


滚轴溜冰rollerblading 极限运动X-games竞争者,运动员contestant 流行popularity 跑步机treadmill社团community 勇气courage有氧运动aerobics 瑜伽yoga 运动场stadium 保持良好体型keep good shape 感到轻松振作feel relaxed and refreshed 激烈的竞争fierce competition 攀岩rock climbing强劲的体格strong physique去慢跑go jogging 赛车car racing 身体锻炼,健身physical exercises 提前in advance 体型body shape 体型训练fitness training 体育事件sports events 现代生活modern life 训练课程training courses 有强壮的身体have strong body 展示最好的一面show their best (足球、橄榄球)场地pitch 奥林匹克运动会Olympics裁判referee裁判umpire场地field场地ground冠军champion 冠军地位,冠军赛,锦标赛championship纪录record健身bodybuilding奖牌medal教练,技术指导instructor 锦标赛tournament经纪人manager 领队guide秒表stopwatch圈ring网球场court业余选手amateur运动员competitor运动员player职业运动员professional 助理教练trainer安慰赛consolation match 奥林匹克火炬Olympic torch 奥林匹克运动会Olympic Games 奥运村Olympic village 表演赛exhibition match 冬季奥林匹克运动会Winter Olympics 公开赛 open tournament 国际比赛international game 纪录保持者record holder 接力赛relay race 金牌gold medal 开幕式opening ceremony 世界冠军world championship 铜牌bronze medal邀请赛invitational match 银牌silver medal 友谊赛friendly match 游泳swimming比基尼bikini冲浪板surfboard冲浪运动surfing冲浪运动员surfer 冲浪运动员surf rider 充满活力的kicking滑水运动员water-skier潜水镜hydroscope跳水diving跳台platform游泳swimming侧泳side stroke 蝶泳butterfly stroke 更衣室changing room 更衣室dressing room 更衣室locker room 狗刨式(游泳) dog paddle 海豚式(游泳) dolphin stroke滑水water skiing 滑水橇water ski 救生圈life buoy 摩托艇比赛motor-boat race潜泳underwater swimming 室内游泳池indoor pool 室外游泳池open-air pool 跳台diving tower 蛙泳breast stroke 仰泳back stroke 泳道swim lane 游泳池swimming pool 游泳裤swimming trunks 游泳设备swimming facilities 游泳衣swimming suit 自由式(游泳) free style滑冰运动skating雪橇sleigh旱冰鞋roller skates花样滑冰figure skating轮式滑冰roller skating 半决赛semi-final队友teammate队长captain假动作feinting教练coach 教练trainer 决赛final开球kick-off球门goal替补队员bench 巡边员linesman预赛preliminary越位off-side中卫halfback撞人charging足球football足球soccer出场队员quarters player 传球pass the ball 短传short passing罚点球penalty kick罚球点penalty spot 罚球区penalty area 罚任意球free kick合法撞人fair charge 后卫full back假动作make a feint 肩膀撞人shoulder charge 角旗corner flag 角球corner ball 角球区corner kick area脚内侧传球inside foot passing 脚外侧传球outside foot passing 接球take a pass 领队team manager 球门网goal net 球门柱goal post 赛前练习warming-up practice 上半时first half 射门goal shooting头顶传球head passing 危险动作dangerous play 下半时second half业余队amateur team 右边锋outside right forward右内锋inside right forward 右前锋right forward右翼right wing 右中卫right halfback 预赛trial match 长传long passing 职业队professional team 中锋centre forward 中卫centre halfback 中线halfway line 足球场football field 足球队员football player 足球袜football sock 左边锋outside left forward 左内锋inside left forward 左前锋left forward 左翼left wing左中卫left halfback (球拍的)弦gut重发球let打出边线的(球)wide 发球员server机会球easy 机会球fluke机会球set-up 接球员receiver 截击空中球volley局game 局末平分,盘末平局deuce 扣杀球smash落网球net 盘set 球拍racket 球拍夹string网球运动tennis 斜线球crosscourt旋转球spin削球cut 边线球sideline ball 边线直线球down-the-line shot 草地网球场grass court草地网球运动lawn tennis 抽低球low drive 触线球line ball 低截球low volley 低球low ball 底线球baseline ball 短球short shot 二平thirty all发球线service line高球扣杀overhand smash后场back court 击触地球ground stroke平抽球flat drive 平击球flat stroke 前场fore court 球拍夹racket press 三平forty all 深球deep ball 双误,两次发球失误double fault 网球场tennis court 一方得零分的一局love game 一平fifteen all 跃起抽球jump smash 长球long shot 直线球straight ball 中点centre mark 重球heavy ball 篮球basketball暂停time-out三秒three seconds边线side line 换人removal of player/change of player技术犯规technical offence 加时比赛extra game 界线boundary line篮架basket support 双方犯规double foul 投篮不中miss the basket 投篮不准inaccurate shooting 延长比赛extra period 板球cricket 标枪javelin (throw) 槌球(门球)croquet 吊环rings 俯卧撑push-up 橄榄球rugby 高尔夫球golf 护面罩helmet 护面罩mask 滑翔gliding 击剑fencing举重weight-lifting 空手道karate跨栏赛跑hurdle马拉松赛跑marathon (race) 马球polo 面具helmet面具mask 难度difficulty 排球volleyball 跑道track球拍racket 曲棍球hockey 拳击boxing 拳击手boxer柔道judo射击shooting射箭archery摔跤wrestling摔跤运动员wrestler 台球billiards体操gymnastics体操运动员gymnast跳板springboard 跳伞parachuting 跳伞运动员parachutist 铁饼discus (throw) 武术wushu相扑sumo协调harmony优美elegance 羽毛球badminton预赛trials 终点finish准确accuracy自行车比赛cycling鞍马pommelled horse 棒球场baseball field 边线touch line 冰球ice hockey 单杠horizontal bar垫上运动mat exercise 吊环swinging rings 发球区service area 橄榄球头盔football helmet 高低杠uneven bars 高尔夫球场golf course公路自行车比赛road cycling 攻击区attack area古典式摔跤traditional wrestling 规定动作compulsory exercise 击剑教练fencing instructor 加分bonus point 剑师fencing master 健美操fitness exercise/bodybuilding exercise径赛track events 竞走walking race 跨栏赛跑hurdle race 马球运动员polo player满分full score排球场volleyball court 排球网volleyball net 乒乓球table tennis 平衡木balance beam 棋盘chess board 棋赛chess competition 起跑线starting line 赛场自行车比赛track cycling 双杠parallel bars 水球water polo 泰国拳Thai boxing藤圈操hoop exercise 田径运动track & field events 田赛field events 跳高high jump 跳马vaulting horse 跳伞parachute jumping跳箱box horse 跳远broad jump/long jump 徒手操free-hand exercise 武术martial arts 哑铃操dumb-bell exercise 羽毛球场badminton court运动会sports meet 障碍赛跑obstacle race终点线finishing tape 自选动作optional exercise 自由式摔跤free-style wrestling 自由体操free exercise/floor exercise 保龄球bowling保龄球用的圆球bowl 台球房poolroom玩保龄球的人bowler 保龄球道bowling alley 打台球者billiard player台球房billiard room 台球盘面绿呢billiard cloth 台球台billiard table 发牌deal 发牌者dealer方块diamond
essay plans 论文计划 sheet of paper 一张纸 sheets of paper 好几张纸 reference books 参考书目 short interview 短期面试 job interview 求职面试 face-to-face interview 面对面采访(面试) phone interviews 电话采访面试 extensive writing 大量的写作 extensive educational activities 广泛的教育活动 intensive course 强化课 intensive training 强化培训 subject access guide 主题索引 under different subjects 在不同主题下 survey done on a regular basis固定时间的调查survey of reading 阅读习惯调查 research opportunities 科研机会 research assistant 助理研究员 research methods 科研方法 research result 科研结果 research aim 科研目的 analyse data 分析数据 data analysis 数据分析 data assessment 数据评估 good analysis 好的分析 exchange draft 交换草稿 project outline 项目大纲 project work 项目 theme of project 项目主题 starter project 初始项目 video project 拍视频项目 project background 项目背景 draw a conclusion 得出结论 slide presentation 幻灯演讲 theoretical background 理论背景 offer further training 提供进一步培训 training session 培训课程 staff training policy 员工培训政策 theory chapters 理论章节 title of essay 论文标题 computer teaching method 电脑授课方法 field method 土地作业方式(种田方式) general method 常规方法 therapy method 治疗方法 teaching method 教学法 selection method 选择方法 assessment method 评估方法 research method 研究方法 treatment method 治疗方法 payment method 付款方式 investigation means 调查手段 telephone survey 电话调查 postal survey 邮寄调查 research approach 研究方法 key approach 主要方法 focus on approach 重点看方法 visual aids 视觉辅助 study aids 教具 overhead view 俯视图 overhead projector 投影仪(=OHP)list of objectives (写论文中)列出本文目的 work objective 工作目标 research finding 研究结果 department store 商场 department building 系里的建筑物 departmental address 系的地址 list of headings 标题列表 learning strategies 学习策略 marketing strategies 营销策略 mind map 提纲 summary report 摘要报告 listening tape script 听力原文 scientific research 科学研究 scientific approach 科学方法 review promptly 立刻复习
阿里山 Ali Mountain碑林Forest of Steles兵马俑the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses布达拉宫Potala Palacc长城the Great Wall长春观Changchun Taoist Temple承德避暑山庄Chengde Mountain Resort/the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort大屿山Lantau Island大运河 Grand Canal滇池Dianci Lake叠彩山Piled Silk Hill东方明珠塔theOriental Pearl Power东湖he East Lake洞庭湖Dongting Lake都江堰 Dujiangyan Weir峨眉山 Mt.Emei二七纪念馆February 7 Memorial Hall鼓浪屿 Gulang yu Islet/Gulang yu Island故宫 the Palace Museum/the Forbidden City归元寺Guiyuan Buddhist Temple龟山 Tortoise Hill恒山 Hengshan Mountain华清池 Huaing Hot Spring华山 Huashan Mountain黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower黄山Huangshan Mountain居庸关Juyongguan Pass橘子洲 Orange Island孔庙/夫子庙the Temple of Confucius坤宁宫Palace of Earthly Tranquility乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha漓江 Lijiang River灵隐寺 Temple of Soul's Retreat龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes庐山 Mt.Lushan芦笛岩Reed Flute Cave主席纪念堂ChairmanMao Memorial Hall莫高窟Mogao Grotto in Dunhuang蓬莱阁 Penglai Pavilion人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People人民英雄纪念碑Monument of the People's Heroes日月潭 Sun Moon Lake少林寺Shaolin Temple/Shaolin Monastery 三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River/the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River 蛇山 Snake Hill狮子林 Lion Grove十三陵the Ming Tombs石林 Stone Forest嵩山Songshan Mountain苏州园林Suzhou Gardens/the Gardens of Suzhou太和殿Hall of Supreme Harmony太湖 Lake Taihu泰山 Mt.Taishan天安门广场 Tian An Men Square天坛 the Temple of Heaven外滩 the Bund武汉长江大桥 Wuhan Changjing River Bridge武侯祠Temple Dedicated to the Memory of Zhuge Liang西湖 the West Lake象鼻山Elephant Trunk Hill养心殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation颐和园(夏宫)the Imperial Garden/the Summer Palace雍和宫Yonghegong Lamasery雨花台the Terrace of the Raining Flowers玉渊潭公园 Jade Abyss Pool Park豫园(上海城隍庙)YuyuanGarden/Shanghai's Town God's Temple岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower中山陵 Dr. Sun Yet-sen's Mausoleum紫金山天文台Purple Hills Observatory紫禁城 the Forbidden City紫竹院公园 Purple Bamboo Court Park
