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    这是一份福建省泉州市培元中学2023-2024学年高三英语上学期12月月考试题(Word版附解析),共35页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7,15, What des Mrs等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C
    1. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Take a lift. B. Buy a pair f shes C. G t a shpping center.
    2. Why is the man lking fr a rmmate?
    A. He is tight n budget.
    B. The flat is t big fr him.
    C. His brther just mved ut.
    3 What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy B. Bright. C. Grey.
    4. What was Simn ding just nw?
    A. Cleaning the flr. B. Washing the dishes. C. Clearing the table.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a restaurant. B. At a gas statin. C. At a theater.
    第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6 段材料, 回答第 6 和 7 两个小题。
    6. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Angry. B. Wrried. C. Excited.
    7. What makes the man feel gd?
    A. Getting a gd seat.
    B. Playing a ftball match.
    C. Interviewing pp stars.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第8和第9小题。
    8. What des Mrs. Edward prbably teach?
    A. Maths. B. Histry. C. Chemistry.
    9. What des the man ffer t d fr the wman?
    A. Recmmend a bk t her.
    B. Cllect infrmatin fr her.
    C. Share his ideas n Cnfucius.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第10至第13小题。
    10. Hw did the accident happen?
    A. The wman drve t fast.
    B. The red car tried t avid a dg.
    C. A dg suddenly turned left ‘nt the street.
    11. When did the ambulance cme?
    A. At abut 8:30. B. At abut 8:45. C. At abut 9:00.
    12. Which f them gt injured in the accident?
    A The driver in the red car. B. The female speaker. C. The black dg
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Pliceman and driver. B. Dctr and patient. C. Prfessr and student.
    14. What mnth is it nw?
    A. September. B. August. C. July.
    15. What is Kathy ging t d this September?
    A. G back t cllege.
    B. Give training curses.
    C. Wrk in a primary schl.
    16. Where did Kathy teach as a vlunteer befre?
    A. In Prague. B. In Lndn. C. In Manchester.
    17. What attitude des Kathy’s father hld t her decisin?
    A. Tlerant. B. Supprtive. C. Cautius.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第 18 至第 20小题。
    18. Hw ld is Gerge?
    A 10. B. 6. C. 4
    19. What d we knw abut Gerge?
    A. He likes frzen fds. B. He is tall with dark hair. C. He is wearing a black cap.
    20. What shuld we d if we see Gerge?
    A. Phne Gerge’s mum.
    B. Treat him t sme pizza.
    C. Take him t the security desk.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Starting t write shrt stries: An nline wrkshp with Stuart Evers
    It is a cmmn miscnceptin that writing a shrt stry is easier than crafting (构思) a lnger frm piece f fictin. Thugh they have fewer wrds, as a writer yu have less time and space n the page t bth capture the imaginatin f yur readers and craft a jurney fr yur characters that has a beginning, middle and end.
    In this highly practical wrkshp with award-winning writer Stuart Evers, yu will knw abut the fundamentals f the shrt stry writing — frm building tensin t creating a current f events that invites interest — fr cnstructing a stry that has the emtinal heft f a nvel, as well as breathing life int characters that are authentic and full.
    Regardless f yur skillset r experience, under Stuart’s expert guidance, yu will take the first crucial steps in shrt strytelling s that yu will have a newfund cnfidence in yur ability t cntinue crafting shrt stries, far beynd the curse.
    Curse cntent
    What makes a shrt stry?
    Hw t generate ideas fr shrt stries
    Hw t turn smething frm a situatin int a stry
    Writing techniques that can be put int practice instantly
    Pst-class learning material that includes shrt stry reading list
    Curse Details
    Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 6pm-9pm GMT
    £80 plus £4.25 bking fee
    A catch-up recrding will be shared after the class and will be available fr tw weeks.
    This masterclass is available glbally. If yu are jining us frm utside the United Kingdm, yu will be sent a link t the wrkshp 24 hurs and 30 minutes befre the start time.
    1. What des the wrkshp with Stuart Evers fcus n?
    A. Adding mre wrds in a limited time and space.B. Develping essential shrt stry writing skills.
    C. Planning a cmplete jurney with the readers.D. Distinguishing between a shrt stry and a nvel.
    2. What is said abut Stuart’s masterclass?
    A. It is demanding but rewarding.B. It will be replayed in tw mnths.
    C. It will be free t freigners nline.D. It is practical and cnfidence-building.
    3. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A shrt stry.B. A livestream website.C. An academic article.D. An examinatin paper.
    Frm cttages surrunded by impressive gardens t days spent explring sandy beaches and deep wds filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s.
    Cme fr the arresting descriptins f Crfu landscapes and stay fr Durrell’s laugh-ut-lud tales f his unusual family. This bk, Durrell wrte humrusly in the intrductin, “was intended t be a nstalgic(怀旧的)accunt f natural histry, but in the first few pages, I made the mistake f intrducing my family.”
    Durrell, later knwn fr his z keeping and the preservatin f wildlife, was just a child during his family’s five-year stay in Crfu. He is 10-year-ld Gerry in the bk—curius, passinate abut animals and a detailed stryteller f his strange family: his imaginative elder brther Larry with his literary ambitins, lvestruck sister Marg, sprty brther Leslie and his ever-calm, lving mther.
    Durrell’s attentin t detail is what makes the bk s winning, with every sight, sund and smell f the island brught t life. One minute yu’ll be laughing as Larry’s clever literary friends walk dwn t the daffdil-yellw cttage, the next yu’ll be catching yur breath as Durrell describes swimming at night in the Inian Sea: “Lying n my back in the silky water, staring at the sky, nly mving my hands and feet slightly, I was lking at the Milky Way stretching like a silk scarf acrss the sky and wndering hw many stars it cntained.”
    My Family and Other Animals is quite difficult t classify, being ne part travel, ne part autbigraphy, ne part natural histry, and ne part cmedy, with a thread f descriptive language running thrughut that smetimes raises it nearly t petry.
    As a real delight t read it’s the perfect literary escapism fr any adult r lder teenager wh is currently walking dwn a tugh rad in life.
    4. Which wrd best describes Durrell’s life in Crfu?
    A. Diverse.B. Busy.C. Risky.D. Tugh.
    5. What des the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 2?
    A. I just intrduced my family by mistake.B. I shuldn’t have intrduced my family.
    C. I gave false infrmatin abut my family.D. I culdn’t help intrducing my family.
    6. What are paragraph 4 and 5 mainly abut?
    A. Durrell’s rich imaginatin.B. Sme interesting plts f the bk.
    C The bk’s writing feature.D. Sme vivid descriptins f the island.
    7. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T share an experience.B. T intrduce a writing style.
    C. T recmmend a bk.D. T describe an unusual place.
    When put t tests, bees have lng prved that they’ve gt a lt mre t ffer than pllinating (授粉), making hney and being lyal t a queen. The hard-wrking insects can change their behavir when things seem difficult, and nw sme scientists find there is prf that they als like t play.
    Scientists frm Queen Mary University f Lndn perfrmed an experiment, in which they set up a cntainer that allwed bees t travel frm their nest t a feeding area. But alng the way, the bees culd chse t pass thrugh a separate sectin with sme small wden balls. Over 18 days, the scientists watched as the bees “went ut f their way t rll wden balls repeatedly, despite n apparent incentive (刺激) t d s.”
    Earlier studies have shwn that the black and yellw bugs are willing t learn new tricks in exchange fr fd r ther rewards. In this case, t get rid f external factrs, scientists made sure the bees had adapted t their new hme and that their envirnment was stress-free.
    The finding suggests that like humans, insects als interact with bjects as a frm f play. Als similar t peple, yunger bees seem t be mre playful than adult bees. “This research prvides a strng indicatin that insect minds are far mre cmplicated than we imagine. There are lts f animals wh play just fr the purpse f enjyment, but mst examples cme frm yung mammals and birds,” said Lars Chittka, a prfessr f sensry and behaviral eclgy at Queen Mary University f Lndn, wh led the study.
    The study’s first authr. Samadi Galpay, wh is a PhD student at Queen Mary University f Lndn, states that it is mre evident that bees may be capable f experiencing feelings. “They may actually experience sme kind f psitive emtinal states, even if basic, like ther larger animals d. This finding has effects n ur understanding f the sense and welfare f insects, which, cnsequently, encurages us t respect and prtect wildlife n Earth ever mre,” she says.
    8. What is the new finding abut bees?
    A. They are fnd f having fun.B. They are faithful t the queen.
    C. They are adaptable t changesD. They are skilled at rlling balls.
    9. Hw did scientists remve external influences in the experiment?
    A. By teaching bees new tricks.B. By rewarding bees with fd.
    C. By making bees feel at hme.D. By building new hmes fr bees
    10. What are Lars Chittka’s wrds mainly abut?
    A. The frms f bees’ interactin.B. The cmplexity f bees’ minds.
    C. The examples f mammals’ play.D. The purpse f mammals’ enjyment.
    11. What des Samadi Galpay say abut the study result?
    A. It backs up prir understanding f insects.
    B. It reveals reasns fr bees’ psitive feelings.
    C. It drives research n animals’ emtinal state.
    D. It cntributes t wildlife cnservatin n Earth.
    “Yu’re s smart!” This encuraging respnse t children’s math perfrmance is cmmnly heard. Recently, a new study, cnducted by the University f Gergia, fund that encuraging children with respnses related t their persnal characteristics r inbrn abilities might weaken their math mtivatin and achievement ver time.
    Parents wh make cmments linking their children’s perfrmance t persnal characteristics like intelligence are using what’s referred t as persn respnses. In cntrast, parents wh link their children’s actins, such as effrts r strategy use, t their perfrmance are using prcess respnses.
    Fr the study, researchers asked mre than 500 parents t reprt n hw they respnded t their children’s math perfrmance and their math beliefs and gals. Children were assessed in tw waves acrss a year t measure their math mtivatin and achievement.
    The results shw that parents wh view math ability as changeable are mre likely t give prcess respnses fcused n their children’s strategy use and effrts. rather than their intelligence r ther persnal characteristics. In cntrast, parents wh believe math ability is unchangeable and that math failure can’t be cnstructive give mre persn respnses. Parents with high expectatins fr their children give a cmbinatin f bth respnses. While respnses highlighting strategy and effrts are nt related t any achievement utcmes, children wh receive mre respnses abut their persnal characteristics — in particular, related t failure —are mre likely t avid harder math prblems. exhibit higher levels f math anxiety, and scre lwer n math achievement tests.
    Because persn respnses predict pr math adjustment in children ver time, researcher suggest parents limit this type f respnses at hme. Anther recmmendatin fr parents is t think abut their wn beliefs and gals fr their kids and examine hw these might lead them t. respnd in persn r prcess ways. Simply telling parents t avid talking abut math ability may nt be enugh. Fcusing less n hw children perfrm and mre n their strategy and enjyment f math might be a mre effective way t strengthen mtivatin.
    12. Which f the fllwing is an example f prcess respnse?
    A. Yu are a lucky dg.
    B. Running is in yur bld.
    C. What wrks well fr yur study?
    D. Why are yu such a math genius?
    13. What can be inferred frm the study results?
    A. Parents prefer t give mre prcess respnses.
    B. Children are mre likely t be affected by math anxiety.
    C. Prcess respnses help with children’s math achievement.
    D. Persn respnses can discurage children frm learning math.
    14. What d researchers advise parents t d?
    A. Limit persn respnses.
    B. Defend their wn beliefs.
    C. Stress children’s perfrmance.
    D. Ignre children’s math prblems.
    15. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Strategy Children Adpt t Learn Math Helps
    B. The Way Parents Talk t Children n Math Matters
    C. Respnses t Enhance Children’s Math Perfrmance
    D. Suggestins fr Parents t Teach Their Children Math
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Have yu nticed hw evenings cl ff mre in rural areas than they d in cities? Urban areas als tend t get htter during the day than any nearby areas with lts f greenery.____16____
    It’s mainly caused by the difference in materials that cver the grund in urban areas and the cuntryside. In the cuntry, evapratin(蒸发)f water frm sil and the leaves f plants helps t cl the air.____17____Having fewer plants, cities have less evapratin and are unable t cl dwn the temperature.
    Dark clurs are anther prblem. Dark bjects absrb all wavelengths f light, making the temperature increase mre nticeably. In cntrast, white bjects reflect all wavelengths f light energy.____18____Sadly, mst parts f cities are cvered by asphalt(沥青), steel, rfs and bricks which are ften dark in clur.
    ____19____As peple drive cars, heat buildings, and run air cnditiners, cities are generating waste heat and puring it int the atmsphere directly. The waste heat adds t the slar energy trapped by the tall buildings.
    But cities dn’t have t be s ht. Sme cities have lightened their streets. This is dne by cvering black asphalt streets, parking lts, and dark rfs with a mre reflective gray cating. ____20____
    Having mre green spaces als helps. Plants serve as a natural air cnditiner. They catch heat, release vapur(蒸汽)int the air, and take away heat, cntributing t cler, fresher cities.
    A. Cities als prduce mre heat than suburban areas.
    B. The higher the temperature, the shrter the wavelength.
    C. This phenmenn is knwn as the urban heat-island effect.
    D. S it will nt be transfrmed int heat which makes the air ht.
    E. Changes in building materials have a minimal effect n city temperatures.
    F. Much f the sil in cities, by cntrast, has been cvered with rads and buildings.
    G. These changes can decrease air temperatures dramatically, especially in summer.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Rebecka Petersn, a high schl math teacher, is the natin’s 2023 Teacher f the Year. Her first year f teaching wasn’t withut its ___21___ , but she remembered why she was there and wanted t bear thse ___22___ thughts in mind. S she ___23___ the One Gd Thing blg.
    It was ___24___ and fun, really. Every evening, she wuld write n her blg, ___25___ ne gd thing she experienced that day. She gave her blg the tagline: ”Every day may nt be gd, but there is n gd thing in every day.“
    She encuraged her ___26___ t d the same in their handwritten jurnals. Just a few minutes a day t ___27___ smething gd that happened—that wuld be enugh, she ___28___ . She believes that it will make them happier and mre ___29___ t learn.
    During her eleven years in teaching, Petersn has ___30___ that sme students find math difficult. But her effrts t make it ___31___ made her the 2023 Oklahma Teacher f the Year. Frm there, she made the ___32___ t win the natin’s 2023 Teacher f the Year.
    Petersn has travelled arund the cuntry, talking t teaches abut bringing ___33___ back int Classrms. Her gals include emphasizing the psitive experiences students have nt nly with math but with learning ___34___ . She hpes her stries will attract new teachers t the prfessin and give ___35___ t current nes.
    A. surprisesB. wndersC. rewardsD. struggles
    A. cmplexB. psitiveC. clrfulD. disturbing
    A. createdB. fundedC. nticedD. deleted
    A. strangeB. tughC. simpleD. bring
    A. recrdingB. frwardingC. discussingD. recmmending
    A. friendsB. wrkmatesC. classmatesD. students
    A. draw nB. carry nC. cunt nD. reflect n
    A. whisperedB. insistedC. rderedD. agreed
    A. relievedB. independentC. mtivatedD. humble
    A. expectedB. deniedC. recgnizedD. cmplained
    A. accessibleB. innvativeC. abstractD. lgical
    A. cutB. dealC. pintD. draw
    A. rulesB. gamesC. jyD. wisdm
    A. in detailB. in generalC. in cmmnD. in particular
    A. titleB. placeC. luckD. energy
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    ___36___ (rganize) by China Internatinal Culture Assciatin and Central Academy f Fine Arts, the Masct Design Glbal Cmpetitin f “Happy Chinese New Year” kicked ff in Beijing n August 19th.
    “Happy Chinese New Year” ___37___ (invlve) a number f activities held in verseas ___38___ (cuntry) abut the Lunar New Year, s that peple can experience the festive atmsphere and knw mre abut Chinese culture.
    The cmpetitin cllects masct designs that shw the cncept f “Happy Chinese New Year” activities ___39___ stresses reunin, a festive atmsphere and sharing. With the rabbit ___40___ the main image, since next year marks the Year f the Rabbit, designs are suppsed t be rich in Lunar New Year cultural elements.
    The call fr entries began n August 19th ___41___ will end n Dec 26th. The cllected wrks will enter fur stages f evaluatin, and the final selected ne will be ___42___ (fficial) released at the end f this year as the masct fr the “Happy Chinese New Year” event.
    Accrding t Ga Zheng, directr f the Bureau f Internatinal Exchange and Cperatin f the Ministry f Culture and Turism, the “Happy Chinese New Year” ___43___ (becme) ne f the mst ppular brand event verseas since its launch mre than 20 years ag. And it is especially highly ___44___ (influence) t the verseas Chinese. He hpes ___45___ (prvide) audiences at hme and abrad with a mre innvative experience.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节(满分 15分)
    46. 假定你是李华。为迎接爱尔兰姐妹学校来访,你校英语俱乐部将举行学生活动图片展,现正向全校学生征集照片。你打算参与,请你写一封邮件,说明相关信息,内容包括:
    1. 描述照片内容;
    2. 选择该照片的理由;
    3. 表达入选期望。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear English Club,
    I’m Li Hua frm Class I, Senir 3.
    Attached is the pht. Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Ty Tree
    It was a bare tree with thin branches which lked like they might snap (折断) at any mment, but it was the nly tree in the estate gardens. In spring, the tree cheered up the grey cncrete with its blssm. And, in summer, its shade cmfrted the restless heat.
    Gabe lved the tree. He and his friends played by it all the time. The tree’s blessing fr the cmmunity, but nt fr Mr. Snider, the caretaker, wh hated the tree. When he had t mw (割) the grass arund it r sweep its blssms r fallen leaves frm the path, he wuld grumble (咕哝), “It’s in my way.” r “Wh has t clean up all this mess? Me, that’s wh!”
    Smetimes he threatened t cut it dwn. One mrning befre the cming New Year, Gabe sptted him walked twards the tree with a chainsaw (电锯). He shuted, “Mum! What’s Mr. Snider ding?” Mum put dwn her knitting needles — she was knitting everyne scarves and came ver t the windw. Gabe grabbed her hand and ran dwn tw flights f stairs t the garden. Sn they were standing between Mr. Snider and the tree.
    “Out f my way,” said the caretaker. “Time fr this eyesre (眼中钉) t g.”
    “This eyesre is f great public interest.” Mum tried t sund imprtant.
    “And we lve this tree,” begged Gabe.
    “Nt a gd enugh reasn.” Mr. Snider was getting his chainsaw ready.
    Gabe desperately tried t think f mre reasns t keep the tree, then he remembered the ty tree he’d seen in twn. It had clurful gift tags (礼品签) n it and written n every tag was the name f a ty a child had wished fr. Mum had explained t him that if smene tk a tag and bught the gift n it, the charity wuld send it t a child wh might nt get New Year presents.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Gabe said, “It is ging t be a ty tree.”
    By the weekend, the charity tags had arrived.
    时间: 120分钟
    第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C
    1. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Take a lift. B. Buy a pair f shes C. G t a shpping center.
    2. Why is the man lking fr a rmmate?
    A. He is tight n budget.
    B. The flat is t big fr him.
    C. His brther just mved ut.
    3. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy B. Bright. C. Grey.
    4. What was Simn ding just nw?
    A. Cleaning the flr. B. Washing the dishes. C. Clearing the table.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a restaurant. B. At a gas statin. C. At a theater.
    第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6 段材料, 回答第 6 和 7 两个小题。
    6. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Angry. B. Wrried. C. Excited.
    7. What makes the man feel gd?
    A. Getting a gd seat.
    B. Playing a ftball match.
    C. Interviewing pp stars.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第8和第9小题。
    8. What des Mrs. Edward prbably teach?
    A. Maths. B. Histry. C. Chemistry.
    9. What des the man ffer t d fr the wman?
    A. Recmmend a bk t her.
    B. Cllect infrmatin fr her.
    C. Share his ideas n Cnfucius.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第10至第13小题。
    10. Hw did the accident happen?
    A. The wman drve t fast.
    B. The red car tried t avid a dg.
    C. A dg suddenly turned left ‘nt the street.
    11. When did the ambulance cme?
    A. At abut 8:30. B. At abut 8:45. C. At abut 9:00.
    12. Which f them gt injured in the accident?
    A. The driver in the red car. B. The female speaker. C. The black dg
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Pliceman and driver. B. Dctr and patient. C. Prfessr and student.
    14. What mnth is it nw?
    A. September. B. August. C. July.
    15. What is Kathy ging t d this September?
    A. G back t cllege.
    B. Give training curses.
    C. Wrk in a primary schl.
    16. Where did Kathy teach as a vlunteer befre?
    A. In Prague. B. In Lndn. C. In Manchester.
    17. What attitude des Kathy’s father hld t her decisin?
    A. Tlerant. B. Supprtive. C. Cautius.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第 18 至第 20小题。
    18. Hw ld is Gerge?
    A. 10. B. 6. C. 4
    19. What d we knw abut Gerge?
    A. He likes frzen fds. B. He is tall with dark hair. C. He is wearing a black cap.
    20. What shuld we d if we see Gerge?
    A. Phne Gerge’s mum.
    B. Treat him t sme pizza.
    C. Take him t the security desk.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Starting t write shrt stries: An nline wrkshp with Stuart Evers
    It is a cmmn miscnceptin that writing a shrt stry is easier than crafting (构思) a lnger frm piece f fictin. Thugh they have fewer wrds, as a writer yu have less time and space n the page t bth capture the imaginatin f yur readers and craft a jurney fr yur characters that has a beginning, middle and end.
    In this highly practical wrkshp with award-winning writer Stuart Evers, yu will knw abut the fundamentals f the shrt stry writing — frm building tensin t creating a current f events that invites interest — fr cnstructing a stry that has the emtinal heft f a nvel, as well as breathing life int characters that are authentic and full.
    Regardless f yur skillset r experience, under Stuart’s expert guidance, yu will take the first crucial steps in shrt strytelling s that yu will have a newfund cnfidence in yur ability t cntinue crafting shrt stries, far beynd the curse.
    Curse cntent
    What makes a shrt stry?
    Hw t generate ideas fr shrt stries
    Hw t turn smething frm a situatin int a stry
    Writing techniques that can be put int practice instantly
    Pst-class learning material that includes shrt stry reading list
    Curse Details
    Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 6pm-9pm GMT
    £80 plus £4.25 bking fee
    A catch-up recrding will be shared after the class and will be available fr tw weeks.
    This masterclass is available glbally. If yu are jining us frm utside the United Kingdm, yu will be sent a link t the wrkshp 24 hurs and 30 minutes befre the start time.
    1. What des the wrkshp with Stuart Evers fcus n?
    A. Adding mre wrds in a limited time and space.B. Develping essential shrt stry writing skills.
    C. Planning a cmplete jurney with the readers.D. Distinguishing between a shrt stry and a nvel.
    2. What is said abut Stuart’s masterclass?
    A. It is demanding but rewarding.B. It will be replayed in tw mnths.
    C. It will be free t freigners nline.D. It is practical and cnfidence-building.
    3. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A shrt stry.B. A livestream website.C. An academic article.D. An examinatin paper.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In this highly practical wrkshp with award-winning writer Stuart Evers, yu will knw abut the fundamentals f the shrt stry writing — frm building tensin t creating a current f events that invites interest — fr cnstructing a stry that has the emtinal heft f a nvel, as well as breathing life int characters that are authentic and full.(在这场与获奖作家Stuart Evers共同举办的高度实用的研讨会上,你将了解短篇小说写作的基本原理——从营造紧张的氛围到引发兴趣的事件流——以构建一个具有情感分量的故事,以及为真实饱满的人物注入生命。)”可知,这个研讨会专注于培养基本的短篇小说写作技能,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Regardless f yur skillset r experience, under Stuart’s expert guidance, yu will take the first crucial steps in shrt strytelling s that yu will have a newfund cnfidence in yur ability t cntinue crafting shrt stries, far beynd the curse.(无论你的技能或者经验如何,在专家Stuart的指导下,你将知道短篇故事制作的第一个关键步骤,这样你将对自己继续创作短篇故事的能力产生新的信心,远远超出课程范围。)”可知,Stuart的课程是实用的,可以帮助你了解如何创作短篇故事,而且能帮你增加信心,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“This masterclass is available glbally. If yu are jining us frm utside the United Kingdm, yu will be sent a link t the wrkshp 24 hurs and 30 minutes befre the start time. (该专家的课程在全球范围内提供。如果你从英国以外的地方加入我们,我们将在开始时间前24小时30分钟向你发送一个链接。)”可知,这篇文章来自一个直播网络,故选B。
    Frm cttages surrunded by impressive gardens t days spent explring sandy beaches and deep wds filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s.
    Cme fr the arresting descriptins f Crfu landscapes and stay fr Durrell’s laugh-ut-lud tales f his unusual family. This bk, Durrell wrte humrusly in the intrductin, “was intended t be a nstalgic(怀旧的)accunt f natural histry, but in the first few pages, I made the mistake f intrducing my family.”
    Durrell, later knwn fr his z keeping and the preservatin f wildlife, was just a child during his family’s five-year stay in Crfu. He is 10-year-ld Gerry in the bk—curius, passinate abut animals and a detailed stryteller f his strange family: his imaginative elder brther Larry with his literary ambitins, lvestruck sister Marg, sprty brther Leslie and his ever-calm, lving mther.
    Durrell’s attentin t detail is what makes the bk s winning, with every sight, sund and smell f the island brught t life. One minute yu’ll be laughing as Larry’s clever literary friends walk dwn t the daffdil-yellw cttage, the next yu’ll be catching yur breath as Durrell describes swimming at night in the Inian Sea: “Lying n my back in the silky water, staring at the sky, nly mving my hands and feet slightly, I was lking at the Milky Way stretching like a silk scarf acrss the sky and wndering hw many stars it cntained.”
    My Family and Other Animals is quite difficult t classify, being ne part travel, ne part autbigraphy, ne part natural histry, and ne part cmedy, with a thread f descriptive language running thrughut that smetimes raises it nearly t petry.
    As a real delight t read, it’s the perfect literary escapism fr any adult r lder teenager wh is currently walking dwn a tugh rad in life.
    4. Which wrd best describes Durrell’s life in Crfu?
    A. Diverse.B. Busy.C. Risky.D. Tugh.
    5. What des the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 2?
    A. I just intrduced my family by mistake.B. I shuldn’t have intrduced my family.
    C. I gave false infrmatin abut my family.D. I culdn’t help intrducing my family.
    6. What are paragraph 4 and 5 mainly abut?
    A. Durrell’s rich imaginatin.B. Sme interesting plts f the bk.
    C. The bk’s writing feature.D. Sme vivid descriptins f the island.
    7. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T share an experience.B. T intrduce a writing style.
    C. T recmmend a bk.D. T describe an unusual place.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章推荐了英国作家Gerald Durrell的一本书——《我的家人和其他动物》。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Frm cttages surrunded by impressive gardens t days spent explring sandy beaches and deep wds filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s. (从被令人印象深刻的花园包围的小屋,到探索沙滩和充满野生动物的深林的日子,在《我的家人和其他动物》一书中,英国作家Gerald Durrell生动地描述了20世纪30年代他的家人在希腊科孚岛的时光。)”可知,Durrell在科孚岛的生活是多样的。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据语境和划线句前文“was intended t be a nstalgic(怀旧的)accunt f natural histry, but in the first few pages,(本想成为一本关于自然史的怀旧书,)”和第一段提到的“English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s.(英国作家杰拉尔德•德雷尔(Gerald Durrell)生动地描述了上世纪30年代他一家在希腊科孚岛的生活。)”这本书生动地描述了作者一家人在科孚岛的生活可知,作者原本想写一本关于自然史的怀旧书,但是结果却写成了描述家人在科孚岛的生活一本书,由此可推知,划线词句“but in the first few pages, I made the mistake f intrducing my family. (但在前几页,我错误地介绍了我的家人。)”指的是作者“我情不自禁地介绍了自己的家人”。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“Durrell’s attentin t detail is what makes the bk s winning, with every sight, sund and smell f the island brught t life. (Durrell对细节的关注使这本书如此引人入胜,岛上的每一个景象、声音和气味都栩栩如生。)”和第五段“My Family and Other Animals is quite difficult t classify, being ne part travel, ne part autbigraphy, ne part natural histry, and ne part cmedy, with a thread f descriptive language running thrughut that smetimes raises it nearly t petry. (《我的家庭和其他动物》很难归类,一部分是游记,一部分是自传,一部分是自然历史,一部分是喜剧,一种描述性的语言贯穿始终,有时几乎把它提升到诗歌的境界。)”可知,这两段主要介绍了这本书的写作特点。故选C项。
    推理判断题。通读全文,根据最后一段“As a real delight t read, it’s the perfect literary escapism fr any adult r lder teenager wh is currently walking dwn a tugh rad in life. (作为一种真正的阅读乐趣,对于任何目前正走在艰难人生道路上的成年人或年龄较大的青少年来说,这是一种完美的文学逃避。)”可知,这篇文章的目的是为了推荐这本《我的家庭和其他动物》。故选C项。
    When put t tests, bees have lng prved that they’ve gt a lt mre t ffer than pllinating (授粉), making hney and being lyal t a queen. The hard-wrking insects can change their behavir when things seem difficult, and nw sme scientists find there is prf that they als like t play.
    Scientists frm Queen Mary University f Lndn perfrmed an experiment, in which they set up a cntainer that allwed bees t travel frm their nest t a feeding area. But alng the way, the bees culd chse t pass thrugh a separate sectin with sme small wden balls. Over 18 days, the scientists watched as the bees “went ut f their way t rll wden balls repeatedly, despite n apparent incentive (刺激) t d s.”
    Earlier studies have shwn that the black and yellw bugs are willing t learn new tricks in exchange fr fd r ther rewards. In this case, t get rid f external factrs, scientists made sure the bees had adapted t their new hme and that their envirnment was stress-free.
    The finding suggests that like humans, insects als interact with bjects as a frm f play. Als similar t peple, yunger bees seem t be mre playful than adult bees. “This research prvides a strng indicatin that insect minds are far mre cmplicated than we imagine. There are lts f animals wh play just fr the purpse f enjyment, but mst examples cme frm yung mammals and birds,” said Lars Chittka, a prfessr f sensry and behaviral eclgy at Queen Mary University f Lndn, wh led the study.
    The study’s first authr. Samadi Galpay, wh is a PhD student at Queen Mary University f Lndn, states that it is mre evident that bees may be capable f experiencing feelings. “They may actually experience sme kind f psitive emtinal states, even if basic, like ther larger animals d. This finding has effects n ur understanding f the sense and welfare f insects, which, cnsequently, encurages us t respect and prtect wildlife n Earth ever mre,” she says.
    8. What is the new finding abut bees?
    A. They are fnd f having fun.B. They are faithful t the queen.
    C. They are adaptable t changesD. They are skilled at rlling balls.
    9. Hw did scientists remve external influences in the experiment?
    A. By teaching bees new tricks.B. By rewarding bees with fd.
    C. By making bees feel at hme.D. By building new hmes fr bees
    10. What are Lars Chittka’s wrds mainly abut?
    A. The frms f bees’ interactin.B. The cmplexity f bees’ minds.
    C. The examples f mammals’ play.D. The purpse f mammals’ enjyment.
    11. What des Samadi Galpay say abut the study result?
    A. It backs up prir understanding f insects.
    B. It reveals reasns fr bees’ psitive feelings.
    C. It drives research n animals’ emtinal state.
    D. It cntributes t wildlife cnservatin n Earth.
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“The hard-wrking insects can change their behavir when things seem difficult, and nw sme scientists find there is prf that they als like t play.(当事情看起来很困难时,勤劳的昆虫可以改变它们的行为,现在一些科学家发现有证据表明它们也喜欢玩耍)”可知,关于蜜蜂的新发现是它们喜欢玩乐。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“In this case, t get rid f external factrs, scientists made sure the bees had adapted t their new hme and that their envirnment was stress-free.(在这种情况下,为了消除外部因素,科学家们确保蜜蜂已经适应了它们的新家,并且它们的环境没有压力)”可知,科学家通过让蜜蜂有家的感觉从而在实验中消除外部影响。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中Lars Chittka说的“This research prvides a strng indicatin that insect minds are far mre cmplicated than we imagine. There are lts f animals wh play just fr the purpse f enjyment, but mst examples cme frm yung mammals and birds(这项研究有力地表明,昆虫的思维远比我们想象的复杂。有很多动物只是为了享乐而玩耍,但大多数例子来自于年轻的哺乳动物和鸟类)”可知,Lars Chittka的话表明了昆虫的思维非常复杂。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“This finding has effects n ur understanding f the sense and welfare f insects, which, cnsequently, encurages us t respect and prtect wildlife n Earth ever mre(这一发现影响了我们对昆虫的感知和福利的理解,从而鼓励我们更加尊重和保护地球上的野生动物)”可知,该研究结果有助于保护地球上的野生动物。故选D项。
    “Yu’re s smart!” This encuraging respnse t children’s math perfrmance is cmmnly heard. Recently, a new study, cnducted by the University f Gergia, fund that encuraging children with respnses related t their persnal characteristics r inbrn abilities might weaken their math mtivatin and achievement ver time.
    Parents wh make cmments linking their children’s perfrmance t persnal characteristics like intelligence are using what’s referred t as persn respnses. In cntrast parents wh link their children’s actins, such as effrts r strategy use, t their perfrmance are using prcess respnses.
    Fr the study, researchers asked mre than 500 parents t reprt n hw they respnded t their children’s math perfrmance and their math beliefs and gals. Children were assessed in tw waves acrss a year t measure their math mtivatin and achievement.
    The results shw that parents wh view math ability as changeable are mre likely t give prcess respnses fcused n their children’s strategy use and effrts. rather than their intelligence r ther persnal characteristics. In cntrast, parents wh believe math ability is unchangeable and that math failure can’t be cnstructive give mre persn respnses. Parents with high expectatins fr their children give a cmbinatin f bth respnses. While respnses highlighting strategy and effrts are nt related t any achievement utcmes, children wh receive mre respnses abut their persnal characteristics — in particular, related t failure —are mre likely t avid harder math prblems. exhibit higher levels f math anxiety, and scre lwer n math achievement tests.
    Because persn respnses predict pr math adjustment in children ver time, researcher suggest parents limit this type f respnses at hme. Anther recmmendatin fr parents is t think abut their wn beliefs and gals fr their kids and examine hw these might lead them t. respnd in persn r prcess ways. Simply telling parents t avid talking abut math ability may nt be enugh. Fcusing less n hw children perfrm and mre n their strategy and enjyment f math might be a mre effective way t strengthen mtivatin.
    12. Which f the fllwing is an example f prcess respnse?
    A. Yu are a lucky dg.
    B. Running is in yur bld.
    C. What wrks well fr yur study?
    D. Why are yu such a math genius?
    13. What can be inferred frm the study results?
    A. Parents prefer t give mre prcess respnses.
    B. Children are mre likely t be affected by math anxiety.
    C. Prcess respnses help with children’s math achievement.
    D. Persn respnses can discurage children frm learning math.
    14. What d researchers advise parents t d?
    A. Limit persn respnses.
    B. Defend their wn beliefs.
    C. Stress children’s perfrmance.
    D. Ignre children’s math prblems.
    15. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Strategy Children Adpt t Learn Math Helps
    B. The Way Parents Talk t Children n Math Matters
    C. Respnses t Enhance Children’s Math Perfrmance
    D. Suggestins fr Parents t Teach Their Children Math
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“In cntrast, parents wh link their children’s actins, such as effrts r strategy use, t their perfrmance are using prcess respnses. (相比之下,将孩子的行为(如努力或策略使用)与他们的表现联系起来的父母使用的是过程反应。)”可知,将孩子的行为与他们的表现联系起来的父母使用的是过程反应,分析四个选项,C项“What wrks well fr yur study? (什么对你的学习有效?)”将孩子的行为与表现联系起来,符合语境,属于“过程反应”,故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“children wh receive mre respnses abut their persnal characteristics — in particular, related t failure —are mre likely t avid harder math prblems. exhibit higher levels f math anxiety, and scre lwer n math achievement tests. (那些对自己的个人品质,尤其是与失败有关的品质,得到更多回应的孩子,更有可能避免更难的数学问题,表现出更高的数学焦虑水平,并且在数学成绩测试中得分更低)”可推理出,个人反应会阻碍孩子学习数学,故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Because persn respnses predict pr math adjustment in children ver time, researcher suggest parents limit this type f respnses at hme.(因为人的反应预示着孩子的数学适应能力会随着时间的推移而变差,研究人员建议父母在家里限制这种反应。)”可知,专家建议父母限制个人反应,故选A项。
    主旨大意题。通读整篇文章,尤其是第一段中“Recently, a new study, cnducted by the University f Gergia, fund that encuraging children with respnses related t their persnal characteristics r inbrn abilities might weaken their math mtivatin and achievement ver time. (最近,乔治亚大学进行的一项新研究发现,随着时间的推移,鼓励孩子用与他们的个人特征或天生能力相关的回答可能会削弱他们的数学动机和成就。)”可知,文章主要内容是说父母对孩子的数学学习做出不同的反应,会对孩子产生不同的作用;用与个人特征或天生能力相关的反应来鼓励孩子,可能会削弱他们的数学动机和成绩。所以B项“The Way Parents Talk t Children n Math Matters (父母与孩子谈论数学的方式很重要)”作为本文的题目与文章主题相符合。故选B项。
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Have yu nticed hw evenings cl ff mre in rural areas than they d in cities? Urban areas als tend t get htter during the day than any nearby areas with lts f greenery.____16____
    It’s mainly caused by the difference in materials that cver the grund in urban areas and the cuntryside. In the cuntry, evapratin(蒸发)f water frm sil and the leaves f plants helps t cl the air.____17____Having fewer plants, cities have less evapratin and are unable t cl dwn the temperature.
    Dark clurs are anther prblem. Dark bjects absrb all wavelengths f light, making the temperature increase mre nticeably. In cntrast, white bjects reflect all wavelengths f light energy.____18____Sadly, mst parts f cities are cvered by asphalt(沥青), steel, rfs and bricks which are ften dark in clur.
    ____19____As peple drive cars, heat buildings, and run air cnditiners, cities are generating waste heat and puring it int the atmsphere directly. The waste heat adds t the slar energy trapped by the tall buildings.
    But cities dn’t have t be s ht. Sme cities have lightened their streets. This is dne by cvering black asphalt streets, parking lts, and dark rfs with a mre reflective gray cating. ____20____
    Having mre green spaces als helps. Plants serve as a natural air cnditiner. They catch heat, release vapur(蒸汽)int the air, and take away heat, cntributing t cler, fresher cities.
    A. Cities als prduce mre heat than suburban areas.
    B. The higher the temperature, the shrter the wavelength.
    C. This phenmenn is knwn as the urban heat-island effect.
    D. S it will nt be transfrmed int heat which makes the air ht.
    E. Changes in building materials have a minimal effect n city temperatures.
    F. Much f the sil in cities, by cntrast, has been cvered with rads and buildings.
    G. These changes can decrease air temperatures dramatically, especially in summer.
    【答案】16. C 17. F 18. D 19. A 20. G
    段末句,考查段落结论句。根据上文提示“Have yu nticed hw evenings cl ff mre in rural areas than they d in cities? Urban areas als tend t get htter during the day than any nearby areas with lts f greenery.”(你有没有注意到,农村的夜晚比城市凉爽得多?城市地区在白天也往往比附近有很多绿色植物的地区更热。)可知,本文是一篇介绍热岛效应的科普文。首段的行文逻辑为从现象到结论,从而引出热岛效应这一地理名词。所以,C项“This phenmenn is knwn as the urban heat-island effect.”(这种现象被称为城市热岛效应。)符合题意。故选C。
    段中句,考查转折性过渡句。F选项“Much f the sil in cities, by cntrast, has been cvered with rads and buildings.”(相比之下,城市的大部分土壤已经被道路和建筑物覆盖。)的“城市的土地被道路和建筑覆盖”与前一句“evapratin f water frm sil and the leaves f plants helps t cl t air”(土壤和植物叶子中的水分蒸发有助于冷却到空气中)形成转折关系。这两句回应第二段主题句“It’s mainly caused by the difference in materials that cver the grund in urban areas and the cuntryside.”(这主要是由于城市和农村覆盖地面的材料不同造成的。)故选F。
    段中句,考查结论性过渡句。空前句子“In cntrast, white bjects reflect all wavelengths f light energy”(相反,白色物体反射所有波长的光能)和D选项“S it will nt be transfrmed int heat which makes the air ht.”(所以它不会转化为使空气变热的热量。)形成因果关系。即,白色物品会反射所有波长的光,因此能量不会被转换成热量,从而让空气变热。故选D。
    段首句,考查段落主题句。A选项“Cities als prduce mre heat than suburban areas.”(城市也比郊区产生更多的热量。)中的“prduce mre heat(产生更多的热量)”与选项下一句“As peple drive cars, heat buildings, and run air cnditiners, cities are generating waste heat and puring it int the atmsphere directly.”(随着人们开车、给建筑物供暖和使用空调,城市正在产生废热,并将其直接排放到大气中。)中的“generate waste heat(产生废热)”形成对应关系。开车,供暖或是开空调都是产生热量的行为。故选A。
    段末句,考查递进逻辑关系。本段的讨论内容为解决热岛效应的方法。G选项中的“these changes(这些变化)”对应了选项前面一句的方法,即,“cvering black asphalt streets, parking lts, and dark rfs with a mre reflective gray cating”(覆盖黑色沥青街道、停车场和深色屋顶的反光性更强的灰色涂层)。同时,G选项“These changes can decrease air temperatures dramatically, especially in summer.”(这些变化会使气温急剧下降,尤其是在夏天。)进一步解释了这些举措所能带来的好处,与前文形成递进关系。故选G。
    第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Rebecka Petersn, a high schl math teacher, is the natin’s 2023 Teacher f the Year. Her first year f teaching wasn’t withut its ___21___ , but she remembered why she was there and wanted t bear thse ___22___ thughts in mind. S she ___23___ the One Gd Thing blg.
    It was ___24___ and fun, really. Every evening, she wuld write n her blg, ___25___ ne gd thing she experienced that day. She gave her blg the tagline: ”Every day may nt be gd, but there is n gd thing in every day.“
    She encuraged her ___26___ t d the same in their handwritten jurnals. Just a few minutes a day t ___27___ smething gd that happened—that wuld be enugh, she ___28___ . She believes that it will make them happier and mre ___29___ t learn.
    During her eleven years in teaching, Petersn has ___30___ that sme students find math difficult. But her effrts t make it ___31___ made her the 2023 Oklahma Teacher f the Year. Frm there, she made the ___32___ t win the natin’s 2023 Teacher f the Year.
    Petersn has travelled arund the cuntry, talking t teaches abut bringing ___33___ back int Classrms. Her gals include emphasizing the psitive experiences students have nt nly with math but with learning ___34___ . She hpes her stries will attract new teachers t the prfessin and give ___35___ t current nes.
    A. surprisesB. wndersC. rewardsD. struggles
    A. cmplexB. psitiveC. clrfulD. disturbing
    A. createdB. fundedC. nticedD. deleted
    A. strangeB. tughC. simpleD. bring
    A. recrdingB. frwardingC. discussingD. recmmending
    A. friendsB. wrkmatesC. classmatesD. students
    A. draw nB. carry nC. cunt nD. reflect n
    A. whisperedB. insistedC. rderedD. agreed
    A. relievedB. independentC. mtivatedD. humble
    A. expectedB. deniedC. recgnizedD. cmplained
    A. accessibleB. innvativeC. abstractD. lgical
    A. cutB. dealC. pintD. draw
    A. rulesB. gamesC. jyD. wisdm
    A. in detailB. in generalC. in cmmnD. in particular
    A. titleB. placeC. luckD. energy
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是高中数学老师Rebecka Petersn将快乐带回课堂的故事。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她教书的第一年并非一帆风顺,但她记得自己为什么在那里,并希望把这些积极的想法记在心里。A. surprises惊讶;B. wnders奇迹;C. rewards奖励,回报;D. struggles挣扎。根据上文“Her first year f teaching(她教书的第一年)”可知,她教书的第一年,根据常识可知,第一年一般都会很难,也就是有一些难事,因此空格处是“难事”。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她教书的第一年并非一帆风顺,但她记得自己为什么在那里,并希望把这些积极的想法记在心里。A. cmplex复杂的;B. psitive积极的;C. clrful富有色彩的;D. disturbing令人不安的。根据上文“she remembered why she was there(她记得自己为什么在那里)”可知,她知道自己为什么要教书,所以再难她也想把她教书的原因的这个积极的想法记住。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以她创建了“一件好事”博客。A. created创造;B. funded资助;C. nticed注意到;D. deleted删除。根据下文“One Gd Thing blg(一件好事”博客)”可知,她创建了“一件好事”博客。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:真的很简单很有趣。A. strange奇怪的;B. tugh坚韧的;C. simple简单的;D. bring令人无聊的。根据下文“Just a few minutes a day t ___7___ smething gd that happened(每天花几分钟回想一下发生的好事)”可知,每天只需要花几分钟回顾这一天所发生的事情,所以这是很简单的。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天晚上,她都会在博客上写一篇文章,记录“当天经历的一件好事”。A. recrding记录;B. frwarding推进;C. discussing讨论;D. recmmending推荐。根据上文“write n her blg(写在她的博客上)”可知,她是写博客记录一天经历的事情。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她鼓励学生在手写日记中也这样做。A. friends朋友;B. wrkmates同事;C. classmates同学;D. students学生。根据下文“She believes that it will make them happier and mre ____9____ t learn(她相信这会让他们更快乐,更有动力去学习)”可知,她鼓励学生也像她一样写博客。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:她坚持说,每天花几分钟回想一下发生的好事——这就足够了。A. draw n接近,临近;B. carry n继续;C. cunt n依靠;D. reflect n仔细想,回忆。根据上文“she wuld write n her blg, ____5____“ne gd thing she experienced that day(她都会在博客上写一篇文章,记录“当天经历的一件好事”)”可知,她写博客记录一天所经历的事情,要记录经历的事情就要回顾所发生的事情。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她坚持认为,每天花几分钟回想一下发生的好事——这就足够了。A. whispered低语;B. insisted坚持;C. rdered命令;D. agreed同意。根据上文“Just a few minutes a day t ___7___ smething gd that happened—that wuld be enugh(每天花几分钟回想一下发生的好事——这就足够了)”可知,空前的内容是她的观点,也就是她坚持认为的。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她相信这会让他们更快乐,更有动力去学习。A. relieved放心的,宽慰的;B. independent独立的;C. mtivated积极的,主动的;D. humble谦卑的。根据上文“make them happier(让他们更快乐)”可知,学生快乐了,会更有动力去学习。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她11年的教学生涯中,彼得森意识到一些学生发现数学很难。A. expected期待;B. denied否认;C. recgnized意识到;D. cmplained抱怨。根据下文“sme students find math difficult(有些学生觉得数学很难)”可知,彼得森意识到一些学生发现数学很难。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但她努力使它更容易被理解,这使她成为2023年俄克拉何马州年度教师。A. accessible可以理解的;B. innvative创新的;C. abstract抽象的;D. lgical合乎逻辑的。根据上文“sme students find math difficult. But her effrts t make it(有些学生觉得数学很难。但是她的努力)”可知,学生觉得数学很难,她作为老师,就会努力让学生理解数学。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那里,她成功赢得了2023年全国年度教师奖。A. cut达到标准;B. deal大量;交易;C. pint观点,论点;D. draw平局。根据下文“win the natin’s 2023 Teacher f the Year(赢得了2023年全国年度教师奖)”可知,她成功赢得了2023年全国年度教师奖,也就是达到了这个奖的标准。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:彼得森走遍了全国,和老师们讨论如何把快乐带回课堂。A. rules规则;B. games游戏;C. jy高兴;D. wisdm智慧。根据“make them happier(让他们更快乐)”可知,她和其他老师讨论如何把快乐带回课堂。故选C。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:她的目标包括强调学生不仅在数学方面,而且在各方面的学习的积极经验。A. in detail详细地;B. in general在各方面,总的来说;C. in cmmn共同的;D. in particular特别地。根据上文“nt nly with math but with learning(不仅是数学,还有学习)”可知,她的目标包括强调学生不仅在数学方面,而且在各方面的学习的积极经验。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她希望自己的故事能吸引新的教师加入这个行业,并为现有的教师注入活力。A. title标题;B. place位置;C. luck运气;D. energy活力。根据上文“attract new teachers t the prfessin(吸引新教师从事这一职业)”可知,吸引新的教师加入这个行业,就为教师注入了活力。故选D
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    ___36___ (rganize) by China Internatinal Culture Assciatin and Central Academy f Fine Arts, the Masct Design Glbal Cmpetitin f “Happy Chinese New Year” kicked ff in Beijing n August 19th.
    “Happy Chinese New Year” ___37___ (invlve) a number f activities held in verseas ___38___ (cuntry) abut the Lunar New Year, s that peple can experience the festive atmsphere and knw mre abut Chinese culture.
    The cmpetitin cllects masct designs that shw the cncept f “Happy Chinese New Year” activities ___39___ stresses reunin, a festive atmsphere and sharing. With the rabbit ___40___ the main image, since next year marks the Year f the Rabbit, designs are suppsed t be rich in Lunar New Year cultural elements.
    The call fr entries began n August 19th ___41___ will end n Dec 26th. The cllected wrks will enter fur stages f evaluatin, and the final selected ne will be ___42___ (fficial) released at the end f this year as the masct fr the “Happy Chinese New Year” event.
    Accrding t Ga Zheng, directr f the Bureau f Internatinal Exchange and Cperatin f the Ministry f Culture and Turism, the “Happy Chinese New Year” ___43___ (becme) ne f the mst ppular brand event verseas since its launch mre than 20 years ag. And it is especially highly ___44___ (influence) t the verseas Chinese. He hpes ___45___ (prvide) audiences at hme and abrad with a mre innvative experience.
    【答案】36. Organized
    37. invlves
    38. cuntries
    39. which##that
    40. as 41. and
    42. fficially
    43. has becme
    44. influential
    45. t prvide
    考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:“快乐春节”包括在海外国家举办的一系列关于农历新年的活动,让人们体验节日气氛,了解中国文化。空处为主句谓语动词,此处描述客观事实,所以应用一般现在时。主语“Happy Chinese New Year” 为第三人称单数,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填invlves。
    考查连词。句意:征集活动于8月19日开始,9月26日结束。根据“began n August 19(于8月19日开始)”和“will end n Sept 26(9月26日结束)”可知,此处表示并列关系,应用连词and连接两个谓语。故填and。
    考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:据文化和旅游部国际交流与合作局局长高征介绍,“快乐春节”自20多年前推出以来,已成为海外最受欢迎、最具影响力的品牌活动之一。根据“since its launch mre than 20 years ag(自20多年前推出以来)”可知,此处应用现在完成时。主语“Happy Chinese New Year”为第三人称单数,助动词使用has。故填has becme。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:他希望为国内外观众提供更具创新性的体验。固定搭配hpe t d意为“希望做”,所以此处应用t d不定式,作宾语。故填t prvide。
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节(满分 15分)
    46. 假定你是李华。为迎接爱尔兰姐妹学校来访,你校英语俱乐部将举行学生活动图片展,现正向全校学生征集照片。你打算参与,请你写一封邮件,说明相关信息,内容包括:
    1. 描述照片内容;
    2. 选择该照片的理由;
    3. 表达入选期望。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear English Club,
    I’m Li Hua frm Class I, Senir 3.
    Attached is the pht. Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear English Club,
    I’m Li Hua frm Class I, Senir 3. I am mre than happy t learn abut the news f pht cllectin, and I intend t recmmend a pht taken tw mnths ag.
    The pht shws students frm the dance club in clrful cstumes ding tap dancing, which is cnsidered the natinal essence f Ireland. As far as I am cncerned, this pht nt nly reflects the liveliness and enthusiasm f ur students, but als can make Irish students feel at hme. There is n dubt that this pht will help students frm bth cuntries establish friendship quickly. I wuld appreciate it if the phts were included.
    Attached is the pht. Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    【导语】这是一篇应用文。为迎接爱尔兰姐妹学校来访,你校英语俱乐部将举行学生活动图片展,现正向全校学生征集照片。你打算参与,请你写一封邮件,说明相关信息,内容包括:1. 描述照片内容;2. 选择该照片的理由;3. 表达入选期望。
    建立:establish→build up
    打算做某事:intend t d→plan t d
    原句:As far as I am cncerned, this pht nt nly reflects the liveliness and enthusiasm f ur students, but als can make Irish students feel at hme.
    拓展句:As far as I am cncerned, nt nly des this pht reflect the liveliness and enthusiasm f ur students, but als can make Irish students feel at hme.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】 I am mre than happy t learn abut the news f pht cllectin, and I intend t recmmend a pht taken tw mnths ag.(运用了过去分词作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】The pht shws students frm the dance club in clrful cstumes ding tap dancing, which is cnsidered the natinal essence f Ireland. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Ty Tree
    It was a bare tree with thin branches which lked like they might snap (折断) at any mment, but it was the nly tree in the estate gardens. In spring, the tree cheered up the grey cncrete with its blssm. And, in summer, its shade cmfrted the restless heat.
    Gabe lved the tree. He and his friends played by it all the time. The tree’s blessing fr the cmmunity, but nt fr Mr. Snider, the caretaker, wh hated the tree. When he had t mw (割) the grass arund it r sweep its blssms r fallen leaves frm the path, he wuld grumble (咕哝), “It’s in my way.” r “Wh has t clean up all this mess? Me, that’s wh!”
    Smetimes he threatened t cut it dwn. One mrning befre the cming New Year, Gabe sptted him walked twards the tree with a chainsaw (电锯). He shuted, “Mum! What’s Mr. Snider ding?” Mum put dwn her knitting needles — she was knitting everyne scarves and came ver t the windw. Gabe grabbed her hand and ran dwn tw flights f stairs t the garden. Sn they were standing between Mr. Snider and the tree.
    “Out f my way,” said the caretaker. “Time fr this eyesre (眼中钉) t g.”
    “This eyesre is f great public interest.” Mum tried t sund imprtant.
    “And we lve this tree,” begged Gabe.
    “Nt a gd enugh reasn.” Mr. Snider was getting his chainsaw ready.
    Gabe desperately tried t think f mre reasns t keep the tree, then he remembered the ty tree he’d seen in twn. It had clurful gift tags (礼品签) n it and written n every tag was the name f a ty a child had wished fr. Mum had explained t him that if smene tk a tag and bught the gift n it, the charity wuld send it t a child wh might nt get New Year presents.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Gabe said, “It is ging t be a ty tree.”
    By the weekend, the charity tags had arrived.
    【答案】Pssible versin:
    Gabe said, “it is ging t be a ty tree.” He explained that they were ging t decrate it and put tags n it s they can buy presents fr children wh need them. Then he flashed a lk fr help at his mum. “Yes,” Mum said enthusiastically, "Mr Snider, we’re decrating it this weekend." Mr. Snider lked suspicius. He almst turned purple trying t think up an argument, but he was beaten. He lwered his chainsaw and strmed ff. That evening, Gabe and his mum put up psters t let everyne knw abut the ty tree, and they cntacted the charity t get tags.
    By the weekend, the charity tags had arrived. The whle cmmunity came t decrate the tree. They sang as they hung tags, and it felt like a party. The bare tree sn lked dazzling. Everyne went hme, beamingly, with a tag frm the ty tree. As Gabe stepped back t admire everyne’s handiwrk, he sptted Mr Snider lking ut f his windw with a frwn. Gabe waved at him. “We leave ne tag fr yu!” With hesitatin, Mr. Snider let ut a sigh, then walked t the ty tree and tk it dwn. At that mment, the tree was nt an eyesre any mre.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了小区花园里有一棵树,Gabe和小伙伴们都很喜欢这棵树。这棵树是对社区的祝福,但看护者 Mr. Snider讨厌这棵树,他视这棵树为眼中钉。新年前的一天早上,Gabe发现他拿着电锯向树走去,Gabe和妈妈拼命想出理由来保护这棵树的故事。
    ①由第一段首句内容“加布说:“这将是一棵玩具树。”可知,第一段可描写Gabe向看护者 Mr. Snider解释他的玩具树并联系了慈善机构获得标签。
    ②由第二段首句内容“到了周末,慈善标签已经到了。”可知,第二段可描写大家来装饰这棵树,给树挂上标签,小孩子都兴奋地带着玩具树上的标签。 Mr. Snider目睹这一切,很欣慰,那一刻,这棵树不再是他的眼中钉了。
    2.续写线索:解释——Mr. Snider离开——获得标签——装饰树——小朋友开心——Mr. Snider感悟
    ①瞥一眼:flash a lk /glance/glimpse
    ②.叹气:let ut a sigh /sigh
    ①.热情地:enthusiastically /with enthusiasm
    ③.喜气洋洋地:beamingly /jyfully
    [高分句型1]. As Gabe stepped back t admire everyne’s handiwrk, he sptted Mr Snider lking ut f his windw with a frwn. (由as引导的时间状语从句。)
    [高分句型2]. With hesitatin, Mr. Snider let ut a sigh, then walked t the ty tree and tk it dwn.(由let ut a sigh、walked t the ty tree 和 tk it dwn三个并列谓语动词构成连贯的动作链。)

    福建省泉州市培元中学2024届高三上学期12月月考英语: 这是一份福建省泉州市培元中学2024届高三上学期12月月考英语,共35页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7,15, What des Mrs等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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