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    本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。共 150分,考试时间120分钟。
    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共80分)
    第一部分 听 力(共 25 小题; 1-20 每小题1分; 21-25 每小题 2分, 满分30分)
    (一) 听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。
    1. A. Yes,I d. B. N,I didn't. C. N, never.
    2. A. Never mind. B. I hpe s. C. With pleasure.
    3. A. Yes, please. B. Sunds great. C. Dn't wrry.
    4. A. In 6 mnths. B. Fr 6 mnths. C. At 6 mnths.
    5. A. His brther. B. N,I haven't. C. They must wrk hard.
    (二) 听五段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。
    6. What wuld the girl like?
    A. A cup f tea. B. A glass f water. C. A cup f cffee.
    7. What did Jane's mther want t be when she was yung?
    A. A writer. B. A teacher. C. A dctr.
    8. When des the man meet the girl in her ffice.
    A. At 10:15. B. At 9:15. C. At 11:15.
    9. What's the relatin between the speakers?
    A. They are dctr and patient.
    B. They are teacher and student,
    C. They are teacher and father.
    10. What can we knw frm the cnversatin?
    A. The by failed his math test.
    B. The mther really understd him.
    C. The mther gt very angry.
    (三) 听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。
    听第一段对话,回答第 11—13 小题。
    11. What kind f hmewrk did Jenny d first?
    A. Chemistry hmewrk. B. English hmewrk. C. Math hmewrk.
    12. Hw lng did it take Jenny t finish her English hmewrk?
    A.20 minutes. B.30 minutes. C.40 minutes.
    13. Wh gives Jenny sme advice n chemistry?
    A. Mr. Jhn. B. Mr. Miller. C. Mr. Mark.听第二段对话, 回答第14-16小题。
    14. What is the mst serius prblem in the neighbrhd?
    A. Air pllutin. B. Water pllutin. C. E-waste pllutin.
    15. Hw many prblems are mentined by Susan in the cnversatin?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    16. What des Susan think the peple d in the neighbrhd t prtect the envirnment?
    A. They have t clse sme factries.
    B. They have t pick up rubbish.
    C. Everyne shuld play a rle in envirnmental prtectin.
    (四) 听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。
    17. Hw lng did the ftball seasn last?
    A. One mnth. B. Tw mnths. C. Three mnths.
    18. What was Nancy's advantage?
    A. She mved very quickly. B. She passed the ball well. C. She was gd at scring;
    19. What made the final difficult fr the bys?
    A. The leader's sickness.
    B. The pr weather cnditin.
    C. The players' awful skills.
    20. Hw did the whle schl feel in the end?
    A. Angry. B. Prud. C. Free.
    (五) 听短文,填表格。根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺信息,每空一词。短文读三遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读表格内容 答题完毕后,请将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
    第二部分 完形填空(共 10 小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
    Three years ag, there was a stry between my father and me which let me learn a lt. One day, my father gave me tw cups, filled with sand and asked me t put them by the windw and watered them every day. Tw weeks later, three yung leaves appeared in ne f the cups I culdn't 26 t tell the gd news t my father He asked me, "Yu watered 27 f them and spent the same time n them. Why d new leaves grw in ne cup but nthing in the ther?" I didn't have any idea Then my father 28 that it was because he put a bean in ne cup but nthing in the ther. This bean means the dream in life Withut dreams, yu'll have n 29 N matter hw much pain yu pay, there will be n 30
    Five days later, my father gave me tw pts(陶盆 ), which were als filled with 31 This time, I was
    asked t water nly ne f the pts Ten days later, new leaves appeared 32 in the watered pt, while nthing grew in the ther My father asked me 33 it happened like this I seemed t knw the reasn We're suppsed t have dreams, but it's nt enugh if there are nly dreams in life. We must knw hw t wrk fr it and try t achieve it There is n dubt that a 34 dream is the first step t success Withut time and effrt, dreams will never 35 Remember success needs time and hard wrk.
    26. A. wait B. affrd C. agree
    27. A. all B. bth C. nne
    28. A. explained B. fund C. shuted
    29. A. advantage B. methd C. directin
    30. A. duty B. fruit C. prmise
    31. A. sand B. water C. leaves
    32. A. badly B. smthly C. mainly
    33. A . hw B. why O. what
    34 . A big B. new C. clear
    35. A. cme ut B. cme ver C. cme true
    第三部分 阅读理解(共两节; 满分40分)
    第一节阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。(共15 小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)
    Huck is my name. Huckleberry Finn. The stry started when my best friend, Tm Sawyer and I fund $12,000 in a cave(洞穴). That mney made us rich. We gt $6,000 each.
    Then a kind ld lady called Duglas invited me t live with her because I haven't gt a family r a hme. My mther died a lng time ag, then my dad, Pap, disappeared. He was a vilent(暴力的) man especially when he drank a lt, which was mst f the time, and he ften beat me. I was scared f him. I didn't g t schl like the ther bys f my age. I lived n the streets and in the wds.
    My life changed after I lived with Duglas. She gave me a bed t sleep in and bught new clthes fr me . She read stries t me and taught me hw t eat at a table.
    Duglas sent me t schl every day. I didn't like ging there at first because learning was very difficult. But when I culd read and write a bit ,I didn't mind ging.
    Mnths passed and winter came. The weather gt cld. One mrning I wke up and there was snw n the grund. On my way t schl I saw sme ftprints utside Duglas's huse. There was a crss(十字标记) n the heel (脚后跟) f the left ne. My heart jumped. Only ne persn wre bts(靴子) with a crss n the left heel! Pap!
    "He's heard abut my 38 " I thught, "And he wants it!"
    36. Hw did Huck get the mney which was put in the bank?
    A. Huck's father gave it t him.
    B. Huck's mther left it t him befre she died.
    C. Duglas gave it t him.
    D. He and Tm Sawyer fund it in a cave.
    37. Hw did Huck feel abut the life with Duglas?
    A. He hated his new life. B. He didn't mind his new life.
    C. He felt satisfied with his new life. D. He wanted t get away frm his new life.
    38 Which wrd can be put m the" "?
    A. life B. spirit C. secret D. mney
    39. Which is the right rder f what happened in the stry?
    ①Duglas sent Huck t schl.
    ②Huck's mther died.
    ③Duglas invited Huck t live with her.
    ④Duglas read stries t Huck.
    A.③②④① B.②③④① C. ③④②① D.②④③①
    China is a cuntry with many great muntains. Sme f them have beautiful sights while thers are rich in cultural value. The muntains listed belw are either amng the mst famus r the mst beautiful.
    40. What can we knw abut Munt Taishan accrding t the text?
    A. It stands fr health and peace.
    B. The ht springs there are very famus.
    C. It is the mst dangerus muntain in China.
    D. We can enjy wnderful views frm the Jade Emperr Peak.
    41. Accrding t the text, if Betty wants t enjy the sea f cluds in Munt Huashan, she shuld g t
    A. the East Peak B. the Suth Peak C. the West Peak D. the Nrth Peak
    42. Why des the writer write the text?
    A. T share experiences f muntain climbing.
    B. T intrduce the great muntains in China.
    C. T ffer ways t research muntains in China.
    D. T advise peple t prtect the great muntains.
    The cmpany OpenAI intrduced ChatGPT t the wrld. It is the latest kind f AIchatbts (聊天机器人). Anyne can use ChatGPT fr free nw s that the cmpany can cllect peple's ideas n hw t imprve it.
    Peple have tested hw ChatGPT wrks. Reprters fund ut that it was able t write articles fr newspapers. Teachers asked it t write answers t exam questins. ChatGPT culd almst get full marks. Even prgrammers tried ut ChatGPT. It was able t slve difficult cding(编程) challenges and answer very quickly. It even wrte shrt pems t explain hw the cding wrked In ur everyday life, it helped a father cme up with ideas f a birthday party fr his sn.
    What's mre, when peple ask ChatGPT questins, it can find mistakes. If it is asked what happened when Clumbus(加仑比亚) arrived in America in 2023, lder AIs might give a stry. ChatGPT can pint ut that Clumbus reached America in the 1400s. It can als refuse t answer questins that are nt prper. Fr example, if yu ask it fr advice n stealing a car, it will say that stealing a car is a serius crime and can have bad results.Instead, it gives advice such as "taking the bus'.
    ChatGPT might help peple slve prblems, but AI is trained by using texts frm the Internet, Often, the texts are used withut being allwed by the writers f thse texts. Sme argue that technlgy desn't respect peple's wrk. Sme argue that peple will use ChatGPT t cpy thers' wrk and sell it as their wn. Sme think AI technlgy is bad fr the earth, t. Training ChatGPT might prduce CO2 and lead t climate(气候) change that will heat up the earth.
    43. Why can we use ChatGPT fr free nw?
    A. The cmpany wants t serve peple. B. The technlgy is prefect enugh.
    C. T many peple use it. D. It needs t imprve itself.
    44 Frm the secnd paragraph, we knw ChatGPT
    A. can be used in many areas B. is mre useful fr schls
    C. can take the place f prgrammers D. is able t teach students
    45. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. ChatGPT is envirnmentally-friendly.
    B. ChatGPT is helpful and imprtant.
    C. AI usually used texts after being allwed by the writers.
    D. ChatGPT ften uses imprper infrmatin r gives wrng answers.
    46. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The reasns why OpenAI intrduced ChatGPT.
    B. The develpment f AI technlgy.
    C. The way hw ChatGPT wrks.
    D. The uses and prblems f ChatGPT.
    This Dec.5th is the 10th anniversary(周年纪念日) f the death f Nelsn Mandela, the frmer president f Suth Africa. He verthrew(推翻) the racial segregatin system(种族隔离制度) in the natin and set peple f clr there free. Yu may knw abut his achievements. But d yu knw abut the Mandela Effect(曼德拉效应)?
    The Mandela Effect describes a situatin where many peple have the same wrng memry. The name f the thery dates back t 2010 when many peple n the Internet falsely remembered that Nelsn Mandela died in the 1980s in prisn. But Mandela was actually freed in 1990 and passed away in 2013. US researcher Fina Brme then created the term(术语) Mandela Effect based n this situatin.
    There are many ther examples f the Mandela Effect. In 2022 in China, there was a heated discussin nline abut the sentence by Mencius: "Thus when Heaven is abut t cnfer a great ffice n any man ... " ("故天将降大任于斯/是人也"). Mst peple remembered it was "si (斯)", while thers insisted(坚称) it was "shi(是)". Later, Peple's Educatin Press ended the discussin by saying that all its textbks say shi. What d yu remember it as?
    Psychlgists(心理学家) have lked int the reasns fr the Mandela Effect. One reasn may be cnfabulatin(虚构症). It is nt lying, but rather remembering details that never happened.
    The Internet may be anther reasn fr the Mandela Effect. As a pwerful way t spread infrmatin, the Internet might be the main reasn fr wrng infrmatin t enter ur minds these days.
    47. What is the relatinship between the Mandel a Effect and Nelsn Mandela?
    A. Nelsn Mandela created the term.
    B. The term was tested n Nelsn Mandela.
    C. The term came frm an event related t Nelsn Mandela.
    D. The term was created t remember Nelsn Mandela's death.
    48. What is the Mandela Effect?
    A. It's a situatin where many peple remember smething wrng.
    B. It's a situatin where peple hide the truth by telling lies.
    C. It's a situatin where we frget smething cmpletely.
    D. It's abut the different memries f different peple n ne thing.
    49. What's the truth in the case f "si" and "shi"?
    A."Shi" and "si" are bth crrect. B."Shi" is the crrect ne.
    C."Si" was wrngly used fr a shrt perid. D."Si"is recrded in ancient bks.
    50. Accrding t psychlgists, the Mandela Effect is mre likely(可能的) t happen when
    A. we fcus t much n details
    B. we lse the memry f smething
    C. we tell a lie abut smething
    D. we get wrng infrmatin nline
    第二节 五选五(共5 小题; 每小题2分,满分 10分)
    根据短文内容,从短文所给的A、B、C、D、E 五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使文章通顺、完整,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
    There is a sad truth when yu bring hme sme beautiful flwers 51 Luckily, this can be srt f avided by pressing them cmpletely flat.
    This is what Anna has been ding fr years. The Russian artist fell in lve with nature when she was a little girl 52 When she graduated frm cllege, she started a career as a jurnalist(记者). Hwever, her dream f becming an artist has always been there.
    Seven years ag, Anna began grwing flwers in her garden and began lking fr ways t make their clr and beauty last . After trying several different ways, the artist decided t press them.
    Flwer pressing actually was a ppular hbby during Victrian era (1837—1901). 53 She carefully presses each flwer in a flwer press And she makes sure each and every ne f its petal(花瓣) kept is in its riginal shape.
    Once the flwers are dry, the artist put them n white r black paper 54 They can be hung n a wall r be used t decrate a table. The flwers and leaves will stay. prtected frever and the beauty f springtime can be enjyed all year arund 55 and als brings peple clser t nature. It gives peple the jy f being able t cmmunicate with nature and t create beauty..
    A. Sn, they'll dry up and die.
    B. Tday Anna is helping t keep this traditin alive.
    C. She als enjyed drawing abut its beauty.
    D. Flwer pressing helps peple discver the beauty.
    E. The finished wrks are then placed inside f glass frames.
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共 70分)
    第四部分 书面表达(共三节)
    第一节 词汇运用(共两题; 满分 30分)
    (一) 单词拼写(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
    56 We have raised a lt f mney and clthes t $ the peple wh experienced the terrible earthquakes in Gan Su.
    57 It's b (可相信的) that educatin in ur cuntry will achieve better results
    58 (科学) farming is the key t the further develpment f China's Agriculture(农业).
    59 Sprts players were strictly e befre taking part in the 19th Asian Games t make sure they didn't take illicit drugs(违禁药品).
    60 Thanks t the ht ice and snw turism (行业) in Harbin, it gives the nrtheast a new pprtunity fr a secnd develpment.
    (二)综合填空(共 10小题; 每小题2分, 满分 20分)
    根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。 (每词限用一次)
    see, wh, wide, cuntry, find, graduate, gd, effrt, feel, develp
    Recently, a very simple sentence, "Amazing, China!" has becme 61 knwn arund the wrld As we knw, China has 62 quickly since we tk the plicy f refrm and pening-up(改革开放) and it has becme ne f the mst imprtant 63 in the wrld Freigners pay mre and mre attentin t this ancient eastern cuntry—China.
    Lily, an Australian girl 64 came t China three years ag is studying in a university in Nanjing nw Great changes make her amazed She thinks 65 jbs is easier in China than that in Australia She expects t wrk here after she 66 frm her schl in Nanjing.
    In China, with the 67 f thusands f hard wrking Chinese peple, the great changes are much mre than befre New buildings can be 68 everywhere Have yu heard f the "fur new great inventins" f mdern China? They are high-speed railway,mbile payment, shared bicycles and nline shpping. All f the achievements make Chinese. 69 prud!
    China is imprving the trade and the relatinship with ther cuntries. China plays a mre and mre imprtant rle in the wrld China will be 70 in the future!
    第二节 阅读表达(共6小题; 71-73 每小题2分; 74-76每小题3分, 满分 15分)Hw t Spend Senir High Schl Time
    Yu are suppsed t wrk hard and face the difficulties with21_____.
    Try t _22_____yur time wisely and get enugh sleep.
    Dn't cmpare yurself with thers r push yurself t hard..
    Last but nt least
    Yu need t stay active and be ___24_____fr yur wn things.
    These are the
    Munt Taishan
    Munt Taishan is ne f the mst famus muntains in China.There are tw must-see sights n the muntain. The first is the JadeEmperr Peak(玉皇顶), which is at the tp f Munt Taishan. It ffers turists amazing views f the whle muntain, including sunrise, sunset,and a sea f cluds. The secnd is Bixia Temple. It has a grup f ancient buildings.
    Munt Huashan
    Munt Huashan is tamus fr its natural cliffs(峭壁) and narrw paths. It has five great peaks(峰).. The East Peak is the best place fr seeing sunrise; the Nrth Peak is famus fr its sea f cluds; the SuthPeak is the highest peak(2, 155 meters) f Munt Huashan, the WestPeak is a huge rck shaped like a ltus flwer, the Middle Peak is at the center f the five peaks.
    Munt Huangshan is famus fr its "fur natural wnders":
    ●Strange Pines (松树). Sme stand alne n peaks. Others hang dwnwards frm the cliffs.
    ●Absurd Stnes. They can lk like humans r animals. It depends n the directin in which yu lk.
    ●Seas f Cluds. They ften make the peaks seem like large and small islands.
    Ht Springs. They have been well-knwn since ancient times.
    阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 (请注意问题后的字数要求)
    [1] Wrld Sleep Day, rganized by the Wrld Sleep Day Cmmittee f the Wrld Assciatin f Sleep Medicine since 2008, is held n March 21 every year. We are ften tld that it's imprtant t get enugh sleep, but d we knw why? The truth is, even scientists can't agree n why we need t sleep (74,)① , they are in agreement that sleep quality plays a key rle in peple's health. It's clear that the less we sleep, the wrse we perfrm in everyday life.
    [2] Have yu ever felt tired in the middle f the day, especially after lunch? Actually,this is quite nrmal. Researchers have fund that it may be healthier t sleep twice a day-a lng sleep at night, and a nap in the afternn (75) Even a ten minute nap at lunchtime can allw us t wrk better in the afternn And if we really can't find a chance t nap, we shuld get a lnger sleep at night s we dn't feel tired after lunch.
    [3]Nt getting enugh sleep has serius (74)② n ur brain's ability t wrk If yu g withut sleep, yu might have prblems with yur memry r with yur cncentratin. In rder t cncentrate at schl r perfrm well in tests, we really need t get a gd night's sleep.
    [4]Sme peple have truble sleeping, especially if they are nervus r stressed abut smething. Sleep experts say that it's better nt t try t hard t get t sleep, and certainly nt t keep lking at the time. T have gd sleeping habits, it's better t sleep in a dark and quiet envirnment. It's als gd nt t sleep t sn after eating, r after drinking t much water.
    [5]The amunt f sleep we need (74) ③ different frm persn t persn, thugh the average seems t be just under eight hurs. Jim Steed, a sleep researcher, has a simpler way f lking at it."Frget abut facts and figures. If we feel tired in the daytime, it means we need t get mre sleep.”
    71. Hw ften d we need t sleep accrding t the passage? (N mre than 3 wrds)

    72. What d yu need t d t cncentrate at schl?( N mre than 9 wrds)

    73. What is the title f the passage?

    74, Fill in each blank in the passage with ne prper wrd.
    ① ② ③
    75. Translate the underlined sentence in the secnd paragraph int Chinese.

    76. D yu have gd sleeping habits? What will yu d t have gd sleeping habits?
    (N mre than 25 wrds)

    第三节 写作(共1题,满分25分)
    After the COVID-19 pandemic, peple pay mre and mre attentin t their health.Everyne started t fcus n health management.
    1-5 CCBAC 6-10 BABCB 11-15ABBAB 16-20 CCABB
    26-30ABACB 31-35 ABBCC 36-40 DCDBD 41-45 DBDAB
    46-50DCABD 51-55ACBED
    21. curage 22. manage 23. Thirdly 24. respnsible 25. suggestins
    56. supprt 57. believable 58. Scientific 59. examined 60. industry
    61. widely 62. develped 63. cuntries 64. wh 65. finding
    66. graduates 67. effrts 68. seen 69. feel 70. better
    71. Twice a day.
    72. We/I really need t get a gd night's sleep.
    73. It's Imprtant t Get Enugh Sleep/ It's imprtant t get enugh sleep
    74.①Hwever ②effects/ influences ③is
    75. 即使在午饭时间短短的打个十分钟的盹,也能让我们在下午工作的更好。
    76. Yes, I d./ N,I will sleep in a dark and quiet envirnment./ I will sleep at regular time./I will nt sleep t sn after eating, r after drinking t much water.
    After the COVID 19 pandemic, peple pay mre and mre attentin t their health Everyne started t fcus n health management Different peple have different ideas abut health management
    Sme peple think we need t pay attentin t ur eating health. They think it's necessary t eat healthily. We shuld drink water r tea instead f cla r cffee when we are thirsty. The vegetables and fruit shuld take place f the junk fd. Others hld different pinins, they regard rest health as the key pint. They believe we are suppsed t sleep at the regular time and exercise as much as we can. Staying up late and using the Internet are harmful t ur health. Sme peple think envirnment health als plays an imprtant rle in ur life. The envirnment has been plluted badly. We need t take this prblem seriusly.Everyne needs t play a rle in envirnmental prtectin.
    In my pinin, I think the mst imprtant pint is that we shuld have sunshine. in ur heart. Only when we wuld like t get n well with thers and be thankful t the peple wh help us, can we becme psitive in the heart.
    Let's try t be healthy tgether.
    (一) 听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。
    1. Have yu ever been t the beautiful city Guangzhu?
    2. Culd yu get me sme tea?
    3. Let's have a cup f cffee at the bar arund the crner.
    4. Hw sn will yu graduate frm yur junir high schl?
    5. I wnder hw they build such a great twer.
    (二) 听五段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。
    6. M: Tina, I'll get smething t drink. What wuld yu like, tea r cffee?
    W:Neither. I'd like a glass f water.
    7. M: Jane, is yur mther a teacher?
    W:N. My mther is a dctr. But she wanted t be a writer when she was yung.
    8. M: May I see yu arund 10:15 this mrning?
    W:Srry, I have a meeting at 10:15. Yu can cme t my ffice ne hur earlier.
    9. M: Hell, Mrs. Li. I want t knw hw my daughter Amy is getting n at schl?
    W: Well, Amy is ding better this year. But she still has difficulties with math.
    10. M: Mum, I lst my basketball game again.
    W:Dn't give up, my dear. Yu'll succeed ne day if yu practice hard.
    (三) 听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听每段对话前你将有 10秒钟的时间阅读对应的3个小题。
    听第一段对话, 回答 11 至 13 小题。
    M: Hi, Jenny. Have yu finished yur English hmewrk?
    W:Yes. I didn't start it until 8:30 last night because I had t d my chemistry hmewrk first.
    M:Then when did yu start d yur English hmewrk?
    W:I did it as sn as I finished the chemistry hmewrk. At 9:00 I finished my English hmewrk.
    M: But we dn't have chemistry hmewrk this week.
    W: Well, I am weak in chemistry, and I fllw Mr. Miller's advice.
    M:Yu are really hard-wrking. N wnder yu are making prgress in chemistry.
    W:I d wish t get gd grades in all subjects.
    听第二段对话,回答 14至 16 小题。
    M: Susan, can yu tell me abut sme prblems yu've seen in ur neighbrhd?
    W:I think the mst serius prblem is that the air is badly plluted. I can never see blue skies any mre.
    M: What d yu think has caused this prblem?
    W: Well, there are mre cars and the main reasn is that factries burn cal and pllute the air with lts f black smke.
    M: What ther prblems d yu see?
    W:There is t much rubbish and waste in the street.
    M:I agree with yu, what d yu think we shuld d t prtect the envirnment?
    W:I think everyne shuld play a rle in the envirnmental prtectin!
    (四) 听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面4个小题。
    What a great seasn fr sprts at ur schl! The three-mnth ftball games began in March. All the players played well.
    Our girls' ftball team tried very hard during the first tw mnths this year. Nancy mved very quickly in the ftball field and Betty passed the ball very well. Hwever, Amy, leader f the team, didn't feel very well n the day f the quarter-final match. Althugh they all tried their best, they lst the match.What a pity!
    The bys'ftball team did better. With Tm leading them, they gt int the final fr the first time, but the match was difficult fr the bys because f the pr weather cnditin. Our schl team seldm practiced in such wet weather befre. At the very end, Tm scred a gal and ur team wn the final.
    Cngratulatins t all ur ftball players. The whle schl are prud f yu.
    (五) 听短文,填表格。根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的信息,每空一词。短文读三遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读表格内容。答题完毕后,请将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
    Hell, everyne. Thank yu fr being here fr my speech. I'm Li Hua, a senir high schl student.Cngratulatins. Yu'll sn cme t senir high schl! Hw can yu spend the time in high schl? It's a prblem. Nw I'll give yu sme suggestins.
    Firstly, wrk hard. As fr schlwrk, senir high schl may nt seem different. It als has teachers,bks, hmewrk and exams S yu're suppsed t still wrk hard and face the difficulties with curage
    Secndly, manage yur time wisely Yu might have mre difficult schlwrk and self study time at night. But try t finish yur hmewrk quickly and get enugh sleep.
    Thirdly, dn't cmpare yurself t thers In yur class, there might be many tp students Pay attentin t yur wn wrk and dn't push yurself t hard.
    Last but nt least, stay active. High schl teachers will nt take care f yu all the time like in junir high schl Yu need t be respnsible fr yur wn things Dn't be lazy
    Well, these are the suggestins abut high schl Gd luck and hpe yu have a gd time Thank yu s much.

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