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    长郡中学2024届高三期末适应性考 英 语
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂 黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在 答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听 力 (共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。
    1.What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A.Change the title. B.Take readers advice. C.Write anther article.
    2.Hw did the man get there?
    A.By plane. B.By bus C.By subway
    3.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Wildlife. B.A prject. C.Task time.
    4.What des the man think f the mvie?
    A.Funny B.Serius. C.Awful
    5.What is prbably the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Dctr and patient.
    B.Hst and guest
    C.Salespersn and custmer.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.Wh is the display mainly intended fr?
    A.Current English majrs.
    B.Ptential university applicants.
    C.Students frm varius departments.
    7. What will the wman d next?
    A.Read. B.Design C.Study
    8.Hw was the weather early in the mrning?
    A.Sunny B.Cludy. C.Rainy
    9.What is the wman s attitude twards weather frecasters?
    A.Disappinted. B.Ambiguus C.Understanding
    10.What is this cmpetitin abut?
    A.Saving energy at hme.
    B.Reducing nise pllutin.
    C.Using technlgy creatively
    11.What is the stne used fr?
    A.Starting the machine.
    B.Increasing air pressure.
    C.Prducing carbn dixide.
    12.Why des the wman cme t the man?
    A.T discuss the way f writing a paper.
    B.T find the right material fr a mdel.
    C.T study the apprach t detailed drawings.
    13.What des the wman intend t d?
    A.Develp sme phts. B.Get phts digitized. C.Beautify the phts.
    14.Hw much des the wman need t pay?
    A.$300. B.$240. C.$150.
    15.Why is a cardbard bx recmmended?
    A.It is strnger B.It is cheaper C.It is lighter
    16.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.In a pht studi.
    B.In a pst ffice.
    C,In an advertising cmpany
    17.What can Devil d?
    A.Play music. B.Carry luggage C.Remve blcks. 18.Which aspect f Devil is particularly mentined fr imprvement?
    A.Its steadiness. B.Its pwer C.Its structure.
    19.Why did Lin uplad his vide?
    A.T kill time. B.T recrd his life. C.T influence mre yuth.
    20.When did Lin realize his inventins culd benefit thers?
    A.In 2018. B.In 2019. C.In 2021.
    第二部分 阅 读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    The Seychelles----that remte island chain ff the cast f nrthem Africa is heaven fr scuba divers(水肺潜水) .With mre than 100 islands,mst f which are uninhabited,and a relatively small amunt f turists impacting the ceans and beaches,the Seychelles has sme truly best scuba diving.
    Fisherman's Cve Reef
    If yu're a beginner diver wh lves gentle drp-ffs and sea turtles,make sure Fisherman's Cve Reef is n yur scuba diving radar.The site is very ppular as there's rarely a current,it's very shallw,and has a clrful reef with everything frm eagle rays t small leaf fish,which can be very difficult t find against the seagrass and cral.
    Ennerdale Wreck
    If yu lve wreck diving,head right fr the Ennerdale,a British il tanker that accidentally sunk in 1970.Because f the medium-t-strng current and depth,it's fr divers with advanced pen water cert.They'll be able t swim arund the wreck's prpellers,penetrate the frame,and likely see reef sharks and the ccasinal bull shark.
    Baie Ternay Marine Park
    The shallw,prtected area f cean has healthy and varied cral,and a lively reef.Bth snrkelers and beginner divers are likely t see sea turtles grazing n the seagrass,caching reef fish,and small eels pking ut f the sandy cean flr.
    Aldabra Atll
    It desn't get much mre remte than the Aldabra Atll,a UNESCO site.The cral reef cntinues underwater,which makes all the island's dive sites stunning.Advanced divers can d drift dives in a channel with a chance f seeing sharks,while beginners can stay clser t the reefs, checking the varius species f marine life in the Indian Ocean ff their must-see list.The island is hme t nearly 100,000 giant trtises,as well as several ther rare species.
    21.Why is the Seychelles knwn as heaven fr scuba divers?
    A.Its clse distance t nrthern Africa.
    B.The high chance t spt the fish in the regin.
    C.Its relatively small number f inhabited islands.
    D.The effect f the ceans and beaches n turism.
    22.What makes Ennerdale Wreck appealing t divers?
    A.The chance t see a sunken ship under the cean.
    B.The numerus sharks and large marine creatures.
    C.Its remte lcatin away frm the main islands.
    D.Its attractin t bth snrkelers and divers.
    英语试题 (第3页,共10页)
    23.Which place is suitable fr bth beginners and advanced divers?
    A.Aldabra Atll. B.Ennerdale Wreck.
    C.Fisherman's Cve Reef. D.Baie Temay Marine Park.
    It's difficult t hpe smetimes but there are still a few instances telling us that smething better awaits us whether we chse t hld n t it r nt.Annie,a 19-year-ldblack Labradr, was given arund a mnth t live when she was placed fr adptin in June 2022.Annie's frmer wner had given up hpe and sent her t a shelter huse in Texas because she wuldn't eat r
    Once Siler,31,discvered Annie's pht,she knew she had t help.Instead f a mnth r tw,Annie was adpted by Siler and her rmmate,Lisa,fr an entire year.Siler knew what it tk t care fr an elderly dg because she had recently lst her wn dg,whm she had since cllege.Siler shared,“I felt mentally and emtinally prepared t take n a dg that wasn't ging t have lng.”Siler described Annie as an easyging dg.Her favrite pastimes included pening mail and sitting utside,watching peple and cars pass by,earning her the nickname“nsy
    “Peple kept telling us she was having s much fun and enjying life and that kept her ging, and I hpe that was the case.Annie lived almst exactly a year after being adpted by Siler and Lisa.Annie had the life we pray every senir dg we rescue gets t experience.Annie didn't just live ut this past year,she flwered.Annie had an ill stmach.Surgical peratin was her nly ptin and that was never smething we wuld put Annie thrugh.Cllectively,we made the
    hardest decisin fr us but kindest fr Annie.”Siler kept in her diary.
    “I can't help but think that Annie wuld be s prud.She was ne special dg whse stry will live n thrugh thse wh adpt senirs.She left a giant,giant hle in my heart…but times, where everyne wh lved her can cme tgether in her hnr,will help start mending my brken
    heart.”Siler wrte in her pst.
    24.Why was Annie placed fr adptin in June 2022?
    A.Because she was t ld fr her wner t care fr.
    B.Because her wner had given up hpe fr her refusal t eat r drink.
    C.Because Annie's wner was mving and culdn't take her alng.
    D.Because she had a medical cnditin that required extensive care.
    25.What mtivated Siler t adpt Annie?
    A.Siler wanted a guard dg fr her huse.
    B.Siler's rmmate insisted n adpting a dg.
    C.Siler was an advcate fr senir dg adptin.
    D.Siler sught cmpany after lsing her previus dg
    26.What did peple say abut Annie's life after adptin?
    A.She experienced enrmus jy.
    B.She was miserable and lnely.
    C.She was cnstantly sick and in pain.
    D.She didn't interact with peple r ther dgs.
    27.What did Siler hpe fr in terms f Annie's stry?
    A.Annie's stry wuld be frgtten easily.
    B.Annie's stry wuld encurage senirs t hunt.
    C.Annie's stry wuld inspire senir dgs adptin.
    D.Annie's stry wuld nly be remembered fr its sadness.
    On September 7,1991,the cstliest hailstrm ( 花 暴 )in Canadian histry hit Calgary's suthem suburbs.As a result,since 1996 a grup f insurance cmpanies have spent abut $2millin per year n the Alberta Hail Suppressin Prject.Airplanes seed threatening strm cells with a chemical t make small ice crystals fall as rain befre they can grw int dangerus hailstnes.But farmers in east-central Alberta —dwnwind f the hail prject flights —wrry that precius misture(水分)is being stlen frm their thirsty land by the clud seeding.
    Nrman Stienwand,wh farms in that area,has been addressing public meetings n this issue fr years“Basically,the prvincial gvermment is letting the insurance cmpanies prtect the Calgary-Edmntn urban area frm hail,”Mr.Stienwan d says,“but they're increasing drught
    risk as far east as Saskatchewan.”
    The Alberta hail prject is managed by Terry Krauss,a clud physicist wh wrks fr Weather Mdificatin Inc.f Farg,Nrth Dakta.“We affect nly a very small percentage f the ttal misture in the air,s we cannt be cusing drught.”Dr.Krauss says.“In fact,we may be
    helping increase the misture dwnwind by creating wetter grund."
    One dubter abut the safety f clud seeding is Chuck Dswell,a research scientist wh just retired frm the University f Oklahma.“In 1999,I persnally saw significant trnades (龙卷风) frm frm a seeded strm cell in Kansas,”Dr.Dswell says.“Des clud seeding create killer
    strms r reduce misture dwnwind?N ne really knws,f curse,but the seeding ges n.”
    Given the degree f dubt,Mr.Stienwand suggests,"it wuld be wise t stp clud seeding." In practice,dubt has had the ppsite effect.Due t the lack f scientific prf cncerning their
    impacts,n ne has succeeded in winning a lawsuit against clud-seeding cmpanies.Hence,
    private climate engineering can prceed in relative legal safety.
    28.What des the prject aim t d?
    A.Cnserve misture in the sil. B.Prevent the frmatin f hailstnes.
    C.Frecast disastrus hailstrms. D.Investigate chemical use in farming.
    29.Wh are ppsed t the prject?
    A.Farmers in east-central Alberta. B.Managers f insurance cmpanies.
    C.Prvincial gvernment fficials. D.Residents f Calgary and Edmntn
    英语试题 (第5页,共10页)
    30.Why des Dr.Dswell mentin the trnades he saw in 1999?
    A.T cmpare different kinds f seeding methds.
    B.T illustrate the develpment f big hailstrms.
    C.T indicate a pssible danger f clud seeding.
    D.T shw the link between strms and misture.
    31.What can we infer ffm the last paragraph?
    A.Scientific studies have prved Stienwand right.
    B.Private climate engineering is illegal in Canada.
    C.The dubt abut clud seeding has disappeared.
    D.Clud-seeding cmpanies will cntinue t exist.
    Want t knw what is cming sn t a cinema near yu?Prbably nt a 1.5-hur-lng mvie,as in the ld days.On Octber 20th cmes Killers f the Flwer Mn.At nearly three and a half hurs,its length is nearly duble that f the average film last year.Even mvie fans struggle t cncentrate fr that lng and sme viewers even nd ff.Afterwards there is a mad dash fr the tilets.When des watching a film becme such a slg?
    The Ecnmist analyzed ver 100,000 feature films released internatinally since the 1930s, the start f Hllywd's glden age,using data frm IMDb,a mvie database.The average length f prductins rse by arund 24%,frm ne hur and 21 minutes in the 1930s t ne hur and 47minutes in 2022.Fr the ten mst-ppular titles,the average length grew t arund tw and a half hurs in 2022,nearly 50%higher than in the 1930s.
    One driver f this trend is that studis want t squeeze the mst ut f their cstly intellectual prperty(知识产权),but they.are cmpeting with streaming platfrms fr eyeballs.The hpe is that a spectacular,drawn-ut "event"mvie will draw audiences away frm the small screen and int cinemas.This apprach has ften paid ff:Avengers,Endgame,Marvel's three-hur superher masterpieces,was the highest-grssing(票房最高的)film in 2019.Last year lng mvies series made up mst f the highest-grssing films in America.
    Anther explanatin fr lnger films has t d with directrs'grwing influence.Wh wuld dare tell the likes f Mr.Nlan t cut ut his masterpieces?Mrever,streaming platfrms,which d nt have t wrry as much abut the length because viewers can pause whenever they like, may attract big names by prmising them sufficient fund and creative freedm.Netflix funded and released three-hur The Irishman in 2019,a film that wuld have benefited frm a decisive editr,Irish r therwise.
    32.The underlined part"a slg"in paragraph 1 refers t a(n)
    A.pleasure B.effrt C.cnflict D.feast
    33.What can be inferred frm paragraph 2?
    A.The average length affects the ppularity f films.
    B.Great advances have been made in film industry.
    C.Hllywd starts a glden age f feature films.
    D.The average duratin f mvies has stretched.
    34.What sets the trend f lnger mvies?
    A.Cmpetitin fr the target audience. B.Thirst fr mre classic prductins.
    C.Influence f streaming platfrms. D.Preference fr decisive editrs.
    35.What is prbably the best title fr the passage?
    A.Mvie Enthusiasts B.Mvie Marathns
    C.Mvie Prductin D.Mvie Influence
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。
    Pursue Yur Dreams Tday,Nt Tmrrw
    Have yu caught yurself daydreaming abut yur dreams?We ften pstpne ur dreams, trapped in a cycle f delay.But why wait? 36 Yu dn't have t take a huge,
    life-changing step.Yu can take minute steps tward a brighter future.And start right nw.
    37 If yu never try,yu're ging t be weighed dwn by yur regrets.Yu're always ging t wnder hw yur life wuldve turned ut if yu actually tk a chance n
    yurself.Dn't let yur future self be disappinted by yur present self.
    It desn't matter hw ld yu are r hw many peple have warned yu that yu're never
    ging t succeed.Even the mst successful peple have had their hesitatins abut whether they
    had what it tk t make it in their field. 38 __Embrace a mindset f determinatin,
    knwing that success is within yur reach.
    At the end f the day,yu need t carve ut a path fr yurself that will lead t the mst satisfactin.If yu allw yur fear t get the best f yu,yu're never ging t frgive yurself. 39 .It's what yu wuld encurage yur friends t d,s why aren't yu giving yurself that
    same push?
    Smetimes,fllwing yur passin means spending a lt f yur time each day.It may require making slight adjustments t yur schedule,but yu dn't have t sacrifice everything t
    fllw yur hearts.Try t strike a balance between yur current life and yur dreams. 40
    Pursue yur dreams nw,even thugh that means yu might need t break ut f yur
    cmfrt zne,and even thugh it means entering the unknwn.
    A.Ask yurself what wuld be wrse.
    B.Starting small is cmpletely acceptable.
    C.Yu we it t yurself t g after yur dreams.
    D.New pprtunities may lead t persnal grwth.
    E.If things g well,yu can gradually make further shifts.
    F.Yu need t mve past yur insecurities and explre yur full ptential.
    G.Hard as it is,it's crucial t wave ff the dubts in the back f yur mind.
    英语试题 ( 第 7 页,共10 页)
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
    I fund a wnderful picture f Malan karst cnes nline and presented it t the innkeeper. “Yu can't g there,”the innkeeper. 41 me.“The viewing platfrm has been clsed due t 42 _that t many visitrs culd cause gelgical damage.”
    Despite ur disappintment,we . 43 an alternative:a seven-hur hike thrugh the “funnel frest”.Initially,we were. 44 t run the risk.Hwever,I had . 45 the turism mtt in the nature reserve:"If yu dn't d it nw,yu wn't d it in yur lifetime."Three f ur grup 46 _decided t venture int the frest.The innkeeper respnded with a knwing 47 :“Great.Bear Grylls went there.”
    The next mrning,we set ff with a lcal . 48 .Rain came and went three times,and befre I actually . 49 t climb ver the first muntain,I had already gt wet t the skin.I was a walking. 50 _f mud and water.
    Our guide,in his 50s,behaved like a btanist,intrducing the lcally specific plants t us,but I was hardly in the. 51 .Every step sank int the muddy,sucking grund.Every lg r rck in frnt f us was a physical . 52 .“One can never reach thse places withut strng willpwer,”I murmured,reciting that millennium-ld. 53 ,ver and ver again.
    Sinkhles and entrances t undergrund rivers kept ppping up alng ur 54 Thinking f them leading t an unknwn wrld,I began t. 55 the rad that I can cntrl
    even mre.
    Wandering in a green chas withut any bvius landmarks is als breathtaking.
    B.md C.humr D.pity
    B.energy C.activity D.challenge
    B.ignre C.dubt D.appreciate
    B.tk in
    C.set dwn
    D.ruled ut
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1 .5分,满分15分)
    Huazha Festival has remained silent fr centuries.Hwever,the traditinal festival clsely 56 cnnect)with spring is cming back t life because f peple's intense enthusiasm fr
    traditinal Chinese culture and a rising need fr seasnal sightseeing turs.
    Huazha Festival 57 (say)t be celebrated as the birthday f the flwer gddess in every secnd mnth n the Chinese lunar calendar.Its rigin can date 58 the perid befre the Qin Dynasty and was. 59(fficial)set as a festival during the Sui and Tang dynasties.During the Tang Dynasty,the festival. 60(fall)n the 15th day f the secnd lunar mnth.It was ne f the three natinwide celebratins back then.The ther tw were Lantern Festival and
    Mid-Autumn Festival.
    Hwever,the timing f the festival varies between regins,because f the difference in when flwering begins.As 61 result,many parts f the cuntry tk turns 62 (launch)their celebratins as if presenting a feast fr the eyes in relays.
    Despite varius highlights,the celebratins acrss different regins shared the features f hanfu 63 flwer appreciatin.The festival als plays a key rle in bsting shpping and caters t spending in nearby areas.
    Its renaissance (复兴)reflects the change in yung peple's aesthetic rientatin(审美取向), emtinal needs and cnsumptin preferences,and indicates their 64(recgnize)f excellent traditinal Chinese culture.Behind that is the 65 (grw)cultural cnfidence amng yung
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 ( 满 分 1 5 分 )
    你校英语广播站正在进行以 “Take care f the campus—start frm me” 为题的征稿活动。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    Take care f the campus—start frm me
    第二节 ( 满 分 2 5 分 )
    Eva spent the first week f high schl trying t keep her head abve water.One f the majr headaches fr her was finding her way in the huge schl building.It was a six-stry building.On each flr,hallways stretched in fur directins,leading t classrms,labratries,and teachers’ ffices.Smewhere in the building,there was als a library,a cafeteria,and a gym.
    Having a pr sense f directin,Eva fund it impssible t get arund in such a huge building.All the different hallways and rms were t much t think abut,let alne cmmit t memry.She decided that she wuld memrize where her classes were and then pretend that the rest f the place didn't exist.
    In her first PE class,Eva was shcked when Cach Pitt annunced that everyne had t run ne mile arund the track utside.She searched the faces f her classmates fr signs f panic. There was nthing she feared mre than having t run a whle mile.T Eva,“a mile”was used t describe lng distances.It was ten miles frm her hme t her grandfather's,and that always seemed like a lng way,even in a car!
    When Cach Pitt blew his whistle(哨子),Eva figured she wuld be left in the dust.Hwever, while sme f her classmates edged ahead,thers actually fell behind.”It's just the beginning,
    “she thught.”I'll cme in last fr sure.“
    Sn Eva began t breathe hard,with her heart punding and legs shaking.Feeling desperate, Eva started using a mind trick n herself.She stpped thinking abut the wrd"mile.“Instead,she fcused n reaching the shadw cast n the track by an ak tree up ahead.Then she cncentrated n jgging t the spt where the track curved(拐弯) .After that,she tried t see if she culd
    cmplete her first lap.One lap turned int tw,then three,then fur.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:When Cach Pitt said “Nice wrk!”t her at the finish line,Eva was surprised.
    Paragraph 2:Eva decided t use the same trick t deal with the schl building.

    湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语试题docx、湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语答案pdf、湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024届高三上学期期末适应性考试英语: 这是一份湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024届高三上学期期末适应性考试英语,共19页。

    2024长沙长郡中学高三上学期期末适应性考英语试题含解析(含听力): 这是一份2024长沙长郡中学高三上学期期末适应性考英语试题含解析(含听力),文件包含湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语试题docx、湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语答案pdf、湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。






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