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    这是一份2023-2024学年北京市第四十四中学高三上学期期中练习英语试卷含答案,文件包含北京市第四十四中学20232024学年度第一学期高三英语期中练习1docx、高三第一学期期中练习英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    I’ve been farming sheep n a hillside fr 54 years. I use a small tractr t get abut. My dg Dn always sits beside me in the passenger seat.
    One mrning I ___1___ a lst lamb when I was in the tp field, near where a mtrway cuts thrugh my land. The lamb had becme separated frm its mther, s I jumped ut f the tractr t tend t it while Dn stayed in his seat.
    Lamb and mther ___2___. I turned back t the tractr nly t see it mve suddenly away frm me. This was s ___3___ because I had put the handbrake n when I jumped ut. Obviusly, Dn had smehw made the ___4___ mve.
    My heart frze in my chest as I saw the tractr heading twards the ___5___. I ran desperately but failed t ___6___. It crashed thrugh a wden fence and disappeared. The last thing I saw was Dn’s face, lking calmly back at me.
    Heart in muth, I reached the fence and lked ver. The tractr was ___7___ against the crash barrier in the central reservatin, having miraculusly (奇迹般地) crssed the ___8___ rad with fast-flwing traffic. I culdn’t see Dn, but as I ___9___ the tractr, he jumped ut nt the rad, apparently unhurt and raced back t me. Dn was given a special ___10___ that night — I didn’t want him t think I was angry with him.
    6.A.take ffB.catch upC.hld backD.get ut
    Standing n the shre f a lake, I culdn’t help admiring the hundreds f small rcks that _____11_____ (surrund) my shes. All created frm hard surfaces, the rcks sftened ver time. And I was wndering _____12_____we culd learn frm a pile f rcks. Once I was a sharp rck that was cvered with pinty edges, and nw I have fund my attitudes have sftened and my desire t understand thers_____13_____ (expand) with time.
    Oil dminates every aspect _____14_____ur life. It fuels ur cars, and it is used in the prductin f ur plastic gds and the electricity fr ur hmes and factries. Mrever, it can even _____15_____ (find) in the fertilizer fr the sil in which ur fd grws. Oil makes natins _____16_____ (extreme) wealthy, while shrtages f il can bring ecnmies t their knees. In shrt, this black and sticky substance has been running _____17_____ (we) wrld.
    When we g utdrs in winter, cld wind gets thrugh ur clthes, _____18_____ (hit) ur bdy parts fiercely. Then we may feel cld. Hw d we feel cld? Actually human skin is filled with temperature-sensing nerve receptrs named TRPs, which receive stimuli (刺激) frm the envirnment. _____19_____ (sense) the cld, the brain uses ne f the receptrs (感受器) called TRPM8. When the TRPM8 is hit by stimuli, it will send an electric signal t the brain, _____20_____ understands the signal as “cld”.
    Yu may have seen the term “”bullet jurnal”flating arund nline, but what exactly is a bullet jurnal? This article will highlight the uses fr a bullet jurnal and why they're great fr peple wh wish t be mre rganized.
    What is a bullet jurnal?
    A bullet jurnal is a planner system which allws yu t plan fr the future, track the past and keep yur life rganized with lists separated by bullet pints. It is a place fr yu t create clear, yet simple t-d lists and a place t keep a nte f yur life gals and aspiratins.
    What des it help with?
    A bullet jurnal is perfect fr peple wh like writing lists t keep themselves rganized. They're great fr ding as a hbby and yu can get creative with the way yu present yur lists. They're als perfect fr peple wh cnstantly write dwn t-d lists r make hand-written ntes.
    Why is it imprtant?
    A bullet jurnal is imprtant because we all feel better when ur life is rganized. Organizatin can reduce stress and make yu happier. Having yur life in rder, yu will knw exacdy what yu have t d every day s that yu can remember all f yur life gals.
    Hw t create a bullet jurnal?
    The instructins will help yu embark n yur bullet jurnal.
    Step 1. Find r buy a blank ntebk
    Any ntebk with blank pages will d because if yu are smene wh is creative and artistic, yu can decrate the ntebk any way yu like.
    Step 2. Find r buy pens
    It's best t start ff simple and chse a pen that yu find easy t use and that yu wuld feel cmfrtable writing with every day.
    Step 3. Mnthlies
    In this sectin, yu can put a list f imprtant dates fr that particular mnth.
    Step 4. Dailies and Weeklies
    Put all f yur daily r weekly tasks in this sectin s that yu dn't frget anything that yu have t d during that day r week.
    Step 5. Life Gals
    Keep a life gals sectin. This can include different cllectins f gals, such as career, relatinships, places yu wish t visit and s n.
    Nw start yur bullet jurnal!
    21.Bullet jurnals are intended fr thse wh hpe t _______.
    A.keep life in rderB.lead a relaxing life
    C.highlight their prgressD.reduce their wrklad
    22.Keeping bullet jurnals helps peple _______.
    A.develp artistic tasteB.get rid f stress
    C.build a better mdD.give up a hbby
    23.Which f the fllwing is mst likely t be included in a bullet jurnal?
    A.Weekly expenses. B.Appintments with a dentist.
    C.Weather frecasts. D.Passwrds t yur cmputer.
    Recycling Electrnic Waste
    When Alex Lin was 11 years ld, he read an alarming article in the newspaper which said that peple were burying ld cmputers in backyards, thrwing TVs int streams, and dumping (丢弃) cell phnes in the garbage. This was dangerus because e-waste cntains harmful chemicals that can leak int the envirnment, getting int crps, animals, water supplies — and peple.
    Alex was really wrried and decided t make it next prject fr WIN—the Westerly Innvatins Netwrk. Alex and six f his friends had frmed this rganizatin t help slve cmmunity prblems tw years befre.
    But what culd they d abut this prject with e-waste? The team spent several weeks gathering infrmatin abut the harmful chemicals in e-waste and their effects n humans. They learned hw t dispse (处置) f e-waste prperly and hw it culd be recycled. Then, they sent ut a survey and fund nly ne in eight knew what e-waste was, let alne hw t prperly dispse f it.
    Alex and his friends went int actin. They advertised in the lcal newspaper and distributed ntices t students, asking residents t bring their unwanted electrnics t the schl parking lt. The drive lasted tw days, and they cllected ver 9, 500 kilgrams f e-waste.
    The next step was t set up a lng-term e-waste drp-ff center fr the twn. After sme research, they’d learned that reusing is the best way t deal with electrnic devices and it is seven times mre efficient than recycling. S, they began learning t refurbish (翻新) cmputers themselves and distributed them t students wh didn’t have their wn. In this way, they culd help students in the area and prtect the envirnment at the same time.
    Fr a lasting slutin t e-waste, the drp-ff center wasn’t enugh. Laws wuld have t be passed. In 2016, WIN helped push fr an e-waste bill in their twn, which required cmpanies that manufactured r sld electrnics t take back e-waste. The bill clearly frbids the dumping f e-waste.
    Because f the wrk f WIN, mre and mre peple, like Alex and his team, are getting the message abut safe dispsal f e-waste. As Alex says, “Tday’s technlgy shuld nt becme tmrrw’s harmful garbage.”
    24.What was Alex’s wrry after he read the article?
    A.The littering f e-waste.B.The recycling f plastic.
    C.The change f envirnment.D.The veruse f ld cmputers.
    25.What did Alex d t start the prject?
    A.Set up WIN.B.Cllect infrmatin.
    C.Ask friends fr help.D.Carry ut a survey.
    26.Which can best describe the way Alex and his team did their wrk?
    27.What message des the stry cnvey?
    A.There is n end t perfectin.
    B.Success cmes thrugh failure.
    C.Every psitive attitude has a reward.
    D.Yung peple can make a big difference.
    Infectius diseases and assciated deaths have reduced, but they remain a significant threat thrughut the wrld. Infectius diseases utbreaks and the fear and panic that accmpany them present varius ecnmic risks.
    First, there are csts t the health system, bth public and private, f medical treatment f the infected and f utbreak cntrl. Cncern ver the spread f a relatively cntained utbreak can lead t decreased trade. Travel and turism t regins affected by utbreaks are als likely t decline. Sme lng-running utbreaks, such as HIV, prevent freign direct investment.
    The ecnmic risks are large. It is estimated that the expected yearly cst f infectius diseases is at rughly $500 billin. Even when the health impact f an utbreak is relatively limited, its ecnmic cnsequences can quickly becme expanded. Liberia, fr example, saw GDP grwth decline 8 percentages frm 2013 t 2014 during the Ebla utbreak in Africa.
    The risk is cmplex, but plicymakers have tls in respnse.
    Investing in imprved health care, supply f clean water, and better health systems can reduce the frequency f human cntact with viruses. Investment in reliable disease mnitring in bth human and animal ppulatins is als critical. Within frmal glbal watch systems, instead f discuraging reprting pssible utbreaks, it may be beneficial t develp incentives fr reprting suspected cases, as cuntries may reasnably fear the effects f such reprting n trade, turism, and ther ecnmic utcmes. Infrmal mnitring systems, scial media fr example, which cllect infrmatin frm fficial reprts, media reprts, nline discussins, and eyewitness bservatins, can als help natinal health systems and internatinal respnders get ahead f the utbreak news during the early stages. Cperatins fr mnitring infectius diseases readiness at the natinal level prvide infrmatin natinal gvernments can use t react timely t their utbreaks.
    There is a significant market failure when it cmes t vaccines (疫苗) against individual lw-prbability viruses that cllectively are likely t cause panic. Given the lw prbability that any single vaccine f this type will be needed, high Research and Develpment (R&D) csts, and delayed returns, medical cmpanies hesitate t invest in their develpment. Hwever, respnsible internatinal crpratins such as CFPI can vercme this market failure. Its gals include advancing candidate vaccines against specific lw-prbability, high-severity viruses thrugh prf f cncept t enable rapid clinical testing in the event f utbreaks. It als aims t fund develpment f institutinal and technical platfrms t speed R&D in respnse t utbreaks fr which there are n vaccines.
    Undubtedly, humans and infectius viruses will cexist. Hwever, we can take effective measures t manage the risk f the diseases. Jint actin nw at the lcal, natinal, and multinatinal levels can g a lng way tward prtecting ur cllective well-being in the future.
    28.CFPI is a special cmpany which____________.
    A.is able t predict the trend f the market
    B.develps vaccines against infectius viruses
    C.makes huge prfits by selling general medicine
    D.emplys staff wh graduate frm famus universities
    29.What des the passage imply?
    A.Mre imprtance shuld be attached t health care systems.
    B.All-level cperatins are required t handle infectius diseases.
    C.It will nt be lng befre mankind thrughly defeats the viruses.
    D.Technlgies hld the key t the settlement f medical prblems.
    30.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Health Risks and Research f Infectius Diseases
    B.Glbal Cperatin and Spread f Infectius Diseases
    C.Ecnmic Impact and Slutins f Infectius Diseases
    D.Medical Service and Develpment f Infectius Diseases
    After years f bserving human nature, I have decided that tw qualities make the difference between men f great achievement and men f average perfrmance curisity and discntent. I have never knwn an utstanding man wh lacked either. And I have never knwn an average man wh had bth. The tw belng tgether.
    Tgether, these deep human urges(驱策力)cunt fr much mre than ambitin. Galile was nt merely ambitius when he drpped bjects f varying weights frm the Leaning Twer at Pisa and timed their fall t the grund. Like Galile, all the great names in histry were curius and asked in discntent, “Why? Why? Why?”
    Frtunately, curisity and discntent dn't have t be learned. We are brn with them and need nly recapture them.
    “The great man,” said Mencius(孟子), “is he wh des nt lse his child’s heart.” Yet mst f us d lse it. We stp asking questins. We stp challenging custm. We just fllw the crwd. And the crwd desires restful average. It encurages us t ccupy ur wn little crner, t avid flish leaps int the dark, t be satisfied.
    Mst f us meet new peple, and new ideas, with hesitatin. But nce having met and liked them, we think hw terrible it wuld have been, had we missed the chance. We will prbably have t frce urselves t waken ur curisity and discntent and keep them awake.
    Hw shuld yu start? Mdestly, s as nt t becme discuraged. I think f ne friend wh culdn’t arrange flwers t satisfy herself. She was curius abut hw the experts did it. Nw she is ne f the experts, writing bks n flwer arrangement.
    One way t begin is t answer yur wn excuses. Yu haven’t any special ability? Mst peple dn’t; there are nly a few geniuses. Yu haven’t any time? That’s gd, because it’s always the peple with n time wh get things dne. Harriet Stwe, mther f six, wrte parts f Uncle Tm’s Cabin while cking. Yu’re t ld? Remember that Thmas Cstain was 57 when he published his first nvel, and that Grandma Mses shwed her first pictures when she was 78.
    Hwever yu start, remember there is n better time t start than right nw, fr yu’ll never be mre alive than yu are at this mment.
    31.In writing Paragraph 1, the authr aims t ________.
    A.prpse a definitinB.make a cmparisn
    C.reach a cnclusinD.present an argument
    32.What des the example f Galile tell us?
    A.Trial and errr leads t the finding f truth.
    B.Scientists tend t be curius and ambitius.
    C.Creativity results frm challenging authrity.
    D.Greatness cmes frm a lasting desire t explre.
    33.What can yu d t recapture curisity and discntent?
    A.Observe the unknwn arund yu.
    B.Develp a questining mind.
    C.Lead a life f adventure.
    D.Fllw the fashin.
    34.What culd be the best title f the passage?
    A.Curius Minds Never Feel Cntented
    B.Reflectins n Human Nature
    C.The Keys t Achievement
    D.Never T Late t Learn
    A study revealed that, in mst ccasins, the utcme n a given task can be imprved when tw peple have helped each ther instead f wrking n their wn. As early as 1624 Jhn Dnne has already ppularized the phrase “N man is an island”. And this is especially true, be it in the wrkplace, in ding scientific research, r wrking in events. One f the benefits f cperatin is that peple can pl tgether their skills and wisdm twards a cmmn aim. Because f this, they have a higher chance f being mre successful. ___35___
    Teamwrk prmtes diversity. The very nature f teamwrk requires a grup f peple frm varius backgrunds t cme tgether and share their thinking. ____36____ This level f diversity generates cultural understanding, increased cmmunicatin thrugh cllective knwledge f appraches and a larger resurce f pinins.
    ___37___ Wrking within a team helps us t create an envirnment which inspires cllective knwledge, resurces and skills. Cnsequently, this allws us t pick sme ideas and t reflect n ur wn way f thinking. Teamwrk als encurages self-imprvement because it helps us t expand ur hrizns and make better use f ur wn intrinsic capabilities. And since self-imprvement helps us in seeking better ways t perfrm ur rle within a team, it imprves bth the efficiency and prductivity f the team as a whle.
    Cmpletin f task becmes easy. Each member has unique skills t help with the prject. ____38____ Fr example, yu may ask ne persn t d research, anther t take charge f scial media marketing, and anther t lk after delivery. Teamwrk can get the mst f each persn’s strengths.
    ___39___ Fr instance, tackling abut climate change by researchers wh cme frm different disciplines (学科) culd ptentially lead t grund-breaking researches. In the traditinal research wrld, ne researcher pursued a theme ver several decades. Hwever, academia is fstering a fresh research culture, whereby academic wrks advance thrugh the creatin f interdisciplinary research.
    A.Teamwrk encurages healthy cmpetitin.
    B.It prmtes peer learning and self-imprvement.
    C.S a task can be assigned based n a persn’s skills and expertise.
    D.There are many benefits we can gain ut f teamwrk and cperatin.
    E.The seeds f creativity and innvatin spring frm the exchange f ideas.
    F.As a result, different pinins and prblem-slving methds can be frmed.
    G.Cperatin has several benefits including shared risk, resurces and knwledge.
    “Chse yur friends wisely” may nt nly be gd parental advice but als a way t d better in cllege, a research study finds. Researchers prve that students wh befriend studius peers spend mre hurs studying themselves and pst higher grades during their freshman year.
    It’s imprtant t clarify that having smart friends isn’t as imprtant as having studius friends in this study. The researchers didn’t find that friends’ grades mattered. What influenced a student’s cllege grades were his r her friends’ high schl study habits. T be sure, students with higher grades tend t have better study habits.
    They als fund that, fr every additinal 10 hurs a week that a student’s friends had spent studying in high schl, n average, the student’s wn study time in cllege wuld likely increase by almst 25 minutes a day, and the student’s wn GPA (Grade Pint Average) wuld likely rise by almst a tenth f a pint during freshman year. Almst identical results are amng freshman rmmates randmly assigned by the cllege, which cnfirms that peers are actually influencing study habits and eching the friendship analysis. The researchers cntrlled fr gender, race and prir academic achievement and fund that the psitive influence f studius peers was similar fr bth high achieving and lw achieving students.
    The difference between a B and B+ average is 0.3 pints, s studius friends are nly nudging grades up a bit. That means peers are just ne f many factrs influencing hw well students d in cllege. S shuld we encurage parents t pick their kids, friends in cllege? “This is ne utcme-GPA.There are ther things in life, said Mehta wh admits t selecting studius friends when he was in cllege.
    40.What d researchers suggest students d in cllege in this study?
    41.Hw can studius friends help a student d better in cllege?
    42.Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    The study shwed that the psitive influence f studius peers was nly fr high achieving students.
    43.Besides peer pressure, what d yu think is the mst imprtant factr that helps imprve yur grades? (In abut 40 wrds)
    44. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友Jim询问你高考之后对大学生活和学习会有哪些准备。请你给他回邮件,内容包括:
    1. 对大学生活和学习的准备;
    2. 进行这些准备的理由。
    注意: 1.词数100词左右;

    2023-2024学年北京市第四十四中学高三上学期10月月考英语试卷+听力含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年北京市第四十四中学高三上学期10月月考英语试卷+听力含答案,文件包含10月月考docx、10月月考答案keydocx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年天津市第四十七中学高三上学期10月期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年天津市第四十七中学高三上学期10月期中英语试题含答案,文件包含天津市第四十七中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月期中英语试题原卷版docx、天津市第四十七中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年北京市第四中学顺义分校高三上学期期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年北京市第四中学顺义分校高三上学期期中英语试题含答案,文件包含北京市第四中学顺义分校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中英语试题原卷版docx、北京市第四中学顺义分校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。






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