展开高考英语单词(一)break的短语break away (from) 逃脱,挣脱,逃离 »She started crying and tried to break away.break down①机器出故障;身体垮掉 »The car broke down just north of Paris.②(谈判/关系)失败 »Negotiations broke down after only two days.③分解 »Food is broken down in the stomach.④(精神崩溃)禁不住哭出来 »She broke down in tears when she heard the news.⑤打破,消除(人与人之间的隔阂)»Getting young people together will help to break down the barriers between them.⑥ 拆分〔某事物〕,把〔某事物〕分成若干部分〔以方便做或理解〕»The question can be broken down into two parts.➡️ breakdown n.①(汽车或机器的故障( ②(谈判/关系的)破裂,失败 ③分解 ④精神崩溃»Always carry a phone with you in case you have a breakdown on the motorway.»He moved away after the breakdown of his marriage.»the breakdown of proteins in the digestive system 蛋白质在消化系统中的分解»I was worried he might have a breakdown if he carried on working so hard.break in①打断,插嘴 »I didn't want to break in on his telephone conversation.②破门而入(break into)不加宾语 »Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment.break into可以直接加宾语①破门而入»break into the house ②break into laughter / a song / applause 突然笑起来/唱起来/鼓起掌来(burst into)break out〔不愉快之事〕爆发,突然发生 »I was still living in London when the war broke out.break through 冲破,突破»Several demonstrators broke through the barriers despite warnings from the police.»The sun broke throughat around lunch time.➡️ breakthrough n.突破; 重大进展break up①(使)破碎 »It seems that the plane just broke up in the air.②(关系)破裂 »He lost his job and his marriage broke up .③分拆某物 »There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies.④驱散〔集会或抗议的人群〕»Government soldiers broke up the demonstration .(二)1.mean adj.①刻薄的 »It was mean of him not to invite her②吝啬的 »He's too mean to buy a present for his wife.v.mean-meant-meant①意思是,表示…的意思: mean sth. mean (that)…»The red light means 'Stop'.»I mean that you should work harder.②意欲,打算»mean to do sth»I've been meaning to ask you if you want to come for a meal next week.③意味着 mean (that)… mean doing»The high cost of housing means that many young people can't afford to buy a house.»This new order meant working overtime.⇒means n.单复数同形 手段, 方法, 工具 »means of transport交通工具»by all means当然可以 »by no means / not by any means 决不,一点都不2.settle①坐下;(使)处于舒适的位置 »The dog settled on the grass to enjoy its bone.»She settled herself into her chair and starred to read.②(使)平静,(使)安定»She breathed deep to settle her nerves.③定居(于)»Luo Yan and his wife and son have settled in the big city, far away from their hometown.④结束,解决(争论)»settle an argument⑤ [常用于被动语态〕确定;决定--When do you go to America?你什么时候去美国?--Nothing's settled yet.一切待定。⑥〔灰尘、雪等〕降落; 〔鸟、昆虫等〕停落⑦结清,结算 »settle a bill(三)1.disturb v.①干扰,打扰 »Sorry to disturb you, but I have an urgent message.②弄乱,搞乱 »I promise not to disturb anything.②使焦虑;使不安 »What disturbs you most about this latest development?⇒disturbing adj.令人不安的,使人震惊的 »a disturbing increase in the crime rate 令人不安的犯罪率的增长 ⇒disturbed adj.①不安的,烦恼的 »I was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news.这消息使我深感不安和沮丧。②精神失常的,有精神病的 »mentally / emotionally disturbed2.regret v.后悔,遗憾 →regretted, regretting①regret to do sth.对要做的事很遗憾»I regret to tell you that you failed the test.② regret doing/having done sth 后悔做了某事 »I now regret leaving school so young.n.①have no regrets about sth.对...不后悔 ②(much) to one's regret (特别)令某人遗憾的是 →regretful 后悔的3.content n.①contents [pl.] 所容纳之物;所含之物»The customs official rummaged through the contents of his briefcase.海关官员把他公文包里的物品翻了个遍。»She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents. 她没有看过那封信,所以对其内容一无所知。②[sing.]〔尤指食物或饮料中某物质的〕含量 »the fat content of cheese 干酪的脂肪含量adj.满意的be content with 对……感到满意(be satisfied/pleased with) »We shouldn’t be content with the achievements already gained.我们不应该满足于已取得的成绩。be content to do sth.愿意/满意做某事»We were content to see our players achieving so much in the Olympic Winter Games.我们满意地看到我们的运动员们在冬奥会上取得如此大的成就。 to one’s heart’s content尽情地, 心满意足地»I was delighted to be able to enjoy my favourite dishes to my heart’s content.v.使满意;使满足 »My apology seemed to content him.我的道歉好像使他感到满意。(四)1.cover1).包括,包含»Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grade six to twelve.2).覆盖»The mountain was covered with snow.3).盖,遮 »Cover the pot and bake for an hour.4).走完…路程,看完…书»They were hoping to cover 40 miles yesterday.5).占地为 »The city covers 25 square miles.6).报道 »I want our best reporters sent to cover the trial.7).足够支付»The award should be enough to cover her medication fees.2.measure①v.测量; 量②估量,衡量〔某物的重要性、价值或真正性质〕【SYN】 assess»Education shouldn't be measured purely by examination results.③link-v (指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为【无被动】»Itmeasures 20 yards from side to side.从这边到那边的距离为20码。»The new bridge,measuring twice as long as the old one, was completed last month.»The pond measures about 2 metres across.这个池塘宽约 2 米。n.措施 take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事(五)1.bring up ①抚养,养育(raise) ②提出 ③呕吐»Hewas brought up by his grandparents.»Why did you have tobring up the subject of money? »I had a sandwich for lunch and promptly(立即,马上) brought it up again.2.permit v.允许permit/allow/forbid sb to do sth permit/allow/forbid doing sth.weather/time permitting天气/时间允许的话⇒permission许可;准许ask permission 请求许可 with/without permission 在某人的许可下/未经某人的许可»He entered the room without permission.3. account①账户 »a joint account②叙述,描述,报道 »give an account of sth take sth into account 把某事考虑进去»I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions into account. on account of 因为,由于 on no account 绝不On no account should the soldiers be blamed for what happened.v. account for①占〔一定数量或比例〕»Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US.②是…的原因;解释,说明【SYN】 explain »Can youaccount for your behaviors on that night?4.spot n.①点②地点,处所 »a scenic spot 风景胜地③斑点,污点 on the spot①立即,马上; 当场»He had to make a decision on the spot.②在现场»We ought to find out the views of the people on the spot.v.发现,注意到»I spotted a police car behind us.我发现有辆警车在我们后面。»It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer.即使是训练有素的医生也很难看出肺癌的症状。◙ spot sb doing sth.发现某人在做某事»Meg spotted someone coming out of the building.梅格看到有个人从大楼里出来。◙be spotted with散布; 点缀»The night sky is spotted with twinkling stars.闪烁的星星点缀着夜空。◙put sb.on the spot(故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪»Don’t put me on the spot like this.You know I can’t give you confidential information. 别这样让我为难, 你知道我不能给你机密信息的。(六)1.turn的短语turn around/round①转过身来 ②转变,好转turn away①打发走,驱逐 ②转过脸去turn against变得敌视,反对turn back返回,转回去turn down①调低 ②拒绝turn in上缴,上交(hand in)turn into变成,成为turn off / on关闭/打开turn one’s back on ①背对;②背弃, 对……置之不理turn over ①翻身 ②反复考虑 ③移交(权力)turn out ①结果是 ②生产 ③关掉,熄灭turn to ①向某人求助 ②开始使用 ③翻到… ④变成,变得2.set的短语set down ①卸下 ②写下ser out ①出发,动身 ②开始着手做set about doing = set out to do开始着手做set off/out for sp.出发去某地set up建立 establishset...free 释放…set fire to/set...on fire放火烧set an example to给…树立榜样set sth aside省出,留出(钱或时间)be set in以…为背景set off①出发,动身 ②引起,激发 ③引发〔爆炸〕④触响〔警报系统〕3.serve v.①提供/端上饭菜 serve food to sb ②为...服务 serve sb③(在部队)服役 serve in the army ④服刑,坐牢 serve a four-year sentence»serve sb sth.serve sth to sb.用...招待某人 »serve as充当,担任 »The sofa can serve as a bed.4.benefit n.①好处,益处,裨益»be of benefit (to sb)②补助金,福利; 保险金»families on benefit 领救济金的家庭③慈善音乐会/义演/义赛 »a benefit concert for famine reliefbe of (great)benefit to 对……(很)有益to sb.’s benefit 对某人有利 vt.使受益 benefit sb »In my opinion, students can benefit a lot from doing some housework. vi.得益于, 得利于 benefit by/from得益于⇒beneficial adj.有利的, 有用的 be beneficial to...对……有益(七)1.die短语die of (disease/hunger/grief/old age) 死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)die from死于(意外事故、情形)die away渐渐消逝die out灭绝,绝种die down逐渐变弱,逐渐减低die off 相继死去 2.reserve vt.①保留;保存;储备»Opportunitiesare always reserved forthose who are prepared.机会总是留给有准备的人。»I'llreserve my judgmentuntil l find all the evidence.在找到所有证据之前我将保留忘见。②预订 (book):»reserve a room /seat /ticket预订房间/预订座位/订票»I'd like toreserve a table for fiveat eight o'clock.我想预订一个八点钟供五人用餐的桌位。⇒ reservation n.保留;预定n.①【常用复数】储备»oil / gold / fuel /foreign-currency reserves石油/黄金/燃料/外汇储备»It took my lastreserves of strengthto make a dash for the finish line. 我用尽了最后一点力气冲向终点。②[C](野生动植物的)保护区 (AmE preserve)a nature/game/wildlife reserve自然保护区/禁猎区/野生动植物保护区3.sensitive adj.①容易生气的, 敏感的【OPP】insensitive be sensitive about对……很在意的/容易生气的»Hewas very sensitive abouthis scar and thought everyone was staring at him. 他对自己的伤疤很敏感,以为每个人都在盯着他看。②体贴的,善解人意的 be sensitive to 对……敏感的/体恤的»I’m sensitive tothe needs of the disabled.我能够明白残疾人的需要。③敏感的, 易受影响的, 过敏的be sensitive to 对……敏感的/过敏的»Older people tend tobe very sensitive to cold.老年人一般对寒冷都很敏感。He’s sensitive and rather serious, which sometimes makes him appear to be a little bookish.他敏感而且相当严肃,这有时使他显得有点书呆子气。4.devotion n.①挚爱;关爱;关照»Hisdevotion to his wife and family is touching.他对妻子和家人的关爱感人至深。②奉献,忠心 »the soldier's courage and devotion to duty 这些士兵的勇气和忠于职守⇒devote to 致力于 ⇒ be devoted to专心于……5.attach v.①系; 绑; 贴; 固定; 连接;附上;【SYN】 fix attach sth to sth.把……附在……上»Attach a recent photograph toyour application form.申请表上请贴一张近照。be attached to sb / sth喜欢(依恋)某人/某物»It's easy to become attached to the children you work with.很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩子们。attach importance / significance to sth重视某事物,认为某事物很重要»It must be stressed that we should attach great importance to environmental protection. 必须着重指出的是,我们应该重视环保。②与…联系起来,与…有牵连 »No blame can be attached to Roy for the incident.这事件罗伊一点责任也没有。⇒attached adj.①依恋的 ②附属的»We'vegrown very attached tothis house.我们变得非常喜欢这座房子。»The research unitis attached tothe university.这个研究单位附属于大学。⇒attachment n.①喜爱,爱慕,依恋 »a child's attachment to its mother②附件,附属物 »The vacuum cleaner has various attachments.这台真空吸尘器有各种附件。