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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Try Making Them int Treats
    It's fine t shp at farmers' markets and grcery stres fr recipe ingredients(原料). But what if yu culd gather sme f them by yurselves, and at the same time, help rid yur regin f nn-native plant species that are harming the ecsystems?
    Accrding t the Natinal Wildlife Federatin, abut 42 percent f tday's threatened r endangered species are at risk because f invasive(有侵略性的)species. Here are fur invasive plants and ideas fr serving them up.
    Brught t the US frm Japan, the kudau vine can grw a ft a day, rbbing ther plants f sunlight. Its beautiful flwers blm frm July t September, but its leaves, rts, and vine tips are mre readily available. Pick flwers t use in making drinks.
    Native t Armenia, the plant has threatened ther species. It blcks access thrugh wds and affects livestck. Its fruit starts t ripen in midsummer and the berries can be added t hake gds such as muffins.
    lts rts crwd ut useful crps and suck water and nitrgen frm the sil. Native t Eurpe and western Asia, it grws all ver Nrth America in spring and summer. Try cking the leaves in live il and adding them t a cake.
    Eurpean settlers brught this leafy green t the Clnies. It spreads alng waterways,crwding ut native plants.
    Harvest it frm the edge f a running stream in spring and fall t make sandwiches.
    1.Which species will yu chse if yu want t make drinks?
    2.What d the listed species have in cmmn?
    A.They are harvested in autumn.
    B.They are all invasive species.
    C.They can grw a ft per day.
    D.They are picked t make sandwiches.
    3.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T intrduce the harms f the fur species.
    B.T advertise sme recipe ingredients fr readers.
    C.T prve the findings f Natinal Wildlife Federatin.
    D.T prvide ideas t make the invasive species int treats.
    Nt all classrms are in schl buildings. As we have learned, classrms can be created almst anywhere that teachers and learners are able t cnnect, in persn r virtually.
    Fr Danielle Zelin, wh teaches n the island f Mauritius, the classrm is in her hme,and all arund it. Danielle runs her wn schl the Language Md English Club and as a resulth as freedm t take the curriculum(课程)in many directins,and smetimes that means lking right utside. Danielle's schl started as a club n Saturday mrnings, with a fcus n strytelling, but she nw teaches classes t individuals and grups, mainly in the afternns and evenings after schl.
    "I always knw I want t teach," she said, but it wasn't always clear that English wuld be her area f expertise(专业知识).As a teenager grwing up in Mauritius, she struggled t seethe pint f reading Shakespeare in her English classes."That English is ld," she tld her mther;"I will nt use it in my daily life." At the time, she much preferred reading French literature.
    Years later, thugh, Danielle saw a perfrmance f The Merchant f Venice, which she had studied in secndary schl, and its pwer became clear t her. She didn't have t memrize lines, answer questins, r analyze fr a test; she just enjyed the play and the perfrmance.
    In a sense, that is the spirit that she carries int her current teaching. Her students arrive after a day f schl, ften tired,"S my place is mre like a fun place t d like an English Adventure - I like t call it that. We d s many different things tgether," she said. She and the students smetimes brainstrm things they want t study r discuss,and ften her students tell her,"We want t cnnect t the wrld." As a result, they frequently study current events and lcal issues.
    4.What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A.T lead in the stry
    B.T aruse reader's interest
    C.T shw the authr's attitude
    D.T indicate the backgrund f the stry
    5. What can be learned abut Danielle frm paragraph 2?
    A.She nce taught students fr free
    B.She used t have classes n weekdays
    C.She set her classrm nly at hme years ag
    D.She fcused n strytelling in her class befre
    6.What made Danielle interested in English?
    A.Shakespeare's bks.
    B.Her mther's influence
    C.A shw f The Merchant f Venice
    D.Her inner eager t read literature
    7.Why are current issues cncerned in Danielle's class?
    A.Her students want t brainstrm
    B.Her students want t cntact the wrld.
    C. Danielle wants t make her class adventurus
    D. Danielle wants t carry ut her teaching spirits.
    The Mga Grttes were a center f Buddhist life and sme f the wrld's great cultures fr hundreds f years. Hwever, by the late Qing Dynasty they had been abandned and nearly frgtten and many f the caves had becme damaged by the elements. Arund 1900,with the discvery f a library f thusands f ancient dcuments, the caves received new interest frm Chinese and freign researchers. Unfrtunately, this resulted in tens f thusands f items frm the caves being taken t freign museums
    In the 1940s, many researchers and artists visited the area t study traditinal Chinese art.Cpies f sme f the artwrk painted by respected artists such as Zhang Daqian and GuanShanyue helped peple all ver the cuntry learn abut Dunhuang. These artists were als inspired by the artwrk they saw in the caves and it began t influence their painting styles.Others staved in the desert fr much lnger, Chang Shuhng stayed fr the rest f his life —struggling t recrd the cultural treasures and prtect them frm the weather. As a result f their effrts. the Dunhuang Academy was frmed t prtect and study the Mga Grttes
    In 1987,the Mga Grttes were named a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site. While the caves are pen t the public, access is nw limited in rder t prtect the artwrk. Hwever, the caves can be seen nline in digital frm s that peple arund the wrld can study and enjy them
    Despite its remteness, the Mga Grttes cntinue t draw visitrs. And just as the sand and desert have survived largely unchanged thrugh the centuries, this small art gallery in the desert has als survived largely unchanged prviding an amazing lk at a wrld lng ag past.
    8.When did the Mga Grttes regain the wrld's attentin?
    A.Hundreds f years ag.
    B.In the late Qing Dynasty.
    C.In the late eighties f the 20th century.
    D.Arund the beginning f the 20th century.
    9.What is the authr's purpse in mentining the artists in the 1940s?
    A.T learn abut their wrks.
    B.T shw hw hard they wrked.
    C.T cmpare their different styles.
    D.T appreciate their cntributins.
    10.When peple have n access t visiting the caves, .
    A.they can d researches nline
    B.they can enjy the digital versins
    C. they can watch cpies in art galleries
    D.they can study them in freign museums
    11.Which f the fllwing can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.The Mga Grttes —Center f Buddhist Life
    B.The Mga Grttes — Art Gallery in the Desert
    C.Respected artists — Prtectrs f the Mga Grttes
    D.An Amazing Turist Attractin — The Mga Grttes
    Earth's ceans are changing clr and climate breakdwn is prbably t blame,accrding t a research. The deep blue sea is actually becming steadily greener ver time,accrding t the study, with areas in the lw latitudes(纬度)near the equatr especially affected.
    "The reasn why we care abut this is nt that we care abut the clr, but that the clr is a reflectin f the changes in the state f the ecsystem," said BB Cael, a scientist and authr f the study published in Nature.
    The previus research fcused n changes in the greenness f the cean t learn abut trends in the changing climate. But Cael's team pred ver 20 years f bservatins by NASA's Mdis-Aqua satellite, a cmprehensive database, and lked fr patterns f change in the cean's clr thrugh a fuller clr spectrum(色谱)including red and blue.
    The changes have been detected in ver 56% f the wrld's ceans. In mst areas there's a clear "greening effect", Cael said, but he added that there are als places where red r blue clrings are rising r falling."These are nt massive ecsystem-destrying changes. They maybe mild," said Cael."But this gives us an additinal piece f evidence that human activity is likely affecting large parts f the glbal bisphere (生物圈)in a way that we haven't been able t understand."
    Althugh this discvery firmly dcuments anther cnsequence f a changing climate, what is nt yet clear is hw strng these changes are and what is happening inside the cean t causethem, accrding t Michael J Behrenfeld, a researcher f cean prductivity, wh was nt invlved in the research.
    NASA will be launching an advanced satellite missin in January 2024 called Pace which will als measure hundreds f clrs in the cean instead f a handful, prgressing studies like these further.“Making mre meaningful inferences abut what the changes actually are is definitely a big next step," said Cael.
    12.Why shuld attentin be drawn t the changing clr f ceans?
    A.It reflects ecsystem changes.
    B.It causes climate breakdwn.
    C.Human activities are affected.
    D.Lw latitude areas are influenced.
    13.What des the underlined phrase "pred ver" in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A.Cpied. B.Cvered. C.Studied. D.Brrwed.
    14.What is Michael's attitude twards the discvery?
    A.Unclear. B.Dismissive. C.Objective. D.Indifferent.
    15.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Pace's functin.
    B.Cael's suggestins.
    C.Meaningful inferences.
    D.NASA's further research plans.
    When Chinese peple think f wushu, what ften cmes t mind is wuxia nvels, a kind f histrical nvel that invlves wushu warrirs. 16 .Fr example, the characters may have superhuman strength r the ability t fly. They may als be able t fcus their inner spiritual strength and send it thrugh the air, kncking peple ver r breaking dwn walls.
    Hwever, by far the mst ppular authr in this genre(文体)was Zha Liangyng(1924-2018)wh used the pen name Jin Yng and sld ver 300 millin bks wrldwide.His nvels have als been translated int many languages and sme have been made int mvies and TV series.
    18 ,and then he ges ff t learn wushu. After becming a wushu master, the her begins travelling the jianghu, fighting evil wherever it may be fund. Eventually, the main character prves t be an example f justice, kindness, curage, lyalty,truth, and hnesty.19 , which refers t a persn wh hlds back the strng and helps the weak. Thrugh hardship, self-discipline and a well-knwn teacher, ne can be a wushu master. Hwever,he cming a wuxia her, ne shuld always bear xia in mind. A wuxia her always puts friends,his peple, and his cuntry first. 20 .Thrugh superir martial arts skills pus fiends,qualities he and his fellws save the day.
    A.Wuxia stries mst ften take place in the jianghu
    B.Central t the idea f the wuxia her is the cncept f xia
    C.Mst ften, there are sme fantastic elements t these nvels
    D.Wuxia has a lng literary histry dating back as far as Sima Qian
    E. As a master stryteller,he wve fact and fictin in a fantastic way
    F.And he is willing t battle t help thse in need and make a better sciety
    G.Typically, wuxia stries begin with a her wh experiences persnal truble
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Eugenie Gerge was a financial writer and educatr frm Philadelphia. When she first heard that her friend Jean passed a financial cunseling exam, her heart 21 .She'd failed the same test weeks earlier, and she 22 the certificate t advance her career.
    But then, instead f being 23 , she called Jean."I tld her I failed and 24 I was envius," she said. Gerge knew that being hnest wuld reduce her 25 and she was surprised that when she shifted her 26 , she culd share her friend's happiness and experience her wn, in turn."I cngratulated her and tld her she 27 me," she said.Jean was impressed by Gerge's hnesty and 28 that she wuld share her jy. Jean expressed her gratitude and shared with Gerge her 29 in preparing fr the exam and ffered sme practical methds."Yu can 30 me whenever in need. And I am 31 sure that yu can d it next time," Jean tld Gerge. Althugh the tw were in different states talking n the phne, they felt they had never been s 32
    Finding pleasure in anther persn's gd 33will make he relatinship mre clse and enjyable.34 in smene else's jy can als develp resilience(适应力),imprve life35 and help peple cperate during a cnflict.
    B.rse C.swam D.sank
    B.needed C.tre D.divided
    B.anxius C.cruel D.scared
    B.admitted C. permitted D.submitted
    B.expectatin C.envy D.effrt
    B.aim C.fantasy D.attitude
    B.handled C.inspired D.persuaded
    B.advised C.warned D.dubted
    B.experience C. jurney D.cncern
    t B.agree with C.cmpete with D.turn t
    B.eventually C.merely D.hardly
    B.gentle C.clse D. secure
    B.frtune C.impressin D.incme
    B.Dealing C.Sharing D.Taking
    B.traditin C. prfessin D.satisfactin
    Mvies culd serve as a valuable "classrm" fr children t explre int the culture and histry f their wn cuntry. A new bk 36 (cllect)20 classic Chinese mvies was released during a news event held at the Bejing Nrmal University n June 28.
    The bk,Chinese Spirit in Mvies:The Cinematic Tales Tld t Children, 37 (prepare)and written ver a perid f three years, accrding t Huang Huilin,38 experienced prfessr at the university wh acting 39 the chief editr f the bk.
    The mvies 40 (list)in the bk were created between the 1950s and 1970s, 41 (majr) hnring heres f the Cmmunist Party f China r revisiting the early develpment f New China. Highlighted 42 (example) include Sparkling Red Star, which fllws the jurney f an 11-year-ld by risking his life 43 (jin) the fight against Japanese invaders in the early 1930s, and Wman Basketball Player N.5, 44cmbines a basketball cach's persnal fate with the develpment f the sprt.
    Huang said that she hpes children and teenagers will gain a much 45 (deep)understanding f China's revlutinary histry, develp their wn beliefs,and recgnize their respnsibility t prmte Chinese civilizatin and culture with reading the bk and watching there cmmended mvies.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Glen,
    I am Li Hua,mnitr f Class 1, Senir 3.

    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Mlly and her husband Rex ran a used bkstre in a small twn.Peple, mstly kids,came here t read bks, sell bks and buy bks. The mrning had been full f rain,and passers-by were walking with narrw eyes under umbrellas. Mlly rested bth her hands n the cunter and leaned(倾斜)frward t watch the wrld utside in the rain while Rex was busy srting ut bks n the bkshelves. Rick, wh sat n the flr burying himself in reading a hardback illustrated bk, was the nly custmer in such a rainy day. Rick was a regular custmer t the bkstre and he never sld a bk r bught a bk. He just read bks.
    "Can yu keep this bk fr me?" Mlly heard a shy vice and lked dwn t find it was little Rick that std befre the cunter, hlding the illustrated bk and asked.
    "Sure!" Mlly ndded encuragingly. But the uncertainty remained n Rick's face.“I’Il be back really sn. Prmise. Tmrrw if I can."Mlly ndded t him as seriusly as she was treating an adult. Mlly wanted t ask him if there was anything difficult, but she kept silent.Anyway, she put the illustrated bk in a drawer in case anyne else wuld take it. Mst f the secndhand bks in her stre were unique. If it was sld, she wuld fail t keep her prmise.
    Rick didn't return the fllwing day, r the day after that. Mlly was smehw disappinted. Rex suggested placing the illustrated bk n the bkshelf s that thers culd read it r take it. In Rex's pinin, children made prmises all the time and they prmised all kinds f things. When they came t a stre and was attracted by smething, they prmised t cme back and they asked the shpkeeper nt t let anyne else take the things they wanted away. It happened all the time.
    But Mlly insisted that they shuld wait and keep the bk.

    Rick pushed the dr pen and rushed t the cunter hlding his mney bx.


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