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    这是一份北京市东城区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末统一检测英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了 1,5分, 共6分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 教育ID号________
    1. 本试卷共10页, 共两部分, 五道大题, 38 道小题, 满分60分, 考试时间90分钟。
    2. 在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级、姓名和教育ID号。
    3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。
    4. 在答题卡上, 选择题用2B铅笔作答, 其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。
    本部分共33题, 共40分。在每题列出的四个选项中, 选出最符合题目要求的一项。
    一、单项填空 (每题0.5分, 共6分)
    从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1. My brther studies at an art schl. ________ can draw beautiful pictures.
    A. SheB. HeC. ItD. They
    2. The Duble Ninth Festival is ________ Octber 11 this year.
    A. nB. inC. atD. t
    3. —Mm, I’ll prepare breakfast by myself tmrrw. Yu ________ get up early.
    —Thanks, Emma. That’s s nice f yu.
    A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may nt
    4. After winning the singing cmpetitin, Bb became ________ than befre.
    A. cnfidentB. mre cnfidentC. mst cnfidentD. the mst cnfident
    5. —________ d yu g swimming?
    —Every weekend in the summer mnths.
    A. Hw lngB. Hw snC. Hw muchD. Hw ften
    6. I knew Sara culd help me, ________ I asked her fr help.
    A. rB. frC. sD. but
    7. Lk! Thse kids ________ in the playgrund, laughing ludly.
    A. are runningB. runC. will runD. ran
    8. We ________ the new museum if we have time tmrrw.
    A. visitB. have visitedC. visitedD. will visit
    9. My dad ________ bld three times at the bld center since tw years ag.
    A. will giveB. givesC. has givenD. gave
    10. I ________ a present fr my grandpa in the shp when my friend saw me.
    A. chseB. was chsingC. am chsingD. will chse
    11. In ur schl, lunch ________ frm 11:30 am t 12:30 pm this term.
    A. servedB. servesC. was servedD. is served
    12. —Jack, can yu tell me ________ at the schl sprts meeting?
    —Sure. I tk part in the 100-metre race.
    A. what yu didB. what yu will dC. what did yu dD. what will yu d
    二、完形填空 (每题1分, 共8分)
    阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
    “Lucy, yur rutine (动作) lks great.” Mia greeted Lucy with a hug after the practice. “But it might help if yu...”
    “Lk, Mia,” Lucy interrupted, unable t hide her feelings. “I knw what’s best fr my rutine. I’ve spent mnths 13 it and I can find ut what needs t be fixed myself.”
    “I’m srry, Lucy. I knw yu’re great at gymnastics, but I just mind. I’ll give yu sme 14 .” With that, Mia left.
    Lucy realized she had driven her friend away, but she 15 t let her feelings distract (使分心) her. She tld herself that it wuld be easier t fcus withut cntinuus judgment.
    The cmpetitin was tw days away. “Lucy! Watch that smersault (空翻)!” Cach Jen shuted as Lucy practiced. Lucy saw the empty seat beside Cach Jen and tried t push away the 16 she felt frm her friend’s absence.
    Cach Jen went up t Lucy after practice. “Lucy, yu seem ff yur game, and yu need t get it tgether. I’d hate t see all yur effrts g t waste.” Cach Jen walked ff with a lk f disappintment.
    Mia always nitpicked (挑剔) her perfrmance, but she always had smething supprtive t say as well. Lucy missed the 17 Mia gave her when she was dubting herself—like nw.
    Finally, the day f the cmpetitin came, Althugh Lucy knew the rutine by heart, she still felt 18 . She std there with a wrried face.
    “Yu’re ging t be great!” Lucy suddenly heard. She turned and saw Mia walking twards her.
    Lucy std with her muth pen. “I really didn’t think yu were ging t shw up. I’m srry-yu were just trying t 19 me, but I didn’t want t take the time t listen t what yu had t say.”
    Mia hugged Lucy. “I knw yu needed yur space, but there’s n way I was ging t miss yur cmpetitin-yu’re my best friend! I’ll always 20 yu.”
    Her friend’s wrds made Lucy feel better. When a judge called her name, she walked t the gymnastic flr with her head held high.
    13. A. watchingB. recrdingC. perfectingD. teaching
    14. A. cmpanyB. spaceC. adviceD. attentin
    15. A. refusedB. cntinuedC. decidedD. frgt
    16. A. cnfusinB. fearC. sadnessD. anger
    17. A. pprtunityB. freedmC. greetingD. encuragement
    18. A. regretfulB. nervusC. lnelyD. disappinted
    19. A. saveB. praiseC. trustD. help
    20. A. supprtB. prtectC. missD. fllw
    三、阅读理解 (每题2分, 共26分)
    (一) 阅读下列有关科学活动的介绍, 请根据人物的喜好和需求匹配最适合的活动, 并将活动所对应的A、B、C、D选项填在相应位置上。选项中有一项为多余选项。
    Science Events
    (二) 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
    “Dn’t frget t study fr the histry test n Friday,” Mrs. Beville tld the class.
    That night, Julie pened her textbk and read it several times. It was difficult fr her t learn all the facts and dates.
    “Need sme help?” asked her lder brther, Eric.
    Julie handed him her textbk. “Test me.”
    Eric tk the bk and read the questins, but Julie shk her head.
    The fllwing day, she decided t use library time t study. With her textbk pen in frnt f her, she tried t make sense f all the facts and dates. But it was useless.
    She lwered her head and hid her face in the pages f the bk. “Impssible!”
    Julie lked up. Maria, frm her class, was seated at a nearby table.
    “Want t study tgether? Maria asked.
    Julie picked up her things and jined Maria, wh was sitting with sme cards and clred pencils in frnt f her. On each card was a clrful painting.
    Julie lked cnfused. “I thught yu were studying histry.”
    “This is hw I study,” Maria said. “I like art, and the pictures help me recall facts. Smetimes memrizatin isn’t enugh, and I have t get creative.”
    “I see,” said Julie, with interest.
    “But right nw, I’m having truble answering this questin.” She pinted t a line she’d written n the frnt f a card. What wuld yu call smene wh lives in Flanders?
    After lking up the answer “Fleming”, Julie had a thught. “If Maria culd use her artistic skills t study, then why culdn’t I use my wn lve f pems and wrdplay?”
    Julie said alud, “See the flaming hme t Flanders!”
    Maria was lking at her. “What des a flaming have t d with it?” She stpped fr a mment. “See the flaming the Fleming g hme t Flanders. Yes! A Fleming lives in Flanders. Perfect! This is a clever use f wrds.”
    Maria used a pink pencil t draw a flaming n the back f the card. “Hey, that was pretty cl.”
    “Thanks.” Julie smiled.
    “Hey, want t be study partners?” asked Maria.
    “Certainly,” said Julie. Suddenly, studying didn’t seem s impssible after all.
    24. When Julie studied alne in the library, she felt learning histry was ________.
    A. interestingB. hardC. usefulD. surprising
    25. Hw did Maria review histry?
    A. She drew pictures.B. She went ver her ntebk.
    C. She read the textbk.D. She asked her brther fr help.
    26. Frm the experience, Julie learned abut ________.
    A. the gal f learningB. the imprtance f histry
    C. the necessity f testingD. the value f creative learning
    Recently, sme peple have cmplained abut the purpsefully addictive (上瘾的) designs f smartphnes and scial media, which make it hard fr anyne t put them dwn, especially teens. Nw, a new reprt in Emtin gives facts that back up what these peple said.
    Accrding t the reprt, yung peple’s life satisfactin and happiness have drpped since 2012, the year the percentage f teens wning smartphnes started increasing rapidly. The reprt als finds that teens’ psychlgical (心理的) health gets wrse the mre hurs a week they spend n screens.
    Jean Twenge is the lead writer f the reprt. She graphed (制图) the cnnectin between happiness and screen activities, such as scial media, texting, gaming, and vide chats. She als graphed the cnnectin between happiness and nn-screen activities, including sprts, reading, and face-t-face cmmunicatins. She called the relatinship between screen and nn-screen activities “zer sum”—if yu are ding ne, it takes time away frm the thers.
    Diane Tanman cmplains that her sns are like that. They are 11 and 15. They used t play games in fields, and it made them happier. These days, her sns are mre int nline games. Many f the games have rewards (奖励) built in t keep players cming back. “It’s just junk fd fr the brain,” Tanman said.
    Ed Lazzara says his 12-year-ld sn Le is a fan f vide games. After playing a lt, Le gets mre upset and uncmfrtable. He wants his sn t play fewer vide games.
    Hwever, ttally staying away frm electrnic devices (设备) desn’t lead t happiness, either. Twenge and her c-writers fund that the happiest teens used electrnic devices a little less than an hur daily. After a daily hur f screen time, unhappiness rises in relatin t increasing screen time.
    Spending time in frnt f a screen is a nrmal part f being a teenager. Many schls require students t be nline and t use iPads r ther devices t d their wrk. But teachers and parents have als cmplained that technlgy can get in the way f learning when teens use their devices fr things ther than their studies.
    If we recgnize hw screen time influences yung minds, we can help teens use technlgy better and prtect their psychlgical health in the prcess. Screen time is like ice cream. Sure, we can have sme nce in a while, but it shuldn’t be part f ur everyday lives.
    27. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Screen time at hme is nt as beneficial as screen time at schl.
    B. Nearly an hur f screen time every day makes teens happiest.
    C. Technlgy shuld be encuraged in classrm learning.
    D. What teens d n the screen influences their happiness.
    28. Why des the passage give the examples f families with teens?
    A. T prve the bad effect f the addictive designs f electrnic devices.
    B. T shw parents have little cntrl ver their teens’ screen time.
    C. T cmpare different-aged teens’ feelings abut screen use.
    D. T explain why electrnic devices make teens feel happy.
    29. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Use f Electrnic Devices: Shuld We Cnsider Teens’ Needs?
    B. Teens’ Psychlgical Health: Why Is It Imprtant?
    C. Screen Time and Teens’ Study Perfrmance
    D. Screen Time and Teens’ Life Satisfactin
    In tday’s fast-paced wrld, research shws that mre and mre peple are feeling “time pr”.
    Time pverty can happen when wrk, scial duties, and family respnsibilities take up t much f a persn’s time, leaving little r n time fr fun r persnal interests. It can als happen when ne feels like they are running ut f time t reach their gals r cmplete tasks, The Internet, mbile technlgy, and scial media have allwed peple t experience and d many jbs in a single lifetime. The fear f missing ut and the stress caused by it increase the feeling f time pverty. Besides, we ften say “yes” t any extra wrk. It culd be t help yur team r yur friends. But by saying ”yes” t everything, yu are adding anther task t an already full plate.
    Peple wh dn’t have enugh time fail t perfrm prperly at wrk and remain stressed. Cntinuus stress can harm mental health. Mrever, less quality (优质的) time with friends and family can make a persn feel mre lnely.
    S hw can we stp being time pr? There are tw ways.
    Firstly, be intentinal with yur time. It may seem harmless t check yur phne fr 5 t 10 minutes every hur, but this can add up t mre than 90 minutes wasted every day just checking yur phne. S, every minute cunts, and the time wasted every day can add up quickly if yu dn’t realize it. In rder t be mre intentinal with yur time, yu can cnsider planning ut yur day’s pririties (优先考虑的事) the night befre r the mrning f. Try t find ut what things in yur life are distracting yu, and try t stay away frm thse distractins t stp wasting valuable time.
    Secndly, make quality time a true value in yur life. Hw yu spend yur time with smene r ding smething is mre imprtant than the quantity (数量) f time yu spend n smething. Train yurself t be mre present in yur life instead f allwing ne area f yur life t influence anther. Fr example, when yu are spending time with yur family, be present and in the mment rather than fcusing yur thughts and attentin elsewhere.
    We are all given the same 24 hurs each day. By being mre intentinal with yur time and valuing quality time, yu’ll learn ways t make better use f it. Then yu can imprve yur verall well-being and spend mre time n what matters mst in yur life.
    30. A persn will mst prbably experience time pverty when ________.
    A. he spends his free time having fun with family
    B. he watches his favrite TV shws fr lng hurs
    C. he has little time t d exercise n a busy wrkday
    D. he cmpletes his prject a week befre the deadline
    31. What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Effects f time pverty. B. Drivers f time pverty.
    C. Slutins t time pverty. D. Opinins abut time pverty.
    32. The wrds “be intentinal with” in Paragraph 6 are clsest in meaning t ________.
    A. strictly limitB. prperly manageC. carefully saveD. cheerfully spend
    33. What is the writer’s main purpse in writing this passage?
    A. T warn peple f the risks f time pverty.
    B. T call n peple t balance their wrk and life.
    C. T help peple imprve their time effectiveness.
    D. T remind peple t spend mre time achieving their gals.
    本部分共5题, 共20分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
    四、阅读表达 (第34-36题每题2分, 第37题4分, 共10分)
    阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。
    Mre and mre Chinese students have added extracurricular (课外的) activities t their timetables fr summer vacatins. This has led t a rise in turism packages (套餐) invlving study trips and experimental prgrams at hme and abrad.
    Sightseeing places in China, including Guizhu prvince (省), Anyang in Henan prvince, and castal prvinces, have been amng the mst ppular fr parents and their children. In these places, children have mre pprtunities t enjy the utdrs, and they can als take part in experimental prgrams such as papermaking and wax printing.
    This summer, Singapre has becme the mst ppular place fr students t study abrad. Many Chinese students have signed up fr university classes there t learn mre abut subjects like rbts, prgramming, and envirnmental science.
    Accrding t a Beijing Times survey, the mst ppular turism packages are thse related t histry and culture, the great utdrs and nature explratin (探索), as well as science and technlgy. Sme hmestays that ffer experiences including farming, lcal histry, and nature walks are als very ppular. The busiest times fr family visits and graduatin turs are frm June t July. This is because families with preschl-aged children and students between the ages f 18 and 22 are the main grups. Turism packages fr family travel and study purpses average (平均) abut 6,000yuan per persn.
    Chen Juan, a tur guide, said, “Student turists want t take a walk with instructrs at cultural sites like museums because they want t find ut what’s behind the art and get ideas by seeing mre f the wrld. But sme study trips can be in a rush, with little time fr students t fully take in the infrmatin they are learning.”
    Liu Shuang, the mther f a 14-year-ld by in Beijing, signed her sn up fr a writing wrkshp. In the wrkshp, teens read interesting stries by famus Chinese writers. They als visited sme writers’ hmetwns.
    “The trip is very tiring, as my sn has t walk r ride a cach fr a lng time. But the study trip helps him t step utside ur hme in Beijing and put away his cmputer fr a while. It is als a great chance fr him t experience life in the beautiful cuntryside and discver his lve f writing,” said Liu Shuang.
    34. What are sme f the mst ppular sightseeing places in China?
    35. What are the mst ppular turism packages?
    36. What did Liu Shuang’s sn d in the writing wrkshp?
    37. Wuld yu like t take a study trip during yur vacatins? Why r why nt? (Please give tw reasns. )
    五、文段表达 (10分)
    38. 从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据所给提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的英语文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    假设你是李华。你校英语社团将开展“用英语讲中国故事 (Stries f China Retld in English) ”的展示活动。你打算邀请交换生Peter参加这次活动。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件, 简要介绍该活动, 并说明邀请他参加该活动的理由。
    提示词语: hall, make speeches, act ut, learn, histry
    提示问题: • When and where will the activity be held?
    • What will students d in this activity?
    • Why d yu invite Peter t take part in it?
    适应并融入新环境是每个人成长的必经之路。在初中生活中, 无论是加入新班级还是学校社团, 都需要我们学会融入新的集体。
    某英文网站正在开展以”融入”为主题的征文活动。假设你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你融入集体的一次经历, 包括你最初的感受, 你是如何融入这个集体的, 以及你的感悟。
    提示词语: lnely, help, imprve, effrt, grwth
    提示问题: • Hw did yu feel when yu first jined the new grup?
    • What did yu d t fit in?
    • What have yu learned frm the experience?
    1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. C 10 B 11. D 12. A
    13-16 CBAC 17-20 DBDA
    A篇 DCA
    B篇 BAD
    C篇 BAD
    D篇 DBBC
    34. Including Guizhu prvince, Anyang in Henan prvince, and castal prvinces.
    35. The mst ppular turism pacaakge are thse related t histry and culture, the great utdrs and nature explratin, as well as science and technlgy.
    36. In the wrkshp, Liu Shuang’s sn read interesting stries by famus Chinese writers. He als visited sme writers’ hmetwns.

    A. Universe
    See inside a spaceship that went t the Mn, and find ut what great effect space trips have had n the wrld tday. Yu’ll learn abut the technlgy invlved and sme pssible develpments.
    B. Explre
    Help scientists with real prjects at this event, and hear all abut their experiences! Find ut abut where yu live by taking part in experiments checking pllutin levels in the air and in river water.
    C. GScience
    Yu can chse yur wn way arund the museum withut hurrying. Afterwards, find ut what’s in yur meal in ur specially-designed science café r watch a shw t find ut hw ur scientists bring ideas t life.
    D. Newman’s
    Learn abut the greatest scientists in the exhibitin (展览) f inventins which changed ur wrld. There are experiments fr yu t try in the physics and chemistry area. Our café sells fd r bring yur wn t eat here in ur beautiful garden.
    21. ________
    I am interested in ding physics and chemistry experiments. And I hpe t have a picnic in a beautiful garden.
    22. ________
    I prefer t walk arund the museum withut hurrying. I als want t find ut hw scientists bring ideas t life.
    23. ________
    I have an interest in space travel. And I’d like t find ut what ges n in a spaceship and the technlgy invlved.
    Dear Peter,
    I hpe this email finds yu well.
    I’m lking frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Li Hua

    北京市东城区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末统一检测英语试卷: 这是一份北京市东城区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末统一检测英语试卷,共11页。

    北京市东城区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题: 这是一份北京市东城区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了5分,共4分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    北京市东城区2023-2024学年七年级上学期期末英语试题: 这是一份北京市东城区2023-2024学年七年级上学期期末英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了 1, A, 5分,共4分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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