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    这是一份2024长沙长郡中学高三上学期月考试卷(五)英语含解析,文件包含湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考五英语试卷docx、湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考五英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    命题人:刘令梅 谢湘晖 龚倩倩 周笑 审题人:唐朝霞
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What wuld the wman like t d?
    A. Help smene type papers.
    B. Have the papers checked.
    C. G ver the papers herself.
    2. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A psitin.B. A weekend plan.C. The man's cmpany.
    3. Where will the wman g this afternn?
    A. An ffice party.B. An pera huse.C. A shpping mall.
    4. What des the wman prefer t d?
    A. Wrk ut alne.B. Exercise with smene.C. Eat breakfast at the café.
    5. What des the wman like mst abut the city?
    A. The parks.B. The ld buildings.C. The French restaurant.
    6. Hw des the man feel abut his majr?
    A. Uninterested.B. Inspired.C. Cnfused.
    7. What des the man want t d after graduatin?
    A. Becme a lawyer.
    B. Study further in Mexic.
    C. Start his wn business.
    8. Where can the wman visit sme relatives?
    A. In Califrnia.B. In Puert Ric.C. In San Francisc.
    9. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn.B. Husband and wife.C. Brther and sister.
    10. Why des the wman express thanks t the man?
    A. He'll drive her hme.
    B. He'll shp with her.
    C. He'll entertain her friends.
    11. What's the advantage f a cnvenience stre fr the man?
    A. Lnger business hurs.
    B. The lwer price.
    C. Much mre selectin.
    12. What will the wman d next?
    A. Eat hamburgers.B. Stay at the cash cunter.C. Cmpare different brands.
    13. What happened t the wman at the beginning?
    A. She lst her phne.
    B. She culdn't find the way.
    C. She was trapped in heavy snw.
    14. Why did the wman turn ff the engine?
    A. The car was running ut f gas.
    B. She stpped t answer a call.
    C. The engine culdn't wrk prperly.
    15. Hw did the wman keep warm?
    A. By drinking ht tea.
    B. By using the car heater.
    C. By having mre clthes n.
    16. What did the emergency services d?
    A. They called an ambulance.
    B. They led the wman t her hme.
    C. They helped the wman g t the main rad.
    17. When is Sweetest Day?
    A. The secnd Saturday in Octber.
    B. The third Sunday in Octber.
    C. The third Saturday in Octber.
    18. What is the purpse f Sweetest Day?
    A. T make friends.B. T make smene happy.C. T make cities mre beautiful.
    19. Wh did the Cleveland man help?
    A. His friends and relatives.
    B. The aged and his neighbrs.
    C. The city's rphans and patients.
    20. Hw did the Cleveland man start Sweetest Day?
    A. By ffering hugs.
    B. By giving away small gifts.
    C. By distributing sme cash.
    Cmmunity partners need yu!
    Swissvale Farmers Market
    We're lking fr students t help us set up and take dwn ur tent and spend the mrning under the tent with us. Activities include sme heavy lifting ptinal), engaging with cmmunity members, picking up litter, handling small sales and lts f breaks!
    Time: September 10, 8: 30 am-1: 15 pm
    Fd Pantry Distributin
    The CHS Fd Pantry needs vlunteers t assist during preparatin and distributin each week. This invlves srting fd, stcking shelves, preparing the utdr market and assisting families. Custmer service skills are imprtant as vlunteers may be assisting families directly. Understanding different sci-ecnmic and cultural backgrunds is helpful.
    Time: September 1-December 22, Wednesdays-Thursdays: 1: 30 pm-6: 00 pm
    Garbage Olympics
    Jin us fr the Garbage Olympics! A Pittsburgh wide cmpetitin between neighbrhds t see wh can get the mst litter and garbage ff ur belved city streets!
    This year, we are cmpeting against each ther as well as the entire city! Teams A, B and C will race t see wh can get the mst garbage cllected!
    We'll have all the supplies ready, and will explain the rules t everyne befre the event starts.
    Time: September 17, 8: 00 am-11: 00 am.
    Tutring Assistant
    The Carnegie Library f Pittsburgh is actively seeking tutring assistants fr the 2023- 2024 schl year. As a tutring assistant, yu will ffer a psitive attitude and caching t help children t stay n track during the in-persn tutring sessin. Additinally, yu will help prvide academic assistance in the frm f reading, writing, grammar, prnunciatin and math t schl-aged children. Vlunteers shuld be able t cmmit t eight weeks in the fall and may sign n fr an additinal eight weeks in the spring.
    Time: September 28-Nvember 16, Wednesday frm 4: 30 pm-6: 30 pm
    21. Yu need t be ______if yu decide t engage in cmmunity events listed abve.
    A. knwledgeableB. helpfulC. prfessinalD. well-built
    22. As an envirnmentalist, which ne are yu mst likely t chse?
    A. Tutring Assistant.
    B. Garbage Olympics.
    C. Swissvale Farmers Market.
    D. Fd Pantry Distributin.
    23. What d tutring assistants need t d?
    A. Help children with their studies.
    B. Wrk n weekends fr 16 weeks.
    C. Jin children in physical exercise.
    D. Seek academic help fr children.
    Nrwegian playwright and authr Jn Fsse has just been awarded the 2023 Nbel Prize in Literature fr his "innvative plays and prse which give vice t the unsayable".
    The Swedish Academy credits Fsse as "ne f the mst widely perfrmed playwrights in the wrld", althugh the 64-year-ld riginally made his name as a nvelist, beginning with Red, Black in 1983. He has since written many wrks f prse and petry. "His literary wrks, spanning a variety f genres(体裁), cmprises abut 40 plays and a wealth f nvels, petry cllectins, essays, children's bks and translatins, said Anders Olssn, chairman f the Nbel Cmmittee fr Literature.
    Jn Fsse draws inspiratin frm his rural living envirnment and persnal struggles, which have deeply influenced his distinctive writing style. Grwing up in a small castal village, Fsse was immersed in the beauty f nature and the vastness f the sea, which filled him with a sense f slitude and intrspectin(内省) that is reflected in his wrks. Fsse's writing discussed themes f deslateness(孤独,苍凉), lnging, and the search fr meaning in life. Additinally, his battles with depressin have enabled him t explre the depths f human emtins and existential despair.
    "He tuches yu s deeply when yu read his wrks," said Anders Olssn. “What is special abut him is the clseness in his writing. It tuches yur deepest feelings-anxieties, insecurities, questins f life and death-which are things that every human being actually faces frm the very beginning. In that sense I think he reaches very far and there is a srt f a universal impact f everything that he writes-it has appeal t this basic humanity."
    Fsse is the first-ever laureate writing in Nynrsk, ne f the tw fficial languages f Nrwegian, but nly used by just 10% f the ppulatin. As The Guardian writes, "Many Nynrsk speakers see Fsse 'as a kind f natinal her' fr his champining f the language." Fsse's recgnitin n a glbal stage prmtes the visibility and imprtance f Nynrsk as a written standard. It will attract mre attentin t Nynrsk literature, inspire and encurage Nynrsk speakers t cntinue preserving and prmting their linguistic(语言的) heritage.
    24. What d we knw abut Jn Fsse frm paragraph 2?
    A. His mst ppular wrk is the play Red, Black.
    B. He accmplished varius genres f literature wrks.
    C. Many famus plays are the inspiratin fr his writing.
    D. His language skills earned him the Nbel Prize in Literature.
    25. What des paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. Jn Fsse's tugh experiences.
    B. Jn Fsse's mtivatin fr writing.
    C. The majr themes f Jn Fsse's wrks.
    D. The effect f Jn Fsse's life n his writing style.
    26. What is special abut Jn Fsse's wrks accrding t Anders Olssn?
    A. They explre the meaning f life.
    B. They tuch human's deepest emtins.
    C. They shw the bnd between humans and nature.
    D. They appeal t readers t fcus n persnal feelings.
    27. What cntributin f Jn Fsse is mentined in the last paragraph?
    A. He explains the imprtance f linguistic diversity.
    B. He has imprved the internatinal status f Nrway.
    C. He prmtes the develpment and preservatin f Nynrsk.
    D. He shapes the basic writing standard f Nrwegian literature.
    Researchers at CU Bulder have develped a wearable device that changes the human bdy int a bilgical battery. The device is stretchy(弹性的) enugh that yu can wear it like a ring, sprt band r any ther thing that tuches yur skin. It als taps int a persn's natural heat-emplying thermelectric generatrs t change the bdy's internal temperature int electricity. "In the future, we want t be able t pwer yur wearable electrnics withut having t include a battery, said Jianliang Xia, an assciate prfessr at CU Bulder.
    The cncept may sund like smething ut f The Matrix film series, in which a race f rbts have enslaved humans t harvest their precius rganic energy. Xia and his clleagues aren't that ambitius: Their devices can generate abut 1 vlt(伏特) f energy fr every square centimeter f skin space-less vlt per area than what mst existing batteries prvide but still enugh t pwer electrnics like watches r fitness trackers.
    Scientists have previusly experimented with similar wearable devices, but Xia's is stretchy, can heal itself when damaged and is fully recyclable-making it a cleaner alternative t traditinal electrnics. “Whenever yu use a battery, yu're depleting(消耗) that battery and will, eventually, need t replace it, Xia said. "The nice thing abut ur device is that yu can wear it, and it prvides yu with cnstant pwer."
    Just pretend that yu're ut fr a jg. As yu exercise, yur bdy heats up, and that heat will radiate ut t the cl air arund yu. Xia's device captures that flw f energy rather than let it g t waste. "The thermelectric generatrs are in clse cntact with the human bdy, and they can use the heat that wuld nrmally be sent int the envirnment," Xia said.
    28. What des Xia expect f his device at present?
    A. It will be used fr medical purpses.
    B. It will be made smaller and wearable.
    C. It will change natural pwer int electricity.
    D. It will supply cnstant pwer t wearable devices.
    29. Why des the authr mentin The Matrix series in the text?
    A. T explain the principle.
    B. T make a cmparisn.
    C. T intrduce a tpic.
    D. T analyze the cause.
    30. What des the third paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. The strengths f Xia's device.
    B. The cnvenience f using a battery.
    C. The replacement f wearable devices.
    D. The develpment f traditinal electrnics.
    31. What d we knw abut Xia's device frm the text?
    A. It perates with plenty f pwer.
    B. It is designed fr practical use.
    C. It benefits peple's health in a way.
    D. It's based n traditinal electrnics.
    Swt satellite is scheduled t be launched Thursday mrning t cnduct a cmprehensive survey f Earth's vital resurce. By using advanced micrwave radar technlgy, it will cllect height-surface measurements f ceans, lakes and rivers in high-definitin detail ver 90% f the glbe. It's really the first time t bserve nearly all water n the planet's surface.
    Oceans are estimated t have absrbed mre than 90% f the extra heat trapped in the Earth's atmsphere by human-caused greenhuse gases. Therefre Swt is mainly set t explre hw ceans absrb atmspheric heat and CO2 in a natural prcess that adjusts climate change. It will scan the seas and precisely measure fine differences in surface elevatins(高度) arund smaller currents and eddies(漩涡), where much f the ceans' decrease f heat and carbn is believed t ccur. "Studying the mechanism will help climate scientists answer a key questin: What is the turning pint at which ceans start releasing, rather than absrbing, huge amunts f heat back int the atmsphere and speed up glbal warming, rather than limiting it, said Nadya Shiffer, Swt's prgram scientist.
    By cmparisn, earlier studies f water bdies relied n data f rivers r ceans taken at specific pints, r frm satellites that can nly track measurements alng a ne-dimensinal line, requiring scientists t fill in data gaps thrugh extraplatin(外推法). Thanks t the radar instrument, Swt can scan thrugh clud cver and darkness ver wide ranges f the Earth. This enables scientists t accurately map their bservatins in tw dimensins regardless f weather r time f day and t cver large gegraphic areas far mre quickly than was previusly pssible.
    "Rather than giving us a line f elevatins, it's giving us a map f elevatins, and that's just a ttal game changer, "said Tamlin Pavelsky, Swt freshwater science leader.
    32. What d the underlined wrds "vital resurce" in the first paragraph refer t?
    A. Technlgy.
    B. Climate.
    C. Oceans.
    D. Water.
    33. What is the majr missin f Swt satellite?
    A. T explre where ceans absrb heat and CO2.
    B. T explain why greenhuse gas cmes int being.
    C. T identify when glbal warming is wrsened.
    D. T study hw ceans influence climate change.
    34. What makes it pssible fr Swt t measure precisely?
    A. The high-definitin cmputer.
    B. Advanced radar technlgy.
    C. The three-dimensinal image.
    D. An accurate map f elevatins.
    35. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. First Glbal Water Survey frm Space
    B. Successful Launch f Swt Satellite
    C. A Breakthrugh in Space Travel
    D. A Slutin t Climate Change
    The expressin, "everybdy's ding it" is very much at the center f the cncept pressure. It is a scial influence applied n an individual in rder t get that persn t act r believe in a similar way as a larger grup. __36__ Mst peple experience it in sme way during their lives.
    Peple are scial creatures by nature. __37__ This instinct explains why the apprval f peers, and the fear f disapprval is such pwerful frce in many peple's lives. This instinct drives peple t dress ne way at hme and anther way at wrk, r t answer a simple "fine" when a stranger asks "Hw are Yu?" even if it is nt necessarily true. There is a practical aspect t this. It helps sciety functin efficiently. Additinally, it simplifies day-t-day interactin between peple.
    __ 38__ They may g t far as t abandn their sense f right and wrng. Teens and yung adults may feel frced t use drugs; mature adults get int debt because they try t keep up with thers by buying expensive things they can't affrd, like huses r cars. __39__ A student whse friends are gd at academic may be urged t wrk harder and get gd grades. Players n a sprts team may feel driven t play harder in rder t help the team win.
    Althugh peer pressure is smetimes quite bvius, it can als be subtle that a persn may nt even ntice that it is affecting their behavir. Fr this reasn, when making imprtant decisins, simply ging with an instinct is risky. Instead, peple shuld seriusly cnsider why they feel drawn t taking a particular actin. __40__
    A. Hwever, peer pressure is nt always negative.
    B. Being self-aware is at the rt f managing peer pressure.
    C. This influence can be negative r psitive in any grup size.
    D. Giving in t peer pressure can have emtinal cnsequences.
    E. They shuld als questin if they are just fllwing the crwd.
    F. Sme individuals becme addicted t seeking scial acceptance.
    G. Cnsequently, their self-esteem ften cmes frm thers' apprval.
    After ten years in the same cmpany, I fund my jb was n lnger fun. Hwever, I didn't have the cnfidence t apply fr new jbs due t lack f experience. I felt__41__.
    A friend suggested anther path- __42__. I had tyed with the idea f studying fr a master's degree but__43__std in my way. Yet I fund a curse at Lndn Cllege f Cmmunicatin,__44__my jb and enrlled(注册).
    During the 18 mnths that fllwed, I began t flurish(茁壮成长). Nt nly had I fund the curage t take my life frward in a new and__45__directin but the self-dubt that had fllwed me arund like a shadw began t __46__ gradually. My classmates and I treated each ther as__47__: Yunger students__48__my experience and knwledge when it came t grup wrk. I made new friends and jined cmmittees.
    I als decided t mve ut f hme. Living in student halls was a(n)__49__. The life in halls added t my sense f __50__ and cnfidence. I was __51__ new things every day. Even making myself a meal r managing my small living space made me feel__52__.
    Sn after cmpleting my master's, I made my way back thrugh the university gate-this time t __53__ I am nw a lecturer n the same curse that I tk. I __54__ the persn I was befre and smile-she didn't yet knw her __55__.
    41.A. guiltyB. humbleC. ashamedD. stuck
    42.A. cmmunicatinB. educatinC. managementD. training
    43.A. cmpetenceB. self-disciplineC. cnfidenceD. self-dubt
    44.A. quitB. cmpletedC. lstD. switched
    45.A. uncertainB. permanentC. excitingD. ppsite
    46.A. ccurB. apprachC. disappearD. gather
    47.A. equalsB. ppnentsC. strangersD. elders
    48.A. valuedB. questinedC. ignredD. strengthened
    49.A. embarrassmentB. failureC. challengeD. experience
    50.A. freedmB. safetyC. independenceD. justice
    51.A. cpyingB. learningC. missingD. rdering
    52.A. tughB. rewardingC. impssibleD. meaningless
    53.A. visitB. interviewC. leadD. teach
    54.A. lk back nB. keep away frmC. catch up withD. hld n t
    55.A. limitB. dutyC. wrthD. career
    Mre than three decades after writing his first pem__56__a teenager in the muntains f nrthern China, Chen Nianxi is living a literary dream. He has published tw critically__57__(receive)bks amng peple. Fr mre than 15 years, he labred in gld, irn and zinc mines acrss China, detnating explsives(引爆炸药) by day and_58_ (create) pems n the backs f newspapers at night.
    His pems speak f the __59__ (lnely)f the mines, the deaths f fellw wrkers and the distance between mdern life and his wrk undergrund. "There will __60__ (definite)be peple wh treat yu as a spectacle," he said. This summer, tw years after publishing his first petry cllectin, he published a bk f essays, T Live Is t Shut at the Sky,__61__title cmes frm a pem written after a night f singing with his fellw wrkers at__62__mine in Xinjiang.
    Chen _63__(struggle) fr inspiratin fr the past few years. “We still need abundant, diverse wrks t supprt cntemprary literature and culture, "Chen said, adding that he insisted n his wrks __64__ (judge) n its artistic merits __65__ hped his wrks "will braden mdern peple's perspectives r remind them t lk dwnward a bit".
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    Jey sat at the kitchen table, reading the sprts page f the mrning paper. He heard his grandfather cming dwn the stairs. When his grandfather came int the kitchen, Jey culd see he wasn't his usual happy self.
    "Mrning, Grandfather," he said. His grandfather sat acrss the table and didn't pick up the paper t read. Instead, he asked, "Jey, is anything happening in twn tday?"
    "There's a ball game between Draville Middle Schl and my schl tnight, "Jey tld him. "It'll be a clse race, but I think we'll win. Wuld yu like t g?"
    Jey felt bad fr his grandfather. He knew he culdn't read. His grandfather had tld him ften, "I didn't have the chance t g t schl regularly. Lking after the animals and tending t the crps n the farm were much mre imprtant in thse days than learning t read."
    One day, Jey stpped at the library t lk thrugh sme bks. He saw a sign n the library wall. It read: "D yu knw smebdy wh desn't read? We can help. Just call this number."Jey hurried hme and shwed the sign t his grangfather. "Smebdy can teach yu hw t read. It says s right here,"Jey explained. Jey jtted the number dwn.
    Several days later, Grandfather put n his best suit f clthes fr his first day f schl. He arrived at the library an hur early and met with his teacher. During that first class, he was s wrried and nervus that he culdn't cncentrate. He culdn't remember anything the teacher said. A few weeks later, Grandfather was studying when he lked up at Jey and said, "I'm t ld t learn all f this. "He clsed the bk in frustratin. "Oh, Grandfather, dn't get discuraged,"Jey said. Grandfather was stubbrn. "I can't d it, "he said.
    "Hw abut letting me help yu?" Jey asked.
    Mnths later, ne day his grandfather tld Jey that he had smething imprtant t share with him.

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