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    这是一份2023-2024学年安徽省“皖江名校联盟”高三上学期12月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含安徽省“皖江名校联盟”2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题原卷版docx、安徽省“皖江名校联盟”2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题解析版docx、英语·第四次联考听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的姓名、座位号。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman pay fr?
    A. Sme bks.B. A ticket t New Yrk.C. Pstage fr sme bks.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why des the man want black cffee?
    A. He desn’t like sugar.
    B. He has enugh sugar tday.
    C. He thinks black cffee can wake him up.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman mean?
    A. She wants a bigger rm.B. She desn’t like the sculpture.C. She wn’t buy the sculpture.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At hme.B. On the street.C. In the car.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are they talking abut?
    A. The imprtance f learning English.
    B. The imprtance f seeing the wrld.
    C. The mst imprtant thing in learning English.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What des the wman d?
    A. A librarian.B. A shp assistant.C. A teacher.
    7. What is the wman’s suggestin?
    A. Buying sme bks n cmputers.
    B. Brrwing sme dictinaries.
    C. Asking sme experts fr advice.
    8. Why did Emma’s mther decide t g back t schl?
    A. She lved and wanted t study art.
    B. Schl is peaceful and relaxing.
    C. She wanted t find anther jb.
    9. What did Emma’s mther want t study after retirement?
    A. Sculpture.B. Art histry.C. Business administratin.
    10. What is the man’s attitude tward Emma’s mther’s decisin?
    A. Disapprving.B. Ambiguus.C. Understanding.
    11. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a meeting rm.B. In a radi rm.C. In an ffice.
    12. What made Lisa chse her jb?
    A. Her parents’ influence.B. Her leaders’ guidance.C. Her friends’ help.
    13. Wh will Lisa talk abut next?
    A. Her teacher.B. Her friend.C. Her mther.
    14. What was the girl’s feeling after she saw the by?
    A. Sad.B. Unwrried.C. Anxius.
    15. What were the students ding when the by arrived at class?
    A. Taking an exam.B. Drawing graphs.C. Giving presentatins.
    16. What d we knw frm the cnversatin?
    A. They culdn’t give their presentatin because f the by’s being late.
    B. The speakers wuld still have chance t give their presentatin.
    C. The by was late because he lived t far away frm schl.
    17. Where is the spring cycling held?
    A. In New Yrk State.B. In New Jersey.C. In Califrnia.
    18. Where will the bicyclists meet next Saturday?
    A. In the parking area.B. On shre.C. At the htel.
    19. Wh can enjy bicycling accrding t the speaker?
    A. Beginners.B. Expert riders.C. Bicyclists with all abilities.
    20. Where can the bicyclists get a map?
    A. On the bike.B. At the starting pint.C. At the infrmatin table.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Hlidays in the Italian Lakes allw yu t relax and frget abut the wrries f every day.
    Lake Garda
    The largest lake in Italy, Lake Garda, is ur favurite family-friendly destinatin. It ffers a variety f enjyable activities bth n and ff its shres, which can enhance the relatinships between parents and their kids and are therefre deeply lved by almst every child. The impressive Dlmite Muntains surrund LakeGarda, and the nrthern shre enjys a mild breeze making it perfect fr water activities like sailing and windsurfing. Varius architectural wnders, such as the natural histry museum and ancient castles are just waiting t be explred.
    Lake Cm
    Frm Lenard da Vinci t Mark Twain, this wnderful lake has been an ideal place t prduce petic and artistic masterpieces fr years. Tday, Lake Cm is a destinatin fr celebrities, presenting a charming and luxurius image. Yu will discver even mre adventure the further nrth yu g. With the cmplete ferry(渡船) netwrk, it is s easy t travel arund the lakeside twns.
    Lake Maggire
    In the suthern Alps, near t the brder with Switzerland, Lake Maggire enjys a cl Mediterranean climate. Rich in histrical and cultural treasures, the lake has a rmantic air and charming appeal. Lake Maggire is in the perfect psitin fr a day trip t the city f Milan r t the picturesque Lake Orta.
    Lake Ise
    Even thugh Lake Ise is just a shrt drive frm Lake Garda, it feels like a faraway land in a fairy tale. It is much quieter and gentler, and mre relaxed than the bigger lakes with less turists and is smewhat still unspilt, retaining much f its natural beauty. This lake is great fr walking, cycling and hiking with many trails arund the edge.
    21. What is favred by turists in Lake Garda?
    A. Off-shre entertainments.B. Family-friendly activities.
    C. Water-related activities.D. Museum-themed sights.
    22. What makes Lake Cm special?
    A. The inspiratin fr artistic creatin.B. A quick and easy transprt system.
    C. The ideal lcatin fr celebratins.D. The lakeside luxury wrkshps.
    23. Which f the fllwing might be less turisty?
    A. Lake Garda.B. Lake Cm.C. Lake Maggire.D. Lake Ise.
    As ne f the city’s mst ppular free utdr events, the Cape Twn Carnival is a multicultural celebratin which fcuses n scial inclusin and bridging the divide between the diverse cmmunities f the Western Cape and specifically Cape Twn. It’s a celebratin f the many diverse cultures which makes Cape Twn stand ut frm the mst wrld-famus cities. The carnival is cnsidered a cmmunity participatin event by the Western Cape Gvernment and draws bigger crwds each year.
    The event serves a platfrm fr lcal perfrmance grups, designers, musicians and artists t shwcase their talents t the wrld. Every year, it may create ver 1, 000 part-time jbs. The lng-term visin, hwever, is t create mre prgrammes fcusing n skills develpment, thus permanently emplying peple. Since 2010 when the carnival was held n Lng Street, it has becme the festival f the year, and has grwn frm 17, 000 spectatrs t as many as 55, 000. This year, the carnival will be held n the Fan Walk in Green Pint.
    And its theme is Mther City, Mther Nature, explring tw f Cape Twn’s greatest assets, its natural beauty and its peple. The festival will shwcase what makes the Mther City ne f the mst unique cities in the wrld. Over 2, 000 shining cstumed perfrmers and musicians will take t Cape Twn’s Fan Walk, entertaining viewers with flats (花车) and dynamic dance rutines. The parade (游行) will be fllwed by a grand street party, shwcasing sme f Suth Africa’s httest musical talent.
    Fans and turists are encuraged t jin in the street festivities anytime frm 16: 00, when it will turn int a pedestrian walkway with 2km f fd stands and festive hspitality (好客) areas. Later in the evening Cape Twn will up the pace with the mst appealing and festive pen air party, the Cape Twn Carnival Street Party! This Culture Cmer: A Glimpse f Cape Twn, was cntributed by Marilyn Steward. I’m Rich Claymunt. Stay tuned and see yu next time.
    24 What sets the Cape Twn Carnival apart?
    A. Its friendly peple.B. Its unique landscape.
    C. Its wide participatin.D. Its cultural diversity.
    25 What is the carnival’s gal in the lng run?
    A. T build up a platfrm fr lcal talents.B. T create Africa-based businesses glbally.
    C. T expand prgrams t secure emplyment.D. T deepen cultural links between cuntries.
    26. What can we cnclude frm the text?
    A. Green Pint is famus fr flats and music.B. Cape Twn is prud f its nature and peple.
    C. The carnival happens n Lng Street annually.D. The street party is mstly favred by the turists.
    27. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. An interview.B. A brchure.C. A reality shw.D. A radi prgram.
    As we all knw, plastic prducts like bags, bttles, tys and varius ther prducts end up in ur ceans daily. They then pllute and kill marine animals, which ultimately affects humans because it causes widespread starvatin amng sea life which we depend n fr fd surces. With glbal levels f plastic waste in the cean at an all-time high, there has never been a better time t cnsider making yur swimwear frm alternative surces.
    It’s time t end the plastic waste plluting ur ceans, but we’re nt ging t wait fr smene else t d it. Creating swimsuits and ther clthing items ut f plastic cllected frm ur ceans might seem pretty far-fetched, but Seamre (after Seamus Malne, ur funder) is ding just that. We aim t make peple mre aware f hw much plastic they use every day by prviding stylish swimsuits made entirely frm recycled cean plastics.
    The prcess is simple. Gather plastic waste frm ceans and waterways, clean it, and turn it functinal. Manufacturers (生产商) receive recycled plastic pellet (团粒) material and they press thse pellets int fiber sheets; and then they die-cut, sew, r print thse fibers int whatever prducts they want. It’s manufacturers wh can decide whether their final prduct will be recyclable r nt. Swimwear cllectins made frm recycled materials fund in ur ceans illustrate hw much impact we can have n ur wrld when we set ut t d s with pure intentins.
    Tday, as mre and mre peple are taking part in water-centric activities, there is greater demand fr water-friendly clthing ptins, especially amng individuals lking fr alternatives that meet their needs fr cmfrt and functinality in and ut f water. But the sad truth is that mst f us have n idea where ur clthing cmes frm — and if a recent reprt is accurate, ne-third f all clthing purchased isn’t even wrn befre it ends up in a landfill.
    28. Why is the first paragraph mainly written?
    A. T shw what influence plastic waste has.
    B. T intrduce a new envirnmental effrt.
    C. T illustrate hw sea life survive the crisis.
    D. T predict the pssible effects f pllutin.
    29. Hw dcs Scamre help peple with envirnmental prtectin?
    A. By prducing alternative energy frm cean.
    B. By prmting prgrammes t educate peple.
    C. By ffering swimwear made frm sea plastics.
    D. By means f rganizing theme-related speeches.
    30. What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. It’s easy t cllect cean-based waster.B. Fibre is made frm cean plastic pellets.
    C. A prduct’s recyclability is up t its maker.D. Swimwear can test hw we impact marine life.
    31. Hw des the authr feel abut peple’s knwledge abut clthing?
    A. Psitive.B. Cncerned.C. Dubtful.D. Cld.
    Anyne wh’s lived thrugh middle schl knws thse years can be particularly challenging. Teaching students bike riding skills as part f physical educatin classes may help imprve their mental health, a new study fund. The study cmes at a time when research shws that yuths acrss the U. S. are starting t experience all srts f scial pressures, anxiety, stress frm schl, stress frm hme. S it’s a really imprtant time t prvide additinal chances t explre nt nly physical activity, but als the freedm and relief that can cme with ging ut fr a bike ride during the day.
    The study invlved mre than 1,200 middle schlers, ages 11 t 14. They participated in a cycling class fr at least three days a week, fr a minimum f 6 weeks. They learned cycling safety and maneuvering (操作) skills utdrs while raising their heart rate and just having fun. They cmpleted standardized screening questinnaires befre and after the prgram designed t measure their well-being. It shwed that sme f the participants’ mental health was imprved. “Cycling engages all f these ther parts f brain functin,” says Reiss, a child and adlescent neurpsychiatrist. “Yu’re lking at yur hearing, yu’re balancing, yu’re navigating and turning. But ften, yu’re ding it with smene else, s there’s the psitive effect f cmpany r grup activity. And that’s the pint!”
    Of curse, while exercise has pwerful mental health benefits, it’s nt a panacea. Fr example, previus research has shwn that adlescent girls are at higher risk f mental health prblems like depressin and anxiety than bys. The current study fund that, while middle schl girls reprted increased well-being after participating in the cycling prgram, that increase “may just reach the kind f baseline level fr male students,” says Esther Walker, the senir research prgram manager.
    32. What message des Paragraph 1 want t cnvey?
    A. Middle schlers are suffering frm rides.
    B. The US yuths are struggling with mental health.
    C. The US physical educatin is far frm satisfactin.
    D. Cycling is the best class t enhance kids’ health
    33. What can we knw frm Paragraph 2?
    A. All participants were mentally better.B. Participants’ heart rate was measured.
    C. Bike-riding has scial benefits as well.D. Cycling invlves a typical brain functin.
    34. What des the phrase “a panacea” underlined prbably mean?
    A. A cure-all.B. A blueprint.C. A shrteut.D. A must-see.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Cycling in Middle Schl May Bst Mental Health
    B. What Can Middle Schlers Get frm Riding a Bike?
    C. What Are Bike-riding Classes like in Middle Schls?
    D. Riding a Bicyele Is Nw Favred by Schl Children
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    We’re all suffering frm prer cncentratin nwadays. It’s believed that ne f the best ways t keep yur brain fcused is t eat a healthy diet. ____36____ Such fds include fish, nuts, blueberries and dark chclate. Still, there are ther ways t imprve yur fcus and get stuff dne.
    ●Create a peaceful air. ____37____ Wrk in a different rm if yu can. If yu find yurself attracted by digital devices, turn them ff r put them aside. Learn t check them at a fixed time later.
    ● ____38____ Whether it’s music, white nise r even silence, yu might find there’s a particular sund that helps yu maintain yur attentin. This enhances alpha waves — brain waves that prmte relaxatin and are thught t play a rle in cgnitin (认知) and, accrding t a recent study, make yu mre creative.
    ●Sleep well. A gd night’s sleep will sharpen yur brain the next day. ____39____ Everyne needs different amunts f shut-eye but aiming fr seven t nine hurs is cnsidered the ideal.
    ●Mve yur bdy. Mderate exercise can ease the brain tiredness, allwing yu t fcus n the really imprtant stuff. When yu exercise, yur heart rate increases, urging yur bdy t release a prtein knwn as BDNF(脑源性神经营养因), which aids nerve cell grwth. ____40____
    A. Find the right sund.
    B. Prepare the ideal music.
    C. Wh desn’t suffer frm brain fg after a bad night?
    D. What is needed t enhance yur cncentratin quality?
    E. Yu may get a bst frm certain s-called “brain fds”.
    F. This is imprtant fr cncentratin, memry and learning.
    G. Remving yurself frm peple and devices will allw yu t cncentrate better.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    When a situatin becmes urgent, it can be difficult t think clearly. Luckily, 12-year-ld Austen had the ____41____ he needed t save a life. Everything lked fine when Austen and his adviser, Jasn, were ____42____ . But things tk a turn when Jasn tried t see hw lng he culd ____43____ his breath underwater.
    Fr a mment, Austen ____44____ waited fr Jasn t return t the ____45____. But as secnds turned t minutes, he knew it was time t take ____46____ . He quickly swam t grab Jasn, bringing him back t the ____47____ end f the pl. He tried t call 911 but the phne was ____48____. He ran utside and ____49____ fr help, but nbdy was arund. Finally, he ____50____ CPR (心肺复苏), smething he had just seen frm a TV shw. Amazingly, a few minutes later Jasn ____51____ himself. Turns ut, Jasn had lst his ____52____ at abut 30 secnds int cntaining his breath.
    This incident sn went viral nline, reminding peple f the imprtance f teaching kids ____53____ . And as far as Jasn ges, he culdn’t be mre ____54____, “Such a mment required quick ____55____ and curage,” Jasn said. “Thankfully, he made it right.”
    A. principleB. knwledgeC. methdD. duty
    A. arguingB. huggingC. swimmingD. shpping
    A. hldB. lseC. catchD. smell
    A. hpefullyB. patientlyC. purpselyD. aimlessly
    A. surfaceB. edgeC. plD. water
    A fficeB. effectC. timeD. actin
    A. ppsiteB. deepC. shallwD. far
    A. deadB. expensiveC. silentD. cmplex
    A. prayedB. beggedC. waitedD. screamed
    A. bservedB. receivedC. perfrmedD. learned
    A. gave upB. came tC. spke frD. thught f
    A. cnsciusnessB. strengthC. viceD. mind
    A. cmmn senseB. well beingC. first aidD. gd manners
    A. srrwfulB. carefulC. dubtfulD. grateful
    A. referenceB. decisinC. insightD. access
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Nanyin, knwn as a “living fssil (化石)” f music in Chinese histry, ____56____ (date) back t the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) after peple frm ancient China’s Central Plains regin brught their music t Quanzhu, Fujian prvince, ____57____ later gradually cmbined with the lcal music.
    ____58____ (feature) a slw, gentle a and elegant meldy (旋律), the perfrmance f nanyin is usually given by a grup f five ____59____ (play). Psitined in the middle is the singer, wh als plays the wden clapper ____60____ (keep) the beat. Usually, n the left are tw musicians playing the “dngxia” and the “erxian” ____61____ (respective) while the tw n the right playing the “pipa” and the “sanxian”.
    As fr the unique singing style and its extrardinary artistic value, nanyin ____62____ (list) as an intangible cultural heritage f humanity (非物质文化遗产) by UNESCO in 2009. T aid in passing dwn this heritage, schls in Quanzhu ____63____ (make) nanyin a curse in kindergarten and primary schl already. “____64____ it is well-inherited, half f Fujian culture can be preserved. We sincerely hpe that mre teenagers can jin us _____65_____ breathing new life int this traditinal culture,” said an inheritr(传承者)f nanyin in Quanzhu.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    66. 假定你是李华,校英语口语社正在组织“节约电力资源”主题演讲活动,请你以Be Energy Smart为题,写一篇倡议书参赛,谈一谈日常生活如何节电的做法(至少两点)。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Be Energy Smart
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a freezing cld mrning in early 2023. I was n my way t wrk. I’d been training hard fr an upcming marathn, and was limping (跛行) slightly frm a pain in my hip. I figured it was nthing serius. But later it turned ut t be a hairline stress fracture (应力断裂).
    S, when I slipped n the icy New Yrk City sidewalk, I smehw lst my balance and brke my hip. I tried several times t stand up, but failed each time due t the sharp pain. As mre and mre passers-by gathered arund, I felt extremely embarrassed.
    Just at that time, a stranger emerged frm the crwd and knelt beside me. All I remembered was seeing her kind face, all cvered up, with a big hat and scarf. She pushed everyne ut f the way and said, “I’ve gt this.”
    The wman intrduced herself as Sharn Evans. As she helped me up, all I culd think abut was that I needed t get t wrk. But I was in terrible pain, and culd barely stand. Seeing this, Sharn tld me t stay put while she called a taxi.
    “N, yu dn’t have t d that. I’m sure yu have places t be, please dn’t, I can d it,” I said t her. “N, the taxi is arriving anytime,” she replied.
    Once the taxi arrived, Sharn supprted me int the taxi and went with me. I tried t tell her that it wasn’t necessary. But she was persistent. T be hnest, I was secretly relieved t have her cmpany.
    When the taxi pulled up t the hspital, Sharn tk charge again. “Yu knw what, I’m ging t g get the wheelchair fr yu and I’ll wheel yu in.” I hesitantly said, “Please dn’t d that. Yu’ve dne s much.”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My cnditin was serius and I needed an immediate peratin.
    Six mnths later, I fully recvered and managed t get her address.

    安徽省“皖江名校联盟”2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份安徽省“皖江名校联盟”2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共24页。

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    2023-2024学年安徽皖江名校联盟高三上学期10月阶段考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年安徽皖江名校联盟高三上学期10月阶段考试英语试题含答案,共60页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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