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    ·Tuesday’s Stry
    A Bk f Rhyme fr Children and Pet Lvers
    Becky Hhnstein

    Hardback| Paperback| E-bk
    $22.99 |$14.99 | $3.99
    This children’s and pet lvers’ bk uses phtgraphs t tell the stry f a remarkable, well lved bichn dg, thrugh babyhd, then as a fun energetic dg and then an aging dg. Rhyme makes the stry fun t be read and read t.
    ·Emma Embury: Pet f the Heart
    Charles Russel

    Hardback| Paperback| E-bk
    $31.99 |$17.99 | $3.99
    Emma Embury was a brilliant early 19th Century American pet, nvelist, and essayist. Her life stry, alng with her pems, and selectins frm her essays and nvels, makes delightful reading.
    ·Family Guide t Celebratin f the Jewish Hlidays
    Lenard Chesler

    Paperback| E-bk
    $14.95| $3.99
    Written as a family guide, emphasis is placed n purpse, meaning, value, jy, and inspiratin fr each hliday and ur daily lives.
    ·Just Arrived- A Different Wrld
    Bna Udeze

    Paperback| E-bk
    $20.99| $3.99
    Emeka has just arrived in America and must nw face culture shck while many ther Africans tlerate the same fate, fighting fr survival in a strange new wrld.
    ·Trials f a Dead Lawyer’s wife
    Maggie Redmn

    Hardback| Paperback| E-bk
    $31.99| $17.99| $3.99
    It is based n a true stry. After her husband Sctt changed his will just hurs befre he died and half a millin dllars wuld be given away t his girlfriend, Maggie started t search fr truth and justice.
    1、Which authr’s bk wuld yu chse fr a persn adpting a dg?
    A.Charles Russell.B.Becky Hhnstein,
    C.Maggie Redmn.D.Lenard Chesler.
    2、Which f the paperbacks is the cheapest?
    A.Tuesday’s Stry.
    B.Emma Embury: Pet f the Heart.
    C.Family Guide t Celebratin f the Jewish Hlidays.
    D.Just Arrived-A Different Wrld.
    3、What d we knw frm the passage?
    A.Tuesday’s Stry is abut the stry f a dg wner.
    B.Emma Embury’s wrks include different types.
    C.Lenard Chesler’s bk emphasizes sme scenic spts.
    D.Sctt changed his will t punish Maggie’s dishnesty.
    Wang Zhipu, 16, a high schl student begins his vyage int space after class. Psitining a telescpe n the balcny at hme, he bserves the skies, taking phts. Recently, his effrts were rewarded when he wn the title f “Yung Astrnmy Phtgrapher f the Year” in the Ryal Observatry Greenwich’s annual astrphtgraphy cntest.
    The event, jintly rganized by the Ryal Observatry Greenwich in Lndn and the BBC’s Sky at Night magazine, is the wrld’s biggest astrphtgraphy cmpetitin. His winning entry, entitled Family Pht f the Slar System, shws seven f the eight planets lined up, with the sun n the left and mn n the right, bth pictured larger in size than nrmal.
    This year the cmpetitin attracted ver 4,500 entries frm 75 cuntries. Wang’s pht tk first prize in the Yung Cmpetitin categry, an award fr phtgraphers aged 15 and under. He entered the cmpetitin in February. At the time, he was nt yet 16. “I saw phts taken by ther phtgraphers in the Yung Cmpetitin categry, and sme lked similar t mine, s I thught, why nt try?” he said.
    Wang develped an interest in astrnmy after reading abut the subject as a child. He taught himself astrphtgraphy by reading bks and by searching nline. He used a secnd-hand telescpe that his parents had given him. “The first time I used it, I saw the mn. It was splendid. I was thrilled!” he said. Smetimes, he wuld be s immersed in his bservatins that he wuldn’t g dwnstairs t fetch a cat. Other times, he std fr hurs under the burning sun t get the perfect sht.
    In additin t the fame, Wang’s biggest bnus is the 1,500 pund ($2,023) prize mney, which will allw him t buy a new camera. “I will keep n. Astrnmy will be a lifelng hbby. It wuld be great if I culd help ppularize science in the future, r becme an astrnmy teacher,” he said.
    His passin tuched the judges. Sheila Kanani said, “As a planetary scientist, I applaud the wrk that has gne int creating this pht.”
    4、What is Wang Zhipu’s winning pht like, accrding t the passage?
    A.Seven planets, the sun and the mn are in a straight line.
    B.Seven planets line up with the sun and the mn n each side.
    C.Seven planets, the sun and the mn are larger than nrmal.
    D.Seven planets are much larger than the sun and the mn.
    5、What inspired Wang Zhipu t enter the cmpetitin?
    A.Ppularity f the cmpetitin.B.His desire t win the prize.
    C.Other cmpetitrs’ phtgraphs.D.His parents’ encuragement.
    6、Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrds in Paragraph 4?
    A.Trapped in.B.Absrbed in.C.Cnnected with.D.Expsed t.
    7、What d yu think the passage mst prbably is?
    A.A shrt bigraphy.B.An nline pst.
    C.A diary entry.D.A news reprt.
    Teenagers arund the wrld are familiar with the great pain f bredm. And every parent is familiar with the sunds f graning (咕哝的) kids, sulking (生闷气) in their rm r pacing aimlessly arund the huse. But smetimes, it’s this very sense f bredm that can inspire creativity and create fast-grwing trends.
    This is true fr pickleball (匹克球), nw a ppular sprt in the West. Accrding t the Mental Flss website, the sprt was invented in the summer f 1965. At that time, Frank Pritchard, 13, had nthing t d in his family’s summer hme in Washingtn, US. After cmplaining ludly, his father, Jel, suggested he make up a game. When Frank replied “Why dn’t yu?” his father gladly tk up the challenge. Thus, pickleball was brn.
    Certain parts f tennis, badmintn and ping-png can be seen frm pickleball. It’s a bat game played n a badmintn-sized curt with what lks like a wiffle ball (威浮球) ver a lw net. Only the serving team can scre pints, and all serves must be made with an underhand strke (击球).
    The ppularity f pickleball has grwn steadily ver the last decade. Accrding t Mental Flss, the number f pickleball curts has grwn by an estimated 385 percent wrldwide since 2010. One reasn fr its ppularity is that it’s “a sprt fr everyne”. Anyne can play pickleball because it’s relatively easy t pick up. There are simple rules, and all peple need is a cuple f bats and a ball, which is affrdable and accessible t all. Plus, pickleball is a sprt centered arund fun and friendship. The game lasts as shrt as 15 minutes, which means less running and stress fr players.
    Pritchard said that the game’s rapid rise in ppularity was amazing, especially cnsidering that a bad-tempered kid “inspired a sprts craze by making a stink (吵闹) abut being bred ne afternn 56 years ag”.
    8、What d we knw abut pickleball, accrding t the passage?
    A.It was invented accidentally by a yung by.
    B.It is a game suitable fr family gatherings.
    C.It cmbines elements frm several ball games.
    D.The game’s judges cme frm a serving team.
    9、What des Paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A.Why pickleball has becme s well received.
    B.What equipment pickleball players need.
    C.Hw significant pickleball is t the wrld.
    D.What rules must be beyed in pickleball.
    10、What did Pritchard think f the ppularity f pickleball?
    11、Why des the authr write the passage?
    A.T advise us t jin in sprts games.B.T teach us hw t play pickleball.
    C.T tell us the birth f a sprts game.D.T mtivate us t fllw new trends.
    A new study f lder adults has fund t much daytime napping (小睡) may signal an increasing risk f Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers frm Brigham and Wmen’s Hspital have reprted the relatinship between the tw: t much daytime napping predicts an increased future risk f Alzheimer’s, and a diagnsis f Alzheimer’s speeds up the increase in daytime napping during aging.
    “Daytime sleep behavirs f lder adults are ften ignred, and an agreement fr daytime napping in clinical practice and health care is still lacking,” said Peng Li, ne f the researchers. “Our team calls fr a clser attentin t 24-hur sleep patterns—nt nly nighttime sleep but als daytime nap—fr tracking the health f lder adults.”
    The researchers recgnized that all previus studies n Alzheimer’s disease assessed napping within a participant nly nce, and mst f which were subjective and questinnaire-based. In the new study, mre than 1000 individuals, with an average age f 81, were prvided Actical, a watch-like device, t wear n their wrist fr up t 14 days. After napping episdes were identified, the nap duratin and frequency were calculated.
    The results have suggested that t much daytime napping may signal an increasing risk f Alzheimer’s, and that faster yearly increase in daytime napping may be a sign f wrsening r unfavred clinical develpment f the disease.
    Researchers have acknwledged that althugh the methd f the new study has been widely used in sleep field studies, they recgnize that plysmngraphy (多导睡眠记录仪) is the gld standard fr sleep scring. Mrever, the participants studied were lder, and therefre, the findings may nt be easily translated t yunger peple. In additin, future studies shuld test whether a direct interventin in daytime napping can lwer the risk f Alzheimer’s.
    “We hpe t draw mre attentin t daytime sleep patterns and the imprtance f patients nting if their sleep schedule changes ver time,” said c senir authr Kun Hu f the Medical Bidynamics Prgram. “Sleep changes are critical in shaping the internal changes in the brain.”
    12、What des the new study f lder adults shw?
    A.The link between daytime napping and Alzheimer’s.
    B.The causes and symptms f Alzheimer’s disease.
    C.The prper amunts f daytime napping.
    D.The ways t imprve the quality f sleep.
    13、Hw did the researchers cnduct the new study?
    A.By asking abut the participants’ ideas.
    B.By carrying ut a particular questinnaire.
    C.By tracking participants’ sleep with a device.
    D.By assigning participants calculating tasks.
    14、What can we infer frm Paragraph 5?
    A.The methd f the new study is perfect.
    B.The findings are suitable fr all ages.
    C.Further studies shuld be carried ut.
    D.Interventin can reduce the risk f Alzheimer’s.
    15、What des Kun Hu talk abut?
    A.The patterns f daytime nap.B.The way t make sleep schedules.
    C.The causes f brain changes.D.The significance f the new study.
    16、 When it cmes t getting a gd night’s sleep, varius habits that we engage in befre bedtime can have a significant impact n bth the quality as well as the quantity f yur rest. ①_____.
    ●Make yur T-D list fr tmrrw
    Try making a list f tasks yu want t tackle the next day, especially if yu find that wrrying ften keeps yu awake. Writing a t-d list can nt nly help yu be mre prductive the next day but can help establish peace f mind fr yu t sleep better. ②_____.
    ●Practice gratitude jurnaling
    ③_____. Making expressing gratitude a part f yur rutine can help yu lead a healthy and happy life. The mre yu make an effrt t ntice the things that yu feel thankful fr, the mre yu prepare yurself t just naturally feel grateful instead f having t wrk at it.
    This will take n mre than 5 minutes a day but can have a tremendus effect n yur persnal develpment. This helps yu appreciate yur achievements and shape a better tmrrw. Start by acknwledging ne r tw things yu wish had gne better, and end yur reflectin by thinking f a few wins yu had.
    The first few nights, it will be a bit difficult fr yu t stick t yur rutine but stay determined. ⑤_____. Everybdy has a different rutine and here I’ve nly included practices that I think yu shuld mst definitely include in yurs.
    A.D sme reading
    B.Reflect n yur day
    C.Write dwn at least 3 things yu’re thankful fr each day.
    D.If yu’re disciplined, yu will get n track with yur rutine.
    E.A gd night’s sleep is an essential cnditin fr a prductive day.
    F.The fllwing are sme f the best evening habits befre ging t bed.
    G.The next day all yu’ve t d is make sme essential changes t it and get t wrk!
    McDnald wned a gas statin that earned clse t six figures a year. But he went bankrupt (破产) in 2010 with higher gas prices and an increase in gas theft “I 1 lst my whle life after the gas statin,” McDnald said.
    In the fllwing years, he had t live with his relatives, but bad 2 between them left him n the streets, and he even suffered a fire that tk mst f his remaining 3 . Eventually, he 4 a ne-bedrm apartment with a stranger. Unfrtunately, the apartment wasn’t safe, s McDnald was frced t 5 his time between the apartment and a tent.
    During this time, his light mtrcycle didn’t 6 fr missing a part. McDnald asked a wman nearby if she wuld 7 his things while he walked t get a new part, and she 8 . The 9 stranger, Kim, decided t d mre. She and her husband, Andrew, gave McDnald a slar-pwered backpack that allwed him t 10 his cellphne. They even ffered t let him put up his 11 in their backyard and use their bathrm.
    Then the cuple set up a GFundMe 12 t raise as much mney as pssible. 13 they are able t buy a small huse, the plan is t transfer (移交) it ver int McDnald’s name. McDnald’s 14 spread quickly n the Internet. Befre they knew it, they had raised ver $18,000 thrugh the page!
    “They have: ne mre than I can ever say thank yu fr,” McDnald said. They started ff as 15 , but they’re s much mre nw, McDnald is part f the family nw.
    23、A.check utB.watch verC.take upD.stare at
    32、 FUJIAN cuisine ①_____(riginate) frm sutheast China’s Fujian Prvince and gradually absrbed the cking style f the migrants frm the lwer and middle reaches f the Yangtze River.
    Knwn as a prvince with numerus muntains n China’s sutheast cast, Fujian is rich ②_____ natural fd resurces. With a 3,752-kilmeter-lng castline and ver 2,000 islands, it has ③_____ abundant supply f fish, shellfish, and ther sea prducts, which prvide rich ④_____ (varius) f fd ingredients. Fujian cuisine, ⑤_____ (accrding), is nted fr wdland delicacies(佳肴) and seafd delights, while trying ⑥_____ (preserve) the riginal flavr f the main ingredients that is light but delicius, fresh, and nt ily in general.
    Fujian cuisine has sme distinctive features: First, lcal chefs are skilled at knife techniques and can cut fd int hair-thin slices. Secnd, with the large amunt f seafd in the lcal peple’s diet, they lve t ck varius kinds f sups with seafd. Third, it is knwn ⑦_____ they can make gd use f unique spices, which create varius tastes. Furth, all ingredients ⑧_____ (chse) frm nutritius fds that are artistically decrated in plates. ⑨_____ (represent) Fujian dishes include biled sea clams in chicken sup, lychee prk, and fried duck in Shacha sauce.
    In ancient times, many Fujian peple made a living wrking abrad in Sutheast Asia as expats(侨民), therefre gradually ⑩_____ (take) many ther elements int their dietary custms.
    参考词汇:emissin 排放;carbn dixide二氧化碳
    I was never very neat. Later in life I learned t attribute (把……归因于) this shrtcming t my creative genius, saying that my disrganizatin was simply the side f my unique gifts and talents. Yet, back at high schl, I hadn’t cme up with any impressive reasns fr my big messes.
    As fate wuld have it, my teacher paired me with Kim as my rmmate. I’m nt sure why he stuck us tgether. I dn’t think he culd have pssibly picked tw mre different peple t rm tgether. Kim was extremely rganized. She labeled everything and each item she wned had its place. Well, I think my bits and pieces f paper, dds and ends (零碎物品) wuld find their ways int places autmatically. And apparently, my rmmate didn’t seem t be n the same page with me.
    As time went by, she gt neater, while I gt messier. She wuld cmplain abut my dirty clthes. I wuld cmplain abut Lysl (杀菌消毒剂) headaches. She wuld push gently my clthing ver t ne side and I wuld lay ne f my bks n her tidy desk.
    One Octber evening, things gt ugly. Kim came int the rm and lst her temper right away after seeing ne f my shes had fund its way beneath her bed. She picked it up, cast it tward my side f the rm angrily and managed t knck the layer f clthes nt the flr (by the way, I had planned t fld them later). I jumped ff the bed and immediately started yelling abut her rudeness. She yelled back, “Lk at the mess yu’ve made! Culd yu at least clean up yur wn table!” I was sitting n my bed, fuming (发怒). She was sitting n hers, fuming. The rm was thick with anger. It culd have ended a with a vilent fight if it hadn’t been fr the phne call she received.
    She picked the phne up and I culd tell it was bad news frm her family.
    I fund myself lst fr wrds and I decided t d smething.
    解析:细节理解题。由文章Tuesday's Stry部分中的This children's and pet lvers' bk uses phtgraphs t tell the stry f a remarkable, well lved bichn ccker, thrugh puppyhd, then as a fun spunky dg and then an aging dg. Rhyme makes the stry fun t be read and read t.(这本儿童和宠物爱好者的书用照片讲述了一只非凡的、深受喜爱的比雄可卡犬的故事,从幼犬时代,到有趣的、充满活力的狗,再到逐渐衰老的狗。押韵使故事读起来有趣。)可知,Becky Hhnstein的Tuesday's Stry这本书对于养宠物的人来说可能会感兴趣。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据每本书提供的价格可以看出,几本书的平装本价格分别为:Tuesday's Stry是$14.99, Emma Embury: Pet f the Heart是$17.99, Family Guide t Celebratin f the Jewish Hlidays是$14.95, Just Arrived-A Different Wrld是$20.99, Trials f a Dead Lawyer's wife是$17.99。因此最低的为Family Guide t Celebratin f the Jewish Hlidays,价格为$14.95。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二本书中Emma Embury was a brilliant early 19th Century American pet, nvelist, and essayist. Her life stry, alng with her pems, and selectins frm her essays and nvels, makes delightful reading.(艾玛·安伯里是19世纪早期一位杰出的美国诗人、小说家和散文家。她的人生故事,连同她的诗歌,以及从她的散文和小说选择,令人愉快的阅读。)的内容介绍可知,Emma Embury是一位美国诗人、小说家和散文家,她的作品除了诗歌,还有小说、散文等,因此她的作品类型多样。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句His winning entry, entitled Family Pht f the Slar System, shws seven f the eight planets lined up, with the sun n the left and mn n the right, bth pictured larger in size than nrmal.(他的获奖作品名为《太阳系全家福》,展示了8颗行星中的7颗排成一列,太阳在左边,月亮在右边,照片上的太阳和月亮都比正常情况下大)可知,获奖作品上是七颗行星排成一列,太阳和月亮分别在两侧,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。通过第三段引号中王至璞的话I saw phts taken by ther phtgraphers in the Yung Cmpetitin categry, and sme lked similar t mine, s I thught, why nt try?(我看到其他摄影师在青年比赛类别中拍摄的照片,有些看起来和我的很像,所以我想,为什么不试试呢?)可知,他看到在青年组竞赛类别中其他摄影师拍摄的照片,有些看起来和他拍摄的很像,因此他决定参加比赛。故选C。
    解析:猜测词句题。根据第四段中画线短语后 wuldn't g dwnstairs t fetch a cat. Other times, he std fr hurs under the burning sun t get the perfect sht.(他不下楼去拿外套。其他时候,他会在烈日下站上几个小时,只为拍出完美的照片)可知,此处是说明他非常专心地投入于观测和拍摄中,所以immersed in意为"沉浸于"。A.Trapped in.卡住;B.Absrbed in.沉浸于;C.Cnnected with.和……连接;D.Expsed t.暴露于。故选B。
    解析:文章类型题。根据全文内容可知,文章介绍了16岁的中国少年王至璞最近获全球天文摄影奥斯卡奖的事情。因此,本文最有可能是一篇新闻报道。A.A shrt bigraphy.简短的传记;B.An nline pst.一个网上帖子;C.A diary entry.日记条目;D.A news reprt.新闻报道。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Certain parts f tennis, badmintn and ping-png can be seen frm pickleball.(网球、羽毛球和乒乓球的某些部分可以从匹克球中看到)可知,匹克球结合了网球、羽毛球及乒乓球的元素。故选C。
    解析:段落大意题。根据第四段The ppularity f pickleball has grwn steadily ver the last decade.(匹克球的受欢迎程度在过去十年中稳步增长)可知,匹克球在过去的十年间一直受到人们的欢迎。本段介绍了匹克球受欢迎的原因:易学及设备简单、增进友谊及充满乐趣、运动强度不大。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Pritchard said that the game's rapid rise in ppularity was amazing, especially cnsidering that a bad-tempered kid "inspired a sprts craze by making a stink(吵闹) abut being bred ne afternn 56 years ag".(普里查德说,这款游戏受欢迎程度的迅速上升令人惊讶,尤其是考虑到56年前的一个下午,一个坏脾气的孩子"通过大声抱怨无聊,引发了一场体育热潮"。)Pritchard说,这项运动受欢迎程度的迅速上升令人惊讶,尤其考虑到这场体育热潮是由56年前的一个下午,一个坏脾气的孩子因为大声抱怨无聊而引发的。因此,他对匹克球的流行感到出乎意料。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的Investigatrs frm Brigham and Wmen's Hspital reprt a relatinship between daytime napping and cgnitive(认知的) aging: excessive daytime napping predicts an increased future risk f Alzheimer's, and a diagnsis f Alzheimer's speeds up the increase in daytime napping during aging.(来自布里格姆妇女医院的研究人员报告了白天小睡和认知老化之间的关系:白天过多的小睡预示着患老年痴呆风险的增加,而老年痴呆病的诊断也会加速老年人白天小睡的增加。)可知,这项新的研究主要研究的是老年痴呆与白天小睡之间的联系。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段In the new study, mre than 1000 individuals, with an average age f 81, were prvided Actical, a watch-like device, t wear n their wrist fr up t 14 days. After napping episdes were identified, the nap duratin and frequency were calculated.(在这项新研究中。研究人员为1000多名平均年龄为81岁的人提供了一种类似手表的设备,让他们在手腕上佩戴长达14天。在确定午睡事件后,计算午睡时间和频率。)可知,研究人员的研究方法为通过使用设备跟踪参与者的睡眠。故选择C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句In additin, future studies shuld test whether a direct interventin in daytime napping can lwer the risk f Alzheimer's.(此外,未来的研究应该测试白天午睡的直接干预是否可以降低阿尔茨海默病的风险。)可以推断出,应该开展进一步的研究。故选择C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段"We hpe t draw mre attentin t daytime sleep patterns and the imprtance f patients nting if their sleep schedule changes ver time," said c senir authr Kun Hu f the Medical Bidynamics Prgram. "Sleep changes are critical in shaping the internal changes in the brain."(医学生物动力学项目的资深合著者胡昆说: "我们希望更多地关注白天的睡眠模式,以及患者注意他们的睡眠时间表是否随着时间的推移而变化的重要性。" "睡眠变化对大脑内部变化的形成至关重要。")。这些都是新研究的意义,可知,Kun Hu在谈该研究的重要意义。故选择D项。
    解析:①推理判断题。上文When it cmes t getting a gd night's sleep, varius habits that we engage in befre bedtime can have a significant impact n bth the quality as well as the quantity f yur rest.(当谈到获得良好的睡眠时,我们在睡前养成的各种习惯会对你的休息质量和数量产生重大影响。)说明空格前介绍了睡前好习惯的重要性,二、三、四段分别介绍几个睡前的好习惯,因此F. The fllwing are sme f the best evening habits befre ging t bed.(下面是一些睡前的好习惯。)符合语境,故选F。
    ②联系上文题。上文Writing a t-d list can nt nly help yu be mre prductive the next day but can help establish peace f mind fr yu t sleep better.(写一份待办事项清单不仅可以帮助你在第二天更有效率,还可以帮助你建立一种平静的心态,让你睡得更好。)说明制定待办事项清单的好处,与空格处是因果关系,选项G中it指代前一句中的t-d list,因此G. The next day all yu've t d is make sme essential changes t it and get t wrk!(第二天,你所要做的就是对它做一些必要的改变,然后开始工作!)符合语境,故选G。
    ③推理判断题。本段标题Practice gratitude jurnaling(练习写感恩日记),说明的是要坚持写日记,因此C. Write dwn at least 3 things yu're thankful fr each day.(每天至少写下3件你感激的事。)是写感恩日记的具体体现,符合语境,故选C。
    ④段落标题题。下文Start by acknwledging ne r tw things yu wish had gne better, and end yur reflectin by thinking f a few wins yu had.(首先以承认一两件你但愿做得更好的事情开始,然后以回想一下你已经取得的胜利来结束你的反思。)介绍的是睡前反思的益处和具体做法,因此B. Reflect n yur day(反思你的一天)概括段意,故选B。
    ⑤联系上文题。上文The first few nights, it will be a bit difficult fr yu t stick t yur rutine but stay determined.(最初的几个晚上,要坚持你的计划会有点困难,但一定要有决心。)说明即使有困难也要坚持下去,因此D. If yu're disciplined, yu will get n track with yur rutine.(如果你有自律性,你的生活习惯就会步入正确的轨道。)说明了坚持下去的结果和意义,故选D。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.deliberately故意地;B.willingly愿意地,乐意地;C.extremely 极度地,非常地;D.literally真正地、确实地。句意:McDnald说加油站事件后我真正地失去了整个人生。根据空前"McDnald wned a gas statin that earned clse t six figures a year. But he went bankrupt(破产) in 2010 with higher gas prices and an increase in gas theft"可知,他是真的破产了。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.cncepts概念;B.attempts试图;C.relatinships关系;D.tpics话题。句意:接下来几年,他不得不与亲戚住在一起,但是他们关系不好以至于他流落街头,甚至一场大火吞噬了他剩下的财物,使得他的境况更加地雪上加霜。根据前句"he had t live with his relatives"和空后"left him n the streets"可知,他与亲属一起住,但是"relatinships(关系)"不好使他流落街头。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.qualificatins资格,学历;B.belngings财产;C.persnalities个性;D.strengths优势,强项。句意:接下来几年,他不得不与亲戚住在一起,但是他们关系不好以至于他流落街头,甚至一场大火吞噬了他剩下的财物,使得他的境况更加地雪上加霜。根据下文"Eventually, he 4 a ne-bedrm apartment with a stranger."可知,他不得不与陌生人住在一起,说明他自己财产所剩无几。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.rented租用;B.built建造;C.purchased购买;D.prmted促进,提升。句意:他与陌生人合租了一个一居室公寓。根据前文he had t live with his relatives, but bad 2 between them left him n the streets可知,他穷困潦倒、无处容身,故此题最大的干扰项为C项,但考虑到他的境况以及下文中Kim夫妇筹款要帮他买一个小房子,因此,他是没有能力买公寓的。此外,根据社会性常识,人不可能与陌生人合伙买房子。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.change改变;B.spare抽出,拿出(时间、金钱等);C.divide把(时间、精力等)分别用于;D.save拯救。句意:不幸的是,公寓并不安全,所以他被迫有时住在公寓里有时住在帐篷里。根据本句中"the apartment wasn't safe"可知,McDnald被迫有时住在公寓里有时住在帐篷里。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.wrk运转,运行;B.turn转变;C.circle盘旋;D.blw吹风。句意:在此期间,他的轻型摩托车由于少一个零件,因此无法正常运转了。根据本句"fr missing a part"他的轻型摩托车由于少一个零件,因此无法正常运转了。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.check ut结账离开;B.watch ver看守,照管;C.take up开始从事,占据(时间,地方);D.stare at凝视,盯住。句意:McDnald问附近的一位女子能否在他去买零件的时候帮助照看他的东西,而她答应了。根据下文"The 9 stranger, Kim, decided t d mre."可知,他的邻居愿意帮助他,因此会答应他照顾他财物的请求。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.answered答应;B.hesitated犹豫;C.agreed同意;D.declined下降,拒绝。句意:McDnald问附近的一位女子能否在他去买零件的时候帮助照看他的东西,而她答应了。根据后句"The 49 stranger, Kim, decided t d mre."可知,Kim决定为他做更多的事。可推断本句中Kim的态度一定是同意帮忙的。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cntain容纳,含有;B.dial拨打;C.hide躲藏,藏匿;D.charge充电。句意:她和她的丈夫安德鲁送给麦克唐纳一个太阳能背包,让他可以给他的手机充电。根据空前"slar-pwered backpack"太阳能背包可知,是为了让他给手机充电用的。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.tent帐篷;B.shelf书架;C.nest巢穴;D.curtain窗帘。句意:他们甚至允许把帐篷搭在他们的后院,并且允许他使用他们的浴室。根据上文"s McDnald was frced t 5 his time between the apartment and a tent."可知,他有时住在帐篷里,因此可以推知善良的夫妇让McDnald将帐篷搭在他们的院子里。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.mailbx邮箱;B.cmmunity社区;C.blg博客;D.page网页。句意:然后,这对夫妇建立了GFundMe网页,尽可能多地筹集资金。根据本句句意可知,Kim夫妇为McDnald在互联网上建立一个GFundMe主页。根据本段末的"thrugh the page",也可判断出答案为D项。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.affair公共或政治事务;B.reputatin名誉、名声;C.stry故事;D.influence影响。句意:McDnald的故事在互联网上迅速传播。根据空后"spread quickly n the Internet. Befre they knew it, they had raised ver $18,000 thrugh the page!"可知,这对夫妇建立网站为McDnald筹集钱,那么网友们也通过网络了解他的故事。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.strangers陌生人;B.friends朋友;C.neighbrs邻居;D.relatives亲戚。句意:他们刚开始是陌生人,但现在已经更加亲近了。根据下文"McDnald is part f the family nw"可知,本句中的they指代McDnald和Kim夫妇,他们之前是陌生人。故选A项。
    32、答案:①riginated②in③an④varieties⑤accrdingly⑥t preserve⑦that⑧are chsen⑨Representative⑩taking
    ②考查介词。句意:福建是中国东南沿海的一个多山省份,拥有丰富的天然食品资源。be rich in表示"富含……;在……方面丰富"。故填in。
    ③考查冠词。句意:福建拥有3752公里长的海岸线和2000多个岛屿,鱼类、贝类和其他海产品供应丰富,提供了丰富的食材。an abundant supply f表示"大量的",为固定短语。故填an。
    ④考查固定短语。句意:福建拥有3752公里长的海岸线和2000多个岛屿,鱼类、贝类和其他海产品供应丰富,提供了丰富的食材。varieties f表示"各种各样的"。故填varieties。
    ⑥考查动词不定式。句意:因此,闽菜以森林美食和海鲜美食而闻名,同时试图保留主要食材的原始风味,即清淡但不失美味、新鲜、且通常不油腻等特点。try t d sth"试图做某事,设法做某事",故填t preserve。
    ⑦考查主语从句。句意:第三,众所周知,他们可以很好地利用独特的香料,创造出不同的味道。It is knwn that...表示"众所周知……",其中it是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语,故填that。
    ⑧考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:第四,所有的食材都是从营养丰富的食物中挑选出来的,这些食物被很有艺术感地装点在盘子里面。结合句意和are可知,此处用一般现在时,主语为ingredients,谓语动词用复数形式,且和动词chse之间是被动关系,故填are chsen。
    ⑨考查形容词。句意:具有代表性的福建菜包括鸡汤海蛤、荔枝肉和沙茶炒鸭。此处用形容词作定语修饰名词短语Fujian dishes,且首字母大写。故填Representative。
    ⑩考查现在分词。句意:在古代,许多福建人出国去往东南亚谋生,因此,他们的饮食习惯中逐渐融入了许多其他元素。此处为非谓语动词作状语,many Fujian peple与take之间是主动关系,应用现在分词作状语。故填taking。
    Persnally, a lw-carbn lifestyle means saving mre energy and prducing less waste. In daily life we can d smething t reduce the emissin f carbn dixide.
    First, it makes sense t turn ff water and electricity when we dn’t use them. Besides, using reusable prducts like clth bags is a gd way t reduce pllutin. Finally, we can travel n ft if pssible, which is bth envirnmentally friendly and beneficial t health.
    Every individual’s effrts cunt fr a lw-carbn sciety. Let’s start with urselves.
    Paragraph 1:
    She picked the phne up and I culd tell it was bad news frm her family. When Kim hung up, she buried her face in her hands, her bdy shaking as she sbbed. Her dad was badly ill in hspital. Obviusly, that was smething she shuld nt g thrugh alne. I walked twards her and patted her n the back. Obviusly, my pat was f little cmfrt. Instead, she threw herself nt the bed and cried int her pillw, sinking int her deep srrw.
    Paragraph 2:
    I fund myself lst fr wrds and I decided t d smething. I started t cllect my dds and ends, clthes and shes, swept the flr and tidied the table. I even cleaned her side. I was s absrbed that I didn’t even ntice Kim stp crying and sit up staring at me in disbelief. I stepped twards her, saying sftly, “It will be OK.” Kim reached her hand ver t grasp mine, murmuring “Thank yu?”. Suddenly, I realized the glden rule between friends was putting yurself int thers’ shes.

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