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    这是一份上海市闵行区2023-2024学年高三上学期学业质量调研试题(一模)+英语+Word版含答案,共20页。试卷主要包含了 本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1.A. In a grcery stre.B. At the wedding.C. In a restaurant.D. At a cafe.
    2.A. £120.B. £160.C. £180. D. £240.
    3.A. By taking trains.B. By taking caches.C. By renting a car.D. By taking a taxi.
    4.A. Exhausting.B. Pleasant. C. Bring.D. Educatinal.
    5.A. The wman’s tur t Zhejiang prvince.B. The wman’s university life.
    C. The wman’s impressin f the museum.D. The wman’s university tur.
    6.A. She is t tired t enjy the film.B. She has seen the film befre.
    C. She is eager t see the new film. D. She has n interest in the film.
    7.A. T express her sympathy.B. T lift the man’s spirits.
    C. T shw her disappintment. D. T highlight the man’s talent.
    8.A. She was as cnfident as she lked.B. She sang with all her heart.
    C. She culd hardly finish the sng.D. She felt extremely nervus.
    9.A. It’s much better than expected. B. It’s surprisingly utstanding.
    C. It’s average, nthing t write hme abut. D. It’s smething terrible he never fancied.
    10.A. He regretted nt having prepared sufficiently.
    B. He isn’t aware f the tpics f the speaking test.
    C. He has prepared everything fr the ral exam.
    D. He discussed the prepared tpics in the ral exam.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    11.A. Lw-incme Mexican students wh want t be pilts.
    B. Lw-incme Califrnian students wh live in Mexic.
    C. Lw-incme Mexican students wh live near the US brder.
    D. Lw-incme Califrnian students wh want t attend cmmunity clleges.
    12. A. $1,500.B. $7,200.C. $8,000.D. $10,000.
    13.A. Helping Califrnians becme lawmakers in the US.
    B. Increasing diversity amng wrkfrce in the US.
    C. Making it easy fr Mexicans t achieve educatin.
    D. Aviding lss f talent in the United States.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing speech.
    14. A. T reduce unemplyment rates.
    B. T increase wrkers’ salaries.
    C. T attract internatinal cmpanies t the UK.
    D. T check if a shrter wrkweek is achievable.
    15.A. T reduce emplyees’ expenses.B. T meet emplyees’ preferences.
    C. T increase prductivity. D. T fllw gvernment regulatins.
    16. A. A way t attract and keep talent.B. A trend in the wrkplace.
    C. A try-ut f a new wrkweek plicy.D. A demand fr higher pay.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17.A. High-quality equipment. B. A great amunt f practice.
    C. Persnal physical cnditin. D. Previus sprting experience.
    18.A. Infrm smene f yur return time. B. Stay mindful f yur surrundings.
    C. Tell smene hw yu can be identified.D. Use the mst advanced bard and sail.
    19.A. Teaching and sharing.B. Cnnectin with nature.
    C. Cmpetitins and challenges.D. Speed and excitement.
    20.A. Explre new windsurfing destinatins.B. Take part in windsurfing cmpetitins.
    C. Develp high-quality bards.D. Start a windsurfing business.
    Ⅱ. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    The rainfrests are alive with the sund f animals. Besides the pleasure f the nise, it is useful t eclgists. Listening ut fr animal calls is cnsidered a methd f measuring the bidiversity f a piece f land. (21)______ ______ it is much easier than digging under the bushes lking fr tracks, such analysis is time-cnsuming. It als requires (22)______ expert pair f ears.
    In a paper published in Nature Cmmunicatins, a grup f researchers led by Jörg Müller, an eclgist at the University f Würzburg, describe a better way: have a cmputer d the jb. Smartphne apps already exist thrugh (23)______ the sunds f birds r mammals (哺乳动物) can be identified.
    The researchers tk recrdings frm acrss 43 sites in the Ecuadrean Rainfrest (厄瓜多尔雨林). Sme sites were relatively primitive, ld-grwth frests. Others were areas that (24)_____ (clear) fr pasture (牧场) already. Sund recrdings were taken fur times every hur, ver tw weeks. The varius calls were identified manually by an expert, and then used t cnstruct a list f the species present. As expected, the lnger the land had been free frm agricultural activity, the mre significant the bidiversity it hsted.
    Then it was the cmputer’s turn. The researchers fed their recrdings t (25)______(train) AI mdels, using sund samples frm elsewhere in Ecuadr, t identify 75 bird species frm their calls. They fund the AI tls culd identify the sunds as well as the experts.
    Nt everything in a rainfrest makes a nise. Having used light-traps t capture night-flying insects and DNA analysis (26)______ (identify) them, Dr Müller and his clleagues fund the diversity f nisy animals was a reliable indicatr fr the diversity f the quieter (27)______, t.
    The results may have relevance utside eclgy departments, t. Under pressure (28)______ their custmers, sme make-up cmpanies and il firms have been spending mney n frest restratin prjects. Dr Müller hpes an autmated apprach t (29)______ (check) n the results culd help mnitr such effrts. This methd wuld als prvide a standardized way t measure (30)______ they are wrking as well as their spnsrs say.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    What Lies Beneath
    “Earth” has always been an dd chice f name fr the third planet frm the Sun. After all, an alien (外星人) examining it thrugh a telescpe wuld nte that tw-thirds f its surface is
    31 nt f land but f ceans f water. Marine bilgists think the ceans might hst mre than 2,000,000 species f marine animals, f which they have s far 32 perhaps a tenth.
    A new 33 hpes t change this. Smthly launched in Lndn n April 27th, Ocean Census (海洋普查) aims t discver 100,000 new species f marine animal ver the cming decade.
    The attempt is happening nw fr tw reasns. One is that, the lnger scientists 34 , the fewer there will be t dcument. Climate change is heating the ceans, as well as making them mre acidic as carbn dixide is absrbed int the water.
    The secnd ne is technlgical. Marine bilgists discver abut 2,000 new species a year, a rate hardly changed since Darwin’s day. Ocean Census is 35 it can g faster. “Cyber taxnmy (网络分类学)”, fr instance, invlves feeding animal DNA infrmatin int cmputers, which can quickly decide whether it meets the 36 fr a new species.
    Exactly what the new effrt might turn up, f curse, is impssible t frecast. But histry suggests it will be fruitful. Half a century ag scientists detected ht penings n the sea bed that were hme t rganisms living happily in cnditins that, until then, had been thught 37 t life. These days, such penings are ne credible 38 fr the rigin f all life n Earth.
    Mre practical benefits can’t be ignred. Many drugs, fr example, cme riginally frm bilgical 39 . An cean full f unrecrded life will almst certainly prve a rich seam (矿层) frm which t 40 mre.
    T help make use f its data, Ocean Census plans t make it attainable t scientists and the public withut charge, wh will be able t search it fr anything valuable r unexpected.
    Ⅲ. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Man the Hunter, a key idea in human sciences, prpses that hunting was a majr driver f human evlutin and that men cnducted this activity, leaving wmen ut. It hlds that human ancestrs had a divisin f 41 , rted in bilgical differences between males and females, in which males evlved t hunt and prvide, and females tended t children and dmestic duties. It assumes that males are 42 superir t females and that pregnancy (怀孕) and child-caring reduce r eliminate (根除) a female’s ability t hunt.
    Man the Hunter has dminated the study f human evlutin fr nearly half a century and spread thrugh ppular 43 . It is represented in museum displays and textbk figures, Saturday mrning cartns and feature films. The thing is, it’s 44 .
    Researchers lk at the damage n ur ancestrs’ remains fr clues t their 45 . Neandertal females and males d nt vary in 46 patterns r exhibit sex differences in diseases frm repetitive actins. Their skeletns shw the same mdes f wear and tear. This discvery implies that they were engaging in 47 activities, frm hunting large game animals t prcessing fur fr leather.
    Observatins f recent and cntemprary scieties prvide direct evidence f wmen 48
    hunting. Agta peple f the Philippines, 49 , hunt while pregnant and breastfeeding, and they have the same hunting success as Agta men.
    A recent study f crss-cultural bservatinal data lasting the past 100 years—much f which was 50 by Man the Hunter cntributrs—fund that wmen frm a wide range f cultures hunt animals fr fd. 79 percent f the 63 scieties with clear descriptins f their hunting strategies reprtedly feature wmen 51 . The wmen are invlved in hunting regardless f their childbearing status.
    Much abut female exercise science and the 52 f prehistric wmen remains t be discvered. But the idea that in the past men were hunters and wmen were nt is abslutely
    53 even by the limited evidence we have. Nw when yu think f “cave peple”, we hpe, yu will imagine a(n) 54 grup f hunters surrunding a deer r hitting stne tls tgether rather than a heavy-brwed man with a heavy stick ver ne shulder. Hunting may have been remade as a 55 activity in recent times, but fr mst f human histry, it belnged t everyne.
    A. fdB. labrC. resurceD. pwer
    A. technicallyB. sciallyC. physicallyD. intellectually
    A. culture B. beliefC. science D. awareness
    A. wrngB. unbelievable C. simple D. reasnable
    A. emtin B. appearanceC. dietD. behavir
    A. injuryB. interactin C. grwthD. settlement
    A. varius B. identical C. utdrD. manual
    A. taking verB. suffering frmC. lnging frD. participating in
    A. in fact B. as a whleC. fr instance D. as a result
    A. qutedB. ignredC. cllectedD. stred
    A. supprtersB. pineersC. leadersD. hunters
    A. hbbiesB. statusC. livesD. rights
    A. establishedB. unsupprtedC. develpedD. misguided
    A. ever-grwingB. self-gverningC. mixed-sexD. multi-cultural
    A. teamB. sprtingC. leisureD. male
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have read.
    Canada geese are a cmmn and plentiful Nrth American bird fund in many urban parks, glf curses, airprts, r areas with large lawns near water. They are a large waterbird with a fairly brwn bdy, pale breast, and lng black neck with white cheeks.
    Canada geese are particularly attracted t urban areas fr the many grassy lawns near small bdies f water. They can ften be seen feeding n lawns r playing in shallw water by tipping frward and extending their necks underwater t reach fr plants. Canada geese prefer t gathering in large flcks (群) and can be seen flying ver in the classic V frmatin.
    In Chicag, Canada geese may remain in the city thrughut the year, althugh sme geese get used t mving lng distances t mre suthern sectins fr the winter r nrthward in spring t breed. Each breeding seasn, pairs build large pen cup grund nests and lay 2 t 8 eggs which are raised in a single brd (窝). Urban habitats are als attractive t this species as neatly-maintained lawns make it easy when grazing with yung t keep watch fr appraching enemies. It is, hwever, their use f these urban areas that ften leads t cnflicts with humans.
    As Canada geese numbers rise, s d their cnflicts with humans. Canada geese’s daily activities may damage gardens and landscaping. Geese may als crss rads when searching fr fd r walking between nesting sites and bdies f water, slwing mvement r psing a ptential risk n the radway. Althugh direct injuries by fierce geese are uncmmn, peple smetimes fall and pick up injuries when surprised by a charging gse. Additinally, peple ften feed the birds. Nt nly are the types f fd peple typically prvide, such as bread, unhealthy fr the birds, but this encurages high cncentratins f geese leading t mre harmful behavir and higher risk f diseases. Lastly, plane-bird cnflicts are estimated t be rising, likely due t increasing numbers f planes, but als increases in ppulatins f certain bird species, including Canada geese. Althugh crashes rarely result in an accident, they ften cause cstly damage t planes.
    56.What d we knw abut Canada geese frm the first and secnd paragraph?
    A. They are a valued and rare species.
    B. They like t spend time near water.
    C. They always live quietly and separately.
    D. Their appearance is in a unifrm and single clr.
    57. Which f the fllwing wrds frm the passage is similar in meaning t “grazing” (paragraph 3)?
    A. feeding (paragraph 2)B. playing (paragraph 2)
    C. gathering (paragraph 2)D. mving (paragraph 3)
    58.Frm the sentence “Althugh direct injuries…” (in the last paragraph), we knw that Canada geese are likely t __________.
    A. adre humans B. threaten humansC. frustrate humansD. safeguard humans
    59. Accrding t the last paragraph, which f the fllwing is nt the truble caused by an increasing number f geese?
    A. Frequent air crashes. B. Damage t city view.
    C. Traffic jam and danger.D. Indirect human injuries.
    60. Why is Gazelle Twin’s music cnceptual?
    A. Her recrds are usually abut ghsts.B. The album’s structure is a tp pririty.
    C. The wrd “cnceptual” itself is attractive. D. Her music is highly mtivated by themes.
    61.In the secnd part f the interview, “this ther persn” mst likely represents __________.
    A. spiritual grwthB. vivid imaginatin
    C. inner self-awarenessD. external interventin
    62. Which f the fllwing can be inferred frm Gazelle Twin’s respnse in the interview?
    A. She tends t take the bigger picture int accunt.
    B. Her future planning is prfit-driven t sme extent.
    C. Black Dg has already becme a hit album wrldwide.
    D. She expresses willingness t help the ptential musicians.
    Hw t Recruit (招聘) with Sfter Skills in Mind
    Sft skills matter t emplyers. An analysis f almst 5000 jb descriptins shwed cmpanies have shifted away frm emphasizing financial and peratinal skills twards scial skills—an ability t listen, reflect, cmmunicate and empathise (共情).
    The truble is that sft skills are hard t measure. Wrse still, the cnventinal prcess fr recruiting peple is ften better at recgnizing ther qualities. The early phases f recruitment fcus n screening candidates based n their experiences and hard skills, criteria that are easiest t assess remtely. The later phases, when candidates and emplyers engage in actual cnversatin, are better suited t assessing an applicant’s sfter skills. Think f hw fundamentally unscial the situatin is! Candidates are expected t talk, nt listen; t impress, nt empathise. Structured interview scripts enable like-fr-like cmparisns but they als limit the space fr naturalness.
    Tw recent studies f what makes fr a gd team member agree n what might be described as an ability t read the rm. One research fund peple wh can accurately judge the level f influence held by varius team members pssess a magic pwer called “status acuity”. Such rm-readers reduce grup cnflict and enhance team perfrmance. They accrdingly designed a test, in which participants watched a vide f a grup perfrming a task. The participants then rated members f the grup based n hw much respect each was perceived t hld. Peple whse ratings were clsest t the assessments f the team members themselves had the quality f status acuity.
    The ther study fund that certain individuals cnsistently made their grups perfrm better than expected. Such peple are genuine team players, capable f making the whle greater than the sum f the parts. These wnderful creatures did nt stand ut frm their peers n IQ tests. But they did significantly better n the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” test, an assessment in which participants are shwn pictures f varius facial expressins and then have t pick the wrd that best describes what each persn is feeling.
    Better tests are nt the nly way t gather mre infrmatin abut sft skills. Dn’t just have peple higher up the fd chain ask interview questins. Ask the peple wh interact casually with applicants, frm the assistants t the receptinists, what they thught f them.
    Undeniably, peple may succeed in faking their way thrugh the prcess. And there may be mre rm fr interviewers’ prejudice t emerge. Finding smene annying may be a signal that smene lacks scial skills. But it may als mean that they are nervus r that interviewers are bad-tempered. Recruitment is set t change and is unlikely t becme less challenging.
    63.What makes the recent recruitment prcess distinct frm the traditinal ne?
    A. Priritizatin f sft skills.
    B. Fcus n a screening methd.
    C. Dependence n structured interview scripts.
    D. Emphasis upn financial and peratinal skills.
    64.Accrding t the third and furth paragraph, a persn with the ability t read the rm is capable f __________.
    A. adjusting ne’s behavir r attitude swiftly t fit the cntext
    B. understanding the individual’s perspective t respnd apprpriately
    C. reslving grup cnflict r judging facial expressins in a situatin
    D. interpreting individual’s rle within a team r their md
    65.What is the purpse f the tw studies mentined in the passage?
    A. T identify ways t perfect structured interview scripts.
    B. T discver shrtcuts fr testing and identifying sft skills.
    C. T explre recipes fr cultivating a qualified team member.
    D. T intrduce methds f imprving candidates’ nn-technical skills.
    66. What can be implied frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Integrating sft skills assessment int a hiring prcess wn’t intrduce side effects.
    B. Emplyees in lwer psitins may prvide useless insights int applicants’ sft skills.
    C. Interviewers’ prejudice may influence their fair assessments and perceptins f candidates.
    D. There is n pssibility f individuals successfully deceiving thers during the interview.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    The Meaning and Pwer f Smell
    A survey revealed that smell can cause strng emtinal respnses. A smell cnnected with a gd experience can please us, while an dur (气味) bnded with a bad memry may disgust (使恶心) us. 67 Such assciatins can be s pwerful that durs generally labelled unpleasant becme agreeable, and thse generally cnsidered sweet becme disagreeable fr particular individuals.
    68 One respndent believes there is n true emtinal bnding withut smelling a lved ne. Infants recgnize their mthers’ durs sn after birth. Individuals were able t distinguish by the smell alne clthing wrn by their partners frm similar clthing wrn by ther peple.
    Despite its imprtance t ur emtinal and sensry lives, smell is prbably the mst undervalued sense in many cultures. While ur lfactry (嗅觉的) pwers are nthing like as fine as thse pssessed by certain animals, they are remarkably sensitive. 69 6
    Odurs, unlike clurs, can’t be named in many languages because the specific vcabulary simply desn’t exist. “It smells like ...,” we have t say when describing an dur, struggling t express ur lfactry experience. Nr can durs be recrded: there is n effective way t capture r stre them ver time. 70 Smells cnsidered ffensive in sme cultures may be acceptable in thers. Therefre, ur sense f smell is a means f interacting with the wrld. The study f the cultural histry f smell is indeed an investigatin int the essence f human culture.
    Ⅳ. Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint (s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Emtinal Preparedness: Managing Life’s Challenges
    Expecting the wrst t avid feeling bad later is knwn as “bracing”. It may help peple prepare fr emtinally challenging situatins, particularly in the mments befre these situatins ccur. Peple brace fr the wrst while waiting fr ptentially negative utcmes. Smene might als brace fr the wrst in anticipatin f stressful events like giving a presentatin at wrk.
    Sme psychlgical theries suggest that bracing shuld help. Fr example, “decisin affect thery” prpses that hw we feel abut a situatin is determined partly by cmparing what actually happened with what culd have happened. Based n this, peple shuld be happy when an event ges beynd their expectatins, and disappinted when an event falls behind. Therefre, by anticipating the wrst, ne can safeguard themselves against future disappintment, because any result will likely surpass (优于) expectatins.
    Hwever, ther psychlgical theries challenge the idea that bracing will be helpful. It has been therized and scientifically established—that expectatins can pwerfully influence reality. There are tw key ways that expectatins can shape reality. First, peple may behave in ways that fit with their expectatins. If yu expect t fail an upcming test r interview, then yu might nt invest effrts in preparatin, which in turn reduces yur chances f ding well. Secnd, peple may interpret a situatin in line with their expectatins. Imagine yu believe yu are insufficiently qualified fr a jb yu’ve applied fr. During the jb interview, yu’re likely t interpret blank expressins frm the interviewer in line with this belief, which culd negatively affect yur perfrmance. In fact, the interviewer did nt want t give anything away.
    Drawing tgether the scientific studies, it seems that expecting the wrst is nt a wise way t prepare fr upcming news r results.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 这道菜趁热吃味道最好。(taste)
    73. 除了特效之外,这部电影的情节和演员的表演也可圈可点。(wrth)
    74. 指望他帮助毫无意义,他也束手无策。(cunt n)
    75. 她梦想记录祖国的壮丽风景, 这激励她去探索自然中尚未被发现的角落,并通过 摄影来保留那份美丽。(which)
    Ⅵ. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120 - 150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    假设你是明启中学的李华,你们学校正在开展“花香进校园”活动,一方面开设园艺选修课,让学生了解花的习性; 另一方面人人动手实践,用花装扮校园,创建优美的生活学习环境。请你写一封邮件给你的英国笔友Jim, 介绍此次活动。
    2. 举例说明该活动对你的影响。
    2023学年第一学期高三年级学业质量调研英语学科 听力录音文字
    现在是闵行区2023学年第一学期高三年级学业质量调研 英语学科 听力测试时间。
    Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins:In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1.W: Lk at the menu, dear. Everything lks t expensive, even green salad.
    M: Have anything yu like, hney. Tday is ur wedding anniversary.
    Q: Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    2. W: One way ticket is 60 punds and ne rund trip ticket is 80 punds. Buy tw and yu’ll get anther ne fr free.
    M: Three rund trip tickets, please.
    Q: Hw much shuld the man pay fr his tickets?
    3.W: Hw are yu ging t travel in Eurpe? It is said that trains and caches are very cnvenient there.
    M: That’s true. But, since we have a lt f luggage, we are ging t rent a car fr ur rad trip.
    Q: Hw will the man mst prbably travel in Eurpe?
    4.W: Hi, Jim, welcme back. Hw was yur city walk in Shanghai?
    M: It was delightful, althugh I was a little bit wrn ut n the way back.
    Q: Hw des the man feel abut the city walk?
    5.M: Did yu g back t Zhejiang University fr the celebratin last weekend?
    W: Yes, we arrived at nn. And tw cllege freshmen shwed us arund the new schl histry museum.
    We were deeply impressed.
    Q: What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    6.M: D yu want t catch a film at the new cinema?
    W: Sunds great, but I can’t keep my eyes pen.
    Q: What can we learn abut the wman?
    M: My painting was nt selected fr the graduatin exhibitin. I thught the prfessrs had appreciated my wrk.
    W: I knw it’s disappinting, but remember, it's just ne exhibitin. Yur talent will shine elsewhere!
    Q: What is the wman trying t d?
    8.M: I saw yu perfrm at the party yesterday. Yu were s cnfident. Yu didn’t lk nervus at all.
    W: T be hnest, my heart was in my muth when it was my turn t sing.
    Q: What des the wman mean?
    9.W: Is the fd in the new schl cafeteria as gd as peple say?
    M: Well, it’s nt bad, but nthing fancy.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    10.W: Hw did yu d n the speaking test?
    M: If nly I had prepared all the tpics that needed t be discussed.
    Q: What can we learn abut the man?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Califrnia Gvernr signed a law last week permitting lw-incme Mexican students t pay the same cst as Califrnians t attend sme cmmunity clleges. The law starts next year and will run as a pilt fr five years. The prgram is pen t Mexican students wh live within 72 kilmeters f the US brder in Califrnia.
    In Califrnia, the average yearly cst fr residents at cmmunity clleges is $1,500, while fr ut-f-state students, it’s nearly $10,000. This initiative culd mean savings f ver $8,000 fr qualifying Mexican students.
    Many Mexicans travel between the tw cuntries t wrk r visit family. The law will help make educatin readily available t prepare them fr jbs. The prgram wuld als help prepare a mre diverse ppulatin amng the wrkfrce.
    A typical example is Suthwestern Cllege in Califrnia, just 11 kilmeters frm the US brder with Mexic. Many students at the schl split their time between the tw cuntries. This pilt can avid the risk f lsing talent.
    (Listen again, please)
    11.Accrding t Califrnia Gvernr, whm is the law signed intended t help?
    12.Accrding t the passage, hw much is the annual cst at cmmunity clleges fr students frm utside the US?
    13.Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is nt a benefit f the new prgram?
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing speech.
    Hey flks, exciting news frm the UK! There’s this massive fur-day wrkweek experiment happening, rganized by 4 Day Week Glbal – it’s like the biggest thing f its kind wrldwide. Imagine this: ver 3,000 wrkers frm 70 different cmpanies, cvering educatin, banking, IT, marketing, and healthcare, are part f this game-changer.
    S, here’s the deal: these wrkers are aiming t maintain their full pay while wrking 80% f their usual time, still prducing 100% f their typical utput. Why? Yu knw, ur ideas abut wrk hurs have cmpletely shifted with the changes in the way we wrk. Peple are all abut that reduced wrk time these days.
    Cmpanies are feeling the heat with emplyees jumping ship left and right. They’re pulling ut all the stps t keep and attract talent – mre cash, mre remte wrk ptins, and nw, the fur-day wrkweek is stealing the sptlight. Emplyers are catching n t the reality that the wrk landscape has undergne a significant transfrmatin, and a shrter wrkweek is in high demand.
    This experiment isn’t just a ne-ff. It’s part f this brader trend where cmpanies are understanding what their peers desire – mre adaptability. It’s all abut adapting t the new energy f the wrkplace. Exciting times, right?
    (Listen again, please.)
    14.Accrding t the speech, what is the purpse f the fur-day wrkweek experiment?
    15.Why are cmpanies eager t test the fur-day wrkweek prgram?
    16. What is the speech mainly abut?
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    M: Welcme t tday’s prgram! We’re diving int the exciting wrld f windsurfing, an exciting water sprt that cmbines sailing and surfing. Jining us is windsurfing enthusiast Lily Jenkins. Lily, d yu need extensive practice t becme skilled in windsurfing?
    W: Well, it largely depends n individual fitness levels. Previus experience in related sprts might help t. Interestingly, investing in expensive, high-quality bards desn’t seem t make a significant difference.
    M: Safety is a tp cncern fr ur audience. Any key pints t keep in mind while windsurfing?
    W: Abslutely. Make sure t infrm smene when yu’re due back and describe the clrs f yur bard and sail fr easy identificatin in case f emergencies. Als, be aware f yur surrundings and avid pushing yurself t hard n the water.
    M: Yes, these are all crucial cnsideratins when windsurfing. What d yu find mst enjyable abut windsurfing?
    W: I teach windsurfing every summer, helping thers enter the sprt; yu knw, having smene t share my passin and experiences with has been invaluable.
    M: And lking ahead, what are yur future plans in windsurfing?
    W: I’m cnsidering the idea f engaging in pen sea races — an exciting pprtunity t push my limits and pursue persnal achievement.
    M: Thank yu, Lily, fr sharing yur windsurfing insights and yur visin fr the sprt.
    (Listen again, please.)
    17. Accrding t Lily, what is the mst imprtant factr in becming gd at windsurfing?
    18. Which f the fllwing is nt the advice Lily gives n safety?
    19. What aspect f windsurfing des Lily find mst enjyable?
    20. What might Lily d in her future windsurfing?
    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    1. C2. B3. C4. B5. D6. A7. B8. D9. C10. A
    11. C12. D13. A14. D15. B16. C17. C18. D19. A20. B
    评分标准:第1—10 每小题1分;第11—20 每小题1.5分。
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    21. Even thugh / Even if22. an23. which24. had been cleared25.trained
    t identify27. nes 28. frm29. checking30. whether / if
    Sectin B
    31.G 32. C33. I34. E35. F36. B37. K38. D39. J40. A
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    41. B42. C43. A44. A45. D46. A47. B48. D49. C50. B
    51. D52. C53. B54. C55. D
    Sectin B
    56. B57. A58. B59. A60. D61. C62. A63. A64. D65. B66. C
    Sectin C
    67. E68. A69. D70. B
    IV. Summary Writing
    (Fr reference nly)
    One pssible versin:
    “Bracing” invlves anticipating the wrst t prepare fr emtinal challenges. Psychlgical theries, such as decisin affect thery, prpse its benefits in managing expectatins. Hwever, ther theries cautin that expectatins can negatively shape reality, influencing behavir and interpretatin. Scientific studies suggest hlding psitive expectatins may be wiser than always bracing fr the wrst.
    1.Bracing的定义“Bracing” invlves anticipating the wrst t prepare fr emtinal challenges.
    3.结论Scientific studies suggest hlding psitive expectatins may be wiser than always bracing fr the wrst.
    1.Psychlgical theries, such as decisin affect thery, prpse its benefits in managing expectatins.
    2.Hwever, ther theries cautin that expectatins can negatively shape reality, influencing behavir and interpretatin.
    V. Translatin
    (Fr reference nly)
    72. 这道菜趁热吃味道最好。(taste)
    The dish tastes best when (it is) ht.
    In additin t (Besides) the special effects, the plt and the acting f the actrs in this mvie are wrth praising.
    指望他帮助毫无意义,他也束手无策。(cunt n)
    There’s n pint in cunting n him (fr help/ assistance), because he is helpless (at a lss), t/ himself.
    ( there was nthing he culd d.)
    75.她梦想记录祖国的壮丽风景, 这激励她去探索自然中尚未被发现的角落,并通过摄影来保留那份美丽。(which)
    She dreams f capturing the magnificent landscapes f her hmeland, which mtivates her t explre the untuched crners f nature and preserve its beauty thrugh (with) her phtgraphy.
    评分标准:第72—73 每题3分;第74题4分;第75题5分。
    VI. Guided Writing
    评分标准:本答题满分25分。A. mine
    B. criteria
    C. catalged
    D. candidate
    E. delay
    F. anticipating
    G. cmprised
    H. perceiving
    I. initiative
    J. cmpunds
    K. unfavrable
    15 TH OCT 2023 CULTURE
    Gazelle Twin, a cmpser, prducer, and musician, pens up abut being a cnceptual artist and establishing a unique identity ahead f the release f her new album (专辑), Black Dg.
    Q: Wuld yu describe yur music as cnceptual?
    A: Cnceptual is a gd term. I dn’t make music just fr the sake f making music. My recrds are inspired by themes. I spend a cnsiderable amunt f time befre writing the music, learning abut subjects related t the theme. Then I wrk n the structure f the album. Ideas can change. Fr example, Black Dg was riginally abut ghsts (幽灵), but I ended up with an album abut my childhd experiences, thrugh t adulthd and parenthd, and the anxiety and fear that has been with me during that time.
    Q: Thrughut the album, there is a sense f an bserver. Is that persn yurself, r anther presence?
    A: Bth. There is the vice f depressin and anxiety, and als this ther persn yu knw is always there. I thught f having this minus presence (不祥之兆) arund yu. There is als that sense f being ut in the wrld, as a wman, aware f my vulnerability (脆弱). Fr example, just ging fr a walk is never simple. We have t build prtective instincts arund urselves.
    Q: When yu started ut, did yu have any idea f the kind f artist yu wanted t be?
    A: I knew I didn’t want t fit a fixed style r be restricted by being female. I wanted t be flexible. I like t think in scale and f mre than I can achieve as ne persn. I like artists with unique identities.
    Q: What wuld be yur advice t anyne with ambitins t becme a musician?
    A: Fllw yur instincts. Put yurself ut there withut pressure t be “finished”. Absrb things, experiment, and allw yurself t fllw a jurney where yu dn’t knw where yu will end up. Being successful cmmercially takes a team and time. Yu have t lve it and be in it fr the lng jurney.
    Q: Fast frward ten years, where d yu want t be?
    A: I wuld lve t carry n fllwing my instincts and making albums. I wuld like mre f a cllectin f TV and film scres because I enjy writing scres and cperative wrk.
    A. Odurs are als essential signals in scial bnding.
    B. Besides, durs are granted different cultural values.
    C. Human’s perceptin f smell facilitates the spread f human culture.
    D. Our nses can perceive durs present in extremely small quantities.
    E. Many respndents nted many f their lfactry likes and dislikes were based n emtinal links.
    F. Sme respndents’ preference fr a particular dur was influenced by emtinal assciatins.

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