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    这是一份四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高三上学期一诊模拟考试英语试卷(Word版附答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了答非选择题时,必须使用0, 考试结束后,只将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共5 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    1. Wh will the speakers have dinner with?
    A. The man's father. B. The wman's sister. C. The man's mther.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their favrite fd. B. The weekend plan. C. The wman's trip.
    3. Where is the wman nw?
    A. In Ireland. B. In Spain. C. In Thailand.
    4. What still needs t be dne?
    A. Having a first team practice. B. Cllecting mney. C. Handing ut the schedules.
    5. Why can't the wman sleep at night?
    A. The baby keeps crying.
    B. Her mther mved in recently.
    C. She is nt used t her new rle as a mther.
    第二节(共15 小题; 每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
    6. Why des the man want t get a car?
    A. It is useful fr his wrk. B. He has gt a lt f mney. C. The new mdel is n sale.
    7. What d the speakers discuss in the end?
    A. The way f payment. B. The quality f the car. C. The functin f the car.
    听第7段材料,回答第8、 9题。
    8. Hw did the man respnd t the wman's first cmplaint?
    A. He ignred her. B. He argued with her. C. He aplgized t her.
    9. What's the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Hst and cleaner. C. Stre wner and custmer.
    听第8段材料, 回答第 10 至 12题。
    10. Where are the speakers?
    A. In the plice statin. B. On the rad. C. At the insurance cmpany.
    11. What did the man first suggest they d?
    A. Talk t the peple behind them.
    B. Pull ver t the side f the rad.
    C. Get their cars fixed tgether.
    12. Hw d the speakers deal with the situatin in the end?
    A. They call the plice.
    B. They g thrugh their insurance.
    C. They settle it between themselves.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
    13. What des the wman cmpare the ty t?
    A. A medicine. B. A ball. C. A hand.
    14. What age grup is the ty ppular with?
    A. Children. B. Teenagers. C. All age grups.
    15. Why d sme teachers dislike the ty?
    A. It leads t theft.
    B. It causes arguments in class.
    C. It makes students lse fcus.
    16. Wh is the actual inventr f the ty?
    A. An academic researcher. B. An IT prfessinal. C. A chemical engineer.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至 20题。
    17. Wh usually leads the intrductins?
    A. Matt. B. Steven. C. Karen.
    18. Where can yu find basketball equipment?
    A. Near the bathrms. B. At the center f the stre. C. Just t the right f the speaker.
    19. What is Andrew's main respnsibility?
    A. Ding the accunts.
    B. Using the cmputers t list prducts.
    C. Keeping the area neat and rganized.
    20. What will Laura d next?
    A. Help fill ut a frm. B. Pay fr gds. C. D sme sprts.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2分,满分 30分)
    Cmmunity Nticebard
    New Frest Bike Prject (NFBP)
    New Frest Bike Prject is a nt-fr-prfit cmmunity and scial rganizatin which takes in unwanted bicycles and then repairs, restres and relcates them. Aiming t help peple frm all walks f life get ut n tw wheels and enjy sme exercise as well as the beautiful New Frest! If yu wuld like t dnate any unwanted bikes, please drp them ff at Walkers Garage, Burley Rd, Brans gre BH23 8DE.
    Ringwd's Internatinal Festival f Street Perfrmance Art (RIFSPA)
    Held annually n March 15th frm 10: 30 a. m.-4: 30 p. m.
    WANTED: street perfrmers, musicians, chirs, bands etc. t entertain the crwds in the streets f Ringwd! If yu r yur grup are interested in taking part in this event, please cntact Rger Bettle 01425489350 as sn as pssible t ensure a place.
    Natural Wellbeing(NW)
    Weekly sessins using the natural envirnment t prmte adult health and wellbeing. Participants can be invlved in cking and sharing an utdr lunch, bird watching and utdr activities.
    Date: Every Friday Time: 11:00 a. m.-2:30 p. m.
    Bking: Tracyn01425472760rBlashfrdlakes@
    Lcatin: Blashfrd Lakes Nature Reserve, Ellingham Drve, near Ringwd BH24 3PJ
    Event charge: £4 dnatin
    Ringwd Health Walks(RHW)
    Guided by Vlunteer Walk Leaders, Walks are FREE fr anyne wishing t imprve their fitness with ne-hur walks.
    Start frm the Medical Center n the 1st and 3rd Tuesday in each mnth at 10: 30 a. m. Meet utside the Medical Centre.
    Cme alng and jin us; we are a friendly sciable grup. Fr mre infrmatin cntact Craig Daters n 01590 646 671.
    21. What can yu d thrugh NFBP?
    A. Give away ld bikes. B. Purchase used bikes.
    C. Hike in the New Frest. D. Wrk at Walkers Garage.
    22. Which f the fllwing is rganized nce a year?
    A. NFBP. B. RIFSPA. C. NW. D. RHW.
    23. What d NW and RHW have in cmmn?
    A. They each last a whle day. B. They are free f charge.
    C. Chances t exercise are prvided. D. Advance reservatins are required.
    Fr as lng as I can remember, my bdy and I have shared a relatinship f discntent. Grwing up, I was skinnier than the ther kids and at five I was tld I wasn't attractive and that I must put n sme weight. But n matter hw much I ate, I stayed thin fr years until adlescence. Then I started putting n weight almst immediately. I remember feeling happy as I began t fill ut. Hwever, my jy didn't last lng.
    I was thirteen when I was first called fat. Friends and neighburs wuld make jkes n my big size. As I entered my late teens, I had cmpletely lst cnfidence in my bdy and, subsequently, in myself. Having failed t live up t cnventinal beauty standards, I was cnvinced that if I wanted t be lved, I needed t ffer mre, ding anything t please everyne arund.
    I entered adulthd thinking I wasn’t “enugh”—an idea that was seeded nt nly by the fact that “skinny” is celebrated, but als by the language assciated with accunts f lsing weight—self-imprvement, discipline—all virtues. Being fat quickly categrizes yu as lazy and undisciplined. Cnsumed by thughts f the way my bdy lked, I didn't nt ice the ther ways my bdy needed attentin. Actually, I develped a rare disease and later I had tw surgeries.
    I was always made t feel that my weight was the rt f a lt f prblems in my life; I have learnt this is nt true. After a lt f self-reflectin and sme prfessinal help, I realized I never learnt t like myself. While tw decades f self-hatred cannt be undne vernight, I have taken first steps t acceptance.
    I am nw much lighter than befre, in bdy and mind. There are days I find vices n scial media saying I am t fat t be lved r t be wrthy, but I am learning nt t fcus n that thught fr lng. As lng as I like myself, just the way I am, pinins at the end f the day are just water ff a duck's back.
    24. What can we learn abut the authr frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. She culd change her weight at will.
    B. She had different beauty standards frm thers.
    C. She tried t lve thers t build her cnfidence.
    D. She was greatly influenced by thers' pinins.
    25. Why did the authr think she wasn't “enugh”?
    A. She was prly disciplined.
    B. She failed t celebrate “skinny”.
    C. She was labelled as lazy fr her weight.
    D. She put n mre weight after entering adulthd.
    26. What caused the authr t make a change?
    A. Her lighter bdy. B. A trublesme illness.
    C. Ppular beauty standards. D. Others' critical cmments.
    27. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Beauty matters. B. Opinins vary. C. Wrth yur weight. D. Beynd yur limits.
    One day in 1995,a large, heavy middle-aged man rbbed tw Pittsburgh banks in brad daylight. He didn't wear a mask and he smiled at surveillance cameras befre walking ut f each bank. Later that night, plice arrested a surprised McArthur Wheeler. When they shwed him the surveillance tapes, Wheeler stared in disbelief. “But I wre the juice,” he mumbled. Apparently, Wheeler thught that rubbing lemn juice n his skin wuld make him invisible t videtape cameras. After all, lemn juice is used as invisible ink s, as lng as he didn't cme near a heat surce, he shuld have been cmpletely invisible.
    The case caught the eye f the psychlgist David Dunning at Crnell University, wh enlisted his graduate student, Justin Kruger, t see what was ging n. They reasned that, while almst everyne hlds favurable views f their abilities in varius scial and intellectual fields, sme peple mistakenly assess their abilities as being much higher than they actually are. This “illusin f cnfidence” is nw called the “Dunning-Kruger effect”, and describes the cgnitive bias t inflate self-assessment.
    T investigate this phenmenn in the lab, Dunning and Kruger designed sme clever experiments. In ne study, they asked undergraduate students a series f questins abut grammar, lgic and jkes, and then asked each student t estimate his r her scre verall, as well as their relative rankings cmpared t the ther students. Interestingly, students wh scred the lwest in these cgnitive tasks always verestimated hw well they did—by a lt. Students wh scred in the bttm estimated that they had perfrmed better than tw-thirds f the ther students!
    Sure, it's typical fr peple t verestimate their abilities. The prblem is that when peple are incmpetent, nt nly d they reach wrng cnclusins and make unfrtunate chices, but als they are rbbed f the ability t realize their mistakes. In a semester-lng study f cllege students, gd students culd better predict their perfrmance n future exams given feedback abut their scres and rankings.
    Hwever, the prest perfrmers shwed n recgnitin, despite clear and repeated feedback that they were ding badly. Instead f being cnfused r thughtful abut their incrrect ways, incmpetent peple insist that their ways are crrect. As Charles Darwin wrte in The Descent f Man (1871):“Ignrance mre frequently begets cnfidence than des knwledge.”
    Interestingly, really smart peple als fail t accurately self-assess their abilities. As much as D-and F-grade students verestimate their abilities, A-grade students underestimate theirs. The difference is that cmpetent peple can and d adjust their self-assessment
    given apprpriate feedback, while incmpetent individuals cannt.
    28. Which f the fllwing statements abut the Dunning-Kruger effect is true?
    A. The effect is true fr everyne in daily life.
    B. It suggests that mst peple lack cgnitive abilities.
    C. Sme peple are vercnfident abut their abilities.
    D. The cnclusin is drawn based n a series f bank rbberies.
    29. What d the cllege students' behaviurs mentined in the experiments prve?
    A. Feedback plays a significant rle in estimating ne’s ability.
    B. Incmpetent peple have a rigid attitude twards their chice.
    C. Gd students can predict their future perfrmance accurately.
    D. Peple can't rely n their previus behaviur t make adjustments.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “begets” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. gives rise t. B. takes advantage f.
    C. makes up fr. D. breaks away frm.
    31. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Real knwledge is knwing the extent f ne's ignrance.
    B. It is difficult fr peple t evaluate their real cmpetence.
    C. Illusin f cnfidence is the majr surce f peple's failure.
    D. Thse with great abilities ften have a lw pinin f themselves.
    Like infectius diseases, ideas in the academic wrld are epidemic. But why sme travel far and wide while equally gd nes have been a mystery? Nw a team f cmputer scientists has used an epidemilgical mdel t simulate hw ideas mve frm ne academic institutin t anther. The mdel shwed that ideas riginating at famus institutins caused bigger “epidemics” than equally gd ideas frm less famus places, explains Allisn Mrgan, a cmputer scientist at the University f Clrad Bulder.
    “This implies that where an idea is brn shapes hw far it spreads,” says senir authr Aarn Clauset.
    Nt nly is this unfair—“it reveals a big weakness in hw we're ding science,” says Simn DeDe, a prfessr f scial and decisin sciences at Carnegie Melln university, wh was nt invlved in the study. “There are many highly trained peple with gd ideas wh d nt end up at tp institutins. They are prducing gd ideas, and we knw thse ideas are getting lst,”DeDe says .“Our science, ur schlarships, is nt as gd because f this.”
    The Clrad researchers first lked at hw five big ideas in cmputer science spread t new institutins. They fund that hiring a new faculty member accunted fr this mvement a little mre than a third f the time—and in 81 percent f thse cases, transmissins tk place frm higher t lwer prestige universities. Then the team simulated the spread f ideas using an infectius disease mdel and fund that the size f an idea “epidemic” depended n the prestige f the riginating institutin.
    The researchers’ mdel suggests that there “maybe a number f quite gd ideas that riginate in the middle f the pack, in terms f universities.” Clause t says. There is a lt f gd wrk cming ut f less famus places. She says: “Yu can learn a huge amunt frm it, and yu can learn things that ther peple dn't knw because they're nt even paying attentin.”
    32. Hw did the scientists carry ut their research?
    A. By making use f a mdel. B. By analysing previus data.
    C. By cmparing different results. D. By interviewing different peple.
    33. Accrding t Simn DeDe, what can we infer in Paragraph 3?
    A. All the peple with higher educatin have gd ideas.
    B. Sme schlarships aren't given t the right peple.
    C. Mst gd ideas cme frm nt-s-great institutins.
    D. Peple with higher educatin shuld wrk in tp institutins.
    34. What is the furth paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The causes f the results. B. The imprtance f the research.
    C. The findings f the research. D. The characteristics f big ideas.
    35. What maybe the best title fr the passage?
    A. Spread gd ideas as far as pssible.
    B. Best ideas cme frm tp institutins.
    C. Save gd idea s frm less famus places.
    D. Ideas frm tp institutins travel farther.
    第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2 分, 满分 10分)
    We have all seen nervus presenters in classrms and meetings. One effect f being nervus is mving frm side t side. 36 In fact, the audience can lse interest in a speaker wh des nt mve. Hw a speaker mves is imprtant. Whle-bdy mvement shuld be slw and planned t cmmand attentin. Such mvement helps t cmmunicate cnfidence. 37 But they lk at their ntes n a paper r at the screen if they have an electrnic presentatin.
    With psture, the typical prblem fr new speakers is that they are ften mving back and frth, and they’re nt facing the audience. They’ll ften be facing the white bard r the screen with slides and be talking t that rather than talking t the audience. The same thing with eye cntact with the audience, they find it really, really difficult, because they’ll be lking at their ntes, they’ll be lking at their cmputer, they’ll be lking at the screen, r they will be lking at the flr. The prblem f having ntes and trying t talk frm ntes ften is a big prblem. 38 The best way t avid this prblem is t use images and few wrds fr ntes instead f sentences. The image shuld help cmmunicate the pint yu want t make. Writing a few wrds with the image n yur slide helps yu remember that pint. Then yu can lk at the audience while speaking.
    39 When yu practice, remember these imprtant tips: be aware f yur psture, eye cntact, and gestures. 40 Then step by step, yu'll becme an excellent speaker.
    A. S they usually have eye cntact with the audience.
    B. S they have truble with eye cntact.
    C. An imprtant part f public speaking is practice.
    D. New public speakers knw that they shuld lk at the audience while they speak.
    E. A presenter des nt need t stand perfectly still.
    F. Imprve yur public speaking with bdy language.
    G. Lk fr pprtunities t speak and gain mre cnfidence.
    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30分)
    Sme f the greatest prblems we face tday are cncerned with the gradual destructin f ur envirnment. Brwn cluds; wildlife 41 ;plluted water. These 42 all seem s huge. S my family des what we can. We take clth bags t stres instead f using plastic bags. We walk where we dn't have t 43 .
    But des it d any gd?
    I recently learned smething abut flamings(火烈鸟). These beautiful birds gather in 44grups f a thusand r mre. Every year, when the time 45 fr migratin, a few flamings start the prcess by taking ff frm the lake. But 46 f the thers seem t ntice, s the tiny grup returns.
    Hwever, the next day they 47 again. This time a few mre struggle alng with them, but the vast majrity still 48 n attentin, s these pineers cme back.
    The 49 cntinues fr several mre days. Every time a few mre birds jin in but, 50the thusands f thers still take n 51 , the great migratin plan is nce again 52 .
    Then ne day smething 53 . The same small grup f birds takes wing and a tiny number mre jin in, just as befre. And this time their ttal number, thugh still quite 54 , is enugh t tip the balance. As ne, the whle grup takes flight and the migratin 55 . What a 56 sight it must be-thusands f flamings taking t the sky at nce!
    A few can make a 57 . It's true that all f the great prblems f the wrld have been slved because f the 58 effrts f a few.
    If yu believe in a cause, dn't 59 !Others will smeday take ntice and tgether we will60 even ur greatest prblems.
    41. A. prtectin B. extinctin C. migratin D. separatin
    42. A. questins B. csts C. examples D. prblems
    43. A. drive B. run C. cycle D. stand
    44. A. tiny B. different C. huge D. similar
    45. A. cmes B. passes C. varies D. mves
    46. A. all B. any C. nne D. mst
    47. A. gather B. attempt C. sing D. appear
    48. A. attract B. require C. escape D. pay
    49. A. plan B. trend C. activity D. mvement
    50. A. since B. thugh C. unless D. while
    51. A. respnsibility B. ntice C. chance D. measure
    52. A. put ff B. cut ff C. carried ut D. wrked ut
    53. A. appraches B. wrks C. changes D. disappears
    54. A. significant B. reasnable C. adequate D. small
    55. A. cntinues B. delays C. finishes D. begins
    56. A. familiar B. strange C. magnificent D. unrealistic
    57. A. pint B. decisin C. difference D. mistake
    58. A. useless B. tireless C. extra D. special
    59. A. give up B. give in C. give away D. give ut
    60. A. identify B. understand C. predict D. address
    第三部分 英语知识运用
    第二节(共10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)
    5G is develping, but mst f us aren't really sure what it is r the reasn 61 we need it. A big part f the reasn is that 5G means mre than ne thing. If yu ask different peple, yu 62 (prvide)with different answers.
    Experts believe that 4G is n 63 way ut. In 2020, the U. K. is expected t use 5G. At present, it is unknwn exactly what influence 5G will have n peple’s life but it is widely thught that 5G will64 (definite) be faster than any generatin f netwrks we have used previusly.
    Wrk will likely becme much easier as 5G will allw quicker dwnlads and a better ability t wrk nline even if there is n Wi Fi cnnectin. With the 65 (develp) f 5G, driverless cars will be able t cmmunicate 66 ther vehicles, which can reduce rad accidents by abut 10%. One f the mst67 (impress) things will be that peple can see which seats n a train are accessible t 68 (they)when it arrives at the statin. 69 (get) arund the wrld will als be mre cnvenient.
    A number f 70 (cmpany) are nw wrking n bringing 5G t the market. It remains t be seen hw much f the cuntry 5G will cver and whether everyne will be able t benefit frm it.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10 小题; 每小题1 分,满分 10分)
    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10 处, 多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。
    In my junir high schl, I was determine t enter my schl 's“ Speech Meet” cntest. I delivered f a speech abut gratitude and friendship but I wn first prize. I was awarded gld medal and I prudly hang it up in my rm.
    I full understd it, marking the first time that I had fund my vice. Even as a small adlescent, what I had t say were wrthy f being hearing. It gave us the curage t be mre utspken—t speak up and speak ut, wherever my wrds culd make a different.
    第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)
    你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以“My dream jb”为题写一篇发言稿参赛. 内容包括:
    1. 你的理想工作;
    2. 你选择的理由。
    1. 写作词数应为 100 词左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My dream jb
    Gd mrning, everyne.

    第一部分 听力(满分30分)
    1--5 ACCBC 6--10 AACAB11--15 BCBCC16--20 BAABA

    第一节 阅读理解(满分30分)
    21~23 ABC 24~27DCBC 28~31CBAA 32~35ABCD
    36-40 EDBCG

    第一节 完形填空(满分30分)
    41-45 BDACA 46-50 CBDBA 51-55 BACDD 56-60 CCBAD
    61. why 62. will be prvided 63. the 64. definitely 65. develpment 66. with
    67. impressive 68. them 69. Getting 70. cmpanies
    第四部分 第一节 短文改错(满分10分)
    determine -- determined ; f \ ; but -- and ; /\ a ; hang -- hung ; full -- fully ; were -- was ; hearing -- heard ; us -- me ; different -- difference
    My dream Jb
    Gd mrning, everyne. I feel it an hnr t address a speech titled “My dream jb”.
    Of the wide range f jbs arund us, I will chse t be a teacher. My mther accunts fr my chice first. Her cmmitment t teaching and happiness f being a teacher mtivate me. Additinally, it is the inquisitive faces frm my future students that reinfrce my idea. At last, I am eager t make a difference t thse fr whm educatin is their nly ticket t success.
    N nly will I spare n effrt t learn my lessns, but I will als develp sme qualities required t be a gd teacher. Thank yu!

    四川省成都市石室中学2024届高三上学期一诊模拟考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省成都市石室中学2024届高三上学期一诊模拟考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共25页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届四川省成都市第七中学高三上学期一诊模拟考试英语试卷: 这是一份2024届四川省成都市第七中学高三上学期一诊模拟考试英语试卷,文件包含24届高三理科英语一诊模拟考试试卷docx、24届高三理科英语一诊模拟考试试卷答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

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