- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第12天 butterfly~case(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第13天 cast~charge(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第16天 college~conduct(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空) 试卷 1 次下载
- 高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第17天 conductor~convey(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空) 试卷 1 次下载
高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第14天 chapter~civilization(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)
651.chapter [ˈtʃæptə] n. 章
652.chart [tʃɑːt] n. 图表;航海图
653.chat [tʃæt] n. & vi. 聊天, 闲谈
654.cheap [tʃiːp] a. 便宜的, 贱
655.cheat [tʃiːt] n. & v. 骗取, 哄骗;作弊
656.check [tʃek] n.检查;批改 vt.校对;检查;批改
657.cheek [tʃiːk] n.面颊, 脸蛋
658.cheer [tʃɪə] n. & vi.欢呼; 喝彩
659.cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfʊl] a.兴高采烈的, 快活的
660.cheers [tʃɪə z] int. 干杯
661.cheese [tʃiːz] n. 奶酪
662.chef [ʃef] n. 厨师长, 主厨
663.chemical [ˈkemɪkəl] a. 化学的 n. 化学品
664.chemist [ˈkemɪst] n. 药剂师;化学家
665.chemistry [ˈkemɪstrɪ] n. 化学
666.cheque [tʃek] n.支票
667.chess [tʃes] n.棋
668.chest [tʃest] n.箱子;盒子;胸部
669.chew [tʃuː] vt.咀嚼
670.chick [tʃɪk] n.小鸡
671.chicken [ˈtʃɪkən] n.鸡;鸡肉
672.chief [tʃiːf] a.主要,首要的 n.领导
673.child [tʃaɪld] n.孩子, 儿童
674.childhd [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] n. 幼年时代, 童年
675.chimney [ˈtʃɪmnɪ] n. 烟囱, 烟筒
676.Chinese [tʃaɪˈniːz] a. 中国的;汉语的 n. 中国人
677.chips [tʃɪp] n.炸土豆条(片)
678.chclate [ˈtʃɔklət] n. 巧克力
679.chice [tʃɔɪs] n. 选择;抉择
680.chir [ˈkwaɪə] n. 合唱团, 教堂的唱诗班
681.chke [tʃəʊk]n. & v. 窒息
682.chse [tʃuːz]vt. 选择
683.chpsticks [ˈtʃɔpstɪks] n. 筷子
684.chrus [ˈkɔːrəs] n. 合唱曲, 歌咏队
685.Christian [ˈkrɪstɪən] n. 宗教徒
686.Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs] n. 圣诞节
687.church [tʃɜːtʃ] n. 教堂;教会
688.cigar [sɪˈɡɑː] n. 雪茄烟
689.cigarette [sɪɡəˈret] n. 纸烟, 香烟
690.cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] n. 电影院;电影
691.circle [ˈsɜːkl] n./vt. 圆圈 将…圈起来
692.circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 环形路线, 巡回赛
693.circulate [ˈsɜːkjʊleɪt] v.环流, 循环
694.circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] n. 条件,环境,状况
695.circus [ˈsɜːkəs] n. 马戏团
696.citizen [ˈsɪtɪzən] n. 公民;居民
697.city [ˈsɪtɪ] n. 市, 城市, 都市
698.civil [ˈsɪvəl] a. 国内的;平民的;民用的
699.civilian [sɪˈvɪlɪən] n. 平民, 老百姓
700.civilizatin [sɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 文明
651.chapter [ˈtʃæptə] n._________
652.chart [tʃɑːt] n. _________
653.chat [tʃæt] n. & vi. _________
654.cheap [tʃiːp] a. _________
655.cheat [tʃiːt] n. & v. _________
656.check [tʃek] n. _____ vt.______
657.cheek [tʃiːk] n. _________
658.cheer [tʃɪə] n. & vi. _________
659.cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfʊl] a. _________
660.cheers [tʃɪə z] int_________
661.cheese [tʃiːz] n. _________
662.chef [ʃef] n. _________
663.chemical [ˈkemɪkəl] a. _________
664.chemist [ˈkemɪst] n. _________
665.chemistry [ˈkemɪstrɪ] n. _________
666.cheque [tʃek] n. _________
667.chess [tʃes] n. _________
668.chest [tʃest] n. _________
669.chew [tʃuː] vt. _________
670.chick [tʃɪk] n. _________
671.chicken [ˈtʃɪkən] n. _________
672.chief [tʃiːf] a. _________
673.child [tʃaɪld] n. _________
674.childhd [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] n. _______
675.chimney [ˈtʃɪmnɪ] n. _________
676.Chinese [tʃaɪˈniːz] a. _____n. _________
677.chips [tʃɪp] n. _________
678.chclate [ˈtʃɔklət] n. ______
679.chice [tʃɔɪs] n. _________
680.chir [ˈkwaɪə] n. _________
681.chke [tʃəʊk]n. & v. ______
682.chse [tʃuːz]vt. _________
683.chpsticks [ˈtʃɔpstɪks] n. _______
684.chrus [ˈkɔːrəs] n. _________
685.Christian [ˈkrɪstɪən] n. _________
686.Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs] n. _________
687.church [tʃɜːtʃ] n. _________
688.cigar [sɪˈɡɑː] n. _________
689.cigarette [sɪɡəˈret] n. _________
690.cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] n. _________
691.circle [ˈsɜːkl] n./vt. _________
692.circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. _________
693.circulate [ˈsɜːkjʊleɪt] v. _______
694.circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] n. ____
695.circus [ˈsɜːkəs] n. _________
696.citizen [ˈsɪtɪzən] n. _________
697.city [ˈsɪtɪ] n. _________
698.civil [ˈsɪvəl] a. _________
699.civilian [sɪˈvɪlɪən] n. _________
700.civilizatin [sɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən] n. _______
651. ________ [ˈtʃæptə] n. 章
652. ________ [tʃɑːt] n. 图表;航海图
653. ________ [tʃæt] n. & vi. 聊天, 闲谈
654. ________ [tʃiːp] a. 便宜的, 贱
655. ________ [tʃiːt] n. & v. 骗取, 哄骗;作弊
656. ________ [tʃek] n.检查;批改 vt.校对;检查
657. ________ [tʃiːk] n.面颊, 脸蛋
658. ________ [tʃɪə] n. & vi.欢呼; 喝彩
659. ________ [ˈtʃɪəfʊl] a.兴高采烈的, 快活的
660. ________ [tʃɪə z] int. 干杯
661. ________ [tʃiːz] n. 奶酪
662. ________ [ʃef] n. 厨师长, 主厨
663. ________ [ˈkemɪkəl] a. 化学的 n. 化学品
664. ________ [ˈkemɪst] n. 药剂师;化学家
665. ________ [ˈkemɪstrɪ] n. 化学
666. ________ [tʃek] n.支票
667. ________ [tʃes] n.棋
668. ________ [tʃest] n.箱子;盒子;胸部
669. ________ [tʃuː] vt.咀嚼
670. ________ [tʃɪk] n.小鸡
671. ________ [ˈtʃɪkən] n.鸡;鸡肉
672. ________ [tʃiːf] a.主要,首要的 n.领导
673. ________ [tʃaɪld] n.孩子, 儿童
674. ________ [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] n. 幼年时代, 童年
675. ________ [ˈtʃɪmnɪ] n. 烟囱, 烟筒
676. ________ [tʃaɪˈniːz] a. 中国的;汉语的 n. 中国人
677. ________ [tʃɪp] n.炸土豆条(片)
678. ________ [ˈtʃɔklət] n. 巧克力
679. ________ [tʃɔɪs] n. 选择;抉择
680. ________ [ˈkwaɪə] n. 合唱团, 教堂的唱诗班
681. ________ [tʃəʊk]n. & v. 窒息
682. ________ [tʃuːz]vt. 选择
683. ________ [ˈtʃɔpstɪks] n. 筷子
684. ________ [ˈkɔːrəs] n. 合唱曲, 歌咏队
685. ________ [ˈkrɪstɪən] n. 宗教徒
686. ________ [ˈkrɪsməs] n. 圣诞节
687. ________ [tʃɜːtʃ] n. 教堂;教会
688. ________ [sɪˈɡɑː] n. 雪茄烟
689. ________ [sɪɡəˈret] n. 纸烟, 香烟
690. ________ [ˈsɪnəmə] n. 电影院;电影
691. ________ [ˈsɜːkl] n./vt. 圆圈 将…圈起来
692. ________ [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 环形路线, 巡回赛
693. ________ [ˈsɜːkjʊleɪt] v.环流, 循环
694. ________ [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] n. 条件,环境,状况
695. ________ [ˈsɜːkəs] n. 马戏团
696. ________ [ˈsɪtɪzən] n. 公民;居民
697. ________ [ˈsɪtɪ] n. 市, 城市, 都市
698. ________ [ˈsɪvəl] a. 国内的;平民的;民用的
699. ________ [sɪˈvɪlɪən] n. 平民, 老百姓
700. ________ [sɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 文明
1.chee n. / vi.欢呼; 喝彩
cheerful a.兴高采烈的, 快活的
2.chemistry n. 化学
chemical a. 化学的 n. 化学品
chemist n. 药剂师;化学家
3.chick n.小鸡
chicken n.鸡;鸡肉
4.child n.孩子, 儿童
children pl孩子们, 儿童们
childhd n. 幼年时代, 童年
5.China n 中国
china n 瓷器
Chinese a. 中国的;汉语的 n. 中国人
6.chsevt. 选择
chse pt选择
chsen pp选择
chice n. 选择;抉择
7.cigar n. 雪茄烟
cigarette n. 纸烟, 香烟
8.circulate v.环流, 循环
circulatin n. 环流, 循环
9.citizen n. 公民;居民
citizenship n. 公民身份
10.civil a. 国内的;平民的;民用的
civilian n. 平民, 老百姓
civilized a. 文明的
civilizatin n. 文明
1.chat with sb abut sth 和某人就……聊天
2.have a chat with sb 和某人聊天
3.cheat sb f sth. 骗取某人某物
4.chekc in 登记;报道
5.check ut 结账离开;查证
6.keep sth in check 控制某物
7.burst int cheers 突然欢呼起来
8.cheer up 使振作起来;使欢呼起来
9.cheer n 为……欢呼
10.a chemical change 化学变化
11.at a chemist’s 在药房
12.play chess 下棋
13.editr-in-chief 主编;总编
14.the chief engineer 总工程师
15.in ne’s childhd 在某人童年时期
16.a piece f china 一件瓷器
17.make a chice 做出选择
18.have n chice but t d 别无选择只好做某事
19.chke up 哽咽
20.cannt chse but d sth 不得不;只好
21.chse t d sth 选择做某事
22.in chrus 一致;共同
23.n Christmas Day在圣诞节
24.g t church 去做礼拜
25.g t the cinema去电影院
26.circle arund 盘绕
27.in/under n circumstances 决不;无论如何也不
28.the civil war 内战
29.civil rights 民权
30.easter civilizatin 东方文明 维度六:单句填空版(chapter~civilizatin)
1. I like t chat with her nw and then _____________ schl life.
2. In the dream Peter saw himself ___________ (chase) by a fierce wlf, and he wke suddenly.
3. He cheated the ld wman ___________ her mney.
4. I enjy _____________ (chat) with friends nline.
5. He tld me t be _____________ (cheer) and lk n the bright side.
6. When rust (锈) is frmed, a ______________(chemistry) change has taken place.
7. Claire had her luggage ___________(check) an hur befre her plane left.
8. We can chse ____________ staying at hme and taking a trip this summer hliday.
9. T my delight, I _____________ (chse) frm hundreds f applicants t attend the ceremny.
10. He had n chice but _____________ (attend) the party.
11. She let him chse which restaurant __________________ (eat).
12. Riding shared bikes are ppular with the ___________ (citizen) f Beijing.
13. He used t g t_______________ cinema in his spare time.
14. (2020全国I卷) Next I brke the eggs int a bwl and beat them quickly with_________(chpstick).
15. He had n chice but __________(perfrm) n the streets t make mney.
1.abut 2.chased 3.ut f 4.chatting 5.cheerful 6.chemical 7. checked 8.between 9. was chsen 10.t attend 11. t eat 12.citizens 13.the 14. chpsticks 15. t perfrm
1. We helped the ld clean their huses and ___________ them.
2. He ___________ at nce when I agreed t help him.
3. We ___________ ur luggage and went thrugh t the departure lunge.
4. After he finished his hmewrk, he ___________ with his friend.
5. This ne has been ___________ and it's due back in abut a week.
6. I usually ___________ with my parents n Sundays.
7. We ___________ g when ur cuntry calls us fr help.
8. She ___________ when she began t talk abut her mther.
1.chatted with 2.cheered up 3.checked in 4.played chess 5.checked ut 6.g t church 7. cannt chse but 8. chked up
维度八:熟词新意 (chapter~civilizatin)
1. Check a used car thrughly befre buying it. __________
2. He chked when he ate his fd t quickly.__________
3. Ceiling fans d a great jb f circulating air.__________
4. Under n circumstances shuld yu lend Paul mney.__________
1. 核查2.噎住了 3.循环4.流行起来
1.__________________ (如图表2所示), nly 10% f the time is taken up with sprts activities.
2.Fr many peple, riding a bicycle is _____________________(最便捷最便宜) t travel tday.
3. Brian needed t meet a man befre he ____________________(办理登机手续) fr his flight.
4. Here is yur rm key and yu shuld ____________________(结账离开) befre 12:00.
5. The crwd __________________________ (突然欢呼起来) at the sight f the superstar.
6. ____________________ (高兴点)! Things will wrk ut fr the best.
7. On Sunday when I have nthing else t d, I’d like _____________ (下棋). What abut yu?
8. Yu have t ____________________________ (作选择) between this ty and that ty.
9. Abraham Lincln nly received a limited educatin ______________________ (童年时期).
10. They have frmed a habit f ____________________ (去做礼拜) n Sundays.
11. Everyne sits arund ___________________ (成一圈), singing and playing music.
12. It’s an experimental mdel, s dn’t tuch it ________________________ (在任何情况下).
1.As is shwn n Chart 2 2.the easiest and cheapest way 3.checked in 4.check ut 5.burst int cheers 6.Cheer up 7.t play chess 8.make a chice 9.during his childhd10.ging t the church 11.in a circle 12.under any circumstances
1. 食物要细细咀嚼后再咽下去。(chew)
2. 父亲总是在我参加体育比赛时为我加油。(cheer)
3. 有很多可口的饭菜可供选择。(chse)
4 我是才艺表演的最佳人选。(chice)
5. 圣诞节即将来临。(Christmas)
1.Chew yur fd well befre yu swallw it.
2.My father never fails t cheer me n at my sprts games.
3. There are quite a lt f delicius dishes t chse frm.
4.I’m yur perfect chice fr the Talent Shw.
5.Christmas is cming/at hand/appraching/just arund the crner.
Chinese drama prmises internatinal success
| Updated: 2023-07-11 13:33
The Lngest Prmise, 1 (current) ne f the mst ppular dramas n dmestic internet platfrms, has successfully expanded its reach t internatinal markets.
2 (adapt) frm writer Cang Yue's ppular nvel Zhu Yan, the 40-episde fantastic stry made its debut n Netflix n July 7, five days after its release n WeTV, the verseas streaming platfrm f Tencent Vide.
Accrding t WeTV, which is available in ver 110 cuntries and regins, the drama has emerged as ne f the tp five 3 (ppular) series in Thailand and has secured the tp spt fr single-day viewership in several cuntries, including the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand 4 its premiere.
Starring actr Xia Zhan and 5 (actr) Ren Min, the drama prtrays a fictinal wrld 6 three races pssess distinct supernatural pwers, 7 (range) frm reviving withered plants t transfrming tears int pearls. The main stryline 8 (fcus) n a prince and a princess wh develp feelings fr each ther and unite their frces 9 (save) the wrld frm an unprecedented state f turbulence.
The series is als set t be released in 10 number f ther Asian markets, including Japan, Suth Krea and Malaysia.
1. currently 2. Adapted 3. mst ppular 4. since 5. actress 6. where 7. ranging 8. fcuses 9. t save 10. acheck in, check ut, chat with, burst int cheers, cheer up, play chess, g t church, chke up, cannt chse but, make a chice
高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第02天 active~agenda(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空): 这是一份高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第02天 active~agenda(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空),文件包含第02天activeagenda-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空原卷版docx、第02天activeagenda-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空教师版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。
高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第01天 a(n)~action(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空): 这是一份高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第01天 a(n)~action(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空),文件包含第01天anaction-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空原卷版docx、第01天anaction-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空教师版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。
高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第19天 critical~daylight(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空): 这是一份高考英语2024年3500词汇一遍过(原卷版+解析版) 第19天 critical~daylight(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空),文件包含第19天criticaldaylight英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过原卷版1docx、第19天criticaldaylight英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过原卷版docx、第19天criticaldaylight英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过教师版1docx、第19天criticaldaylight英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过教师版docx等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共26页, 欢迎下载使用。