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    这是一份2023-2024学年广东省肇庆市德庆县香山中学高三9月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省肇庆市德庆县香山中学2023-2024学年高三9月月考英语试题原卷版docx、广东省肇庆市德庆县香山中学2023-2024学年高三9月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Weekend Events fr Kids
    Fantasy Wrkshp
    Time:Each Saturday 11:30 am~12:30 pm
    “My dg ate my hmewrk!” “Mnkeys stle my schlbag!” Have yu ever made up such excuses t get ut f the hmewrk yu just didn’t want t d? This mrning, such excuses will becme twice as useful as pet Liz Niven shws yu hw t turn yur fantasies int brilliant petry!
    Bkwrm Club
    Time: Each Saturday 10:00 am~11:15 am
    Each Saturday, Marina Lewycka gives a special bk talk fr yung peple n her best-selling nvel Tractrs and Caravans. Hear first-hand experiences f the writing life and get yur chance t ask the questins yu’ve always wanted n what it’s like t be an authr.
    Behind Lenses
    Time:Each Sunday 10:00 am~11:15 am
    Take breakfast with a rabbit, tuch the hrn f a cw, and survive an angry lin in the wilds. . . They are just the start f great adventures with ur wildlife phtgrapher and children’s writer Jan Latta! Cme alng t hear stries f Jan’s amazing experiences f phtgraphing animals in the wild!
    Little Gutenbergs
    Time:Each Sunday 11:30 am~12:30 pm
    Learn hw t cnstruct a bk frm start t finish using all the tls f the trade with ur printing technician Andrea Nichelsn, as well as details n hw t include secret pages in yur and ttally hands-n, this wrkshp gives yu the chance t learn smething ttally different.
    Fr mre activities, please visit ur website. There are mre than enugh kid-centered events t fill yur weekends,with fun!
    1. Which event is suitable fr pem lvers?
    A. Behind Lenses.
    B. Little Gutenbergs.
    C. Bkwrm Club.
    D. Fantasy Wrkshp.
    2. Wh is the authr f Tractrs and Caravans?
    A. Liz Niven.
    B. Jan Latta.
    C. Marina Lewycka.
    D. Andrea Nichelsn.
    3. What is special abut the last event?
    A. It stresses creativity.
    B. It is a hands-n prgram.
    C. It fcuses n reading.
    D. It is a kid-centered activity.
    Cimabue the greatest painter f a Middle Ages in Italy, was surprised ne day after his lunch break t discver that a fly had seated itself under the nse f a character that he had been wrking n. He swatted (重拍) at the fly, but it did nt mve. He reached ut t tuch the insect, nly t find it was nly wet paint. Turning arund, he saw that his apprentice (学徒), Gitt, was laughing. Gitt had painted the fly when Cimabue was away, and it lked s real that Cimabue had been cmpletely fled.
    Gitt di Bndne was brn int a pr family in a village. Legend has it that ne day, when Cimabue was wandering arund the cuntryside, he sptted a yung shepherd by drawing pictures f his sheep, which were s vivid that Cimabue immediately asked him t cme t Flrence and learn hw t paint. That was hw Gitt’s stry began in Flrence, where the yung student flurished under Cimabue’s instructin and sn surpassed his master in skill.
    At that time, peple in paintings didn’t lk real, and the symblism f art was difficult fr viewers t cnnect with it. Innvatin (创新) was nt stressed, s art had remained the same fr hundreds f years.
    Hwever, Gitt thught art shuld be smething mre cnnected with peple in a mre realistic way. His masterpieces included the frty majr fresces (壁画) fr the Arena Chapel. Adpting many techniques that were uncmmn then, he painted peple the way he saw them, instead f the verly tall and bxy peple that ther artists painted. He created three-dimensinal space by using perspective, smething that had nt been dne since Rman times.
    In additin t painting, Gitt wrte petry and drew architectural plans. When Gitt was in his sixties, he painted the Ognissanti Madnna, anther famus wrk f art. He cntinued wrking until the age f seventy. The ideas Gitt brught t painting thrughut his life revlutinized the art wrld and made him ne f the greatest painters ever.
    4. What des the anecdte in paragraph 1 tell us abut Gitt?
    A. His humr.B. His talent.C. His curage.D. His determinatin.
    5. Hw did Cimabue feel abut Gitt’s painting when they first met?
    A. Impressed.B. Hesitant.C. Dubtful.D. Amused.
    6. What made Gitt’s wrks distinguished at that time?
    A. Vivid clrs.B. Classic skills.
    C. Original cmpsitin.D. Lifelike quality.
    7. Which f the fllwing best summarizes Gitt’s stry?
    A. Great minds think alike.
    B. Innvatin is the vitality f art.
    C. Cnstant dripping wears away a stne.
    D. A slw sparrw shuld make an early start.
    At every turn in the Netherlands, the future f sustainable(可持续的) agriculture is taking shape—nt in the meeting rms f big cmpanies but n thusands f mdest family farms.
    Yu can see it vividly n the farm run by Ted Duijvestijn and his brthers. At the Duijvestjns' 36-acre greenhuse near the ld city f Delf visitrs wander amng the deep green tmat plants, 20 feet tall. Rted nt in sil but in materials made frm leaves and stalks, the plants are heavy with tmates—15 varieties in all—t suit the taste f the mst demanding custmers.
    Since 2004, the Duijvestijns have declared resurce independence n every frnt. The farm prduces all f its wn energy and fertilizer and even sme f the packaging materials necessary fr the crp's distributin and sale. The grwing envirnment is kept at perfect temperatures year-rund by gethermal heat(地热) that can be fund under at least half f the Netherlands. Only rainwater is used fr irrigatin. Each kilgram f tmates frm their plants requires less than 15 kilgrams f water, cmpared with 61 kilgrams fr plants in pen fields. Once each year the entire crp is regrwn frm seeds, and the ld plants are prcessed t make packaging materials. The few pests that manage t enter the greenhuse are greeted by an army f fierce insects that shws n interest in tmates. The nutritin in the sil can be imprved by grwing plants that wrk with certain bacteria t prduce their wn fertilizer. In shrt. it's an entirely self-cntained fd system.
    “Lk at the island f Bali in Indnesia!” Ted explains. “Fr at least a thusand years, its farmers have raised ducks and fish within the same rice field. It's irrigated by the canal systems sculpted by human hands alng muntains. They are ur mdel.”
    8. What can we learn abut the Duijvestijns' tmates?
    A. Their clr is deep green.B. There are 15 n each plant.
    C. They are very tasty.D. They grw in rich natural sil.
    9. The Duijvestijins greenhuse ________.
    A. des nt have insectsB. is heated by slar energy
    C. prduces its wn chemical fertilizerD. cnsumes much less water
    10. What des the underlined wrd “self-cntained” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Independent.B. Reliable.
    C. SatisfyingD. Separated.
    11. Why des Ted mentin the island f Bali?
    A. He is attracted t its canal systems.B. He will als raise ducks in his farm.
    C. He wants t see the beautiful island.D. He appreciates its farming methds.
    Chang’e-5 returned t Earth n December 16, 2020, carrying arund 2 kilgrams f rcks and sils frm the mn. The successful missin (任务) marks a big step frward fr China’s space industry.
    “These samples will be a treasure chest!” Brad Jlliff, directr f the McDnnell Center fr the Space Sciences at Washingtn University, wrte in an email, “My hat is ff t ur Chinese clleagues fr accmplishing a very difficult task, which will be beneficial t learning mre abut the mn.” The newly cllected rcks cme frm a place clse t the Mns Rumker that was believed t have been vlcanic in ancient times. By cmparisn, the age f these samples are thught t be billins f years yunger than thse brught t Earth by Apll astrnauts in the 1970s. They will help scientists fill in a gap in knwledge abut the histry f the mn between rughly ne billin and three billin years ag. They may als help scientists study the useful materials n the mn.
    Chang’e-5 is the third phase f the Chinese lunar (月球) explratin prject started in the early 2000s. Orbiters Chang’e-1 and 2 and the landing and rving missins Chang’e-3 and 4 marked the first tw stages.
    Chang’e-5 missin is much mre challenging than previus missins. New challenges include the sampling and fllwing stages. “We usually cmpleted the rcket launching (发射) n the earth at a fixed pint. We have a prven technique in this field. But we still have difficulties in the liftff (发射) f a lunar lander n the mn. We have never tried this befre,” said Yu Dengyun, deputy chief designer f China’s lunar explratin prgram.
    The success f Chang’e-5 sample return missin has shwn that China is able t carry ut its plan t build a lng-term crewed Internatinal Lunar Research Statin (ILRS) in the lunar suth ple regin during 2036~2045. Success f Chang’e-5 will als see Chang’e-6 repurpsed fr a landing at the lunar suth ple arund 2023. Chang’e-6 is a sample return spacecraft engineered at the same time as Chang’e-5 t prvide a backup in the event f failure.
    12. Why is Brad Jlliff s excited abut the lunar samples returned by Chang’e-5?
    A. They are cllected fr the first time.
    B. They are frm a live vlcan.
    C. They will prvide mre valuable data.
    D. They are billins f years lder.
    13. What can be inferred frm paragraph 4?
    A. China has vercme the difficulties in launching n the earth.
    B. Yu was wrried abut Chang’e-5 sample return missin.
    C. The Internatinal Lunar Research Statin has been built by China.
    D. The 2036~2045 missin will be much mre challenging.
    14. Which spacecraft is very similar t Chang’e-5?
    A. Chang’e-2.B. Chang’e-3.C. Chang’e-4.D. Chang’e-6.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Chang’e-5 Lunar Sample Return Missin Accmplished
    B. China’s Lunar Explratins in Twenty Years
    C. Future Explratin Prgrams fr Chang’e Spacecrafts
    D. China’s Great Win Over the United States
    Yur children are watching yu. _____16_____ Accrding t the Health Prgram, develping healthy habits is an imprtant part fr yur children. And when it cmes t develping healthy habits, parents influence their children mre than anyne else.
    ____17____ What happens during thse early years can influence children fr the rest f their lives. This includes sme eating and exercise habits. Children are very careful, even at a yung age. Children watch what thers d carefully and imitate the behavirs f thse clsest t them. As parents, yu shuld d the fllwing: _____18_____ If yu d that, yur children are mre likely t be enthusiastic abut develping theirs.
    Let yur children see yu taking care f yur wn physical health by eating fruit and vegetables. Talk t them abut healthy habits in apprpriate terms and at a prper time. _____19_____
    ______20______ Cmputers, televisins and ther frms f technlgy are a majr part f life in the 21st century. Unfrtunately, as the use f technlgy in the hme increases, s des the time spent watching TV r playing n the cmputer. S as parents, yu shuld als arrange the time fr yur children wisely.
    A. Dn’t get rid f technlgy, but use it wisely.
    B. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.
    C. Be enthusiastic abut develping healthy habits f yur wn.
    D. Yur actins are speaking t them luder than yur wrds will.
    E. Children prefer t imitate their parents rather than listen t them.
    F. This can be helpful t teach yur children t frm gd eating habits.
    G. It’s easy fr the children t frm their healthy habits when they are yung.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Fr many peple, being lcked-dwn(封锁) during the pandemic means having mre free time t get thse creative juices flwing! Fanni Kvacs and Hsszu Nrbert are prfessinal perfrmers and ____21____. The fun-lving cuple ____22____ ging ut in the wrld t entertain thers, s they decided t use their ____23____ t spread smiles in a new way. Since they’re such big mvie fans, they figured they wuld recreate ____24____ frm their favrites!
    “Our lve fr mvies is what inspired this series. When we were still at university, we lved ____25____ up whenever we had the chance. ____26____ thse days, we had saved up a lt f accessries (配饰) and cstumes. Thus, we culd ____27____ ur theatrical wrk when we were stuck at hme,” Fanni said.
    “We mainly chse tpics fr the ____28____ based n which scenes we can pull ff and which is relatable (有关联) t the tpic f lckdwn in general” Fanni added. “We have been ____29____ smething like this fr quite sme time, but nw we finally have plenty f _____30_____ t make it happen.”
    They’re als finding ther great ways t give. Nrbert _____31_____ as a Red Nse Clwn Dctr, which means he visits hspitals t cheer up sick kids. Nw that he’s unable t physically g t see them, he’s switched t nline _____32_____.
    They’re just trying t make peple _____33_____ during these hard times. They are _____34_____! These pictures are amazing. These tw really knw hw t use their talents t bring jy t thers, smething that’s mre _____35_____ nw than ever befre. Great wrk, yu tw!
    21. A. entertainersB. musiciansC. writersD. painters
    22. A. regretB. admitC. avidD. miss
    23. A. rightsB. talentsC. frtuneD. influence
    24. A. scenesB. ideasC. lessnsD. battles
    25. A. warmingB. dressingC. cheeringD. staying
    26. A. Thanks tB. Accrding tC. Alng withD. Except fr
    27. A. stpB. cntinueC. exchangeD. discuss
    28. A. meetingsB. articlesC. perfrmancesD. examples
    29. A. thinking abutB. learning frmC. lking intD. relying n
    30. A. reasnsB. prblemsC. spaceD. time
    31. A. startsB. servesC. leadsD. fllws
    32. A. salesB. surveysC. visitsD. curses
    33. A. happyB. awareC. safeD. healthy
    34. A. gratefulB. respectfulC. carefulD. successful
    35. A. ppularB. imprtantC. pwerfulD. useful
    Hw d we help kids make wise chices abut their mney? _____36_____ financial teacher in America, Anne Kersten, says that she starts it by pening an nging dialgue. Kersten leads tw wrkshps _____37_____(design) fr families. Bth are values-based mney management wrkshps _____38_____ prvide parents with tls and talking pints n hw t share, save and spend mney _____39_____(smart). Children wh attend the wrkshp receive either a blue piggy bank _____40_____ a Cash Cache (贮存物).
    Lng befre Kersten began teaching ther peple’s kids abut wise mney management, she taught her wn daughters. When her daughters _____41_____(be) nly 4 and 5 years ld, they each received a small allwance (零用钱) t learn hw t share, save and spend. “Saving is imprtant because it helps mentally prepare fr lng-term _____42_____(aim),” Kersten says, adding that her daughters knew they wuld be respnsible fr a part f their cllege fee. After spending a term _____43_____(study) abrad, Kersten’s lder daughter graduated _____44_____ cllege last year. She used schlarships (奖学金) alng with her savings _______45_______(help) pay her way. Kersten’s yunger daughter saved enugh t cver her fee and she will graduate debt-free in 2020.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华。最近,你校学生会成功举办了主题为“魅力中国文化(The Charming Chinese Culture)”的文艺表演活动。请你就本次活动写一篇新闻报道,向学校英语报投稿,内容包括:
    A Feast f Chinese Culture and Art
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Every Sunday, Grandma and I walked t the Children’s hme a few blcks away frm ur huse. Grandma always brings a hme-made cake t these children, wh are f different natinalities and ages. Sme are refugees (难民)wh cannt talk in English, sme are even disabled.
    First we visit Jhn wh is frm Brazil. I call him “Ftball genius”. He plays ftball s well that he rganized a ftball team t help ther kids develp ftball skills, such as passing and ball cntrl. Every time we reached the playgrund, we saw a grup f sweaty kids running arund a field with bright smiles.
    Next we visit Daisy. I call her “The singer” because she has a great gift fr singing. She lves t sing sngs fr us. Wherever she stays, her sft and sweet vice fills the air.
    Then we visit David. I call him “Prince(王子)Jke”. He can d talk shw crss-talk(相声),tell jkes. Smetimes he laughs ludly while telling jkes, we culd see his legs shaking up and dwn, his face turning red. Grandma and I can’t help laughing alng with him.
    One day, Grandma fell ill and had t stay in bed. She was in a lw spirit and culdn’t mve.
    Sunday came. Grandma put my hand int her hand and tld me “Rse given fragrance(芳香)in hand.” I understd what she meant, I bught a cake frm shp and went t children’s hme. Everyne was happy l see me. They were disappinted when they didn’t see grandma. Knwing grandma was sick, they were sad. They prayed tgether fr grandma’s recvery. After a while, I said gdbye t everyne.
    A week later, grandma was still lying in bed. She culd nt walk r speak, what she culd d was drink sme milk. I begged her t g t hspital. She shk her head. I hid myself under the big tree in ur yard s Grandma wuldn’t see tears n my cheeks.
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly, the drbell rang.
    Paragraph 2:
    That evening, Grandma called me in her bedrm.

    2023-2024学年广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年广东省肇庆市德庆县香山中学高一9月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省肇庆市德庆县香山中学高一9月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析广东省肇庆市德庆县香山中学2023-2024学年高一9月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析广东省肇庆市德庆县香山中学2023-2024学年高一9月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    精品解析:2023届广东省肇庆市香山中学春季高考仿真考试三英语试题(解析版): 这是一份精品解析:2023届广东省肇庆市香山中学春季高考仿真考试三英语试题(解析版),共15页。






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