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    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the speakers d next?
    A. Visit a friend.B. Pick up Billy.C. Buy sme beans.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Wh is Andy Clarks?
    A. A public librarian.B. A TV actr.C. A famus lawyer.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Gifts fr Jasn.B. A baseball game.C. The wman's retirement.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What went n at Cper's last night?
    A. A mvie shw.B. A birthday party.C. A sales prmtin.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What prblem d the speakers have?
    A. They are late fr wrk.
    B. They get stuck in traffic.
    C. They have lst their way.
    6. Where are the speakers?
    A. At hme.B. At the ffice.C. At the airprt.
    7. Hw des Sara sund?
    A. Anxius.B. Surprised.C. Grateful.
    8. What made Miss Jhnsn chse teaching as a prfessin?
    A. Pressure frm her family.B. Her passin fr the wrk.C. A teacher's encuragement.
    9. What des Miss Jhnsn think is the best part f her jb?
    A. Being with children.B. Winning thers' respect.C. Learning different things.
    10. What des Miss Jhnsn want her students t becme?
    A. Lifelng learners.B. Creative thinkers.C. Gd cmmunicatrs.
    11. What des Becky like abut living with her parents?
    A. They have a big huse.
    B. They ck meals fr her.
    C. They pay all her expenses.
    12. What des Ethan suggest Becky d regarding her mther?
    A. Have patience.
    B. Prvide cmpany.
    C. Express gratitude.
    13. Why is Ethan cncerned abut his parents living n their wn?
    A. They may feel lnely.
    B. They may fail t get alng.
    C. They may have an emergency.
    14 Whse speech did the wman listen t this mrning?
    A. Jhn Miller's.B. David Thmpsn's.C. Allan Brwn's.
    15. What is the wrkshp in the afternn abut?
    A. Knwledge ecnmy.B. Risk assessment.C. Emplyee mtivatin.
    16. What des the wman say abut her jb?
    A. It can be challenging.B. It is truly interesting.C. It will be rewarding.
    17. What d the man and the wman bth want t d?
    A. Apply fr a new psitin.
    B. Offer their staff a salary raise.
    C. Imprve their management skills.
    18. What des the speaker prbably d?
    A. She's a medical dctr.
    B She's a fitness instructr.
    C. She's a swimming cach.
    19. What is a cmmn wrkut mistake?
    A. Fcusing nly n building muscles.
    B. Taking t many types f exercises.
    C. Ding the same rutine all the time.
    20. Hw ften des the speaker suggest peple d hard wrkuts?
    A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.
    Explrers Camp
    •Full day camp fr kids aged 5-13.
    •Mnday-Friday, July 8-26, 9am-4pm.
    Week 1 | July 8-12
    Week 2 | July 15-19
    Week 3 | July 22-26
    •Register fr a single week r multiple weeks.
    •Fees: $365 per week.
    •The last day t cancel registratin and receive a full refund (退款) is June 15.
    Camp Structure
    The day is divided int tw thematic sessins per age grup. Campers have a three-hur mrning class engaging with a mrning theme (9am t 12 nn) and a ne-hur lunch break, fllwed by anther three-hur class engaging with an afternn theme (1pm t 4pm). Snack perids are held thrughut the day. All campers shuld bring their wn bagged lunch and snacks.
    Camp Cntent
    Explrers Camp rganizes engaging arts, histry and science-related activities in every! class, and fcuses n a range f tpics that emphasize active learning, explratin and, mst f all, fun! All camp sessins are created with age-apprpriate activities that are tailred t the multiple ways that kids learn.
    Camp Staff
    Campers enjy a staff-t-child rati ranging frm 1:4 t 1:7 depending n the age grup. Instructrs are passinate educatrs wh are experts in their fields and have undergne training and a backgrund check.
    21. On which f the fllwing dates can yu cancel yur registratin with a full refund?
    A. June 12.B. June 22.C. July 19.D. July 26.
    22. Hw are campers divided int different grups?
    A. By gender.B. By natinality.C. By interest.D. By age.
    23. Hw many hurs f class will yu have altgether if yu register fr a single week?
    A. 15.B. 21.C. 30.D. 42.
    Live with rmmates? Have friends and family arund yu? Chances are that if yu’re lking t live a mre sustainable lifestyle, nt everyne arund yu will be ready t jump n that bandwagn.
    I experienced this when I started switching t a zer waste lifestyle five years ag, as I was living with my parents, and I cntinue t experience this with my husband, as he is nt cmpletely zer waste like me. I’ve learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu’ll find encuraging if yu’re ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld.
    Zer waste was a radical lifestyle mvement a few years back. I remember shwing my parents a vide f Bea Jhnsn, sharing hw cl I thught it wuld be t buy grceries with jars, and have s little trash! A few days later, I came back with my first jars f zer waste grceries, and my dad cmmented n hw silly it was fr me t carry jars everywhere. It came ff as a bit discuraging.
    Yet as the mnths f reducing waste cntinued, I did what I culd that was within my wn reach. I had my wn bedrm, s I wrked n remving things I didn’t need. Since I had my wn tiletries (洗漱用品), I was able t start persnalising my rutine t be mre sustainable. I als ffered t ck every s ften, s I prtined ut a bit f the cupbard fr my wn zer waste grceries. Perhaps yur husehld wn’t entirely make the switch, but yu may have sme cntrl ver yur wn persnal spaces t make the changes yu desire.
    As yu make yur lifestyle changes, yu may find yurself wanting t speak up fr yurself if thers cmment n what yu’re ding, which can turn itself int a whle husehld debate. If yu have individuals wh are nt n bard, yur wrds prbably wn’t d much and can ften leave yu feeling mre discuraged.
    S here is my advice: Lead by actin.
    24. What d the underlined wrds “jump n that bandwagn” mean in the first paragraph?
    A. Share an apartment with yu.B. Jin yu in what yu’re ding.
    C. Transfrm yur way f living.D. Help yu t make the decisin.
    25. What was the attitude f the authr’s father tward buying grceries with jars?
    A. He disapprved f it.B. He was favrable t it.
    C. He was tlerant f it.D. He didn’t care abut it.
    26. What can we infer abut the authr?
    A. She is quite gd at cking.B. She respects thers’ privacy.
    C. She enjys being a husewife.D. She is a determined persn.
    27. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Hw t get n well with ther family members.
    B. Hw t have ne’s wn persnal space at hme.
    C. Hw t live a zer waste lifestyle in a husehld.
    D. Hw t cntrl the budget when buying grceries.
    A machine can nw nt nly beat yu at chess, it can als utperfrm yu in debate. Last week, in a public debate in San Francisc, a sftware prgram called Prject Debater beat its human ppnents, including Na Ovadia, Israel’s frmer natinal debating champin.
    Brilliant thugh it is, Prject Debater has sme weaknesses. It takes sentences frm its library f dcuments and prebuilt arguments and strings them tgether. This can lead t the kinds f errrs n human wuld make. Such wrinkles will n dubt be irned ut, yet they als pint t a fundamental prblem. As Kristian Hammnd, prfessr f electrical engineering and cmputer science at Nrthwestern University, put it: “There’s never a stage at which the system knws what it’s talking abut.”
    What Hammnd is referring t is the questin f meaning and meaning is central t what distinguishes the least intelligent f humans frm the mst intelligent f machines. A cmputer wrks with symbls. Its prgram specifies a set f rules t transfrm ne string f symbls int anther. But it des nt specify what thse symbls mean. Indeed, t a cmputer, meaning is irrelevant. Humans, in thinking, talking, reading and writing, als wrk with symbls. But fr humans, meaning is everything. When we cmmunicate, we cmmunicate meaning. What matters is nt just the utside f a string f symbls, but the inside t, nt just hw they are arranged but what they mean.
    Meaning emerges thrugh a prcess f scial interactin, nt f cmputatin, interactin that shapes the cntent f the symbls in ur heads. The rules that assign meaning lie nt just inside ur heads, but als utside, in sciety, in scial memry, scial cnventins and scial relatins. It is this that distinguishes humans frm machines. And that’s why, hwever astnishing Prject Debater may seem, the traditin that began with Scrates and Cnfucius will nt end with artificial intelligence.
    28. Why des the authr mentin Na Ovadia in the first paragraph?
    A. T explain the use f a sftware prgram.
    B. T shw the cleverness f Prject Debater.
    C. T intrduce the designer f Prject Debater.
    D. T emphasize the fairness f the cmpetitin.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “wrinkles” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Arguments.B. Dubts.C. Errrs.D. Differences.
    30. What is Prject Debater unable t d accrding t Hammnd?
    A. Create rules.B. Cmprehend meaning.
    C. Talk fluently.D. Identify difficult wrds.
    31. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. Scial interactin is key t understanding symbls.
    B. The human brain has ptential yet t be develped.
    C. Ancient philsphers set gd examples fr debaters.
    D. Artificial intelligence ensures humans a bright future.
    Accrding t the Slar Energy Industry Assciatin, the number f slar panels installed(安装)has grwn rapidly in the past decade, and it has t grw even faster t meet climate gals. But all f that grwth will take up a lt f space, and thugh mre and mre peple accept the cncept f slar energy, few like large slar panels t be installed near them.
    Slar develpers want t put up panels as quickly and cheaply as pssible, s they haven’t given much thught t what they put under them. Often, they’ll end up filling the area with small stnes and using chemicals t cntrl weeds. The result is that many cmmunities, especially in farming regins, see slar farms as destryers f the sil.
    “Slar prjects need t be gd neighbrs,” says Jrdan Macknick, the head f the Innvative Site Preparatin and Impact Reductins n the Envirnment(InSPIRE)prject. “They need t be prtectrs f the land and cntribute t the agricultural ecnmy.” InSPIRE is investigating practical appraches t “lw-impact” slar develpment, which fcuses n establishing and perating slar farms in a way that is kinder t the land. One f the easiest lw-impact slar strategies is prviding habitat fr pllinatrs(传粉昆虫).
    Habitat lss, pesticide use, and climate change have caused dramatic declines in pllinatr ppulatins ver the past cuple f decades, which has damaged the U.S. agricultural ecnmy. Over 28 states have passed laws related t pllinatr habitat prtectin and pesticide use. Cnservatin rganizatins put ut pllinatr-friendliness guidelines fr hme gardens, businesses, schls, cities—and nw there are guidelines fr slar farms.
    Over the past few years, many slar farm develpers have transfrmed the space under their slar panels int a shelter fr varius kinds f pllinatrs, resulting in sil imprvement and carbn reductin. “These pllinatr-friendly slar farms can have a valuable impact n everything that’s ging n in the landscape,” says Macknick.
    32. What d slar develpers ften ignre?
    A. The decline in the demand fr slar energy.
    B. The negative impact f installing slar panels.
    C. The rising labr cst f building slar farms.
    D. The mst recent advances in slar technlgy.
    33. What des InSPIRE aim t d?
    A. Imprve the prductivity f lcal farms.
    B. Invent new methds fr cntrlling weeds.
    C. Make slar prjects envirnmentally friendly.
    D. Prmte the use f slar energy in rural areas.
    34. What is the purpse f the laws mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T cnserve pllinatrs.B. T restrict slar develpment.
    C. T diversify the ecnmy.D. T ensure the supply f energy.
    35. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Pllinatrs: T Leave r t StayB. Slar Energy: Hpe fr the Future
    C. InSPIRE: A Leader in AgricultureD. Slar Farms: A New Develpment
    With gas prices rising and airprt security lines snaking lnger than ever, why nt bk yur next dmestic vacatin n a train? Cmpared t ther alternatives, it’s cmfrtable and relaxing. Here is sme advice n hw t make a trip by rail as pleasant as pssible.
    Plan ahead. Mst lng-distance trains especially the sleeping car accmmdatins, sell ut very quickly. ____36____ But n matter when yu travel, it’s a gd idea t make yur reservatins at least 90 days in advance.
    Use a travel agent. Cnsider turning yur travel plan ver t a travel agent and letting him duble-check all the details, make suggestins, and then handle the actual reservatins. A gd ne can smetimes find yu discunted tickets. ____37____ Then yu wn’t have t walk thrugh several cars n a mving train three times a day fr yur meals.
    Bring a blanket. When yu’re riding n trains, yu wn’t be prvided with a blanket fr free, even if yur trip is an vernight ne. ____38____ In the summer in particular, the air cnditining can make them quite cld.
    Arrive early. Mst trains perate just nce a day and sme run nly three times a week, s missing yurs can be a disaster. ____39____ Nte: The times listed n the schedules are departure times, nt arrival times.
    Have fun. ____40____ Read a bk, knit, d a crsswrd puzzle, r simply watch the wrld unfld utside the windw. T calculate yur speed as yu d, divide 3,600(the number f secnds in an hur)by the number f secnds it takes yu t travel ne mile(the distance between tw milepsts). If it takes the train 53 secnds t travel ne mile, yu’re ging 67.92 mph.
    A. Train trips aren’t fr impatient types.
    B. Yu’ll have views frm bth sides f the train.
    C. The temperature n rail cars is ften hard t cntrl.
    D. That’s particularly true during busy summer mnths.
    E. Yu might have t wait lnger than 24 hurs t catch the next ne.
    F. Chances are the cst will be a lt less than the cst f ne bedrm.
    G. He may als bk yu in a sleeping car that’s right next t the diner.
    The sun was beginning t sink as I set ff int the Harenna Frest. I was n my way t ____41____ a unique hney harvest. Here, in suth-east Ethipia, hand-carved beehives(蜂箱)are placed in the ____42____. Reaching them t get the hney is difficult—and ften ____43____ .
    I ____44____ beekeeper Ziyad ver a wide stretch f grassland befre entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparatins. He ____45____ handfuls f damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and ____46____ the bunch t create a trch(火把). Then, with ne end f a rpe tied t his waist and the ther end arund the trunk f a tree, Ziyad began ____47____ . He stpped every few minutes t mve the ____48____ higher up the tree trunk.
    ____49____ , Ziyad gt clse t the hive which was arund 20 metres abve the grund. Sitting n a branch, he _____50_____ twards it and blew smke frm his trch int a tiny hle in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad let ut a sharp cry. Within secnds, he’d _____51_____ the trunk and was back n the grund.
    It was t _____52_____ t cllect the hney. A cl summer had delayed _____53_____ . Baby bees were still in the hneycmbs(蜂巢). The adult bees were _____54_____ and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped frm the tree. He had t wait fr the right _____55_____ t g back up.
    41. A. shareB. cllectC. celebrateD. witness
    42. A. curtyardsB. fieldsC. treetpsD. caves
    43. A. urgentB. dangerusC. expensiveD. pintless
    44. A. searchedB. recgnisedC. fllwedD. invited
    45 A. gatheredB. cleanedC. drppedD. checked
    46. A. shkB. litC. measuredD. decrated
    47. A. jumpingB. talkingC. testingD. climbing
    48. A. hivesB. leavesC. rpeD. hney
    49. A. FinallyB. SurprisinglyC. NaturallyD. Immediately
    50. A. backedB. divedC. shutedD. inched
    51. A. cut ffB. gne upC. slid dwnD. held nt
    52. A. highB. earlyC. fastD. clse
    53. A. hatchingB. trainingC. swingD. trading
    54. A. curiusB. hungryC. bredD. angry
    55. A. mmentB. equipmentC. persnD. rder
    During China’s dynastic perid, emperrs planned the city f Beijing ____56____ arranged the residential areas accrding t scial classes. The term “hutng”, ____57____ (riginal)meaning “water well” in Mnglian, appeared first during the Yuan Dynasty.
    In the Ming Dynasty, the center was the Frbidden City, ____58____ (surrund)in cncentric(同心的)circles by the Inner City and Outer City. Citizens f higher scial classes ____59____ (permit)t live clser t the center f the circles. The large siheyuan f these high-ranking fficials and wealthy businessmen ften ____60____ (feature)beautifully carved and painted rf beams and pillars(柱子). The hutngs they frmed were rderly, lined by ____61____ (space)hmes and walled gardens. Farther frm the center lived the cmmners and labrers. Their siheyuan were far smaller in scale and ____62____ (simple)in design and decratin, and the hutngs were narrwer.
    Hutngs represent an imprtant cultural element f the city f Beijing. Thanks t Beijing’s lng histry ____63____ capital f China, almst every hutng has its stries, and sme are even assciated with histric ____64____ (event). In cntrast t the curt life and upper-class culture represented by the Frbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Temple f Heaven, the hutngs reflect _____65_____ culture f grassrts Beijingers.
    66. 上周末你参加了校学生会组织的“认识我们身边的植物”活动。请为校英文报写篇报道,内容包括:
    1. 活动的过程;
    2. 收获与感想。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Getting t Knw the Plants Arund Us
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I was invited t a ckut n an ld friend’s farm in western Washingtn. I parked my car utside the farm and walked past a milking huse which had apparently nt been used in many years. A nise at a windw caught my attentin, s I entered it. It was a hummingbird (蜂鸟), desperately trying t escape. She was cvered in spider-webs (蛛网) and was barely able t mve her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up.
    With the bird in my cupped hand, I lked arund t see hw she had gtten in. The brken windw glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece f clth int the hle and tk her utside, clsing the dr securely behind me.
    When I pened my hand, the bird did nt fly away; she sat lking at me with her bright eyes. I remved the sticky spider-webs that cvered her head and wings. Still, she made n attempt t fly. Perhaps she had been struggling against the windw t lng and was t tired? Or t thirsty?
    As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path tward my car where I kept a water bttle, she began t mve. I stpped, and she sn tk wing but did nt immediately fly away.
    Hvering (悬停), she apprached within six inches f my face. Fr a very lng mment, this tiny creature lked int my eyes, turning her head frm side t side. Then she flew quickly ut f sight.
    During the ckut, I tld my hsts abut the hummingbird incident. They prmised t fix the windw. As I was departing, my friends walked me t my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew t the center f ur grup and began hvering. She turned frm persn t persn until she came t me. She again lked directly int my eyes, then let ut a squeaking call and was gne. Fr a mment, all were speechless. Then smene said, “She must have cme t say gdbye.”
    1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    A few weeks later, I went t the farm again.
    I was just abut t leave when the hummingbird appeared.

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