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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What des the wman imply?
    A.The team did a gd jb again.
    B.It’s time t jin the ftball team.
    C.Her schl has n chance t win.
    2.What prgram des the man usually listen t?
    3.Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A.In a frest.
    B.In a z.
    C.In a pet stre.
    4.Hw des Mike feel?
    5.What is the man ding?
    A.Asking fr help.
    B.Begging fr mney.
    C.Returning a dllar.
    6.Why is the wman talking t the man?
    A.T cnfirm the prices.
    B.T get the,discunt.
    C.T return the gds.
    7.What can we knw abut Heather?
    A.She is a new wrker.
    B.She is very rude.
    C.She is a manager
    8.What kind f place des the man want t g t?
    A.A big city
    B.A quiet new place.
    C.A ppular destinatin.
    9.What is the wman wrried abut?
    A.The path.
    B.The weather,
    C.The csts.
    10What is the wman ging t d?
    A.Travel alne
    B.Stay at hme
    C.G t the travel agency.
    11.Hw ften des the man cntact his aunt?
    A.Once a mnth.
    B.Once a week
    C.Every day.
    12.Why des the man prefer t talk with his aunt n the phne?
    A.It is much cheaper.
    B.He wants t hear her vice.
    C.His aunt dislikes nline chat.
    13.What will the man prbably d next?
    A.Buy a cmputer.
    B.Teach his aunt himself.
    C.Ask his cusins fr help.
    14.Wh is the wman?
    A.A plice fficer,
    B.A university teacher.
    C.An air hstess.
    15.Hw lng will the man stay in the UK?
    A.Fr a few mnths.
    B.Fr abut a year,
    C.Fr tw years.
    16.Where will the man live?
    AIn a drmitry
    B.In a htel.
    C.In a rented huse.
    17.Wh has paid fr the csts?
    BThe man’s friend
    A.The man’s emplyer.
    C.The man’s father.
    18.What did the husewife becme?
    A.An artist.
    B.An engineer
    C.A designer
    19.Hw ld was the man when he entered the medical schl?
    20.What is the talk mainly abut?
    A.Hw t stay yung.
    B.Hw t apply t clleges.
    C.Hw t keep physically fit.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Here are sme f the wrld’s best railway trips that ffer twering muntain views.
    Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
    Built by British East India Cmpany, the railway was used t transprt tea, rice and ther prduce up and dwn the Himalayan fthills. Since 1881, this ld steam train has been a hit with Indian families n weekend breaks. On a clear day, passengers will be treated t beautiful views f Munt Kanchenjunga. The train departs New Jalpaiguri daily at 10:30 am and arrives int Darjeeling at 5:30 pm. A ne-way ticket starts frm ₤10.
    Qinghai-Tibet Railway
    Cnnecting Xining in Qinghai prvince t Lhasa in Tibet, China, this 22-hur jurney is the highest rail rute in the wrld. Travelling arund the Qinghai Lake thrugh the night, passengers wake up t see peaceful yaks wandering in the grassland at the icy sides f the Kunlun Muntains. A ne-way ticket in a hard sleeper starts frm ₤55.
    The Skeena
    Knwn lcally as the “Rupert Rcket”, the Skeena train departs Jasper three days a week, taking passengers int the deepest wilderness f Prince Rupert in British Clumbia, Canada. With the snw-capped tps f the Rckies all arund it, passengers can spt black and grizzly bears, white-tailed deer as well as bald eagles circling in the sky. A ne-way ticket starts frm ₤98.
    Califrnia Zephyr
    Jurneying frm Chicag t San Francisc, the Califrnia Zephyr climbs bth the Rckies and the Sierra Nevada befre reaching the Pacific cast n its 2,447-mile jurney acrss the heartland f America. A ne-way seat in cach starts frm ₤120. The Califrnia Zephyr first ran frm 1949 t 1970 and was restred in 1983 by Amtrak. Since then, this scenic rute linking ppular resrt twns and America’s railrad and gld rush histry has remained ppular.
    1. Hw lng des it take the steam train t travel frm New Jalpaiguri t Darjeeling?
    A. 10.5 hurs.
    B. 10 hurs.
    C. 7.5 hurs.
    D. 7 hurs.
    2. Which is the highest railway?
    A. The Skeena.
    B. Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
    C. Califrnia Zephyr.
    D. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.
    3. What d the last tw railways have in cmmn?
    A. They g thrugh the same muntain.
    B. They jurney acrss the heartland f the US.
    C. They are tw f the ldest railways in the wrld.
    D. They were built by a British cmpany t transprt tea.
    【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A
    细节理解题。根据Darjeeling Himalayan Railway中“The train departs New Jalpaiguri daily at 10:30 am and arrives int Darjeeling at 5:30 pm. (火车每天上午十点半从新杰尔拜古里出发,下午五点半到达大吉岭)”可知,乘坐这辆蒸汽火车从新杰尔拜古里到大吉岭需要7个小时(=17:30-10:30)。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Qinghai-Tibet Railway中“Cnnecting Xining in Qinghai prvince t Lhasa in Tibet, China, this 22-hur jurney is the highest rail rute in the wrld. (这条连接青海省西宁和中国西藏拉萨的长达22小时的铁路线是世界上海拔最高的铁路线)”可知,青藏铁路是海拔最高的铁路。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据The Skeena中“With the snw-capped tps f the Rckies all arund it, passengers can spt black and grizzly bears, white-tailed deer as well as bald eagles circling in the sky. (沿途穿过山顶被白雪覆盖的落基山脉,乘客可以看到黑熊、灰熊、白尾鹿,以及在天空中盘旋的秃鹰)”和Califrnia Zephyr中“Jurneying frm Chicag t San Francisc, the Califrnia Zephyr climbs bth the Rckies and the Sierra Nevada befre reaching the Pacific cast n its 2,447-mile jurney acrss the heartland f America. (从芝加哥到旧金山,加利福尼亚和风号在穿越美国中心地带2447英里到达太平洋海岸之前攀登了落基山脉和内华达山脉)”可知,这两条线路的共同之处在于都穿过落基山脉。故选A项。
    Befre he left China in 1986, Che Zha Sheng’s teacher Said t him, “After yu g t the United States, share sme f ur Chinese culture with them if yu have a chance.” Tday, mre than three decades later, the student is fulfilling his teacher’s dream. Che has been appinted as the specialist gardener fr the penjing curt in the newly expanded Chinese Garden at the Huntingtn Gardens in San Marin.
    The curt is cmpsed f winding paths, whitewashed walls and ccasinal pieces f Taihu rck imprted frm Lake Tai in China. Che is busy displaying the penjing fr the pening ceremny.
    Brn in Guangzhu, China, Che started studying penjing when he was 26. He practiced with Lu Zhi Quan, the sn f nted master Lu Xue Ming, in Guangzhu, and later became a student f Master Lu himself. In 1986, Che immigrated t the United States, eventually settling dwn in San Gabriel. At first, he started as a vlunteer at the Huntingtn Gardens, helping t tend t a small cllectin f black pine penjing.
    “When we began building the Chinese Garden,” says Jim Flsm, directr f the garden, “we were lking fr smene wh knew penjing. S it was a bit f luck we knew Mr. Che. He’s the first specialist gardener we hired fr the Chinese Garden.”
    That was mre than a decade ag. Tday, Che bth develps new penjing and tends t the nes in the Huntingtn’s cllectin. When the Chinese Garden pens Friday, abut 30 will be seen in the curt. Eventually, abut twice that number will be n display. At least half f them have been cultivated by Che.
    Americans may be mre familiar with bnsai, the Japanese versin f penjing. Bnsai came t Japan frm China arund 1200. Over time, it develped its wn standards and techniques.
    “Usually bnsai fcuses n individual plant,” Blm says. “whereas penjing typically invlves multiple plants that have a landscape-like setting with rcks and maybe water.”
    4. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. Che started studying penjing relatively late.
    B. The garden hired Che due t his teachers fame.
    C. Che vlunteered t expand the garden in the 1980s.
    D. The garden was well-knwn fr its penjing in 1986.
    5. What des the wrd “cultivated” underlined in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Bught.
    B. Hired.
    C. Decrated.
    D. Develped.
    6. What can we knw abut bnsai?
    A. It is a Chinese versin f penjing.
    B. It has lnger histry than penjing.
    C. It is suitable t be displayed alne.
    D. It has t be surrunded with rcks.
    7. What is the authr’s main purpse in writing the text?
    A. T shw China’s influence n Japan.
    B. T intrduce a Chinese specialist gardener.
    C. T cmpare tw related gardening techniques.
    D. T annunce the pening f a Chinese garden in the US.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了Chinese Garden聘任盆景专家车兆生为盆景庭院的专业园丁。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Brn in Guangzhu, China, Che started studying penjing when he was 26. (他出生于中国广州,26岁时开始学习盆景。)”可知,车兆生开始学盆景相对较晚。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词所在段“Tday, Che bth develps new penjing and tends t the nes in the Huntingtn’s cllectin. When the Chinese Garden pens Friday, abut 30 will be seen in the curt. Eventually, abut twice that number will be n display. At least half f them have been cultivated by Che. (如今,车既开发了新的盆景,也致力于亨廷顿收藏的盆景。当中国花园周五开放时,大约有30盆盆景将在庭院展出。最终,展出的展品数量将是这个数字的两倍。其中至少有一半是车cultivated的。)”指代关系可知,划线词前主语“half f them”是指“盆景”,结合车的职业可推知,这些盆景是车“栽培、培育”的,cultivated与develped同义。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第七段““Usually bnsai fcuses n individual plant,” Blm says. “whereas penjing typically invlves multiple plants that have a landscape-like setting with rcks and maybe water.” (布鲁姆说:“通常bnsai只关注单一植物。而penjing通常包括多种植物,它们有一个类似景观的环境,有岩石,可能还有水。”)”可知,bnsai与penjing不同,它专注于单一植物,所以适合单独展示。故选C项。
    推理判断。通读全文,结合第一段“Befre he left China in 1986, Che Zha Sheng’s teacher Said t him, “After yu g t the United States, share sme f ur Chinese culture with them if yu have a chance.” Tday, mre than three decades later, the student is fulfilling his teacher’s dream. Che has been appinted as the specialist gardener fr the penjing curt in the newly expanded Chinese Garden at the Huntingtn Gardens in San Marin. (1986年,车兆生离开中国之前,他的老师对他说:“你去美国后,如果有机会,和他们分享一些我们的中国文化。”30多年后的今天,这位学生正在实现他老师的梦想。他被任命为圣马力诺亨廷顿花园新扩建的中国花园盆景庭院的专业园丁。)”可知,作者在文中主要报道了盆景专家车兆生,他被聘任为中国花园盆景庭院的专业园丁。故选B项。
    Neurbilgist Nina Kraus fund that musical training desn’t just imprve the ear frm music — it als helps the ear fr speech. The result was published in The Jurnal f Neurscience.
    Researchers have already fund that kids wh take music lessns fr tw years dn’t just get better at playing music but als perfrm better at prcessing language. Hwever, here’s smething unusual abut the new study where it tk place. It wasn’t in her labratry, but in the ffices f Harmny Prject in Ls Angeles, a nnprfit after-schl prgram that teaches music t children in lw-incme cmmunities.
    “Since 2008, 93 percent f the kids wh went thrugh the prgram have gne n t clleges like Dartmuth and NYU,” says Margaret Martin, funder f the prject, “despite drput rates f 50 percent r mre in the neighbrhds where they live and wherer we intentinally site ur prgrams.”
    Martin knew that there were plenty f pssible explanatins fr that success. Sme f the kids and parents the prgram attracted were clearly mre mtivated. Perhaps mre imprtantly, Harmny Prject gave kids a place t g after the bell rang, and access t adults wh challenged and lved them. Still, Martin suspected there was smething else that was helping these kids, t.
    When Kraus was cntacted fr a scientific explanatin, she jumped at the chance t study the kids and their brains. Wrking with Harmny Prject, Kraus randmly assigned several dzen kids frm the prgram’s waitlist int tw grups: thse wh wuld be studied after ne year f music lessns and thse wh wuld be studied after tw years. And what she fund was that in the tw-year kids, their brains gt better — mre precise — at prcessing speech.
    Why the imprvement?
    “That’s because the tw aren’t very different. They have three things in cmmn — pitch, timing and timbre — and the brain uses the same part t make sense f them all,” Kraus explains. T be clear, the study has its limits. But third-grader Mnica Miranda, wh is in her third year with Harmny Prject, desn’t need prf. “When I d my hmewrk and feel absent-minded, I usually start playing my vilin t relax my mind,” she says.
    8. What is unusual abut Nina Kraus’s study?
    A. It just cncentrates n pr yung adults.
    B. It studies language and music side by side.
    C. It is the first time t study hmeless children.
    D. It is nt dne in a precisely cntrlled envirnment.
    9. Which statement will Margaret Martin prbably agree with?
    A. Mre varied prgrams shuld be prvided fr the kids.
    B. It is t early t explain the students’ remarkable success.
    C Lve and security are imprtant fr the Harmny Prject kids.
    D. Musical training has played a decisive rle in the children’s success.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “they” in paragraph 7 refer t?
    A. Music and speech.
    B. Pitch and timing.
    C. The tw grups f kids.
    D. Kraus and Martin.
    11. Hw des Mnica Miranda say abut playing music?
    A. It keeps her mre mtivated.
    B. It helps her cncentrate mre.
    C. It imprves her ears fr speech.
    D. It reduces her lneliness and anxiety.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B
    【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了神经生物学家Nina Kraus对和谐工程的研究成果。
    细节理解题。根据第二段第二句和第三句“Hwever, here's smething unusual abut the new study: where it tk place. It wasn't in her labratry,,but in the ffices f Harmny Prject in Ls Angeles,a nnprfit after-schl prgram that teaches music t children in lw-incme cmmunities.(然而,这项新研究有一点不同寻常:在于这项研究发生的地点。不是在她的实验室里,而是在洛杉矶和谐项目的办公室里,这是一个非营利的课后项目,为低收入社区的儿童教授音乐。)”可知, 该研究的特别之处不是在实验室展开,即它的实验环境没有得到严格控制。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Perhaps mre imprtantly. Harmny Prject gave kids a place t g after the bell rang, and access t adults wh challenged and lved them. ( 也许更重要的是。和谐项目为孩子们提供了一个在铃声响起后可以去的地方,并让他们接触到挑战和爱他们的成年人。)”可知,Margaret Martin认为对于这些特殊的孩子而言关爱和安全感很重要。故选C项。
    词句猜测题。根据第五段“Wrking with Harmny Prject, Kraus randmly assigned several dzen kids frm the prgram’s waitlist int tw grups: thse wh wuld be studied after ne year f music lessns and thse wh wuld be studied after tw years.. And what she fund was that in the tw-year kids,their brains gt better mre precise at prcessing speech.(克劳斯与“和谐计划”合作,从该计划的候补名单中随机挑选了几十个孩子,将他们分成两组:一组在上了一年音乐课后进行研究,另一组在上了两年音乐课后进行研究。她发现,在两岁的孩子中,他们的大脑在处理语言方面变得更好——更精确。)”和最后一段“That’s because the tw aren’t very different. They have three things in cmmn — pitch, timing and timbre — and the brain uses the same part t make sense f them all(这是因为两者并没有太大的不同。它们有三个共同点——音高、时间和音色——大脑用同一个部分来理解它们)”可知,they指的是音乐和语言。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“When I d my hmewrk and feel absent-minded, I usually start playing my vilin t relax my mind,she says.(她说:“当我做作业,感到心不在焉时,我通常会开始拉小提琴来放松心情。”)”可知, 音乐可以帮助她集中注意力。故选B项。
    Predicting heart attack, and perhaps even preventing the related death, may be pssible with the help f artificial intelligence (AI), accrding t a new paper t be presented at an imprtant meeting next week.
    “Heart attack leads t 10% t 20%f verall deaths in the wrld. Predicting it is difficult. This research may mark a big step tward a nvel slutin t the glbal health prblem,” says Xavier Juven, the lead authr.
    Xavier Juven and his team examined the medical recrds f 25, 000 individuals wh had experienced heart attack ver a perid f ten years, and then they emplyed their AI mdel, which had been trained n the cllected medical recrds,t cmpare data frm 70, 000 peple frm the general ppulatin, in rder t identify individuals at high risk f heart attack.
    During the study,they drew 25, 000 persnalized health equatins (方程式) frm the 25, 000 individuals and established a persnalized risk prfile fr all f the 70, 000 general participants, in which the team identified the factrs that were mst likely t decrease r increase the risk f heart attack at a particular percentage and time frame. Fr example, the study predicted a certain factr may have an 89% risk f causing heart attack within three mnths.
    Accrding t the paper, the AI mdel culd identify peple wh had mre than 90% risk f suffering heart attack, and they represented arund ne furth f all cases f dearth. It als discvered that the risk factrs were very different between individuals and were ften identified by specialists frm different medical fields — a picture that is difficult fr a dctr in just ne given field t catch.
    “While dctrs have effective treatments fr the identified patients, the use f AI is necessary t detect in a persn’s medical infrmatin registered ver the years t predict the risk f heart attacks,” says Juven. “We hpe that the AI mdel will help dctrs t reduce thse risk factrs in advance.”
    The study cmes with several dwnsides, thugh. Fr example, the electrnic health recrds smetimes are nt accurate, cmplete r even available. They may als cntain variatins in data cllectin practices amng different hspitals.
    12. What did the researchers d in their study?
    A. They surveyed the participants ver a perid f ten years.
    B. They just studied peple wh suffered heart attack in the past.
    C. They created a detailed risk prfile fr all f the general participants.
    D. They trained the AI mdel n 95,000 individuals’ existing risk prfiles.
    13. What can be inferred abut the AI mdel?
    A. It may make better predictins than a specialist.
    B. It is able t predict abut 90%f all cases f death.
    C. It is mre reliable amng the lw risk grup.
    D. It will ffer better treatments fr the patients.
    14. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The significance f the study.
    B. Limitatins f the new mdel.
    C. Prblems with the cllected data.
    D. The applicatin f the equatins.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Upcming Key Meeting t Unveil AI Breakthrugh
    B. Heart Attack Emerges as Majr Glbal Health Threat
    C. AI’s Ptential in Heart Attack Predictin & Preventin
    D. Electrnic Health Recrds Enhance Heart Attack Predictins
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第四段“During the study, they drew 25,000 persnalized health equatins (方程式) frm the 25, 000 individuals and established a persnalized risk prfile fr all f the 70, 000 general participants(在这项研究中,他们从25000个人中提取了25000个个性化的健康方程式,并为所有70000名普通参与者建立了一个个性化的风险档案)”可知, 研究人员给所有的普通参与者建立了风险档案。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“It als discvered that the risk factrs were very different between individuals and were ften identified by specialists frm different medical fields — a picture that is difficult fr a dctr in just ne given field t catch.(它还发现,个体之间的风险因素差别很大,而且往往是由不同医学领域的专家确定的——对于一个特定领域的医生来说,很难掌握这种情况)”可推断,这个模型的预测能力好于单个的专家, 因为它能采百家之长。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据本段的主题句“The study cmes with several dwnsides, thugh.(不过,这项研究也有一些缺点)”及细节可知,这一段主要是指出该AI模型的不足之处,故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段“Predicting heart attack, and perhaps even preventing the related death, may be pssible with the help f artificial intelligence(AI), accrding t a new paper t be presented at an imprtant meeting next week.(根据一篇将在下周一次重要会议上发表的新论文,在人工智能(AI)的帮助下,预测心脏病发作,甚至预防相关死亡可能成为可能)”可知,本文主要是介绍一个可识别及预防心脏病的人工智能模型。故选C。
    It’s ur nature t cnnect with ne anther. Here are sme tips n hw t hst an amazing gathering at hme.
    Hsting can be burdensme. Being clear abut yur purpse befrehand can ease sme f that burden. It can als give guests a clear picture f the event ahead f time, s that they can decide fr themselves whether r nt t cme.
    A purpse desn’t have t be serius. ___17___. But simply adding an intentin can begin t shape the grup’s experience f the night.
    Think abut yur guest list
    When it cmes t deciding the specific peple t invite, there can be a lt f anxiety. ___18___. It allws yu t explain yur reasns behind a particular guest list t yur friends wh are nt invited.
    Fr starters, grup size matters. It can fundamentally affect peple’s behavir, and there’s actual science t it, t. ___19___. Eight t twelve is a great size fr a dinner party where yu’re much mre likely t have small grup cnversatins. Over twelve feels mre like an impersnal party. Lastly, make sure yu invite peple wh will nt nly fit yur purpse but will be pen t it, t.
    Cnnect yur guests
    Grups are cmpsed f many different identities. Every time any grup is getting tgether, the rle f a hst is t set up a cntext, where each persn, regardless f their many identities, can find a way in. ___20___.
    A. Put the list in yur invitatins
    B. Give the gathering a specific purpse
    C. Six t seven is a gd size fr a really cnnected cnversatin
    D. It can be catching up with ld friends r celebrating a birthday
    E. It’s all abut striking a balance between warmth and amazing fd
    F. This is where a clear purpse behind yur gathering can help as well
    G. In ther wrds, a gd gathering shuld give everybdy a sense f belnging
    【答案】16. B 17. D 18. F 19. C 20. G
    根据本段中“Being clear abut yur purpse befrehand can ease sme f that burden. It can als give guests a clear picture f the event ahead f time, s that they can decide fr themselves whether r nt t cme. (事先明确你的目标可以减轻一些负担。它还可以让客人提前清楚地了解活动,以便他们自己决定是否前来)”可知,本段主要是讲清晰的聚会目的给主人及客人带来的好处,故B项“明确聚会目的”符合语境,适合作为段落标题。故选B。
    根据空前“A purpse desn’t have t be serius. (目的不一定要很严肃)”可知,聚会目的不一定要很严肃,由此推知可以是一些轻松愉快的目的,故D项“可以是和老朋友叙叙旧,也可以是庆祝生日”符合语境,承接前文。故选D。
    根据空前“When it cmes t deciding the specific peple t invite, there can be a lt f anxiety. (在决定邀请哪些人的时候,可能会有很多焦虑)”可知,决定邀请人员名单并不容易,结合下文“It allws yu t explain yur reasns behind a particular guest list t yur friends wh are nt invited. (这允许你向没有被邀请的朋友解释你的原因)”可推知,空处是针对焦虑的解决办法,故F项“在这一点上,有明确的聚会目的也会有所帮助”符合语境,承上启下。故选F。
    根据主题句“Fr starters, grup size matters. (首先,人员规模很重要)”以及空后“Eight t twelve is a great size fr a dinner party where yu’re much mre likely t have small grup cnversatins. (对于晚宴来说,8到12人的人数是很合适的,因为你更有可能进行小组交谈。超过12个感觉更像是一个没有人情味的派对)”可知,本段是关于聚会人数的建议,故C项“对于真正有联系的谈话来说,6到7人的规模是合适的”符合语境,承上启下。故选C。
    根据上文“Every time any grup is getting tgether, the rle f a hst is t set up a cntext, where each persn, regardless f their many identities, can find a way in. (每次任何团体聚会时,主人的角色都是建立一个环境,在这个环境中,每个人,不管他们有多少身份,都能找到一种融入的方式)”可知,此处是说让参加聚会的每个人都感到自在,故G项“换句话说,一个好的聚会应该给每个人一种归属感”用更简单的语言概括了此意,承接前文。故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Hundreds f years befre the funding f Rme, the Mari peple had sailed acrss seas in small bats. Their rich knwledge f the starry dark sky helped them ___21___ the seas withut the help f cmpasses (指南针).
    “Our ancestrs sailed acrss the seas fr different ___22___,” says Rangi Matamua, ne f the Mari experts wh are leading the way t raise awareness f the cultural ___23___ f dark sky in New Zealand. “They were n the seas t fish r ___24___ new cntinents fr settlements.” The dark sky was mre than just a sailing ___25___ fr the Mari peple. They frmed a sense f familiarity with the stars.
    “They didn’t feel ___26___ n the ceans since they had all the ___27___ accmpanying them in the sky,” adds Rangi Matamua. “T sme degree, ur beliefs cme ut f their ___28___ f the starry dark sky.”
    The dark sky is nt just imprtant fr the Mari peple. Lking at the sky and ___29___ t it sits at the heart f humanity. It’s ne f the earliest activities every ___30___ n the planet did, and the dark sky is ___31___ cnnected t wh we are as humans.
    When we start t ___32___ that bnd because f light pllutin, we change wh we are as apeple. We’re changing the way we ___33___ ur wrld and the things that are imprtant t us. ___34___, we need t try and put tgether better ways f using lights and ___35___ ur starry dark sky.
    A. discverB. expandC. dryD. crss
    A. challengesB. purpsesC. crpsD. religins
    A. imprtanceB. ceremnyC. prtectinD. attractin
    A. createB. saveC. explreD. measure
    A. aidB. batC. cmpetitinD. game
    A. happyB. lnelyC. excitedD. hungry
    A. seabirdsB. cludsC. friendsD. caches
    A. lackB. cntrlC. dislikeD. bservatins
    A. mvingB. preferringC. cnnectingD. belnging
    A. scientistB. cultureC. animalD. leader
    A. tightlyB. hardlyC. accidentallyD. carefully
    A. buildB. sellC. seeD. cut
    A. destryB. preserveC. understandD. beautify
    A. TherefreB. HweverC. BesidesD. Nevertheless
    A. finding utB. fcusing nC. depending upnD. caring fr
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们对星空的丰富知识帮助他们在没有指南针的情况下横渡海洋。A. discver发现;B. expand扩大;C. dry变干;D. crss横穿。根据上文“the Mari peple had sailed acrss seas in small bats”可知,此处指横穿海洋。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们的祖先为了不同的目的横渡海洋,” Rangi Matamua 说,他是一位毛利人专家,他带头提高人们对新西兰黑暗天空文化重要性的认识。A. challenges挑战;B. purpses目的;C. crps庄稼;D. religins宗教。根据下文“They were n the seas t fish r ___4___ new cntinents fr settlements.”可知,此处是说毛利人横渡海洋的目的。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. imprtance重要性;B. ceremny典礼;C. prtectin保护;D. attractin吸引力。根据第四段中“The dark sky is nt just imprtant fr the Mari peple.(黑暗的天空不仅对毛利人很重要)”可知,黑暗的天空对毛利人很重要。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们在海上捕鱼或探索新大陆定居。A. create创造;B. save挽救;C. explre探索;D. measure测量。根据空后“new cntinents fr settlements”可知,此处指探索新的土地用于居住。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于毛利人来说,黑暗的天空不仅仅是一个航海辅助工具。A. aid辅助物;B. bat船;C. cmpetitin比赛;D. game游戏。根据上文“Their rich knwledge f the starry dark sky helped them…”可知,黑暗的天空帮助毛利人横渡海洋。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“他们在海上并不感到孤独,因为他们有所有的朋友在空中陪伴他们,”Rangi Matamua补充说。A. happy高兴的;B. lnely孤单的;C. excited兴奋的;D. hungry饥饿的。根据下文“they had all the ___7___ accmpanying them in the sky”可知,有陪伴说明他们不孤单。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. seabirds海鸟;B. cluds云;C. friends朋友;D. caches教练。根据“accmpanying them in the sky”可知,此处指天空中的星星像朋友一样陪伴着他们。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在某种程度上,我们的信念来自于他们对星空的观察。A. lack缺少;B. cntrl控制;C. dislike不喜欢;D. bservatins观察。根据下一段中“Lking at the sky”可知,此处指观察星空。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:仰望天空并与之相连是人性的核心。A. mving移动;B. preferring较喜欢;C. cnnecting连接;D. belnging属于。根据下文“and the dark sky is ___11___ cnnected t wh we are as humans”可知,此处指仰望星空并与之相连。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是地球上每一种文化最早的活动之一,而黑暗的天空与我们作为人类的身份密切相关。A. scientist科学家;B. culture文化;C. animal动物;D. leader领导。结合下文“the dark sky is ___11___ cnnected t wh we are as humans”可知,黑暗的天空和全人类的身份密切相关,故此处指“仰望星空是每一种文化最早的活动之一”。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. tightly紧密地;B. hardly几乎不;C. accidentally意外地;D. carefully仔细地。根据上文“It’s ne f the earliest activities”可知,仰望星空是最早的活动之一,故我们与之紧密相连。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们因为光污染而开始切断这种联系时,我们就改变了我们作为人的本质。A. build建造;B. sell卖;C. see看见;D. cut切。根据“because f light pllutin”可知,由于光污染,我们开始切断了和黑暗天空的联系。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们正在改变我们理解我们的世界和对我们重要的事情的方式。A. destry毁坏;B. preserve保存;C. understand理解;D. beautify美化。根据“we change wh we are as peple”及语境可知,我们改变了我们自己,以及我们理解世界的方式。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,我们需要尝试和组合更好的方式来使用光和关心我们繁星点点的夜空。A. Therefre因此;B. Hwever然而;C. Besides此外;D. Nevertheless不过。上文是描述光污染的后果,结合下文“we need t try and put tgether better ways f using lights”可知,由于其严重的后果,所以我们需要尝试和组合更好的方法来使用光。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. finding ut弄清楚;B. fcusing n集中于;C. depending upn依靠;D. caring fr关心。根据上文“light pllutin”以及空前的“better ways f using lights”可知,光污染会切断我们和黑暗天空的联系,更好的使用光是应是为了关爱夜空。故选D。
    Kilauea has been erupting almst withut stpping since 1983. It is ne f the wrld’s mst ___36___ (clse) bserved vlcanes. Mst f these bservatins tk place at the Hawaiian Vlcan Observatry n Kilauea’s highest pint, frm ___37___ researchers nw have t withdraw. But the ___38___ (late) eruptin is ne f the biggest and culd prvide scientists ___39___ a lt f new infrmatin.
    Scientists frm the Hawaiian Vlcan Observatry and University f Hawaii are studying ___40___ the mlten (熔化的) rck beneath the earth flws thrugh a series f cracks (缝隙) under Kilauea befre ___41___ (send) flying int the air. They want t learn what warning signs may exist fr future eruptins t better prtect Hawaii’s ___42___ (cmmunity).
    Hundreds f small earthquakes caused by the eruptins have damaged the structure f the Hawaiian Vlcan Observatry. S the scientists were frced ___43___ (take) the equipment and recrds ut f the building and mved ___44___ (they) t the University f Hawaii. The recrds include ____45____ (science) infrmatin and phts that are mre than 100 years ld.
    【答案】36 clsely
    37. which 38. latest
    39. with 40. hw
    41. being sent
    42. cmmunities
    43. t take
    44. them 45. scientific
    考查定语从句。句意:这些观测大多是在基拉韦厄火山最高点的夏威夷火山观测站进行的,研究人员现在不得不从那里撤出。分析句子可知,空处和空前的frm搭配,形成“介词+关系代词”的结构,引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词the Hawaiian Vlcan Observatry作补充说明,先行词指物,作介词frm的宾语,因此应用关系代词which。故填which。
    考查介词。句意:但最近的喷发是最大的喷发之一,可以为科学家提供许多新信息。根据“prvide scientists”和“a lt f new infrmatin”可推知,空处应用固定短语prvide sb. with sth.表示“为某人提供某物”。故填with。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:夏威夷火山观测站和夏威夷大学的科学家们正在研究地表下面的熔岩是如何流经基拉韦厄火山下面的一系列缝隙,然后被喷射到空中的。分析句子可知,空处作befre的宾语,应用send的动名词形式,且send和逻辑主语the mlten rck之间是被动关系,因此动名词需用被动式。故填being sent。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:因此,科学家们被迫将设备和记录搬出大楼,搬到了夏威夷大学。根据“were frced”可知,此处用固定短语be frced t d sth.表示“被迫做某事”。故填t take。
    考查代词。句意:因此,科学家们被迫将设备和记录搬出大楼,搬到了夏威夷大学。分析句子可知,空处作mved的宾语,指代前面提到的the equipment and recrds,应用代词they的宾格形式。故填them。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是学生会主席李华。校英文报正在为2024年8月15日第二个“全国生态日(Natinal Eclgy Day)”征文。请你代表学生会给该报投稿,内容包括:
    Dear fellw students,
    The Student Unin
    【答案】Dear fellw students,
    The secnd Natinal Eclgy Day, which falls n 15 August, 2024, is cming. Let’s jin hands and d whatever we can t make ur hme planet a healthier and happier place!
    There are varius things we can d. Fr example, dn’t leave any electrical appliance n carelessly if we are nt using it. Mst imprtantly, be an educatr. Talk with ur family members and friends and let them be aware f the imprtance f prtecting the envirnment.
    Please remember that everyne’s cntributin cunts when it cmes t creating a greener wrld!
    The Student Unin
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是学生会主席李华。校英文报正在为2024年8月15日第二个“全国生态日(Natinal Eclgy Day)”征文。请你代表学生会给该报投稿。
    例如:fr example→fr instance
    记住:remember→keep in mind
    各种各样的:varius→a variety f
    原句:Mst imprtantly, be an educatr. Talk with ur family members and friends and let them be aware f the imprtance f prtecting the envirnment.
    拓展句:Mst imprtantly, be an educatr, which means talking with ur family members and friends and letting them be aware f the imprtance f prtecting the envirnment.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Fr example, dn’t leave any electrical appliance n carelessly if we are nt using it. (运用了if引导条件状语从句)
    [高分句型2] The secnd Natinal Eclgy Day, which falls n 15 August, 2024, is cming. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。
    I used t enjy ging t my aunt’s flwer farm. But nt recently, because my newly brn sister, Rsa, was settled in my ld bedrm. Fr many years, I stred my bks and tys in that small rm. But nw it was changed int her baby rm. Bth my space and my ld life were gne.
    One sunny mrning, my aunt tk me t her farm again. When we arrived there, my aunt said I culd pick sme flwers fr my parents. I used t lve this, but tday I was s vercme with tired nest and envy that I did nt mve.
    “Why bther t bther them flwers when they are enjying Rsa at hme withut me?” I thught while silently helping mg aunt arrange flwers.
    “Yur mther tld me that there hadn’t been much sleep recently fr any f yu,” my aunt said.
    “The alarm clck in Rsa’s rm kept ging ff,” I cmplained with a huge yawn(哈欠).
    I remember that I had t walk arund the huse like a wrn-ut muse when yur mther was a baby. I spent the first mnths hating her s much, “my aunt laughed.” But yu and my mther seem s clse,” I said, guiltily hiding away my envy f Rsa.” “Nw, we are. But it tk me years t get used t the rle f being a big sister,” she said and pulled me int her arms. “It really takes time, yu knw.”
    A few secnds later, my aunt tk me fr a walk alng the rad which was dtted with beautiful flwers. I began t pick the little flwers as we talked. It was like cllecting my childhd memries. I remembered hw I’d made flwer chains with my father, while giving each ther the silliest names such as Princess f Snacks and King f Junk Fd. Little by little, my face lit up and the flwers reminded me f the bright clrs in my baby sister’s rm. “Is she awake?” I wndered.
    Suddenly, I saw my parents walking twards me alng the rad.
    After the picnic, we went t pick sme flwers.
    【答案】Suddenly, I saw my parents walking twards me alng the rad. They tk my baby sister in the baby basket, I lked at them in disbelief. When they came near, my father made faces tward me and spread the picnic blanket n an empty place beside the rad. My mther then put dwn the baby basket n it. We all sat dwn n it and enjyed the snacks. Suddenly, my father placed my sister’s hat n my head and declared. “Sleepy Beauty!” We all burst ut laughing.
    After the picnic, we went t pick sme flwers. A mment later, I heard funny nises cming frm the baby basket. I tipted t it and lked in. My baby sister was wide awake and was playing with her muth water in her baby basket. Staring at her lvely cheeks and rsy lips, I fund myself reaching ut t the little creature. T my amazement, she grabbed nt my little finger. At the very mment, I felt a magic bnd grwing between Rsa and me.
    ①看见:see/spt/catch sight f
    ②前往:g t/head t
    ③玩耍:play/enjy neself
    ①不相信的:be in disbelief/be uncnvinced f
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Suddenly, I saw my parents walking twards me alng the rad.(使用了现在分词作宾语补足语)
    [高分句型2]When they came near, my father made faces tward me and spread the picnic blanket n an empty place beside the rad.(使用了when引导的时间状语从句、介词短语作定语)
    1~5 ABCCA 6~10 BABCB 11~15 ABCAB 16~20 ACCBA

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