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    1.What sprt des the wman prefer?
    2.Why was the man late fr wrk?
    A.He had an accident.B.He gt up late.C.He was caught in traffic.
    3.What is the wman ding?
    A.Selling a dress.B.Talking abut clthes.C.Asking fr a lwer price.
    4.What des the man prbably d?
    A.He’s a paint seller.B.He’s a huse decratr.C.He’s a wedding planner.
    5.Hw much des the man brrw finally?
    A.4 yuan.B.2 yuan.C.1 yuan.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.What happened t the wman?
    A.Her car gt struck.
    B.Her left leg was hurt.
    C.She brke the traffic rules.
    7.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Brther and sister.B.Father and daughter.C.Pliceman and driver.
    8.Where des the man suggest the wman stay?
    A.In a htel next t her schl.
    B.In a huse with a lcal family.
    C.In an apartment with schlmates.
    9.What des the man say abut sharing an apartment?
    A.It’s difficult fr peple t cncentrate.
    B.It wastes much time cking and cleaning.
    C.It helps t make friends frm different cultures.
    10.Wh can help the wman find a suitable place?
    A.The lcal gvernment.B.The travel service center.C.The Student Unin.
    11.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.In the ffice.B.On the phne.C.At the party.
    12.What des the man want t ask the wman at first?
    A.Hw t run a business.
    B.Hw her business trip is.
    C.What she will buy fr Emma.
    13.What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A.The man has chsen a gift.
    B.The man is n a business trip.
    C.The wman isn’t in America nw.
    14.When d the speakers decide t meet?
    A.On Emma’s birthday.
    B.The day after Emma’s birthday.
    C.The day befre Emma’s birthday.
    15.Wh might the man be?
    A.The wman’s brther.B.The wman’s neighbr.C.The wman’s ld friend.
    16.When did the wman mve t this city?
    A.A week ag.B.Three years ag.C.Five years ag.
    17.Wh did the man mve with?
    A.His pet.B.His kids.C.His wife.
    18.What can we knw abut the speaker?
    A.He has been fined $250.
    B.He earns $18 per hur nw.
    C.He gt his new jb frm a TV ad.
    19.What wuld happen if the speaker gt mre than ne ticket in a year?
    A.He’d be questined.B.He’d be warned.C.He’d be fired.
    20.Hw des the speaker feel abut his current jb?
    B.Generally gd.
    C.Abslutely perfect.
    UC Berkeley Yuth Summer Camps
    UC Berkeley Yuth Summer Camps will prvide a wide variety f ne-week utdr experiences and activities fr yung peple n summer camps 2024.Here are fur best summer camps.
    Afternn Adventures Camp
    Afternn Adventures Camp ffers many adventurus activities arund the Berkeley Marina.Campers must be aged 8-10 t sign up.They will explre the cean plants and jin in ther activities such as ding utdr explratin, playing utdr grup games and ging skatebarding.This camp prvides an pprtunity fr yunger campers t develp lasting friendship thrugh utdr games.
    Blue Camp
    Blue Camp grew frm the idea that all children need pprtunities t take part in regular physical activities t supprt their mental health.This camp fr children aged 7-12 includes art trainings, swimming lessns, free play and grup games t create a fun and well-runded camp experience.The camp is made up f three age grups t ensure safety.
    Ec(生态)Adventures Camp
    Ec Adventures Camp allws campers t have the chance t explre varius envirnments arund Berkeley.Campers will practice bserving thrugh their senses and recrd their findings while they use scientific methds t explre varius creatures f the Bay Area.
    Discvery Camp
    Discvery Camp is designed specifically with the 10-12 year-ld in mind, with challenging new ways t explre the Bay Area.Activities may include hikes(徒步旅行)t reginal waterfalls , cycling t a beach picnic lunch and rck climbing.The full day curse cvers a series f reginal adventures, ften with several stps in a day.All campers can enjy the bus service t and frm the campsites.
    21.What can a camper d in Afternn Adventures Camp?
    A.Play indr grup games.
    B.Watch the nearby waterfalls.
    C.Keep recrds f unique animals.
    D.Participate in skatebarding activities.
    22.Which camp best suits the camp-gers wh are interested in swimming?
    A.Afternn Adventures Camp.B.Blue Camp.
    C.Ec Adventures Camp.D.Discvery Camp.
    23.What is special abut Discvery Camp?
    A.Campers can enjy free beach lunch.
    B.Campers are ffered public transprtatin.
    C.Campers can bserve varius sea creatures.
    D.Campers are divided int different age grups.
    Mathea Allansmith isn’t yur typical grandmther.She’s the ldest -wman-in the wrld t have cmpleted a marathn.She was 92 years 194 days ld when she crssed the finish line at the 2022 Hnlulu Marathn, setting the recrd fr the ldest female t cmplete a marathn.
    Mathea, nw 94, f Kla, Hawaii, USA, stays in shape all year rund by running seven days a week.n matter what the weather is.Cme rain r shine, she cvers 36 miles every week, even when she’s n hliday.The retired dctr didn’t take up running until she was 46 years ld —after a friend suggested running tw miles per day.
    “The Hnlulu Marathn is my favrite marathn mainly because it desn’t clse the gate at a certain time, which allws even the slwest runner t finish the race,” she said.“It’s ne f the best races.Fantastic registratin(注册), set-up and management make it a jy t run the race.”
    Mathea, wh desn’t allw her age t slw her dwn, thinks she is the happiest persn when she’s n the rad. She enjys running fr miles and waving and saying hell t the peple she passes.T stay in shape, Mathea keeps a steady training rutine(惯例).“I train all year rund but increase the mileage 18 weeks befre a marathn,” she said.
    Mathea said it was her career as a dctr that allwed her t understand hw her bdy and mind respnd t diet and exercise.“I see the direct relatin between mving and health,” she said.“It is imprtant t reduce stress rather than ignring it withut a plan n hw t d s.Of curse, exercise f any kind is a natural stress reducer.”
    Mathea thught getting thrugh the finish line and winning a Guinness Wrld Recrd title was the excitement f her life.“My family cmpletely surprised me after the 2022 Hnlulu Marathn, in which I achieved the wrld recrd, by wearing matching T-shirts stating my achievements,” she said.
    24.What d we knw abut Mathea frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.She used t be in pr health.
    B.She is the ldest t win a marathn.
    C.She runs daily regardless f the weather.
    D.She was encuraged by her patient t run.
    25.Why is Mathea keen n the Hnlulu Marathn?
    A.It gives winners the best awards.
    B.It prvides runners with quality service..
    C.It has n time limit fr runners t finish.
    D.It allws runners t set a wrld recrd easily.
    26.What led t Mathea’s understanding f the cnnectin between mving and health?
    A.Her prfessinal experience.B.Her training curses.
    C.Her views n stress in life.D.Her hbby frm yung.
    27.What message des Mathea’s stry deliver?
    A.Practice makes perfect.
    B.Interest is the best teacher.
    C.Age is n barrier t success.
    D.Ups and dwns make ne strng.
    Have yu ever imagined an insect-inspired rbt, which weighs less than a gram, culd ne day help ut in surgery(外科手术)?
    Scientists have designed this small, “insect-bt” called mCLARI that can cntrl and even change its bdy shape as it travels in different envirnments t fit thrugh gaps.It’s 2 centimeters lng, weighs less than 0.97 grams and can travel at a speed f 6 centimeters per secnd.It’s the smaller, faster replacement t CLARI, which was designed by the same team.
    “Because f the rbt’s small size and ability t change shape, we expect usage f this technlgy in fur imprtant areas,” the lead authr Kaushik Jayaram said.These include disaster(灾害)respnse , check n high-value bjects, envirnmental mnitring and medical treatment.
    “In the lng term, we hpe such rbts will be used mre widely in mving thrugh human bdies and perfrming surgeries that can’t be easily dne at present,” Jayaram said.With mCLARI, Jayaram’s team is mving clser t creating rbts that can fit in different envirnments—just like the insects they’re inspired by.
    The mCLARI rbt has fur legs and can mve in narrw spaces by changing between running frward and side-t-side and can use different speeds in human bdies.Its legs are jined t its bdy thrugh jints(关节), which enables mCLARI t change its bdy shape based n the envirnment it is in.Fr example, its legs can be lengthened up t 50% in certain spaces.
    As fllw-up wrk, the scientists want t give mCLARI mre pwer and sensing ability while helping the surgeries.“We are als excited abut understanding the effect f shape change n imprving functins f rbts,” Jayara m said.“And this is sure a great ne-step frward f the technlgy.The rbt will have entered the market by 2025 and will bring greater benefits t mankind, especially in medical treatment.”
    28.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A.Pssible applicatin fields f the rbt.B.Different types f the rbt.
    C.Several imprtant features f the rbt.D.Wrking prcess f the rbt.
    29.Which f the fllwing can best describe mCLARI?
    A.Valuable but uncntrllable.B.Mdern but high-cst.
    C.Heavy and time-cnsuming.D.Advanced and effective.
    30.What is Jayaram’s attitude twards the rbt?
    31.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Jayaram: A Scientist Studying Rbt Intelligence
    B.mCLARI Is Already Widely Available in the Market
    C.CLARI: A Rbt Invented by Inspiratin frm the Insects
    D.A Tiny Shape-changing Rbt Will Help Perfrm Surgeries
    A new study, led by Dr.Rebecca Stne, has shwn that children as yung as fur years ld eat 79% mre calries when they are bred, cmpared t when they are in a nrmal md(情绪).
    The researchers have explred the behavirs that make children mre likely t eat when they experience negative emtins.Often when children experience bad emtins such as bredm r sadness, caring adults will use fd t sthe them.Hwever, this behavir, knwn as emtinal feeding, appears t increase the pssibility f children eating mre when they are in lw spirits.As time passes, t many calries intake will have a significant effect n children’s health bth mentally and physically.
    Dr. Stne stresses that the experience f bredm is imprtant in the develpment f children’s sense f self and creativity, s she des nt recmmend that children shuld avid being bred.Instead, she suggests children learn t experience bredm withut turning t fd.She als suggests that parents turn their children’s attentin away frm fd when they feel bred, r restructure the hme fd envirnment t make it.less likely that children turn t fd in respnse t being bred.
    While there d appear t be individual differences between children in terms f their eating when bred, it is helpful t knw that the feeding practices that adults use arund fd might shape the likelihd f this happening. Althugh it is attractive t use fd as a tl t help children, emtinal feeding might lead t greater emtinal eating in the future.It is imprtant fr parents and caregivers t be aware that this shrt-term fix culd create future prblems.
    It is hped that, n the riginal basis f the study, the team will deeply explre ther negative md states in children and ffer advice and supprt fr families t find mre effective ways t manage challenges arund children eating behavir.
    32.What des the research fcus n?
    A.Hw children frm gd living habits.B.Hw children face challenges in life.
    C.Hw bredm impacts n children eating.D.Hw parents bring up their children.
    33.What des the underlined wrd “sthe” mean in paragraph 2?
    34.What can we knw abut emtinal feeding?
    A.It makes children lse weight quickly.
    B.It creates a new hme fd envirnment.
    C.It cannt keep children trusting their parents.
    D.It may nt help handle bad mds in the lng run.
    35.What des the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    A.Expectatins fr further studies.
    B.The imprtance f ging n a diet.
    C.The necessity f managing mds.
    D.Ways t strengthen family relatinship.
    Here are sme ways yu can change yur inner thughts t stp stress having an effect n yur mental and physical health.
    Exercise can be used as a tl t enable yu t deal with stress.The feel-gd chemicals released(释放)by the brain when yu exercise give a sense f well-being and calm. 36 Yu can then face any truble in yur life with mre cnfidence.
    Keep a jurnal
    37 Yu can keep a diary t write dwn yur thughts and recrd successes yu are thankful fr.This will make sure the psitive things are mre imprtant in yur mind.This can remind yu that whatever stress there is, gd.things are still happening t yu and yu’re still prgressing and succeeding in life.
    Cnnect with thers
    Having sme peple wh supprt yu helps yu t feel calm.When yu meet with difficulties, there are peple wh will have yur back.Yu feel much less stressed when yu have friends and family n yur side.Build yur supprt netwrk by giving t thers when they need yu. 38
    Imprve yur sleep
    Tiredness, the inability t think straight and sleep deprivatin(缺乏)make yu feel stressed.Imprving sleep quality itself des a lt in reducing stress. 39 Yu can als try practicing breathing and relaxatin.Keep yur bedrm as a cl and calm place.
    Priritize yurself
    Make sure yu are giving yurself sme time in yur week. 40 Schedule “me time” and time t practice self-care.Spare time t d what yu enjy and find fun.It’s necessary t help yu feel strng and able t deal with stress.
    A.Be really strict with wrk-life dividing line.
    B.Dn’t be afraid t ask fr the same in return.
    C.It’s f great imprtance t chse smene yu trust.
    D.Put aside sme screen-free time befre ging t bed.
    E.Be rganized, prepared and n time fr jbs that matter t yu.
    F.Peple ften care abut what desn’t g right instead f what ges well.
    G.Challenging yurself t keep wrking ut can make yu build self-respect.
    As we all knw, swimming is great fun.But it ften cmes with 41 .Drwning(溺水)is a real pssibility even fr the mst 42 swimmers.Hwever, this dangerus situatin can be.changed with watchful eyes.This summer in Flrida, tw yung men helped t 43 ne drwning death.
    Griffin Emersn, a 6-year-ld child, swam in an apartment blck’s pl.He enjyed the pl’s 44 area.But he began t 45 tward the deeper part slwly, struggling t keep his head abve water.
    All that came abut as n ne else, including his mther, seemed t . 46 him.Griffin’s frightening 47 in the water happened ver the curse f a full minute, ending up with the child ging dwn t the 48 f the pl.
    Hwever, ne yung man, Nah, did find Griffin in the pl.He tld his friend Westn t call 911 at nce.And Nah 49 t jump int the pl t 50 the 6-year-ld.
    Nah made it t Griffin, caught him and 51 him t the surface and then t the side f the pl.Befre the emergency services’ arrival, Nah and Westn tried their best t 52 life-saving steps. 53 , a few minutes later, Griffin recvered his breath.
    Griffin’s mther was 54 t Nah and Westn fr their heric actins.But the tw yung men thught it was n big deal and hped that this act f kindness wuld be 55 .
    50.A.catch up withB.keep track fC.drive awayD.check n
    55.A.paid frwardB.brught inC.taken verD.lked int
    Zhang Pihe, a Bai wman frm Dali, is intrducing the Bai culture t visitrs wh cme t Hequn Village in Sangzhi Cunty, Hunan Prvince.Peple watch hw she 56 (skillful)flds and rlls(卷)the clth — 57 imprtant step in the traditinal tie-dyeing(扎染)f the Bai ethnic grup.
    Up t nw, a great many visitrs 58 (attract)t the village.With 59 (it) rich Bai culture, Hequn Village becmes well-knwn far and wide.
    Abut 700 years ag, sme Bai peple came t Hequn Village frm Dali.After that, they were t busy making a living away frm their hmes 60 (learn)the Bai culture.As a result, nwadays many parts f the Bai culture are disappearing.Fr example, the Bai-style dance, 61 has mre than 80 types f mves, is being lst.
    Brught up and deeply influenced by the Bai culture, Zhang hpes she can help prtect and pass it dwn.S when she mved t Hequn Village, she started her lifeln g career.“I hpe t take advantage f the traditinal cultural resurces f the Bai ethnic grup t help the 62 (develp)f ur villages,” said Zhang.
    On her arrival, Zhang set up the Bai tie-dyeing rm, 63 (buy)tls and began training villagers in tie-dyeing skills. 64 a cultural advisr t the Bai cultural prjects, Zhang als gave lcal wmen lessns n the music and dance f the Bai ethnic grup, 65 (teach)them each mvement with great patience.
    “I have mre cnfidence in spreading ur Bai culture,” said Zhang.
    假定你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Jack的学校计划在下月中澳学校文化交流活动中举行包饺子大赛, 他打算参赛却没有经验,因此发来邮件向你征求建议。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:
    Every Octber, my neighbr Ollie and I wuld enter the Hallween cstume cntest(服装比赛)in ur neighbrhd park.And each year the theme was different, such as “Superheres” r “Far m Animals”.But this year’s theme was nt s specific.It was just “Be Creative”.
    Walking hme alng the rad lined with tall trees, the tw f us had a heated discussin abut what “Be Creative” meant.We lked back n the themes we had really enjyed.Fr “Superheres”, we made cstumes f Super-Frce Flying Eagle.And fr “Farm Animals”, we were dressed as a cw and a hrse.Ollie even put a pair f wings fr the hrse, saying that he’d lve t see a “flying hrse” eating grass with a cw n the farm.
    “Nw that’s the creative spirit we need fr this challenge!” I said.“Maybe, since we dn’t knw exactly what we want t be yet, we shuld start by chsing sme cl cstume-making materials.”
    Just at that mment, a falling glden leaf happened t have landed n Ollie’s shulder.“I’ve gt it!” Ollie said jyfully, picking up sme fallen leaves frm the grund.“We can make cstumes ut f leaves and pretend t be trees.I can ensure, n ne will be a tree as great as me.”
    “Oh, that’s wnderful!” I said.“I like yur creative idea and I have just gt a perfect way t be anther tree.”
    We filled up tw bags with different kinds f leaves: Ollie’s grandma, Abuela, an experienced tailr(裁缝), helped us with tns f excellent cstume-making supplies and we started t wrk.When we were dne, we each tried n the self-designed cstumes and they were really wnderful.On the mrning f the cntest, we gt up early and spent hurs making preparatins.We arrived at the park early and waited fr ur turn nervusly and eagerly.
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    The big time came fr us t g nt the stage.

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