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    这是一份湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考(五)暨期末考试英语试题(Word版含解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7, 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    得分: ____________
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15.
    1. What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Tur Bstn. B. Visit Carline. C. Watch the news.
    2. What is Jim’s suggestin abut?
    A. Raising mney. B. Hiring a lawyerC. Calling a meeting.
    3. Why des the wman ask the man t g t an Internet cafe?
    A. He can finish his design there.
    B. She wants t have cffee with him.
    C. He can have his cmputer repaired there.
    4. Where des the man find his hat?
    A. In the library. B. In the classrm. C. In the hall.
    5. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Classmates. C. Strangers.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a shp. B. In a museum. C. In the wman’s huse.
    7. Which cuntry d the chairs cme frm?
    A. Italy. B. The Netherlands. C. France.
    8. Hw des the wman feel abut the dance cmpetitin?
    A. Excited. B. Nervus. C. Cnfident.
    9. What is the wman, lking frward t mst?
    A. Dancing in frnt f many peple.
    B. Watching gd dancers n stage.
    C. Making sme gd new friends.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Salespersn and custmer.
    B. Brther and sister.
    C. Parent and child.
    11. Whse birthday is cming?
    A. The wman's. B. The wman's sn's. C. The wman's nephew's.
    12. What des the wman decide t buy?
    A. A pencil bx. B. A ty car. C. A bk.
    13. What des the man intend t d with his vide games?
    A. Remve them all. B. Sell them nline. C. Reduce his gaming time.
    14. What des the man think f playing vide games?
    A. It makes him relaxed. B. It helps his wrk. C. It is a waste f time.
    15. Why is the wman interested in vide games?
    A. She wants t be a skilled gamer.
    B. They can make her feel relaxed.
    C. It is a gd means f killing time.
    16. What have studies fund abut vide games?
    A. They have a bad influence n students.
    B. They are ppular with dctrs.
    C. They can be beneficial.
    17. What d Dave and Miranda d n Tuesday afternns?
    A. Shw peple hw t make kites.
    B. Teach peple t fly kites.
    C. Give away free kites.
    18. Why are Dressed t Kill and Tgged Up s ppular?
    A. The sales assistants are friendly.
    B. They ffer the tp designer clthes.
    C. They sell clthes f high quality at lw prices.
    19. When can peple buy things at the Flea Market?
    A. On Sunday mrnings. B. On Saturday mrnings. C. On Tuesday mrnings.
    20. What shuld peple pay attentin t when shpping at the Flea Market?
    A. The wner f the things. B. The quality f the things. C. The market surrundings.
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    72 hurs in Beijing
    Traveling t China is n lnger a luxury fr many freign passprt hlders. The Chinese gvernment has permitted a 72-hur visa-free plicy that ffers access t visitrs frm 53 cuntries including the US, France and Austria. Let's start with the capital f China, Beijing. Here's the pick f the best in Beijing.
    Mutianyu Great Wall
    Yur trip t Beijing isn't really cmplete withut seeing ne f the "New Seven Wnders f the Wrld"-the Great Wall f China. The Mutianyu sectin f the Great Wall is by far the mst well-preserved f all. Taking a ne-hur bus ride, Mutianyu wuld be yur ideal lcatin fr a half-day f hiking away frm the large crwds in the city. Als, the authrities have allwed turists t paint graffiti n a specific sectin f the Great Wall since 2014. The Great Wall was designated (把……定名为) a UNESCO Wrld Heritage site in 1987.
    Summer Palace
    Lcated in nrthwestern Beijing, the Summer Palace is by far the city's mst well- preserved ryal park. With its huge lake and hilltp views, the palace ffers yu a pastral escape int the landscape f traditinal Chinese paintings. The Summer Palace was added t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List in 1998.
    798 Art Zne
    This wuld be n the tp f my list! Named after the 798 factry that was built in the 1950s, the art zne is hme t varius galleries, design studis, art exhibitin spaces, fashinable shps and bars. Yu culd easily spend half yur day wandering arund the cmplex, feeling the cntrast f the present and the past.
    Sichuan Prvincial Restaurant
    While in Beijing, apart frm trying the city's best-knwn Peking duck, the Sichuan prvincial restaurant is ne f places where yu can enjy reginal delicius fd. It ffers ne f China's eight great cuisines, Sichuan cuisine, which ranges frm Map tfu t spicy chicken.
    21. When was the Summer Palace added t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List?
    A. In 1950. B. In 1987. C. In 1998. D. In 2014.
    22. Which place is the authr's first chice when visiting Beijing?
    A. Mutianyu Great Wall. B. 798 Art Zne.
    C. The Summer Palace. D. The Sichuan Prvincial Restaurant.
    23. Wh is the passage intended fr?
    A. The freigners t stay in Beijing fr 3 days.
    B. The turists wh prefer t travel fr free.
    C. The visitrs cming frm every crner f China.
    D. The freigners cming t Beijing fr the first time.
    "WHAT KIND OF BIRD is this?" the text frm my wildlife prtectr friend had asked. I had t lk clsely at the pht. It was an wl(猫头鹰), fund dragged and drpped n smene's backyard. I figured that she was abut tw weeks frm being ld enugh t fly.
    Cleaned and warmed, the tiny wl survived. Tgether we planned a "sft release". "The idea was that as she gained the ability t fly, we wuld let the yung wl wander ff rather naturally, n her wn schedule, int the very suitable wdland behind ur hme. "
    Her care came t us fr what we thught wuld be a few weeks at mst. We called her Alfie. But the recvery tk lnger than expected. When she shuld have been able t fly, Alfie culd nly walk n the grund. Winter was in the air, making easy fd much less available, and she had never learned t hunt. I wuld nt risk letting her lse and having her starve. When summer was again at its fullest, I left the dr pen. Alfie disappeared ne day. A week later, my wife texted me: "Guess wh's back. After that, Alfie centered her territry arund ur backyard, and befre lng, we started seeing anther wl.
    Alfie became the wl she was brn t be when she left ur prtectin fr the risks and rewards f free agency. She and her mate raised three baby birds that first year, building new links in the great chain that has gne unbrken-s far-fr millins f wl generatins.
    Alfie lives in relatinship, and ur surprising capacity t relate t ne anther expanded my perspective n her life and mine. Birds and humans have nt had a cmmn ancestr fr mre than 300 millin years, yet Alfie always enjyed a little head scratch that we enjyed giving. Our nervus systems still relate, allwing us t share such pleasures. Peple fr thusands f years lived in relatinship with nature and with their cmmunities. If there is ne lessn frm Alfie, it is that t live in relatinship is hw we might heal.
    24. Accrding t the article, which is TRUE when Alfie the wl was initially fund?
    A. It was fund frm a pht in a magazine.
    B. It was tiny and in pr cnditin.
    C. It was fund in the authr's backyard.
    D. It was fund by the authr's fellw staff.
    25. What is their attitude tward the release f Alfie?
    A. They want t release Alfie when she is ready
    B. Alfie shuld be released sftly in summer.
    C. They want t adpt Alfie when she is ld enugh.
    D. They want Alfie t wander when fd is sufficient.
    26. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t paragraph 3 and 4?
    A. Alfie was struggling in winter during the recvery.
    B. Alfie cntributed t the nging chain f wl generatins.
    C. Alfie was rewarded by a free agency after it disappeared.
    D. Alfie went back t establish her territry t thank the authr.
    27. What is the authr's purpse in writing this article?
    A. T teach readers hw t find and help injured animals.
    B. T remind readers t prtect and value the beauty f nature.
    C. T encurage readers t strengthen their bnd with wildlife.
    D. T remind readers t rethink ur relatinship with wildlife and the envirnment.
    On Earth, diamnds are cnsidered precius partly because they're fairly rare: the planet's diamnd cntent is abut 0. 001%. But n ther planets in the universe, diamnds may be as cmmn as rdinary rcks. Accrding t new research, planets with high carbn- t-xygen ratis culd frm large quantities f diamnds if thse planets als cntain water.
    The researchers behind the finding, a team frm Arizna State University and the University f Chicag, fund that under high-heat, high-pressure cnditins like thse fund inside the Earth, certain planets may be making vast quantities f diamnds beneath their surfaces.
    “In the universe, there are abut 100 billin planets in ur galaxy(星系) and 100 billin galaxies in the universe, " said Harrisn Allen-Sutter, the study's lead authr. "Even if diamnd planets are nly ne in a billin, the vast size f the universe means there culd still be trillins f diamnd planets in the universe. "
    These wrlds cntain far mre carbn than Earth. Near their cres, the planets are als believed t cntain liquid silicn carbide(碳化硅), a substance made up f silicn and carbn. By reprducing the cnditins n such a planet in the lab, the researchers cnfirmed that if heat and pressure get extreme enugh-and if a planet has water-silicn carbide can be transfrmed int diamnds.
    In a lab, the researchers fund ut what this chemical reactin wuld lk like n a carbn-rich planet by first putting silicn carbide in water. Then they placed samples f the material int a device which can cmpress(压缩) small bits f material using extreme pressure. The scientists then superheated the samples. At the end f the prcess, the samples had indeed turned int diamnds-just as the researchers had predicted. It was cnfirmatin that, yes, it's pssible that diamnd planets exit.
    Diamnd planets, assuming they exist, wuld have harsh envirnments: the researchers predicted that their atmspheres wuld have t be rich in gases that are lw in xygen. Plus, the planets wuld be t hard t be gelgically active-a characteristic that keeps temperatures stable. Fr these and ther reasns, diamnd planets aren't likely t supprt life.
    28. What d we knw abut diamnd planets frm the passage?
    A. Diamnd planets are rich in xygen and water.
    B. There are abut ne trillin diamnd planets in the universe.
    C. There is much mre carbn n diamnd planets than n Earth.
    D. Temperatures n diamnd planets are lwer than thse n Earth.
    29. In what rder did the researchers take the fllwing steps t prve their predictin?
    a. Superheated the silicn carbide.
    b. Put the silicn carbide int water.
    c. Put the silicn carbide int a cmpressing device.
    d. Prduced the envirnment f diamnd planets in the lab.
    A. abcdB. dacbC. dbcaD. dcab
    30. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Diamnd planets wuld be gelgically active.
    B. There culd be nly a few creatures n diamnd planets.
    C. Life n diamnd planets wuld be similar t that n Earth.
    D. Temperatures n diamnd planets culd be very variable.
    31. What wuld be the suitable title fr this passage?
    A. What Are Diamnd Planets Like?
    B. Why Are Diamnds n Earth S Valuable?
    C. Places Where Diamnds Are As Cmmn As Rcks
    D. The Universe Maybe Has Planets Made f Diamnds
    The biggest televisin drama has been the stry f hw peple watch it. Ten years ag nearly nine ut f ten American husehlds subscribed t cable(有线电视) r satellite TV. Tday little mre than half d. The cllapse f pay-TV, with the advance in nline streaming, has shifted the televisin industry, frcing studis t rethink their business mdel. The pace f tearing up the cntracts is nly increasing. But nt everywhere. Eurpeans are signing up fr cable and satellite TV in greater numbers than ever.
    Why has American media's trend missed Eurpe? One reasn is the price. America's cable industry lks mre cmpetitive: the largest telecmmunicatins cmpany has nly a quarter f the market. But it is highly reginalised, s mst hmes have few ptins. The result is an average mnthly cable bill f nearly 100. British hmes pay less than half the price.
    Als, American cable is running ut f shws as studis mve their best nes t their wn streaming platfrms. In Eurpe, where sme streaming platfrms have yet t be launched, pay-TV firms keep the rights t many f the mst ppular titles. Britns seeking the third seasn f Successin, fr instance, must g t the satellite TV, since there's n ther chice.
    The last reasn is that American streaming platfrms have partnered with pay-TV firms in Eurpe rather than cmpeting with them. In the race fr subscribers, the quickest way fr streaming platfrms t expand in Eurpe is t jin frces with satellite and cable cmpanies. They are the nes with access t cnsumers and the ability t handle lcal marketing and ad sales.
    Will the trend eventually crss the Atlantic? As lng as studis cntinue t license lcal cmpanies t bradcast their prgrams, cnsumers will have every reasn t stick with pay- TV. In the lng run, thugh, studis wuld rather bring viewers nt their wn platfrms. And the cnditin culd be different.
    32. What des the underlined phrase in the first paragraph mean?
    A. Refusing nline streaming. B. Changing the TV industry.
    C. Breaking prmises t users. D. Stpping using pay-TV.
    33. Which aspect f pay-TV is mainly discussed in paragraph 3?
    A. Lw price. B. Its cnvenience.
    C. Its cntent. D. Related technlgy.
    34. What is the way fr streaming platfrms t gain Eurpean subscribers quickly?
    A. Cutting dwn n their charges.
    B. Cperating with lcal pay-TV firms.
    C. Setting up satellite and cable cmpanies.
    D. Investigating Eurpean cnsumers' preference.
    35. What might be discussed in the fllwing paragraph?
    A. The future f pay-TV in Eurpe. B. New trends in watching dramas.
    C. Reasns fr the usage f pay-TV. D. The develpment f American studis.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    "Mbile phnes, tablets, and smartwatches will be largely banned in classrms in the Netherlands frm January 1, 2024, " the Dutch gvernment said. The aim is t create an envirnment that limits the disturbance caused by these devices during lessns.
    "There is increasing evidence that mbile phnes have a harmful effect during lessns. 36 Fr this reasn, mbile phnes, as well as tablets and smartwatches, will n lnger be allwed in classrms frm January 1, 2024, " the gvernment said.
    37 Fr example, they may be allwed during lessns fcusing n digital skills, fr medical purpses, r fr individuals with disabilities wh rely n such devices.
    "Even thugh mbile phnes are clsely related t ur lives, they d nt belng in the classrm, "educatin minister Rbbert Dijkgraaf said in a statement. "Students need t cncentrate and need t be given the pprtunity t study well. Mbile phnes will disturb them, scientific research shws. 38 ”
    "The ban is the result f an agreement between the ministry, schls, and related rganizatins. Schls can find their wn way t rganize the ban, " Dijkgraaf added, “ 39 ”
    A similar ban was intrduced in France in 2018 fr primary and middle schls t imprve fcus and prevent nline vilence. 40 "In mst cases, mbile phnes are already banned fr the majrity f the schl day, said the UK gvernment.
    A. We need t prtect students against this.
    B. Hwever, laws will fllw if the results are nt gd enugh.
    C. And parents will als have t fllw the rule.
    D. Pupils are less able t cncentrate and their perfrmance suffers.
    E. Devices will be banned during the whle schl day.
    F. UK schls have als suggested that such a ban be intrduced.
    G. Devices will nly be allwed if they are needed.
    My parents never nce spke f the stress f having t pay fr cllege, but I knew enugh t appreciate that it was there. Therefre, when my French teacher annunced that she'd be leading an ptinal class trip t Paris ver ne f ur 41 fr thse wh culd cme up with the mney t d it, I didn't even 42 t raise the issue at hme.
    Yet ne evening my parents 43 me dwn, lking puzzled. My mm had learned abut the France trip thrugh my friend's mm.
    "Why didn't yu tell us?" she said. "
    Because it's t much mney. "I replied.
    "That's actually nt fr yu t decide, Michelle, " my dad said gently, feeling almst 44 . "And hw are we suppsed t decide, if we dn't even knw abut it?"
    I lked at them bth, 45 f what t say. My mther glanced at me, her eyes sft. My father had changed ut f his wrk unifrm and int a clean white shirt. They were in their early frties then, married nearly twenty years. Neither ne f them had ever 46 in Eurpe. They never tk beach trips r went ut t dinner. They didn't wn a huse. We were their 47 , me and my brther. Everything went int us.
    A few mnths later, I 48 a flight t Paris with my teacher and a dzen r s f my classmates frm Whitney Yung in Chicag. We wuld stay in a hstel, and 49 the Luvre and the Eiffel Twer. We'd buy snacks frm 50 n the street and walk alng the banks f the Seine. We'd speak French like a bunch f high schl kids frm Chicag, but we'd at least speak French.
    As the plane 51 frm its gate that day, I lked ut my windw and back at the airprt, knwing that my mther std smewhere behind its black-glass windw, dressed in her winter cat and waving me n. I remember all the 52 . I remember the jet engines firing, 53 lud. And then we were rattling dwn the runway and beginning t tilt upward as the 54 seized my chest and pressed me backward int my seat fr that strange, in-between mment that cmes befre finally I feel 55
    41.A. cursesB. breaksC. districtsD. spends
    42.A. btherB. expectC. anticipateD. prmise
    43.A. putB. calmedC. tkD. sat
    44.A. cllapsedB. discuragedC. ffendedD. exhausted
    45.A. incapableB. unsureC. ashamedD. unavidable
    46.A. wrkedB. tradedC. phtgraphedD. vacatined
    47.A. investmentB. highlightC. ambitinD. inspiratin
    48.A. climbedB. caughtC. bardedD. charged
    49.A. shwcaseB. turC. surrundD. witness
    50.A. sptsB. psitinsC. scenesD. stands
    51.A. pulled inB. pulled upC. pulled awayD. pulled ver
    52.A. detailsB. accuntsC. descriptinsD. instructins
    53.A. arguablyB. shckinglyC. thrughlyD. ultimately
    54.A. windB. nisesC. scareD. acceleratin
    55.A. liftedB. remvedC. spedD. split
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    East Buy, a subsidiary f Chinese private tutring giant New Oriental, annunced the 56 (remve)f Sun Dngxu frm the psitins f Executive Directr and CEO n Saturday fllwing a dispute invlving ppular live-streamer Dng Yuhui intensified this week 57 has resulted in a significant drp in the cmpany's stck price.
    New Oriental Chairman Yu Minhng will cncurrently assume 58 psitin f CEO at East Buy. It represents a crucial step in New Oriental's transfrmatin int a live- streaming e-cmmerce cmpany; hwever, during the past week, the dispute surrunding the cmpany 59 (cntinue) t escalate(加剧).
    It riginated frm East Buy staff 60 (respnd)n scial media, stating that the scripts used fr live-bradcasts are cllabratively created by the hsts, cpywriting team, filming team and editing team.
    The reply has sparked discntent amng the fans f the platfrm's tp-perfrming hst Dng.
    The frmer CEO's subsequent respnse and aplgy nt nly failed t calm the strm
    61 stirred up mre frustratin amng netizens. In his respnse, Sun mentined that Dng's annual salary is mre than 62 (ten)f millins f yuan and expressed a firm stance against the s-called "fan culture".
    The term "fan culture" 63 (rugh) refers t an rganized and spntaneus cmmunity f fans wh supprt r prmte their idls. Subsequently, Yu als publicly respnded, acknwledging significant flaws in the cmpany's management and stating that the disclsure f Dng's salary was 64 (apprpriate). He als extended an aplgy t Dng fr the situatin.
    On Saturday evening, Dng appeared in live-streaming tgether with Yu and cnfirmed his cmmitment 65 (stay)with East Buy. Yu annunced that the cmpany wuld sn initiate a majr adjustment abut the incmes f hsts, including Dng.
    1. 古迹的简介和历史;
    2. 意义或启示。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    In the vibrant heart f a metrplis, there lived a little girl named Emily, wh pssessed a remarkable gift. She had the ability t see clrs that were invisible t thers-clrs that encded the emtins f the peple arund her. Emily's wrld was a kaleidscpe(万花筒) f vivid clrs, each persn casting a unique shadw f character that decreased and increased with their mds and life's jurney.
    As a child, Emily was fascinated by the delightful clrs she encuntered. She wuld frequently attempt t describe them t her parents and friends, but they remained indifferent t the spectrum (光谱) she saw. They credited her descriptins with the imaginative flights f a child and, ver time, Emily learned t keep her special sight a secret.
    As Emily matured, her lneliness grew ever mre intense. She felt like an utsider, unable t cnnect with thers n a deeper level. The lnging t cnnect with smene wh culd cmprehend her unique perspective and share in the miracles f her clrful existence became an ever-present ache.
    One fateful day, Emily's path crssed with that f a yung artist named Max. Max was a man apart frm anyne she had ever encuntered. He seemed t peer int her sul with a natural ease, and when she revealed her gift t him, he did nt laugh at r dismiss her. Instead, his eyes shined with interest and inspiratin, captivated by her ability t see the wrld in a light that thers culd nt.
    With Max by her side, Emily finally felt seen and understd. She had discvered an access t share her gift with the wrld and frm meaningful cnnectins she had nce thught beynd her reach. Tgether, they set sail n a petic vyage t explre the depths f human emtins, translating their essence int art that wuld appeal t and mve the suls f many.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Max and Emily began t cllabrate(合作), cmbining Emily's unique gift with Max's artistic talent.
    As their reputatin grew, s did their desire t share their findings with the wrld.
    21. C。细节理解题。根据“Summer Palace"下文介绍的最后一句“The Summer Palace was added t the UNESCOWrld Heritage List in 1998. (颐和园于 1998年被列人联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。)”可知,颐和园(theSummer Palace)是在1998年被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录的。故选C。
    22. B。细节理解题。根据“798 Art Zne"下文介绍中的第一句“This wuld be n the tp f my list! (这将会是我旅游清单中的第一个!)”可知,798 Art Zne是作者旅游清单中的第一个目的地。由此可知,去北京旅游时,798ArtZne会是作者的首选。故选B。
    23. A。推理判断题。根据第一段“Traveling t China is n lnger a luxury fr many freign passprt hlders. The Chinese gvernment has permitted a 72-hur visa-free plicy that ffers access t visitrs frm 53 cuntries including the US, France and Austria. Let’s start with the capital f China, Beijing. Here’s a pick f the best in Beijing. (对于许多持有外国护照的人来说,去中国旅游不再是一件奢侈的事。中国政府已经允许72小时免签证入境政策,包括美国、法国和奥地利在内的53个国家的游客。让我们从中国的首都北京开始。以下是精选出的北京几个最好的去处。)”以及下文对北京四个景点的详细介绍可知,文章是为获得免签72小时的外国人推荐北京最好的几个去处,故本文是写给要在北京待3天的外国人。故选A。
    24. B。细节理解题。根据第一段“It was an wl(猫头鹰), fund dragged and drpped n smene’s backyard. I figured that she was abut tw weeks frm being ld enugh t fly. "可知答案。
    25. A。推理判断题。根据第二段" we wuld let the yung wl wander ff rather naturally, n her wn schedule"可知答案。
    26. B。推理判断题。根据第四段"building new links in the great chain that has gne unbrken-s far—fr millins f wl generatins"可知答案为 B。
    27. D。推理判断题。根据全文可知答案为D。
    28. C。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“These wrlds cntain far mre carbn than Earth. "可知。
    29. C。细节理解题。根据第四、五段可知。
    30. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Plus, the planets wuld be t hard t be gelgically active—a characteristic that keeps temperatures stable. "可知。
    31. D。标题归纳题。根据全文,特别是第一段的“But n ther planets in the universe, diamnds may be as cmmn as rdinary rcks. Accrding t new research, planets with high carbn-t-xygen ratis culd frm large quantities f diamnds if thse planets als cntain water. "可知。
    32. D。词义猜测题。画线部分前提到十年前,几乎90%的美国家庭订购有线电视或卫星电视,如今,订购的家庭只有原来的一半多一点。下文提到不是所有地方都这样,如今欧洲人订购有线电视和卫星电视的数量比以往任何时候都要多。“tearing up the cntracts”字面意思为“撕毁合约”,在该语境中表示不再使用付费电视。
    33. C。主旨大义题。第三段主要讲的是随着制片公司将最好的节目转移到自己的流媒体平台上,美国有线电视的节目即将耗尽,但是在欧洲,一些流媒体服务尚未被推出,付费电视公司拥有许多最受欢迎的电视节目的版权。综合以上内容可知,本段主要围绕付费电视的内容展开。
    34. B。细节理解题。根据第四段的“The last reasn is that American streaming platfrms have partnered with pay-TVfirms in Eurpe. . cmpanies. ”可知,美国流媒体平台已经与欧洲付费电视公司建立了合作伙伴关系,而不是竞争关系。在争夺用户的过程中,流媒体平台在欧洲扩大规模的最快方式是与卫星电视和有线电视公司联手。故选B。35. A。推理判断题。最后一段讨论付费电视在美国的趋势是否也会在欧洲出现。根据最后两句话“In the lng run, thugh, studis wuld rather bring viewers nt their wn platfrms. And the cnditin culd be different. "可知,长期看来,付费电视在欧洲的情况跟现在会有所不同,故文章接下来最有可能详细讨论付费电视在欧洲的未来。
    36. D。考查行文逻辑。根据前文中讲到"mbile phnes have a harmful effect during lessns"及后文中有"Fr thisreasn”, 可知此空应该选禁止课堂使用手机等电子设备的原因。
    37. G。考查行文逻辑。通过后面的举例反推。
    38. A。考查行文逻辑。this指代前文中“手机会干扰到学生”。
    39. B。考查行文逻辑与转折关系。学校先想办法解决,但是结果不满意的话将会使用法律手段。
    40. F。考查行文逻辑与并列关系。英国学校也提议实施这样的禁令。
    41. B。A. curses课程,路线;B. breaks短假,课间休息;C. district地区;D. spends花销,花费。出国旅行应该选择在短假中进行。
    42. A。A. bther 费心费力,打扰;B. expect期待,预计;C. anticipate盼望,预见;D. prmise承诺,期待,预示。从上下文作者介绍的家境拮据看,作者应该是觉得没必要去费心考虑这个需要花多余的钱的事情。
    43. D。 A. put dwn放下;B. calmed dwn 使镇静沉着;C. tk dwn带某人下去;D. sat dwn使某人坐下。这里父母了解情况后,应该是想要和“我”好好谈谈这个事情,所以,让“我”坐下符合语境。
    44. C。A. cllapsed崩溃的;B. discuraged泄气的;C. ffended被冒犯的,生气的;D. exhausted精疲力尽的;枯竭的。从父亲所讲的话判断,父亲觉得这件事情应该由他来做主,尽管困难,但是作为家长,他不会摆脱他的责任的,所以作者的行为让父亲差点生气。
    45. B。A. incapable无能的;B. unsure不确定的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D. unavidable不可避免的。这里是作者听到父母的话后,感觉与自己之前的判断有差距,没考虑父母的心情,只考虑到了钱的问题。加之,之前以为自己不讲,父母也不会知道。所以,一时语塞,不知说什么好。
    46. D。A. wrked 工作; B. traded交易,贸易;C. phtgraphed拍照; D. vacatined度假。这里主要是列出家里经济拮据的实例。
    47. A。A. investment投入,投资;B. highlight高光,重头戏;C. ambitin雄心,抱负;D. inspiratin灵感,启发。这里还是围绕家里的经济状况而言的,是上文所列举事实的一个小归纳。
    48. C。A. . climbed爬,攀登;B. caught妊上,抓住;C. barded搭乘,登上;D. charged指控,充电,责。搭乘飞机 船,一般用bard。
    49. B。A. shwcase展示;B. tur观光,游览;C. surrund围绕,环绕,包围;D. witness见证,目睹。这里指作者和同学一起观光旅游卢浮宫等法国名胜。
    50. D。A. spts斑点,地点;B. psitins位置,立场;C. scenes场景,景色;D. stands看台,货摊,架子。这里指景区的路边货摊。
    51. C。A. pulled in 进站,驶入,靠岸; B. pulled up停下来,中断;C. pulled away离开; D. pulled ver靠边停车。这里指飞机出站离开。
    52. A。A. details细节; B. accunts描述,报道,账户;C. descriptins描述,摘要;D. instructins指导,说明。从上下文看,这里说明作者非常珍惜这次机会,记住了每一个细节。
    53. B。A. arguably按理来说;B. shckingly令人震惊地;C. thrughly彻底地,完全地;D. ultimately最后。这里指作者第一次坐飞机,飞机起飞的轰鸣声让他有惊吓的感觉。
    54. D。A. wind风,气流;B. nises噪音;C. scare害怕;D. acceleratin加速。这里在飞机上,不会有气流直接压作者,应该是加速度造成了这一系列反应。
    55. A。A. lifted上升;B. remved移开,除去;C. sped加速,超速;D. split分裂,撕裂。根据作者描述,这里应该是指飞机离开地面起飞了,进入平稳飞行阶段了。
    56. remval。考查词类转换。该处缺名词。
    57. which。考查从句引导词。句意:在本周涉及人气直播主播董宇辉的纠纷加剧并导致该公司股价大幅下跌后,中国补习巨头新东方的子公司东方甄选周六宣布免除孙东旭的执行董事兼首席执行官的职务。
    58. the。考查冠词。CEO职位为特定的一个,故填定冠词the。
    59. has cntinued。考查谓语动词。有时间标志词“during the past week”, 故填现在完成时。
    60. respnding。考查非谓语动词。“East Buy"与 respnd之间为主谓关系,故填 respnding。
    61. but。考查连词。Nt nly. . but(als). . “不仅……还……”。
    62. tens。考查名词复数。 tens f millins f"数千万的"。
    63. rughly。考查词性转换。此处修饰谓语动词 refer t sth, 故答案为副词。
    64. inapprpriate。考查形容词。根据句意此空应为“不合适的”。
    65. t stay。考查非谓语动词。 cmmitment t d sth“许诺做某事”。
    The Legacy f the Great Wall
    The Great Wall, a marvel f human ingenuity and determinatin, stretches acrss nrthern China, weaving thrugh muntains and deserts. This ancient frtificatin, dating back t the 7th century BC, was initially built t prtect against invaders. Over centuries, it grew t becme a symbl f Chinese unity and a testament t the resilience f its peple. The Great Wall teaches us that unity, hard wrk, and perseverance are keys t vercming challenges and defending what we hld dear. Its legacy cntinues t inspire generatins, reminding us f ur shared humanity and the pwer f unity in the face f adversity.
    The Enchanting Terractta Warrirs
    Lcated in Xi'an, China, the Terractta Warrirs are a marvel f ancient craftsmanship.
    Dating back ver 2, 000 years, these life-sized statues were created t guard the tmb f Emperr Qin Shi Huang. Each warrir has a unique facial expressin and pse, shwcasing the skill and dedicatin f the ancient artisans. Nt nly are they a testament t ancient military might, but they als ffer a windw int China's rich cultural and histrical heritage. The Terractta Warrirs remind us f the legacy f Emperr Qin Shi Huang and his visin fr a unified and prsperus natin. They stand as a symbl f resilience, unity, and the enduring spirit f the Chinese peple.
    The Legacy f the Frbidden City
    The Frbidden City, lcated in Beijing, is a magnificent cmplex f palaces and temples that nce served as the ryal curt f China's Emperrs.
    This walled city within a city is a masterpiece f ancient architecture, with intricate carvings and vibrant paintings adrning its walls. Fr ver five centuries, it was the center f plitical pwer in China, husing ver 24 Emperrs wh ruled the vast Ming and Qing empires. The Frbidden City is nt nly a symbl f China's rich cultural heritage but als a testament t the resilience and unity f the Chinese peple. It teaches us abut the imprtance f traditin and respect fr histry, reminding us that we are the guardians f ur cultural legacy.
    Max and Emily began t cllabrate(合作), cmbining Emily's unique gift with Max's artistic talent. They painted emtins and experiences nt canvas, capturing the essence f human existence in a series f vibrant, glamrus pieces. Their jint effrts resulted in a new frm f art that was bth an evidence f Emily's unique gift and a display f Max's creative ability. Their art quickly gained attentin. Peple were gradually drawn t the authenticity and raw emtin prtrayed in their creatins, which were like n thers.
    As their reputatin grew, s did their desire t share their findings with the wrld. They began rganizing exhibitins and giving talks, using their platfrm t enlighten thers abut the invisible threads f emtin that Emily culd see. Peple flcked t see the unique and pwerful creatins, drawn by their extrardinary beauty and cmpelling appeal. Their cllabratin became a symbl f unity, prving that tw distinct individuals, when cmbined, culd create smething extrardinary.
    Text 1
    M: Yu lk happy, Alice. Any gd news?
    W: Carline has cme back frm Bstn.
    M: Really? Shall we g and see her right nw?
    W: That's what I'm here fr.
    Text 2
    W: What did Jim suggest at the meeting?
    M: He thught the cmpany shuld have a full-time lawyer.
    W: I dubt whether we have the mney fr that.
    Text 3
    M: Oh, n! My design is due tmrrw, and my cmputer isn't wrking!
    W: Yur cmputer's brken? Why dn't yu g t an Internet cafe? Yu can use the cmputers there.
    Text 4
    W: I hpe yu haven't left yur hat in the library again.
    M: Dn't wrry, Mm. I must have left it in the classrm.
    W: Are yu sure?
    M: Oh, there it is-hanging in the hall. I frgt t take it this mrning.
    Text 5
    M: Hell, my name is Jhn Amber, and I'm calling t ask abut the psitin advertised in Friday's Daily Mail.
    W: Yes, the psitin is still pen. Yu culd cme ver and have a talk with us. Text 6
    M: I was just lking at sme f yur il paintings. Yu've gt quite a cllectin, haven't yu?
    W: Mm, yes. Dutch mstly. Eighteenth century.
    M: And I lve the way yu've dne the fireplace. Was that here when yu mved in?
    W: Yes, it's the riginal.
    M: And what beautiful chairs! French, aren't they?
    W: Italian, actually. I bught them in Milan.
    M: Oh, really? And ww! Lk at that view. Yu can see the whle city frm here.
    Text 7
    W: Have yu heard abut the dance cmpetitin my class is ging in fr, Uncle Sam?
    M: Yes, yur mm said yu were really excited abut it. Aren't yu just a bit nervus abut dancing in frnt f s many peple, thugh?
    W: N. There'll be lts f really gd dancers. Our teacher says we'll learn lts just by watching them n stage.
    M: I expect yu'll make sme gd new friends there.
    W: Mm. That's what I'm lking frward t mst f all.
    Text 8
    M: Hw can I help yu, miss?
    W: My nephew is turning 6 sn, s I'm lking fr a gift fr him.
    M: What price range d yu have in mind? We'll need t knw that befre we begin lking.
    W: Well, I usually spend abut 20 n a gift. D yu have anything nice fr that price?
    M: Hw abut a pencil bx? Many parents buy their children gifts like that.
    W: N, my brther gave him ne fr his birthday last year.
    M: Well, des he like reading stries? What abut a picture strybk?
    W: Oh, he read plenty f them when he was much yunger. They are less attractive fr him than befre.
    M: Then yu can get him this ty car. He must be interested in that.
    W: Gd idea. I'll take it.
    Text 9
    M: I'm thinking abut deleting all the vide games frm my cmputer. I spend t much time playing and at the end
    f the day, I have nthing t shw fr it.
    W: S, yu think they're a waste f time?
    M: Yeah, basically.
    W: Fr me, vide games are a great way t relax. It helps me frget abut all the stress.
    M: But if I play them t much, I actually feel mre stressed, especially when I dn't get ther imprtant things dne.
    W: I like t play as sn as I get hme. At the end f the day I knw I'm gd at smething. It makes me feel better abut myself.
    M: Yu mean all the killing builds yur self-cnfidence?
    W: N. I'm saying that knwing I'm gd at smething makes me happy. Anyway, vide games can be educatinal r develp skills. Sme studies have fund dctrs wh play cmputer games are better at perfrming mdern peratin tls than thse wh dn't.
    M: Interesting, maybe I'll check if my surgen is a gamer when I need surgery.
    Text 10

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