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    这是一份2022-2023学年湖南省新高考教学教研联盟高三第二次联考英语试题解析版+听力,文件包含2023届湖南省新高考教学教研联盟高三第二次联考英语试题含听力原卷版docx、2023届湖南省新高考教学教研联盟高三第二次联考英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共51页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man prbably d fr the wman next?
    A. Call the dctr fr her.B. Take her t the hspital.C. Give her sme medicine.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What did the wman d last night?
    A. She threw a party.B. She played the vilin.C. She went t a square.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When will the next train fr Chicag leave?
    A. At 7:30.B. At 10:30.C. At 10:40.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where is the cnversatin taking place?
    A. In the bank.B. In a restaurant.C. In a shp.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A hliday plan.B. A city.C. The speakers’ children.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What happened t the wman’s flight?
    A. It was delayed fr nearly tw hurs.
    B. It arrived abut tw hurs earlier.
    C. It was canceled withut annuncement.
    7. What did the wman have n the plane?
    A. A cup f tea.B. A sandwich.C. Nthing.
    8. What des Sam think f the htel?
    A. Cld but cheap.B. Small but warm.C. Incnvenient but quiet.
    9. What wuld Sam prbably d next?
    A. Have breakfast.B. Change a rm.C. Have the heating fixed.
    10. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Buy anther car.B. Get the car checked.C. Save up fr the car.
    11. What did the salesman agree t d?
    A. Offer a discunt.B. Take care f the car.C. Examine the car in advance.
    12. Hw will the man help the wman?
    A. Pay fr her car.B. Drive her car hme.C. Talk with the salesman.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues.B. Neighbrs.C. Old classmates.
    14. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a htel.B. At Judy’s hme.C. At the railway statin.
    15. What is Mark ding nw?
    A. Shpping fr the dinner.
    B. Texting ver the mbile phne.
    C. Lking at the histric buildings.
    16. What will Jack prbably d next?
    A. See a film.B. Visit an ld twn.C. G shpping.
    17. What percentage f emplyees thught they were mre efficient when wrking at hme accrding t the research?
    A. Eighty percent.B. Frty-tw percent.C. Twenty-eight percent.
    18. What did the speaker like mst abut wrking frm hme?
    A. Fcusing n wrk easily.
    B. Develping mre hbbies.
    C. Saving the time frm hme t wrk.
    19. What trubled the speaker mst when wrking frm hme?
    A. Missing the c-wrkers.
    B. Being difficult t stp wrking.
    C. Having nline meetings.
    20. Hw wuld the speaker prefer t wrk in the future?
    A. Wrk in a flexible apprach.B. Wrk in the ffice.C. Wrk just at hme.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The New Yrker picks fur f the year’s best bks in 2022 and shares them with yu.
    Afterlives by Abdulrazak Gurnah
    The Nbel Prize winner’s mst recent nvel is a sweeping rigin stry f mdern Tanzania, and a lve stry between Afiya and Hamza. Their search fr a place in the wrld unflds against the mnumental absurdness f empire, fcusing n the East African campaign f 1914-1918. The bk questins the csts and rewards f the war’s ccasinal slidarities.
    Nights f Plague by Orhan Pamuk
    The Nbel awardee’s latest nvel pens like a starry rmantic chrnicle (编年史): a steamer is making its way at night t an island, the Mingheria in 1901. On bard are three medical scientists, and the grup cmes t Mingheria because f an utbreak f bubnic plague (黑死病). What is mst vital in this bk is Pamuk’s lvingly bsessive creatin f the island itself. He places his humans in this “three-dimensinal fairy tale” and bserves what happens t the state when an epidemic tests its tlerances.
    The Sng f the Cell by Siddhartha Mukherjee
    In an accunt that’s bth lyrical and extensive, Mukherjee takes us thrugh an evlutin f human understanding: frm the seventeenth century discvery that humans are made up f cells t ur leading technlgies fr manipulating (操纵) and deplying (部署) cells fr medical purpses.
    The Revlutinary: Samuel Adams by Stacy Schiff
    As a sn f a Bstn businessman, Samuel Adams was brn in 1722. In detailing hw Adams went n t shape every significant event in New England’s run-up t war, this bk weaves a pleasing tapestry (织锦) f incident and inference. Schiff describes him as a master f the eighteenth-century versin f fake news. The result is a wildly entertaining explratin f the rts f American plitical theatre.
    21. What d Afterlives and Nights f Plague have in cmmn?
    A. They are rmantic chrnicles.
    B. Their authrs wn the Nbel Prize.
    C. They describe the utbreak f the war.
    D Their authrs questin the csts and rewards f the war.
    22. Which bk is abut the explratin f medicine and the new human?
    A. Afterlives.B. Nights f Plague.
    C. The Sng f the Cell.D. The Revlutinary: Samuel Adams.
    23. What kind f bk is The Revluttinary: Samuel Adams?
    A. A drama.B. A nvel.
    C. A chrnicle.D. A bigraphy.
    Fighting thrugh pain after running fr 28 hurs, and amid the sund f tired feet struggling thrugh the Arizna dirt—finally sft, sthing (舒缓的) music culd be heard ver the hrizn. The finish line, which was nce 100 miles away, was right in frnt f him. A small, raring human victry tunnel welcmed Zach Bates as he ran acrss the finish line.
    Diagnsed with autism (自闭症) at the age f fur, Bates cmpleted the 100-mile ultramarathn (超级马拉松) earlier this year, becming the yungest finisher in the race’s histry, aged 19. Bates was a member f the crss-cuntry team in high schl but, after graduating he surprised his family with a new gal—t run a 100-mile race befre his 20th birthday.
    Neither Bates nr his parents had any prir experience in preparing fr the task at hand, but Brian, his father, fund ways t help, truly making it a family affair. In additin t hiking safe trails, they read bks tgether, rganized all his nutritin, and made sure their sn had the right equipment—like the watch he wre n lng runs s they culd track him and make sure he was safe and n curse. Rana and Brian even helped with training schedules befre finding mre experienced ultramarathn runners—such as mentr Jhn Hendrix and cach Nickademus de la Rsa. With Hendrix and de la Rsa’s expertise, the yung American prepared by cmpeting in shrter distances and successfully wrked his way up t the 100-miler in a shrt time.
    Rather than having his autism be a reasn t make the gal unreachable, his mm said the challenge has helped him stay fcused. “If we listen t ur children and allw them t d what they want t d and be a supprt t them, yu’ll be s surprised at where they’ll end up,” Rana says.
    24. Hw did Bates prbably feel when he ran acrss the finish line?
    A. Tired but cheerful.B. Prud and vercnfident.
    C. Painful but peaceful.D. Cmfrtable and relaxed.
    25. Why did Bates’ new gal surprise his family?
    A Because he was diagnsed with autism.
    B. Because he was a crss-Cuntry team member.
    C. Because he graduated frm high schl just nw.
    D. Because they cnsidered the new gal impractical.
    26. Which f the fllwing did nt cntribute t Bates’ success?
    A. Guidance frm experts.B. His perseverance t the gal.
    C. Supprt frm his family.D. Encuragement f team members.
    27. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. Save fr a rainy day.B. All we have is nw.
    C. Nthing is impssible.D. Frtune favrs the bld.
    Is the end f hmewrk near? As new pwerful artificial intelligence tls like ChatGPT take the Internet by strm, teachers cncerned with AI-driven cheating are questining their teaching and assessment methds.
    ChatGPT, the mst pwerful AI language mdel ever develped by the cmpany OpenAI, remembers the thread f yur dialgue,using previus questins and answers t infrm its next respnses. Deriving its answers frm huge vlumes f infrmatin n the Internet, it is fine-tuned using bth supervised and reinfrcement learning. It is capable f generating natural-sunding text n demand in just a few secnds. The quality f the cpy it prduces is sufficient t impress teachers in secndary and higher educatin, and even researchers.
    The use f AI tls in cpy-writing has sparked an utcry arund the wrld. In the United States,public schls in New Yrk and Seattle have decided t blck ChatGPT frm their devices and WiFi netwrks. In France, the prestigius Sciences P university in Paris has als just annunced a strict ban n its use. But experts questin whether bans like these are really effective. On ne hand, students will always be able t access tls like ChatGPT thrugh ther means than schl devices. On the ther hand, sme questin the relevance f blcking access t a digital tl whse use is likely t grw in the prfessinal wrld in the cming years.
    Amelie Crdier, a lecturer in artificial intelligence at Lyn University, ntes that students haven’t waited fr ChatGPT t try t escape the chre f hmewrk — whether by phtcpying the library encyclpedia, cpy-pasting cntent frm Wikipedia r enlisting their parents’ help. “What is ultimately very imprtant in the learning prcess is nt s much the subject n which yu learn, it’s the methdlgy that yu learn t develp arund that subject,” Crdier said.
    28. Why des the authr raise a questin in paragraph 1?
    A. T aruse the readers’ interest.
    B. T shw the ppularity f ChatGPT.
    C. T present the creativity f artificial intelligence.
    D. T reveal the negative effects f artificial intelligence.
    29. What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut ChatGPT?
    A. Its language mdel.B. Its wrking thery.
    C. Its design inspiratin.D. Its develpment prcess.
    30. Which f the fllwing is prbably the reasn fr the experts’ questin?
    A. Students can always emply AI tls in ther ways.
    B. Teachers and researchers are impressed by ChatGPT.
    C. The bans have been annunced nly in the US and France.
    D. AI tls have already been widely applied in prfessinal fields.
    31. What plays a critical rle in learning accrding t Crdier?
    A. Parents’ help.B. The system f methds.
    C. The library encyclpedia.D. The cntent frm Wikipedia.
    Fish genetically engineered t glw blue, green, r red under blacklight have been a big hit amng aquarium lvers fr years. But the flurescent (发荧光的) pet is nt restricted t glass displays anymre. The red-and-green-glwing versins, mre vivid than nrmal zebrafish even in natural light, have escaped fish farms in sutheastern Brazil and are multiplying (繁殖) in creeks in the Atlantic Frest, a new study shws. It is a rare example f a transgenic animal accidentally becming established in nature, and a cncern fr bilgists, wh wrry the transgenic fish culd threaten the lcal fauna (动物群) in ne f the mst bi-diverse spts n the planet.
    In the 2000s, cmpanies saw the ptential f the fish as pets. Trademarked as Glfish, they became the wrld’s first genetically engineered species t be cmmercially available. Nw, they are ne f the first t escape and thrive in nature. Early n, envirnmentalists wrried abut the pssibility, and Glfish sales were banned in sme U. S. states such as Califrnia and several cuntries-including Brazil. In 2014, a single Glfish was sptted in canals f Flrida. But it had nt multiplied, prbably because native predatrs such as the eastern msquitfish and the largemuth bass ate the intruder, said the bilgist wh sptted the fish, Quentn Tuckett. Unlike Flrida, Glfish thrived in the Brazilian creeks. In 2017 he and clleagues began t survey five creeks in three cities, finding transgenic zebrafish in all f them.
    The Glfish are reprducing all year rund, with a peak during the rainy seasn — just as native zebrafish d in Asia. But the transgenic fish seem t achieve sexual maturity earlier than their frebears, which allws them t reprduce mre and spread faster. The invaders are als eating well: a diversified diet f native insects, algae, and zplanktn.
    Despite Brazil’s ban n sales f the fish, stres all ver the cuntry sell them as pets. They may sn clnize ther parts f the cuntry. Tuckett says it shuld be “a wake-up call”. Fr nw, the glwing fish “culd be cnsidered little weeds grwing up ut f the cncrete”, Tuckett says, but pints ut that even little weeds can grw t cause a lt f damage.
    32. What is the cncern f the bilgists?
    A. The eclgical impacts are unpredictable.
    B. The transgenic fish culd d harm t the lcal animals.
    C. The transgenic fish accidentally became established in nature.
    D. The transgenic fish are mre vivid than nrmal zebrafish in natural light.
    33. Accrding t paragraph 2, what can be inferred abut Glfish?
    A. They were kept as pets befre the 2000s.
    B. They were prhibited frm sales thrughut the U. S.
    C. They didn’t thrive in Flrida prbably due t the lcal enemies.
    D. They were fund in all f the Brazilian creeks in 2017.
    34. What des the underlined phrase “The invaders” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The Glfish.B. The native zebrafish.
    C. The largemuth bass.D. The eastern msquitfish.
    35. What is Tuckett’s attitude twards Glfish?
    A. Indifferent.B. Ambiguus.
    C. Cautius.D. Supprtive.
    Hw t Overcme Yur Fear f Failure
    Peple are quick t blame themselves fr failure and can’t shake the perceptin that they had nt succeeded. ___36___. Here are fur steps yu can take.
    Redefine failure. ____37____. In ther wrds, this is the fear f failure. By framing a situatin yu’re dreading (畏惧) differently befre yu attempt it, yu may be able t avid sme stress and anxiety. If yu can shift yur mindset and redefine what cnstitutes failure and success, yu are able t absrb the results f the experience mre gracefully and with less anxiety than yu expect.
    Set apprach gals. Gals can be classified as apprach gals r avidance gals. ____38____. Psychlgists have fund that creating apprach gals, r psitively reframing avidance gals, is beneficial fr well-being. When yu’re dreading a tugh task and expect it t be difficult and unpleasant, yu may uncnsciusly set gals arund what yu dn’t want t happen rather than what yu d want. Research has shwn that peple wh take n an avidance fcus becme twice as mentally exhausted as the apprach-fcused nes.
    ____39____. Authr and investr Tim Ferriss recmmends “fear-setting”, creating a checklist f what yu are afraid t d and what yu fear will happen if yu d it. In his Ted Talk n the subject, he shares hw ding this enabled him t tackle sme f his hardest challenges, resulting in sme f his biggest successes.
    Fcus n learning. The chips aren’t always ging t fall where yu want them t — but if yu cme dwn t earth, yu can be prepared t wring (拧,挤) the mst value ut f the experience, n matter the utcme. When yu shift gears t fcus nt n yur ptential fr failure but n what yu culd learn frm cmpeting at a higher level than befre, ____40____ .
    By rethinking yur fears using the fur steps abve, yu can cme t see apprehensin (恐惧) as a teacher and guide t help yu achieve yur mst imprtant gals.
    A. Create a “fear list”
    B. Tackle challenges bravely
    C. Yu may want t face yur fear and push beynd it t success
    D. yu wuld stp sweating that first attempt and see it as a stepping stne t success
    E. Behind many fears is wrry abut ding smething wrng r nt meeting expectatins
    F yu’re stepping ut f yur cmfrt zne t take steps that will help yu rise and thrive
    G. It is based n whether yu are mtivated by wanting t achieve a psitive utcme r avid a negative ne
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A few years ag,I spared a cuple f hurs frm busy academic learning t wrk in a vide stre n a daily basis. An elderly wman walked int the stre with a yunger wman wh I ____41____ was her daughter. The daughter was displaying a serius case f ____42____ checking her watch every few secnds. The lder wman began t ____43____ the DVDs n the nearest shelf. After ____44____ hesitatin, I walked ver and asked if I culd help. The wman smiled and shwed me a title n a crumpled (皱巴巴的) piece f paper. Obviusly a persn lking fr it knew a little abut ____45____.
    Rather than rushing ff t ____46____ the DVD fr the wman, I asked her t walk with me s I culd shw her where she culd find it. Smething abut her deliberate mvements ____47____ me f my wn mther, wh had passed away the previus Christmas. The wman seemed ____48____ fr the unrushed cmpany and casual cnversatin. We fund the mvie, and I ____49____ her t the queue at the cash register. When the lder wman was paying in cash, I walked ver t the yunger, wh was still tapping her ft at the frnt f the stre.
    “Is that yur mm?” She rlled her eyes and said, “Yeah.” There was ____50____ in her reply, half sigh and half cmplaint. Still watching the mther, I said, “____51____ sme advice?” “Sure,”said the daughter. I smiled t shw her I wasn’t ____52____. I answered her ____53____ expressin by saying, “When she’s gne, it’s the little ____54____ that’ll cme back t yu. Mments like this. I knw.” Silent fr a mment, the daughter placed her arm with ____55____ unaccustmed affectin arund her mther’s shulders, gently guiding her ut f the stre.
    41. A. fundB. recgnizedC. guessedD. predicted
    42. A. anxietyB. cnfusinC. eagernessD. impatience
    43. A. lk arundB. lk thrughC. lk intD. lk up
    44. A. cautiusB. lngC. slightD. instant
    45. A. DVDsB. mviesC. titlesD. recrds
    46. A. lcateB. cnfirmC. checkD. buy
    47 A. infrmedB. cnvincedC. recalledD. reminded
    48. A. suitableB. eagerC. gratefulD. hpeful
    49. A. askedB. walkedC. invitedD. intrduced
    50. A. annyanceB. amazementC. cncernD. disappintment
    51. A. GiveB. AcceptC. MindD. Fllw
    52. A. criticizingB. kiddingC. disturbingD. interfering
    53. A. curiusB. frightenedC. unbelievableD. regretful
    54. A. expressinsB. mmentsC. pssessinsD. chances
    55. A. immediatelyB. cnstantlyC. unexpectedlyD. apparently
    What’s the first thing that pps int yur mind when yu think f wheat straw? Mst peple wuld ____56____ (prbable) just see it as a pile f waste in a farmer’s field. Hwever, Wu Cui, an intangible cultural inheritr, can turn the straw left ver frm ____57____ (harvest) wheat int beautiful and eye-catching functinal artwrks.
    The earliest straw-weaving (草编的) ____58____ ( prduct) were discvered at Hemudu Cultural Ruins, a Nelithic cultural site lcated in eastern China’s Zhejiang prvince. Straw weaving is ____59____ methd f manufacturing daily items r artwrks. It ____60____ (list) as a natinal intangible cultural heritage in 2008.
    Wu explains the prcess f straw weaving: ____61____ (select) f materials is the first step f a cmplicated and labr-intensive prcess that can take weeks, r even mnths, t cmplete. Yu need t sketch the piece n paper, ____62____ requires drawing skills. Next ____63____ (cme) weaving, shaping and preserving f the wrk. Even by finishing that prcess, it des nt mean that yu will always create a gd piece f wrk, and the hardest part is ____64____ (make) it lifelike.
    When asked abut her plans, Wu says she wants t dig deeper ____65____ lcal traditinal culture and create cultural creative prducts by develping the straw-weaving technique.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友David在中国旅行,他对中国菜很感兴趣,你所在的城市将在下周举办“中华美食节”,请你写封电子邮件邀请他参加这个活动。要点如下:
    1. 举办时间、地点;
    2. 活动内容、安排;
    3. 邀请并期待对方参加。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    参考词汇:中华美食节Chinese Fd Festival
    Dear David
    Li Hua
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The day when the jbs were handed ut was ne f the mst exciting mments fr all the children in the class. It tk place during the first week f the term. Every kid was given a jb fr which they wuld be respnsible during the rest f that schl year.
    Sme jbs were mre interesting than thers, and the children were eager t be given ne f the best nes. When giving them ut, the teacher tk int accunt which pupils had been mst respnsible during the previus year. Rita, a kind and quiet girl, had carried ut the teacher’s instructins perfectly. All the children thught Rita wuld be given the best jb. But there was a big surprise. Each child received a nrmal jb like preparing the cmputer fr lessns, cleaning the blackbard, r lking after ne f the pets. But Rita’s jb was very different. She was given a little bx cntaining sme sand and ne ant. Thugh the teacher insisted that this ant was very special, Rita culdn’t help feeling disappinted. With tears welling up in her eyes, she std up and asked why she was given such an insignificant task.
    The teacher hugged her, kissed her n her frehead and said, “If yu can take gd care f the ant, yu are sure t win a reward. After all, yu have t d what are apparently the smallest tasks befre being given the mst imprtant nes. I believe yu can make it.” Mst f her classmates felt srry fr her. They said it was unfair fr her.
    Hwever, Rita preferred t shw the teacher her errr by ding smething special with that jb f little interest. “I will turn this little task int smething great,”Rita said t herself. S, Rita started investigating everything abut her little ant, mdified the little bx t make it perfect fr the ant and gave the ant the best fd, and it ended up grwing quite a bit bigger than anyne had expected.
    One day in spring, the classrm dr pened and in came a man, wh lked very imprtant. The teacher interrupted the class with great jy, and said, “This is Dctr Martinez, an entmlgist (昆虫学家) frm Flrida Natural Reserve. He has smething special t annunce.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    All the students lked at the dctr with curisity.
    Hearing the gd news, the whle class was filled with jy and celebratin.

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