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    这是一份山西省太原市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末学业诊断英语试卷(含听),文件包含山西省太原市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末学业诊断英语试卷docx、太原市2023-2024学年第一学期高三年级测试卷-英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. In a bakery.
    2. Wh shwed great interest in the Bradway musical?
    A. The man. B. The wman. C. The man's wife.
    3. What will the man prbably d this weekend?
    A. Plan a destinatin. B. Take a city walk. C. Visit sme museums.
    4. What des the wman cmplain abut?
    A. The barking dg. B. The heavy wrklad. C. Her pr health.
    5. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Buy fd and drinks. B. Take care f the suitcase.
    C. Check the train schedule.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What is the wman's birthplace?
    A. Denmark. B. Sweden. C. America.
    7. Where will the wman give a lecture?
    A. In UC Berkeley. B. In Clumbia University. C. In New Yrk University.
    8. What's the pssible relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Dctr and patient. C. Teacher and student.
    9. Hw ften des the wman g t the gym?
    A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week.
    10. What may the man think f the wman?
    A. Easy-ging. B. Well-behaved. C. Self-disciplined.
    11. What's the prblem with the bathrm?
    A. Limited space. B. N heater. C. Lack f sunshine.
    12. Why des the wman like the kitchen?
    A. Because it has a gd view. B. Because it is well-equipped.
    C. Because it is huge and bright.
    13. What des the man suggest ding next?
    A. Bringing in the pets. B. Remving all the stuff.
    C. Buying sme furniture.
    14. What psitin des the man apply fr?
    A. A salespersn. B. An accuntant. C. A sftware develper.
    15. What makes the man qualified fr the jb?
    A. Rich experience. B. Outging persnality. C. Prfessinal knwledge.
    16. Which aspect f the cmpany appeals t the man?
    A. The cmpany culture. B. The fixed wrking hurs.
    C. The free accmmdatins.
    17. What is the speaker prbably?
    A. A prgram hst. B. A building designer. C. A cmmunity leader.
    18. Hw many Chinese peple were there in Vancuver at the beginning f 19th century?
    A. 2, 000. B. 350. C. 510.
    19. What makes Chinese the largest minrity ethnic grup in Vancuver?
    A. The diversity f media. B. The wide use f Chinese.
    C. The vast area f Chinatwn.
    20. Wh built Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Park and Garden?
    A. New Chinese immigrants. B. Canadian riginal inhabitants.
    C. Architecture experts frm Suzhu.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分60分)
    As an alternative t ging straight frm high schl t cllege, many yung adults are taking a gap year as a chance t travel, vlunteer r explre new skills. We've runded up a selectin f sme f the tp gap year prgrams, which will help yu get started searching fr yur perfect pst-graduatin experience.
    The Leap
    As a UK-based rganizatin, it ffers vlunteer travel ptins in bth grup-structured and independent plans. The Leap creates amazing hands-n pprtunities t travel while wrking n sustainability prjects, such as repairing cral reefs in Suth Africa r cnservatin effrts n the beaches and frests in Csta Rica. The rganizatin is respnsible fr half tuitin csts.
    Wrkaway encurages cultural exchange thrugh wrk, frm wrking n a farm in British Clumbia t teaching art t children in Peru. Living expenses will be prvided as lng as yung adults wrk there. This can be a gd ptin t gain sme new skills and see the wrld fr free.
    Habitat fr Humanity (HFH)
    This nnprfit rganizatin ffers full-year service psitins at lcal habitat rganizatins acrss the US. In this prgram, participants can learn and develp new skills while serving a critical rle in helping HFH build, create r imprve hmes fr thse in need. There is a small living allwance fr thse wh qualify.
    Where There Be Dragns (WTBD)
    WTBD has sme f the mst in-depth freign travel prgrams available. It ffers plitical science, histry, sustainability, ecnmics and language immersin in remte lcals as well as thse clser t hme. WTBD ffers cllege credits as part f their prgrams. This prgram is ne f the mst expensive ptins, but financial aid is available.
    21. What des the prgram f The Leap fcus n?
    A. Cultural exchange. B. Handicraft-making. C. Individual planning. D. Envirnmental prjects.
    22. What d these fur prgrams have in cmmn?
    A. They perate in grups. B. They ffer cllege credits.
    C. They prvide financial aid. D. They are cnducted in the UK.
    23. Wh is the text intended fr?
    A. Travel enthusiasts. B. High schl graduates.
    C. Charity rganizers. D. Cllege teachers.
    Taking an end-f-seasn break sunds simple, right? Yu may think a carefree week spent n a beach is what's mst desired. But actually mst athletes wuld spend hurs trying t cnvince their caches that they really dn't need t rest at all, subsequently filling up all f their given time with as many replacement activities as pssible.
    This year I was given a week's hliday by my cach t enjy abslute relaxatin. Fr the first three days I remained happily wrapped up in the satisfactin f my last race result, embracing pajama days, taking all mrning just t have breakfast and using my spare time t scialize mre than I usually d. I was enjying it, and yet···All this resting made me feel restless. Then came Thursday. I laced up my shes and headed back t the track.
    The simple part f resting is the physical act f it, but given that I usually train with fcus and tensin, learning t check ut mentally desn't always cme naturally after a seasn, especially when I'm n hliday. After a seasn with gd results, sme well-meaning peple excitedly ask “What's next?” It can wander in my mind and raise dubt ver what I shuld be ding accrding t ther peple's pinins.
    In this case I talked t sme experienced athletes and raised my cncern, ne f whm suggested establishing a general utline f the next seasn's gals prir t hlidays. I find it helpful, nt nly preventing me frm feeling rushed t get back int wrkuts t sn and giving a sense f purpse t the rest itself, but als ensuring that I will nt spend my break making plans but allw my mind t rest t.
    We all fear lsing the fitness and the achievements that we wrked s hard t gain, but in reality, taking the apprpriate rest and knwing hw t take it is a help. Here's hping that I'll get the balance next year. But if I didn't, at least I wuld enjy myself.
    24. What d mst athletes d during a hliday after a seasn?
    A. Negtiate with caches. B. D alternative wrkuts.
    C. Enjy abslute relaxatin. D. Travel t a seaside destinatin.
    25. What can we infer abut the authr's hliday frm paragraph 2?
    A. It was carefully arranged. B. It fllwed the cach's plan.
    C. It was ended ahead f schedule. D. It was interrupted by unexpected tasks.
    26. What is the authr's real need during the break time?
    A. Mind rest. B. Physical recvery.
    C. Time management. D. Prfessinal guidance.
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Secrets t Winning n TracksB. Plans fr Next Seasn's Training
    C. End-f-seasn Break: A New BeginningD. Frm Legs t Brain: True Relaxatin fr Athletes
    The first wrd n an ancient Rman scrll carbnized by Munt Vesuvius' eruptin in 79 C. E. has recently been decded, pening the dr t eventually decding the rest f the texts which haven't been read in the past 2, 000 years.
    The scrll, alng with sme 800 scrlls unearthed in the ancient Rman city f Herculaneum, lks mre like a burnt lg. It’s s fragile (易碎的) that it wuld fall apart if researchers tried t unrll it. Early attempts t unrll and read it caused irreversible (不可逆的) damage and n such attempts have been made since the 19th century.
    Brent Seales, a cmputer scientist frm the University f Kentucky has been perfecting CT scan technlgy t see what's inside the scrlls withut actually tuching them, a prcess he calls “virtual unwrapping”. Because cmmnly the ink cntains metal, it can be seen n Seales' CT scans. Unfrtunately, the Herculaneum scrlls were written in carbn-based ink made frm charcal (木炭) and water. When Seales scanned them, nthing appeared t the naked eye.
    Earlier this year, Seales' team launched “the Vesuvius Challenge”, encuraging peple t use AI t further explre researchers' scans. In early August, a cntestant called Casey Handmer gt a reward f $10, 000 fr being “the first persn t find substantial, cnvincing evidence f ink within the unpened scrlls. “As a fllw-up, a 21-year-ld cmputer science student Luke Farritr drew inspiratin frm his discvery and created a machine-learning algrithm (算法) that identified ten clear letters spelled as the English wrd “purple”, marking the first dive int an unpened ancient bk.
    These discveries are critical steps tward decding the remaining unpened scrlls. “Sme 95 percent f the material frm this imprtant philsphical perids f humanity is lst,” says Rbert Fwler, a classicist at the University f Bristl. "Recvering them wuld transfrm ur knwledge f the ancient wrld in ways we can hardly imagine. The impact culd be as great as the rediscvery f manuscripts during the Renaissance,” he adds.
    28. Which f the fllwing can be the reasn why the scrll has becme fragile?
    A. It was made f a burnt lg. B. It was unearthed 200 years ag.
    C. It was unrlled by sme researchers. D. It was carbnized by a vlcanic eruptin.
    29. Why were Seales' scans unable t read Herculaneum scrlls?
    A. Because the scrlls were wet with water.
    B. Because the carbn-based ink dirtied the scrlls.
    C. Because the writing material cntained n metal.
    D. Because virtual wrappers were tuched by hands.
    30. What is mainly talked abut in paragraph 4?
    A. The influence f the research. B. The further plans t unrll the scrlls.
    C. The reasn fr launching the prgram. D. The prcess f decding the text with AI.
    31. What des Rbert Fwler think f these discveries?
    A. Imaginary. B. Grundbreaking. C. Cnventinal. D. Unidentifiable.
    Humans have mved species f plants and animals arund, intrducing them t new habitats, fr as lng as we've been n Earth. Many f these intrduced species have been beneficial, such as Eurpean hneybees that have prved t be excellent pllinatrs (传粉者) in the US. But that’s nt the case fr Eurpean beachgrass intrduced t sand dunes (堆) n the cast f Califrnia. Beachgrass was planted t stabilize the ever-shifting dunes and it wrked well. But the beachgrass is usually the nly species living n dunes where there nce were a large variety f native grasses and wildflwers.
    It's true that nt all nn-native species becme invasive, but thse that d adapt t the lcal envirnment, spread rapidly and utcmpete native wildlife, ften due t the absence f natural enemies that can keep their ppulatin in check. The spread f invasive species leads t the extinctin and bidiversity lss n Earth, causing financial and eclgical damage, accrding t the leading scientists.
    Sme campaigns have been launched t eradicate invasive species, including pesticides spray, manual remval and bilgical cntrls. Interestingly, a grwing number f chefs and cnservatinists even have a far simpler idea: Eat them t beat them. Apart frm prviding favrable habitats fr lcal species, perhaps the best way t fight invasive species is t prevent them frm ccurring in the first place. When bating, clean the bat thrughly befre transprting it t a different bdy f water. Dn't “pack a pest” when travelling, fr fruit and vegetables, plants, insects and animals can carry pests r becme invasive themselves. If yu plan t wn an alien pet, d yur research and plan ahead t make sure yu can cmmit t lking after it instead f releasing it int the wild. When yu transfer an rganism, yu can als transfer its neighbrs. Think befre yu mve an animal r plant arund!
    32. What phenmenn des the authr describe in paragraph 1?
    A. Intrduced species may cause unexpected results.
    B. The beachgrass led t the bidiversity n the dunes.
    C. Humans have a lng histry f wrking with nature.
    D. The hneybees were frced ut f Eurpe by humans.
    33. What helps nn-native species spread quickly?
    A. The balanced ecsytem. B. The cmpetitive native wildlife.
    C. The absence f natural enemies. D. The extictin f invasive species.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “eradicate” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Increase. B. Intrduce. C. Wipe ut. D. Take ver.
    35. What can peple d t slve the prblem f invasive species?
    A. Release rganisms int the wild. B. Prvide favrable habitats fr them.
    C. Mind the acts f transferring species. D. Keep the wildlife ppulatin in check.
    Being minimalist is abut intentinally reducing yur pssessins t the items yu value mst and increasing the amunt f time yu spend n the peple and activities yu truly enjy. It can take many frms. 36 .This way yu can ptimize (优化) yur life twards ideal.
    Try clearing away yur pssessins
    If yu think hard, yu will realize that the physical things yu wn are nt the mst imprtant parts f yur life. In tis case yu can clear away all but the mst essential things in sweeps. Fcus n keeping things that yu value deeply. 37 . Take a few weeks t live withut thse things. At the same time, ntice if the things yu've kept are serving yu.
    38 .
    Yu must have many friends, but hw many f them are peple wh mtivate and inspire yu t grw and learn? Becming minimalist means that yu evaluate hw well they fit int yur ideal life and maximizing yur scial time spent n peple wh lift yu up. Then yu can als free up mre time t spend n ther pririties in life. 39 .
    Take time fr intrspectin
    Intrspectin, which means yu sitting with yur wn thughts, is what peple are terrified f in s “busy” a wrld. 40 . Yu can put yur phne n silent, turn ff the TV and blck ut distractins and just sit with yur thughts. Yu will cme face t face with sme uncmfrtable truths. But pushing thrugh t the ther side is where the magic happens.
    Even thugh everyne embraces minimalism differently, each path leads t the same place: a mre meaningful life with mre time and mre freedm. Hpefully yu will get there.
    A. Have less pssessins t enjy mre
    B. Anyway, yu shuld make space t think
    C. Peple are eager fr anther way f living
    D. Cnsider yur lifestyle arund relatinships
    E. Get rid f things that yu dn't need any lnger
    F. It's wrth fcusing yur time n peple that matter
    G. The imprtant part is t figure ut yur flavr f minimalism
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)
    I remember a time when I needed a phne number r an address, I naturally dialed “0” and an peratr with a pleasant 41 wuld ask what she culd d fr me. But nw I have the 42 f acquiring knwledge frm my laptp in the cmfrt f my hme. Autmatin certainly has its advantages, but I still miss the 43 with peple that the devices have replaced.
    Recently I decided t dedicate a day t accmplishing all f my gals in a 44 manner. I began by having lunch at McDnald's, where I 45 the cmputer terminal in favr f rdering frm a smiling 46 , wh remembered me frm a lng-ag visit. It seemed that her glw f 47 made the meal mre delicius. In the afternn I went t the public library and asked the librarian t help me find a title I culd have easily 48 by myself with a cmputer search. During ur stay in the stack (藏书架) we had the mst wnderful 49 abut Annie Prulx’s new bk. Finally n my way hme I had a stp at the supermarket. 50 , 1 walked past the self-checkut and was 51 by a cashier, wh suggested that fr nly ne mre penny I culd get a(n) 52 cabbage.
    That evening I had dinner with a friend and excitedly reprted my day t her. Hwever, she wasn't buying. She remarked that I culd have rdered everything with my cellphne and they wuld be 53 t my hme, which wuld have taken less than an hur. Exactly, but I wuld have sacrificed ne precius cabbage and even 54 all thse kind wrds and friendly smiles. I enjyed my day, maybe just because smene tk the time t 55 the encunters.
    41. A. lkB. viceC. smileD. taste
    42. A. talentB. dubtC. ptentialD. cnvenience
    43. A. interactinsB. challengesC. appintmentsD. cnflicts
    44. A. well-knwnB. first-rateC. nn-digitalD. far-reaching
    45. A. carried utB. fell behindC. tld ffD. passed up
    46. A. clleagueB. emplyeeC. custmerD. prgrammer
    47. A. recgnitinB. gratitudeC. prideD. relief
    48. A. lcatedB. editedC. dwnladedD. purchased
    49. A. instructinB. cnversatinC. adjustmentD. argument
    50. A. SurprisinglyB. ImpatientlyC. SimilarlyD. Randmly
    51. A. ignredB. cheatedC. welcmedD. desired
    52. A. freeB. extraC. expiredD. special
    53. A. exhibitedB. updatedC. relatedD. delivered
    54. A. harvestedB. appreciatedC. missedD. refused
    55. A. warmB. reprtC. arrangeD. advcate
    Under the influence f the recent EL Nin, 56 is reprted that the average glbal temperature in 2023 has set the recrd, making it the warmest year since 1850. The temperatures in mst 57 (regin) f China frm this winter t next spring will be abve the lng-term average. This winter the 58 (cmbine) f EL Nin and glbal warming raised the chances f natural disasters 59 (cause) by extreme weather. The EL Nin is predicted t cause the sea surface temperature t reach its 60 (high) pint between Nvember 2023 and January 2024. EL Nin is 61 naturally ccurring climate phenmenn that starts with unusually warm surface water in the central and eastern equatrial Pacific Ocean, which then ges n t affect the weather wrldwide. On average, it 62 (ccur) every tw t seven years, and ne episde 63 (typical) lasts nine t twelve mnths. Since May, an EL Nin system has heated the atmsphere in the trpical Pacific, 64 (lead) t a rise in glbal temperatures. Research indicates that a mild EL Nin event can increase the glbal annual average surface temperature 65 abut 0. 1℃, even 0. 22℃.
    56. ______________57. ______________58. ______________59. ______________60. ______________
    61. ______________62. ______________63. ______________64. ______________65. ______________
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是高三学生李华,你校英语社团为了确保学生的备考时间,计划取消高三年级的社团活动。你认为这个决定不合理,请你用英语给社团负责人Mr. Smith发一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Mr. Smith,
    Li Hua
    I used t hear abut the stry f Ella's father. He sacrificed his life t save the villagers frm fld when Ella was a baby. Therefre, the statue f her father was built at the edge f ur village and als a large warning bell was fixed there.
    One day, all the kids gathered at the statue t play hide-and-seek. Sam, the biggest and ludest by, lved making jkes at thers' expense, and Ella was his favrite target. He watched Ella with a sly (狡黠的) smile and said t her, “I bet yur father wished he’d had a by t fllw in his ftsteps.” Hlding her fists tightly, Ella was abut t hit Sam when I patted her n the shulder. “Enugh,” I shuted. “Let's begin ur game while it's still light ut. I'll cunt first.” Then I leaned my head against the statue and started t cunt.
    In n time, the rest f the kids ran away t seek hiding places. Sam lked annyed because his fun had been interrupted, and Ella's cheeks als burned with anger. But they bth didn't want t be left ut. Sam dashed away frm the village t hide in the wds, while Ella headed back int the village and hid behind the grassy wall.
    Sn mst kids were caught, waiting fr a new rund t begin. Sam had yet t be fund, s we thught he must be staying perfectly still and quiet, enjying the scream and laughter f the game.
    Suddenly, the large warning bell fr thick fg began t ring. We all sensed the danger and immediately ran t ur regular gathering place t seek shelter.
    I threw the dr pen wide, waiting fr ther kids t arrive. Ella was ne f the last t be back. I started the head cunt, nly t find Sam was missing. All kids insisted n shutting the dr, but Ella shk her head firmly. She rushed away tward the edge f the village with a trch t lk fr Sam. She swung it back and frth, until she reached the statue f her father.
    2023~2024 学年第一学期高三年级期末学业诊断
    (满分 150分)
    第一部分 听力
    1. B2. C3. B4. A5. B
    6. A7. A8. C9. C10. C
    11. B12. B13. C14. C15. C
    16. A17. A18. B19. B20. C
    第二部分 阅读(共20小题;每小题3分,满分60分)
    21. D22. C23. B24. B25. C
    26. A27. D28. D29. C30. D
    31. B32. A33. C34. C35. C
    36. G37. E38. D39. F40. B
    第三部分 语言运用
    41. B42. D43. A44. C45. D
    46. B47. A48. A49. B50. C
    51. C52. B53. D54. C55. A
    56. it57. regins58. cmbinatin59. caused60. highest
    61. a62. ccurs63. typically64. leading70. by
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分 15分)
    Dear Mr. Smith,
    I hpe this email finds yu well. I am writing t express my cncerns abut the decisin t cancel the English club activities fr ur grade.
    As a senir, I d understand the reasn behind the decisin. But with due respect, I believe this decisin will have a negative impact n ur verall learning experience. English club can bring us a lt f fun and als enhance ur language skills and creativity, which in turn makes us study mre efficiently.
    I suggest yu reschedule it fr senirs. We can strike a balance between study and play. Thank yu fr yur cnsideratin.
    Li Hua
    The heavy fg blcked her path but she made her way t the wds. As she pressed n deep int the wds, fear seized her. Determined, she cntinued t call ut Sam's name. “Over…here,” a faint came reply frm Sam, “Yu…. just came fr me?” Ella ndded. Sam blushed, feeling guilty. He tld her that he had a terrible fall while searching fr his way back, and he then lst his way, helpless and desperate. Ella helped him t his feet, putting ne f his arms arund her shulders, and tgether they struggled back t the village with the trch.
    The next day, we gathered at the statue again, Sam standing beside Ella. After a prud pat n her shulder, Sam recunted the entire rescue prcess t all the ther kids. He shuted, “She is a her's daughter. Like father, like daughter.” Sincerity filled his eyes as he ffered his heartfelt gratitude t Ella. I smiled at Ella, surprised by the larger by's change in attitude. Ella smiled back, her face beaming like a diamnd. Ella standing up straight, her small figure seemed as tall as her father's. The heavy fg blcked her path but she made her way int the wds. _______________________________
    The next day, we gathered at the statue again, Sam standing beside Ella. ______________________________

    93,山西省太原市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末学业诊断英语试题: 这是一份93,山西省太原市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末学业诊断英语试题,共20页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山西省太原市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末学业诊断英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山西省太原市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末学业诊断英语试卷(含答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7, 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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