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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分)
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Have a picnic. B. G fishing. C. Take a drive.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The weather. B. Indr activities. C. The wman's illness:
    3. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At a bus statin. B. At a train statin. C. At an airprt.
    4. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Surf the Internet. B. Cnduct an interview. C. Pst a jb ad nline.
    5. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A. T bk a rm.B. T cnfirm his flight.C. T reschedule a meeting.
    第二节(共15 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. When will the hallways be cleaned?
    A. This afternn. B. On Wednesday. C. Smeday sn.
    7. What will the wman d next week?
    A. Hst a dinner.B. Design an agenda.C. Hld a cnference.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8、 9题。
    8. What did the speakers just d?
    A. They watched a shw.
    B. They perfrmed in a musical.
    C. They practiced dancing tgether.
    9. What was prbably the wman?
    A. An actress. B. A dancer. C. A musician.
    听第8段材料, 回答第10 至 13 题。
    10. What des the wman ask the man fr?
    A. The receipt. B. The jacket. C. The credit card.
    11. What d we knw abut the jacket?
    A. It was bught at a discunt.
    B. It was unsuitable fr the man.
    C. It was large fr the man's sn.
    12. What is the duratin f the credit nte?
    A. One mnth. B. Six mnths. C. One year.
    13. What will the man d next week?
    A. Get his mney back. B. Take a credit nte. C. Visit the stre again.
    听第9段材料, 回答第 14至 17 题。
    14. What did Paul d after he left schl?
    A. He pened a shp.
    B. He did several different jbs.
    C. He gt a jb as a ch ef in a restaurant.
    15. What was Paul's first restaurant jb like?
    A. Bring but well-paid. B. Difficult but beneficial.C. Enjyable but demanding.
    16. What des Paul's current jb invlve?
    A. Assisting chefs. B. Cking every day. C. Managing the whle kitchen.
    17. What is the key t success in Paul's view?
    A. Sticking t ld dishes.
    B. Using quality fd material.
    C. Creating less stressful envirnment.
    听第10段材料, 回答第18至 20 题。
    18. What is the speaker's jb related t?
    A. Medicine. B. Artificial intelligence. C. Wild animals.
    19. What is the prgram MediScan used fr?
    A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Prducing reprts.
    20. What is the speaker's attitude twards AI in general?
    A. Psitive. B. Wrried. C. Disapprving.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50 分)
    第一节:(共 15 小题, 每小题2.5 分, 满分37.5 分)
    Visit Natinal Museum f China
    The NMC in Beijing is a wrld-class museum that displays five thusand years f splendid Chinese civilizatin.
    Getting Here
    N.16 East Chang'an Street, Dngcheng District, Beijing 100006
    Bus Rute:
    Yu can take the N.1, N.2, N.52, N.82, N.120 buses, r Sightseeing Line 2, Turist Bus Line 1 and Line 2 and get ff at Tian'anmen East Statin.
    Yu can take Metr Line 1, get ff at Tian'anmen East Statin, and exit the statin thrugh Exit C r D.
    The NMC pens t the public frm Tuesday t Sunday and clses n Mnday(except fr public hlidays). Its pening hurs are frm 9:00 t 17:30(last admissin at 16:30).
    Accrding t the regulatins n cnducting regular epidemic preventin, all visitrs must make nline appintments (with different time interval available). Please make yur appintments 1-7 days in advance and plan yur visit prperly.
    We welcme visitrs t make nline appintments thrugh ur fficial website r fficial WeChat platfrm.
    Official Website:
    Official WeChat Platfrm: Please scan the QR cde belw, scrll dwn and click “Visits”, and access the “Reservatin” page.
    Inquiries: 010-65116400 (9:00-16:30)
    Ntice t Visitrs
    Valid ID dcuments are required t enter the museum during the pening hurs. Visitrs must g thrugh security check. Restricted items r animals such as dgs and cats are prhibited. Applicatins must be filed fr rganizing activities in the museum such as lectures, surveys and vide recrdings, and the activities can be rganized nly upn apprval.
    Fr mre infrmatin, click here
    21. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A newspaper. B. A text bk.
    C. An fficial website. D. An academic article.
    22. Hw many ways t make a reservatin?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur. D. Five.
    23. What are yu frbidden t d at the museum?
    A. Pass the security check. B. Organize any kind f activity.
    C. Enter the museum at nn. D. Explre the museum with pets.
    High schl senirs missed ut n s much in 2023—n prms, n traditinal graduatin ceremnies. But that has nt stpped sme f them trying t slve the wrld's biggest challenges. And Lillian Kay Petersen frm Ls Alams, New Mexic, is amng them.
    Petersen invented a simple tl fr predicting harvests early in the grwing seasn, which culd facilitate fd allcatin(分配) planning and ffer useful resurces t thse wrking t tackle glbal fd insecurity. She first tested her tl, which analyzed daily satellite imagery using accepted measures f vegetatin health, n knwn dmestic crp data. She then carried ut experiments fr cuntries in Africa and successfully predicted harvests with high accuracy against reprted prductin.
    Petersen wn first place and the $250,000 tp award in the Regenern Science Talent Search 2023, ne f the ldest and mst reputable science and math cmpetitins fr high schl senirs in the US.
    In 2014, Petersen's family adpted her three yunger brthers and sisters, all f whm suffered frm malnutritin(营养不良) due t fd insecurity in their childhd. Their struggles against the lifelng effects left a deep impressin n her. After reading abut a disastrus drught in Ethipia between 2018 and 2019, she put her cmputer science knwledge t use. “I wanted t find a way t help aid rganizatins mnitr crp cnditin as drughts evlve, t help them respnd t fd crises with a better time, and t help children s that they dn't face malnutritin and lifelng cnsequences,” she said.
    While in high schl, she began mnitring drughts in Africa using satellite imagery. Later, she published her first paper n the subject in a peer-reviewed jurnal. She has als met with the Internatinal Fd Plicy Research Institute t discuss the glbal pandemic (流行病)and its effects n crp prductin in Africa.
    24. What benefit culd Petersen's inventin bring?
    A. It culd ensure fd security.B. It culd bst crp prductin.
    C. It culd cllect crp data accurately.D. It culd make fd distributin planning easier.
    25. What is Paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. What inspired Petersen t invent the tl.
    B. Why fd crises in Africa were s serius.
    C. When Petersen began t mnitr crp cnditin.
    D. Why Petersen's brthers and sisters were adpted.
    26. Which wrds can best describe Petersen?
    A. Innvative and far-sighted. B. Generus and cmmitted.
    C. Cmpetent and risk-taking. D. Intelligent and cmpetitive.
    27. Why des the authr write this text?
    A. T draw public attentin t fd insecurity.
    B. T emphasize challenges Africans encunter.
    C. T appeal t yung peple t handle glbal issues.
    D. T share the benefits f cnducting scientific research.
    The Wrld Wide Fund fr Nature(WWF) has released the first glbal blueprint t save the wrld's frests. The WWF is a glbal cnservatin charity. Its Frest Pathways Reprt details the state f the wrld's frests and what gvernments can d t better prtect them. The reprt fcuses n the cmmitments that were made at COP26 ——a cnference n the climate emergency held in the UK in 2021. At COP26, mre than 140 cuntries, cvering arund 90%f the wrld's frest, prmised t end defrestatin by 2030. Hwever, the WWF says that this target is in danger f being missed.
    In 2022,66,000 square kilmetres f frest arund the wrld was lst. Abut tw-thirds f this was frm trpical frests. This is having an effect n wildlife, with the WWF's blueprint nting a decline in the ppulatins f species that depend n frests, such as grillas, hrnbills, rangutans and black-headed squirrel mnkeys.
    Hwever, the reprt als highlights sme cnservatin success stries. Fr instance, the Khata Cnservatin Area in Nepal has grwn by a size amunt t 3,000 ftball pitches, prviding a hme fr tigers and ther species. Meanwhile, in the UK, the Wild Inglebrugh prject, a partnership between the WWF and the Yrkshire Wildlife Trust, is restring 15square kilmetres f land in the Yrkshire Dales back t its natural wild state, cmplete with wdlands. Mary Gagen, authr f the Frest Pathways Reprt, says, “There are pckets f success where cuntries are appraching defrestatin, and we knw what needs t be dne t grw thse.”
    The reprt includes a list f recmmendatins fr wrld gvernments, prviding a blueprint t save frests. This includes tughening up rules against defrestatin as well as recgnizing the rights f indigenus(当地的) peples wh live in the frests. They are the descendants(后代) f thse wh lived smewhere befre anther culture arrived and tk ver.There are als sme specific suggestins fr the UK Gvernment, such as bringing in envirnmental standards fr fd that is bught and sld in the UK, s that nne f it cntributes t defrestatin.
    28. What d we knw abut WWF?
    A. It may fail t meet its gal.B. It fcuses n prtecting ur earth.
    C. It ffers prpsals t gvernments.D. It apprves f COP26’s cmmitments.
    29. Hw des the authr mainly develp the third paragraph?
    A. By listing sme statistics. B. By clarifying a cncept.
    C. By citing sme examples. D. By pinting ut similarities.
    30. What can yu learn frm the text?
    A. The blueprint lays dwn fd criteria fr cuntries.
    B. Cncrete tips will help the UK gvernment save frests.
    C. The blueprint desn't acknwledge the rights f natives.
    D. The native peple are succeeding generatins f anther culture.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Keynte f Frest Pathways Reprt. B. A Cnference n the Climate Emergency.
    C. The Wrldwide Effrt fr Defrestatin. D. Successful Stries f Tackling Defrestatin.
    Stries have lng been emplyed t instill (灌输) mral and cultural values in yung children, but there is little research explring the effectiveness f such stries.
    “As parents, we want t knw hw effective the stries actually are in prmting hnesty.” say lead authr Kang Lee f the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute f Child Study at the University f Trnt and c-authr Victria Talwar f McGill University. “Is it ‘in ne ear, ut the ther,’ r d children listen and take the messages t heart?”
    T find ut, Lee and Talwar cnducted an experiment with 268 children aged 3 t 7. Each child played a game that required guessing the identity f a ty based n the sund it made. In the middle f the game, the experimenter left the rm fr a minute, instructing the child nt t glance at a ty left n the table. Fr mst children, this temptatin(诱惑) was t hard t resist. When the experimenter returned, she read the child a stry, either The Trtise and the Hare, The By Wh Cried Wlf, Pincchi, r Gerge Washingtn and the Cherry Tree. Afterward, the experimenter asked the child t tell the truth abut whether he r she glanced at the ty.
    Cntrary t the experimenters’ expectatins, Pincchi and The By Wh Cried Wlf , which assciate lying with negative cnsequences, were n mre effective at prmting hnest behavir than a fable unrelated t hnesty, in this case The Trtise and the Hare. Only the made-up tale abut yung Gerge Washingtn seemed t inspire the kids t admit glancing: Children wh heard the tale in which the future first president was cmplimented because f admitting his mistake and rewarded a candy were three times mre likely t tell the truth than their fellws wh heard ther stries.
    “Our study shws that t prmte mral behavir such as hnesty, emphasizing the psitive utcmes f hnesty rather than the negative cnsequences f dishnesty is the key,” nte they. “This may apply t ther mral behavirs as well.”
    They als warn that mre research is necessary t determine whether mral stries influence kids’ behavir in the lng term. Still, they have been quick t take advantage f the findings. Talwar reprts a shift in her wn parenting practices: “It really seems t wrk. I use this nw with my child.”
    32. What is the aim f the experiment mentined in the text?
    A. T find ut which stry is instructive at schl.
    B. T make sure if the children can resist the temptatin.
    C. T see the effectiveness f stries in prmting hnesty.
    D. T ensure the precisin in guessing the identity f the ty.
    33. What des the underlined wrd“cmplimented”mean in Paragraph 4?
    A. Criticized. B. Praised. C. Ignred. D. Respected.
    34. What des Talwa r mean in the last paragraph?
    A. She will apply the finding t her child.
    B. Her child shws a strng interest in the stry.
    C. Her parents have changed their way f educatin.
    D. She perceives the psitive influence n her child.
    35. Which wrd can describe the authr's attitude in the text?
    A. Unclear. B. Cntradictry. C. Sympathetic. D. Objective.
    第二节(共5 小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分 12.5 分)
    Fr utdr enthusiasts, it is crucial t be prepared fr any srt f natural disaster in the pen air 36 It includes what kinds f disasters may strike, and what resurces shuld be taken n yur trip.
    37 Desert areas are mre likely t be affected by drughts; castal regins are mre likely t see hurricanes; muntainus areas are likely t avalanches(雪崩) in winter and landslides in summer. Therefre, always d sme research ahead f time t help yu find right survival strategies in different cnditins.
    While yu're planning, the essential thing t cnsider is the things yu shuld pack fr yur trip. Any disaster that may separate yu frm civilizatin fr a perid f time will require yu t prvide yur wn fd, water, and shelter fr at least a few days 38 Fr disasters that may wet yur equipment, flameless light surces are a must. What yu bring with yu shuld be suited t the disaster yu might encunter.
    Once yu cmplete yur survival plan, it's better t review it peridically. When a natural disaster strikes, yu prbably wn't have time t g ver a dcument r g nline t seek advice. 39
    If a natural disaster strikes while yu are in the wilderness, yu shuld put yur survival plan int effect immediately 40 Then cntact thers fr help D nt wait arund t see if the disaster is really that serius, d nt panic, and d nt easily abandn yur plan.
    A. But this is nt always the case.
    B. It's als a gd idea t bring light surces.
    C. That means having a disaster respnse plan.
    D. It's als great t cnsult with the specialists in persn.
    E. Cnsequently, revising it frequently is strngly recmmended.
    F. Different kinds f disasters are likely t ccur in different areas.
    G. Stay calm, act decisively, and begin wrking t keep yurself alive.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15 分)
    One day, a girl came upn a ccn(茧), and she culd tell that a butterfly was trying t 41 She waited and watched the butterfly struggle fr hurs t 42 itself frm the tiny hle 43 , the butterfly stpped mving it seemed t be 44 The girl then decided t help get the butterfly ut and with a pair f scissrs cut pen the ccn. The butterfly was then 45 able t escape Hwever, its bdy was swllen(肿胀的) and its wings were 46 .
    The girl still thught she had dne the butterfly a favr as she sat there waiting fr its wings t grw in rder t 47 its bdy That wasn't happening The butterfly was unable t fly, and fr the rest f its life, it culd nly mve by crawling arund with little wings and a 48 bdy Despite the girl's gd intentins, she didn't understand that the 49 f the butterfly's ccn and the struggle the butterfly had t 50 in rder t escape served an imprtant purpse As butterflies 51 frm tight ccns and stretch wings ut, it frces liquid frm their bdy int their wings t prepare them t be able t fly.
    The 52 that we face in life help us grw and get strnger There is ften a reasn behind the requirement f being 53 and persistent(坚持不懈的) When bearing difficult times, we will develp the necessary 54 that we'll need in the future Withut having any struggles, we wn't grw which means it's very imprtant t 55 persnal challenges urselves rather than relying n ther peple t always help us.
    41. A. hatch B. hang C. swing D. nest
    42. A. trap B. release C. wrap D. thrw
    43. A. Even s B. Sner r later C. All f a sudden D. As usual
    44. A. scared B. sught C. kicked D. stuck
    45. A. easily B. hardly C. merely D. slightly
    46. A. verestimated B. underdevelped C. vergrwn D. underfed
    47. A. prtect B. shade C. supprt D. survive
    48. A. tiny B. skinny C. strng D. large
    49. A. cnservatin B. restrictin C. tensin D. variatin
    50. A. cme ut B. pull up C. g thrugh D. leave ff
    51. A. run B. recver C. generate D. emerge
    52. A. struggles B. adventures C. details D. guidelines
    53. A. industrius B. tlerant C. superir D. straightfrward
    54. A. carefulness B. strength C. ptimism D. patience
    55. A. hld nt B. turn dwn C. take n D. bring up
    第二节(共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
    China has a lng histry f mre than 5000 years. In the vastness f histry, Chinese traditinal culture cnstantly shws 56 (it) unique charm and is deeply lved and appreciated by peple arund the wrld. Amng the ancient Chinese literature, the Fur Great Classical Nvels, als referred t as the fur greatest and mst 57 (influence) nvels written in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, stand ut.
    58 the fur nvels have in cmmn is that they were written in the vernacular(白话文) f their times 59 mst ancient literature that was written in the classical style f writing. Mst Chinese are familiar with the figures, plts and scenes in the fur nvels. They have 60 (dramatic) affected the mentality, ideas and values f Chinese peple They were widely read by peple and cntained philsphical ideas, histry and viewpints abut human sciety that 61 (define) part f the wrldviews f the schlar and the 62 (plitical),which had 63 significant effect n the develpment f Chinese scieties in past eras.
    Nwadays, they have already been adapted int mvies r TV series, 64 (favr) by lts f audiences. Bein g high in artistic standard, the Fur Great Classical Nvels are precius heritage f Chinese natin and 65 (strike) wrks in the histry f Chinese literature.
    第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40 分)
    第一节 (满分15 分)
    66.假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Ben 得知你校开展了丰富多彩的校本课,请你给他写信介绍你最喜欢的体育校本课 (PE schl-based curse) 的相关情况, 内容如下:
    1. 上课的时间和内容;
    2. 喜欢的原因和收获。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第二节(满分25 分)
    I sptted my neighbr, Mnica, wrking in her garden ne day when I returned hme frm schl. It was sunny, and the smell f cut grass made me feel refreshed. I ppped my head ver the fence, and Mnica and I gt talking.
    “I’ve seen yu’re very gd at using a lawn mwer(割草机) and gardening tls,” Mnica said. “There's a hedge(树篱) grwing ver the pathway near here. It's s vergrwn that it becmes a head ache fr the passers-by. I was planning t cut it back myself. Wuld yu like t help ut?”
    I lved the idea f helping Mnica and ur cmmunity. We agreed t cut the hedge the fllwing Sunday. My brther Ivan, aged 10, als came alng t help us. We wheeled Mnica's garbage can dwn t the hedge, which the cmmunity cuncil was respnsible fr. All three f us cut it with shears (大剪刀) until a truble-free pathway came in sight. Mr. Brwn, a wheelchair user, was grateful that he didn't have t make a detur(绕行) any mre t pass the hedge. Encuraged by his wrds, I suggested ding mre fr ur cmmunity, t make it a better place.
    When we first started, we just made the best f the equipment we already had in my parents' garage. But as time went n, dnatins came in frm the lcal cmmunity. Our garage gt filled up quickly with brushes, gardening tls, and even dnated pwer tls like leaf blwers. With everything ready, ur first prject was t beautiful park near ur huses, which lked a bit run-dwn. Ivan was in charge f painting the fence arund, Mnica cleared the lawn with a leaf blwer, and I was respnsible fr repairing the benches where ur neighbrs usually sat at their leisure. After tw weeks’ hard wrk, we felt stunned when stepping back and appreciating the clean and brand new small park. My heart swelled with pride because ur effrts paid ff.
    1.续写词数应为 150个左右;
    Dear Ben,
    My schl has launched a series f schl-based curses.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    I psted phts f ur hard wrk n ur lcal Facebk Grup.
    With mre neighbrs jining in, we headed fr the flwer bed near the cmmunity center.

    38,辽宁省大连市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末双基测试英语试卷: 这是一份38,辽宁省大连市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末双基测试英语试卷,共23页。试卷主要包含了作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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