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    (满分150分 考试时间:120分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. When will the bus mst likely cme?
    A. In five minutes.B. In ten minutes.C. In fifteen minutes.
    2. What des the man plan t d in Las Vegas?
    A. Buy a shirt.B. Buy a suitcase.C. Win a lt f mney.
    3. Hw des the wman feel abut her situatin?
    A. She is glad the wrst is ver.
    B. Her sister is wrse than befre.
    C. She wants t g back t her parents’ huse.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Making sandwiches.
    B. Buying fd fr a meeting.
    C. Earning mney fr an assciatin.
    5. Where des this cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a library.B. In an Internet café.C. In a cffee shp.
    6. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Use the man’s phne.B. Get a ride frm the man.C. Have her hair cut.
    7. Where is the wman’s car?
    A. Outside her ffice.B. At her hairdresser’s.C. Near the man’s building.
    8. Where des the wman buy mst f her music?
    A. Frm iTunes.B. Frm eMusic.C. Frm Ggle Play.
    9. What des the man seem t care abut?
    A. Saving mney n music.
    B. Cllecting a certain kind f music.
    C. Supprting independent musicians.
    10. Wh is the man ging t the mvies with?
    A. His sister.B. The wman. C. His friend Ray.
    11. What des the wman want t see?
    A. A musical.B. A dcumentary. C. An actin film.更多课件教案等优质滋源请 家 威杏 MXSJ663 12. What des the man dislike abut films like Rgue One?
    A. The music.B. The acting. C. The dialgue.
    13. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Dctr and patient. C. Bss and emplyee.
    14. Where des the wman wrk?
    A. In a hspital.B. At a university. C. At a tech cmpany.
    15. Hw lng has the wman been at her current jb?
    A. Fr abut ne mnth.B. Fr abut six mnths. C. Fr arund ne year.
    16. What is the man’s advice?
    A. Find a new jb.B. Take sme medicine. C. Wrk ut mre ften.
    17. Hw much f a discunt d Deluxe Pass buyers get?
    A. 10 percent ff.B. 12 percent ff. C. 15 percent ff.
    18. What is the cst f the three plans?
    A. $649, $849, and $1049.B. $619, $819, and $1019. C. $619, $849, and $1049.
    19. What will members receive if they pay befre Nvember 30?
    A. One free mnth.B. Seasnal discunts. C. Free parking passes.
    20. Wh can pay fr the membership n a mnth-t-mnth plan?
    A. Peple wh live in Califrnia.
    B. Peple wh purchase the Signature Pass.
    C. Peple wh buy the Signature Plus Pass.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    It’s an exciting mment when yu decide that yu are ging t study in the US! Befre yu start packing yur bags, here are several things that students need t have befre applying t study in the US.
    Applicatin fee and financial infrmatin
    Many students are nt aware that they have t pay an applicatin fee t apply t schls, clleges and universities in the US. While this might nt be a nrmal practice in ther cuntries, this is standard in the US.
    Applicatin fees can range in price depending n the schl. Sme schls charge as much as $90 while ther schls charge as little as $25. Generally, schls will waive(免除)the applicatin fee under certain financial circumstances. If yu need financial assistance t submit yur applicatin, cntact yur prspective university’s admissins ffice.
    In additin t the applicatin fee, students are required t shw prf f financial qualificatin. Generally, mst schls will require a cpy f yur bank statement but sme schls may allw ther dcuments t shw financial qualificatin.
    As yu are nt a citizen r permanent resident f the US, yu will need a passprt t study in the US. Schls in the US require prspective students t submit their passprt numbers n their applicatins. Withut a passprt, the schl will nt be able t issue the necessary frms fr a student visa, if accepted. Mst imprtantly, yur passprt must be valid(有效的)six mnths beynd the time yur planned studies have been cmpleted.
    Academic recrds and test scres
    There are many prgrams in the US and each has its requirements fr admissin. Sme schls will require students t submit SAT r ACT scres befre submitting their applicatins. As an internatinal student, yu will have t submit a TOEFL r IELTS scre fr cnsideratin t an undergraduate prgram.
    In additin, schls will require yur previus academic transcripts (reprts). These transcripts shuld be frm any previus learning institutin, such as a high schl. Obtaining academic transcripts can be a time-cnsuming prcess, s make sure t plan ahead.
    Applying t study in the US can be an verwhelming prcess but if yu remember these key elements needed t apply, yu’ll experience an easy and simple applicatin prcess.
    What is a must fr every internatinal student t apply t study in the USA?
    T pay applicatin fees. B. T prve their financial qualificatin.
    C. T submit SAT r ACT scres. D. T keep passprts valid fr 6 mnths.
    What can we knw frm the passage?
    A. The applicatin prcess is easy, simple but time-cnsuming.
    B. Paying applicatin fees is nt uncmmn in ther cuntries.
    C. The admissins ffice ffers lans t pr internatinal students.
    D. TOEFL r IELTS scres are vital fr an undergraduate prgram.
    In which clumn des the text prbably appear in the newspaper?
    A. American Campus. B. Slving Stress. C. Shared Future. D. Summer Fun.
    It was a bright spring afternn alng the Maryland cast, and Jnathan Bauer, 51, a technlgy executive at a hspital, and his 13-year-ld daughter, Ava, were taking full advantage f it. They were driving with the windws dwn as they headed hme n the 1.4-mile, tw-lane Rute 90 bridge, which spans the shallw waters f Assawman Bay. Suddenly, the calm was disturbed by a high-pitched nise.
    Nt far ahead f them, a black pickup was slipping frm ne lane t the ther. T the Bauers’ hrrr, it hit a BMW sedan and came t rest swinging ver the rail f the bridge.
    Bauer stpped his car and ran t the BMW. “Are yu OK?” he asked the driver. She ndded, t shcked t speak. And then the driver’s dr f the pickup was thrwn pen and a man climbed ut. He pinted dwn, saying smething in Spanish. In the water was a car seat. Next t it, a girl, abut tw years ld, was flating n her back, kicking and splashing and screaming.
    Bauer waited fr the pickup driver t d smething, but he didn’t. Maybe he was in shck. Bauer jumped int the shallw water quickly, swam t the drwning girl in a few quick strkes and lifted her ut f the water: muth half pen, eyes nearly clsed, nt breathing. Standing, he laid her against his shulder and hit her back with the flat f his hand. Cme n… cme n…
    And then a retching(干呕的)sund as cean water came streaming frm her muth. But still n breath. Anther hit n the back and anther retch, fllwed by an intake f fresh air, and then the beautiful sense f little fingers grasping him arund the neck. Her eyes were pened nw, fcused n him. A mment later a family n a rwbat pulled up and dragged Bauer and the little girl abard. The girl suffered a brken shulder but was therwise uninjured.
    Ava Bauer was s inspired by her father’s actins that fur mnths later she became a vlunteer firefighter s that she t culd save lives. “That girl is ging t live a whle life because f him,” she says. “It’s incredible.”
    24. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T uncver the Bauers’ feelings.
    B. T intrduce the upcming event.
    C. T describe a scene alng the cast.
    D. T explain the disturbed calm t us.
    25. What happened n the bridge?
    A. Slipping frm ne lane t the ther, a black pickup suddenly stpped.
    B. Having crashed int the Bauers’ car, a BMW sedan slipped int the cean.
    C. Due t the fine weather, the Bauers pulled up t enjy the wnderful view.
    D. Out f cntrl, a black pickup unfrtunately crashed int a BMW sedan.
    26. What can we knw abut the drwning girl?
    A. Withut Bauer’s help, she might have died.
    B. She was the black pickup driver’s daughter.
    C. She drpped ff the car seat t the grund.
    D. Right after Bauer hit her back, she breathed.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best describe Bauer?
    A. Innvative and perseverant.B. Friendly and cperative.
    C. Curageus and decisive.D. Intelligent and patient.
    A new study says that n matter hw much the wrld cuts back n carbn emissins, a large and imprtant part f Antarctica is expected t disappear.
    The study fcused n the melting f prtective ice arund Antarctica’s Amundsen Sea in western Antarctica. They said the “unavidable” melting will take hundreds f years, resulting in a rise f nearly 1.8 meters in sea levels. This melting will have a prfund impact n where and hw peple live in the future. The study, published in Nature Climate Change, warns that even if future warming was limited t just a few tenths f a degree mre, it wuld have “limited pwer t prevent cean warming that culd lead t the cllapse f the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.”
    The lead writer f the study, Kaitlin Naughten, explains that the research indicates that the Earth is n a path twards rapid cean warming and ice shelf melting ver the cming century. While past studies have talked abut hw serius the situatin is, Naughten was the first t use cmputer mdeling t study hw warm water frm belw will melt the ice. The study lked at fur different cases in hw much carbn emissins the wrld prduces. ln each case, cean warming was just t much fr this area f the ice t survive. It als lked at what wuld happen if future warming was limited t 1.5 degrees Celsius ver mid-19th century levels: the internatinal gal. They fund the runaway melting prcess in this case as well.
    The study primarily fcuses n the part f the West Antarctic Ice Sheet that is mst at risk f melting near the Amundsen Sea, including the Thwaites ice shelf, ften referred t as the “Dmsday Glacier”. Accrding t Eric Rignt, an ice scientist at the University f Califrnia Irvine, this area is already “dmed”(注定的)due t the rapid melting that has ccurred. Naughten des nt like t use the wrd “dmed”, because she said 100 years frm nw, the wrld might nt just stp but drive back carbn levels in the air and climate change. But she said what is happening nw n the grund is a slw cllapse that cannt be stpped, at least nt in this century.
    28. Accrding t the study, what will be the cnsequence f the “unavidable” melting f ice?
    A. A fast cllapse f the West Antarctica.
    B. A rise in sea levels t at least 1.8 meters.
    C. A change f peple’s living places and life.
    D. A significant reductin in carbn emissins.
    29.What is special abut Naughten’s research?
    A. Explaining why the Earth is n a path twards rapid cean warming.
    B. Adpting cmputer mdeling t study the pssibility f ice survival.
    C. Finding the runaway melting prcess in the furth case f cean warming.
    D. Cmparing fur cases in hw much carbn emissins the wrld prduces.
    30. What wuld Naughten mst prbably agree with?
    A. Ice shelf melting is unstppable at least in the century.
    B. The wrd “dmed” accurately describes the situatin.
    C. Carbn levels will never reach the internatinal gal.
    D. Past studied didn’t shw hw serius the situatin is.
    31. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T explain the impact f carbn emissins n Antarctica.
    B. T share the findings f a new study n Antarctic ice melting.
    C. T analyze the ptential cnsequences f rapid cean warming.
    D. T call fr immediate actin t prevent the Antarctic ice melting.
    In 1945, tw sculptures meant t represent the average man called Nrman and wman called Nrma in the United States went n exhibit at the American Museum f Natural Histry.
    That same year, a cntest was launched t find a living representatin f Nrma. Nrmal is ften used t mean “typical”, “expected”, r even “crrect”. By that lgic, mst peple shuld fit the descriptin f nrmal. And yet, nt ne f almst 4,000 wmen wh participated in the cntest matched Nrma, the suppsedly “nrmal” wman.
    This puzzle isn’t unique t Nrma and Nrman, either — time and time again, s-called nrmal descriptins f ur bdies, minds, and perceptins have turned ut t match almst n ne. S what des nrmal actually mean — and shuld we be relying n it s much?
    In statistics, a nrmal distributin describes a set f values that fall alng a bell curve(曲线). The average, r mean, f all the values is at the very center, and mst ther values fall within the hump(驼峰)f the bell. Nrmal desn’t describe a single data pint, but a pattern f diversity. Many human traits, like height, fllw a nrmal distributin. Sme peple are very tall r very shrt, but mst peple fall clse t the verall average. Outside f statistics, nrmal ften refers t an average like the single number pulled frm the fattest part f the bell curve that excludes all the nuances f the nrmal distributin. Nrma and Nrman’s prprtins(比例)came frm such averages.
    Applied t individuals, whether smene is cnsidered nrmal usually depends n hw clsely they get t this average. At best, such definitins f nrmal fail t capture variatin. When limited r inaccurate definitins f nrmal are used t make decisins that impact peple’s lives, they can d real harm. There were examples in histry.
    T this day, peple are ften targeted and discriminated against n the basis f disabilities, mental health issues, and ther features cnsidered “nt nrmal”. But the reality is that the differences in ur bdies, minds, perceptins, and ideas abut the wrld arund us — in shrt, diversity — is the true nrmal.
    What can we learn abut Nrman and Nrma?
    A. N participant fitted the descriptin f them in the cntest.
    B. They were n display as sn as they were cmpleted in 1945.
    C. They were bth named by the American Museum f Natural Histry.
    D. Peple viewed them as typical and crrect representatins f humans.
    Hw des nrmal in statistics differ frm nrmal utside f statistics?
    A. The frmer and the latter fall at ttally different pints f the bell curve.
    B. The frmer and the latter accunt fr different puzzles in ur daily life.
    C. The latter is a single number whereas the frmer shws a pattern f diversity.
    D. The latter ften indicates the distributin f a set f values but the frmer desn’t.
    What des the underlined wrd “nuances” in Paragraph 4 mst prbably mean?
    A. Pssibilities.B. Examples.C. Meanings.D. Differences.
    35. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. What Is Real Nrmal?
    B. When Are Humans Nrmal?
    C. Hw Des Nrmal Cause Harm?
    D. Why Shuldn’t We Rely n Nrmal?
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    ARE yu happy? Peple ften ask their friends this questin; it shws they care. It’s a questin that President Niclas Sarkzy f France seems keen fr scial scientists t ask in his cuntry. 36
    During the annual “tw sessins”, Chinese lawmakers and plitical advisrs are discussing hw t build “a happy China”.
    Many studies have shwn that wealthier natins tend t be happier than prer nes; and richer peple appear t be mre satisfied than the less rich. But a recent Canadian study shws that the happiest peple live in that cuntry’s prest prvinces (Nva Sctia), while thse in the richest (British Clumbia) are amng the least happy. Happiness is nt determined by wealth.
    Sme schlars als believe that happiness is what peple finally want and wealth is nly a means twards this end. 38
    S what is it that makes peple happy, if it isn’t mney?
    In the US authr Dan Buettner’s new bk Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zne Way, there is a hint. 39 Rather, Buettner fund that the fur happiest cities n Earth, which span the glbe frm Denmark t Mexic, give pririty t scial netwrks, health and well-being.
    Take Singapre as an example. The city-state has ne f the highest ppulatin densities in the wrld.
    40 Hwever, in a recent survey, 95 percent f peple said they were either very happy r quite happy. They gave their city high marks fr cleanliness and safety — subways are clean and trains abslutely arrive n time, and plice are helpful and gd at their jb.
    China has achieved a rapid GDP grwth and becme the wrld’s secnd largest ecnmy. Hwever, t build “a happy China”, we need t emphasize peple’s livelihds and quality f life ver fast ecnmic grwth. We need t lk fr alternative measures that wuld shw natinal prgress nt just by hw ur ecnmy is grwing, but by hw ur lives are imprving; nt just by ur standard f living, but by ur quality f life.
    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Sammie Vance, 14, knws there’s nthing wrse than feeling left ut. Fr years, she’s been helping thse kids make friends. What she has been ding is 41 the Buddy Bench prgram. Originally, the idea was that anyne at schl wh was feeling 42 culd sit n the “buddy bench”. That let ther kids knw smene needed a friend. The idea quickly 43 .
    Sammie gt the idea fr the 44 at summer camp in 2017. She thught it wuld be 45 t have a buddy bench in her schl, s when she gt back, she 46 the idea t her headmaster, teachers and her parents.
    Getting 47 fr the prject was just the first step. “There have been a lt f small 48 , like mney,” Sammie says. T reduce csts and be 49 , Sammie decided t make the bench ut f recycled material. S she rallied(号召)her 50 t gather bttle caps.
    Wrd f the prject gt ut, and sn Sammie was getting 51 frm peple in brader regins — all 50 states, and in the end she 52 mre than 1,200 punds. A cmpany called GreenTree Plastics was able t 53 these int three benches.
    54 , Sammie helped ther schls acquire benches. She has helped 55 mre than 20 benches t schls and parks by nw. Her 56 f kindness cntinues t spread far and wide.
    57 all the kids her prject has helped, Sammie benefits frm it, feeling grateful fr hw it gave her
    58 in s many different aspects f life.
    “ 59 as sme acts f kindness can be, they can make a significant difference and lead t a chain reactin,” she says. “Yu never 60 . Just be kind, in general.”
    A. planningB. fundingC. advcatingD. running
    A. depressedB. lnelyC. srrwfulD. uncmfrtable
    A. caught nB. came verC. set ffD. gt thrugh
    A. ambitinB. prgramC. taskD. instructr
    A. impracticalB. uncmmnC. ppularD. cl
    A. sldB. giftedC. tkD. reflected
    A. apprvalB. prmiseC. adviceD. hpe
    A. achievementsB. stepsC. challengesD. matters
    A. eye-catchingB. light-weighted C. gd-lkingD. ec-friendly
    A. relativesB. friendsC. cmmunity D. gvernment
    A. mneyB. capsC. benches D. praise
    A. madeB. raisedC. cllectedD. saved
    A. investB. divideC. breakD. recycle
    A. Befre lngB. Believe it r nt C. By cntrastD. By the way
    A. bughtB. brrwed C. dnated D. delivered
    A. behavirB. gestureC. faithD. lve
    A. DespiteB. Unlike C. AmngD. Besides
    A. hnrsB. lessnsC. attentinD. purpse
    A. TiringB. Small C. Regular D. Dull
    A. knwB. withdraw C. stp D. recall
    Sme entrepreneurs(企业家)are 61 (simple) brn with a gift f sniffing ut a gd business. Bryan L is ne f them. 62 (raise) in the smallest state in Malaysia, L wes his success t his parents intrducing him t business at an early age.
    It was 63 chance then that he realized the gaps in the Malaysian market fr tea. Peple were talking abut tea but didn’t have a place t g fr a “prper, mdern” tea, he said.
    Bubble tea, which cmbines Asian tea with milk r fruit syrups, riginated in Taiwan and has mst recently spread in 64 (ppular) arund the glbe. L then went t Taiwan, where he 65
    (expse) t the mdern tea drinking culture. After much research, he apprached the tp ten brands f tea makers t see if they’d expand with him in Malaysia, 66 nne f them had any interest in expanding int Malaysia’s market.
    And then thrugh a strke f luck, L’s friend mentined a Taiwanese cmpany called Zhi Qu Cha Tsai was pen t talking. S 67 then-24-year-ld flew t Taiwan and bught the franchise(经销权), changing the name t Chatime t fit int the Malaysian market. L pened his first Chatime stre in September 2010, and 68 (have) 172 stres with 880 staff acrss Malaysia up t nw.
    It seems there’s n stpping this yung, successful entrepreneur 69 hpes his cmpany can lead the way fr ther ASEAN cuntries, 70 (inspire) them as a rle mdel.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Because f my strng interest in math, s I dream f becming a mathematician. But every time I didn’t d well in the math exam, I felt really sad and wuld cry, which bthered us a lt. My math teacher suggested I tried t fix the prblems instead f just crying, an useless apprach. Therefre, I started by thinking lgically and discussing questins with my teacher frequent. Then I fund ut my weak pints when I needed mre practice, and gradually imprved myself. I made a habit t practise math ut f schl every day. Under the help f sme nline math apps, I’ve been mre enthusiastic abut the subjects. Nw I’m fully mtivating and that’s already half the battle.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Dear Jack,
    Lking frward t yur sharing. Best wishes.
    Li HuaWhere are peple happier?
    In China, it’s a cncern, t.
    But what is the measure f happiness?
    True happiness lies in struggling t be happy.
    And its peple are knwn fr being wrkahlics.
    It has nthing t d with their material wealth, intelligence r attractiveness.
    If s, the pririty nw given t ecnmic grwth wuld appear t be a mistake.

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