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    这是一份2023-2024学年广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学高一上学期开学英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学2023-2024学年高一上学期开学英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学2023-2024学年高一上学期开学英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. The maths hmewrk lks easy. 以上句子中The maths hmewrk的成分是:
    A. 主语B. 谓语C. 宾语D. 状语
    2. There were nt many things we culd d when it was raining.主句的谓语动词是?
    A. wereB. culdC. dD. was
    3. We will make him ur mnitr. (分析句子结构)
    A. S+V+OB. S+V+DO+IOC. S+V+PD. S+V+O+OC
    4. My htel is near dwntwn, in the Missin District, ne f the ldest parts f the city.句中划线部分的成分是:
    A. 主语B. 同位语C. 宾语D. 状语
    5. Zhang Lei knws the destinatin quite well. 划线部分是什么短语?在句子中做什么成分?
    A. AdjP, 定语B. AdjP, 状语C. AdvP, 状语D. AdvP, 定语
    6. 选出以下句子的结构类型: He tells them a funny stry.
    7. “Ahrita Time” has actually allwed me t live in the mment.
    8. I have been waiting fr yu all the time.
    9. We made him ur mnitr. 划线成分是________
    A. 宾语B. 定语C. 状语D. 宾补
    10. I dn’t want t set dwn a series f facts in a diary as mst peple d.
    A. 宾语B. 宾补C. 表语D. 定语
    Three-day Tur Arrangement t Cambdia(柬埔寨)
    Day 1
    Welcme t Cambdia! Upn arrival, ur prfessinal guide and driver will greet yu at the airprt, and take yu t check in at the htel. The rest f the day is free fr yu t explre the city.
    Meals: N meals, advice freely available
    Accmmdatin: Tara Angkr (吴哥窟) Htel
    Day 2
    Angkr Thm (大吴哥窟) is regarded as the heart f Angkrian relics f Cambdia. After breakfast, we will head fr this ancient capital t enjy the wnderful carvings and sculptures (雕塑) at the suth gate.
    After that, fllw ur guide t tur Angkr Wat (小吴哥窟). It is the best-preserved Angkrian relic in the entire cuntry. It is famus fr its large number f excellent reliefs (浮雕). Later, we will hike up a muntain t enjy the sunset view at the Bakheng Temple. A beautiful Apsara Dinner Shw awaits yu in the evening.
    Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
    Day 3
    The fantastic sunrise ver Angkr Wat shuld nt be missed. Please get up early and have yur camera ready t capture the great scenes. After that, we will set ut fr a private ride t the Banteay Srei Temple. Magical reliefs n its red walls gain the greatest admiratin. After visiting a few lcal villages, we will head back dwntwn t stp by ther sites, Preah Khan Temple, Ta Prhm Temple and Ta Ke Temple.
    Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
    11. Which is cnsidered the center f Angkrian relics f Cambdia?
    A. Angkr Wat.B. Angkr Thm.
    C. Preah Khan Temple.D. Banteay Srei Temple.
    12. What can visitrs d when turing Angkr Wat?
    A. Drive t a private place.B. Admire the ancient Angkrian relic.
    C. Hst a beautiful Apsara Dinner Shw.D. Visit sme lcal villages.
    13. What’s the mst attractive part in the Banteay Srei Temple?
    A. A private ride.B. The hiking in a muntain.
    C. The magical reliefs.D. The fantastic sunrise.
    Once there was a dandelin (蒲公英) living alne by the rad. It felt bred and sad all day as n ne ever stpped t take a lk at r talk t it.
    One day, a mther was walking n the rad with her baby. The baby was crying hard and ludly. N matter what the mther did, she culdn’t get the baby t stp crying. Then the mther lked dwn, and she fund the lnely dandelin. It lked s lvely in the sun with its white seeds widely pen, and mre beautiful than ther plants arund.
    The mther squatted dwn, (蹲下) picking the dandelin sftly. Then she brught it up t her baby s that he culd see it clearly. When the baby saw the flwers f the dandelin, he quickly stpped crying and lked at them with interest.
    His mm put the dandelin near her muth and blew the flwers up and dwn. The dandelin seeds then flew in the air, spreading far away with the wind. The mther gave the dandelin t her sn. He didn’t knw what the plant was, but he knew it was fun t play with, which made him giggle (咯咯笑) s happily.
    Nw the dandelin knew its value and didn’t feel sad. It lived a beautiful life just by being itself. It wasn’t as beautiful as ther flwers, but it brught the child a simple kind f happiness that mney can’t buy.
    The dandelin’s stry tells us that everyne is special and great. We can help thers in ne way r anther. We’re far greater than we think we are.
    14. Why did the dandelin feel lnely at first?
    A. Because n ne nticed it .B. Because it left its mther.
    C. Because it lived by the rad.D. Because it had n friends.
    15. Which wrds can best describe the mther?
    A. Kind and hnest.B. Friendly and helpful.
    C. Patient and careful.D. Beautiful and funny.
    16. The dandelin felt happy at last because_______.
    A. it culd travel fartherB. it fund its value
    C. it was pwerful againD. it had mre seeds than befre
    17. What des the stry tell us?
    A. Great minds think alike.
    B. Tw heads are better than ne.
    C. Rme was nt built in a day.
    D. All things in their being are gd fr smething.
    Many educatrs fear students will use the artificial intelligence (AI) tl ChatGPT t write their reprts r cheat n hmewrk. But ther teachers are including it in the classrm.
    Dnnie Piercey is a teacher in Lexingtn, Kentucky. He tld his 5th-grade students t try and beat the tl that was creating writing tasks. Piercey says his jb is t prepare students fr a wrld where knwledge f Al will be required. He describes ChatGPT as just the newest technlgy in his 17 years f teaching that caused wrry abut the pssibility f cheating.“As educatrs, we haven’t wrked ut the best way t use AI yet,” he added. “But it’s cming, whether we want it t r nt.”
    One lessn in his class was a writing game between students and the machine.
    Piercey asked students t “Find the Bt” Each student wrte a shrt reprt abut bxer Muhammad Ali. Then they tried t find ut which was written by ChatGPT.
    After playing “Find the Bt”, Piercey asked his class what skills it helped them learn.“Hw t prperly summarize and crrectly capitalize wrds and use cmmas.” said ne student. Anther student felt that sentences written by students “have a little mre feeling... mre flavr.” Students Laksi and McCrmick, bth 10, said they culd see the gd and bad parts f wrking with chat bts. They can help students wh have truble putting their thughts int writing. McCrmick said students culd use it fr suggestins, but shuld nt use it t d all the wrk. “Yu shuldn’t take advantage f it,” McCrmick said, “Yu’re nt learning anything if yu type in what yu want, and then it gives yu the answer.”
    18. Which pinin will Dnnie Piercey pssibly agree with?
    A. The best way t use AI is t put it in classrm.
    B. Students shuld nt use AI fr all tasks.
    C. Students shuld be prepared t live with AI.
    D. AI is the best tl t help with students’ learning.
    19. In the game “Find the Bt”, students learned sme skills that can be prvided by AI EXCEPT _________.
    A. summarizing given texts prperlyB. capitalizing wrds crrectly
    C. crrect use f cmmasD. adding mre flavr t sentences
    20. ChatGPT is NOT suitable fr students wh_________.
    A. ttally depend n chat bts
    B. search fr sme suggestins
    C. want t learn smething with it
    D. have difficulty expressing thughts in writing
    21. In which sectin f the newspaper wuld yu prbably read this article?
    A. Envirnment.B. Histry.C. Travel.D. Science.
    A children-raising game called “Chinese Parents” has gained ppularity amng Chinese players recently with its real-life setting and realistic plts. Released n September 29, this nline game has received ver 13,000 cmments n Tencent WeGame and Steam, tw ppular gaming platfrms in China, in less than a mnth, accrding t data frm the tw platfrms.
    “Why nt re-experience the jy f changing yur life thrugh the game?” said Sun Shubin, a 28-year-ld in the city f Zib in east China‘s Shandng Prvince. He spent almst all his spare time n the game as sn as he dwnladed it.
    Players are respnsible fr cultivating their fictitius children nline. During the lifetime f these children, they must make vital chices fr them just like Chinese parents d in real life, such as chsing extra-curricular classes, deciding their majrs in universities, and even finding marriage partners fr them. A “child’s” physical cnditin, IQ level, and imaginatin can be imprved by attending curses arranged by the player “parents” in each rund f the game.
    “Frm the game, I als learned that nging effrts can bring abut great changes t ur lives,” Sun said. “I can understand my parents mre, and shw my appreciatin fr the hardships they have vercme fr raising and training me.”
    Chinese parents are mre likely t plan almst everything fr their children. Scial issues abut Chinese parents, families, and educatin f children tend t aruse heated discussins. “I integrated these ideas int the game, creating a sense f ‘rebirth’ fr players and driving them t experience a virtual child-rearing life thrugh entertainment,” said Yang Geyilang, the game prducer.
    Sme negative cmments were als made by the game players. “This game is smewhat cntrversial,” a player named Prducer Kahn cmmented, highlighting that althugh exams are imprtant, we cannt regard the scres as the nly standard t judge a child, which has becme a rutine fr many Chinese families.
    22. Why is the game s ppular?
    A Because the game can help players change life.
    B. Because the setting and plts are real t life.
    C. Because f the ppular gaming platfrms Tencent WeGame and Steam.
    D. Because the game received many cmments in a shrt time.
    23. Hw d players play the game?
    A. Organize classes fr player “parents”.
    B Make vital chices like selecting their “children” majrs.
    C. Raising their wn “children” in the virtual wrld.
    D. Experience the jy f changing lives.
    24. What’s the authr’s attitude t this game?
    A. ObjectiveB. SubjectiveC. FavrableD. Negative
    25. What des the passage mainly tell us?
    A. Players are given an pprtunity t re-experience life.
    B. Chinese games can als hit ppular gaming platfrms.
    C. A game leads t new parent-teen relatinship in China.
    D. Chinese players test parental skills in the virtual wrld.
    If yu feel depressed (消沉的), it’s best t d smething abut it—depressin desn’t just g away n its wn. In additin t getting help frm a dctr, here are fur things yu can d t feel better.
    Exercise. Take a 15-t-30-minute walk every day—r dance and bike if yu prefer.___26___But make yurself d it anyway. Once yu get in the exercise habit, it wn’t take lng t ntice a difference in yur md.
    Prvide yurself with gd nutritin. Depressin can affect appetite (食欲). One persn may nt feel like eating at all, but anther might vereat.___27___S eat plenty f fruits and vegetables and get regular meals (even if yu dn’t feel hungry, try t eat smething light, like a piece f fruit, t keep yu ging).
    Find ut trubles. ___28___When yu knw what’s gt yu feeling blue and why, talk abut it with a caring friend. Talking is a way t receive sme understanding. If there’s n ne t tell, puring yur heart ut t a jurnal wrks just as well.
    ___29___Depressin affects a persn’s thughts, making everything seem unhappy and hpeless. If depressin has yu nticing nly the negative, make an effrt t ntice the gd things in life. Try t ntice ne thing, and then try t think f ne mre. Cnsider yur strengths r gifts.
    Mst f all, dn’t frget t be patient with yurself. ___30___
    A. Lk n the bright side.
    B. Take actin t slve prblems.
    C. Depressin takes time t heal.
    D. Prper nutritin can affect a persn’s md and energy.
    E. Peple wh are depressed may nt feel much like being active.
    F. Try t make ut any situatins that have cntributed t yur depressin.
    G. With depressin, a persn’s creativity and sense f fun may seem blcked.
    A kindergarten teacher had decided t let her class play a game. The teacher tld each child in the class t bring alng a plastic bag ___31___ a few ptates. Each ptat will be given a(n) ___32___ f a persn that the child hates.
    And the ___33___ f ptates that a child will put in his/her plastic bag will ___34___ n hw many peple he/she hates. S when the day came, every child brught sme ptates with the name f the peple he/she disliked. Sme had 2 ptates; sme 3 while sme up t 5 ptates. The teacher then tld the children t carry with them the ptates in the plastic bag wherever they went, ___35___ t the tilet fr 1 week.
    Days passed by, and the children started t cmplain due t the ___36___ smell let ut by the rtten ptates. Besides, thse having 5 ptates als had t carry heavier bags. After 1 week, the children were happy and ___37___ because the game had finally ended.
    The teacher asked: “Hw did yu ___38___ while carrying the ptates with yu fr 1 week?” The children started cmplaining f the ___39___ that they had t carry the ___40___ and smelly ptates wherever they went.
    Then the teacher tld them the ___41___ meaning behind the game. The teacher said: “This is ___42___ the situatin when yu carry yur hatred fr smebdy inside yur heart. The very unpleasant smell f hatred will ___43___ yur heart and yu will carry it with yu wherever yu g. If yu cannt ___44___ the smell f rtten ptates fr just 1 week, can yu ___45___ what it is like t have the very unpleasant smell f hatred in yur heart fr yur lifetime?”
    31. A. stringB. cntainingC. packingD. attaching
    32. A. addressB. phtC. cardD. name
    33. A. numberB. sizeC. styleD. clur
    34. A. baseB. cuntC. dependD. shw
    35. A. neverB. evenC. yetD. already
    36. A. unclearB. unpleasantC. unusualD. unfrgettable
    37. A. relaxedB. cnfusedC. annyedD. tired
    38. A. liveB. rejectC. feelD. travel
    39. A. changesB. trubleC. fieldsD. drs
    40. A. differentB. valuableC. freshD. heavy
    41. A. variusB. hiddenC. surfaceD. accurate
    42. A. exactlyB. partlyC. rughlyD. eventually
    43. A. hurtB. imprveC. catchD. influence
    44. A. handleB. driveC. tlerateD. tell
    45. A. predictB. imagineC. chseD. decide
    As ____46____(teenager), yu have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nbel Prize, r they can be very small, fr example, yu may just want t becme the best student in yur class. Once yu find a dream, what d yu d with it? D yu ever try ____47____(make) yur dream cme true?
    Andrew Matthews, ____48____Australian writer, tells us that making ur dreams cme true is the biggest challenge in ur life. Yu may think yu are nt very gd ____49____sme schl subjects r it is ____50____(pssible) fr yu t becme a writer. These kinds f thughts stp yu ____51____(realize) yur dreams. In fact, everyne can realize his dream. Keep telling yurself ____52____yu want. D this step by step and yur dream will cme true earlier because a big dream____53____(make) up f many small dreams.
    Yu must als never give up yur dream. There will be many ____54____(difficult) n the rad t yur dreams but the biggest ne cmes frm _____55_____(yu). Yu need t decide what is the mst imprtant.
    56. Write smething abut yur first day f senir high schl. Try t use the wrds and phrases that yu have learnt. (亲爱的同学们,新的学习生活开始了。来到了新的学校、新的班级,认识了新的老师、新的伙伴,你一定有不一样的感受吧。现要求写一篇英语短文,叙述一下开学第一天的感受。)

    2023-2024学年广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学高三上学期开学英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学高三上学期开学英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题原卷版docx、广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学高二上学期10月期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学高二上学期10月期中英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月期中英语试题原卷版docx、广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共43页, 欢迎下载使用。

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