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    第Ⅰ卷 选择题部分
    1. What did the by d last night?
    A. He cmpeted in a match.
    B. He went t the stadium with Lucy.
    C. He met his favrite athlete.
    2. Why des the wman speak highly f the by?
    A. He is a mdest student.
    B. He tries t prtect the Earth.
    C. He has dne well in a presentatin.
    3. What des the man cmplain abut?
    A. He received many messages.B. He culdn’t cntact Mna.C. He lst his cmputer.
    4. Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A. $10.B. $20.C. $30.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn.B. Bss and emplyee.C. Teacher and student.
    6. What des the man plan t d n Sunday?
    A. Buy husehld appliances.B. Mve huse.C. Wash clthes.
    7. What des the wman think f buying a new refrigeratr?
    A. It’s a pure luxury.B. It’s a real bargain.C. It’s a basic necessity.
    8. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a bank.B. In the street.C. In the pst ffice.
    9. What will the man d next?
    A. Take mney ut.B. Get his accunts.C. Pst a letter.
    10. Which city is the wman’s destinatin?
    A. Detrit.B. Trnt.C. Shanghai.
    11. What will the wman d n Tuesday?
    A. Fetch her luggage.B. Attend a meeting.C. Catch a flight.
    12. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Grateful.B. Wrried.C. Encuraged.
    13. Why des the wman call the man?
    A. T apply fr a jb.B. T discuss his schedule.C. T make an appintment.
    14. Wh is the man?
    A. A prfessr.B. A dctr.C. A clinic clerk.
    15. What d we knw abut Mrs. Andersn?
    A. She is ff duty.
    B. She is ccupied nw.
    C. She has cancelled the bking.
    16. When will the wman see Mrs. Andersn?
    A. On August 20th.B. On August 30th.C. On September 20th.
    17. What d we knw abut the speaker?
    A. He mved t Pland.B. He is an expert in math.C. He majred in English.
    18. What did the speaker d t learn English at first?
    A. He studied in the library.B. He learned frm his father.C. He listened t English sngs.
    19. At what age did the speaker start t read bks in English?
    A. 6.B. 13.C. 15.
    20. What des the speaker think f reading math materials in English nw?
    A. Easy.B. Challenging.C. Bring.
    第一节:(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Hng Kng is the gastrnmical capital f the Asian mainland with abut 69 Michelin starred restaurants in 2023. Here are sme recmmended fr travelers.
    Super Luxurius Lung King Heen Restaurant
    If yu can affrd the best Cantnese cuisine and service, then this ne in the Fur Seasns Htel might be the best in the wrld and has excellent scenery t.
    Price per persn: 1,200 t 2,000 HKD
    Tel: 3196 8888
    Ming Curt Restaurant
    It was selected as a Michelin 2-star restaurant fr 2010, and retained the rating in 2016. It is a luxury Chinese restaurant featuring Cantnese cuisine in the 5-star Crdis Htel.
    Price per persn: HKD 700
    Tel: 3552 3028
    Tim H Wan
    It is internatinally distinguished as ne f the cheapest 1-Michelin star restaurants in the wrld. It is ideal fr mst turists and backpackers wh want t taste excellent Cantnese fd, but pay less.
    Price per persn: HKD 75
    Tel: 2332 3078
    B Innvatin
    B Innvatin is surprising because the fd isn't traditinal Chinese, but it is rated 3-Michelin stars. Sme diners give lw marks perhaps because their meal didn't fit their expectatins abut what Cantnese Chinese fd shuld be like. But experts rate the "extreme cuisine" highly fr the creativity, surprises, and fun as well as fr the delicius, smetimes nvel, flavrs.
    Price per persn: abve 800 HKD
    Tel: 2850 8371
    21. If yu are n a lw budget, which number shuld yu call while visiting Hng Kng?
    A.3196 8888B.3552 3028C.2332 3078D.2850 8371
    22. Why des B Innvatin receive lw marks?
    A. The price is t high.B. The lcatin is surprisingly far.
    C. The fd is t nvel fr traditinal style.D. The experts are nt fnd f the extreme cuisine.
    23. What d the fur restaurants have in cmmn?
    A. They are lcated in htels.B. They prvide Cantnese fd.
    C. They are rated 3-Michelin stars.D. They charge extra tip fr service.
    As we knw, Benjamin Franklin made grundbreaking discveries in the field f electrnics. He invented bth battery (the wrd) and batteries (the thing) and came up with the cncept f “psitive” and “negative” charges. But this cmes secnd t Franklin’s true electrical vcatin: practical jkes.
    Picture the scene: It’s summer 1749 and yu’ve been invited t a party at yur gd pal Ben’s huse. Yu sit dwn, pick up yur wine glass t take a sip ... and are hit with an electric shck straight t the muth. This was a typical risk f being friends with Benjamin Franklin. Nt nly did his guests put up with electrified wine glasses, but they were als frightened by dancing spiders made frm wd and string, and invited t send sparks f electricity between ne anther thrugh air kisses.
    The father f electricity first encuntered its wnders after witnessing an experiment-slash-vaudeville shw in 1743, and was electrified by the experience, t say the least. “I never was befre engaged in any study that s ttally engrssed my attentin and my time as this,” he wrte t fellw electrician Peter Cllinsn.
    Cllinsn had just sent Franklin an exciting gift: a Leyden jar. Physicists had been able t generate electricity. But the Leyden jar allwed them t stre and use it n demand. It wuld take nearly 7 trillin jars t stre the amunt f electricity in a single AA battery tday. But fr physicists f the time, a whle new wrld f experiments had pened up. Exactly what thse experiments were, Franklin left t the imaginatin.
    24. What can we knw abut Franklin?
    A. He discvered the field f electrnics.B. He designed sme new terms in electrnics.
    C. He separated psitive charge frm negative ne.D. He invented the cncept f practical jkes.
    25. What happened t the peple at the party?
    A. They culdn’t put up with the electric shck.B. They witnessed three tricks at the party.
    C. They tasted the wine made frm real spiders.D. They didn’t appreciate Franklin’ sense f humr.
    26. Why is a single AA battery mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T intrduce Franklin’s great achievement.B. T illustrate the functins f Leyden jars.
    C. T explain the stre amunt f Leyden jars.D. T shw Franklin’s creative imaginatin.
    27. What kind f persn is Franklin accrding t the text?
    A. Playful and curius.B. Friendly and humrus.
    C. Intelligent and reliable.D. Cmmitted and helpful.
    A grwing number f psychlgists are getting ut the message that anxiety has a psitive rle t play in ur lives. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, wh recently published Future Tense: Why Anxiety Is Gd fr Yu (Even Thugh It Feels Bad), thinks ur culture ges t far in demnizing(妖魔化)the difficult emtin.
    Psychlgist Tdd Kashdan, directr f the Well-Being Lab at Gerge Masn University in Virginia, is a critic f what he calls happylgy. We dn’t always have t be smiley and calm, r wrry there’s smething wrng with us. Smetimes, he says, wrry itself is what is right. Fear f heights? Gd, because yu’re nt ging t be the persn wh falls ff a cliff while taking a selfie.
    These experts wnder if the natural rle that anxiety plays in ur lives is smehw being frgtten. Fr example, the Wrld Health Organizatin (WHO) annunced in March 2022 that the prevalence f anxiety had increased glbally by 25% ver the previus year. The WHO called the finding “a wake-up call t all cuntries t step up mental health services and supprt”. D we knw fr certain that this data represents a public health crisis? Or culd it mean that millins f flks are quite rightly feeling uncertain, stressed ut and afraid?
    We can experience healthy, ften cmpletely valid perids f anxiety withut being categrized as mentally ill, accrding t behaviral psychlgists. Anxiety is an adaptive strategy in human evlutin. It helps us t prepare fr the uncertain future. Anxiety helps us slve unknwns by planning and imagining, by pltting ut pssible ways.
    Accrding t Alice Byes, wh has a PhD in clinical psychlgy, cping with anxiety by aviding them just reinfrces yur insecurity, because yu’re nt getting better at slving the prblem. “Over time, yu will feel less and less capable,” she warns.
    The key is t manage anxiety befre it vertakes us, like tending a garden s the weeds dn’t spread. Hw d yu d that? Slutins include meditatin, exercise, cmpassinate cnnectin such as vlunteering, access t nature and mentally reframing what we’re experiencing.
    28. Which statement is Kashdan’s pinin?
    A. Fear may prevent yu frm taking dangerus actins.
    B. Happylgy is quite ppular amng the yung nwadays.
    C. Being smiley can stp us frm wrrying smething wrng.
    D. Difficult emtins such as anxiety shuld nt be demnized.
    29. What is the authr’s attitude tward WHO’s annuncement?
    A. Unclear.B. Disapprving.C. Objective.D. Psitive.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “reinfrces” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Resists.B. Increases.C. Adjusts.D. Reveals.
    31. What is the best title f the text?
    A. The upside f anxiety.B. The key t manage anxiety.
    C. The rigin f difficult emtins.D. The right attitude t negative emtins.
    Generative A.I., the sftware engine behind ChatGPT, is seen as an exciting new wave f technlgy. But cmpanies in every industry are mainly trying ut the technlgy and thinking thrugh the ecnmics. Widespread use f it at many cmpanies culd be years away.
    Generative A.I., accrding t frecasts, culd sharply bst prductivity and add trillins f dllars t the glbal ecnmy. Yet the lessn f histry, frm steam pwer t the Internet, is that there is a lng lag between the arrival f majr new technlgy and its brad adptin—which is what transfrms industries and helps fuel the ecnmy.
    The investment craze is ging n right nw. In the first half f 2023, funding fr generative A.I. start-ups reached $15.3 billin, nearly three times the ttal fr last year. Cmpany technlgy managers are sampling generative A.I. sftware frm a hst f suppliers and watching t see hw the industry develps.
    In Nvember, when ChatGPT was made available t the public, it was a “Netscape mment” fr generative A.I., said Rb Thmas, IBM’s chief cmmercial fficer, referring t Netscape’s intrductin f the brwser in 1994. “That brught the Internet alive,” Mr. Thmas said. But it was just a beginning, pening a dr t new business pprtunities that it tk years t create.
    In a recent reprt, a timeline fr the widespread adptin f generative A.I. applicatin was presented. It assumed steady imprvement in currently knwn technlgy, but nt future break-thrughs. Its frecast fr main-stream adptin was neither shrt nr precise, a range f 8 t 27 years. The brad range is explained by plugging in different assumptins abut ecnmic cycles, gvernment regulatin, cmpany cultures and management decisins. “We’re nt mdeling the laws f physics here; we’re mdeling ecnmics and scieties, and peple and cmpanies,” said Michael Chui, a partner at the McKinsey Glbal Institute. “What happens is largely the result f human chices.”
    32. Hw are the cmpanies reacting after the intrductin f generative A.I.?
    A. Adpting the new technlgy widely.B. Making a high prfit frm the technlgy.
    C. Staying cautius abut the new technlgy.D. Pstpning generative A.I.’s wide adptin.
    33. What will transfrm industries?
    A. The arrival f majr new technlgy.B. The brad adptin f new technlgy.
    C. The lag between the majr technlgies.D. The inventin f steam pwer in histry.
    34. What is the purpse f writing paragraph 4?
    A. T shw the Internet came alive in the 1990s.
    B. T mentin A.I. has brught imprtant benefits.
    C. T explain the present situatin is just a beginning.
    D. T prve the new business pprtunities are enrmus.
    35. What d we learn abut the wide adptin f generative A.I.?
    A. It needs steady imprvement instead f break-thrughs.
    B. It shuld mdel the laws f physics and ecnmics.
    C. It will be widely adpted in ver 3 decades.
    D. It is influenced mstly by human factrs.
    Being a gd friend isn’t always easy. Nevertheless, taking the time t develp a lasting friendship is wrth every unce f effrt. 36 Here are a few things yu can d t be a gd friend t thers.
    Make time fr each ther
    37 The mark f a gd friend is smene wh makes time fr yu and makes spending time with yu a pririty. A gd friend will als lk fr pprtunities t maximize the time yu have tgether by seeking fun and unique experiences that strengthen and maintain yur bnd.
    Open up and allw each ther t be vulnerable
    A gd friend is smene genuine, smene with whm yu can be yurself and they can be themselves arund yu. A gd friend allws yu t be vulnerable with them and vice versa, meaning yu can expse yur emtins and circumstances with each ther and trust ne anther t listen, be supprtive, and have each ther’s best interests at heart. 38 If yur friend hurt yu, dn’t be afraid t talk abut it.
    It is ne f the mst imprtant aspects f being a gd friend. Yur friend will need yu fr supprt, especially in hard times. Nbdy wants t be friends with smene wh actually isn’t interested in them. It’s hard t rely n a persn wh desn’t behave in a trustwrthy way. We all knw well-intentined peple wh say, “Okay, I will...” but never fllw thrugh. If that’s yu, be aware that yu’re destrying yur friends’ trust. Eventually, they’ll stp believing what yu say.
    Aplgize when yu’ve made a mistake.
    If yu want yur friends t trust yu, then yu can’t act like yu’re perfect. If yu knw yu’ve made a mistake, wn up t it instead f denying. Thugh yur friends wn’t be happy that yu made a mistake, they’ll be very pleased that yu’re mature enugh t admit it instead f just pretending that nthing is wrng, r wrse—blaming it n smene else. 40 Let yur friends hear the sincerity in yur vice.
    A. Be dependable.
    B. Be a gd listener.
    C. When yu d s, yu shuld mean it.
    D. A gd friend is willing t stick their neck ut n behalf f their friends.
    E. It will cntribute t direct lines f cmmunicatin between bth f yu.
    F. Friendships grw thrugh shared experiences and quality time tgether.
    G. Because gd friendships prvide a sense f belnging and security, knwing yu are lved.
    33 years ag, I was n the early mrning ride frm the suburbs.
    We were a crwd f silent passengers, ne f whm was a small gray man t the centre fr senir citizens regularly. He 41 the bus with a stp(弯腰)and sat dwn alne behind the driver.
    One day, a(n) 42 ccurred. That mrning, the elderly smiled 43 dwn thrugh the bus and greeted the driver with a “gd mrning” 44 he sat dwn. The driver ndded cautiusly. The next day, he smiled energetically and said in a 45 vice: “And a very gd mrning t yu all!” Sme f us lked up, astnished, and 46 “Gd mrning”.
    The fllwing days we began t nd and talk t each ther. One mrning he held a bunch f wild flwers. Smilingly, the driver 47 , teasing “Have yu gt a girlfriend, Charlie?” He ndded shyly. The thers 48 and clapped at him. Every mrning after that, sme f the wmen began t bring him 49 . The men enjyed light-hearted jkes and 50 news.
    The summer drifting away, autumn 51 . Hwever, ne mrning Charlie was absent. We started wndering if he was sick r 52 , n hliday smewhere. Arriving at the centre, we held ur breaths when ne passenger went t the dr t ask. The staff said ne f his very clse friends had died, s we anticipated his 53 n Mnday.
    The fllwing Mnday Charlie awaited us at the stp, his stp mre 54 , and his hair grayer. Inside the bus was a 55 again. We sat with ur eyes brimming with tears, buquets f flwers in ur hands.
    A. tk B. checked C. rdeD. barded
    A. cnversatinB. changeC. accidentD. argument
    A. slightlyB. unwillinglyC. hardlyD. cnstantly
    A. befreB. afterC. whileD. since
    A. shyB. weakC. sadD. cheerful
    A. yelled B. smiledC. murmuredD. murned
    A. turned verB. turned upC. turned in D. turned arund
    A. whistledB. appliedC. bwedD. applauded
    A. mneyB. cardsC. flwersD. newspapers
    A. read B. madeC. sharedD. annunced
    A. apprachedB. drewC. draggedD. clsed
    A. hpefullyB. frtunatelyC. amazinglyD. gratefully
    A. favrB. prtest C. return D. entertainment
    A. crucialB. ugly C. differentD. distinct
    A. lneliness B. silenceC. hesitatinD. security
    第Ⅱ卷 非选择题部分
    Cats mew mre when they’re accustmed t staying with peple. But des the cat feel friendly? Or is it
    56 (anger)? Is smething blcking its way? Is the cat afraid r distressed? Or , des it just want fd ?
    In a psychlgy study, prfessr Nick Nicastr recrded hundreds f cat mews in thse five situatins. Then humans listened t the sunds thrugh headphnes. Thse 57 were mre familiar with cats r ften dealt with their wn cats at hme 58 (d) better at interpreting the mews, especially 59 cats made several mews in a rw.
    60 , even the cat-lving grup gt the right answers nly abut 30 percent f the time—slightly better than 61 20 percent they’d scre if 62 (pick) answers at randm. Nicastr thinks that peple wuld 63 (prbable) d better with vide, because they’d have mre clues. Indeed, individual cats vary 64 hw they mew in different situatins and they cmmunicate a lt with pstures, head psitins and even tail 65 (mve). “I think that we d miss a lt f cat cmmunicatin because we dn’t get all f that,” says McDaniel.
    假定你是Li Hua,你的美国朋友David在上一封信中得知你因为高考选科而纠结,很想知道你现在的选科情况,请你给他回信,分享你的近况。
    My father had been a sales trainer wh taught presentatin skills. He traveled acrss the wrld fr wrk and cmpeted in tennis turnaments n the weekends. “Life is gd,” he wuld always say, with a twinkle in his eyes.
    Everything changed during my secnd year f high schl. A sudden strke (中风)left my dad with severe physical and neurlgical deficits. He was unable t mve the right side f his bdy. But the mst serius prblem, amidst s many thers, was his lss f speech.
    The strke resulted in a disrder called aphasia, which damages smene’s ability t cmmunicate and understand language. It was like my father was a prisner in his wn bdy, unable t d and say exactly what he wanted.
    The aphasia als caused my dad t say things he did nt mean. He wuld smetimes cry in the middle f a funny mvie and laugh when smething tragic happened. I fund myself ging thrugh embarrassment whenever we were in public. My father wuld wave his cane like a weapn and shut incherent yet harmless phrases at passersby. It upset me. I hated the stares and hushed cmments, even thugh he did nt ntice.
    One afternn, I came hme t find my dad watching an ld vide. It was a vide f my father and me playing tennis. What used t be such a simple pleasure was nw impssible. We watched in silence until I culdn’t hld my grief any lnger. I fund myself shaking and crying. At any time, he culd have anther strke. There was n prmise f tmrrw. I felt vercme by fear, bth fr my family and fr my father.
    Father’s lips mved while he watched me cry. He clearly wanted t say smething, but was pwerless. I wndered what he wanted t say t inspire me t face up t the darkness we were ging thrugh.
    I finally fund my answer when ne day I tk my dad t the park, rwing a bat as we did a few times befre. “Yu …and… me!” he managed t say.
    Paragraph 1:
    Shcked, I wanted t hear mre.

    Paragraph 2:
    “Yes. Life is gd.” I whispered back, cmpleting it fr him.

    1-5.CCBBA 6-10.ACABC11-15.BACCB 16-20.BBCCA
    21-23 CCB 24-27 BBCA 28-31 ABBA32-35 CBCD
    36-40 GFEAC
    56. angry 57. wh 58.did 59. when 60. Hwever/Nevertheless
    61. the 62. picking 63. prbably 64.in 65. mvements
    Dear David,
    Knwing that yu have been cncerned abut my prblem with subject chsing, I can’t feel t grateful t yu, s I’m writing t share my chice and views abut it with yu.
    Nw I have chsen Physics, Chemistry and Histry as my selective subjects. Physics and Chemistry are science-based subjects, which I think can equip us with knwledge f the mechanics f ur wrld as well as scientific skills t unlck mysteries. On the ther hand, Histry helps me have a better understanding f ur rts, which is als where my interest lies.
    Anyway, I’m cnfident abut my chice and hpe everything ges well fr yu t.
    Li Hua
    Shcked, I wanted t hear mre. Seized by eagerness and excitement, I leaned frward, inclining my ear t his lips. But there was a lng silence. I tried t pretend nt t be waiting thugh I knew Dad was struggling fr his vice. We flated n the water, eyes fixed n the setting sun. Just after the sky put ut its last flicker f pink, my dad lked at me with a familiar expressin. “Life… gd.” The wrds came in a mumble, but I gt them. Maybe because f his bright smile, r a rush f warm air, in that precius mment, I understd exactly what he meant.
    “Yes. Life is gd.” I whispered back, cmpleting it fr him. That was what he wuld always say befre his strke. Nw Dad injected true meaning int the three simple wrds by refusing t let his sickness vershadw ur life. I culdn’t imagine hw tirelessly he had wrked t recver what he had lst r t regain a fair amunt f his speech. I culd cmprehend nw he had always been trying t inspire me t mve frward in the face f the darkest times. I used t lve the light fr it shwed me the way; yet nw I appreciate the darkness fr it shws me the stars.
    Text 1
    M: Hey, Lucy. I saw yu at the stadium last night.
    W: Yu were there t?
    M: Yes, my parents tk me there t watch the game. Yu knw what? My favrite athlete signed my T-shirt!
    W: Ww, yu’re s lucky!
    Text 2
    M: This is a mdel f a vlcan. In a real vlcan, pressure builds up belw the surface f the Earth and frces the mlten rck t erupt. Mlten rck and ash can be sht even thusands f feet int the air.
    W: Yu’ve dne well, Bill. G back t yur seat please.
    Text 3
    M: Hey, it’s Ryan. What are yu ding, Mna? I’ve sent yu abut twenty messages, but yu didn’t reply.
    W: Oh, srry. I psted a message t give my ld cmputer away yesterday. I’ve been flded with messages since then, s I haven’t had time t read them all.
    Text 4
    M: Excuse me, hw much are these chclates?
    W: They’re $10 per bx. But if yu buy tw, yu can get the third ne fr free.
    M: Great. I’d like t take three bxes then. My sister lves them.
    Text 5
    W: Hurry up with yur atmeal, Zack. I’m ging t be late fr wrk. I dn’t want t be blamed by Mr. Green.
    M: Just a minute. Dn’t wrry. Yu still have twenty minutes.
    W: I’ll take yur schlbag and wait fr yu at the garage.
    Text 6
    M: I’m ging t mve int a new apartment this Saturday. And I decided t get sme new husehld appliances n Sunday. D yu have any recmmendatins?
    W: I went t an appliance retailer with my mm last week, which is nt t far frm my huse. It has a wide range f brands.
    M: What did yu buy then?
    W: We bught a refrigeratr. It was a bit expensive. The ld ne was ut f rder. Yu knw, I really can’t live withut ne because I have t keep the fd cld r frzen. We als bught a washer-dryer t clean and dry ur clthes.
    M: I usually wash my clthes by hand, but having a washing machine can make life easier.
    Text 7
    M: Hell. I’d like t pen an accunt.
    W: Hell, sir. What kind f accunt wuld yu like t pen? We have tw main types f bank accunts: checking accunts and savings accunts.
    M: Well, I’d like the first ne.
    W: And wuld yu als like t pen a savings accunt? I think it can prvide yu with cnvenience if yu have ne.
    M: Why nt?
    W: Okay. Yur ID card, please.
    M: Oh, I frgt t take it with me, but I have my driver’s license.
    W: We als need smething with yur hme address n.
    M: I have a gas bill with my hme address and my name n it.
    W: Okay. Yu need t depsit a minimum f $50 each in rder t pen these accunts.
    M: N prblem. That’s fine.
    W: I’ll pen the accunts fr yu right nw. The accunt details will be sent t yu by pst each mnth.
    M: Thanks a bunch.
    Text 8
    W: Hi. I’m a visitr frm Detrit, and I’m leaving tday. But I was delayed by traffic n such a snwy day. I’m lking fr my flight. Here’s my ticket.
    M: Yur flight has left at 8:00 p.m.
    W: Oh n, I’m suppsed t be n that flight.
    M: Dn’t wrry. There are ther flights that can take yu t Shanghai.
    W: D I have t buy anther ticket?
    M: N, I’ll help yu reschedule yur flight. Hmm … It means a cuple f transfers. Wuld yu like a windw seat r an aisle seat?
    W: Windw seat please. Hw lng des the jurney take?
    M: The whle trip takes abut 25.5 hurs with stps in Trnt and Taipei. Yu are ging t tuch dwn in Shanghai at 12:05 p.m. n Mnday.
    W: Gd. In that case, I wn’t miss the cnference n Tuesday mrning. D I have t have my luggage checked at the ther tw airprts?
    M: N, yu needn’t. Yu can wait fr yur luggage in Shanghai.
    W: Thank yu. Yu really saved my life.
    M: It’s my pleasure. Here is yur ticket. Enjy yur trip.
    Text 9
    M: Hell. What can I d fr yu?
    W: Hi there. I’m calling t ask if there are any dctrs wh are seeing new patients nw.
    M: Yeah, we have Mrs. Andersn, the nly dctr available during this perid. It will take yu a bit lng t wait fr her. We accept bkings fr late August and early September, if that’s kay with yu.
    W: Yes.
    M: Just give me ne mment. D yu prefer mrning r afternn?
    W: Afternn please.
    M: Okay, s August 30th sunds kay. Wuld yu like t cme ver at 3:00, 4:20 r 5:40?
    W: Let me have a check n my schedule. S yu said August 20th, h, 30th. Srry. I think 5:40 wuld wrk the best fr me.
    M: What’s yur name please?
    W: Michelle Wright.
    M: Perfect. It’s dne. If there are any cancellatins, please let us knw in advance.
    W: Thank yu very much.
    Text 10

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