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    这是一份2024渭南高三上学期教学质量检测(Ⅰ)(一模)英语含答案(含听力),文件包含2024届陕西省渭南市高三上学期教学质量检测1一模英语试题含答案docx、陕西省渭南市2024年高三教学质量检测1听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    命题人:李丹 张萍 王蓉
    1. 本试卷由选择题和非选择题两大部分组成,共12页。选择题包括第一、第二和第三部分第一节;非选择题为第三部分第二节和第四部分。全卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。
    2. 考生领到试卷后,须按规定在试卷上填写姓名、准考证号,并在答题卡上填涂对应的信息点。
    3. 所有答案必须在答题卡指定区域内作答。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Try sme different medicine.
    B. Ask the dctr fr help.
    C. Take a rest.
    2. Why des the wman talk t the man?
    A. T make a reservatin.B. T ask fr permissin.C. T express thanks.
    3. What is the man ding?
    A. Watching a shw.B. Writing an essay.C. Reading a bk.
    4. What is Tny usually like?
    A. Cheerful.B. Serius.C. Humrus.
    5. What des the wman plan t d tnight?
    A. Stay late at the ffice.B. Call the custmer back.C. Prepare fr a presentatin.
    6. Why is the man feeling happy?
    A. His team just wn a match.
    B. His teammate scred the winning gal.
    C. He has fully recvered frm an accident.
    7. What will the man d next week?
    A. Find a new cach.B. Cmpete in a cntest.C. Attend a celebratin party.
    8. Hw des the wman sund at the beginning f the cnversatin?
    A. Upset.B. Grateful.C. Surprised.
    9. What mnth is the wman’s birthday prbably?
    A. June.B. July.C. August.
    10. Hw des the wman knw Sarah?
    A. They were classmates at university.
    B. They currently wrk tgether.
    C. They were frmer rmmates.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Childhd friends.B. Brther and sister.C. A cuple.
    12. Where d the speakers live?
    A. In Lndn.B. In Crnwall.C. In Suthamptn.
    13. What des the wman ffer t d?
    A. List sme new places.B. Send an email.C. Rent a car.
    14. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The wman’s hbby.
    B. Their favrite scial media.
    C. Advanced electrnic prducts.
    15. What des the wman usually use t create her drawings?
    A. Paper.B. An iPad.C. A cmputer.
    16. Where d the speakers prbably live?
    A. In China.B. In the US.C. In France.
    17. What did the speaker d?
    A. He was a zkeeper.B. He was a teacher.C. He was a vlunteer.
    18. Where is the speaker giving the speech?
    A. In an animal cnservatin center.
    B. In a prtectin rganizatin.
    C. In a pet shp.
    19. Hw many rules des the speaker ask the listeners t bey?
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.
    20. What will the listeners see first?
    A. An elephant.B. A giraffe.C. A kala.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    RISE is an exciting prject designed and led by yung ppe fr yung peple. Created by St Jhn Ambulance, the natin’s leading first-aid charity, the prject is nw available in cmmunities acrss the cuntry. If yu’re aged between 16 and 25 years ld, and are nt in emplyment, educatin r training. RISE culd help yu learn new skills, and imprve yur prspects.
    What yu’ll learn
    St Jhn Ambulance believes that everyne shuld have access t first aid, and we are devted t equipping as many peple as pssible with the skills t be the difference between life and death. As a participant yu’ll learn first aid thrugh ur Stick-it sessins, and als get the pprtunity t develp new skills, giving yu the cnfidence t train thers in yur cmmunity, r the qualificatins in yuth leadership yu need t get yur career up and running.
    Chsing the right path fr yu
    At the heart f the RISE prject is a cmmitment t peer-t-peer learning. As well as being taught first aid, yu’ll be given the skills and guidance t pass yur knwledge n t ther peple in yur cmmunity. RISE ffers yu the chance t gain a range f qualificatins and t chse a path that helps yu make the mst f yur talents.
    Stick-it: Our ne-day intrductin t first aid fcuses n knife related injuries. Yu’ll find ut hw t manage an incident and learn sme f the mst cmmnly needed first-aid skills.
    First aid: Yu’ll fcus n CPR (心肺复苏术) and dealing with an emergency situatin n this six-hur curse.
    Keeping children safe: A curse designed fr thse wh cme int cntact with children thrugh their wrk r leisure activities. This shrt prgram wrks by helping individuals t understand the unusual rle they play in keeping children safe frm harm.
    Essential skills in yuth wrk: This curse prvides an intrductin t St Jhn Ambulance and is the minimum qualificatin fr a yuth leadership rle within the rganizatin.
    21. What d we knw abut RISE?
    A. It was set up by a man named St Jhn.
    B. It is funded by cmmunities.
    C. It has much experience in teaching.
    D. It ffers first-aid training.
    22. Which f the fllwing curses deals with a serius finger cut?
    A. Stick-it.B. First aid.
    C. Keeping children safe.D. Basic skills in yuth wrk.
    23. What is the text mainly abut?.
    A. Advantages f taking first-aid curses.
    B. Tips n first-aid training.
    C. A guidance n hw t give first aid.
    D. An intrductin t a first-aid prject.
    I knew I wuld nt see an actual persn named Ellie’s at Ellie’s Eatery because, like mst new restaurants these days, Ellie’s is a rb-restaurant.
    When I walked in, a cute little manager rbt appeared, lking rather like a taster with lively blue eyes. It shwed me t a nice table in the back. The menu mnitr ppped ut f my table and shwed me pictures f my dining ptins. I tapped my chices and clicked OK, and the screen slid back dwn.
    I watched as full plates rde the cnveyer belts that mved alng each aisle (过道) f tables. In just a few minutes, my appetizer stpped at my table, and I tk it frm the belt. Later, I placed my empty plate back n the cnveyer belt, and it was taken away int the kitchen t be cleaned.
    I watched the little taster shwing custmers t tables while I ate my main curse. The fd was tasty, but I was starting t feel annyed because dealing with rbts always makes me feel inhuman. Pretty sn, I wanted t talk t smene real, even if it was just a few sentences.
    S when my dessert arrived, I tk actin. I drpped my plate n the flr with a satisfying crash. I was s happy when I saw the manager taster’s shining red eyes — at last, a real live persn wuld arrive!
    But instead, a crew f tw rbts quickly appeared. A rbt brm rushed ver and started t sweep the piece f the brken plate int a rbt garbage can. They finished and mved back int the kitchen. My pan t get a little reality int Ellie’s Eatery failed sadly. I hpe the restaurant trend ends sn. I want t deal with peple again!
    24. What happened right after the authr finished the first dish?
    A. Tw rbts cleaned up the dish.
    B. The manager rbt’s eyes blinked red.
    C. The rbt manager shwed the main curse.
    D. The empty plate was sent back t the kitchen by the belt.
    25. Why did the authr break a plate?
    A. T try t get human service.
    B. T attract attentin frm the rbts.
    C. T shw that the fd did nt taste gd.
    D. T put an end t the rb-restaurant trend.
    26. Hw did the authr feel at the end f the stry?
    A. Hpeful.B. Guilty.C. Shcked.D. Disappinted.
    27. Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A. Science fictin.B. Children’s literature.
    C. A restaurant review.D. A science reprt.
    Chinese Paper Cutting r Jianzhi is the first type f paper-cutting design, since paper was invented in China during the Eastern Han Dynasty.
    It’s a unique visual art f Chinese handicrafts. The art frm later spread t ther parts f the wrld with different areas adpting their wn cultural styles. After hundreds f years’ develpment, nw they’ve becme a very ppular means f decratin amng cuntry flks, especially wmen. The paper-cuts are als used t decrate drs and windws, and therefre they are smetimes referred t as “chuang hua”, meaning windw flwers. Paper-cuts are chiefly used as decratins. Hwever, tday, Chinese paper-cuts are als used fr religius and ceremnial purpses, and they’re buried with the dead and burned at funerals.
    Chinese peple believe the red paper-cuts n the dr can bring gd frtune and happiness t the whle family. The paper-cuts are mre ften seen during traditinal Chinese festivals, particularly in Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival. They’re als given as gifts t friends r ther family members.
    Paper-cuttings aren’t prduced by machine, but by hand. There’re tw methds f manufacture: ne uses scissrs, the ther uses knives. Knife cuttings are fashined by putting several layers f paper a relatively sft fundatin. Fllwing a pattern, the artist cuts the mtif int the paper with a sharp knife he usually hlds vertically (垂直地). The advantage f knife-cutting is that cnsiderably mre paper cuttings can be made in ne peratin than with scissr cuttings.
    It’s easy t learn abut cutting a piece f paper but difficult t master it with perfectin. One must grasp the knife in an upright fashin and press evenly n the paper with sme strength. Flexibility is required but any hesitatin will damage the whle image.
    Peple find hpe and cmfrt in expressing wishes with paper-cutting. Fr instance, fr a wedding ceremny, red paper-cuttings are a traditinal decratin n the tea set, the dressing table glass, and n ther furniture. A big red paper character “Xi” (happiness) is a traditinal must n the newly-wed’s (新婚夫妇) dr.
    28. What can we learn abut paper-cuts?
    A. They vary frm area t area.B. They were invented by females.
    C. They are mainly used as presents.D. They can’t be used in funerals.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “mtif” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Line.B. Pattern.C. Pht.D. Fundatin.
    30. What is the key t perfect knife cuttings?
    A. The type f knives.B. The knife skill.
    C. The amunt f paper.D. The quality f paper.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Paper-cutting: Chinese Flk Art
    B. Paper-cutting: Famus in China
    C. Paper-cuts: Varius in Different Culture
    D. Paper-cuts: Widely Used in Ceremnies
    Have yu ever wanted t becme an engineer? The new IMAX film Dream Big teaches viewers hw engineers use their prfessinal skills t help the wrld. The film hits IMAX theaters natinwide n February 17th t celebrate Engineers Week.
    The film takes place in lcatins like China, Dubai and Africa. It tells the stries f engineers wh try t cme up with new ideas t save energy and help peple. It was directed by Greg MacGillivray, wh was the first dcumentary filmmaker t reach $1 billin in wrldwide sales. But hw did MacGillivray get int the mviemaking business in the first place?
    “I grew up at the beach. My first mvies were abut surfing and the cean. As time went n, I saw the changes in the cean, in relatinship t pllutin and verfishing. S I started making films abut prtectin f nature, MacGillivray said. Nw, his films cver many tpics including human innvatin.
    One f the engineers in Dream Big is Angelica Hemandez. In high schl, she was n a team that beat MIT, a university, in n underwater rbtics cmpetitin. Nw, Hemandez is wrking t make energy use efficient. When asked what she felt when her high schl wn the cmpetitin, she said, “It was disbelief, then excitement, and feeling really hpeful that yu can achieve mre than yu think.” Tday, the engineering wrk she des is helping peple use less energy t save mney and resurces.
    The task f Dream Big is t shw peple the gd that engineers can d in the wrld. “That was why I wanted t make this mvie,” MacGillivray explains. “We want t explain engineering in a way that will get the kids excited abut it.”
    32. Why did MacGillivray make the film Dream Big?
    A. T celebrate Engineers Week.
    B. T cmmemrate his childhd.
    C. T make the wrk f engineers knwn.
    D. T shw the develpment f engineering.
    33. What can we learn abut the film Dream Big?
    A. It is a dcumentary film.
    B. It was mainly sht in Asia.
    C. It is ppular with yung peple.
    D. It is the best film MacGillivray has ever made.
    34. What d MacGillivray and Hernandez have in cmmn?
    A. They wn awards in the rbtics cmpetitin.
    B. They are cncerned abut the envirnment.
    C. They studied in the same high schl.
    D. They are gd at engineering wrk.
    35. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T urge peple t prtect the envirnment.
    B. T tell the stry abut a directr.
    C. T shw the functin f films.
    D. T intrduce a new film.
    “OK class. Cunt ff by fives.” 36 Smetimes, breaking int small grups lasts as lng as the class des. Other times, it signals the start f “grup prject” which means yu’ll be wrking with a few classmates fr a day, several days, r lnger n an assignment.
    37 Mst things are dne with the help r ideas f ther peple. Grup prjects are great practice fr high schl, cllege, and real life, when yu have a jb that requires wrking with thers. Right nw, grup prjects can be fun and they ften allw yu t d a bigger, mre interesting prject than yu culd d alne. 38
    Grup prjects als give yu a chance t get t knw kids yu might nt knw r talk with — maybe the quiet kid in the third rw, r the by wh lived dwn the street when yu were in kindergarten. 39 Fr example, wrking n a deadline staying rganized, r being patient. And if yu’re a little nervus talking in frnt f a grup, a jint prject can help yu becme mre cmfrtable with it.
    40 If s, yu’ll knw yur whle grup is rting fr (给……加油) yu!
    A. Few f us act alne in the real wrld.
    B. Why is this type f prject s ppular in schl?
    C. With grup wrk, yu can actually learn mre in less time.
    D. Maybe yur grup will pick yu t tell the whle class abut yur prject.
    E. Grup prjects are als a great way t practice skills yu’re nt s sure f.
    F. When yur teacher gives yu that instructin, yu knw what’s cming next.
    G. One key t a gd meeting is having a leader wh shuld help the grup stay fcused.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    After my parents had passed away, I tk ver their ld huse. At first, I wuld g there 41 t ensure everything was kay. But years passed and my 42 grew infrequent. One day, my wife declared the huse a hidden 43 fr kids in the neighbrhd and was cnsidering tearing it dwn. I thught it 44 t check it ut first, s that nthing 45 wuld be left behind.
    Time had 46 the huse. The dr was s ut f 47 that it culdn’t be 48 , s I entered thrugh an pen windw. There lay the 49 f my parents’ lives: sme ld clthes, cards frm ld friends, etc. 50 started t emerge in my head.
    As I entered their 51 , a letter n the bedside table drew my eyes, yellwed with age. I picked it up 52 and started reading. It was 53 by my dad when he served during wartime. Frm the 54 handwriting I’d read many times, I learned hw much he 55 the huse and his family. There he was, a hmesick yung man 56 n the sea. At the bttm f the page, Dad passed n anther 57 . Tears burned my eyes as I read thse wrds: “All is well here. Dn’t wrry.”
    58 hit me at nt taking gd care f a place that my parents nce 59 . At that mment, I decided t 60 the huse and care fr it the way it deserves.
    41. A. immediatelyB. regularlyC. happilyD. hesitantly
    42. A. serviceB. visitsC. accessD. prblems
    43. A. wnderB. funC. dangerD. cst
    44. A. necessaryB. difficultC. pssibleD. strange
    45. A. uniqueB. interestingC. wrngD. valuable
    46. A. wrn utB. taken verC. cleaned upD. pulled dwn
    47. A. dateB. cntrlC. reachD. shape
    48. A. lckedB. penedC. decratedD. fund
    49. A. restB. meaningC. evidenceD. reality
    50. A. InspiratinB. CnfusinC. MemriesD. Theries
    51. A. kitchenB. basementC. studyD. bedrm
    52. A. carefullyB. suddenlyC. randmlyD. easily
    53. A. receivedB. writtenC. submittedD. saved
    54. A. clearB. differentC. nrmalD. familiar
    55. A. missedB. supprtedC. wantedD. admired
    56. A. fightingB. fishingC. restingD. flating
    57. A. traditinB. requestC. messageD. tip
    58. A. AngerB. GuiltC. ShckD. Anxiety
    59. A. representedB. createdC. bughtD. treasured
    60. A. sellB. leaveC. keepD. build
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共50分)
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Taijiquan (shadw bxing, r tai chi) is ne f the traditinal martial arts 61 (favr) by peple in China. 62 (it) slw, gentle mvements nt nly increase physical health and strength, 63 als bring greater inner peace and tranquility, making it 64 ideal exercise fr peple f all ages and physical cnditins. Old peple and thse 65 are nt fit fr strenuus exercise are 66 (especial) fnd f it Yu can see peple practicing Taijiquan everywhere in China. In 2006, it 67 (include) n the first list f Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage and became ne f the 68 (symbl) f riental culture. Taijiquan culture 69 (becme) an imprtant bridge and tie between the East and the West and has spread t all parts f the wrld. 70 (bst) cultural cmmunicatin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    In general, Chinese cllege students live in cllege drmitries, fr which an accmmdatin fee is charging. On campus, there are students’ canteens, where fd is prvided fr at a lw price. Almst all students live n campus, that is usually very large. There are fair large living quarters besides teaching buildings. Hwever, the cllege campus, as it were, is a small sciety.
    Tday, cllege students had t pay tuitin fees. An annual tuitin fr public universities varies frm several thusand yuan t ten thusand yuan. Student frm pr families can apply fr subsidies (津贴) t supprt them studies. Fellwships and schlarships are available t encurage students study hard.
    你校正举办英语征文比赛。请以An Unfrgettable Activity为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 活动简介;
    2. 你的感受。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    An Unfrgettable Activity
    1-5 CBABC6-10 ABCAC11-15 BACAB16-20 BAACC
    21-23 DAD24-27 DADA28-31 ABBA32-35 CABD36- 40 FACED
    41-45 BBCAD46-50 ADBCC51-55 DABDA56-60 ACBDC
    61. favred62. Its63. but64. an65. wh
    66. especially67. was included68. symbls69. has becme70. bsting
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    In general, Chinese cllege students live in cllege drmitries, fr which an accmmdatin fee is charging. On
    campus, there are students’ canteens, where fd is prvided fr at a lw price. Almst all students live n campus,
    that is usually very large. There are fair large living quarters besides teaching buildings. Hwever, the cllege campus,
    which fairly Therefre
    as it were, is a small sciety.
    Tday, cllege students had t pay tuitin fees. An annual tuitin fr public universities varies frm several
    have The
    thusand yuan t ten thusand yuan. Student frm pr families can apply fr subsidies (津贴) t supprt them
    Students their
    studies. Fellwships and schlarships are available t encurage students ∧ study hard.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    An Unfrgettable Activity
    Amng all the activities that I participated in, wrking as a vlunteer at a nursing hme is the mst unfrgettable.
    It was a sunny day. On arrival at the nursing hme, my classmates and I visited the elderly in grups and gave presents t them t shw ur respect and lve fr them. After that, we rganized varius activities, sme playing chess with the ld and sme perfrming traditinal Chinese music and dance. At last, we made dumplings fr the elderly. They were pleased with what we did and shared many wnderful stries with us.
    Overall, the activity was f great significance. It nt nly taught me hw t care fr peple in need, but let me experience the pleasure f helping thers.
    Text 1
    W: Yu dn’t lk very cheerful. Has yur headache gne yet?
    M: Nt yet. And the painkillers upset my stmach. I need t ask the dctr fr smething different.
    W: Oh dear! Why dn’t yu g and lie dwn? Maybe the medicine needs sme time t take effect. Give yurself a break. (1)
    Text 2
    W: Can I use yur bathrm, please?
    M: Of curse! (2) I think smene’s using the dwnstairs bathrm right nw, but there’s anther ne upstairs. The dr is n yur left. Oh, and the light cntrl is just utside the dr. Peple always struggle t find it!
    W: Great, thanks!
    Text 3
    W: Aren’t yu suppsed t be ding yur hmewrk?
    M: I am! Our teacher recmmended we watch this shw t help us with ur histry essay. (3)
    W: Well, dn’t frget yu als need t finish reading yur bks fr the literature class befre the end f the week.
    Text 4
    M: What’s cme ver Tny? He’s been telling jkes all mrning.
    W: I think he must have had sme very gd news. I saw him reading a letter earlier n.
    M: He’s nt his usual serius self. (4) It’s strange t see him s light-hearted.
    Text 5
    M: That new custmer called, asking if we can meet at their ffice tmrrw. I didn’t want t say n, but will the presentatin be ready in time?
    W: Well, I can’t stay late at the ffice tnight, but I guess I can cmplete it at hme. (5) It’s almst finished.
    Text 6
    W: Hi, Jane Tmlinsn frm UK Sprt. Are yu pleased with tday’s match result? (6)
    M: Yeah. It was a gd game. We really pulled tgether as a team. (6)
    W: Yu must be particularly happy with yur wn perfrmance tday.
    M: Yes, I am. I’ve gt a great feeling t scre the winning gal.
    W: Yu seem t be buncing back after a difficult start this seasn.
    M: Yeah. It isn’t easy t change caches s early in the seasn. It’s an accident t me, but luckily everything is wrking ut really well. S we’ll celebrate next.
    W: And are yu feeling cnfident abut the game next week? (7)
    M: Yes, definitely. (7) We knw what we have t d.
    Text 7
    W: This is amazing! I can’t believe yu’re all here! (8)
    M: Did yu hnestly knw nthing abut it?
    W: N! I was just planning a quiet dinner party at hme.
    M: N way! Yu can’t d smething s bring. It’s yur 30th birthday! (9)
    W: Still... I can’t believe it! Hw lng were yu planning it fr? (9)
    M: Hmm... I started rganizing things back in March, s abut three mnths. (9)
    W: Ww! And yu’ve invited abslutely everybdy!
    M: And they all seem t be getting alng really well, dn’t they?
    W: Yes, they d. Lk at my grandpa, dancing with my friend Sarah! (10)
    M: She’s ne f yur c-wrkers, right?
    W: N, we lived tgether at university, (10) but we were nt in the same class.
    M: Ah yes, that’s right! I remember yu rented an apartment with thers. (10)
    W: It’s just wnderful. Thank yu s much fr rganizing it.
    M: Yu’re very welcme.
    W: Oh dear, I’m ging t cry again!
    Text 8
    M: Hell?
    W: Mrris! I’m glad I can finally return yur call. What did yu want t talk abut?
    M: I wanted t ask abut seeing Mm and Dad this spring. (11) D yu want t g with me?
    W: I’d lve that. Plus, we haven’t seen ur cusins r childhd friends in mnths. Hw are yu planning n getting there?
    M: I was cnsidering taking a rad trip.
    W: Sunds like an adventure. Where d yu want t g?
    M: I thught we culd leave Lndn, (12) head t Suthamptn, and then drive alng the suthern cast t Crnwall.
    W: Interesting. D yu have any specific places in mind that we shuld visit?
    M: We’ve visited all the main turist attractins, beaches, and restaurants. S, let’s just spend sme quality time tgether seeing smething new.
    W: Brilliant. Shuld we rent a car r use yur vehicle? (13)
    M: We’ll need t rent a car. (13) Mine isn’t running well at the mment.
    W: I’ll take care f the vehicle rental. I’ll call the lcal rental cmpany nw and send yu the infrmatin abut the car. (13)
    Text 9
    M: Yu dn’t have time t draw much recently, right?
    W: Why d yu ask?
    M: Yu just haven’t psted any new pictures n yur scial media accunts lately.
    W: Well, I can’t draw much at the mment because I need a new stylus (触笔).
    M: What’s a stylus?
    W: A special digital pen. I generally draw n my iPad, (15) but my little brther brke mine.
    M: Oh, n! Really? That’s nt like Finn! Was it an accident?
    W: Yeah. He was pretty upset abut it. My parents have bught me a new ne, and he’s ding husewrk t pay them back.
    M: Well, that’s gd.
    W: Yeah. But it wn’t arrive fr a while. I wanted a particular ne frm China, and delivery t America takes ver a week. (16)
    M: I see. Can yu just draw with a pen and paper while yu wait?
    W: I can, but it’s harder t uplad the images t scial media. I tried t teach myself hw t use a drawing prgram n the cmputer, but I culdn’t get used t it sn.
    M: Never mind. Yu’ll get yur new stylus sn.
    W: Yeah, I can’t wait! I tk lads f pictures n my hliday t France, and I want t draw them!
    Text 10
    Hi, kids! My name’s Jasn, and I’m here t intrduce a few animal friends f mine t yu. But first, let me just tell yu a bit abut myself. I’ve always lved animals. Fr many years, I was a keeper at Chester Z. (17) It was my jb t take care f the z’s tallest animals. Wh can guess what they were? Yes, that’s right. The giraffes! Eventually, I left t wrk in a wildlife cnservatin center. (18) I nw travel arund t give speeches t teach bth kids and adults abut the wnderful creatures that exist n ur planet. And smetimes I guide visitrs arund the center like yu and train vlunteers. (18) I knw that yu’ve bviusly been studying wild animals recently. I particularly like that painting f an African elephant n the textbk yu shw me! Sadly, we dn’t have any big animals in the center tday, but we’ve gt sme really cl little friends fr yu t meet. Befre we meet the first animal, let’s talk abut the rules. Firstly, I knw yu’re excited, but many animals are scared f lud nises, s we all need t speak quietly, kay? Secndly, yu can tuch mst f the creatures, but nly with my help. Never try t pick them up by yurself, kay? Lastly, we always wash ur hands after petting the animals, and especially befre eating. That’s really imprtant. (19) Nw, Ill g get ur first friend, the natinal treasure f Australia! (20)

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