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    这是一份浙江省温州市三校联考中考二模英语试题,文件包含浙江省温州市三校联考中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、浙江省温州市三校联考中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    满分: 90分 考试时间: 90分钟
    亲爱的同学: 欢迎参加考试! 请你认真审题, 积极思考, 细心答题, 发挥最佳水平。答题时, 请注意以下几点:
    1. 全卷共8页, 有五大题, 56小题。
    2. 打*的单词可以在小词典里查找词义。
    3. 答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上。写在试卷或草稿纸上无效。
    完形填空(本题有15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
    阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Once upn a time, there lived a water carrier wh had tw large pts. Each pt was hung n each end f a ple. Every day, the carrier filled the pts with water by the stream and carried them t his master’s huse.
    One f the pts was ___1___ and always full f water at the end f the lng walk frm the stream, while the ther pt had a crack in it and arrived ___2___ half full.
    This went n daily. The gd pt was prud f its wrk. But the cracked pt felt ___3___ abut its wn weakness. After tw years f failure, it aplgized ne day by the stream.
    The carrier was surprised, “ ___4___ d yu say s? What are yu ashamed f?”
    “Fr tw years, yu just get half f the water in my pt, ___5___ the crack in my pt makes water leak ut all the way back. Yu have t d all hard wrk, but yu dn’t get full value frm yur ___6___.” The pt said.
    The water carrier said, “As we return t the huse, I want yu t pay attentin t all f the beautiful ___7___ alng the path.” Indeed, as they went up the hill, the cracked pt ___8___ the sun was warming the beautiful flwers n the side f the path. This ___9___ the cracked pt a little. Hwever, it still felt bad because it leaked half f the water in the end.
    The carrier said, “Why are there flwers just n this side f the path, but nt n the ther pt’s side? I have always ___10___ yur weakness, and I make use f it. I planted flwer seeds n ___11___ side f the path, and every day while we walk back frm the stream, yu have watered them. I have been able t ___12___ thse beautiful flwers n the path t make my master’s rm beautiful fr tw years. ___13___ yu, he wuld nt have this beauty in his rm.”
    ___14___ has weaknesses. We’re all cracked pts in sme way. But if we make use f ur weaknesses, they can be ___15___. Dn’t be afraid. Get t knw yur weaknesses and yu can als be successful.
    1. A. ldB. fineC. smallD. light
    2. A. evenB. stillC. nlyD. ever
    3. A. tiredB. calmC. pleasedD. srry
    4. A. WhenB. HwC. WhyD. Where
    5. A. butB. becauseC. unlessD. r
    6. A. hpes.B. effrtsC. prmisesD. skills
    7. A. flwersB. husesC. treesD. streams
    8. A. rememberedB. believedC. nticedD. understd
    9. A. made upB. lifted upC. dressed upD. cheered up
    10. A. readB. heardC. tldD. knwn
    11 A. myB. yurC. hisD. their
    12. A. pickB. rderC. streD. accept
    13. A. FrmB. AgainstC. FrD. Withut
    14. A. EverybdyB. NbdyC. SmebdyD. Anybdy
    15. A. pliteB. naturalC. helpfulD. simple
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. C
    ld古老的;fine好的;small小的;light轻的。根据文中“ always full f water at the end f the lng walk frm the stream”(这只罐子能够装满水)可知,这只罐子是好的。故选B。
    even 甚至;still仍然; nly仅仅;ever曾经。根据文中“half full”可知,另一只罐子仅仅半桶水。故选C。
    tired劳累的;calm沉着的;pleased 满意的;srry抱歉的。根据文中“After tw years f failure, it aplgized ne day by the stream.”可知,上文是抱歉的。故选D。
    When什么时候;Hw如何,怎样;Why为什么;Where在哪里。根据文中“The carrier was surprised”可知,挑水人不知道原因,所以很惊讶,后面应该是问原因。故选C。
    but但是;because因为;unless除非;r或者,否则。根据文中“yu just get half f the water in my pt”和“the crack in my pt makes water leak ut all the way back”可知,获得一半的水和罐子有裂缝之间存在因果关系。故选B。
    hpes希望;effrts努力;prmises承诺;kills技巧。根据文中“Yu have t d all hard wrk”可知,做了困难的工作,希望从努力从获得价值。故选B。
    flwers花;huses房子;trees树;streams小溪。根据文中“ the sun was warming the beautiful flwers n the side f the path”可知,上文提到的是美丽的花。故选A。
    remembered记着;believe相信; nticed注意到;understd明白。根据文中“I want yu t pay attentin t all f the beautiful flwers”可知,挑水人是想让他注意,所以下文的内容是罐子注意到的。故选C。
    made up编造;lifted up举起; dressed up打扮;cheered up振作。根据文中“ Hwever, it still felt bad because it leaked half f the water in the end.”可知,用“Hwever”与下文做对比,所以上文中罐子的情绪稍微振作了一点。故选D。
    read读;hear听到;tld告诉;knwn知道。根据文中“Why are there flwers just n this side f the path, but nt n the ther pt’s side?”可知,这只罐子一直漏水,挑水人是知道的。故选D。
    Frm从……;Against反对;Fr支持;Withut没有。根据文中“he wuld nt have this beauty in his rm.”可知,这一句话是否定句,但是事实是肯定的,所以用“withut‘来表示双重否定表示肯定的意思。故选D。
    plite礼貌的;natural合情合理的;helpful有益的;simple简单的。根据文中“ Get t knw yur weaknesses and yu can als be successful.”可知,善于利用你的缺点,你可以成功,所以好好利用缺点,缺点是有益处的。故选C。
    二、阅读理解(本题有15小题, 其中第16-18小题为1分; 第30小题为主观题, 5分; 其余每小题2分, 共30分)
    阅读下面短文, 第16-29小题请从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 第30小题请在答题卡规定区域作答。
    If peple arund yu get a fever these days, it may nt be COVID-19. If fact, Influenza A is sweeping acrss China, which causes peple mst likely t suffer a high temperature.
    In the past three years, peple have dne a lt t prevent COVID-19. It als prevented the spreading f Influenza A. But these tw are different viruses. Getting COVID-19 des nt prtect yu frm getting Influenza A.
    ●Hw t deal with it?
    Mst peple dn’t need t take medicine. The disease can g away after 3 t 7 days. But if the temperature desn’t g dwn after three days, g and see a dctr.
    ●Hw des it spread?
    Thrugh cughs r sneezes. The viruses g int the air. If peple nearby breathe them in, they culd get sick.
    16. The mst cmmn sign f Influenza A is _________.
    A. cughB. high feverC. headacheD. sre thrat
    17. If a student gets Influenza A, he must _________.
    A. pay attentin t his feverB. stay at hme fr 48 hurs
    C. g t the hspital at nceD. take medicine immediately
    18. Which f the fllwing is NOT true abut Influenza A?
    A. It can pssibly be prevented.B. It’s different frm COVID-19.
    C. Its viruses can’t live in the air.D. It breaks ut in China recently.
    【答案】16. B 17. A 18. C
    细节理解题。根据“If peple arund yu get a fever these days, it may nt be COVID-19. If fact, Influenza A is sweeping acrss China, which causes peple mst likely t suffer a high temperature.”可知甲型流感最常见的症状是发高烧。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The disease can g away after 3 t 7 days. But if the temperature desn’t g dwn after three days, g and see a dctr.”(这种疾病在3到7天后就会消失。但是如果三天后体温没有下降,就要去看医生了)可知如果学生得了甲型流感,他必须注意发烧。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据“Thrugh cughs r sneezes. The viruses g int the air. If peple nearby breathe them in, they culd get sick.”(通过咳嗽或打喷嚏。病毒进入空气中。如果附近的人吸入它们,他们可能会生病)可推知甲型流感病毒可以在空气中生存。故选C。
    Hw d we knw abut things that happened thusands f years ag, when there were n vides r phts? One answer is written recrds. The earliest written recrds f Chinese culture and histry are knwn as racle bne inscriptins (甲骨文).
    Mre than 3,000 years ag, peple in the Shang Dynasty(c. 16th—11th century BC)liked t ask frtune tellers (占卜师 ) abut the future. Fr example, what will the weather be like next week? Where shuld I g t make mney? Will my wife give birth t a by r a girl? Frm wrk t lve, peple asked questins abut many tpics. The frtune teller wuld write the questin n an racle bne, heat it up, and then read the cracks (裂纹) in it t find an answer. That’s hw racle bne inscriptins started.
    Tens f thusands f racle bnes have been fund s far. They can tell us a great deal abut hw peple lived during the Shang Dynasty. “They help us understand the rigins f Chinese philsphy and thught, and find ut where ur culture cmes frm,” Sng Zhenha, a leading racle bne expert, tld China Daily.
    In additin t telling us abut ancient Chinese culture, the racle bnes are als key t understanding the grwth and develpment f the written frm f the Chinese language. Many f the characters we use tday are similar t thse used 3,000 years ag. “The racle bne inscriptins, as the earliest-knwn mature (成熟的)frm f Chinese characters, shw the beauty f a language that has been passed dwn years after years,” said Chen Nan, a prfessr at Tsinghua University.
    In 2017, UNESCO added racle bne inscriptins t its Memry f the Wrld Register. They are indeed a valuable memry f ancient China.
    19. Accrding t Paragraph 1, ne way t study ancient China is thrugh _________.
    A. videsB. phtsC. charactersD. experts
    20. What des the underlined wrd “rigins” mean in Paragraph 3?
    A. birthsB. interestsC. resultsD. gals
    21. What can we learn frm the racle bnes?
    a. culture f the ancient Chinese b. future life tld by frtune tellers
    c. beauty f the Chinese language d. changes f the Chinese language
    A. abcB. abdC. acdD. bcd
    22. Frm the passage we learn that racle bne inscriptins _________.
    A. are difficult t find at the mmentB. cst experts a lt f mney t study
    C. first came ut during the Shang DynastyD. are ttally different frm the characters tday
    【答案】19. C 20. A 21. C 22. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“One answer is written recrds. The earliest written recrds f Chinese culture and histry are knwn as racle bne inscriptins (甲骨文).”和第四段中的“The racle bne inscriptins, as the earliest-knwn mature (成熟的)frm f Chinese characters”可知,研究古代中国的一种方法是通过最早的汉字——甲骨文。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“and find ut where ur culture cmes frm”可推测,rigins意为“起源”,与births同义。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“In additin t telling us abut ancient Chinese culture, the racle bnes are als key t understanding the grwth and develpment f the written frm f the Chinese language.”和“The racle bne inscriptins, as the earliest-knwn mature (成熟的)frm f Chinese characters, shw the beauty f a language that has been passed dwn years after years”可知,a、d、c正确。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Tens f thusands f racle bnes have been fund s far. They can tell us a great deal abut hw peple lived during the Shang Dynasty.”可知,甲骨文最早出现在商朝。故选C。
    As the days are getting clder, yu might wish yu culd magically turn int a bear and spend the winter sleeping. In fact, scientists are lking fr ways t let humans hibernate, t!
    During hibernatin, an animal’s heart rate and breathing slw dwn. They can save energy when there is little fd in the winter mnths.
    Japanese researchers have fund the secret behind hibernatin—the “Q neurns”. These neurns in animals’ brains can put them int a hibernatin state. The researchers als did peratins n mice after turning n the mice’s “Q neurns”. It turned ut that during hibernatin, the peratins d less harm t the mice.
    Accrding t the team, humans’ “O neurns”cannt be turned n and ff as easily as the mice’s. But they are cnfident in cpying the mice’s hibernatin in humans. That means we culd let peple “hibernate”when having peratins, causing less damage t their bdies.
    In recent years, mre scientists are getting t realize the benefits f hibernatin. US scientist Katherine Grabek fund that when the thirteen-lined grund squirrel hibernates, it cleans ut harmful brain plaques that are related t Alzheimer’s in humans. They hpe t design sme medicine fr humans based n this finding. Besides, sme studies in bats shw that, during hibernatin, their bdies age mre slwly. This als prvides new ideas fr making humans live lnger in the future, accrding t New Scientist magazine.
    At the same time, scientists have fund a lt f fun facts n animals. Fr example, a bat’s heart rate drps t 25 beats per minute during hibernatin—dwn frm 400 when it’s awake. Its breathing slws s much that it might nt take a breath fr up t an hur! Als, a black bear can g withut eating, drinking r ging t the bathrm fr 100 days. During hibernatin, their wunds even heal perfectly.
    23. Paragraph 2 intrduces _________.
    A. what is needed fr hibernatinB. where animals usually hibernate
    C. what kind f animals hibernateD. what happens during hibernatin
    24. What have Japanese researchers fund?
    A. Humans dn’t have “Q neurns” as mice d.
    B. It’s difficult t turn n the mice’s “Q neurns”.
    C. It’s impssible fr humans t cpy the hibernatin.
    D. Ding peratins in the hibernatin state is less harmful.
    25. What will happen in the future based n the scientists’ findings?
    A. Peple can hibernate whenever they like.
    B. Peple may hibernate t slw dwn aging.
    C. Peple may use animals t create new medicine.
    D. Peple can g withut eating r drinking fr 100 days.
    26. The passage is written t _________.
    A. share sme findings n hibernatinB. intrduce fun facts n hibernatin
    C. shw the achievements in peratinsD. present a new way f ding peratins
    【答案】23. D 24. D 25. B 26. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“During hibernatin, an animal’s heart rate and breathing slw dwn.”可知,在冬眠期间,动物的心率和呼吸速度会变慢,描述的是冬眠期间发生的事情。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“It turned ut that during hibernatin, the peratins d less harm t the mice.”可知,在冬眠期间,做手术的伤害较小,d less harm t和be less harmful都可以表达“伤害较小”。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第五段“Besides, sme studies in bats shw that, during hibernatin, their bdies age mre slwly.”可知,冬眠期间,身体衰老速度会更慢,age mre slwly和slw dwn aging 都可以表达“减缓老化”。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“Japanese researchers have fund the secret behind hibernatin—the “Q neurns”.”可知,研究人员已经发现了冬眠背后的秘密,主要分享了冬眠的发现。故选A。
    Jhnny Twn-muse was brn in a cupbard while Timmy Willie was brn in a garden in the cuntry. One day, Timmy Willie went t twn by mistake in a big basket with vegetables. There he met Jhnny Twn-muse.
    Jhnny Twn-Muse ffered Timmy Willie a mst cmfrtable sfa pillw t sleep. The sfa pillw had a hle in it. Jhnny Twn-Muse quite hnestly called it the best bed. Excellent meals were als prvided.
    Althugh Timmy Willie knew Jhnny Twn-Muse and his ther new friends here had tried their best t entertain him, he still wanted t be at his peaceful hme. The fd here disagreed with him and the nise prevented him frm sleeping. S he said gdbye t them and hid in a big basket with a small piece f cake and a vegetable leaf.
    After a lng jurney, he was set dwn safely in his wn garden.
    Smetimes n Saturdays he went t lk at the big basket lying by the gate, but he knew he had better nt get in again. And nbdy gt ut, thugh Jhnny Twn-Muse had prmised him a visit.
    The winter passed and the sun came ut again. Timmy Willie, warming his little fur cat and smelling the flwers and spring grass, had nearly frgtten his visit t twn. Suddenly, Jhnny Twn-Muse came up the sandy path with a brwn leather bag!
    Timmy Willie received him with pen arms. “Yu have cme at the best time f the year. We will have sweet pudding and sit in the sun.”
    “Hmm, it is a little wet,” sighed Jhnny Twn-Muse wh lved cleanness. He was carrying his tail under his arm, ut f the mud.
    “What is that fearful nise?” he shuted ludly.
    “That?” said Timmy Willie. “That is nly a cw. I will beg a little milk. The cws are quite harmless unless they happen t lie dwn upn yu. Hw is everything ging?”
    _________. The family had gne t the seaside t celebrate Easter. The ck was ding spring cleaning in rder t clear ut the mice. There were fur baby cats, and the cat had killed the pet bird. Therefre, he had t stay smewhere else fr the mment.
    “They say we did it, but I knw better,” said Jhnny Twn-Muse. “What is that frightening nise?”
    “That is nly the lawnmwer.” I will g and bring back sme f the grass clippings right nw t make yur bed. I am sure yu had better settle in the cuntry, Jhnny. I am sure yu will never want t live in twn again.” said Timmy Willie.
    But Jhnny Twn-Muse did. He went back in the very next basket f vegetables.
    27. Accrding t the passage, Timmy Willie _________.
    A. missed his friend Jhnny a lt.B. enjyed his life in the cuntry.
    C. killed the pet bird with Jhnny.D. liked the fd in twn very much.
    28. Which f the fllwing can be put int_________ in Paragraph11?
    A. Jhnny tld Timmy Willie hw he arrived in the cuntry.
    B. Jhnny were srry t mentin what happened t the family.
    C. Jhnny explained why he was paying his visit in the seasn.
    D. Jhnny wndered if Timmy Willie culd cme back t twn.
    29. What des the writer mainly want t tell us?
    A. N pains, n gains.B. Nthing is impssible.
    C. What suits yu mst is the best.D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    30. Did Jhnny Twn-Muse like the life in the cuntry? Why r Why nt?
    【答案】27. B 28. C 29. C
    30. N, Jhnny Twn-Muse didn’t like the life in the cuntry. The reasns are as fllws. First, Jhnny Twn-Muse went back in the next basket which wuld take him back t twn. Secnd, he liked cleanness, but it was a little wet and sandy in the cuntry, s he needed t carry his tail ut f mud. What’s mre, the cw and the lawnmwer made a lt f nise in the cuntry, which was fearful and frightening fr him.
    细节理解题。根据“Althugh Timmy Willie knew Jhnny Twn-Muse and his ther new friends here had tried their best t entertain him, he still wanted t be at his peaceful hme. The fd here disagreed with him and the nise prevented him frm sleeping.”可知蒂米·威利喜欢他在乡下的生活。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The family had gne t the seaside t celebrate Easter. The ck was ding spring cleaning in rder t clear ut the mice. There were fur baby cats, and the cat had killed the pet bird. Therefre, he had t stay smewhere else fr the mment.”可知约翰尼解释了为什么现在来拜访蒂米·威利。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“The fd here disagreed with him and the nise prevented him frm sleeping.”可知出生在乡下的花园里的蒂米·威利喜欢乡下的生活;根据“‘Hmm, it is a little wet,’ sighed Jhnny Twn-Muse wh lved cleanness.”及“He went back in the very next basket f vegetables.”约翰尼不喜欢乡下的生活。所以作者告诉我们一个道理:最适合你的就是最好的。故选C。
    开放性题目,言之有理即可。故填N, Jhnny Twn-Muse didn’t like the life in the cuntry. The reasns are as fllws. First, Jhnny Twn-Muse went back in the next basket which wuld take him back t twn. Secnd, he liked cleanness, but it was a little wet and sandy in the cuntry, s he needed t carry his tail ut f mud. What’s mre, the cw and the lawnmwer made a lt f nise in the cuntry, which was fearful and frightening fr him.
    三、词汇运用(本题有15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
    Female Pwer at Beijing Winter Olympics
    31. Chinese sprtswmen _________ plenty f glds at Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
    32. Xu Mengta’s perfect perfrmance shwed the Chinese wmen’s fighting _________.
    33. It was the _________ time fr Wang Shiyue t take part in the Winter Olympics successfully.
    34. Althugh Peng Oingyue was _________ f all the athletes, she trained hard as well.
    35. _________ prblems Zhang Kexin had, she never stpped practising.
    【答案】31. wn
    32. spirit##spirits
    33. secnd 34. the yungest
    35. Whatever
    句意:在北京2022年冬奥会上,中国女运动员获得大量金牌。根据“glds”可知,应该选win。又根据“2022 Winter Olympics”可知,此句应用一般过去时,win的过去式是wn。故填wn。
    句意:虽然彭清玥是所有运动员中最年轻的,但是她也在刻苦地训练。根据比较范围“f all the athletes”可知应用最高级。根据语境可知应该用yung的最高级yungest,形容词的最高级前应加定冠词the。故填the yungest。
    句意:无论张可欣遇到什么问题,她从未停止练习。根据“she never stpped practising”可知,此处应用“whatever无论什么”引导让步状语从句。故填Whatever。
    Peple Wh Mved China—Deng Xialan
    Deng Xialan vlunteered t teach music in a village in Hebei prvince fr 18 years. Because f her teaching and the ____36____(能力)f her pupils, the kids frm villages culd sing the Olympic anthem at the pening ceremny f the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics n ____37____(二月)4th.
    As she ____38____(影响)by her parents, she learned the vilin and singing when she was yung. She ____39____(加入)the schl band after entering Tsinghua University.
    In 2003, when Deng Xialan attended a ceremny in a village, she met a grup f ____40____(当地的)kids. She wanted t sing a sng tgether with the kids, but ____41____(没有一个)f them knew the well-knwn sngs she named. “Music wuld make kids happier and ____42____(活跃的).” Deng said. “S I thught if I had the chance, I must teach them t sing.”
    Deng has travelled between Beijing and the village since 2004 t teach the kids music. She prepared many instruments fr the kids, ____43____(包括)a vilin and sme keybards. She als rebuilt the schl huses, by ____44____(筹集)mney. In 2006, she set up the Malan Band. ____45____(最终), they gt the chance t perfrm n the stage f Beijing Winter Olympics.
    【答案】36. abilities
    37. February
    38. was influenced
    39. jined##attended
    40. lcal 41. nne
    42. mre active
    43. including
    44. raising##cllecting
    45. Finally
    句意:由于受到父母的影响,她从小就学会了小提琴和唱歌。influence意为“影响”,为动词;根据“she…by her parents, she learned the vilin and singing when she was yung.”可知此处主语“she”与动词“影响”之间应是被动关系,时态为一般过去时,故填was influenced。
    句意:音乐会让孩子们更快乐、更活跃。active意为“活跃的”,根据前文“happier”可知,此处应填比较级。故填mre active。
    四、语法填空(本题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    Green Fingers Grw Dreams
    A cmpany in the United States said that it wuld ffer a lt f mney t anyne wh culd find a white flwer—marigld. Mst mariglds are either glden ____46____ brwn. Therefre, it is very hard ____47____ (find) a white ne.
    Twenty years later, the cmpany received a letter ____48____ an ld wman. She sent 100 white marigld seeds alng with the letter. The wman was ____49____ fan f flwers. When she first heard the cmpany’s ffer 20 years ag, she gt very ____50____ (excite). She thught she culd grw white mariglds with her sn and daughter, but her ____51____ (child) dubted her. Hwever, she didn’t give up. She decided t reach her gal all by ____52____ (she). A year later, when the mariglds came ut, she ____53____ (chse) ne f the best flwers and tk its seeds. She planted these seeds and waited anther year fr them t cme ut.
    ____54____ (lucky), ne day she went ut t her garden as usual and fund a marigld that was nt just white—it was as white as the snw. ____55____ lvely the flwer is!
    【答案】46. r 47. t find
    48. frm 49. a
    50. excited
    51. children
    52. herself
    53. chse 54. Luckily
    55. Hw
    句意:因此,很难找到一个白色的。“It’s+adj+t d sth”意为“做某事很困难”,空处应填动词不定式,故填t find。
    句意:20年后,该公司收到了一位老妇人的来信。根据“a letter…an ld wman”应指收到一封来自老妇人的信。故填frm。
    句意:这个女人是个花迷。根据“fan f flwers”可知此处填冠词,fan为可数名词单数,且是辅音音素开头,故填a。
    句意:20年前,当她第一次听到公司的报价时,她非常兴奋。根据“she gt very…”可知空处应填形容词,修饰主语“she”,故填excited。
    句意:她认为自己可以和儿子女儿一起种植白色金盏花,但她的孩子们对她表示怀疑。根据前文“her sn and daughter”可知此处指的是“孩子们”,故填child的复数形式children。故填children。
    句意:她决定独自一人达到目标。by neself意为“独自”,此处主语为“she”,其反身代词为herself。故填herself。
    句意:一年后,当金盏花问世时,她选择了最好的花之一,并摘下了它的种子。根据“A year later, when the mariglds came ut,…”可知此处时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,chse的过去式为chse。故填chse。
    句意:幸运的是,有一天,她像往常一样去花园,发现了一朵万寿菊,它不仅是白色的,而且像雪一样白。根据“ne day she went ut t her garden as usual and fund a marigld that was nt just white”可知空处应填副词修饰后面整个句子,lucky的副词形式为luckily,置于句首,首字母大写。故填Luckily。
    句意:这朵花多可爱啊!根据“lvely the flwer is!”可知此处为感叹句,结构应是“Hw+adj+主语+谓语”,所以空处应填hw,置于句首,首字母大写。故填Hw。
    五、书面表达(本题有1小题, 共20分)
    56. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Tny想了解中国诗词。请根据以下信息提示,用英语写一封电子邮件,邀请他暑假来参加你校举办的中国诗词节,告知他活动时间和内容并至少补充一项活动内容。
    参考词汇:pet n. 诗人 recite v. 背诵
    注意:1. 字数约110词;开头已给出,不计入总次数;
    2. 文章中不得出现真实的个人信息。
    Dear Tny,
    I am glad that yu’re interested in Chinese pems. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Lking frward t seeing yu sn.
    Li Hua
    Dear Tny,
    I am glad that yu’re interested in Chinese pems. Here are sme gd news. Our schl is ging t hld Chinese Pems Festival n July 6h. I’d like t invite yu t jin it.
    Our schl has prepared plenty f activities fr this festival. First, students will share stries f famus Chinese pets. It’s full f well-knwn stries and they are lved by Chinese peple f all ages.
    Als, there will be a Pem Recite Cmpetitin which many students will take part in. They will chse their favurite pems t recite with beautiful music. Yu will als knw sme Chinese culture frm it.
    What’s mre,yu can enjy sme psters abut Chinese pems r pets in the art rm. In a wrd, it’s wrth enjying the Chinese Pems Festival and yu will be impressed.
    Lking frward t seeing yu sn.
    [写作步骤 ]
    [亮点词汇 ]
    ①plenty f许多、大量
    ②be full f充满
    ③take part in参加
    ④in a wrd总之
    ⑤lk frward t ding sth期待做某事
    [高分句型 ]
    ①Als, there will be a Pem Recite Cmpetitin which many students will take part in. 此外,还会有许多学生参加的诗歌朗诵比赛。(本句是there be句型的一般将来时态;which引导定语从句)
    ②Lking frward t seeing yu sn. 期待很快见到你。(lk frward t ding sth期待做某事,固定搭配)
    spirit yung win whatever tw
    July 6th
    ●Share stries f famus Chinese pets
    ●Take part in Pem Recite Cmpetitin
    crack n. 裂缝 frtune tellers占卜师 heal v. 愈合
    hibernate v. 冬眠 Influenza A n. 甲流 lawnmwer n. 剪草机
    leak v. 渗漏 mature adj. 成熟的 neurn n. 神经元
    racle bne inscriptins 甲骨文 pillw n. 枕头 plaque n. 斑块
    ple n. 杆子 pt n. 罐 sneeze n. 喷嚏
    thirteen-lined grund squirrel 多纹黄鼠

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