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    时量:120分钟 满分:150 分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. What is the weather like?
    A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Cludy.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the restaurant.B. In the cafe.C. At the man's huse.
    3. What time will the shpping mall pen?
    A. At 9:00.B. At 9:30.C. At 10:00.
    4. Hw des the man sund in the end?
    A. Awkward.B. Curius.C. Annyed.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A dancing cmpetitin.B. A ppular sprts club.
    C. A kind f physical exercise.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Hw did the girl get her backpack?
    A. Frm a dwntwn stre.
    B. Frm her sister.
    C. Frm an nline stre.
    7. Whse class d the speakers bth have tday?
    A. Ms. Jhnsn's.B. Mr. Jenkins'. C. Mrs. Smith's.
    8. What did Amy d t lse weight?
    A. She drank 20 cups f water a day.
    B. She nly ate nce a day.
    C. She nly ate carrts.
    9. What des the man think f Amy's way f lsing weight this time?
    A. Interesting.B. Crazy.C. Reasnable.
    10. Why will the man g t France?
    A. T cllect sales data.
    B. T pen a branch.
    C. T wrk as a manager.
    11. When will the man leave fr France?
    A. Tmrrw.B. In tw days.C. In a week.
    12. Wh might g t France with the man?
    A. Peter.B. Linda.C. Kris.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Neighbrs.B. Friends.C. Clleagues.
    14. What habit did the wman develp as a child?
    A. Turning ff the light when leaving.
    B. Aviding using plastic bags.
    C. Recycling plastic bttles.
    15. What des the wman's husband ften d?
    A. Plant trees.B. Save paper at wrk.C. G t wrk by bus.
    16. What is the wman ging t d next?
    A. G hme.B. Pick up her children.C. G t the restaurant.
    17. In which cuntry did Take Our Daughters t Wrk Day start?
    A. Britain.B. Germany.C. The United States.
    18. Wh can enjy Take Our Daughters t Wrk Day?
    A. A 10-year-ld girl.B. A 13-year-ld girl.C. A 16-year-ld girl.
    19. What is the purpse f Take Our Daughters t Wrk Day?
    A. T help the girls build their self-cnfidence.
    B. T make the girls knw abut varius jbs.
    C. T let the girls get t knw their parents better.
    20. What is Zarina's mther?
    A. A manager.B. A nurse.C. A lawyer.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Nrth American Train Rutes fr a Family Vacatin
    The Adirndack
    Cnsidered ne f the tp ten scenic train rides in the wrld, the Adirndack train rute travels frm New Yrk City's Penn Statin t Mntreal, Canada. The 10-hur trip is great fr a weekend away in either Mntreal r Manhattan. The rute will take yu past West Pint Academy, the Hudsn River Valley and fifty miles f Lake Champlain.
    The Vermnter
    The almst 14-hur trip frm Washingtn, D. C. t St. Albans, the Vermnter takes yu frm the U. S. capital, thrugh the beautiful New England states f Cnnecticut and Massachusetts n the way t Vermnt. As yu travel thrugh New England twns, yu'll be able t see sme f the mst beautiful scenery in this area, including rivers, falls and cvered bridges.
    The Dwneaster
    The Dwneaster was established in 2001 and was expanded several years ag nrthward t Freeprt and Brunswick, Maine. The shrt ride(between three and fur hurs) includes a trip alng the beautiful Maine castline. With five rund-trips ffered daily, it's a great way fr Massachusetts families t visit Maine fr a day r lnger. Many f these rutes carry vlunteers t aid passengers with questins abut lcal attractins and destinatins.
    The Pennsylvanian
    Bth New Yrk City and Pittsburgh are great family vacatin destinatins and the Pennsylvanian rute takes yu thrugh the beautiful Pennsylvanian landscape between the tw majr cities. The 9.5-hur trip travels thrugh a variety f different terrains(地形), and stps alng the way including Newark, Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Altna. The cnnecting train service is available fr thse lking t travel t Cleveland, Chicag, and Tled frm Pittsburgh.
    21. Which train rute is NOT the chice fr water sightseeing?
    A. The Adirndack.B. The Vermnter.C. The Dwneaster.D. The Pennsylvanian.
    22. Where is St. Albans?
    A. In Vermnt,
    B. In Washingtn, D. C.
    C. Between Cnnecticut and Massachusetts.
    D. Between Washingtn, D. C. and Massachusetts.
    23. Wh are the target readers f the text?
    A. Fitness caches.B. Sl turists.C. Tur guides.D. Travel enthusiasts.
    When Steven Spielberg was a kid grwing up in the 1950s in Arizna, watching westerns n his family's 20-inch black-and-white TV, he wuld climb right up t the screen, as if t surrund himself with the image. He als wished he culd see these mving pictures in clr. S he searched thrugh his family's cllectin f slides quickly, having learned that by hlding ne film r anther up t the televisin screen he culd turn grayed-ut western skies blue, r the grund t a realistic-lking green. Smetimes his mm walked in, and saw him hlding these slides up t bth f his eyes, right next t the TV set. Often, she wuld say, "Yu're ging t burn yur eyes ut!"
    Spielberg's mm, like all the ther 50s mms wh said the same thing, was wrng abut that. But we all knw what she must have been thinking: Wh is this child?
    If yu've seen even just ne Steven Spielberg mvie in the past 50 years r s——Jaws, Schindler's List, E. T-yu have sme sense f wh this child grew up t be. And when yu see his new film, The Fabelmans, a wrk f astnishing vividness that's drawn frm his wn family's stry, yu'll knw even mre. Mvies have been arund fr rughly 130 years; Spielberg's career has cvered mre than a third f that. Yet The Fabelmans hardly feels like a late-career mvie. It's a bridge fr a new beginning.
    Nt every 75-year-ld filmmaker makes a mvie like this. Of the ambitius yung guys wh remade Hllywd in the early 1970s, Spielberg is ne f the few still making vital pictures at a cnsistent(一致的) clip. Yet his career is extrardinary in any cntext. He's made sme bx-ffice disappintments, but naming a badly made Spielberg film is hard, prbably because there isn't ne. N living filmmaker can match his devtin t craftsmanship, t finding new ways f shwing us things we think we've seen a millin times befre.
    24. Hw did Spielberg's mm feel when she saw her sn's behavır in frnt f the TV set?
    A. Prud but upset.B. Surprised but supprtive.
    C. Wrried and cnfused.D. Annyed and desperate.
    25. Which f the fllwing is NOT a reasn why Spielberg's career is regarded as extrardinary?
    A. He is devted t filming rdinary things frm new angles.
    B. He shwed great interest in filming at a very yung age.
    C. His career cvers mre than a third f the mvie histry.
    D. All his films are prbably well-made despite sme bx-ffice disappintments.
    26. What can be inferred abut Spielberg's new film The Fabelmans?
    A. It's the mst utstanding film he has ever made in his career.
    B. It has been related t part f his grwing experience.
    C. It represents a ttally brand-new type f film theme.
    D. It established Spielberg as the mst influential filmmaker.
    27. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce a giant in film-making.
    B. T demnstrate hw t dare t be different.
    C. T indicate curisity makes success.
    D. T recmmend a pineering new film.
    T write his 2010 bk, The 5-Factr Wrld Diet, nutritinist Harley Pasternak traveled t the healthiest cuntries arund the wrld t learn mre abut what made their meals extra nurishing.
    He nted that Japanese peple ate a wnderful variety f seaweeds, and that Chinese peple tried t include at least five different clrs in every meal. Pasternak als came away with sme valuable bservatins abut hw different the Nrth American way f life was, cmpared with many ther cuntries.
    Fr starters, Americans eat much bigger prtins than peple in ther cuntries. "We dn't priritize eating seasnally r lcally, and we als add lts f salt, sugar and thickening agents t ur fds," explained Pasternak. Cntrast that with the healthy Mediterranean, Nrdic and Okinawan diets listed in Pasternak's bk. They all seem t stick t the eths(特质) f reginal, seasnal prduce.
    Fr example, a traditinal Mediterranean diet includes fruits, vegetables, whle grains, nuts and live il as the main cmpnents f nutritinal intake. Fish, chicken and red wine make mderate appearances, while red meat, salt and sugar are used much less ften. The benefits f a traditinal Mediterranean diet have been studied since the 1970s, and researchers have fund that living that live il life can help peple lse weight, lwer their heart disease risk and reverse(逆转) diabetes.
    Mst ther health y eating cultures als make meals an event——say, multiple curses arund the family table, r a glass r tw f red wine at a lng lunch——as ppsed t hastily (匆忙地) wlfing dwn handfuls f cereal abve the kitchen sink and calling it dinner.
    Each f the healthy eating cultures has its wn unique feature. But Pasternak did take nte f ne unifying factr in all f the healthy scieties he bserved. "The nly verlapping feature in mst f these healthy cuntries is that they all walk way mre than the average American," said. Pasternak. "S really, regardless f what yu're eating, if smene walks fur miles mre than yu each day, they're ging t be a lt thinner and live a lt lnger than yu."
    28. Which f the fllwing characterizes Japanese and Chinese fds?
    A. Clr.B. Flavr.C. Diversity.D. Taste.
    29. What can we knw frm paragraphs 3 and 4?
    A. Americans fcus mre n nutritin and flavr in the way f eating.
    B. Americans tend t healthily eat quite a lt in the way f eating.
    C. Mediterranean, Nrdic and Okinawan diets priritize lcal, seasnal prduce.
    D. Diabetes r lung disease patients had better live an live il life.
    30. What is the similarity amng peple in mst healthy eating cultures?
    A. They attach great imprtance t their meals.
    B. They always eat their meals regularly and timely.
    C. They get the whle family t eat arund the table.
    D. They cnsume plenty f cereal hastily fr dinner.
    31. What can we learn abut peple in healthy scieties frm the last paragraph?
    A. They walk cnsiderably mre.
    B. They g n a diet t live lnger.
    C. They care mre abut bdy shape.
    D. They cnsume mre rganic fd.
    When it cmes t team assembly(团队组建), peple wh are bth trustwrthy and cmpetent are the mst sught after. Hwever, thse wh are friendly and trustwrthy are mre likely t be selected than thse wh are knwn fr just their skill cmpetence and persnal reputatin, accrding t a new research frm Binghamtn University.
    "We assume that peple are selected fr imprtant tasks due t their knwledge, skills and abilities. Hwever, this research suggests that peple may ften get picked because team members feel cmfrtable with them," said Cynthia Maupin, assistant prfessr f rganizatinal behavir and leadership in Binghamtn University's Schl f Management. "Peple may be willing t sacrifice a bit in terms f perfrmance in rder t have a really psitive team experience."
    Maupin and her clleagues fcused n a grup f MBA students t cnduct their study. Students were randmly assigned t different teams t carry ut class prjects and assignments. Tward the end f the semester, students were asked t frm their wn teams. and evaluate why they selected each member f their grup.
    "T find ut hw students signaled t thers that they might be smene wh wuld be gd t team up with in the future, we studied their use f either challenging r supprtive vice," Maupin said.
    ·Challenging vice: Cmmunicating in a way that challenges the present situatin and is fcused n new ideas and efficiency.
    ·Supprtive vice: Cmmunicating in a way that strengthens scial ties and trust, and builds friendly unity f a team.
    The researchers fund that students wh exhibited bth vices were the mst in-demand peple when it came t assembling teams. Hwever, students wh nly used supprtive vice t exhibit their friendliness and trustwrthiness were mre sught after than thse wh nly signaled their cmpetence thrugh the use f challenging vice.
    Maupin said the findings have majr implicatins(影响) fr the wrkplace. "Peple shuld realize the way they speak up can have a strng effect n infrmal teaming up at a later pint and that supprtive vice helps establish harmnius relatinships and a sense f trust amngst individuals."
    32. Wh are mre likely t be selected int a team?
    A. Thse willing t make sacrifices.
    B. Thse reliable and easy t get alng with.
    C. Thse with ideal skill cmpetence.
    D. Thse knwn fr gd persnal reputatin.
    33. Hw did Maupin and her clleagues carry ut the study?
    A. They assigned MBA students t different teams n purpse.
    B. They studied cllege students' cperative cmpetence.
    C. They tk a grup f MBA students as research bjects.
    D. They studied MBA students' use f challenging r cperative vice.
    34. What des the underlined wrd "signaled" in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Replied. B. Demanded. C. Prmised. D. Displayed.
    35. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. The Secret t Assembling a Team
    B. The Imprtance f Cmpetence
    C. Challenging Vice r Supprtive Vice
    D. Cmpetent Teammates r Friendly Teammates
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    Ftball has fund its way t the mst remte crners f the glbe, becming ne f the httest tpics f the day 36 Accrding t the Internatinal Ftball Assciatin, it was the rigin f ftball as a sprt.
    Cuju became ppular during the Warring States Perid 37 .
    During the Han Dynasty, the ppularity f Cuju gradually spread frm the army t the ryal curts and upper classes. Ftball matches were ften held inside the Imperial Palace. A type f curt called "ju cheng" was built especially fr Cuju matches 38 .
    The sprt was imprved during the Tang Dynasty. First f all, the feather-stuffed ball was replaced by an air filled ball with a tw layered hull(外壳) 39 One was made by setting up psts with a net between them and the ther cnsisted f just ne gal pst in the middle f the field.
    The ppularity f the sprt explded during the Sng Dynasty due t scial and ecnmic develpment, extending t every class in sciety. At that time, prfessinal Cuju players were quite ppular, and the sprt began t take n a cmmercial edge. Cuju rganizatins were set up in large cities called Qi Yun She r Yuan She-nw knwn as the earliest prfessinal Cuju club——whse members were either Cuju lvers r prfessinal perfrmers.
    40 And the 2,000 year ld sprt finally faded away frm abut the 16th century.
    A. Als, tw different types f gal psts shwed up.
    B. Bth adults and children played Cuju in everyday life.
    C. Cuju began its decline during the Ming Dynasty due t neglect.
    D. Back then, it was used t strengthen the fighting pwer f sldiers.
    E. Meanwhile, Cuju games were standardized as rules were established.
    F. Abut 2,500 years ag in China there was a similar game called "Cuju".
    G. Dating back t ver 2,000 years ag, it has changed and develped ver time.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Half a year befre graduatin frm cllege, my sn began t lk fr a jb 41 the financial crisis(危机), fewer cmpanies wuld like t hi re new staff. My sn targeted a cmpany that was 42 t hire nly ne persn while ver twenty peple were 43 the jb.
    After the interview, nly three peple culd enter the final rund, which wuld later 44 the persn that was fit fr the jb Everything seemed t g quite smthly and my sn entered the final rund.
    On the day f the final interview, my sn and the ther tw arrived at the interview place n time.
    Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably 45 The interviewer nly said t them, "All f yu are very excellent Please g hme and wait fr ur 46 We will tell yu the 47 in 3 days Gd luck t all f yu!" On the mrning f the third day, my sn received a text frm the cmpany that he was nt hired We all felt very 48 .
    At nightfall that day, my sn suddenly tld me 49 n his phne, "Dad, I have been ffered the jb!" Greatly surprised, I culd nt wait t ask him, "What's the whle matter?" My sn tld me that he received anther text saying that he was hired 50 , the first text sent t my sn was als part f the test in the interview. Three men received the same text this mrning and nly my sn's reply was "Thank yu" 51 the ther tw said "Gdbye".
    Only then did I knw that my sn's hpe came in that way. That is, when yu feel disappinted, d nt 52 t say "thank yu" t the ne wh disappints yu Saying thank yu shws 53 fr thers' wrk and shws yur 54 Therefre, while under the same cnditin, yu will get mre 55 cmpared with thers!
    41. A. In spite fB. Due tC. Instead fD. In additin t
    42. A. inspiredB. allwedC. suppsedD. intended
    43. A. applying frB. taking upC. lking frD. cunting n
    44. A. prveB. attractC. decideD. represent
    45. A. frmalB. nrmalC. simpleD. sensitive
    46. A. argumentB. replyC. pininD. prpsal
    47. A. resultB. scheduleC. requirementD. incme
    48. A. annyedB. puzzledC. disappintedD. shcked
    49. A. patientlyB. wrriedlyC. calmlyD. excitedly
    50. A. FinallyB. EspeciallyC. ActuallyD. Frequently
    51. A. afterB. whileC. untilD. unless
    52. A. expectB. frgetC. pretendD. regret
    53. A. cncernB. cnfidenceC. admiratinD. respect
    54. A. genersityB. fancyC. braveryD. talent
    55. A. achievementsB. strengthsC. challengesD. pprtunities
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    If a traditinal sprt bres yu, it's time t try smething new! New sprts have been refreshing ur minds, 56 (imprve) brain functins and bringing mre jy t physical exercise Fr a decade, natinal fitness 57 (be) a part f the natinal strategy, aiming t imprve peple's verall physical health.
    New sprts begin t thrive with great attentin paid 58 supprt f natinal fitness Accrding t a study by Hulang Research Institute 59 attracted mre than 1,200 yung peple t participate, mre than 93 percent f peple brn after 2000 are interested in urban sprts.
    Why d yung peple favr new sprts? Hulang's reprt claims that apart frm keeping fit as a type f exercise, many yung peple pick them up t scialize allwing them 60 (build) up their scial circles. Players tend t have nline grup chats annuncing their usual activities and 61 (simple) sharing their lives
    The new sprts are als "suitable fr taking phts and are less restricted by venues", Zu Qingling, the CEO f Lvmama, 62 turism website in China, tld China News Service Gathered tgether thrugh scial 63 (medium), peple can enjy new sprts at many places in the city, frm parks t spacius sidewalks.
    The pandemic plays a rle in this trend t. Because f the pandemic, peple may chse sprts that are less demanding n 64 (equip) and can take place at lcal venues They have als gained a 65 (strng) passin fr utdr activities and healthier lifestyles.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你校将于下周五举办一场“英语电影配音比赛(English film-dubbing cntest)”,请给交换生同学Jsh写一封电子邮件,邀请他和你一起组队参加。内容包括:
    1.写作词数应为 80左右;
    第二节 (满分 25 分)
    He, an unemplyed pr man, was driving his beat-up truck n a tw-lane cuntry rad n a chilly night. Suddenly, he saw an ld lady, whse car brke dwn n the side f the rad. Even in the dim light f the night, he culd see she needed help. S he pulled up in frnt f her car and gt ff.
    Despite the smile n his face, the ld lady was wrried. Was he ging t hurt her? He lked pr and hungry. He culd see that she was frightened, "I'm here t help yu, ma'am. Why dn't yu wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Je Andersn."
    Well, all she had was nly a flat tire, but fr an ld lady, that was bad enugh. Je crawled under the car. Half an hur later, he finished changing the tire. But he gt dirty and his hands hurt. She culd nt thank him enugh and asked him hw much mney she wed him. He tld her that if she really wanted t pay him back, the next time she saw smene wh needed help, she culd give the persn the assistance he needed. He waited until she started her car and drve ff. Then he left.
    A few miles dwn the rad the lady saw a small cafe. She went in t grab a bite t eat and take the chill ff. The waitress nticed the lady's we t hair and brught a clean twel t wipe it. She had a sweet smile, ne that even being n her feet fr the whle day culdn't erase. The lady nticed the waitress was nearly eight mnths pregnant. She was curius and asked, "It's t late and freezing cld. As a mther-t-be, why dn't yu g hme early?" "My husband is ut f jb, s I want t share the burden f supprting the family with him. Besides, I als want t help the peple in need at night." The ld lady wndered hw smene wh had s little culd be s giving t a stranger.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    名校联考联合体 2023 年秋季高一年级期末考试
    21. D。细节理解题。 根据前两条路线的最后一句话:“The rute will take yu pa st West Pint Academy, the Hudsn River Valley and fifty miles f Lake Champlain. ”和“yull be able t see sme f the mst beautiful sc enery in this area, including rivers, falls and cvered bridges”以及第三条路线的第二句话“The shrt ride(between three and fur hurs) includes a trip alng the beautiful Maine castline.”可知,前三条路线都有水域风景。故选D项。
    22. A。细节理解题。根据 The Vermnter部分中的“The almst 14-hur trip frm Washingtn, D. C. t St. Albans, the Vermnter takes yu frm the U. S. capital, thrugh... n the way t Vermnt.”可知,该路线从华盛顿哥伦比亚特区出发,到佛蒙特州圣奥尔本斯市,故选A项。
    23. D。细节理解题。根据标题"Nrth American Train Rutes fr a Family Vacatin"及文章介绍了四条北美洲适合家庭度假的火车路线可知,文章的目标读者是旅游爱好者。故选D项。
    24. C。推理判断题。 根据第一段中的“Smetimes his mm walked in, and saw him hlding these slides up t bth f his eyes, right next t the TV set. Often, she wuld say, ‘Yu’re ging t burn yur eyes ut!’(有时他妈妈走进来,看到他把幻灯片举到双眼上,就在电视机旁边。 她经常会说:‘你会把眼睛烧坏的!’)”以及第二段“Spielberg’s mm, like all the ther 50s mms wh said the same thing, was wrng abut that. But we all knw what she must have been thinking: Wh is this child?(斯皮尔伯格的妈妈,就像所有其他 50 多岁的妈妈说同样的话一样,那样说是不对的。但我们都知道她一定在想什么:这个孩子是谁?)”可推知,当斯皮尔伯格的妈妈看到儿子在电视机前的行为时,她感到担心和困惑 故选 C。
    25. B。细节理解题。 根据第三段中的“Mvies have been arund fr rughly 130 years; Spielberg's career has cvered mre than a third f that.(电影已经存在了大约 130年;斯皮尔伯格的职业生涯涵盖了其中的三分之一以上。)”,最后一段中的"Yet his career is extrardinary in any cntext. He's made sme bx-ffice disappintments, but naming a badly made Spielberg film is hard, prbably because there isn't ne.(然而,他的职业生涯在任何背景下都是非凡的。他的一些票房成绩令人失望,但说出斯皮尔伯格的一部糟糕电影是很难的,可能因为根本就没有一部这样的电影。)以及“N living filmmaker can match his devtin t craftsmanship, t finding new ways f shwing us things we think we've seen a millin times befre.(没有任何一位在世的电影制片人能与他对工艺的奉献相媲美,他寻找新的方式向我们展示我们认为已经看过一百万次的东西。)”可知,B选项“他很小的时候就对电影表现出了极大的兴趣”不是斯皮尔伯格的事业被认为非凡的原因。故选B。
    26. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“And when yu see his new film, The Fabelmans, a wrk f astnishing vividness that's drawn frm his wn family's stry, yu'll knw even mre.(当你看到他的新电影《法贝尔曼一家》时,你会了解得更多,这部极其生动的电影取材于他自己家庭的故事。)”可推知,斯皮尔伯格的新片《法贝尔曼一家》与他成长经历的一部分有关。故选B。
    27. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的"N living filmmaker can match his de vtin t craftsmanship, t finding new ways f shwing us things we think we've seen a millin times befre.(没有任何一位在世的电影制片人能与他对工艺的奉献相媲美,他寻找新的方式向我们展示我们认为已经看过一百万次的东西。)"并结合文章主要介绍了导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格的个人经历以及成就可知,文章的写作目的是介绍“电影制作界的巨人”。故选A。
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文,主要通过营养学家 Harley Pasternak 的研究阐述了世界上健康国家的饮食特点。
    28. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He nted that Japanese peple ate a wnderful variety f seaweeds, and that Chinese peple tried t include at least five different clrs in every meal.(他指出,日本人吃的海藻种类繁多,而中国人每顿饭至少要吃五种不同颜色的食物。)”可知,日本和中国食物的特点是种类多,故选C。
    29. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的"Cntrast that with the healthy Mediterranean, Nrdic and Okinawan diets listed in Pasternak's bk. They all seem t stick t the eths(特质) f reginal, seasnal prduce.(与Pasternak 书中列出的地中海、北欧和冲绳的健康饮食形成对比。它们似乎都坚持当地季节性农产品的理念。)"可知,地中海、北欧和冲绳的饮食特色是当地季节性农产品。故选C。
    30. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Mst ther healthy eating cultures als make meals an event—say, multiple curses arund the family table, r a glass r tw f red wine at a lng lunch—as ppsed t hastily(匆忙地)wlfing dwn handfuls f cereal abve the kitchen sink and calling it dinner.(大多数其他的健康饮食文化也把吃饭当成一件大事——比如,在家庭餐桌上吃好几道菜,或者在午餐时喝一两杯红酒——而不是在厨房的水槽上狼吞虎咽地吃上一把麦片,然后把它叫做晚餐。)”可知,大多数健康饮食文化中的人们的共同点是他们非常重视他们的饮食。故选A。
    31. A。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The nly verlapping feature in mst f these healthy cuntries is that they all walk way mre than the average American(这些健康国家的唯一共同特征是,他们都比普通美国人走得多得多)”可知,与普通美国人相比,健康社会的人走路多得多,故选A。
    32. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Hwever, thse wh are friendly and trustwrthy are mre likely t be selected than thse wh are knwn fr just their skill cmpetence and persnal reputatin, accrding t a new research frm Binghamtn University.(然而,根据宾厄姆顿大学的一项新研究,那些友好、值得信赖的人比那些仅以技能能力和个人声誉闻名的人更有可能被选中。)”可知,那些易于相处且可靠的人更受欢迎,故选B项。
    33. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Maupin and her clleagues fcused n a grup f MBA students t cnduct their study. Students were randmly assigned t different teams t carry ut class prjects and assignments.”可知,Maupin和她的同事们把研究重点放在了一群MBA学生身上,并把学生随机分组。故选C项。
    34. D。词义猜测题。 根据后文“they might be smene wh wuld be gd t team up with in the future, we studied their use f either challenging r supprtive vice(他们将来可能是一个很好的合作伙伴,我们研究了他们对挑战或支持的声音的使用)”可知,画线词所在句说的是为了弄清楚学生们是如何向别人发出信号,signaled“展示”与displayed 同义,故选D项。
    35. D。主旨大意题。根据第一段“When it cmes t team assembly(团队组建), peple wh are bth trustwrthy and cmpetent are the mst sught after. Hwever, thse wh are friendly and trustwrthy are mre likely t be selected than thse wh are knwn fr just their skill cmpetence and persnal reputatin, accrding t a new research frm Binghamtn University.(在团队组建方面,最受欢迎的是既值得信赖又有能力的人。然而,根据宾厄姆顿大学的一项新研究,那些友好、值得信赖的人比那些仅以技能能力和个人声誉闻名的人更有可能被选中。)”可知,本文中的研究主要是围绕有能力的队员还是友好的队员展开的,故选D项。
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。 文章介绍了蹴鞠从战国时期在军队兴起,到汉代传播至宫廷和上流社会,经唐宋逐渐成为全民喜爱的运动并走向职业化,后于明代逐渐衰落,最后消失于16世纪的发展历程。
    36. F。根据全文的中心话题和下文“it was the rigin f ftball as a sprt”可知,此处应选F项。
    37. D。根据下文“During the Han Dynasty, the ppularity f Cuju gradually spread frm the army t the ryal curts and upper classes.(在汉代,蹴鞠的流行逐渐从军队传播到宫廷和上层社会。)”可知,战国时期,蹴鞠是在军队流行的一种训练方式。故选D项。
    38. E。根据上文“A type f curt called 'ju cheng' was built especially fr Cuju matches.(为蹴鞠比赛专门建造了一种叫‘鞠城’的场地。)”可知,在汉代,蹴鞠传播到宫廷和上层社会后,开始标准化,故选E项。
    39. A。根据下文“One was made by setting up psts with a net between them and the ther cnsisted f just ne gal pst in the middle f the field.(一种是在两个门柱之间架起一个网,另一种是在场地中央只有一个门柱。)”可知,此处应选A项。
    40. C。根据全文介绍蹴鞠的发展时间顺序可知,此处应选C项。
    41. B。考查介词短语辨析。句意:由于金融危机,愿意雇佣新员工的公司越来越少。 A. In spite f 尽管; B. Due t 由于;C. Instead f 而不是;D. In additin t 除了。 由下文“the financial crisis(危机), fewer cmpanies wuld like t hire new staff(金融危机,愿意雇佣新员工的公司越来越少)”可知,是由于金融危机,公司不愿意招聘新员工。故选B项。
    42. D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:我儿子看上了一家公司,这家公司打算只招聘一个人,而有20多人申请这个职位。A. inspired 激发,鼓舞;B. allwed允许;C. suppsed 认为; D. intended 打算。由上文“Half a year befre graduatin frm cllege, my sn began t lk fr a jb.(大学毕业前半年,我儿子开始找工作。)”可知,儿子在找工作,他留意的公司一定是打算招聘员工的公司, be intended t d…“打算做……”。故选D项。
    43. A。考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。 A. applying fr 申请;B. taking up 开始从事;C. lking fr 寻找;D. cunting n 依靠,指望。由上文可知,由于金融危机,愿意雇佣新员工的公司越来越少,所以同一份工作,有20多人申请。故选A项。
    44. C。考查动词词义辨析。 句意:面试结束后,只有三个人可以进入最后一轮,最后一轮将决定谁适合这份工作。A. prve 证实,证明;结果是;B. attract 吸引;C. decide 决定;D. represent 代表。由上文“the final rund”和下文“the persn that was fit fr the jb”可知,最后一轮面试将决定谁适合这份工作。故选C项。
    45. C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,最后的面试难以置信地简单。A. frmal 正式的;B. nrmal 正常的;C. simple 简单的;D. sensitive 敏感的。由下文“The interviewer nly said t them, ‘All f yu are very excellent Please g hme and wait fr ur 46 We will tell yu the 47 in 3 days Gd luck t all f yu!’(面试官只对他们说:‘你们都很优秀。请回家等我们的……我们三天后会告诉你们……祝你们好运!’)”可知,最后一轮面试非常简单,几乎什么都没做。故选C项。
    46. B。考查名词词义辨析。句意:请回家等待我们的回复。A. argument争论;B. reply回答,答复;C. pinin 观点,看法;D. prpsal 提议,建议;提案。 由上文“g hme and wait fr”并结合下文“my sn received a text frm the cmpany that he was nt hired”可知,公司要求面试者回家等回复。故选B项。
    47. A。考查名词词义辨析。句意:三天后我们会告诉你们结果。 A. result 结果;B. schedule 日程安排;C. requirement要求;D. incme收入。由上文“g hme and wait fr”和“We will tell yu”可知,公司将会通知参加面试者最终结果。故选A项。
    48. C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们都感到非常失望。 A. annyed 烦恼的;B. puzzled 困惑的;C. disappinted 失望的;D. shcked震惊的。 由上文“On the mrning f the third day, my sn received a text frm the cmpany that he was nt hired.(第三天早上,我儿子收到公司发来的短信,说他没有被录用。)”可知,儿子被告知未被录用,所以感到失望。故选C项。
    49. D。考查副词词义辨析。句意:那天傍晚,儿子突然在电话里兴奋地告诉我:“爸爸,我被录用了!”A. patiently 耐心地;B. wrriedly 担心地;C. calmly 冷静地;D. excitedly 兴奋地。由下文“Dad, I have been ffered the jb!”可知,突然得知被录用的消息,儿子感到兴奋。故选D项。
    50. C。考查副词词义辨析。句意:实际上,发给儿子的第一则短信也是面试的一部分。A. Finally终于;B. Especially 尤其;C. Actually实际上;D. Frequently频繁地。由下文“the first text sent t my sn was als part f the test in the interview”可知,作者和儿子最后得知真相:之前告知未被录用的信息也是面试的一部分,最后弄清真实情况,用副词 actually“实际上”。故选 C项。
    51. B。考查连词词义辨析。句意:当天上午,三人收到了同样的短信,但只有我儿子回答说“谢谢”,另外两人回答说“再见”。A. after在……以后;B. while 然而;C. until 直到……为止;D. unless除非。 由本处语境可知,儿子与其他人的回复不一样,形成对比。故选B项。
    52. B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:也就是说,当你感到失望的时候,别忘了对让你失望的人说声“谢谢”。 A. expect期待;B. frget忘记;C. pretend假装;D. regret懊悔。结合上文可知,儿子在收到让人失望的信息时,仍然礼貌地说“谢谢”,也因此获得工作机会,所以作者感悟,当你感到失望的时候,也别忘了对让你失望的人说声“谢谢”。故选B项。
    53. D。考查名词词义辨析。句意:说谢谢是对他人工作的尊重,也是你大方的表现。A. cncern 担心;B. cnfidence 信心;C. admiratin钦佩;D. respect尊重。结合常识和下文"fr ther's wrk"可知,说“谢谢”是对他人工作的尊重。故选D项。
    54. A。考查名词词义辨析。 句意同上。A. genersity大方;B. fancy喜爱;C. bravery勇气;D. talent 天赋。结合上文语境,在你感到失望的时候,也别忘了对让你失望的人说声“谢谢”,这既体现了对他人工作的尊重,也是体现了你的大方。故选A项。
    55. D。 考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,在同样的条件下,你会比别人得到更多的机会! A. achievements 成就;B. strengths优势;C. challenges挑战;D. pprtunities 机会。根据上文语境可知,儿子在收到让人失望的信息时,仍然礼貌地说“谢谢”,也因此获得工作机会,所以作者认为在同样的条件下,说声谢谢,能让你比别人得到更多的机会。故选D项。
    56. imprving。考查现在完成进行时的并列结构。句意:新运动一直以来让我们清醒头脑,提高大脑功能以及给我们的锻炼带来更多乐趣。refreshing, imprving 和 bringing 三个构成并列。因此此处填写imprving。
    57. has been。考查现在完成时。句意:十年来,“全民健身”一直是国家战略的一部分,旨在全面提高人民身体素质。该句子主语是 natinal fitness, 句中缺少谓语动词,且 Fr a decade 这一时间状语表示“近十年来”这一段时间,因此所给动词 be应用现在完成时态。答案为 has been。
    58. in。考查介词短语。句意:新运动项目开始蓬勃发展,并受到极大的关注,以支持全民健身。in supprt f…“支持、赞成某事物”。
    59. which/that。考查定语从句。句意:后浪研究所的一项研究吸引了 1200多名年轻人参与,其结果显示,2000 年后出生的人中有93%以上对城市运动感兴趣。“Accrding t…”在句中做状语成分,关系词修饰先行词 Hulang Research Institute,在定语从句中做“attracted mre than 1,200…”的主语,因此填写which/that。
    60. t build。考查不定式结构。句意:后浪研究所的报道表明很多年轻人视新运动是一种保持健康的锻炼方式,同时是一种社交方式——让他们能建立自己的社交圈。allw sb. t d sth.“允许某人做某事”。
    61. simply。考查词性转化。句意:运动达人往往会在网上有群聊,公布他们的日常活动和简单地分享他们的生活。simple转化为副词simply来修饰sharing。
    62. a。考查冠词。句意:中国的一家旅游网站“驴妈妈”首席执行官邹庆龄告诉中新社记者,这些新兴运动项目也“很适合拍照,且受场地限制较少”。此处用a 来修饰 turism website,意为:“一家旅游网站”。
    63. media。考查名词的数。句意:通过社交媒体,人们可在城市的不同地方享受新运动,不论是公园里还是宽敞的人行街道上。 社交媒体"scial media"。media为 medium 的复数形式。
    64. equipment。考查名词转化。句意:疫情也是造成这一趋势的原因之一。由于疫情影响,人们可能会选择设备要求不高、可以就地进行的运动项目。 此处应填写equip的名词形式 equipment,意为“设备”。
    65. strnger。考查形容词的比较级。本段主要讲述疫情之后,人们生活方式和观念发生的变化,故用比较级。句意:他们也更加热衷于户外活动和更健康的生活方式。
    Dear Jsh,
    Hw are yu ding? An English film-dubbing cn test will be held at ur schl next Friday. It is arranged that each team can dub a film clip frm The Ice Age r Harry Ptter within 3 minutes. I'm mre than delighted t invite yu t jin me in the upcming cntest.
    As an exchange student, yu shw truly impressive prficiency in English. I think that ur cmbined talents will create a unique and entertaining perfrmance that will impress the judges and the audience.
    I am cnfident that we can cme up with smething amazing if we wrk tgether. Please let me knw if yu are interested in jining me. Lking frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Then, she remembered Je and determined t spread the chain f lve. She was abut t pay the bill when a gd idea struck her. While the waitress was away t get change fr her, the ld lady wrte smething n the napkin and slipped right ut f the dr. The waitress was back and nticed it. Under the napkin were fur new 100 dllars. It turned ut that the lady wished her t accept the mney frm a stranger and that she wuld help thers with the purpse f letting this chain f lve remain.
    Deeply mved, the waitress was eager t tell her husband Je what had happened. Shrtly after she tk a warm bath, she climbed int bed, puring ut everything abut the night——the lady, the mney and the nte. With baby due next mnth, it was indeed ging t be hard fr the cuple. The mney came as a relief t them. She gave her husband a sft kiss and whispered, "Everything is ging t be all right. I lve yu, Je."
    Text 1
    W: Lk! Black cluds have blcked ut the sun. It lks like it's ging t rain sn.
    M: I hpe s. I like rainy days. The air always smells fresh after rain.
    Text 2
    M: The fish is fresh tday. Wuld yu like sme mre, Jane?
    W: N, I'm full. Yu're really gd at cking.
    M: Thank yu. Wuld yu like sme cffee after the meal?
    Text 3
    W: I wnder why the shpping mall is nt pen yet.
    M: Well, it's nly a quarter t nine. The shpping mall will be pen in 45 minutes.
    Text 4
    M: Excuse me. Can yu please get yur dg t stp barking? It's driving me crazy.
    W: Oh, it's nt my dg. But I dn't understand why it's sitting beside me.
    M: Huh, really? I'm s srry.
    Text 5
    M: Lk, the set f specially designed exercise is gaining ppularity amng students in China.
    W: Oh, I knw the exercise. It cmbines mvements f traditinal Tai Chi and flk dance.
    Text 6
    M:Excuse me, where did yu get yur backpack? It's nice. I'd like t buy ne fr my sister.
    W: I gt it at a stre dwntwn. I frget the name f the place, but I can find ut if I lk it up n the Internet.
    M:Great, thanks. I'm actually new here at schl this year. My name is Greg. What's yurs?
    W: I'm Jessica. It's nice t see yu. What are yur classes tday?
    M: I have Mrs. Smith's French class. Then I have Mr. Jenkins' ecnmics class.
    W: I als have his ecnmics class! Befre that I have Ms. Jhnsn's Spanish class.
    Text 7
    M: Amy, yu dn't lk well. Are yu OK? Dn't tell me yu are dieting again!
    W: I'm just trying t lse weight in a natural way.
    M: A natural way? Remember thse crazy diets? Fr ne diet, yu nly ate n Mndays, Wednesdays and Fridays.Fr anther ne, yu drank 20 cups f water a day!
    W: Thse diets didn't wrk. I'm n a new ne that will surely make me slim again.
    M: All right. What is it this time?
    W: I nly eat range-clred fds. I've eaten lts f ranges and carrts.
    M: What? Yu must have lst yur mind!
    Text 8
    W: Hey, Charlie. I set up a new prject in France. I decided t send yu there.
    M: Oh, what shuld I d there?
    W: Yu need t cllect sme sales data frm ur branches and analyze it. If yu need any help, turn t the sales managers there.
    M: OK. Is it urgent? D I need t start ff tmrrw?
    W: It's nt urgent. I'll give yu tw days fr preparatins. I think yu can finish the wrk in a week if yu have a partner t wrk with.
    M: Wh will g with me?
    W: Maybe Peter r Kris.
    M: I think Kris is mre experienced.
    W: OK. I'll ask Linda t infrm him.
    M: Alright.
    Text 9
    W: We dn't have t wrk late tday.
    M: Yeah, we can leave nw. Let's g.
    W: Wait, the light n yur desk is n. That's a waste f electricity.
    W: It's a habit I've had since I was a child. In additin, I als pay attentin t prtecting the envirnment.
    M: I knw. I nce saw yu pick up plastic bags and thrw them int the trash can.
    W: Yes. I think we shuld prtect ur envirnment in different ways. I'm ging t recycle plastic bttles in my neighbrhd.
    M: Ww, that's gd.
    W: Yes. And I like planting trees very much. My husband is als envirnmentally cnscius. He is used t saving paper at wrk. And I ask my children t g t schl by bus every schl day.
    M: That's nice. Well, I'm hungry. I have t g t the restaurant fr a meal. What abut yu?
    W: My husband has cked dinner. He and the children are waiting fr me at hme.
    M: Okay. See yu tmrrw.
    Text 10
    W: April 27th is Take Our Daughters t Wrk Day in Britain, which started in America and was brught t Britain in 1994. Take Our Daughters t Wrk Day has becme a special day fr girls between 11 and 15. On that day, thusands f girls take a day ff schl and g tgether with ne f their parents t their wrk places.
    The purpse f this day is t get the girls t believe in themselves. Fr many years, peple have thught that bys can d better than girls in sciety. But in fact, girls can be whatever they want t be just like bys, whether it is a pilt, a nurse r a manager.
    Green Middle Schl fr Girls in nrth Lndn has made the day a necessary part f educatin. Zarina, 15,studying in Green Middle Schl fr Girls, went t her mther's law ffice. She fund it interesting t see her mther at wrk. She has always liked this idea f ging int law and thinks maybe she will d the same wrk as her mther later.Dear Jsh,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Then, she remembered Je and determined t spread the chain f lve_______________________________________
    Deeply mved, the waitress was eager t tell her husband Je what had happened. ___________________________

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