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    这是一份山东省名校考试联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题(Word版附答案),共16页。试卷主要包含了 11, 答卷前,考生务必用0等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023. 11
    1. 答卷前,考生务必用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置。
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    3. 非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液,胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. Wh is the wman in a red dress?
    A. Jessica. B. Hlly. C. Maria.
    2. Where is the shpping mall?
    A. In the first building. B. Oppsite the library. C. On the right side f the blck.
    3. Why des the man call 911?
    A. A truck caught fire. B. A crash happened. C. Smebdy gt hurt.
    4. What will the wman d next week?
    A. Take a math exam. B. Take a gegraphy test. C. Prepare fr a math exam.
    5. What will the weather be like tmrrw?
    A. Windy. B. Fine. C. Bad.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What's the wman?
    A. A gardener. B. A reprter. C. A teacher.
    7. What des the man say abut trees?
    A. They prvide us with rain. B. They supply us with plants. C. They affect ur survival.
    8. What utdr activity des the man like best?
    A. Jgging. B. Swimming. C. Playing basketball.
    9. When des the man usually jg?
    A. In the mrning. B. In the afternn. C. In the evening.
    10. Hw des the man feel after activities?
    A. Tired. B. Relaxed. C. Wrried.
    11. Hw many festivals are mentined in the cnversatin?
    A. Fur. B. Five. C. Six.
    12. What d peple usually d t prepare fr New Year's Day?
    A. Visit friends r relatives. B. G t the mvies. C. Decrate their huses.
    13. What d peple believe New Year's Day will bring?
    A. Gd frtune. B. Bad luck. C. A magic change.
    14. When did the wman becme interested in the machine?
    A. In cllege. B. At an early age. C. During repair wrk.
    15. What's the functin f the machine kept at hme?
    A. Prducing electricity. B. Helping with the farm wrk. C. Making fd fr peple.
    16. What did the wman d when facing difficulty?
    A. She never gave up. B. She changed her plan. C. She turned t thers fr help.
    17. What's the wman's dream fr the future?
    A. Fcusing n shting vides nly.
    B. Creating a better stage fr herself.
    C. Helping the villagers with her skills.
    18. What questins shuld yu ask yurself t stp useless spending?
    A. Where is my mney ging? B. Wh shall I spend mney n?
    C. Hw much d I want t spend?
    19. Hw culd yu feel if yu spend mney n what yu really value?
    A. Shameful. B. Dubtful. C. Unwrried.
    20. What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A. Hw t save mney. B. Hw t reduce anxiety. C. Hw t spend mney wisely.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    2023 Ht List: The Best New Restaurants in the Wrld
    Place des Fetes —New Yrk City
    This famus wine bar prvides a spt with a rare sweet and warm atmsphere. Fr date night, g t the bar with views f the pen kitchen, r fill up the large table in the back with a grup and taste the entire item menu. Either way, d nt miss the famus mushrm sup.
    Le Dyenne— Saint— Vrain, France
    Australian chefs James Henry and Shaun Kelly transfrmed the frmer stables(马厩)f a 19th-century private estate int a wrking farm, restaurant, and guesthuse driven by the principles f regenerative agriculture. Mre than ne hundred varieties f fruits, vegetables, and herbs make their way int Henry's cking after being carefully nurtured by Kelly.
    Mi Cmpa Chava— Mexic City
    Almst everyne eating here is devted t fixing last night's damage frm drunkenness and getting a head start n creating tday's. On the sidewalk, crwds f lcals and turists alike line up fr fisherman Salvadr Orzc's creative takes n Sinala and Baja seafd. Anything frm the raw half f the menu is a sure bet, thugh cked dishes like fish can help fill ut a meal.
    Vilas— Bangkk
    Can a dish inspired by a Spanish recipe using Japanese ingredients(原料) still be cnsidered Thai? Fr Chef Prin Plsuk, ne f Bangkk's mst famus Thai chefs, it mst certainly can. At his latest restaurant, a small dining rm at the base f Bangkk's hulalngkrn's 1897 jurney arund Eurpe and the freign ingredients and landmark King Pwer Mahanakhn Twer, he draws inspiratin frm King Chulalngkrn's 1897 jurney arund Eurpe and the freign ingredients and cking techniques he added t the ryal ckbks.
    21. What can yu d in Place des Fetes— New Yrk City ?
    A. Drink the red wine. B. Taste the mushrm sup.
    C. Watch the musicals. D. Enjy the beautiful views.
    22. Which restaurant best suits peple wh suffer frm alchl?
    A. Place des Fetes. B. Le Dyenne. C. Mi Cmpa Chava. D. Vilas.
    23. What's the purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce the features f sme restaurants.
    B. T cmpare the rigins f sme restaurants.
    C. T state the similarities f sme restaurants.
    D. T recmmend sme fds f sme restaurants.
    The 36-year-ld Jia Juntingxian was brn in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Prvince, and was blind in bth eyes due t cngenital eye disease. She has shwn athletic talent since childhd and was selected as a track and field athlete by Jiangxi Disabled Persns' Federatin.
    Althugh she can't see the wrld, Jia breaks thrugh the “immediate” bstacles again and again while running, letting the wrld see her. In her sprts career, Jia has wn 43 natinal and wrld-class sprts medals. Amng them, in 2016, she brke the wrld recrd and std n the pdium(领奖台)f the wmen's T11-T13 4×100-meter relay event at the Ri Paralympics.
    In 2017, Jia retired and chse t becme a teacher at a special educatin schl. Just a year ag, she fund ut that tw yung brthers, with visual impairments(视觉障碍), wanted t be an athlete. They had never attended a special educatin schl and never achieved their athletic dream. Jia culd nly help them attend a lcal special educatin schl. The experience made her realize that these children living in remte areas may have little knwledge f special educatin. Even she didn't knw abut such schls until late int her educatin. Therefre, she decided t becme mre invlved with special educatin.
    Changing frm a Paralympic cmpetitr t a special educatin teacher, Jia said that there is n discmfrt, “Because I understand the students as well as myself and knw the incnveniences and difficulties f the children. I hpe that every child is like a different seed.Thrugh hard study, they can bravely realize their wn life.”
    Jia als has paid clse attentin t the rights and interests f disabled peple. In 2021, Jia prpsed the cnstructin f audible (听得见的) traffic signals fr blind peple. Her advice t lcal authrities n dg management has resulted in mre indr public places allwing the disabled t enter with their assistance dgs. Jia and her husband funded a massage(按摩)shp and currently emply 16 visually impaired peple, with an average mnthly salary f 3, 500 yuan per persn.
    Jia always believes that the wrld is a circle, as lng as the lve f thers is cnstantly passed n, the whle sciety will be full f lve!
    24. What can we learn abut Jia frm the passage?
    A. She wn 43 sprts medals in her cuntry.
    B. She was strng-minded despite her disability.
    C. She was gd at sprts at the age f 5 years ld.
    D. She never wn natinal and wrld-class sprts medals.
    25. What made Jia decide t ccupy herself in special educatin?
    A. The high salary f special educatin.
    B. Her wish t enrich her life after sprts.
    C. Lcal gvernment's need fr special educatin.
    D. Her experience f helping tw disabled brthers.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Jia's jb n special educatin?
    A. Bring and dangerus. B. Patient and generus.
    C. Humrus and brave. D. Devted and selfless.
    27. What did Jia d t help the disabled?
    A. She cnstructed audible traffic signals. B. She set up a massage shp n her wn.
    C. She advised increasing indr public places. D. She prvided emplyment pprtunity fr the blind.
    Cral reefs in Flrida have lst an estimated 90% f their crals in the last 40 years. This summer, a marine heat wave hit Flrida's cral reefs. The recrd high temperatures created an extremely stressful envirnment fr the cral reefs, which are currently als experiencing intense cral bleaching (白化).
    A cral is an animal, which has a symbitic relatinship with a micrscpic algae(藻类). The algae gets energy frm the sun and shares it with the cral internally. The cral builds a rck-like structure, which makes up mst f the reef, prviding hmes and fd fr many rganisms that live there. Cral bleaching is when the symbitic relatinship breaks dwn. Withut the algae, the crals appear white because the rck skeletn becmes visible. If the bleaching cntinues fr an extended perid, the crals can starve t death withut the energy.
    Flrida is n the frnt lines f climate change. It is als n the cutting edge f restratin science. Many labs, institutins and ther rganizatins are wrking nnstp t prtect and maintain the cral reefs. This includes effrts t understand what is trubling the reef, frm disease utbreaks t castal develpment impacts. It als includes harvesting cral spawn (卵), r grwing and planting cral parts. Scientists mved many cral nurseries int deeper water and shre-based facilities during this marine heat wave. They are digging int the DNA f the cral t discver which species will survive best in future.
    There are sme bright spts in the stry, hwever. Sme crals have recvered frm the bleaching, and many did nt bleach at all. In additin, researchers recrded cral spawning. Althugh it's nt clear yet whether the larvae (幼虫) will be successful in the wild, it's a sign f recvery ptential. If the baby crals survive, they will be able t regrw the reef. They just have t avid ne big bss: human-induced climate change.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “symbitic” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Reliable. B. Oppsite. C. Harmnius. D. Cntradictry.
    29. What caused the cral bleaching?
    A. The rck skeletn. B. The micrscpic algae.
    C. The high temperatures. D. The symbitic relatinship.
    30. Which is nt the effrts scientists made t help cral reefs?
    A. Transferring cral nurseries. B. Grwing and planting cral spawn.
    C. Researching the DNA f the cral. D. Figuring ut the reasns fr prblems.
    31. Which f the fllwing best describes the impact f scientists' effrts?
    A. Identifiable. B. Predictable. C. Far-reaching. D. Effective.
    Scientists at the UCL Institute fr Neurlgy have develped new tls, based n AI language mdels, that can characterize subtle signatures in the speech f patients diagnsed with schizphrenia (精神分裂症). The research, published in PNAS, aims t understand hw the autmated analysis f language culd help dctrs and scientists diagnse and assess psychiatric(病) cnditins.
    Currently, psychiatric diagnsis is based almst entirely n talking with patients and thse clse t them, with nly a minimal rle fr tests such as bld tests and brain scans. Hwever, this lack f precisin prevents a richer understanding f the causes f mental illness and the mnitring f treatment.
    The researchers asked 26 participants with schizphrenia and 26 cntrl participants t cmplete tw verbal fluency tasks, where they were asked t name as many wrds as they culd either belnging t the categry “animals” r starting with the letter “p” in five minutes. T analyze the answers given by participants, the team used an AI language mdel t represent the meaning f wrds in a similar way t humans. They tested whether the wrds peple naturally recalled culd be predicted by the AI mdel, and whether this predictability was reduced in patients with schizphrenia.
    They fund that the answers given by cntrl participants were indeed mre predictable by the AI mdel than thse generated by peple with schizphrenia, and that this difference was largest in patients with mre severe symptms. The researchers think that this difference might have t d with the way the brain learns relatinships between memries and ideas, and stres this infrmatin in s called “cgnitive maps”.
    The team nw plan t use this technlgy in a larger sample f patients, acrss mre diverse speech setting, t test whether it might prve useful in the clinic. Lead authr, Dr Matthew Nur, said: “There is enrmus interest in using AI language mdels in medicine. If these tls prve safe, I expect they will begin t be used in the clinic within the next decade.”
    32. What is the disadvantage f current psychiatric diagnsis?
    A. It is greatly related t bld tests. B. It mstly relies n talking with patients.
    C. It refers t the wrds f patients' family. D. It can't cmprehend schizphrenia deeply.
    33. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The prcess f the research. B. The tasks f the participants.
    C. The perfrmance f researchers. D. The predictability f AI language mdels
    34. What is Dr Matthew Nur's attitude tward AI language mdels?
    A. Unclear. B. Psitive. C. Dubtful. D. Negative.
    35. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. AI language new tls used in the clinic. B. AI language tls develped by scientists.
    C. AI language mdels treating schizphrenia. D. AI language mdels diagnsing schizphrenia.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Prtecting frm abve
    A deadly asterid (小行星) heading tward the Earth is a cmmn plt in sci-fi mvies. 36 . An increasing number f space agencies are nw taking steps t defend against near-Earth asterids (NEAs).
    Wu Yanhua, deputy directr f the China Natinal Space Administratin (CNSA), recently tld CCTV News that China will start t build Earth and space-based mnitring and warning systems t detect NEAs. 38 . In 2025 r 2026, China hpes t be able t clsely bserve appraching asterids befre impacting them t change their path tward ur planet.
    Making an impact
    NASA als has its wn prgram fr develping technlgy t deflect (使转向) incming asterids. On Nv 23, 2021, the Duble Asterid Redirectin Test (DART) was launched t slam int Dimrphs and change the speed at which it rbits its space neighbr, Didyms, an asterid apprximately 2, 560 feet in diameter(直径). 39
    Glbal effrt
    40 . It als re-launched its Planetary Defense Office in 2021, accrding t Electrnics Weekly. Restarting the prgram, which seeks t cmmunicate with space agencies arund the wrld, is due t “the glbal character f the dangers we all face due t asterids”, said ESA Directr General Jsef Aschbacher.
    A. Plan t prtect
    B. Taking prmpt actins.
    C. But mst peple believe this is nly an imaginatin.
    D. Hwever, this is als a risk we shuld be wrried abut in real life.
    E. They are aimed t classify incming NEAs depending n the risks they pse.
    F. The Eurpean Space Agency (ESA) signed a deal t make a spacecraft fr a jint missin with NASA.
    G. This will help prve ut ne viable (可行的) way t prtect ur planet frm a dangerus asterid.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Watching a plane fly acrss the sky as a yung by, Tdd Smith knew that flying was what he wanted t d when he was lder.
    After five years' training, he finally 41 his dream jb in his late twenties-wrking as an airline pilt. But in 2019, the travel firm he was 42 fr was clsed dwn.
    By this time Mr Smith had becme increasingly 43 abut the grwing threat f climate change, and the aviatin (航空) industry's carbn emissins (碳排放). “I had an uncmfrtable 44 ,” he says. “I was really eager t get invlved in envirnmental prtest grups, but I knew it wuld ruin my 45 , and I had a lt f 46 . It wuld be easier t return t the industry and pay them ff.”
    Yet after hesitating fr several mnths, Mr Smith finally 47 t quit his flying career fr gd. “I prefer flying and 48 interesting destinatins, and earning a decent 49 ,” says Mr Smith. “But when we are 50 the climate and eclgical emergency, hw culd I pssibly 51 my needs? We need t think abut hw t 52 the biggest threat t humanity.”
    Giving up his dream jb was a 53 decisin, he says. “Financially I've been really 54 . It's been challenging, but taking actin has 55 my anxiety.”
    Mr Smith is nw a climate activist.
    41. A. quit B. changed C. cmpleted D. landed
    42. A. waiting B. preparing C. wrking D. lking
    43. A. cncerned B. curius C. serius D. dubtful
    44. A. tensin B. cnflict C. slutin D. passin
    45. A. fame B. life C. ambitin D. career
    46. A. needs B. debts C. pressures D. trubles
    47. A. refused B. prmised C. expected D. decided
    48. A. discvering B. cmparing C. recrding D. visiting
    49. A. salary B. hnr C. award D. title
    50. A. accustmed t B. faced with C. addicted t D. trapped in
    51. A. remve B. raise C. meet D. stress
    52. A. issue B. view C. make D. handle
    53. A. tugh B. wise C. reasnable D. psitive
    54. A. saving B. struggling C. investing D. cntributing
    55. A. cvered B. balanced C. eased D. increased
    第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Xuan paper is knwn as the “Paper f Ages”. The term Xuan paper first appeared in On Famus Paintings thrugh the Ages, a bk written by Tang Dynasty (618-907) schlar Zhang Yanyuan, in 56 he described Xuan paper as 57 ideal carrier fr calligraphy and painting.
    The traditinal craft f making Xuan paper is 58 (extreme) demanding. Sandalwd bark(檀香皮), a plant native 59 suthern China, ges thrugh 108 prcedures tgether with rice straw ver the curse f three years 60 it can transfrm int a batch (批) f fine Xuan paper. The flw f ink, bth guided and resisted by water, determines the utput f Chinese art, 61 Xuan paper utshines thers with its excellent ability 62 (give)full play t ink. Different prprtins (比例) f bark t straw during the papermaking prcess can create different canvases best suited fr artistic expressin in freehand ink paintings r calligraphy.
    Xuan paper 63 (accmpany) the passinate brushstrkes f the Chinese schlars fr thusands f years. Unlike ther frms f paper, it is very resistant t damage 64 (bring) by time. It is this durability that has made the preservatins f many 65 (value) wrks frm ancient China pssible.
    Papermaking is a crystallizatin (结晶) f wisdm f the ancient Chinese, and Xuan paper is the peak f papermaking.
    第四部分 写作
    假定你是李华。杭州亚运会刚刚结束,同学们都在纷纷讨论自己喜欢的运动项目。请以My Favrite Sprt题,写一篇演讲稿。
    1. 你最喜欢的运动;
    2. 喜欢的原因;
    3. 对你的影响。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Jim stared at the grund and sighed in disappintment. Players frm the ppsing team raced past Jim, celebrating their shcking victry. They'd scred the game-winning gal just secnds befre the end f the game.
    “Just ne wrd t describe a lss like that,” Jim mumbled t his teammate Devin.
    “Terrible!” Devin sighed. “It was a tugh ne.” He trtted (小步快跑) tward the middle f the field t shake hands with the winning team. Jim walked slwly behind Devin. He unhappily slapped hands with the winners, then stpped t shut his eyes as the autumn air cled his sweaty face.
    “Terrible,” he repeated t himself as he sat n the bench and pulled his jacket n. “Let's get sme ht chclate and watch the next game,” Devin said. There were eight teams in the YMCA league, s games wuld g n all mrning. “Srry. I'm heading hme,” Jim said, “I've had enugh sccer fr tday.”
    As he reached the gate, Jim glanced back t see the next tw teams take the field. They were jumping and shuting, excited t play. “That was us a little while ag, befre we were discuraged.” Jim thught.
    S why we lst the game at last? Jim asked himself. Hw did such a well-played game end up with such a terrible result? It was still clear in his head: Jim had the ball deep n the Jets' side f the field, lking fr Devin r anther teammate t pass t. His team had utplayed the Jets fr mst f the game, but failed within the last secnds.
    Jim let ut a deep breath. The mrning was grwing warmer. Perfect fr sccer. Jim lked back tward the field. He culdn't see it, but he culd hear the excited vices as the game cntinued.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答
    Dear fellws,
    Thank yu!
    With a car's hrn beeping, Jim's friends Tara and Bryan jumped ut f the car.
    There came the turn fr Tara and Bryan's team t play the game.
    机密★启用前 试卷类型A
    2023. 11
    1-5 BBBAB 6~10 BCAAB 11-15 BCABA 16-20 ACACC
    A篇 21-23 BCA
    B篇 24-27 BDDD
    C篇 28-31 ACBD
    D篇 32-35 DABD
    七选五 36-40 DAEGF
    完形填空 41-45 DCABD 46-50 BDDAB 51-55 CDABC
    56. which 57. an 58. extremely 59. t 60. befre
    61. and 62. t give 63. has accmpanied 64. brught 65. valuable
    21. B 细节理解题。根据第一段最一句 “Either way, d nt miss the famus mushrm sup. ” 可知,可以品尝到蘑菇汤。故选B。
    22. C 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句 “Almst everyne eating here is devted t fixing last night's damage frm drunkenness and getting a head start n creating tday's.” 可知,墨西哥城的“海鲜餐馆”是为醉酒者提供治愈的地方。故选C。
    23. A 主旨要义题,考查文章主旨。本文主要介绍了2023年全球最好的四个餐厅的主要特征。故选A。
    24. B 细节理解题。根据文章可知,贾君婷是天生的盲人,但她通过自己坚强的意志,成为了一名优秀的田径运动员,获得了很多荣誉。故选B。
    25. D 细节理解题。根据第三段 “The experience made her realize that these children living in remte areas may have little knwledge f special educatin. ” 和 “As a result, she decided t becme mre invlved with special educatin,” 可知,因为帮助残疾两兄弟的经历,贾君婷才意识到偏远地区特殊教育的需要,才决定致力于特殊教育。故选D。
    26. D 推理判断题。根据第三段贾君婷意识到偏远地区特殊教育的需要,决定致力于特殊教育。以及第五段贾君婷为关注残疾人的权益而做出的努力可知,她是一个具有献身精神的和无私的人。故选D。
    27. D 细节理解题。根据文章第五段内容,她和丈夫成立了按摩店并雇佣了16名盲人。故选D。
    28. A 词义猜测题。根据第二段内容 The algae gets energy frm the sun and shares it with the cral internally. The cral builds a rck-like structure, which makes up mst f the reef, prviding hmes and fd fr many rganisms that live there. 可知,珊瑚和藻类是一种相互依存的共生关系。故选A。
    29. C 细节理解题。根据第一段内容 The recrd high temperatures created an extremely stressful envirnment fr the cral reefs, which are currently als experiencing intense cral bleaching. 可知,是高温引起了珊瑚礁的白化现象。故选C。
    30. B 理解细节题。根据第三段内容 It als includes harvesting cral spawn (卵), r grwing and planting cral parts. 可知,科学家们孵化珊瑚卵、种植珊瑚枝节,而不是种植珊瑚卵。故选B。
    31. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容 There are sme bright spts in the stry, hwever. Sme crals have recvered frm the bleaching, and many did nt bleach at all. 可知,科学家们的努力有了成效。故选D。
    32. D 细节理解题。根据第二段内容 Currently, psychiatric diagnsis is based almst entirely n talking with patients and thse clse t them, with nly a minimal rle fr tests such as bld tests and brain scans. Hwever, this lack f precisin prevents a richer understanding f the causes f mental illness and the mnitring f treatment, 可知,传统方式最大的弊端是无法深入地理解精神分裂症的原因。故选D。
    33. A 主旨大意题。第三段主要讲述了科学家是如何执行这项实验的,即科学研究的过程。故选A。
    34. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容 Lead authr, Dr Matthew Nur, said: “There is enrmus interest in using AI language mdels in medicine. If these tls prve safe, I expect they will begin t be used in the clinic within the next decade.” 可知,Dr Matthew Nur对这项人工智能语言模式持肯定和乐观的态度。故选B。
    35. D 主旨大意题。根据主旨段第一段内容 The research, published in PNAS, aims t understand hw the autmated analysis f language culd help dctrs and scientists diagnse and assess psychiatric(精神病的) cnditins. 可知,本文主要讲了人工智能语言模式帮助诊断精神分裂症。故选D。
    36. D 根据后文: An increasing number f space agencies are nw taking steps t defend against near—Earth asterids(NEAs),越来越多的太空机构正在采取措施防御近地小行星,可知小行星可能在现实中也对地球造成威胁,所以答案选D。
    37. A 根据该小标题下的段落内容: China will start t build Earth and space-based mnitring and warning systems t detect NEAs, 中国将启动建设近地天体和天基监测预警系统,探测近地天体;以及 China hpes t be able t clsely bserve appraching asterids befre impacting them t change their path tward ur planet, 中国希望能够近距离观察接近的小行星,然后撞击它们,改变它们朝向地球的路径,可知本段主要陈述中国对于防御小行星的计划措施,所以答案选A。
    38. E 前文 China will start t build Earth and space—based mnitring and warning systems t detect NEAs, 可知本句进一步陈述该监测预警系统的功能和目的,所以答案选E。
    39. G 前文叙述DART的发射为了撞击Dimrphs并改变其绕其太空邻居运行的速度,本句进一步陈述其撞击所起到的作用。因此答案选G。
    40. F 根据小标题 “Glbal effrt”,所以下文要体现全球合作的内容,因此答案选F。
    本文是一篇记叙文。Tdd Smith从小梦想成为一名飞行员,长大后终于实现了梦想,但在2019年,他所在的公司倒闭了。此时,面对日益严重的气候危机,他选择放弃飞行事业,投身环保事业。如今他成了一名环保积极分子。
    41. D 根据第一段 “Tdd Smith knew that flying was what he wanted t d when he was lder” 可知,Tdd Smith小时候就知道自己长大后想当一名飞行员。再根据空格前面的 “After five years' training” 可知,经过五年的训练,他终于在二十几岁的时候成为一名飞行员。这里考查land作动词的另一个意思,即“成功得到,赢得”。故选D。
    42. C 根据空格前面的 “wrking as an airline pilt” 和 “the travel firm” 可知,此处是说他所在的旅游公司倒闭了。故选C。
    43. A 根据文章后一段 “Mr Smith is nw a climate activist.” 可知,此处指 Tdd Smith越来越担心气候变化带来的严重威胁以及航空业的碳排放问题。cncerned意为“关注的,担心的”;curius意为“好奇的”;serius意为“认真的”;dubtful意为“怀疑的”。故选A。
    44. B 根据空格后面的“I was really eager t get invlved in envirnmental prtest grups, but I knew it wuld ruin... ” 可知, Tdd Smith心里很矛盾。故选 B。
    45. D 上文提到Tdd Smith越来越担心气候变化带来的严重威胁以及航空业的碳排放问题,而他本身是一名飞行员,如果参加环保抗议团体,他可能会失去工作,毁掉自己的事业。故选D。
    46. B 根据空格后面的 “pay them ff” 并结合数第二段的 “*Financially I've been really 54 . It's been challenging. . .” 可知,他有债务需要偿还。故选B。
    47. D 根据第五段的 “Giving up his dream jb. . . decisin” 可知,此处是说 Tdd Smith 最终决定永远放弃他的飞行生涯。故选D。
    48. D 根据空格后面的 “interesting destinatins” 可知,他更喜欢坐飞机游览有趣的目的地。故选D。
    49. A 根据空格前面的 “earning” 可知,此处是说当飞行员可以获得不错的薪水。故选A。
    50. B 结合空格后面的 “the climate and eclgical emergency” 可知,此处是指当面对气候和生态紧急情况的时候。 be faced with意为“面对,面临”;be accustmed t意为“习惯于”; be addicted t意为“沉溺于,对……上瘾”;be trapped in意为“陷入”。故选 B。
    51. C 根据前面的 “the climate and eclgical emergency” 和后面的 “needs” 可知,在面对气候和生态紧急情况的时候,Tdd Smith觉得他不可以只满足自己的需求。故选C。
    52. D 与空格前面的 “the climate and eclgical emergency” 呼应,此处表示“此时我们需要思考如何应对人类面临的最大威胁”。handle意为“处理,应付”。故选D。
    53. A 结合下文的 “It's been challenging.” 和上文提到的他需要偿还债务可知,放弃梦想中的工作对他来说是一个艰难的决定。故选A。
    54. B 根据上文提到的 “debts” 和空格后面的“It's been challenging.” 可知,他在经济上一直苦苦挣扎。struggle意为“在困境中挣扎,竭力维持”;save意为“储蓄”;invest意为“投资”;cntribute意为“捐助”。故选B。
    55. C 根据空格前面的 “but” 可知,前后两个分句之间是转折关系,结合前面的 “challenging” 推测, “taking actin” 应该是产生了积极的影响,结合选项可知,ease意为“减轻,缓解”,符合语境。cver意为“覆盖”;balance意为“抵消”;increase意为“增加”。故选C。
    56. which 考查定语从句。which替代先行词a bk,在从句中作介词in的宾语。
    57. an 考查冠词。根据句意:他把宣纸描述为书法和绘画的一种理想的载体,又因为后面的单词ideal,所以填 an.
    58. extremely 考查副词。修饰后边的形容词 demanding.
    59. t 考查介词。native t. . . 的意思是:原产于. . . 。
    60. befre 考查连词。该句的意思是:檀香皮是一种原产于南方的植物,在三年的时间里,它与稻草一起经历了108道工序之后才能转化为一批精美的宣纸。
    61. and 考查连词。连接两个并列句。句意为:墨的流动,有水的引导,也有水的抵抗,决定了中国艺术的产出,宣纸以其出色的发挥墨的能力而傲视群雄。
    62. t give 考查非谓语动词。 ability t d: 做某事的能力。
    63. has accmpanied 考查动词的时态。根据 fr thusands f years和句意:宣纸陪伴了中国文人激情的笔触数千年。
    64. brught 考查非谓语动词。句意为:与其他形式的纸张不同,宣纸非常耐得住被时间带来的损坏。
    65. valuable 考查形容词。修饰后边的名词wrks. 句意为:正是这种耐久性使中国古代许多珍贵作品的保存成为可能。
    Dear fellws,
    I am happy t share with yu my favrite sprt. Amng the “big family” f sprts, I have a preference fr basketball.
    Basketball is a team sprt that requires cperatin, skills, and endurance, which is a great way t stay physically active and scialize. I lve the sense f accmplishment I feel when I hit a game— winning sht r cntribute t my team's victry. Furthermre, it is als a sprt that can be played by peple f all ages and abilities.
    Persnally, nt nly des the sprt help me build up my bdy, but als it helps develp a sense f team spirit that I value in all aspects f my life, Life lies in mvement. Let's d it!
    Thank yu!
    One pssible versin:
    With a car's hrn beeping, Jim's friends Tara and Bryan jumped ut f the car. “Hw did yu d?” Tara asked eagerly. “Terrible!” Jim replied in a dwn tne, still trying t figure ut hw the ppsing team scred the game— winning gal just secnds befre the end f the game. Bryan patted Jim's shulder asking, “Is winning the game the nly reasn why yu play sccer and what really matters when playing a game?” Hearing this, Jim didn't want t g hme but decided t fllw his friends and watch their game.
    There came the turn fr Tara and Bryan's team t play the game. Jim watched with full attentin as Tara's team played fiercely against their ppsing team. What impressed him mst was that all the players in Tara's team cperated perfectly with unwavering reslve n their faces. Even when they were in a tie with the ppnent, they stayed psitive and cnfident. It dawned n Jim that success desn't always depend n the end result, but rather n hw we face adversity and grw frm it.
    Text 1
    M: Wh's that wman in a red dress next t Jessica?
    W: That's her friend Hlly. Didn't yu meet her at last picnic?
    M: I culdn't make it t the picnic because f my sister Maria.
    Text 2
    M: Excuse me. Culd yu tell me where the shpping mall is?
    W: Yes, it's that way. G tw blcks t Beckham Street, then turn left. It's in the secnd building, acrss frm the library.
    Text 3
    M: Hey! That truck hit a bus!
    W: That's bad! Is anyne hurt?
    M: Nbdy knws that yet. I shuld call 911. . . “Hell? I'd like t reprt an accident near the library n Henry Lane.”
    Text 4
    M: Hw did yur gegraphy test g?
    W: It went really well. I can't thank yu enugh fr helping me with it !
    M: My pleasure. D yu feel like preparing fr the math exam fr next week?
    Text 5
    M: What are yu lking at n yur phne?
    W: Tmrrw's weather. It's ging t be fantastic. Hardly any wind. Ging t be prbably the mst beautiful day s far this year.
    M: Can't fly a kite, thugh.
    Text 6
    W: Hey, this is Brain frm AJP News. What are yu ding?
    M: I'm reading an article abut the imprtance f tree planting.
    W: What d yu think f it?
    M: Trees are ur best friends. We need t plant a lt f trees because nly trees can help us t survive. They nt nly prvide us with fresh air but als fruits and ther things.
    Trees are a must fr rain. Withut rain, ur farmers can't grw plants.
    W: Yu're right.
    Text 7
    W: What utdr activity d yu take part in?
    M: I d many, fr example, playing vlleyball and swimming, but my favrite ne is jgging. Usually I g jgging in the park near my place.
    W: Wh d yu d utdr activities with?
    M: I usually g jgging with my family, especially my dad. We usually jg tgether every mrning, except n rainy days.
    W: Hw d yu feel after activities? D yu feel tired?
    M: Nt at all. Actually I feel really relaxed and I'm als in high spirits.
    W: What benefits can yu get frm utdr activities?
    M: It's a gd methd t wrk ut. Jgging is als a gd way fr me t make me energetic fr a lng day wrking.
    Text 8
    W: Hw many ppular festivals are there in yur cuntry?
    M: There are many: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick Day, Easter, etc.
    W: What is the mst imprtant festival in yur cuntry?
    M: I believe New Year's Day is the mst imprtant since it's a chance fr family t get tgether, welcming the new year.
    W: When and hw is the festival celebrated?
    M: It's celebrated n January 1st. Befre New Year's Day, peple g shpping fr fd and drinks, repair r decrate their huses. On New Year 's Eve, peple have a party with traditinal fd and drinks. After that, they may visit friends r relatives, g t the mvies r watch sprts.
    W: What's special abut that festival?
    M: Peple believe that the things they d n the first day will bring gd luck t them during the whle year.
    Text 9
    M: Hell. I'm frm the Yangtze Evening News. Yu are famus fr yur “repair shws” and have attracted millins f fans. But hw did yu learn t repair s many different machines all by yurself?
    W: I grew up in a small muntain village in Zhatng, Yunnan. The village is ften hit by pwer cuts, Many peple keep a machine in their hmes s that they can turn t it whenever the pwer is ut. As the machine wrks, the pwer cmes back and the darkrms are bright again. I develped a strng interest in this "magical machine" frm an early age, which led me t finally study engineering in cllege.
    M: Hw did yu cme up with the idea t share yur repair wrk n the Internet?
    W: One day, I came acrss a ppular shrt vide abut my hmetwn. Then I decided t fllw suit.
    M: Did yur “repair shws” g smthly?
    W: Nt really at first, but I didn't quit. I went n t repair varius types f equipment fr my villagers and cntinued t sht vides while fixing different machines.
    M: What's yur dream fr the future?
    W: I lve my hmetwn. By helping the villagers ut and trying t make my village a fantastic place, I have fund a better stage t use my skills.
    Text 10
    M: Yu may use yur pcket mney t get a mbile phne, a vide game r sme bks. Hwever, yu may feel it shameful when yu buy smething yu want but dn't really need. The situatin may nt appear if yu manage yur mney in a right way, which means spending mney as much as yu can n things yu need but less mney n smething yu dn't need. I's nt abut cntrlling yurself. It's abut realizing what yu really need and spending yur mney n the things yu lve withut feeling shameful.
    The mst imprtant thing t stp useless spending is t ask yurself questins like “Where is my mney ging? What d I need t spend my mney n? Hw much d I want t save?”

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    山东省名校考试联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份山东省名校考试联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了 11, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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