前;主语是yu。故填Hw did yu learn it。
    根据“D yu imprve yur English by cpying new wrds every day”可知这是一般疑问句,根据“…because it helps little”可知回答应该是否定的,用N.或者N, I dn’t.,或者用Never表示“从不”。故填N/N, I dn’t/Never。
    根据“Almst every week”可知问句询问看英语电影的频率,用Hw ften引导特殊疑问句,表达为“你多久看一次英语电影/你多久做一次”。故填Hw ften d yu watch an English mvie/Hw ften d yu d it。
    根据“N, nt yet”可知询问对方是否看过,表达为“你看过吗”,到现在为止的经历,用现在完成时。故填Have yu ever watched it/Have yu watched it yet。
    根据“Let’s meet at the schl gate n Friday evening”可知问句询问见面时间和地点,表达为“我们什么时候在哪见面”。故填When and where shall we meet。
    56. 每个人一生中会有很多想做的事,为父母、为朋友、为学校、为自己……
    某英文报社以“One thing I wuld like t d fr ________”为话题开展征文活动,请你用英语写篇短文给报社投稿,首先请补全题目,如“my parents, my friend, my schl, myself”等,然后分享一件你想做的事,你准备怎么做,以及你为什么要做。
    提示词语: ck, the Internet, prepare, step, thanks
    提示问题:● What wuld yu like t d?
    ● Hw will yu d it?
    ● Why wuld yu like t d it?
    One thing I wuld like t d fr ________
    There are many things we want t d in ur lives.
    One thing I wuld like t d fr my parents
    There are many things we want t d in ur lives. As fr me, ne thing I’d like t d is t ck a meal fr my parents.
    T start with, I will search the Internet t decide what t ck and take sme ntes abut the cking steps. Then I will g t the market t buy what I need. After that, I will prepare and ck fllwing the steps carefully.
    The reasn why I want t d this is t shw my thanks and lve t my parents. They are busy with their wrk every day and they’ve spent s much time taking gd care f me. I think it’s time fr me t d smething fr my parents.
    ①as fr至于
    ②t start with首先
    ③be busy with忙于
    ①As fr me, ne thing I’d like t d is t ck a meal fr my parents.(省略that的定语从句)
    ②I will search the Internet t decide what t ck and take sme ntes abut the cking steps.(动词不定式作目的状语)
    ③Then I will g t the market t buy what I need.(what引导的宾语从句)Paintings & Calligraphy (书法)
    Great changes have taken place in China. T shw lve fr the Cmmunist Party f China, 100 students frm different schls will use their pens and brushes t shw yu the great changes. Fr mre infrmatin, call Lily at 152-5827, please.
    Time: 10:00 —15:00
    July 1st —July 15th, 2023
    Clsed n Mndays
    Place: Achievement Hall
    A bk n embridery (刺绣)
    The bk Xun Xiu Ji has been named China’s mst beautiful bk. Zhang Shulin is the writer f it. We have invited Fan Deng t intrduce it t us. Fr mre infrmatin, call Linda at 679-8871, please.
    Time: 14:00 —15:30
    June 30th 2023
    Place: Schl Hall
    T memrize Yuan Lngping, Father f Hybrid Rice, peple in ur city will shw yu their greatest inventins n saving fd. In the shw, yu can see a lt f new inventins frm peple at different ages. Guides will stay with yu frm the beginning t the end.
    Time: 13:30 —16:00
    August 10th —August 11th, 2023
    Place: Sunshine Hall
    Oil paper umbrellas
    Oil paper umbrellas, with a histry f ver 1000 years in China, used t be cmmn. Umbrellas take mre than 70 steps t make, including making supprt with bamb, pasting papers (糊纸) and painting patterns (图案). It takes at least a week t make an umbrella. There are many kinds f il paper umbrellas n shw.
    Time: 9:00 —15:30
    July 6th, 2023
    Place: Sightseeing Hall
    dubt, exact, which, inside, we, certain, crayn, discuss, invent, cnnect

    48,河南省信阳市平桥区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题: 这是一份48,河南省信阳市平桥区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题,共17页。试卷主要包含了听力理解,阅读理解,完形填空,语篇填空,补全对话,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    河南省信阳市平桥区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(原卷+解析): 这是一份河南省信阳市平桥区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(原卷+解析),文件包含精品解析河南省信阳市平桥区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析河南省信阳市平桥区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。







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