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    这是一份专题06:阅读填表【考题猜想】-2023-2024学年八年级英语上学期期中考点大串讲(牛津译林版),文件包含专题06阅读填表考题猜想原卷版docx、专题06阅读填表考题猜想解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    专题06 阅读填表
    There is an old saying that America and Britain are “two nations divided by a common language.” Are American and British English really so different?
    The biggest difference(差异)between American and British English is vocabulary. In their everyday lives, there are many different words. For example, Americans eat cookies, while British people eat biscuits.
    Collective Nouns(集合名词)
    There are some grammatical differences, such as the use of collective nouns. Americans would say, “The team is good”. But British people might say, “The team are good” or “The team is good.”
    Auxiliary Verbs(助动词)
    Another grammatical difference is about auxiliary verbs. Look at the auxiliary verb shall. British people sometimes use shall to express the future. For example, “I shall go home now.” Americans seldom use it in their conversations. They would use “I will go home now.”
    Past Tense Verbs
    Americans like to use the-ed ending, while British people like to use the-t ending. For example, in American English, the past tense of learn is learned. But in British English, it is learnt.
    Tag Questions
    What is a tag question? Here are two examples, “The weather is fine, isn’t it?” Or, “You don’t like him, do you?” Americans use tag questions less often than British people.
    We can find differences in the American spelling of words like humor (from humour). Americans give up the letter u to make the spelling match the pronunciation.
    British and American English have more similarities than differences. Most Americans and British people can understand each other without too much difficulty.
    American and British English
    American and British people use a lot of different words in their 2 lives, such as cookies and biscuits.
    Americans would say “The team is good”, 3 British people might say “The team are good” or “The team is good.”
    British people sometimes use shall to express the 4 Americans would use will 5 of shall in their conversations.
    Past Tense
    Some past tense verbs 6 in -ed in American English but in -t in British English.
    Americans do not use tag questions as 7 as British people.
    Americans give up the letter u to 8 the spelling with the pronunciation.
    British and American English have 9 differences than similarities. It’s not very 10 for most American and British people to understand each other.

    1.differences 2.daily/everyday 3.but 4.future 5.instead 6.end 7.often 8.match 9.fewer 10.difficult/hard
    1.根据“Are American and British English really so different?”和全文可知,文章介绍了美式英语和英式英语的不同之处,此处应用复数名词differences“差异,不同”。故填differences。
    2.根据“In their everyday lives, there are many different words. ”可知,是指日常生活,应用形容词daily/everyday“日常的”。故填daily/everyday。
    3.根据“Americans would say, ‘The team is good’. But British people might say, ‘The team are good’ or ‘The team is good.’”可知,前后是转折关系,应用but。故填but。
    4.根据“British people sometimes use shall to express the future. ”可知,是指表达未来,应用future。故填future。
    5.根据“British people sometimes use shall to express the future.”和“Americans seldom use it in their conversations. They would use ‘I will go home now.’”可知,美国人喜欢使用will而不是shall,instead of“而不是”。故填instead。
    6.根据“Americans like to use the-ed ending, while British people like to use the-t ending.”可知,是指以ed结尾的动词过去式。end“结束”,动词,主语是复数,动词用原形,故填end。
    7.根据“Americans use tag questions less often than British people.”可知,美国人不像英国人那样经常使用反意疑问句。as often as“经常地”,故填often。
    8.根据“Americans give up the letter u to make the spelling match the pronunciation.”可知,美国人放弃了字母u,以使其拼写与发音相匹配。match“匹配”,动词,不定式符号to后跟动词的原形。故填match。
    9.根据“British and American English have more similarities than differences.”可知,英国英语和美国英语的相似之处多于不同之处,也就是它们之间的不同之处少于相似之处。fewer“更少”,修饰名词复数,故填fewer。
    10.根据“Most Americans and British people can understand each other without too much difficulty.”可知,对大多数美国人和英国人来说,相互理解并不难。difficult/hard“困难的”符合语境,故填difficult/hard。
    In 2009, Todd Bol put up a little free library. That was to show his love for his mother, who was a book lover and teacher. Bol wanted to share his mother’s love for reading with others. He built a wood box and filled it with books. He put the box in his yard. This was the beginning of Little Free Library. The idea spread and Todd made a wise decision to set up Little Free Library as an organization with a sign that reads “little Free Library. ORG: Take a Book.
    Return a Book. Till 2021, there were about 100,000 little free libraries in over 100 countries and they made a great difference to millions of people’s life.
    Studies have shown that books have a meaningful influence on children’s literacy (识字). Children who love reading can do well at school.
    Little Free Library can improve relationship between neighbours and strangers, too. “There are many little libraries in people’s front yards, sharing the joy of reading with anyone who passes by. I just live in such a world where books are highly valued (被珍惜),” Catherine, an American woman, said “I’ve even got a note of thanks from a gentleman named Esteban. He was thankful to have a ‘friend’ on a cold night: ‘Thank you for this wonderful gift of a book. It’s an excellent friend on this cold and lonely night. I’ll return one in its place as soon as I can!’”
    Hopefully, when each building has such a library, we will soon have a society where people spend less time on the phone and more on the pages of a book.
    Little Free Library
    The beginning of Little Free Library
    Todd Bol built the first Little Free Library. In order to show his love to his mother, he 11 to set up a little free library to ask people to borrow and return books.
    The spread of Little Free Library
    The number of little free libraries around the world 12 about 100,000 till 2021.
    It made a 13 to people’s life.
    The benefits (好处) of Little Free Library
    It helps children have 14 literacy skills and do well at school.
    It brings people, including 15 and strangers, closer.
    A (n) 16 of a book lover
    An American woman called Catherine 17 living in a world with many little libraries nearby.
    A gentleman felt 18 because of a book he borrowed and he wrote a thank-you note to Catherine.
    The writer’s 19
    Each building will have a library and people will spend more time on books 20 of on the phone.

    11.decided 12.reached 13.difference 14.better 15.neighbours/neighbors 16.story/example 17.likes/loves/enjoys 18.thankful 19.hope 20.instead
    11.根据“In 2009, Todd Bol put up a little free library. That was to show his love for his mother, who was a book lover and teacher.”可知,为了表达他对母亲的爱,托德·博尔决定建立了一个免费的小图书馆,decide to do sth“决定做某事”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填decided。
    12. 根据“Till 2021, there were about 100,000 little free libraries in over 100 countries”可知,现在在100多个国家大约有10万个小型免费图书馆,reach“到达”符合语境,时态是一般过去时,故填reached。
    13. 根据“they made a great difference to millions of people’s life.”可知,给数百万人的生活带来了巨大的改变,make a difference to“给……带来影响”,故填difference。
    14.根据“Studies have shown that books have a meaningful influence on children’s literacy (识字). Children who love reading can do well at school.”可知,书籍对儿童的识字有重要的影响,喜欢阅读的孩子在学校能表现得很好。也就是帮助孩子们有更好的识字技巧,故填better。
    15. 根据“Little Free Library can improve relationship between neighbours and strangers, too.”可知,小免费图书馆也可以改善邻居和陌生人之间的关系。故填neighbours/neighbors。
    16. 此处介绍的是一个热爱读书的人的故事/例子,故填story/example。
    17.根据“ I just live in such a world where books are highly valued ”可知,凯瑟琳生活在这样一个书被高度重视的世界里,结合“sharing the joy of reading”可知,凯瑟琳喜欢这样的生活,故填likes/loves/enjoys。
    18.根据“He was thankful to have a ‘friend’ on a cold night”可知,他很感恩,故填thankful。
    19. 根据“Hopefully, when each building has such a library, we will soon have a society where people spend less time on the phone and more on the pages of a book.”可知,这是作者的希望,故填hope。
    20. 根据“we will soon have a society where people spend less time on the phone and more on the pages of a book.”可知,人们花更少的时间在电话上,更多的时间在书上。instead of“而不是”符合语境,故填instead。
    阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容, 在文章下面表格的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar (农历) divides the year into 24 solar terms (节气). Major Cold (大寒) is the 24th solar term. In 2021, it began on January 20. Major Cold is the last solar term in winter. During the time, snow, rain and icy cold weather influence people’s lives. Here are four things you should know about Major Cold.
    The first thing is the cold weather. During Major Cold, the cold current (气流) moves southward. The weather is very cold in the solar term. The lowest temperatures of the whole year happen in Major Cold period in some coastal areas (沿海地区).
    The second thing is eating rice cake. During Major Cold, people in Beijing have a habit of eating rice cake. The rice cake has more sugar than rice in it. It can make people feel warm all over their bodies. In Chinese the word “rice cake” has the same pronunciation as the word “higher in a new year”. It means good luck and continuous progress.
    The third thing is drinking soup. People in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province like to drink soup during Major Cold. It can make people feel the warmth from head to foot. They always cook hen soup with some kinds of vegetables.
    The fourth thing is doing winter sports. There is a saying, “Dripping water freezes during Minor and Major Cold.” In different areas of China, Major Cold is the perfect time for winter sports such as skiing, ice skating and sledding. Some people even like swimming in cold water in winter. But it is not easy for some people to stand such cold water.
    The 21 Chinese Solar Term—Major Cold
    Major Cold began on January 20, 2021. It is the last solar term in 22 .
    23 things about Major Cold
    The cold weather
    The cold current (气流) moves southward.
    The 24 temperatures of the whole year happen in Major Cold period in some coastal areas.
    Eating rice cake in Beijing
    The rice cake has 25 sugar than rice.
    In Chinese “rice cake” has the same pronunciation as “higher in a new year”. It 26 good luck and continuous progress.
    Drinking 27 in Jiangsu Province
    People always cook hen soup with some different vegetables.
    The soup can make people feel 28 from head to foot.
    Doing winter sports
    Major Cold is the perfect time to 29 winter sports.
    But it is 30 for some people to swim in such cold water.

    21.traditional 22.winter 23.Four 24.lowest 25.more 26.means 27.soup 28.warm 29.do/play 30.difficult/hard
    21.根据“The traditional Chinese lunar calendar (农历) divides the year into 24 solar terms (节气). Major Cold (大寒) is the 24th solar term.”可知本文主要讲了传统农历节气中的大寒节气。故填traditional。
    22.根据“Major Cold is the last solar term in winter.”可知大寒是冬天的最后一个节气,故填winter。
    23.根据“Here are four things you should know about Major Cold.”及表格内容可知共从四方面介绍大寒,故填Four。
    24.根据“The lowest temperatures of the whole year happen in Major Cold period in some coastal areas (沿海地区).”可知气温方面,大寒开始出现最低温,故填lowest。
    25.根据“The rice cake has more sugar than rice in it.”可知年糕开始放更多的糖,故填more。
    26.根据“It means good luck and continuous progress.”可知年糕意味着好运和不断进步。故填means。
    27.根据“People in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province like to drink soup during Major Cold.”可知南京人在大寒节气喜欢喝汤。故填soup。
    28.根据“It can make people feel the warmth from head to foot.”可知大寒喝汤让人从头暖到脚,故填warm。
    29.根据“Major Cold is the perfect time for winter sports such as skiing, ice skating and sledding.”可知大寒是冬季运动的好时机,to为不定式,后跟动词原形,故填do/play。
    30.根据“Some people even like swimming in cold water in winter. But it is not easy for some people to stand such cold water.”可知冬泳并不容易,故填difficult/hard。
    阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填 1个单词。
    Many Chinese primary and middle school students can’t do housework today and do not take such work seriously. So some are unable to cook or wash their own clothes when they enter college. The Ministry of Education (教育部) starts new curriculum standard (新课程标准) for housework education for students from Grade 1 to Grade 9, making it an important course that students must take at least once a week. The new standard asks students in Grade 1—2 to learn to sweep the floor, Grade 3—4 to learn to plant vegetables, and Grade 5—6 to have the skills of cooking two to three dishes. Students in middle school will learn to repair machines instead of paying someone to do it. This new standard is popular among many people.
    Wang: We all know housework education is important. However, some students are unable to do the easiest housework, as their parents think they should spend more time on study. Some of them grow to be unwilling to do any kind of housework. Housework education should make students become more interested in labor (劳动), help them try different kinds of housework, and most importantly, correct the way they think about labor. The housework course will become an important way to make their personalities better.
    Li: In order for students to grow up in an all-round way, primary and middle schools should add the housework course to their curriculum and help students learn and love housework. It is important to make the housework class interesting so that the students will really get some skills for daily life. For this reason, schools have to invite more professional (专业的) teachers to give classes instead of putting this new stress (压力) on parents and other teachers who are already busy with their daily work.
    Zhang: Some people think students don’t have to waste time learning housework. If you want to have meals, you can order food through the Internet. And for machine repairs, you can ask for professional help. However, people with the skills of housework can go through daily life much more easily.
    It is the first step in helping young students have a healthy idea of labor and be able to take care of themselves in daily life.
    An introduction to the 31 course
    Some Chinese students can’t cook or wash clothes in college 32 they seldom do housework back in primary or middle school.
    New curriculum standard
    All the students from Grade 1 to Grade 9 must attend 33 lessons for housework education.
    Primary school students will learn how to sweep the floor, plant vegetables and 34 .
    Middle school students will learn to repair machines 35 .
    Different 36
    Some parents think their children should spend more time 37 instead of doing housework.
    The most 38 thing of housework education is to change their minds towards labor.
    More professional teachers of the course are in great need because they can make housework classes more 39 .
    If people have the skills of housework, it’ll be 40 for them to go through daily life.
    It helps young students know labor better and look after themselves in daily life.
    31.housework 32.because 33.the 34.cook 35.themselves
    36.opinions 37.studying 38.important 39.interesting 40.easier
    31.根据文中“The Ministry of  Education starts new curriculum standard for housework education for students from Grade 1 to Grade 9, making it an important course that students must take at least once a week.”可知,这篇短文是在介绍家务教育课程,故填housework。
    32.根据文中“Many Chinese primary and middle school students can’t do housework today and do not take such work seriously. So some are unable to cook or wash their own clothes when they enter college.”可知,一些中国学生在大学里不会做饭或洗衣服,因为他们在小学或中学时很少做家务,所以此应用连词because,故填because。
    33.根据文中“The Ministry of  Education starts new curriculum standard for housework education for students from Grade 1 to Grade 9, making it an important course that students must take at least once a week.”可知,从一年级到九年级的所有学生都必须参加家务教育课程,所以此应用定冠词the,故填the。
    34.根据文中“The new standard asks students in Grade 1—2 to learn to sweep the floor, Grade 3—4 to learn to plant vegetables, and Grade 5—6 to have the skills of cooking two to three dishes.”可知,小学生将学习如何扫地、种菜和做饭,故填cook。
    35.根据文中“Students in middle school will learn to repair machines instead of paying someone to do it.”可知,中学生将学会自己修理机器,与主语“Students”保持一致,用反身代词themselves,故填themselves。
    36.根据文中“This new standard is popular among many people.”并结合下文可知,是关于人们对新标准的不同看法,“不同看法”为different opinions,故填opinions。
    37.根据文中“However, some students are unable to do the easiest housework, as their parents think they should spend more time on study.”可知,一些家长认为他们的孩子应该花更多的时间学习而不是做家务,“花更多的时间学习”还可表达为spend more time studying,故填studying。
    38.根据文中“Housework education should make students become more interested in labor, help them try different kinds of housework, and most importantly, correct the way they think about labor.”可知,家务教育最重要的是改变他们对劳动的态度,故填important。
    39.根据文中“It is important to make the housework class interesting so that the students will really get some skills for daily life. For this reason, schools have to invite more professional teachers to give classes instead of putting this new stress on parents and other teachers who are already busy with their daily work.”可知,这门课需要更多专业的老师,因为他们可以让家务课更有趣,故填interesting。
    40.根据文中“However, people with the skills of housework can go through daily life much more easily.”可知,如果人们有做家务的技能,他们将更容易完成日常生活,此处做表语应用形容词比较级,故填easier。
    All of us have friends, and we often classify(分类) them as ordinary(普通的) friends, good friends, best friends and bad friends. How do we make friends with others? What kind of people should we choose to be our true friends? Let’s have a look .
    Have good qualities
    We should choose someone with a good quality as our friend. As the saying goes, “One takes the behavior(行为) of one’s company(陪伴).” For example, if we stay close to those dishonest people, we will also become dishonest.
    Often make progress(进步)
    If people always would like to make progress, they won’t stop. So if we make friends with those people, we will also try to learn from them.
    Be able to help you
    We are not able to finish everything by ourselves. We may need someone to help us with our study or other things in our daily life.
    For most of us, one or two true friends are enough. They will always stay with you whether(是否) you are happy or not.
    Remember not to make friends with those people—when you are successful, they will run to you, but when you are in trouble, they will leave you.
    41 to choose friends
    Four 42 of friends
    We often classify our friends as ordinary, good, best and bad ones.
    43 qualities to think about
    ★Friends with a good quality will make us become good people 44 .
    ★People won’t stop if they 45 to make progress. We can also learn from them if we make friends with them.
    ★We 46 do everything by ourselves, so we need to ask our friends help.
    The writer’s 47
    We just need one or two 48 friends in our life.
    Don’t 49 to make friends with those people—run to you when you are successful and leave you when you have 50 .
    41.Ways/Tips/Advice/Suggestions 42.kinds/types 43.Three 44.too 45.want 46.can’t 47.ideas/opinions 48.true 49.try 50.trouble
    41.根据“How do we make friends with others? What kind of people should we choose to be our true friends?”可知,文章介绍选择朋友的方法、建议,故填Ways/Tips/Advice/Suggestions。
    42.根据“All of us have friends, and we often classify(分类) them as ordinary(普通的) friends, good friends, best friends and bad friends.”可知,有四类朋友,kinds/types“类型”符合语境,故填kinds/types。
    43.根据“Have good qualities, Often make progress, Be able to help you”可知,有三个需要考虑的品质,故填Three。
    44.根据“One takes the behavior of one’s company”可知,一个人会关注自己同伴的行为,所以拥有好品质的朋友也会使我们成为好人。故填too。
    45.根据“If people always would like to make progress, they won’t stop.”可知,如果人们总是想进步,他们就不会停止。want to do sth“想要做某事”,故填want。
    46.根据“We are not able to finish everything by ourselves.”可知,我们不能独自完成所有的事情。can’t“不能”符合语境,故填can’t。
    48.根据“For most of us, one or two true friends are enough.”可知,对我们大多数人来说,有一两个真正的朋友就足够了。故填true。
    49.根据“Remember not to make friends with those people—when you are successful”可知,记住不要和那些人交朋友,所以不要试图跟那种人交朋友,try to do sth“试图做某事”,故填try。
    50.根据“when you are successful, they will run to you, but when you are in trouble, they will leave you”可知,当你成功时,他们会向你跑来,但当你遇到麻烦时,他们会离开你。故填trouble。
    A game of catch is not difficult at all. Two people throw a ball back and forth (来回地掷球). It seems a little boring. The two people are close enough to talk, but too far to touch.
    In fact, playing catch is part of baseball practice. It’s a popular game. Because baseball is an American sport, and a big part of being American, playing catch is kind of an all-American dad activity. Outside cities, most people have backyards – not large enough to play baseball in, but just big enough for a game of catch. Those without yards can play in streets.
    But any American kid will tell you it’s much more than a game. Playing catch is a time to be with your father. It’s a time when there’s nothing to worry about except catching a ball. When they play it, words move together with the ball itself, back and forth, easy and relaxing(放松). Kids and dads spend time together.
    The game can be good memories(记忆) of dads. Why? Dads are usually very busy. This is a time when a kid has all of his or her dad’s attention(注意力). There is no work, no phone and no other people around to take your dad away from you. For the time that it takes to play a game of catch, your dad is all yours.
    The Game of 51
    What’s the game
    It’s part of baseball 52 .
    A(n) 53
    and “boring” game
    Two people throw a ball back and forth. They can talk but can’t 54 each other when playing it.  
    A(n) 55
    Catch is an all-American activity because 56 is part of being American.
    People play the game in yards or 57 .
    A game between kids and dad
    Players needn’t worry about 58 except (除了) catching a ball.
    59 and the ball move together.
    A kid can have all his or her Dad’s attention. He or she can have the 60
    of his or her dad when they play the game.

    51.catch 52.practice 53.easy 54.touch 55.popular 56.baseball 57.streets 58.anything 59.Words 60.whole
    51.根据“A game of catch is not difficult at all.”可知,此处指的是“接球游戏”。故填catch。
    52.根据表格后面及第二段“In fact, playing catch is part of baseball practice”可知,此处介绍什么是接球游戏,是练习的一部分。故填practice。
    53.根据“A game of catch is not difficult at all.”可知,接球游戏不难,“easy”表示“容易的”。故填easy。
    54.根据第一段“but too far to touch.”可知,太远而不能触碰,“touch”表示“接触”。故填touch。
    55.根据第二段中“It’s a popular game.”可知,这是一个受欢迎的游戏,“popular”表示“受欢迎的”。故填popular。
    56.根据第二段中“Because baseball is an American sport.and a big part of being American”可知,接球是一项全美国的活动,因为棒球是美国人的一部分,“baseball”表示“棒球”。故填baseball。
    57.根据第二段中“Those without yards can play in streets.”可知,人们在院子里或街上玩游戏,“streets”表示“街道”。故填streets。
    58.根据“It’s a time when there’s nothing to worry about except catching a ball.”可知,运动员除了接球之外,什么都不用担心。“anything”表示“任何事”。故填anything。
    59.根据“words move together with the ball itself”可知,文字和球一起移动,表格空格此处缺Words,句首要大写。故填Words。
    60.根据“For the time that it takes to play a game of catch, your dad is all yours.”可知,当他们玩游戏时,他或她可以拥有他或她的整个爸爸。“whole”表示“整个”。故填whole。
    Do you know anyone with a beard(胡须)? Beards aren’t popular in China, but many men in the US have beards. Me too! I grew it because shaving(刮胡子) is too much work. I kept it because it looks good.
    In the US, National No-Beard Day is on Oct18. It started on the internet. People celebrate by shaving and sharing pictures of their fresh faces on social media. I’m thinking about joining the celebration.
    Why? I need to pay much attention to my beard. I’m always checking it in the mirror. If it is too long, I must trim(修剪) it. If I see gray hairs, I must pluck(拔掉)them. Then I must brush my beard every day. What a lot of work!
    Another problem with my beard is that I must wash it often. When I eat some food, like sandwiches, my beard gets dirty. When I drink soup, my beard gets wet. At the end of the day, my beard often has a terrible smell.
    Without beard, I look smart and professional every day, so I’m excited to celebrate No-Beard Day.
    Title: Saying 61 to my beard on No-Beard Day
    Information about No-Beard Day
    It falls on the 62 of October.
    Beards are 63 with people in the US, while many Chinese people don’t have beards.
    People can shave and 64 pictures of their fresh faces on social media to celebrate.
    65 why I want to join the celebration
    My beard needs much 66
    l     67 it in the mirror always.
    l    Trim it if it is too long.
    l    Brush it every day.
    I must wash it often.
    l    When I have food or soup, my beard gets dirty or wet.
    l    My beard smells 68 at the end of the day.
    My 69 about No-Beard Day
    It’s exciting for me to celebrate No-Beard Day, 70 I look smart and professional without beard.

    61.goodbye 62.eighteenth/18th 63.popular 64.share 65.Reasons 66.attention 67.Check 68.terrible 69.ideas/feelings 70.because
    61.根据“No-Beard Day”,可知在无胡子日要对胡子说再见,故填goodbye。
    62.根据“In the US, National No-Beard Day is on Oct18.”可知,无胡子日在10月18号,故填eighteenth或18th。
    63.根据“Beards aren’t popular in China, but many men in the US have beards.” 可知,胡子在中国不受欢迎,但是许多美国人有胡子,所以胡子在美国受欢迎,故填popular。
    64.根据“People celebrate by shaving and sharing pictures of their fresh faces on social media.” 可知,在无胡子日的时候,人们会剃胡子,并且分享剃完胡子的照片,空前有情态动词can修饰,此处动词应用原形,故填share。
    65.根据“Why? I need to pay much attention to my beard. I’m always checking it in the mirror” 可知表格第二部分说的是为什么作者要庆祝无胡子日,表示原因,且阐述了2点,原因用复数形式,故填Reasons。
    66.根据“I need to pay much attention to my beard.” 可知,我的胡子需要很多关注。故填attention。
    67.根据“ I’m always checking it in the mirror” 可知,作者会在镜子前检查胡子,应用动词check。结合下文的“Trim it if it is too long.”和“ Brush it every day.” 可知,此处应用祈使句句型,动词check用原形,故填Check。
    68.根据“At the end of the day, my beard often has a terrible smell.” 可知。我的胡子在一天结束的时候很难闻,故填terrible。
    69.根据“Without beard, I look smart and professional every day, so I’m excited to celebrate No-Beard Day.” 最后一段作者阐明了自己对无胡子日的想法或感觉,故填ideas或feelings。
    70.根据“Without beard, I look smart and professional every day, so I’m excited to celebrate No-Beard Day.” 可知我在无胡子日很兴奋的原因是没有胡子的我看起来既聪明又专业,所以此处解释原因,故填because。
    In 2003, China sent its first astronaut, Yang Liwei, into space. Since then, 13 Chinese astronauts have “reached for the stars”. Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu are three of them. They carried out the latest (最近的) Shenzhou XIII mission (任务). Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut like them? How did they get there?
    Health is important
    To be an astronaut, you need to be very healthy. Good eyesight (视力), a strong heart and lungs (肺) are important. You’d better not have other small problems. For example, you can’t have scars (伤疤) either. They may split (裂开) in space, as Pang Zhihao, a space scientist, told the Beijing Morning Post. A decayed tooth could get worse in space and bring trouble to astronauts.
    Become stronger with hard training
    In China, you must be a great pilot before you can be an astronaut. You must fly more than 600 hours without accidents. It’s very difficult. For example, you need to build your muscles (肌肉) as strong as professional (职业的) athletes by running, swimming and doing pull-ups (引体向上). You will also wear a 200-kilogram suit and do tasks underwater for six or seven hours and you can’t eat or go to the toilet. This is like doing tasks during a spacewalk.
    Learn science
    Knowledge (知识) is important as well. Astronauts take 60 courses to get ready for a mission, including math, English, spacecraft design (设计), physics and many more. So they will know what to do when emergencies (紧急情况) happen during the mission. They can also do scientific experiments (实验) in space.
    71 to go to space
    72 is important
    It’s 73 to have good eyesight, a strong heart and lungs.
    You 74 better not have other small problems.
    ※ You can’t have scars (伤疤) either.
    ※ A decayed tooth could get worse in space and bring astronauts 75 .
    Become stronger with hard training
    Start training when you become a backup astronaut.
    ※ 76 your muscles as strong as professional athletes by running, swimming and doing pull-ups.
    ※ Wear a 200-kilogram suit and do tasks underwater for six or seven hours 77 eating or going to the toilet.
    Learn science
    Knowledge is 78 important.
    ※ Take 60 courses to 79 for a mission, including math, English, spacecraft design, physics and many more.
    ※ 80 scientific experiments in space.

    71.How 72.Health 73.important 74.had 75.trouble 76.Build 77.without 78.also 79.prepare 80.Do
    71.根据“Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut like them? How did they get there?”可知,本文介绍了如何成为一名宇航员并进入太空,句首单词首字母大写。故填How。
    72.根据“Health is important”可知,要成为一名宇航员,健康是很重要的,句首单词首字母大写。故填Health。
    73.根据“Good eyesight (视力), a strong heart and lungs (肺) are important.”可知,良好的视力、强健的心肺是很重要的。故填important。
    74.根据“You’d better not have other small problems.”可知,你最好不要有其他小问题,You’d better=You had better。故填had。
    75.根据“A decayed tooth could get worse in space and bring trouble to astronauts.”可知,蛀牙可能会在太空变得更糟,给宇航员带来麻烦。故填trouble。
    76.根据“you need to build your muscles (肌肉) as strong as professional (职业的) athletes by running, swimming and doing pull-ups (引体向上).”可知,你需要锻炼你的肌肉,通过跑步、游泳和做引体向上像专业运动员一样强壮,句首单词首字母大写。故填Build。
    77.根据“You will also wear a 200-kilogram suit and do tasks underwater for six or seven hours and you can’t eat or go to the toilet.”可知,在水下做6至7个小时的任务,不能吃东西和上厕所,without“没有”,后接动名词,符合题意。故填without。
    78.根据“Knowledge (知识) is important as well.”可知,知识也很重要,as well“也”,可用also来替代,放在be动词之后。故填also。
    79.根据“Astronauts take 60 courses to get ready for a mission...”可知,宇航员需要学习60门课程,为任务做好准备,get ready for“为……做好准备”,与prepare for同义。故填prepare。
    80.根据“They can also do scientific experiments (实验) in space.”可知,他们还会在太空做科学实验,句首单词首字母大写。故填Do。
    How does milk become ice cream?
    Ice cream is cool. Ice cream is sweet. Ice cream is a yummy treat. But do you know how milk becomes ice cream?
    On the farm
    Cows need a lot of food and water to make milk. A healthy cow can produce about one hundred glasses of milk in one day! You don’t believe that? Yes, one hundred.
    On the truck
    Trucks pick up the fresh milk from farms. The trucks have huge tanks (罐子) that keep the milk cold. The trucks take the milk to the factory.
    In the factory
    Factory workers separate (使分离) the milk into cream and skim milk. Then the cream and milk are put together with sugar and other things. The ice cream mix is heated. This kills germs (细菌) . Then the mix is cooled. A machine whips (搅打) the mix. Then it is time to add flavourings, such as chocolate or vanilla. Fruit, nuts and biscuits can go in too.
    The ice cream is cooled again. This time, it becomes very hard. Then, trucks bring the ice cream to shops. Want some ice cream?
    How does milk become ice cream?
    On the farm

    Cows need 81 food and water to make milk.
    For a 82 cow, it is common to produce about one hundred glasses of milk a day.
    On the
    Trucks pick up milk from 84 .
    Trucks keep the milk cold 85 huge tanks.
    Trucks take the milk to 86 .
    In the factory

    Workers separate milk into cream and skim milk.
    Cream and milk are put together with sugar and other things.
    The ice cream is heated to 87 germs.
    The mix is cooled and a 88 whips it.
    Add flavourings 89 chocolate or vanilla, fruit, nuts and biscuits.
    Cool the ice cream again, and it becomes 90 . Then trucks bring it to shops.

    81.much 82.healthy 83.truck 84.farms 85.with 86.factories 87.kill 88.machine 89.like 90.hard
    81.根据“Cows need a lot of food and water to make milk.”可知,奶牛需要许多食物,此处food为不可数名词。故填much。
    82.根据“A healthy cow can produce about one hundred glasses of milk in one day!”可知,一头健康的奶牛一天内可以产出大约100杯奶。故填healthy。
    83.根据“On the truck Trucks pick up the fresh milk from farms. The trucks have huge tanks (罐子) that keep the milk cold. The trucks take the milk to the factory.”可知,本段叙述的是卡车运输牛奶的过程。故填truck。
    84.根据“Trucks pick up the fresh milk from farms.”可知,卡车从农场接鲜奶。故填farms。
    85.根据“The trucks have huge tanks (罐子) that keep the milk cold.”可知,卡车上有巨大的罐子,大罐子可以使牛奶保持低温,所以空处可用介词with表达“用”。故填with。
    86.根据“The trucks take the milk to the factory.”可知,卡车将牛奶带到工厂,空处应指多家工厂,应用factory的复数形式。故填factories。
    87.根据“The ice cream mix is heated. This kills germs (细菌) .”可知,冰激凌混合物加热可以杀死细菌,空前有to,此处是不定式表目的,所以用原形。故填kill。
    88.根据“Then the mix is cooled. A machine whips (搅打) the mix.”可知,混合物冷却,然后用机器搅拌,因空前有a,所以用名词单数。故填machine。
    89.根据“Then it is time to add flavourings, such as chocolate or vanilla. Fruit, nuts and biscuits can go in too.”可知,该向混合物里加佐料了,例如巧克力、香草精等,此处只填一词,所以应用介词like“像”。故填like。
    90.根据“The ice cream is cooled again. This time, it becomes very hard.”可知,冰激凌再次冷却后变硬了。故填hard。

    Many people weigh more than they want to. They eat too much or do not exercise enough. They choose unhealthy food, or snacks too often. Weight gain happens when people eat more food than their bodies use. That is why people try to diet. Dieting means taking in less food.
    It has been shown that writing down everything you eat and drink as soon as possible helps you to lose weight. Writing down what you eat is called keeping a “food journal”.
    If you write down everything you eat and drink in a day, you might be surprised! It is easy to forget the food you eat while you are reading, working or watching TV. It is easy to forget if your drinks have sugar in them. Each snack might seem small, but they add up.
    Here is an example of a simple food journal.
    Food Journal: 6 June
    Breakfast:1 egg, 2 slices of toast with butter, green tea
    Mid-morning: 2 biscuits, coffee with milk and 2 sugars
    Lunch: 3 slices of pizza, 1 can of soft drink, 1 apple
    Mid-afternoon: 1 banana
    Dinner: noodles with vegetables
    A food journal will remind(提醒) you of how much you eat. Without the journal,you might forget about the biscuits with your coffee, the soft drink at lunch, or the mid-afternoon banana. You might forget having extra slices of pizza!
    Keeping a food journal will also make you aware if you are not eating enough different kinds of foods. It will show if you are not eating enough vegetables or fruit, or if you are drinking too many sweet drinks. So next time you go on a diet, use a pen and a notebook to write down what you eat and you will lose weight faster.
    Food journals help you 91 weight


    ·People eat too much or do not do enough 92 .
    ·The food they eat are not 93 , or they eat snacks too often.
    Taking in less food.
    Food journals

    Taking 95 of what you eat.

    ·You will forget the foods you eat 96 while you are reading, working, or watching TV.
    ·You will forget if your drinks have sugar in them.
    ·If you write down your daily diet, the result might be 97 .

    ·It will remind you of how much you 98 .
    ·It will show if you are not eating enough different kinds of foods, enough vegetables or fruit.
    ·It will tell you to drink 99 sweet drinks.
    Keep food journals, and you will lose weight more 100 .
    91.lose 92.exercise 93.healthy 94.What 95.notes 96.easily 97.surprising 98.eat 99.fewer 100.quickly
    91.根据“It has been shown that writing down everything you eat and drink as soon as possible helps you to lose weight. Writing down what you eat is called keeping a ‘food journal’”可知,食物日志可以帮助减肥,lose weight“减肥”,help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填lose。
    92.根据“They eat too much or do not exercise enough”可知,人们没有足够的锻炼,故填exercise。
    93.根据“They choose unhealthy food, or snacks too often”可知,吃的食物不健康,故填healthy。
    94.根据“Dieting means taking in less food”可知,节食意味着少吃东西,此处解释意味着什么,故填What。
    95.根据“Writing down what you eat is called keeping a “food journal”可知,写下来你吃的东西,take notes“记笔记”,故填notes。
    96.根据“It is easy to forget the food you eat while you are reading, working or watching TV”可知,当你在阅读、工作或看电视时,你很容易忘记你吃的食物,副词easily修饰动词forget,故填easily。
    97.根据“If you write down everything you eat and drink in a day, you might be surprised”可知,如果你记下一天吃的喝的东西,你可能会大吃一惊,修饰物用以ing为结尾的形容词,故填surprising。
    98.根据“A food journal will remind(提醒) you of how much you eat”可知,会提醒你吃了多少,故填eat。
    99.根据“It will show if you are not eating enough vegetables or fruit, or if you are drinking too many sweet drinks”可知,会告诉你少喝甜饮料,修饰可数名词用fewer表示“较少的”,故填fewer。
    100.根据“So next time you go on a diet, use a pen and a notebook to write down what you eat and you will lose weight faster”可知,会快速地减肥,修饰动词lose,用副词quickly,故填quickly。
    We do eye exercises. We wear sunglasses. We do lots of things to protect our eyes. But we usually forget another important part of our body—the ears.
    Ears help us hear the world. But many things, such as loud noises, can cause hearing loss (听力丧失). Once (一旦) this happens, it’s hard to get your hearing back. So how can we protect our ears? Let’s take a look together.
    Keep your ears dry and warm
    Dry your ears with a towel (毛巾) after swimming or taking a bath. If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little bit. This can help you get the water out of your ear.
    Also, when the Sun is shining, wear some sunscreen (防晒霜) on your ears. During the winter, protect your ears with a hat or a scarf.
    How to clean your ears
    Usually, our ears clean themselves. The earwax (耳屎) builds up, dries out, and then comes out of the ear along with some dirt.
    Don’t clean your ears with anything sharp, or it can make the earwax go too deep into your ears and hurt them. But if your ears start to hurt, you can go to a doctor for help.
    How to use headphones
    Don’t listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60:60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphones’ maximum volume (最大音量) for no more than 60 minutes a day.
    Over-the-ear headphones are better than in-ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise so you can listen at a lower volume.
    Protecting our 101
    If you lose your hearing, it is not 102 to get them back.
    Keep them dry and
    Shake your head to get the 104 out of your ear after swimming or taking a bath.
    Wear sunscreen on your ears when the 105 is strong.
    Protect your ears with a hat or a scarf in 106 .
    Clean them correctly
    Ears can clean earwax along with some dirt by themselves.
    Don’t clean them with anything 107 .
    Go to see the 108 if your ears hurt.
    Use headphones in the right way
    Listen to music at 60 percent of their maximum volume for
    109 than 60 minutes a day.
    You can listen at a 110 volume with over-the-ear headphones.

    101.ears 102.easy 103.warm 104.water 105.sunshine/Sun 106.winter 107.sharp 108.doctor 109.less 110.lower
    101.根据文中“We do eye exercises. We wear sunglasses. We do lots of things to protect our eyes. But we usually forget another important part of our body—the ears.“可知,整篇短文是保护我们的耳朵。故填ears。
    102.根据文中“Once (一旦) this happens, it’s hard to get your hearing back.“可知,如果你失去了听力,很难让它们恢复。easy“容易的”,是形容词,not easy相当于hard。故填easy。
    103.根据文中“Keep your ears dry and warm”可知,此处是保护我们的耳朵干燥和暖和。warm“暖和的”,是形容词,故填warm。
    104.根据文中“If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little bit. This can help you get the water out of your ear.”可知,游泳或洗澡后摇头,把耳朵里的水弄出来。故填water。
    105.根据“Also, when the Sun is shining, wear some sunscreen (防晒霜) on your ears.”可知,当阳光/太阳强烈时,在耳朵上涂防晒霜。故填sunshine/Sun。
    106.根据文中“During the winter, protect your ears with a hat or a scarf.”可知,冬天戴帽子或围巾保护耳朵。故填winter。
    107.根据文中“Don’t clean your ears with anything sharp, or it can make the earwax go too deep into your ears and hurt them.”可知,不要用尖锐的东西清洁它们。sharp“尖锐的”,是形容词修饰不定代词要后置。故填sharp。
    108.根据文中“But if your ears start to hurt, you can go to a doctor for help.”可知,如果你耳朵痛,就去看医生。故填doctor。
    109.根据文中“Don’t listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60:60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphones’ maximum volume (最大音量) for no more than 60 minutes a day.”可知,每天以最大音量的60%听音乐不到60分钟。短语less than“少于”。故填less。
    110.根据文中“They do a better job of stopping outside noise so you can listen at a lower volume.”可知,您可以使用耳挂式耳机以较低的音量收听。故填lower。
    Growing up is not always easy. When facing difficult problems in our life, a spirit of depending (依靠) on ourselves can be more useful than crying for help. That’s what Hong Zhanhui’s story tells us.
    Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County, Henan Province. His father was seriously ill. When he was only 11, his father one day came back with a strange baby girl. A year later, Hong’s mother left home because she no more wanted to live such a poor life and face the family.
    Everything fell onto the young boy’s shoulders. He had to take care of his father and his sister Chenchen. Hong didn’t give up. At a young age, he worked in part-time jobs to feed his family. The boy climbed tall trees to get birds’ eggs for his baby sister. He walked two hours at weekends to buy different things to sell around his school to make money. He also kept on studying, and a few years later, he studied at college. To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to rent (租) a room near his college for her, and kept sending her to school.
    After people learnt about his story, he became a hero in people’s eyes. But he refused (拒绝) the help from others. He said he could depend on (依靠) himself. Through his hard life, he grew up from boy to man.
    Growing up from 111 to Man
    Hong’s birthplace
    Xihua County, Henan 112
    His family
    He came from a 113 family.
    His 114 father was very kind and one day he brought home a baby girl.
    His mother left home when he was only 115 years old.
    His efforts (努力)
    He climbed trees to get 116 eggs for his sister.
    He 117 his family by taking part-time jobs and selling things around the school.
    He went to college for 118 study.
    When he was in college, he also 119 his sister to school.
    His decision
    He depended on himself instead of accepting 120 help.

    111.Boy 112.Province 113.poor 114.sick 115.12/twelve 116.birds’ 117.fed 118.further 119.sent 120.others’
    111.根据“Through his hard life, he grew up from boy to man.”可知是从男孩成长为男人,标题中实义动词首字母大写。故填Boy。
    112.根据“Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County, Henan Province.”可知出生地在河南省,专有名词,首字母大写。故填Province。
    113.根据“Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County, Henan Province.”可知洪战辉来自贫困家庭,poor“贫困的”,形容词作定语。故填poor。
    114.根据“His father was seriously ill.”可知此处指生病的爸爸,ill不作定语,此处用sick表示“生病的”,形容词作定语。故填sick。
    115.根据“When he was only 11, his father one day came back with a strange baby girl. A year later, Hong’s mother left home because she no more wanted to live such a poor life and face the family.”可知11岁的一年之后,也就是12岁时妈妈离开家。故填12/twelve。
    116.根据“The boy climbed tall trees to get birds’ eggs for his baby sister.”可知爬树是为了获取鸟蛋。故填birds’。
    117.根据“At a young age, he worked in part-time jobs to feed his family.”可知此处表示养家,介绍过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,此处用fed。故填fed。
    118.根据“He also kept on study, and a few years later, he studied at college.”可知他去上大学是为了继续教育,further表示“程度更深的”。故填further。
    119.根据“To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to rent a room near his college for her, and kept sending her to school.”可知在大学也送妹妹去上学,用send的过去式sent。故填sent。
    120.根据“But he refused the help from others.”可知拒绝了别人的帮助,用others’。故填others’。
    As you know, homework is a big part of going to school. Luckily, here are several tips for you to make homework easy.
    Make a homework plan
    Most middle school students have two or three hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you may need to spend even more time. It is a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule (进度表) , especially (尤其) if you are going to do sports or other activities after school.
    Watch where you work
    A bedroom, study or any room where you can get away from noise is good for you to do your homework. But don’t study on your comfortable bed, or you might fall asleep there.
    Take a break
    Most people’s attention (注意力) don’t last (持续) very long, so take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without relaxing (放松) will make you less productive (多产的) than if you stop to take a break regularly (定期, 有规律地) . Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good way for most people.
    Get help when you need it
    Sometimes even though (即使) you are listening carefully in class, some subjects seem too hard. The first person to ask for help is your teacher. He or she may be able to work with you before or after school and explain things more clearly. Your classmates may also be able to give you a hand. However, this might not give you the results you want. Lots of people understand something well but are not able to explain it.
    Title: Homework Help
    Homework can be quite hard, but there is something you can do to make homework even 121 .
    Useful 122
    Making a homework plan
    Heavy homework means you should spend more 123 on your study, so it is a good idea to have a homework plan so that (以便) you can 124 in all kinds of after-school activities.
    125 where you work
    It is necessary (必要的) for you to study in a 126 place, so a bedroom or a study is a good choice (选择) .
    Taking a break
    If you 127 too long without relaxing, your mind may wander.To keep productive, it is a good idea for most people to have a rest for fifteen 128 every hour.
    Getting help
    The 129 one you can ask for help is your teacher.
    You may also get 130 from your classmates but this may not give you what you want.

    121.easier 122.tips 123.time 124.join 125.Watching 126.quiet 127.sit 128.minutes 129.first 130.help
    121.根据第一段“As you know, homework is a big part of going to school. Luckily, here are several tips for you to make homework easy.”可知,作业是上学的一大部分,因此有一些可以让作业变得容易的建议。题目中使用同义句,即你可以做一些事情让作业变得更加容易,even表示更加,后跟形容词比较级,easy的比较级是easier。故填easier。
    122.根据第一段“As you know, homework is a big part of going to school. Luckily, here are several tips for you to make homework easy.”可知,本文主要讲了一些让作业变得容易的建议。故填tips。
    123.根据第二段“If it is a heavy homework day, you may need to spend even more time.”可知,如果作业多,可能需要花费更多时间。故填time。
    124.根据第二段“It is a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule (进度表) , especially (尤其) if you are going to do sports or other activities after school.”可知,规划好作业进度是好主意,尤其是打算放学后去参加体育运动或其他活动,题目中使用同义句,join in构成短语,意为“参加,加入”,can后跟动词原形。故填join。
    125.根据第三段“Watch where you work”可知,要看好在哪儿写作业。原文中用祈使句,而题目中用动名词表示方式。故填Watching。
    126.根据第三段“A bedroom, study or any room where you can get away from noise is good for you to do your homework.”可知,要选择远离噪音的地方写作业。题目中使用同义句,即选择安静的地方,place为名词,用形容词修饰。故填quiet。
    127.根据第四段“Sitting for too long without relaxing (放松) will make you less productive (多产的) than if you stop to take a break regularly (定期, 有规律地) .”可知,坐太长时间不休息会比规律的休息的效率要低。题目中使用同义句,即规律地休息比坐太长时间的效率高,if引导的条件状语从句,主句含有情态动词may,从句用一般现在时,主语you。故填sit。
    128.根据第四段“Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good way for most people.”可知,每小时休息十五分钟是最好的方式,数字15后跟可数名词用复数形式。故填minutes。
    129.根据第五段“The first person to ask for help is your teacher.”可知,首先要向老师求助。故填first。
    130.根据第五段“Your classmates may also be able to give you a hand.”可知,同学也可以帮忙。题目中用同义句,即你可以从同学那儿获得帮助,空格处用名词作宾语。故填help。
    I was happy in those days before I started going to school. Because I had good neighbours to play with. I played with them from morning to evening. We played games outdoors, dressed up as cowboys and rode around on our tricycles(三轮车)happily.
    When I was five years old, I had to go to kindergarten(幼儿园)and it was quite hard for me at first. I felt very sad about having to leave my mother every morning. I cried and wanted my mother around. As the days went by, however, I made friends easily in my class. I became happy again and looked forward to leaving my house each morning.
    I still remember those days when I was learning to ride a bicycle. I fell several times but I never gave up. At last, I could join my friends riding around on my bike.
    Another memory I like is the end-of-year concert(音乐会). We had it at the end of each year during kindergarten. Once, my teachers chose me to play the role of Jack in the play, Jack and the Magic Beans. I became the superstar that night.
    What a wonderful childhood I had! Sometimes I really wish I could go back to those days.
    Title: My wonderful childhood
    Before going to school
    ♦I played with my neighbours happily every day.
    ♦ We spent the whole day 131 outdoor activities, such as dressing up as cowboys and riding around on tricycles.
    At the 132 of five
    ♦I had to begin my kindergarten life.
    ♦I felt very sad to leave my mother every morning.
    ♦After I made friends in my class, I became happy again and couldn’t 133 to leave my house each morning.
    The days of learning to ride a bicycle
    ♦I fell a few times but I didn’t give up.
    ♦ 134 I could join my friends riding around on my bike.
    The memory of the concert
    ♦The concert took 135 at the end of the year.
    ♦I became the superstar that night.

    【答案】131.doing 132.age 133.wait 134.Finally 135.place
    131.根据“Because I had good neighbours to play with. I played with them from morning to evening. We played games outdoors, dressed up as cowboys and rode around on our tricycles”可知在上学之前,作者整天都做户外运动,do“做”,spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。故填doing。
    132.根据“When I was five years old, I had to go to kindergarten”可知作者5岁的时候去上幼儿园,at the age of…“在……岁时”。故填age。
    133.根据“I became happy again and looked forward to leaving my house each morning”可知作者交了新朋友,所以每天早上迫不及待想离开家去学校见朋友,couldn’t wait to do sth.“迫不及待做某事”。故填wait。
    134.根据“At last, I could join my friends riding around on my bike”可知最后,作者可以和朋友一起骑自行车四处转转,finally“最后”,放句首首字母大写。故填Finally。
    135.根据“Another memory I like is the end-of-year concert(音乐会). We had it at the end of each year during kindergarten”可知每年的年末会举办音乐会,take place“举办”。故填place。
    Why are people taking pictures of their faces, their hobbies and their food? Why do we capture (捕获) every moment? I can’t really give you an answer, because honestly, I am one of those people who take photographs of everything.
    The special thing about photography is that we can capture moments anywhere and anytime. All we need for this is our smartphone-something that rarely leaves our side.
    Compared to other forms of visual (视觉的) art, you don’t need any special talent for it. Every single one of us can get started with this wonderful hobby, no matter if you goal is to sell your photographs or just to keep them for your own viewing pleasure.
    If you prefer to share your pictures with the world, you can also get immediate feedback (即时反馈). Camera phones allow us to upload our pictures in a few seconds. Pictures connect and show the people around us what is going on in our life right now.
    The most amazing thing for me is without question the ability to capture every single moment in my life with just a single click of a button. This helps me to remember every moment as it happens. We can connect to our past, no matter where we are and enjoy those memories that are most meaningful to us.
    Photography is also an amazing tool to learn the world around us and to stay in the moment. There is more to this hobby than “just taking pictures”. It is a way to express your feelings, your drives (渴望) and also yourself. Photography is art (有艺术气息的) side, and take a picture of your next adventure!
    136 photographs of everything
    The reason of capturing every moment:
    ●To be 137 , I have no answer.
    Photography is 138 :
    ●We can capture moments wherever and 139 we want, just with our smartphone.
    ●You don’t 140 any special talent for it.
    ●Every picture tells a personal story.
    We can get the latest 141 from other people by sending our pictures if we like 142 them.
    ●We can enjoy our memories with the 143 of pictures.
    Photography is more than just a 144 , it is an art that makes everyone an artist.
    ●It serves an amazing tool to learn the world and live in the moment.
    ●It makes us to express our feelings, drives and 145 .
    Try recording your every adventure in pictures. It won’t let you down!

    136.Taking 137.honest 138.special 139.whenever 140.need 141.information 142.sharing 143.help 144.hobby 145.ourselves
    136.根据“Why are people taking pictures of their faces, their hobbies and their food?”为什么人们要拍他们的脸,他们的爱好和他们的食物?可知本文主要讲了拍照的原因,据此判断本文最好的标题为给一切拍照。故填Taking。
    137.根据“Why do we capture (捕获) every moment? I can’t really give you an answer, because honestly, I am one of those people who take photographs of everything.”为什么我们要捕捉每一刻?我真的无法给你一个答案,因为说实话,我是那种什么都拍照的人,honestly与to be honest同义,故填honest。
    138.根据“The special thing about photography is that we can capture moments anywhere and anytime.”摄影的特别之处在于我们可以随时随地捕捉瞬间,题目中使用同义句,即判断照片是特殊的,故填special。
    139.根据“The special thing about photography is that we can capture moments anywhere and anytime. All we need for this is our smartphone.”摄影的特别之处在于我们可以随时随地捕捉瞬间,我们需要的是我们的智能手机,题目中使用同义句,即判断只要用智能手机,我们就可以无论在哪儿、无论什么时候捕捉瞬间,故填whenever。
    140.根据“Compared to other forms of visual (视觉的) art, you don’t need any special talent for it.”与其他形式的视觉艺术相比,特殊的天赋是不必要的,题目中使用同义句,即你不需要特殊的天赋,don’t后跟动词原形,故填need。
    141.根据“If you prefer to share your pictures with the world, you can also get immediate feedback (即时反馈).”如果你喜欢与世界分享你的照片,你也可以即时反馈(即时反馈), 题目中使用同义句,据此判断如果我们喜欢分享照片,我们可以从别人那里得到最新的信息,故填information。
    142.根据“If you prefer to share your pictures with the world, you can also get immediate feedback (即时反馈).”如果你喜欢与世界分享你的照片,你也可以即时反馈(即时反馈),题目中使用同义句,据此判断如果我们喜欢分享照片,我们可以从别人那里得到最新的信息,like与动名词构成固定搭配,故填sharing。
    143.根据“This helps me to remember every moment as it happens. We can connect to our past, no matter where we are and enjoy those memories that are most meaningful to us.”这帮助我记住发生的每一刻。无论身在何处,我们都可以与过去联系在一起,享受那些对我们最有意义的回忆,the为定冠词,后跟名词,即判断在照片的帮助下,我们可以享受回忆。故填help。
    144.根据“There is more to this hobby than “just taking pictures”. It is a way to express your feelings, your drives (渴望) and also yourself. Photography is art (有艺术气息的) side, and take a picture of your next adventure!”这个爱好不仅仅是“拍照”。 这是一种表达你的感觉,你的动力,以及你自己的方式。 摄影是艺术的一面,为你的下一次冒险拍一张照片吧!  题目中使用同义句,据此判断摄影不仅仅是一种爱好,这是一门让每个人都成为艺术家的艺术。故填hobby。
    145.根据“It is a way to express your feelings, your drives (渴望) and also yourself.”这是一种表达你的感觉,你的动力和你自己的方式。题目中使用同义句,据此判断它让我们表达我们自己的情感、动力和自我,这里应用反身代词,与us对应的反身代词为ourselves。故答案为ourselves。
    Many people often lose their chance to live life to the fullest because of procrastination(延, 拖延)which means that they always delay(使延迟)doing something that must be done at once. Moreover, because they often put off their plans till “tomorrow”, they are less likely to achieve their goals and will give up their dreams and goals finally. As a result, we can say that procrastination is the enemy of a progressive lifestyle.
    Now that we know procrastination is something bad, why do some people not take immediate action? Well, there are some things that result in procrastination. Depending on(依靠)someone else rather than doing by oneself is one of the things. Whenever you wait for something to happen before you act, you make it easier to delay our goals and dreams until “someday”. Another reason for procrastination is that people do not value each moment in their day.In fact, it’s surprising how much you can do if you just decide to do little things with the little time you have.Also those who often procrastinate can always find a good reason for something they refuse to do at once.
    If you are one of those who often delay, then it’s time for you to make a decision to act now because things happen only when we decide to act.Get down to doing something like losing weight, saving money or spending more time with family.Don’t let these things continue to be an excuse for you to do “someday”, but make a decision to do it now.
    Once you have made your decision, write down the plan and take action immediately.Making plans can help you think carefully about how you are going to do what you need to do.After understanding how to do what you want to do, get doing with the plan.It doesn’t matter how small the move you make and just be closer to your goals. So, instead, start now! Just make use of every moment you have to do something that is helpful in realizing your dreams and goals.
    Here is a challenge that will also move you to be closer to your dreams and goals if taken seriously.Make a list of ten things you have been putting off.It could be anything from getting a health examination, calling a friend or family member, to getting the car fixed and cleaning up the garbage, etc. And then try to develop the habit of doing them immediately!
    Stay away from procrastination
    Paragraph outline
    Supporting details
    Problems with procrastination
    ◇Procrastination can make one 146 to live life to the fullest.
    ◇Procrastination can 147 one from achieving his goals.
    ◇Some people don’t make progress just because of procrastination.
    148 why people procrastination
    ◇People who delay doing things usually depend on others instead of 149 .
    ◇People don’t realize that each moment in a day is very valuable.
    ◇Procrastination also has something to do with making 150 .
    Ways to stop procrastination
    Make a decision.
    ◇If you want to do something, do it 151 and never just desire it.
    Plan and 152 .
    ◇By making a plan, you will 153 how to do what you need to do.
    ◇ 154 your time doing those little things.
    Make a list.
    ◇List ten things you like to delay.
    ◇Make it a(n) 155 to finish them on time.

    146.fail 147.stop/prevent/keep 148.Reasons 149.themselves 150.excuses 151.immediately 152.act 153.know/understand 154.Spend 155.habit
    146.表达“让某人做某事”用“make sb. do”。根据第一段“Many people often lose their chance to live life to the fullest because of procrastination”可知拖延症会让很多人失去获得幸福美满的生活的机会。表达“没成功做成某事”用短语“fail to do”,句子用“make one fail to live life to the fullest”。故填fail。
    147.根据第一段“because they often put off their plans till ‘tomorrow’, they are less likely to achieve their goals and will give up their dreams and goals finally”可知,患拖延症的人总是把事情拖到明天,会让他们无法实现自己的目标。用“stop/keep/prevent sb. from doing sth.”表达“阻止某人做某事”的结构。故填stop/prevent/keep。
    148.根据第二段“Well, there are some things that result in procrastination”表格右边一列讲述的都是为什么人们会拖延的原因。用复数名词“reasons”,后面使用定语从句“why people procrastination”进行修饰。首字母大写。故填Reasons。
    149.根据第二段“Depending on someone else rather than doing by oneself is one of the things依赖某个人而不是自己做是其中之一”,主语“people”是复数概念,表达“依靠他人而不是自己”用反身代词“themselves”。故填themselves。
    150.根据第二段“Also those who often procrastinate can always find a good reason for something they refuse to do at once 有拖延症的人总是为自己不做某事找一个好的理由”。根据“making”可知用短语“making excuses找借口”来替代。故填excuses。
    151.根据第三段“Don’t let these things continue to be a desire for you to do“someday”, but make a decision to do it now”可知表达想做某事时,不要等到某一天再去做,而是现在就决定去做。动词“do”用副词“immediately立刻”修饰。故填immediately。
    152.根据“Plan and”可知用动词原形形成并列结构。根据第四段“Once you have made your decision, write down the plan and take action immediately”可知,一旦你做了决定,立刻行动。“take action”可替换成动词“act”。故填act。
    153.“will”后接动词原形。根据第四段“Making plans can help you think carefully about how you are going to do what you need to do. After understanding how to do what you want to do,…”制定计划可以帮助我们仔细思考如何来做需要做的事情。表达让我们知道或明白如何去做,可用动词“know”或“understand”。故填know/understand。
    154.根据第四段“It doesn’t matter how small the move you make and just be closer to your goals. So, instead, start now!”不管动作有多么小只需要离你的目标越来越近,现在就开始动作。可知表达要花时间在做那些小的事情上面,用“spend+时间doing”的结构,句首首字母大写。故填Spend。
    155.根据最后一段“And then try to develop the habit of doing them immediately”可知我们要把准时完成任务当成一种习惯,用短语“make it a habit”。故填habit。
    Why are people taking pictures of their faces, their hobbies and their food? Why do we capture (捕获) every moment? I can’t really give you an answer, because honestly, I am one of those people who take photographs of everything.
    The special thing about photography is that we can capture moments anywhere and anytime. All we need for this is our smartphone. Compared to other forms of visual (视觉的) art, special talent is unnecessary. Every single one of us can get started with this wonderful hobby, no matter if your goal is to sell your photographs or just to keep them for your own viewing pleasure. Every picture you take is a personal story. There is no painting without context (背景). However, unlike a painting, you don’ t need to spend hours of your time on it. It is a way to express yourself, with little to no skill involved (有关联). If you prefer to share your pictures with the world, camera phones allow us to send our pictures in a few seconds. Pictures connect and show the people around us what is going on in our life right now. The most amazing thing for me is without question the ability to capture every single moment in my life with just a single click on a button (按钮). This helps me to remember every moment as it happens. We can connect to our past, no manner where we are and enjoy those memories that are most meaningful to us.
    Photography is also an amazing tool to learn the world around us and to stay in the moment. There is more to this hobby than “just taking pictures . It is a way to express your feelings, your drives (渴望) and also yourself Photography is art, and it allows each of us to become an artist. Embrace your artsy (有艺术气息的) side, and take a picture of your next adventure!
    156 photographs of everything
    The reason of capturing every moment:
    To be 157 I have no answer.
    Photography is 158 :
    We can capture moments wherever and 159 we want, just with our smartphone.
    You don’t 160 any special talent for it.
    Every picture tells a personal story.
    We can get the latest 161 from other people by sending our pictures if we like 162 them.
    We can enjoy our memories with the 163 of pictures.
    Photography is more than just a 164 it is an art that makes everyone an artist.
    It serves an amazing tool to learn the world and live in the moment.
    It makes us to express our feelings, drives and 165 .
    Try recording your every adventure in pictures. It won’t let you down!
    156.Taking 157.honest 158.special 159.whenever 160.need 161.information 162.sharing 163.help 164.hobby 165.ourselves
    156.根据“Why are people taking pictures of their feces, their hobbies and their food?”可知本文主要讲了拍照的原因,据此判断本文最好的标题为给一切拍照。故填Taking。
    157.根据“I can’t really give you an answer, because honestly, I am one of those people who take photographs of everything.”我真的无法给你一个答案,因为说实话,我是那种什么都拍照的人,honestly与to be honest同义,故填honest。
    158.根据“The special thing about photography is that we can capture moments anywhere and anytime.”摄影的特别之处在于我们可以随时随地捕捉瞬间,题目中使用同义句,即判断照片是特殊的,故填special。
    159.根据“The special thing about photography is that we can capture moments anywhere and anytime. All we need for this is our smartphone.”摄影的特别之处在于我们可以随时随地捕捉瞬间,我们需要的是我们的智能手机,题目中使用同义句,即判断只要用智能手机,我们就可以无论在哪儿无论什么时候捕捉瞬间,故填whenever。
    160.根据“Compared to other forms of visual art, special talent is unnecessary.”与其他形式的视觉艺术相比,特殊的天赋是不必要的,题目中使用同义句,即你不需要特殊的天赋,don’t后跟动词原形,故填need。
    161.根据“If you prefer to share your pictures with the world, camera phones allow us to send our pictures in a few seconds.”,如果你喜欢与世界分享你的照片,照相机可以让我们在几秒钟内发送我们的照片,题目中使用同义句,据此判断我们可以通过发送照片与世界分享最近的消息,故填information。
    162.根据“If you prefer to share your pictures with the world, camera phones allow us to send our pictures in a few seconds.”如果你喜欢与世界分享你的照片,照相机可以让我们在几秒钟内发送我们的照片,题目中使用同义句,like与动名词构成固定搭配,故填sharing。
    163.根据“This helps me to remember every moment as it happens. We can connect to our past, no manner where we are and enjoy those memories that are most meaningful to us.”这帮助我记住发生的每一刻。无论身在何处,我们都可以与过去联系在一起,享受那些对我们最有意义的回忆,the为定冠词,后跟名词,即判断在照片的帮助下,我们可以享受回忆。故填help。
    164.根据“There is more to this hobby than ‘just taking pictures’.”这个爱好不仅仅是“拍照”。故填hobby。
    165.根据“It is a way to express your feelings, your drives and also yourself”这是一种表达你的感觉,你的动力和你自己的方式。题目中使用同义句,与us对应的反身代词为ourselves。故填ourselves。


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    专题08 阅读填表(两种题型,20篇)【考题猜想】-2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期中考点大串讲(牛津译林版)(原卷版): 这是一份专题08 阅读填表(两种题型,20篇)【考题猜想】-2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期中考点大串讲(牛津译林版)(原卷版),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读填表,10空版,15篇,阅读填表,5空版,5篇等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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