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    1.What will Dimid prbably d next?
    A. Call his dad.B.Check his rm.C.Write a reprt.
    2.What is the final hliday plan f the wman's family?
    A.Ging surfing.B.Ging cycling.C.Ging hiking.
    3.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.A city.B.A pstcard.C.A business trip.
    4. What is the wman ding?
    A.Trying n a bluse.B.Having an interview.C.Chsing a handbag.
    5.Whar's wrng with the man?
    A.He has a cld.B.He hurts his head.C.He cughs badly.
    6.Where are the speakers prbably?
    A.In a htel.B.At an airprt.C.In a car.
    7.Hw des the man like tmrrw's plan?
    8.What did the wman help d in Ghana?
    A.Teach children at a schl.B.Build huses fr the lcals.C.Care fr wild animals.
    9.What is the cntact number f the vlunteer prgramme?
    高一期中考试英语试卷第1页 共10页
    10.When was the interview suppsed t start?
    A.At 7:40 a.m.B.At 8:00 a.m.C.At 8:20 a.m.
    11.Why was Bruce stpped by the bss?
    A.He failed t answer the,questin well
    B.The bss had t attend a meeting.
    C.Smene called the bss.
    12.What did the bss ask Bruce t d?
    A.Set ut earlier next time.
    B.Cme again three days later.
    C.Leave his persnal infrmatin.
    13.Where des Sally want t ge?
    A.The z.B.The Lndn Eye.C.The Cvent Garden.
    14.What is Billy interested in?
    15.What des the man advise the wman t d in Oxfrd Street?
    A.D sme shpping.B.Enjy an pera.C.Visit her parents.
    16 What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Mther and sn. B.Guide and visitr.C. Husband and wife.
    17.What is Ham interested in.
    A.Cllecting glass bttles.B.Building special huses.C.Making things ut f bttles.
    18.Why did Ham decide t build the special huse?
    A.Because f his kids' encuragement.
    B.Because f his secnd sn's death.
    C.Because f his eldest sn's birth.
    19.What makes the huse mre interesting?
    A.It csts much less.B.It is very strng.C.It's the nly ne in the wrld.
    20.What did Ham d abut the huse?
    A.He dnated it t an art gallery.
    B.He decrated it and lived in it.
    C.He used it as a wedding present.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Jhannes Gutenberg
    Jhannes Gutenberg,brn arund the year 1400 in Germany,is widely regarded as the inventr f the printing press.Befre abut 1450,mst bks were cpied by hand.This made them extremely time-cnsuming t prduce and expensive t buy.But in 1455 Gutenberg develped a machine which culd print multiple cpies f the same bk.Gutenberg did nt achieve financial success as a result f his breakthrugh,but his inventin helped t spread knwledge acrss Eurpe and was a majr factr in the Renaissance.
    Luis Braille
    Brn in France in 1809,Luis Braille became blind at the age f three in an accident that ccurred in his father's wrkshp.When he was ten,he earned a place ata special schl fr blind children in Paris.In 1821,Charles Barbiera,a frmer sldier,visited the schl and talked abut a cde that he'd invented which allwed sldiers t share infrmatin n the battlefield withut speaking.Impressed by this idea,Luis wrked n his wn cde t help the blind read.The cde that Luis invented has becme standard thrughut the wrld.
    Samuel Mrse,brn in 1791 in Massachusetts,USA,started his career nt as an inventr but as a painter.He had great artistic talent and sn became well-knwn frhis prtraits,but he als had a passin fr new technlgy.In 1832,while travelling hme by sea frm Eurpe,he verheard a cnversatin abut the newly-discvered electrmagnet(电磁铁),and this gave him the idea fr a new frm f cmmunicatin—the electric telegraph.Althugh ther inventrs had develped similar machine,Mrse's wrked better and he gt the patent in 1854.
    Alexander Graham Bell
    Alexander Graham Bell,a pineer in the field f telecmmunicatins,was brn in 1847 in Edinburgh,Sctland.Perhaps because f his mther's hearing prblems,Bellhad a particular interest in the educatin f deaf peple.This led him t invent the micrphne.Bell was nt the nly inventr wrking in this field,but his lawyer managed t secure(获得)the all-imprtant patent which gave Bell wnership f the idea.
    21.Accrding t the passage,what d the fur peple have in cmmn?
    A.All f them had several failures befre their success.B.All f them had a miserable life in the beginning.
    C.All f them are pineers in their wn areas.D.All f them made a big frtune in their lives.
    22.Wh had anther career befre starting t invent?
    A.Jhannes GutenbergB.Samuel F B.Mrse.C.Luis Braille.D.Alexander Graham Bell
    23.Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A.Luis Braille was inspired by a military inventin.
    B.Jhannes Gutenberg had a dirficult time during his educatin.
    C.Samuel helped t educate peple in many cuntries.
    D.Alexander Graham Bell suffered a terrible injury at a yung age.
    In 1984,I was a painfully insecure teenage girl frm a dysfunctinal(关系异常的)family,depressed,underweight,and rejected by my classmates.My nly cmfrt was t be the stage manager at ur schl.
    One day,actrs frm the famus Oregn Shakespeare Festival came t perfrm fr the schl.One f them was Barry Kraft,and he was unlike anyne I'd ever met.As Iran arund backstage helping him,he treated me with friendliness and respect that he wuld shw fr friends in his living rm.
    He shwed up at ur drama class and asked everyne t narrate a mnlgue (独白).T my shck,he tk me aside after class and said,"Yur mnlgue was the best.That was really very gd.”
    I made it thrugh graduatin and gt accepted t cllege.That summer,I traveled with a friend t see Mr.Kraft perfrm.During ne perfrmance,I gathered up my curage and drpped him a nte during the break,saying I was visiting and if helked he culd see us.Almst immediately I regretted sending the nte.I thught it was the mst presumptuus(冒失的)thing I had ever dne.
    At the end f the shw,he was waiting fr me!He smiled bradly and gave me a hug.Then he said,“Wuld yu like t visit backstage?”And ff we went.Every time we met smene,he intrduced me and said,"She's a very gd perfrmer wh was a huge help t me at her schl visit.”
    It is difficult t describe hw imprtant this man's attentin was t me.A successful actr desn't have t give a depressed teenager the time f day,but he did far mre.My cnfidence had just increased 800 percent.I am nw a happily married prfessinal,and whenever I ntice a teenager in need,I remember Barry Kraft.He saw a teenager in need f attentin and supprt,and he.tk the time t help.S nw I take the time,t
    24.What d we knw abut the authr?
    A.She was lved by her parents.B.She felt left ut by her classmates.
    C.She suffered terribly frm stage fright.D.She was trubled by the issue f verweight.
    25.Which f the fllwing can best describe Barry Kraft?
    A.Friendly and cnsiderateB.Intelligent and patient.C.Cmmitted and generus.D.Cnfident and energetic.
    26.What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A.The authr will cntinue with her educatin.B.Barry Kraft will team up with the authr.
    C.Barry Kraft inspired the authr t study drama.D.The authr will make effrts t assist teenagers.
    27.What's the purpse f the text?
    A.T intrduce a famus actr.B.T encurage peple t vercme difficulties.
    C.T share the authr's experience and its impact n her.D.T explain the reasn why the authr lves stage management.
    The cultures f the East and the West are really different frm each ther a lt.This is because the culture systems are tw separate nes n the whle.
    The rigin f the Eastern culture is mainly frm tw cuntries:China and India.Bth f the tw cultures are develped by rivers —the Yellw River in China and the Hindu River in India.They helped the tw cultures develp fr centuries and frm their wn styles.
    When the tw mther rivers gave birth t the Eastern culture,anther famus culture was up n the Mesptamian plain-the Mesptamian Civilizatin.This civilizatin later n develped int the cultures f Ancient Greece and Ancient Rme.And these tw are well-knwn as the base f the Eurpean culture.Like the Chinese culture,the Eurpean culture als crssed waters.When the British settled dwn in America,their culture went with them ver the Atlantic Ocean.S the American culture desn't have much difference frm the Eurpean culture.
    At the same time,sme ther differences add t the cultural differences.Take the language system fr example,in the East,mst languages belng t the pictgraphic(象形的)language while the Western languages are mstly based n the Iatin system.Other causes like human race differences cunt as well.What's mre,due t the far distance and the steep areas between the East and the West,the tw cultures seldm cmmumicate until recent centuries.S they grew up ttally in their wn ways with almst n interference frm the ther.
    The differences are everywhere.They are bvius and make peple's ways f thinking and their views f the wrld different.But different cultures make the wrld f the 21st century mre clrful.The cultural difference shuld nt be the bstacle(障碍)t the civilizatin f human beings.It ught t be the driving frce f ur ging farther.
    28.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The rigin f cultures.B.Culture differences.C.Language systems.D.The clrful wrld.
    29.Why is the American culture similar t the Eurpean culture?
    A.Bth f the tw cultures have a very lng histry.
    B.They have the same mther rivers as the Chinese culture.
    C.The early settlers frm Britain brught their culture t America.
    D.Bth the British and the American live alng the cast f the Atlantic Ocean.
    30.Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd "interference"in Paragraph 4?
    31.Where is the passage mst likely frm?
    A.A diaryB.A guidebkC.A nvel.D.A magazine.
    Researchers have develped a new methd fr training peple t be creative.This new methd,based n narrative(叙述的)thery,helps peple be creative in the way children and artists are by making up stries that imagine alternative(不一样的)wrlds,change perspective(角度)and prduce unexpected actins.
    “The narrative methd wrks by recgnising that we're all creative.”said Angus Fletcher,wh develped the methd and is a prfessr f English and a member f the Ohi State University's Prject Narrative."We as a sciety cmpletely undervalue the creativity f kids and many thers because we are addicted t the idea that sme peple are mre creative than thers."
    The narrative methd f training fr creativity uses many f the techniques that writers use t create stries.One is t develp new wrlds in yur mind.Fr example,emplyees al a cmpany might be asked t imagine a wrld in which all their custmers arc like that.Anther technique is perspective-changing.An emplyer might be asked t answer a prblem by thinking like anther member f their team.“Creativity isn't abut guessing the future crrectly.It's abut making yurself pen t imagining cmpletely different pssibilities."Fletcher said."When yu d that yu can respnd mre quickly and flexibly t the changes that d ccur."
    Fletcher and his team are als cntinuing t wrk with new rganizatins,such as the Wrthingtn Lcal Schl District in Ohi.
    “It's better t hire anther grup f peple and then train them t be creative.That creates a culture which recgnises that there are already creative peple in yurrganisatin yu aren't taking advantage f.”he said."This new methd f training creativity culd nly have cme frm Ohi State University's Prject Narrative,which is itself prf f the pwer f creativity."
    32.What may make the narrative methd wrkable accrding t Fletcher?
    A.Creating alternative stries.B.Changing new perspectives.
    C.Arranging unexpected asks.D.Being aware f ur creativity.
    33.Hw des the authr develp Paragraph 3?
    A.By using examples.B.By making cmparisn.C.By answering questins.D.By quting techniques.
    34.What result is expected f training creativity?
    A.T develp a culture gradually.B T react t changes quickly.
    C.T create pssibilities freely.D.T predict the future crrectly.
    35.What is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A.Ways Can Be Adpted t Inspire CreativityB.The Pwer f Creativity Has Been Fund
    C.Anyne Can Be Trained t Be CreativeD.A Way Is Fund t Recgnise Creative Peple
    Lts f peple find it hard t get up in the mrning,and put the blame n the alarm clck.In fact,the key t easy mrning wake-up lies in resetting yur bdy clck.36_________ Here's hw t make ne.
    ●37_________ In rder t make a change,yu need t decide why it's imprtant.D yu want t get up in time t have breakfast with yur family,get in sme exercise,r just be better prepared fr yur day?Once yu are clear abut yur reasns,tell yur family r rmmates abut the change yu want t make.
    ● Rethink mrnings.Nw that yu knw why yu want t wake up,cnsider-arranging yur mrning activities.If yu want time t have breakfast with yur family,save sme time the night befre by setting ut clthes,shes,and bags. 38_________ That's a quarter-hur mre yu culd be sleeping if yu bught a cffee maker with a timer.
    ●Keep yur sleep /wake schedule n weekends.If yu're tired ut by Friday night,sleeping in n Saturday culd sund wnderful.But cmpensating n the weekends actually feeds int yur sleepiness the fllwing week,a recent study fund.39_________
    ●Keep a recrd and evaluate it weekly.Keep track f yur effrts and write dwn hw yu feel.After yu've tried a new methd fr a week,take a lk at yur recrd.40_________ If nt,take anther lk at ther methds yu culd try.
    Get a sleep specialist.
    Find the right mtivatin
    A better plan fr sleep can help
    And cnsider setting a secnd alarm,
    E.If the steps yu take are wrking,keep it up.
    F.Stick t yur set bedtime and wake-up time,n matter the day.
    G Recnsider the 15 minutes yu spend in line at the cafe t get cffee.
    When I entered Berkeley,I hped t earn a schlarship.Having been a Straight-A student,I believed I culd 41_____ tugh subjects and really learn smething.One such curse was Wrld Literature given by Prfessr Jayne.I was really interested in the ideas he 42_____ in class.
    When I tk the first exam,I was 43_____ t find a 77,C-plus,n my test paper,44_____ English was my best subject.I went t Prfessr Jayne,wh listened t my 45_____ but remained unmved.
    I decided t try harder,althugh I didn't knw what that 46_____ because schl had always been easy fr me.I read the bks mre carefully,but gt anther 77 again,I reasned with Prfessr Jayne.Again,he listened 47_____ but wuldn't change his mind.
    One mre test befre the final exam.One mre 48_____ t imprve my grade.S I redubled my effrts and,fr the first time,49_____ the meaning f the wrd“thrugh(深入细致的)”.But my 50_____ did n gd and everything went as befre.
    The last hurdle was the final.N matter what grade I gt,it wuldn't cancelC-pluses.I might as well kiss the 51_____ gdbye.
    I stpped wrking hard.I felt I knew the curse material as well as I ever wuld.The night befre the final,I even 52_____ myself t a mvie.The next day I decided fr nce I'd have fun with a test.
    A week later,I was surprised t find I gt an A.I hurried int Prfessr Jayne's ffice.He 53_____ t be expecting me.“If I gave yu the A-plus as yu expected,yu wuldn't cntinue t wrk as hard.”
    I stared at him,54_____ that his analysis and strategy were crrect.I had wrked my head ff,as I had never dne befre.
    I was speechless when my curse grade arrived:A-plus.It was the nly A-plus given.The next year I 55_____ my schlarship(奖学金).I've always remembered Prfessr Jayne's lessn:yu alne must set yur wn standard f excellence.
    6 A.reflectedB. meantC.imprvedD.affected
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    There are many wrld-famus sprts stars.But I'd like t shw my 56(admire)t Lang Ping.Lang Ping used 57_______ (be)a player,wh brught hnr and glry t her cuntry and then 58_______ (becme)a cach.When preparing fr the 2015 Wrld Cup,ne f the best players gt 59_______ (injure)and the team captain was seriusly ill.The team was at a risk f 60_______ (fall)apart.61_______ ,Lang Ping didn't lst heart.She faced difficulties 62_______ (brave)and finally the
    team wn the wrld champins.After the match,she said the secret 63_______ her team's success was their persistence and determinatin.64_______ she said really makes sense.Nthing is 65_______ (imprtant)than yur curage and determinatin if yu want t succeed.
    66.The nise utside my rm made me a___________ ,and I culdn't cncentrate n my reading at all.
    67.The teacher ften tells me that I can be anyne I want as lng as I'm c___________ f myself.
    68.They are nw in great need f help.S,yur supprt will certainly make a d___________.
    69.It is strngly r___________that yu shuld limit the amunt f fat in yur diet.
    70.Even when parents n lnger live tgether,they cntinue t be r___________fr their children.
    71.Finding time fr bth studies and extra-curricular activities is a big challenge,s I need t make a wrkable s___________ .
    72.Teenagers wh are a___________t the Internet are mre likely t suffer frm depressin.
    73.Despite my hard wrk,I still failed the English exam,which left me feeling e___________disappinted.
    74.C___________with a vlcan,hurricane r earthquake,we humans are s weak.
    75.Obviusly,Chinese a___________did very well in the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhu and wn 201 gld medals.
    假设你是Sam,收到了一封署名为Wrried的求助信,信中该同学向你叙述了自己的困扰:最近比较容易发脾气(lse ne’s temper),使正常的学习和生活受到了影响。请你用英文给该同学写一封回信,内容要点如下:
    注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Ali and his yunger sister,Zahra,lived with their parents in a pr neighbrhd. Their mther was very sick and their father was struggling t find a jb,and they had nly a little mney with which t buy fd.As they had nt paid the rent fr several mnths,the landlrd was breathing dwn their necks(盯着他们).
    One day,Ali tk Zahra's shes t a she repairman t be fixed,but he lst them n the way hme.It wasn't until he gt hme that he realized he had lst the shes.He was afraid that his parents wuld be angry and disappinted,s he begged his sister t keep it secret.Zahra agreed and the tw decided t share Ali's running shes.Zahra's schl hurs were in the mrning,s she wuld wear them first.After schl,she wuld rush back and give them t Ali.He culd then run t his schl,which began in the afternn.Althugh he ran as fast as he culd,Ali ften arrived late and was warned by the schl.
    Ali heard abut a lng distance race that was held fr the bys in the city.When he learned that the third prize was a new pair f shes,he decided t take part.He ran hme excitedly and prmised his sister that he wuld win her the new shes.
    The day f race arrived.Ali had a strng start,but halfway thrugh the race he began t get tired and his legs began t ache.Getting mre and mre tired he thught nly f Zahra and his prmise t her.Dreaming f the new shes he wuld win fr his sister gave him strength.and he stayed right behind the tw fastest runners,determined t finish third.Suddenly,as the finish line drew near,anther runner cllided(碰撞)with Ali frm behind and he crashed t the grund.
    Ali lked up and saw the ther bys rushing ahead.
    语法填空:56.admiratin 57.t be 58.became 59.injured 60.falling 61.Hwever 62.bravely 63.t 64.What 65.mre imprtant
    单词拼写:66. annyed 67.cnfident 68.difference 69.requested 70.respnsible 71.schedule 72.addicted 73.extremely 74.Cmpared 75.athletes

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