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    1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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    3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用05毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
    第I卷(选择题 共56分)
    从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    1.—Yuan Lngping spent all his life n the research and develpment f better rice plants.
    —That’s true. We ________ praise him t much.
    2.— ________ d yu knw abut Clumbus?
    — Oh, he is a great man wh discvered America.
    3.Many yung peple ften find ________ necessary t cmmunicate, but dn’t knw wh t talk t.
    4.— Why d s many cmpanies hpe he can wrk fr them?
    — Because he can speak bth Chinese and French. It’s certainly his ________.
    5.—It seems that yur uncle knws the small twn very well. Sandy.
    —Right! He ________ here as a pliceman fr five years in the 2010s.
    A.wrksB.wrkedC.has wrkedD.is wrking
    6.— I’m s busy these days. I can nly spare a very little time t exercise.
    — Yu’ve dne very well. ______, ten minutes f exercise is better than nthing.
    A.In generalB.After allC.First f allD.Fr example
    7.—Have yu sent yur grandparents an e-mail t tell them yu’ve passed the exam?
    —N. I called them instead. ________ f them can use a cmputer.
    8.— Which hbby d yu think ________ less time, painting r reading?
    — It's hard t say. It depends.
    A.takes ffB.takes upC.takes utD.takes in
    9.I came back late last night. My father asked me ________.
    A.if I have had supperB.where I was with my friends
    C.whm was I withD.why did I cme back s late
    10.—We failed in the dancing cmpetitin.
    —________. Better times are waiting fr yu.
    A.Gd luckB.Dn’t mentin itC.Cheer upD.N prblem
    Basketball can be fun, r it can be truble. Peple gather arund a ball, but their reactins (反应) ften g 11 the bject. It was a terribly ht summer day when the grup f us appeared n the basketball curt. Silently, we 12 up and played, as always. The sun was a big “squeezer (压榨者)”, as it nt nly squeezed ut f us sweat (汗水) and 13 , but als ur unhappy feelings. Bdy cntact became mre and mre ften, and we culd all 14 the attacks f elbws (肘部). After anther rund f game, ne f the players and I fell t the grund at the same time. Frm his burning eyeballs, I culd see a 15 was almst unavidable.
    It suddenly came t me that 16 tins f Cla were lying n the grund, abut an inch away frm me. “Buddy, ht dwn here. What abut a 17 ,” I said t him. 18 I rlled (滚动) ne t him, lking at him in the eyes with my mst sincere facial expressin. “I guess I’m quite fine. Lucky n 19 bnes r we’ll end up in the hspital!” I said.
    Other players watching nearby all laughed. I culd clearly see sme mvement n his face. My advice did wrk! He picked the Cla up, tried t pen it, and walked ver. As he passed by my side, he 20 his left hand, and smiled at me. I smiled back, tk his hand, and gave him a light shake.
    A gentle wind caught me n the face 21 I returned t the basketball curt. The sun cntinued t prvide warm fr us. What culd be better than a grup f schl students 22 basketball skills n a warm, sunny afternn?
    20.A.lked atB.thught fC.put awayD.held ut
    Magazines can get yur students t enter the wrld f English speakers, read interesting articles and imprve their language skills. Tday we are ging t intrduce the mst ppular magazines that may cme in yur classes.
    Student Weekly
    This is a weekly magazine published by a Thai cmpany, which has a histry f 25 years. The readers f the magazine are mstly teenagers f middle level. Here yu can find articles n the tpics f educatin, entertainment, current affairs, latest events, and sng lyrics. In additin, there are als sme vcabulary and grammar exercises t memrize the newly learnt material.
    Natinal Gegraphic
    The magazine is being published since 1888. It mainly cntains articles abut gegraphy, science, histry and wrld culture. Its language is a little bit cmplicated, and that’s why his resurce will suit nly fr higher level students. Apart frm articles, yu can als find a huge cllectin f phts f nature.
    Reader’s Digest
    The magazine was funded in 1922. It is a general-interest family magazine, published ten times a year. Here yu will find inspiring true stries abut peple and what they have dne, sme funny mments in the lives f persnalities. And yu can als read articles abut hw t be respnsible parents.
    This is a lifestyle magazine that first was published in 1898 in the USA.It fcuses mainly n traveling, hme and gardening, lifestyle, fd and drink. The magazine is full f amazing pictures and interesting articles abut places in the United States. The magazine is suitable fr students with middle r higher levels.
    23.What can yu find frm Reader’s Digest?
    A.Real stries.B.Latest events.C.Current affairs.D.Phts f nature.
    24.What des Sunset mainly fcus n?
    A.The vcabulary and grammar exercises.
    B.The lifestyle and family life in America.
    C.The funny mments in the lives f persnalities.
    D.The gegraphy, science, histry and wrld culture.
    25.It is pssible that the readers f the text are ________.
    Smetime in 1885 r 1886, Arthur Cnan Dyle was ddling (信手乱涂) n a sheet f paper. Inspired by Edgar Allan Pe’s Auguste Dupin, he had the idea fr a “cnsulting detective”, wh wuld als use “the Rules f Evidence” t catch his man. But what wuld he be called? “Ormnd Sacker”? “Sherrinfrd Hlmes”?
    Had he settled n either f these alternatives, the mdern-day fan clubs wuld be able t lk clsely thrugh their magnifying glasses (放大镜) at that histric piece f paper at an exhibitin pening at the Museum f Lndn n Friday.
    Sherlck Hlmes: The Man Wh Never Lived and Will Never Die is the first majr shw fr the great detective since a Hlmes display graced the Festival f Britain in 1951. It’s a winningly silly title: there are an unlimited number f men wh never lived and will never die, and a very large number f fictinal creatins f whm the same culd als be said. But yu can see what they are getting at.
    It is likely that the shw shuld take place at the Museum f Lndn. Hlmes ccupied perhaps Lndn’s mst famus imaginary address — 221B Baker Street — and Dr. Watsn wrte that his “knwledge f the byways f Lndn was extrardinary”. In the frm f his “Baker Street Irregulars”, he even emplyed a street-level spy-netwrk the hmeless. Lndn is ften described as anther character in the stries.
    But, as histrian David Cannadine pints ut in a fine, questining essay in a new bk accmpanying the exhibitin, Hlmes’s Lndn is actually nly sketchily imagined in the stries. Cnan Dyle grew up in Edinburgh, was educated in Lancashire and Austria, and lived in central Lndn fr less than a year befre mving first t Suth Nrwd, then in shrt rder t Hindhead in Surrey and later t Sussex. T mve Hlmes arund the capital, Cnan Dyle used cntemprary bks f street maps and the Lndn Pst Office Directry. And he made all srts f mistakes.
    Als, befre fan-fictin as we think f it nw gt under way, the Hlmes stries led t a strange academic versin f fan-fictin: Hlmesians, taking a schlarly interest in the texts almst n the assumptin that Hlmes and Watsn were real histrical characters.
    It shuld be nted that Cnan Dyle himself didn’t sweat the details. Everything frm the lcatin f Watsn’s ld war wund t his marital situatin and the address f his cnsulting rm was distinctly patchy (东拼西凑的).
    Hlmes is, r might as well be, a magician. In this respect, the mdern BBC TV adaptatins — whse leaps f tricks I’ve seen cmplained abut — are in keeping with Cnan Dyle’s riginals.
    He’s nt the prduct, nt any mre, f a single authr. And he’s never ging t be n the reader’s level — nr that f his friend Dr. Watsn. Cnan Dyle’s cnsulting detective is, made by the imaginatins f thers, a srt f gd. And like all the best gds, he is — as the new exhibitin’s title indicates — bth imaginary and everlasting.
    26.What d Auguste Dupin and Sherlck Hlmes share in cmmn accrding t the authr?
    A.They are bth fictinal detectives that lived in Lndn.
    B.They are bth characters created by Arthur Cnan Dyle.
    C.They bth use “the Rules f Evidence” t slve cases.
    D.They bth use magnifying glasses.
    27.Accrding t the passage, the sentence “Hlmes’s Lndn is actually nly sketchily imagined in the stries” in paragraph 5 means that ________.
    A.Lndn is an imprtant setting in the Sherlck Hlmes stries
    B.the city f Lndn in the nvel is different frm hw it really is
    C.Lndn is hme t the tw main characters, Sherlck and Watsn
    D.the authr Cnan Dyle made a lt f mistakes when in Lndn
    28.The wrd “Hlmesians” in paragraph 6 prbably refers t ________.
    A.super fans f HlmesB.schlars interested in Hlmes
    C.studies abut HlmesD.mysteries cncerning Hlmes
    Yu’re sitting at the dinner table with yur dg. Yu knw yu shuldn’t give dgs human fd, but when yu lk dwn, thse cute puppy(小狗) eyes are almst impssible t refuse.
    Why des this kind f thing happen? A Japanese scientist, Mih Nagasawa, seems t have fund the answer: it has smething t d with what is called “the cuddle chemical” (拥抱化合物).
    In rder t better understand hw the cuddle chemical wrks between dgs and humans, Nagasawa and his team carried ut an experiment(实验). They tested the levels f the cuddle chemical in dgs and humans, and then put them in a rm t interact(互动) with each ther.
    While in the rm, the humans patted(爱抚) the dgs, spke t the dgs, and lked int the dgs’ eyes. Then the scientists tested their levels f the cuddle chemical again.
    The researchers fund that the levels f the cuddle chemical were higher in bth humans and dgs after they had interacted. Hwever, the levels were the highest in the humans and dgs that had simply lked int each ther’s eyes, withut much patting r talking.
    The results f this study can als tell us a lt abut the histry f the bnd(关系) between humans and dgs.
    It all started tens f thusands f years ag. Wlves used t fllw humans when they were hunting. Humans realized that they culd use the wlves t help with the hunt, and finally, bth species(物种) began t wrk tgether tward survival. Over time, the wlves and humans started t depend n each ther. And they started t bnd with each ther. These changes are what caused sme f the wlves t turn int what we nw knw as dgs.
    This prcess depended a great deal n the bnd that humans frmed with them. And accrding t Nagasawa’s study, the bnd was frmed with the help f the cuddle chemical.
    29.Accrding t the text, the purpse f the experiment was t ________.
    A.tell peple t lve their petsB.study the relatinship between dgs and wlves
    C.explain hw the cuddle chemical wrksD.understand the feelings f animals
    30.Which kind f behavir leads t mst cuddle chemical?
    A.Feeding dgs.B.Patting dgs.C.Lking int dgs’ eyes.D.Speaking t dgs.
    31.Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE?
    A.Scientists first fund the cuddle chemical in wlves.
    B.Sme wlves changed int dgs ver time.
    C.Dgs have mre cuddle chemicals than wlves.
    D.Dgs are better at hunting than wlves.
    32.What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Puppy LveB.A Special DgC.Kind OwnersD.Gd Hunters
    Lucy: Ah, gd evening, yu’ve cme at last.
    Jack: Oh … er … gd evening. Yeah … er … srry t be late.
    Simn: But Jack …
    Lucy: Oh, Jack, yu are naughty(淘气的). Keeping me waiting here fr twenty years, and then trying t surprise me by cming in frm the windw. And yur friend, I see, is as strng as yu. Gd evening. Jack's such a silly by, still up t his tricks. D take a chair. And we can all have a nice cup f tea. Yu’d like that, wuldn’t yu?
    Simn: Oh … er … yeah. Er … thank yu.
    Lucy: Lvely. Nw, wait a minute. Jack, entertain yur friend, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
    Simn: A right mess this is. Quick, back ut f the windw.
    Jack: N. Calm dwn. Can’t yu see? It’s even easier. She thinks I’m her ld byfriend. She’s been waiting fr him fr twenty years. All I have t d is t ask her fr the mney and she’ll give it t me. She’s ff her head.
    Simn: D yu think s? It’ll be as easy as that?
    Jack: Of curse it will. Nw shut up. She’s cming back.
    Simn: She didn’t even ntice ur masks.
    Jack: Oh, shut up.
    Lucy: Here we are. A nice cup f tea and, nw, Jack, yu haven’t intrduced yur friend.
    Jack: Oh, n. Srry. Er … this is Simn. Yeah … “Simn.” Simn, this is …
    Lucy: Hell, Simn. S pleased t meet yu. I’m Lucy.
    Simn: Oh, very pleased, I'm sure.
    Jack: Lucy, I wanted t talk t yu abut mney.
    Lucy: Ah yes, Jack. I wasn’t ging t mentin it quite s sn, but that ten thusand punds I lent yu must have gt quite a lt f interest by nw, and times are rather hard. Nw, drink yur tea like a gd by and we’ll discuss hw yu can pay it back. Twenty years is a lng time t wait, after all. Jack? Jack, what are yu ding? Cme back at nce. Oh dear. He is a naughty by. But I knw he’ll cme back. Always did. But I’m afraid his tea will be cld. Ah …
    33.The tw strng men came int Lucy’s huse ________.
    A.t enjy her teaB.t attend a party
    C.t steal mney r rb herD.t give her a surprise
    34.Hw did Lucy get t knw the name f the first man Jack?
    A.She knew this man a lng time ag.B.He tld her his name.
    C.Her byfriend was called Jack.D.She heard Simn’s calling t Jack.
    35.What des the underlined sentence prbably mean in Chinese?
    36.Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE?
    A.Lucy knew what the tw men were cming fr.B.Lucy was waiting fr Jack.
    C.Lucy was t ld t tell peple’s name right.D.Lucy was very lnely.
    Yu may have heard f Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉大瀑布), ne f the biggest waterfalls in the wrld. But d yu knw abut the Niagara Escarpment(断崖)? 37 Earlier this mnth, ur schl went n a hiking trip t this beautiful place.
    The weather was cld, cludy and windy, s we wre mre t stay warm. We were separated int tw grups and went n different rutes(路线). The whle escarpment is 725km lng. 38
    My favrite part f the trail(小道) was the cave. The cave was frmed frm many different shaped rcks. 39 We climbed dwn int the rcks with the help f ur teachers. The rcks were steep and slippery(滑的) because they were cvered with wet leaves. It was a fun and exciting experience fr all f us.
    40 After walking 5 km withut any rest, we were hungry and tired. When ur teacher finally said we culd stp t have lunch, we were very excited. After all, this trail was a little different frm the nes I’m used t. It was mre natural with lts f caves and rcks n the path, which made it harder t walk. But it was great exercise.
    Hiking is very interesting, but remember t stay warm, stay hydrated(保持体内水分) and have fun alng the way!
    A.It was a challenging task indeed.
    B.It’s a lng steep slpe(陡坡) that runs thrugh the US and Canada.
    C.Anther exciting mment was lunch.
    D.But we nly cvered 8 km within abut fur hurs.
    E.Sme were huge while sme were small.
    F.We chse the easier rute t climb.
    第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共34分)
    When yu culdn’t pen yur muth till the first tw years n the earth, inner vice helps yu understand things. Inner vice always shws 41 (think) in the bdy.
    It justifies(判断) what is right and what is wrng. When we g 42 inner vice, we usually feel uncmfrtable thrughut ur lives.
    Smetimes when we are feeling sad, we seem t need sme kind f supprt in spirit. We usually speak t ne f ur 43 (clse) friends r family members during thse unhappy times t feel better. After talking with them, we suddenly feel active again. Because ur inner vice advises us 44 (get) n with things and leave the things f the past in the memry.
    Inner vice is always right mst f the time, because it knws us better than thers and even 45 (we). Whenever yu are trying t smke r whenever yu 46 (ask) t stand ne side in an argument, yu are wrried abut the result. During these times, yur inner vice tells yu 47 t d. If yu dn’t fllw yur inner vice, yu 48 (nt be) happy in the future. It’s ur wn 49 (chse) t either pay n attentin t ur inner vice 50 fllw it t search fr real happiness.
    The by f the sng.
    I wnder .
    What in space area ver the years!
    Why dn’t yu it is f great value?
    can in yur study.
    He was int truble.
    57.你的英国笔友Tmmy 对中国文化非常感兴趣,你邀请他来你的家乡过了一个中国年。请仔细读图,写一篇英语短文,介绍你们在过年期间的活动、Tmmy的收获以及你的感想。
    The Spring Festival Trip
    I’m very glad that my dear friend Tmmy came t spend a special spring festival with us this year. I rganized many activities fr him t enjy the Chinese new year.
    The Spring Festival Trip
    Traditinal art shw
    New year painting f rabbits
    Chinese paper cuttings
    What des Tmmy think f the traditinal Chinese art?
    New Year’s Cncert
    Music types
    Musical instruments
    Why des Tmmy like Chinese classical music?
    Amazing ChinaA 90-minute dcumentary
    Hw des Tmmy feel after watching the dcumentary?
    考查代词辨析。What什么;Wh谁:Hw如何;Which哪个。根据答语“he is a great man wh discvered America”可知,是询问对方对哥伦布了解多少,故选A。
    考查代词辨析。that那个;it它;them他们;this这个。空处缺少句子的宾语,真正的宾语是t cmmunicate,使用it作形式宾语,故选B。
    考查名词辨析。decisin决定;cnditin状况;advantage优势;disadvantage劣势。根据“he can speak bth Chinese and French.”可知,会汉语和法语是他的优势。故选C。
    考查动词时态。根据“in the 2010s”可知,“当了5年警察”是发生在过去,所以该句使用一般过去时,谓语动词使用动词过去式,故选B。
    考查副词短语。In general“总的来说”;After all“毕竟”;First f all“首先”;Fr example“例如”。根据“I can nly spare a very little time t exercise.”可知,对方觉得锻炼时间太少;根据“Yu’ve dne very minutes f exercise is better than nthing.”可知,觉得对方已经做的很好了,毕竟十分钟的锻炼比不锻炼好。故选B。
    考查代词辨析。Nne三者或三者以上都不;Bth两者都;Neither两者都不;All三者或三者以上都。根据“I called them instead”可知此处指祖父母都不用电脑,所以打电话代替发送电子邮件。故选C。
    考查动词短语。take ff起飞;take up占用,占据;take ut取出,除去;take in吸收。根据“less time”可知,应该是占用时间,故选B。
    考查情景交际。Gd luck好运;Dn’t mentin it别客气;Cheer up振作起来;N prblem没问题。根据上文说是舞蹈比赛失败了,下文说美好时光在等着你们,可知此处应是鼓励对方的话语,因此应说Cheer up,C选项符合语境。故选C。
    11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.D 21.B 22.C
    twards朝;abut关于;beynd超过;abve在……上。根据“Peple gather arund a ball, but their reactins (反应) ften g ... the bject.”可知,人们的反应超过了篮球本身。故选C。
    teamed结队;cheered欢呼;cked烹饪;caught抓住。根据“up and played”可知,此处为team up“组队”。故选A。
    mney钱;energy精力;health健康;pride自豪。根据“squeezed ut f us sweat (汗水) and”可知,它压榨我们的汗水和精力。故选B。
    achieve实现;affrd负担得起;smell闻;tuch触摸。根据“Bdy cntact became mre and mre ften, and we culd all ... the attacks f elbws”可知,此处是指承受得起肘部的攻击。故选B。
    match比赛;fight打架;tuch触摸;risk冒险。根据“ne f the players and I fell t the grund at the same time. Frm his burning eyeballs”可知,气氛很紧张,一场打架是几乎不可避免的。故选B。
    his他的;her她的;my我的;yur你/你们的。根据“It suddenly came t me that ... tins f Cla were lying n the grund,”及“I rlled (滚动) ne t him”可知,此处是指我的可乐罐躺在地上。故选C。
    game比赛;speech演讲;drink饮料;ball球。根据“It suddenly came t me that ... tins f Cla were lying n the grund”可知,此处是指饮料。故选C。
    Angrily生气地;Equally同等地;Ttally完全地;Carefully小心地。根据“lking at him in the eyes with my mst sincere facial expressin”可知,我小心地滚了一个给他。故选D。
    lazy懒惰的;hidden隐藏的;medical医学的;brken折了的,碎了的。根据“r we’ll end up in the hspital!”可知,此处是指没有骨折。故选D。
    lked at看;thught f想到;put away放置;held ut伸出。根据“smiled back, tk his hand, and gave him a light shake.”可知,他伸出左手。故选D。
    since自从;as当……时;while与此同时;s所以。根据“A gentle wind caught me n the face ... I returned t the basketball curt.”可知,此处是指当我返回篮球场时,returned是短暂性动词,应用as引导时间状语从句。故选B。
    prtecting保护;encuraging鼓励;exchanging交换;prviding提供。根据“What culd be better than a grup f schl students ... basketball skills”可知,是指交流技巧。故选C。
    23.A 24.B 25.B
    23.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Here yu will find inspiring true stries abut peple and what they have dne, sme funny mments in the lives f persnalities.”可知,你可以找到一些人的激励人心的真实故事,以及他们所做的事和他们人生中有趣的时刻,也就是说在Reader’s Digest中,你可以读到真实故事,故选A。
    24. 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第一段“This is a lifestyle magazine that first was published in 1898 in the USA. It fcuses mainly n traveling, hme and gardening, lifestyle, fd and drink.”可知,Sunset主要关注美国的生活方式和家庭生活,故选B。
    25.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Tday we are ging t intrduce the mst ppular magazines that may cme in yur classes.”可知,今天我们要介绍几本最流行的杂志,这些杂志你在课堂里可能会使用的到,因此本篇文章的读者可能就是老师,故选B。
    26.C 27.B 28.A
    26.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Inspired by Edgar Allan Pe’s Auguste Dupin, he had the idea fr a ‘cnsulting detective’, wh wuld als use ‘the Rules f Evidence’ t catch his man. But what wuld he be called? ‘Ormnd Sacker’? ‘Sherrinfrd Hlmes’? ”可知,Sherrinfrd Hlmes是根据德加•爱伦•坡的小说《Auguste Dupin》创作的人物,他们都使用“the Rules f Evidence(证据规则)”来解决案件。故选C。
    27.词句猜测题。根据第五段中对作者成长经历的描写“Cnan Dyle grew up in Edinburgh, was educated in Lancashire and Austria, and lived in central Lndn fr less than a year befre mving first t Suth Nrwd(柯南·道尔在爱丁堡长大,在兰开夏郡和奥地利接受教育,在伦敦市中心住了不到一年就搬到了南诺伍德)”和他创作方式的描写“T mve Hlmes arund the capital, Cnan Dyle used cntemprary bks f street maps and the Lndn Pst Office Directry. And he made all srts f mistakes.(为了让福尔摩斯在伦敦四处走动,柯南·道尔使用了当时的街道地图书籍和伦敦邮局指南。他犯了各种各样的错误)”可知,柯南·道尔对伦敦并不熟悉,所以历史学家大卫·康纳汀说“Hlmes’s Lndn is actually nly sketchily imagined in the stries.(福尔摩斯笔下的伦敦实际上只是故事中粗略的想象)”是为了表明:小说中的伦敦和真实的伦敦的面貌是不一样的。故选B。
    28.词句猜测题。根据第六段“Hlmesians”一词后“taking a schlarly interest in the texts almst n the assumptin that Hlmes and Watsn were real histrical characters.(几乎假定福尔摩斯和华生是真实的历史人物,对这些文本产生了学术上的兴趣)”可推知,Hlmesians是一群把虚构的福尔摩斯与华生当作真实历史人物来研究的读者,是福尔摩斯的一群超级粉丝。故选A。
    29.C 30.C 31.B 32.A
    29.细节理解题。根据“In rder t better understand hw the cuddle chemical wrks between dgs and humans, Nagasawa and his team carried ut an experiment”可知为了更好的理解拥抱化合物是怎么生效的,因此做了实验。故选C。
    30.细节理解题。根据“Hwever, the levels were the highest in the humans and dgs that had simply lked int each ther’s eyes, withut much patting r talking”可知看彼此的眼睛会需要最多的拥抱化合物。故选C。
    31.细节理解题。根据“Over time, the wlves and humans started t depend n each ther. And they started t bnd with each ther. These changes are what caused sme f the wlves t turn int what we nw knw as dgs”可知一些狼会变成狗一样。故选B。
    33.C 34.D 35.B 36.B
    33.推理判断题。根据“Keeping me waiting here fr twenty years, and then trying t surprise me by cming in frm the windw.”和“All I have t d is t ask her fr the mney and she’ll give it t me.”可知Jack和Simn从窗户进来的目的是进行抢劫。故选C。
    34.细节理解题。根据“Simn: But Jack …Lucy: Oh, Jack,”可知是因为Simn叫Jack的名字,所以Lucy知道了Jack的名字了。故选D。
    35.词句猜测题。根据“She thinks I'm her ld byfriend. She's been waiting fr him fr twenty years. All I have t d is t ask her fr the mney and she'll give it t me.”可知Jack认为Lucy等了他二十年,因此划线句子表示“Lucy神志不清”。故选B。
    36.推理判断题。根据第一句话“Ah, gd evening, yu’ve cme at last.”以及后续故事情节的展开,可知Lucy正在等待Jack的到来。故选B。
    37.B 38.D 39.E 40.C
    37.根据“But d yu knw abut the Niagara Escarpment(断崖)?”可知,此处是对尼亚加拉悬崖的介绍,选项B“这是一个长陡坡,贯穿美国和加拿大。”符合语境。故选B。
    38.根据“The whle escarpment is 725km lng.”可知,此处应是讲我们的旅程距离,选项D“但是我们在四个小时内只走了8公里。”符合语境。故选D。
    39.根据“The cave was frmed frm many different shaped rcks.”可知,此处是讲洞穴里的岩石,选项E“有些很大,然而有些很小。”符合语境。故选E。
    40.根据“After walking 5km withut any rest, we were hungry and tired. When ur teacher finally said we culd stp t have lunch, we were very excited.”可知,此处是讲吃午餐,选项C“另一个激动人心的时刻是午餐。”符合语境。故选C。
    41.thughts 42.against 43.clsest 44.t get 45.urselves 46.are asked 47.what 48.wn’t be 49.chice/chices 50.r
    42.句意:当我们违背内心的声音时,我们通常会在一生中感到不舒服。根据“When we vice, we usually feel uncmfrtable thrughut ur lives.”可知如果违背内心的声音,就会一辈子感到不舒服。against“违背”,介词。故填against。
    43.句意:在那些不开心的时候,我们通常会和我们最亲密的朋友或家人聊天,让自己感觉好一点。clse“亲近的”,形容词,ne f后加形容词最高级,故填clsest。
    44.句意:因为我们内心的声音建议我们继续处理事情,把过去的事情留在记忆中。advise sb t d sth“建议某人做某事”,为固定短语,故填t get。
    45.句意:内心的声音大多数时候都是正确的,因为它比别人甚至比自己更了解我们。we“我们”,代词主格。根据“it knws us better than thers and even...”可知是指我们内心的声音甚至比自己更了解我们,此处应用反身代词,故填urselves。
    46.句意:每当你想要吸烟或当你被要求站在争论的一方时,你总是担心结果。ask“要求”,动词,此处是指被要求,应用被动语态,根据前后句可知句子是一般现在时,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是yu,be动词用are,故填are asked。
    48.句意:如果你不听从你内心的声音,你将来也不会快乐。此句是if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时:will d。故填wn’t be。
    51.f my age explained the lasting value t us
    【详解】分析句子结构可知,句子缺少谓语。解释:explain,动词作谓语,描述的是发生了的事情,句子应用一般过去时;与我同龄:f my age,固定搭配;永恒价值:lasting value,固定搭配;“向我们”用“t us”表示。故填f my age explained the lasting value t us。
    52.why yu regretted nt bking tickets nline
    【详解】why“为什么”;yu“你”;固定短语regret nt ding sth“后悔不做某事”;bk tickets nline“网上订票”。句子的动作已发生,应用一般过去时,且句子是宾语从句,应用陈述语序,故填why yu regretted nt bking tickets nline。
    53.great prgress China has made
    【详解】句子是感叹句,感叹句的中心词是不可数名词prgress“进步”,用感叹句结构:what+adj.+n.+主谓!大的:great,形容词;根据“ver the years”可知句子使用现在完成时have/has dne,主语是China,助动词用has,make的过去分词是made。故填great prgress China has made。
    54.carry ut the prject as sn as pssible since
    【详解】carry ut“实施,开展”,the prject“这个项目”;as sn as pssible“尽快”;since“既然”,引导原因状语从句,固定句式:Why dn’t yu d sth“你为什么不做某事”,故填carry ut the prject as sn as pssible since。
    55. Thinking twice make it easier fr yu t take the lead
    【详解】think twice意为“三思”, 动名词作主语。it作形式宾语结构make it+adj.+fr sb.+t d sth.意思是“使得做某事对某人来说是……的”, 情态动词can后跟动词原形,easy意为“容易的”, 根据汉语意思可知这里用比较级easier,take the lead意为“处于领先地位”。故填Thinking twice;make it easier fr yu t take the lead。
    56.warned nt t laugh at thers in rder t avid getting
    【详解】be warned nt t d sth.“被警告不要做某事”;laugh at thers“嘲笑别人”;in rder t d“为了”,表目的;avid ding sth.“避免做某事”,动名词作宾语;get int truble“陷入麻烦”,固定短语。句子属于一般过去时的被动语态。 故填warned nt t laugh at thers in rder t avid getting。
    The Spring Festival Trip
    I’m very glad that my dear friend Tmmy came t spend a special spring festival with us this year. I rganized many activities fr him t enjy the Chinese new year.
    First f all, we came t the traditinal art shw. We saw many traditinal arts there. Since it is the Year f the Rabbit, Tmmy bught sme new year paintings f rabbits and Chinese paper cuttings there. He wanted t take the symbl f hpe and gd luck hme. Then we attended the New Year’s Cncert. It cvered many music types such as classical music and flk. The music was played by Chinese musical instruments. Tmmy was impressed by Chinese classical music because f its strng lcal clur.
    Since Tmmy was interested in China, I suggested Amazing China t him. This 90-minute dcumentary intrduced the develpment f China. He was amazed by the Chinese achievements.
    I’m prud that China has prgressed quickly in the past 70 years. I decide t wrk harder t spread Chinese culture arund the wrld.
    ①first f all 首先
    ②such as 例如
    ③because f 因为
    ④be interested in 对……感兴趣
    ①I’m very glad that my dear friend Tmmy came t spend a special spring festival with us this year.(宾语从句)
    ②Since it is the Year f the Rabbit, Tmmy bught sme new year paintings f rabbits and Chinese paper cuttings there.(since引导原因状语从句)

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