

展开高考英语读后续写素材1.犹豫John paced in the room anxiously, weighing the pros and cons in his mind. He was stuck in indecision, wrestling with his options. Today was the deadline to accept his university offer, but he was in two minds about it, on the fence and having second thoughts.约翰焦虑地在房间里踱步,心中权衡利弊。他陷入了犹豫之中,与选择挣扎着。今天是确定是否接受大学录取的最后期限,但他心存疑虑,立场摇摆,再三犹豫。Part of him had always dreamed of attending his first-choice university, finally tasting freedom and debating big ideas late into the night. But the tuition fees gave him pause - his parents had already sacrificed so much. Could he justify putting them under further financial strain? He struggled over the choices to choose from.他一部分内心长久以来都梦想着进入他首选的大学,终于体验自由,夜深人静时激烈讨论重大课题。但是高昂的学费使他踌躇——他的父母已经作出了那么多牺牲。他能够再让父母承受更大的经济压力吗?他痛苦地在选择之间挣扎。Consumed by conflicting emotions,he stared blankly at the acceptance letter, pen hesitating over the response form as his leg bounced uncontrollably. He was in a state of deliberation, second-guessing himself as he went back and forth. Looking at the phone, he longed to call his parents yet felt ashamed of his doubts.困扰的矛盾情感笼罩约翰,他呆呆地盯着面前的录取通知书,笔尖在回复表格上方徘徊,双腿不受控制地上下晃动。他心神交瘁,再三自我怀疑,犹豫不决。看着电话,他渴望求助父母又因自己的疑虑感到羞愧。Torn apart by the contradictory choices, John crossed to the window, letting the cool night air wash over his flushed face. The university's spires in the picture towered far in the distance, calling but unfamiliar. He pictured walking there alone and uncertainty swelled within him.约翰被矛盾的选择撕裂,走到窗前,让夜晚凉爽的微风拂面。画中的大学尖塔远远矗立,声声呼唤却不熟悉。他想象独自在异地行走,内心的不确定感油然而生。Looking back at his worn neighborhood, he pictured his loving parents and felt comforted. But this brought new guilt - how would they manage without him? His stomach tightened as he was caught in a tug-of-war between choices.他将目光投回自己破旧的家乡,想象着慈爱的父母,感到安慰。但这又带来新的内疚——没有自己陪伴,父母该如何生活?选择之间的纠结使他的胃部一阵痉挛。Overwhelmed, John sank into his desk chair, leg bouncing, head in hands. Needing advice, now divided then determined, he called his parents and shared his worries. Their kind words gave him confidence.困扰中,约翰瘫坐在写字桌前,腿不停晃动,双手抱头。他需要建议,时而犹豫时而坚定,于是鼓起勇气拨打父母的电话,吐露自己的忧虑。父母亲的慈爱话语给了他信心。Heartened, John turned firmly to the response form. Though the road ahead was rocky and bumpy , with his family's love, he could face any future.鼓舞的约翰坚定地转向回复表格。未来的道路崎岖不平,但有家人的爱,他能面对任何未来。2.紧张It was the morning of the big exam. John woke up with butterflies swirling in his stomach. He felt lightheaded and his heart pounded as he got dressed with shaky hands. Downstairs, he could barely choke down a few bites of toast and some orange juice. His mom tried to reassure him, but her words barely registered through the haze of nerves.这是一次重大考试的早晨。约翰醒来时,慌慌张张,头晕眼花,手抖抖地穿衣服,心砰砰直跳。楼下,他勉强吞下一两口吐司和橙汁。妈妈试图让他放心,但她的话语几乎没能穿透他紧张的迷雾。On the bus ride to school, John's leg bounced up and down uncontrollably. He kept toying with his pencil, unable to sit still. His thoughts raced as he struggled to recall everything he had crammed over the past few weeks. What if he went blank when he saw the test questions? What if he ran out of time?在去学校的公车上,约翰的腿不由自主地上下弹跳。他手里摆弄着铅笔,坐立不安。他努力回想这几周来积累的所有知识,脑海里疑虑不断。要是看到考题时脑袋一片空白该怎么办?要是时间不够该怎么办?When he arrived at the classroom, it seemed hotter and stuffier than usual with poor air circulation. John tugged at his shirt collar to undo/unbutton the top button, which suddenly felt too tight. He sat down at his desk, his palms sweating. His mind went blank as he skimmed over last minute notes. The words blurred together meaninglessly.到了教室,由于通风不良似乎比平时更热更闷。约翰扯着衬衫领子想解开顶端的扣子,领子突然感觉太紧了。他在桌子旁坐下,两手出汗。匆匆翻阅最后一遍笔记,字句毫无意义地在眼前模糊成一片。The teacher announced the start of the exam. John took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He could hear his heartbeat thudding/pounding in his ears. With shaking hands, he turned over the test paper and began.老师宣布考试开始。约翰深吸一口气,试图稳住紧张的神经。他能听见心跳声在耳边砰砰直响。他双手发抖,翻转试卷开始考试。As the clock ticked away, The silence was oppressive , and he could feel the weight of expectation bearing down on her. He had studied for months, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty that had been bothering her for weeks.随着时间一分一秒地流逝,寂静压抑,约翰感受到期望的重量压在身上。他已经准备了几个月,但那股困扰他几周的不确定感消除不去Then and there, he was staring at the questions on the page when the occasional cough from a nearby candidate started to get on his nerves. He knew that this exam would determine her future, and the pressure was overwhelming. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of uncertainty, unable to find a lifeline to cling to.此时此刻,他盯着试卷上的题目,附近考生偶尔的咳嗽声开始让他更加慌张。他知道这次考试将决定他的未来,压力山大。他感到自己正溺毙在充满不确定的海洋中,无处可攀附。But as the exam unfolded, he found himself gliding/sailing through the questions effortlessly. Ideas poured forth like a rushing river, and his pen danced to a joyous melody,or rather composed a joyful symphony,and he found himself lost in the moment, completely absorbed in writing his answers. However, disaster struck. The pen ran out of ink, and Sarah's heart sank. He felt a wave of panic wash over him, his mind racing with worst-case possibilities. He struggled to keep his composure as he,unsettled and uneasy, searched for a solution, his hands trembling with anxiety.但随着考试向后进行,他发现自己能够轻松自如地解题。文思泉涌,笔尖似乎在伴着欢快的旋律舞蹈,更准确地讲在谱写欢乐的交响曲。他全神贯注,沉浸在作答的时空中。然而,灾难来了。笔没墨了,约翰的心一沉。他感到惊慌的海浪淹没了他,大脑飞速思考着最坏的可能。他慌乱无比,努力保持镇定,手抖个不停,焦急地寻找解决方法。But then, a miracle happened. The teacher provided him with a spare pen, and John was able to continue his exam without any interruption. He breathed a sigh of relief, his heart still racing but his confidence restored. He knew he had overcome a major obstacle, and he felt a surge of determination and pride.就在这时,奇迹发生了。监考教师给了他一支备用笔,约翰得以毫无中断地继续考试。他长出一口气,心跳终于慢下来,信心也恢复了。他知道自己已经跨过了一个重大障碍,勇气和决心再次澎湃。As he finished his exam and left the examination hall, John felt spent but content. He had faced his fears and come out on top, and he knew that he was capable of handling anything that life threw his way. 完成考试走出考场时,约翰感到既疲惫又满意。他面对了自己的恐惧且战胜了它们,相信自己有能力应对生活的任何挑战。But each passing day seemed to drag on forever. After what seemed to be endless years as John was on the edge of his seat, waiting for the results of the exam, the day finally arrived when the long-awaited email notification appeared in John's inbox. His heart skipped a beat as he opened the message, his hands trembling with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The words on the Admission Letter came into focus, and a surge of relief and joy washed over him. He had passed the exam with flying colors!但之后每一天仿佛被无限拉长。在漫长的等待考试结果的过程中,约翰如坐针毡。当那期待已久的邮件终于跳入收件箱,约翰又激动又紧张,心跳陡然加速。录取通知书上的文字逐渐清晰,喜悦的潮水淹没了他。他考出了喜人的好成绩!3.悲伤Seated on the couch, John was frozen with sorrow, his body drained and depleted from hours of miserable weeping. His eyes, swollen and encircled by a rich red shade, bore witness to the emotional strain he had endured.Within the depths of his being, fitful sobs persisted, constanltly weakening his fragile form. His gaze was fixed upon the box, overflowing with the treasured belongings of his beloved wife. As he delicately unveiled each item, waves of sorrow crashed upon him, unyielding and unmercifully.约翰坐在沙发上,心如死灰,数小时痛哭流涕已将他的身体彻底耗尽。他肿胀发红的眼睛见证了他承受的巨大精神压力。在他内心的深处,断断续续的抽泣声依然持续着,不断削弱他脆弱的身躯。他的目光依然锁定在装满亡妻爱物的箱子上,每当他轻轻地取出一件物品,悲伤的海浪就会毫不留情地冲击着他。He tenderly pressed his wife's cherished sweater against his chest, tears gently soaked into the soft wool with every heartfelt embrace. The lingering fragrance of her perfume brought forth memories that stung his heart like a sharp knife . John's chest rose and fell, his cries of sadness resembling gulps and gasps, his voice trembling under the weight of his pain. Rocking back and forth, he couldn't help submitting to the overwhelming ache of loss.他温柔地按在胸前的,是亡妻心爱的毛衣,每一次满是爱意的拥抱,眼泪都会轻轻浸湿柔软的羊毛,带来锥心的刺痛。她香水的余味勾起了回忆,那记忆就像一柄锋利的刀,狠狠刺伤他的心。约翰的胸膛起伏着,他的哭泣声犹如抽噎和喘息,痛苦压弯了他的声线,使之不断颤抖。他轻轻摇晃着,根本无法抵抗这深沉的悲痛。John's thoughts were burdened by a boundless sense of regret, as deep sorrow flooded his mind. He mourned his failure to express his limitless love for Sarah each passing day. The nights spent laboring instead of savoring their precious time together weighed heavily upon him. If only he could turn back time, he would hold her tightly, never releasing his grasp. Alas, such desires remained fruitless, as his regret consumed him entirely.约翰的思绪被无尽的遗憾所累,巨大的悲伤淹没了他的心灵。他悔恨自己在生前每一天都未能向莎拉表达自己无边的爱意。那些为了工作夜以继日的劳碌时光此刻令他痛苦不堪,若时间能够倒流,他一定会紧紧拥抱莎拉,再也不放手。然而,这样的渴望只是徒劳,遗憾彻底吞噬了他。With his throat tightening for grief , he found himself drifting within an apartment that now appeared vast and empty, like a lonely tomb. John aimlessly wandered from room to room, haunted by the noticeable absence of Sarah, her essence and pressence reduced to a lingering shadow. As he traced his fingers along the kitchen counter, a place where they had once shared breakfast, fresh tears streamed down his cheeks. In the deafening silence, the ticking clock on the wall seemed to tease the stillness that once echoed with Sarah's laughter.他的喉咙由于悲伤有点哽咽,自己仿佛在这个突然变得广阔而空旷的公寓里漂泊,这里现在就像一座冷冷的坟墓。约翰在房间里面无目的地游荡,莎拉的存在与气息只剩下令人心碎的残影。当他在厨房的台面上轻抚,曾经他们共享早餐的地方,新淌下的眼泪沾湿了他的面颊。在这死一般的寂静中,墙上的时钟似乎在嘲笑着这里曾经回荡着莎拉欢笑的声音。Finally, John collapsed onto their bed, burying his face in her pillow. "Return to me," he wept, though he knew his desperate cries were in vain. The world had lost all light and joy in Sarah's absence. His grief flowed forth like a river of sorrowful sobs, his body damaged by the great sorrow of an irreplaceable loss.最后,约翰瘫倒在他们的床上,把脸埋入她的枕头。“还我所爱”,他哭喊道,尽管知道这样绝望的呼唤毫无意义。这个世界在莎拉离去后,所有的光明和快乐都荡然无存。他的哀恸如泣如诉,失去挚爱的巨大悲伤几乎摧毁了他的身体。As the days stretched into weeks, the darkness deepened. John withdrew further into the depths of his grief, unable to recover from the mysery about the loss of his wife, with which he could hardly come to terms. Even the simplest tasks, like eating or bathing, seemed out of purpose. The clothes that Sarah had neatly folded and put away remained neglected on the floor, left unattended to by John in a fit of despair.随着日子一天天过去,黑暗越来越深。约翰在悲痛中越陷越深,无法从失去爱妻的悲惨中恢复过来,她的离去他无法接受。即使是最简单的事,像进食或洗澡,似乎也失去了意义。莎拉曾经叠好整齐收起的衣服此刻乱七八糟地躺在地板上,约翰在绝望中对此视而不见。As each morning dawned, the soft sunlight gently entered the bedroom, its brightness a harsh reminder of the light that had disappeared from his own life. Seeking comfort, he would pull the blankets over his head, remaining still for hours, longing for the comforting embrace of sleep to momentarily shelter him from the sorrow of his waking hours. Unfortunately, rest escaped him, denying him even a brief pause from his distress.每到黎明,阳光都会轻轻地照进卧室,可那光明只是残忍地提醒着他,自己的生活已然黯淡。他会将被子拉过头顶,在床上一动不动地躺几个小时,渴望睡眠的怀抱能暂时让他逃离清醒时的悲痛。然而,休息对他遥不可及,即便片刻喘息也无从寻觅。Every year on Tomb Sweeping Day, John visited his wife’s grave alone. With grave grief, he slowly knelt down and gently felt her name on the tombstone. The cemetery’s silence added to the gravity of the moment. He took a deep breath, trying to hold back tears as he remembered the happy times they had shared together. But the pain was too much to bear. As a result, he burst into tears again.He stayed there for hours, lost in his memories and his sorrow, until the sun began to set and the cemetery grew quiet once again.每逢清明,约翰独自前往妻子墓前祭拜。哀痛难抑,他缓缓跪下,轻轻抚摸墓碑上妻子的名字。墓园的寂静更添悲戚。他深吸一口气,努力忍回泪水,回想起他们曾共享的幸福时光。然而痛楚太过难以承受。于是他再次放声痛哭。他在那里恍惚了几个小时,沉浸在记忆与悲伤中,直到太阳开始西沉,墓园再次变得寂静。4.愤怒John felt the rage bubbling/welling/building up/mounting inside him, on the verge of boiling over as he stared at his grandmother's shattered antique vase. The vase lay in pieces on the hardwood floor, the bright colors dulled and faded. Looking at the remains of the vase was like a knife twisting in his heart, threatening to tear it wide open.That vase had been passed down from his grandmother, the one person who had truly understood him. She had accepted him unconditionally with her warm hugs and words of wisdom. The vase was one of his last remaining connections to her. And now, it was gone, destroyed by the careless acts of his roommate.John's hands trembled, his knuckles white as he clenched/firmly grasped/tightly held/squeezed his fists/balled up his hand. His jaw ached from grinding his teeth in anger. His vision misted/clouded with hot, angry tears. He squeezed his eyes shut, but all he could see was his grandmother's smiling face. A painful lump formed in his throat. His breath came in ragged gasps as the grief and fury collided within him like a hurricane.A painful howl erupted from John as he swept his arm across the room in angony, sending photo frames and books crashing loudly to the floor. The heart-breaking noise echoed the devastation he felt inside. He flipped over/overturned the table, splintering the wood, destroying anything in his path. All he could think about was making someone else feel the same hurt that was tearing him apart.When his roommate,his sworn enemy, appeared, John saw only a target for his unrestrained rage. He wanted to break everything of his, to shake him, to scream in his face until he truly understood the significance of what he had done. John's hands shook with the desire to release his anger upon this careless, clueless man. But underneath the hot anger, whispers of his grandmother's voice reminded him to be gentle, patient, loving.With enormous effort, John turned away and walked out the door, slamming it with a resounding bang. He staggered down the street, tears streaming down his face, feeling empty and lost without his dear grandmother and the relics of her memory,but being consumed with fits of anger/seeing red and losing his cool/steaming with frustration/flying off the handle bore no fruit,and life had to go on.约翰看着地上的碎瓷片,心中的怒火快要烧遍全身。祖母传下的古董花瓶已然粉身碎骨,原本明艳的颜色此刻黯淡无光。碎片就像一柄柄利刃,插在他的心上,让他几欲崩溃。这个花瓶是祖母留给他的礼物,也是他最珍贵的回忆。祖母的温暖怀抱,睿智教诲,都静静地陪伴着他。现在,祖母已逝,这个记忆的象征也随之毁灭,都因舍友的疏忽大意。约翰双手颤抖,紧握的拳头指节发白。咬牙切齿让他的下颌酸痛。泪水模糊了视线。他用力闭上眼,脑海中却依稀出现祖母慈祥的笑容。喉咙猛地一哽,呼吸亦是断断续续。悲痛和暴怒在他心中交织,如同海上的惊涛骇浪。一声撕心裂肺的嘶吼,约翰狂暴地一挥手,照片和书籍砸落一地,巨大的声响正是他内心的哀鸣。他掀翻桌子,粉碎椅子,发泄着那要将他吞噬的痛苦和愤怒。他恨不得换作别人,也体会这撕心裂肺的折磨。当他的舍友他的死对头出现时,约翰已经失去理智,只想摧毁他身边的一切。如果可以,他恨不得大打出手,嘶吼尖叫,直到这个无知无觉的人真正懂得自己做了什么。然而,在愤怒之下,祖母的劝导在他耳边回响——要温柔,要宽容,要有爱。约翰深吸一口气,踉踉跄跄地离开,重重摔上了门。他泪流满面地走在街上,感到前所未有的孤独与空虚。没有了祖母,也没有了那个象征着回忆的花瓶,一切都成为过往云烟。但是怒不可遏无济于事,生活还要继续。