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    这是一份陕西省宝鸡市2023-2024学年高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后, 请将答题卡交回, On Sunday等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (试卷满分 150分, 考试时间 120分钟)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后, 请将答题卡交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. When will the speakers see the mvie?
    A. On Friday. 0 B. On Saturday. 6. On Sunday.
    2. Where will the wman prbably g first?
    A. The city library. B. The grcery stre. C. The prfessr's ffice.
    3. What is the man prbably?
    A. A lawyer. B. A dctr. C. A teacher.
    4. What des the wman imply abut Harry?
    s. He shuld eat healthily. 3. He will live a lng life. C. He is nt yung any mre.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Twns in Suth China. B. A great artist. C. Sme waterclr paintings.
    第二节(共15 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5 分)
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. Why des the man refuse t wear his seat belt at first?
    A. It's nly a shrt way hme. B. He drives very slwly. C. There are n cars arund.
    7. What damage can a car accident at 50 km/h cause?
    A. It's almst the same as falling frm the third flr.
    B. There is usually a 45% fatality rate.
    C. Frnt passengers have a 50% risk f serius injuries,
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。
    8. What is the date tday?
    A. September 1st. B. September 8th. C. September 10th.
    9. Where is Sara nw?
    A. In Adelaide. B. In Brisbane. C. In Sydney.
    10. What is Sara studying nw?
    A. Medicine. B. Academic English. C. General English.
    听第8段材料, 回答第11至14题。
    11. What did Gerge bring frm the library?
    k. A brchure. B. A bk. C. Sme magazines.
    12. Where will the speakers sit?
    A. In the middle. B. At the frnt. C. At the back.
    13. What will the wman prbably d first?
    A. Bk the tickets. B. Answer a call. C. Share the news.
    14. What is the relatinship' between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. A cuple. C. Manager and secretary.
    听第9段材料, 回答第15至17题。
    15. Hw ften des the wman shwer?
    A. Twice a day. O B. Once a day. C. Three times a day.
    16. What is the man's advice?
    A. Chse the gd-smelling sap. B. Avid using bdy washes.
    C. Wash hair tw r three times a week.
    17. What d the speakers talk abut at last?
    A. The time spent n taking a shwer. ;B. The way t keep the hair healthy.
    C. The effect f water temperature n skin..
    听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。
    18. Why did Ben raise mney?
    A. Fr elderly peple. B Fr cat shelters. C. Fr hmeless children.
    19. Hw much has Ben dnated in ttal?
    A.$1,950. B.$1,150. C.$2,019.
    20. What is Ben's mther's attitude tward his decisin?
    A. Ambiguus. B. Supprtive. C. Disapprving.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 (共15 小题; 每小题2分, 满分 30 分)
    When yu travel, d yu like t dive int new adventures, r d yu prefer t stay within yur cmfrt zne? Undubtedly, yur unique persnality helps determine what kind f trip yu're mst cmfrtable with.
    Adventurus travelers
    Perhaps yu'd like t cage div e with sharks in Australia r jump ut f an airplane in Dubai. Maybe yu'd enjy ging n-a camel safari in India. Or yu might like t river raft in Nepal. If these activities fill yu with excitement and enthusiasm, yu're prbably an adventurus traveler.
    Rmantic travelers
    Maybe yur perfect vacatin includes staying at an island beach huse in Malawi and watching the setting sun's brilliant clrs. Or perhaps yu've dreamed f a leisurely walk alng the Sein e admiring the icnic Eiffel Twer and seeing the lights f Paris. Des a trip t Italy's Amalfi Cast, with its splendid scenery and histrical sites, appeal t yu? If that's the case, yu might be a rmantic traveler.
    Intellectual travelers
    St. Augustine nce said, “The wrld is a bk and thse wh d nt travel read nly ne page ...”Many agree, and their gal f traveling. is t discver the mysteries, histry and. culture within that “bk.” They value spending time inside museums, at histrical landmarks and visiting traditinal cultural experiences.
    Des that sund like yu? If s, yu may be an intellectual traveler.
    First-time travelers
    If yu've never traveled internatinally, yu fall int this categry. Many first-time travelers wrry abut hw t cmmunicate, hw t get arund and mre. Fr yur first trip utside yur cuntry, pick smewhere with a familiar culture. Yu'll experience less culture shck if the fd, language and ther things seem smewhat familiar. .
    21. Hw are Adventurus travelers different frm ther travelers?
    A. They prefer challenging utdr activities.
    B. They like discvering the mysteries and culture.
    C. They want t admire splendid scenery.
    D. They are eager t travel internatinally.
    22. He may be a rmantic traveler if .
    A. he likes t jump ut f an air plane in Dubai B. he desires a trip t Italy’ s Amalfi Cast 口
    C. he values spending time inside museums . D. he wrries abut travelling internatinally
    23. What des he belng t if he prefers . familiar places?
    A. Adventurus travelers. B. Rmantic travelers.
    C. Intellectual travelers. Đ. First-time travelers.
    Steam trains paved the way fr mdern-day transprtatin, but just hw much d yu knw abut them?
    The rts f steam trains can be traced back t the 18th century when the Scttish engineer James Wat t imprved steam engine technlgy. Watt's imprvements significantly enhanced the efficiency f steam engines. This breakthrugh paved the way fr the applicatin f steam pwer in varius industries, marking the beginning f the Industrial Revlutin. As the 19th century started, Gerge Stephensn used the pwer f steam t pwer lcmtives(火车头), telling the age f steam-pwered transprtatin.
    Steam trains played a vital rle in transfrming the wrld int a cnnected netwrk f natins. The cmpletin f the Transcntinental Railrad in the United States in 1869 marked a histric mment, as steam lcmtives linked the East and West casts, reducing travel time and expanding ecnmic, pprtunities.
    Similarly, the Orient Express in Eurpe became a symbl f luxury and internatinal travel, carrying passengers frm Paris t Istanbul in a quick way. The rhythmic sund f wheels n rails eched(回响) thrugh diverse landscapes, frm the dry deserts f Australia t the snwy expanses f Siberia, as steam trains frmed paths f cnnectivity acrss cntinents. During times f war, the rle f steam trains extended t sldier transprtatin.
    While steam trains led the railway landscape fr ver a century, the mid-20th century witnessed the arrival f electric and diesel lcmtives, claiming greater efficiency and lwer peratinal csts, and signaling a transfrmative shift.
    As steam trains were nt mainstream transprtatin, enthusiasts wrldwide have preserved and restred steam lcmtives, ensuring that these classic engine s cntinue t attract new generatins with their nstalgic(怀旧的) charm, and that their stries cntinue t be tld fr ages t cme.
    Fr Heritage railways, they dedicate t the restratin and peratin f classic steam lcmtives. Frm the Bluebell Railway in England t the Strasburg Rail Rad in the United States, these living museums allw mdern-day travelers t experience the magic f steam travel. Riding the plished carriages and hearing the distinctive whistle, visitrs experience a sensry vyage, cnnecting with a time when steam trains were the heartbeat f prgress and adventure.
    24. What marks the beginning f the Industrial Revlutin?
    A. Rapid expansin f railways. B. Advance f steam lcmtives.
    C. Great efficiency f transprtatin. D. The use f steam pwer in industries.
    25. What des the authr intend t d in paragraph 4?
    A. Summarize the previus paragraphs. B. Add mre facts t the rle f. steam trains.
    C. Share a histric mment. D. Intrduce the Orient Express.
    26. Hw d Heritage railways react t the decline f steam trains?
    A. They welcme the arrival f electric engines. B. They insist n using steam trains.
    C. They ffer a jurney back in time. D. They prefer t imprve steam engines.
    27. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A travel guide. B. A bk review. C. A histry paper. D. A newspaper reprt.
    In an era led by texting and messaging apps, phne calls seem t be becming a relic f the past, particularly amng yunger generatins. A recent survey by Sky highlight s this shift, revealing that a quarter f 18–24-year-lds refuse t pick up the phne, and ver half ignre calls frm their parents.
    This raises the questin: Why d we find phne calls s awkward, and is aviding them damaging ur relatinships? The avidance f phne calls isn't just a preference; it's a sign f wrry. The immediacy and directness f a phne call, withut the ability t carefully respnses as in text-based cmmunicatin, can be discuraging. This nervusness is nt entirely new. Even traditinal frms f speaking can cause it.
    Phne cnversatins can be awkward due , t the lack f nn-verbal cues. In face-t-face interactins, we rely heavily n gestures, facial expressins, and bdy language t interpret messages, which are absent in phne cnversatins. This can lead t misunderstandings and a feeling f discnnect. Additinally, the pressure t respnd immediately withut the buffer(缓冲)f time t think, as affrded by messaging apps, can increase the anxiety assciated with phne calls.
    Despite the discmfrt they may cause, phne cnversatins are an imprtant skill. In the prfessinal wrld, the ability t cmmunicate effectively ver the phne remains a critical skill. As I emphasise in my teachings and wrkshps, clear, cnfident, and authentic cmmunicatin can significantly impact persnal and prfessinal success.. Therefre, it's crucial t teach yunger generatins, including Gen Z, the art f phne cnversatin, nt just fr prfessinal success but als fr fstering persnal relatinships.
    Mrever, as I advcate in my apprach t public speaking, incrprating emtinal elements int cmmunicatin enhances memrability and impact. Phne cnversatins, with their immediate and persnal nature, can fster a deeper emtinal cnnectin than text-based cmmunicatin.
    While it's understandable why phne calls can feel awkward in tday's digital age, it's essential t recgnize the value they hld in effective cmmunicatin and relatinship building.
    As we guide this “phne anxiety pandemic(流行病)”, it is crucial t encurage and relearn the art f phne cnversatin.
    28. What effect wuld “phne calls” have n yung peple^
    A. Refreshing. B Anxius. ₢ Pleasant. D. Cnfused.
    29. What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Analysis n speaking styles. B. The pressure t answer a phne call.
    C imperfectins f phne cnversatins. D. Frms f bdy language.
    30. What can we infer abut the authr frm the text?
    A. He is a business advisr. B. He is a prfessinal lecturer.'
    C. He is a published writer. D. He is a public speaker.
    31. What might the authr cntinue talking abut?
    A. A new apprach t yung generatins. B. Varied feelings frm phne calls.
    C. The tips t use messaging apps. D. The skills t talk ver the phne.
    It has been mre than 40 years since anyne has sptted a Japanese river tter. And the nce cmmn Yangtze River dlphins have either disappeared r are very rarely seen. These are just a few f the species that have been listed as extinct r lcally extinct in recent years. But the advancement f technlgy culd mean that the expunctin f ther species is nt a given.
    A huge challenge scientists and cnservatinists encunter is tracking species facing extinctin in rder t help them. This is where artificial intelligence(AI) has brught abut a revlutin in the way data n these species is cllected and analyzed. One example is the Maui dlphin, ne f the rarest and mst threatened dlphins in the cean. Familiar with their summer. Behavir, researchers knew that there were just 54 f these elusive mammals living ff the cast f New Zealand. Hwever, because f weather cnditins, researchers knew next t nthing abut their winter behavir. After fur years f develping, testing and fundraising, these scientists received permissin t use a drne(无人机) with AI that tracked the dlphins n matter the seasn. The result was the extensin f a marine sanctuary t prtect their habitat.
    In parts f Australia, the kala was declared endangered in 2022 due t bushfires, habitat destructin and rad accidents. Saving them was challenging because their whereabuts and numbers were relatively unknwn. S Grant Hamiltn, an assciate prfessr f ec lgy at Queensland University f Technlgy, began using drnes with infrared imaging t lcate them. An AI algrithm analyzes images t determine if a sighting is a kala. That infrmatin is then used t mnitr and prtect the species by restring their habitats and prviding. health prtectin.
    In Zambia's Kafue Natinal Park, hme t 15 mre than 6,000 elephants, AI is being used t enhance traditinal methds f preventing paching. Cameras recrd any bats that try t enter the park n Lake Itezhi-Tezhi, an illegal entry pint. Al immediately detects this activity and alerts park rangers, wh deal with the illegal hunters.
    The use f Al has helped t expedite actin and increase cnservatinists' ability t prtect the natural wrld fr generatins t cme.
    32. What des the underlined wrlds “a given” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. A serius prblem. (B. A rare phenmenn. C. A certain event. D. A false inference.
    33. What is the authr's purpse in mentining Maui dlphin?
    A. T bserve Maui dlphins' winter behavir.
    B. T get the exact number f Maui dlphins in the wild.
    C. T demnstrate the current situatin f Maui dlphins.
    Đ. T shw AI's applicatin in tracking the wild animals.
    34. What is the advantage f Al in saving kalas?
    A. Identifying kalas. B. Tracking kalas. C. Cllecting data. D. Preventing hunting.
    35. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. Saving Nature with Technlgy's Help B. Restring the Habitats f Endangered Species
    'C. Prviding Healthy Prtectin fr Animals D. Prtecting Wild Species frm Extinctin
    第二节(共5 小题;1每小题2 分,满分 10分)
    根据短文内容 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Hw t Exercise in a New Way
    Get healthy with these bite-sized amunts f exercises
    What shuld peple d when they can't find the time r desire t d a lng wrkut? 36
    Exercise snacks(“零食式”运动) are a ppular and inventive new way fr peple t stay fit. Instead f requiring hurs at the gym, this cncept instructs yu t keep it shrt. 37, Then yu can take a break that lasts 30 minutes t fur hurs befre anther snack. It has been reprted that exercise snacks can be as effective as traditinal exercise methds.
    Of curse, the mre f these brief exercises yu cmplete in a day, the better. Just three exercise snacks a day that gets yur heart pumping can be gd fr yur health. 38 Yur cncentratin and creativity imprve, and yu can becme mre prductive. Als, “snacking” thrughut the day prevents yu frm sitting t lng - smething that's always psitive.
    Anther great thing abut exercise snacks is that there are s many t chse frm. The gal is t spend a shrt time ding smething that raises yur heart rate. Acceptable activities range frm sit ups t jumping rpe t running up and dwn sme stairs. 39
    ●Exercises that are strength-based such as lifting weights will fit the bill. Since mst peple dn't keep weights at their ffice, lift full water bttles.
    ●Squats invlve mving yur hips as if t sit dwn while keeping yur back straight. This exercise helps strengthen yur lwer bdy and imprve yur mvement. Five t ten f these shuld make a gd snack.
    ●Fr thse wh dn't like traditinal exercises, simply turn up the music. Pick a lively sng and start dancing; it'll make fr a fun wrkut.
    A It desn't take up t much yur time.
    B. They shuld break that “large meal” int exercise “snacks.”
    C. And there are plenty f ther benefits beynd imprved fitness.
    D. These exercises can last anywhere frm 20 secnds t tw minutes.
    E. Cnsider giving exercise snacks a try, and see if they are t yur taste.
    F . They shuld cnstantly remind themselves f the imprtance f exercises.
    G. But fr thse wh dn't knw where t start, here are sme helpful exercise ptins.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节, 满 分45分)
    第一节 (共 20 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分 30分)
    In the small-twn f Meadwville, where the sun painted glden clrs n rlling hills, lived Lily, an rdinary girl with an heart. Lily's best friend was Lucas, a stray(走失的)puppy she 42 near the meadw.
    Every day after schl, Lily and Lucas explred the twn, making 43 adventures. Their laughter 44 thrugh the streets, drawing smiles frm everyne they encuntered. Hwever, Lily nticed Lucas grwing 45 each day.
    A visit t the 46 brught a diagnsis Lucas had a rare illness, and the cure was beynd Lily's 47 . Determined t help her furry friend, Lily initiated a 48campaign. She crafted handmade psters, rganized bake sales, and even 49 a small bth in the twn square.
    Wrd 50 like wildfire, and the twnspeple supprted Lily's cause. Children dnated their pcket mney, neighbrs cntributed 51 gds, and the nce divided twn52 fr a cmmn purpse. The cmmunity's warmth 53 Lily like a cmfrting embrace. With tears in her eyes, Lily cunted the 54 , realizing that the lve and supprt55 her wildest dreams. The twn's genersity made it 56 fr Lucas t underg the necessary treatment.
    57 Lucas regained his strength, Lily felt a prfund sense f 58 fr the kindness that surrunded her. The experience transfrmed nt just her, but the entire 59 .The nce stray puppy became a symbl f hpe, teaching the peple f Meadwville that 60culd heal wunds and unit hearts.
    41 . brken B. lnely C. extrardinary D. jyful
    42. A. fund B. lst C. selected D. knew
    43. A. cmplex B. dull C. dangerus D. magical
    44.. A. went B. put C. searched D. eched
    45. A. lder B. weaker C. thinner D. lnelier
    46. A. vet B. expert C. neighbr D. wner
    47. hpe> B. reach G. belief D. cntrl
    48. A. twn-wide B. wrld-famus C. self-interested D. life-lng
    49. A. tk up B. put up C. set up D. picked up
    50. A. last B. shared C. came D. spread
    51. A. baked B. used C. biled D. steamed
    52. A. allwed B. paid C. lived D. united
    53. A. greeted B. envelped C. filled D. cvered
    54. A. mney B. gds C. dnatins D. bths
    55. A. realized B. cntained C. exceeded B. transfrmed
    56. A. necessary B. pssible C. valuable D. useful
    57. A. As B. Althugh C. If D. Since
    58. A. gratitude B. respnsibility C. achievement D. relief
    59. A. city B. wrld C. twn D. cuntry
    60. A. cmmunicatin B. participatin C. explratin D. cmpassin
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
    The C919, China's first dmestically 61 (prduce) D large passenger aircraft, departed frm Shanghai Hngqia Internatinal Airprt fr Beijing Capital Internatinal Airprt at 10:32 am n Sunday, 62 (mark) its first cmmercial flight. This aircraft 63 (develp) by Cmmercial Aircraft Crpratin f China, 64 a seal shaped lg painted n it, and Chinese characters "quanqiu shu jia, meaning the wrld's first C919. This aircraft MU 9191 is perated by China Eastern Airlines. There are apprximately 130 passengers n bard. The flight time is apprximately 2 hurs and 25 minutes.
    The C919 prject was launched in 2007. The first C919 aircraft rlled ff the prductin line in Shanghai in Nvember 2015. The plane cnducted a successful maiden flight in 2017. In recent years the C919 65 (g) thrugh tests in varius types f extreme natural envirnments including high temperature, high humidity, severe cld, gusts and freeze. The aircraft btained 66 prductin certificate n Nvember 29,2022, 67 means that the mdel can enter mass prductin. On December 9, 2022, the first C919 aircraft was delivered t 68 (it)first custmer, China Eastern Airlines. Accrding t data frm the Shanghai Municipal Cmmissin f Science and Technlgy, as f the end f 2022,C919 has received 1035 69 (rder) frm 32 custmers. The successful develpment f theC919 indicates China's ability t 70 (dependent) develp large passenger aircraft.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分10分)
    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。
    The prverbs I like mst is "Where there is a will, there is a way", what tells that we shuld stick t ur dreams. When in Junir Middle Schl, I was t pr in my studies that I nearly gave up. And my head-teacher was always there. He gives me cnfidence every time I lst my heart. He encuraged me with the prverb cntinuus J· Thanks t my teacher, all my effrts paying 、ff and finally I became a tp student. Nthing is impssible t a will heart. As lng as yu keep trying, yu'll make.
    第2节 书面表述A满分 25分)
    写作要点:1. 写信意图; 2.应征目的; 3.自身条件(经验,能力等)。
    注意:1.词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇: histrical relics
    Dear Sir,
    I am Li Hua, an exchange student frm China. .

    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    2024年宝鸡市高考模拟检测试题 (一)
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    1—5 CBBAC 6—10 AAACB 11—15 ACCBC16—20CABAB
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)
    21-25 ABDDB 26-30 CCBCB 31-35 DCDAA
    第二节 (共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
    36-40 BDCGE
    第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
    41-45 CADDB 46-50 ABACD 51-55ADBCC56-60 BBACD
    第二节 (共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
    61 prduced 62marking 63 was develped 64 with65has gne
    66 a/the 67which 68 its 69 rders 70independently
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
    71prverbs→prverb 72 what→which
    73t→s 74And→But 75 gives→gave
    76 my 77cntinuus→cntinuusly
    78paying→paid 79will→willing 80 make后∧it
    第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
    Dear Sir;
    I am Li Hua, an exchange student frm China. I have a strng passin fr histrical relics and I have previus vlunteer experience. I am willing t apply fr the vlunteer psitin t help intrduce histrical relics t visitrs n the weekends. I believe it will nt nly allw me t further enrich my histrical knwledge but als prvide a platfrm t shwcase my cmmunicatin skills.
    I am cnfident that my keen interest in the histry f lcal relics and dedicatin t vlunteer wrk make me a suitable candidate fr this rle. If accepted, I am cmmitted t ensuring that all visitrs have a deep insight int the histrical relics.
    Thank fr cnsidering my applicatin. I lk frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Yurs Sincerely,
    Li Hua

    陕西省宝鸡市2024届高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)英语: 这是一份陕西省宝鸡市2024届高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)英语,共10页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后, 请将答题卡交回, On Sunday等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    陕西省宝鸡市2023-2024学年高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)英语试题: 这是一份陕西省宝鸡市2023-2024学年高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后, 请将答题卡交回, On Sunday等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    陕西省宝鸡市2023-2024学年高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)英语试题含参考答案: 这是一份陕西省宝鸡市2023-2024学年高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)英语试题含参考答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后, 请将答题卡交回, On Sunday等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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