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    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Occasions like anniversaries, weddings and reunions call for special event venues (场地).The following places may have a way out. There's no need to spend money creating atmosphere at special event venues. It's built right in!
    Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage
    Events, like great music are born of inspiration. Featuring a 13,600-square-foot facility that will seat 275 guests with private event space, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional experience with a rock and roll twist for each of our guests.
    Business Expo Center
    The Business Expo Center is Orange County's premier event venue in Anaheim, California. Our flexible 36,000-square-foot expo center is home to space for conferences, trade shows and celebrations. We pride ourselves on providing a memorable experience with excellent flexibility, services, and cost savings. We won't charge customers for on-site parking and provide high-speed Wi-Fi.
    Automobile Driving Museum
    Centrally located in the South Bay beach community of El Segundo, California, the ADM offers a wonderful venue for private parties and corporate events. Conveniently located 5 minutes south of LAX, right off the 405 and 105 Freeways, the 610 Lairport space has a vintage feel surrounded by our primary automobile collection. We offer several different venues inside and outside our facility for diverse events. To better our service, reservations are needed.
    Yamashiro Hollywood
    Yamashiro Hollywood is a restaurant and therefore, all food and beverages must be handled in house. However, guests are allowed to bring in outside wine and champagne for a corkage fee.
    1. What can you do in Business Expo Center?
    A. Enjoy free parking.
    B. Bring in outside wine.
    C. Experience a rock and roll twist.
    D. See some automobile collections.
    2. Which venue do you need to book in advance?
    A. Business Expo Center.
    B. Yamashiro Hollywood.
    C. Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage.
    D. Automobile Driving Museum.
    3 What do the four venues have in common?
    A. They offer optional places.
    B. They are open to special events.
    C. They are located in the same state.
    D. They enjoy convenient transportation.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。根据Business Expo Center部分中的“We won't charge customers for on-site parking and provide high-speed Wi-Fi.”可知,我们不会向客户收取现场停车费,并且会提供高速Wi-Fi,由此可知,在商务会展中心你可以享受免费停车,故A项正确。
    细节理解题。根据Automobile Driving Museum部分中的“To better our service, reservations are needed.”可知,为了让您获得更好的服务,需要预订,由此可知,汽车驾驶博物馆需要提前预订,故D项正确。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Occasions like anniversaries, weddings and reunions call for special event venues. The following places may have a way out.”可知,像周年纪念日、婚礼和聚会这样的场合需要特殊的活动场所,以下地方就是这样的场所,由此可知,这四个场馆的共同之处是它们都对对特殊活动开放,故B项正确。
    Mallory Haske surfs nearly every day in the summer, and it really annoys her to see trash in the water or on the beach. So when her high school English teacher assigned a passion project, Haske came up with a creative idea that connected surfing and trash.
    She collected litter on the beach and used it to create a surf board in an effort to raise awareness about ocean pollution. “The feeling of catching a wave is fantastic. It’s such a mental release,” said Haske, standing on the beach waxing(上蜡) her newly finished trash board. “I really hope it floats.”
    Her teacher assigned the project months ago and was surprised to see how Haske’s enthusiasm about it grew throughout the school year. “Not every student found her passion, but she did,” said the teacher. “I’m super proud of her.”
    Over the winter, Haske, who would graduate soon, collected litter including cigarette butts, bottle caps, fast-food containers and masks along the resort area beach. “It was definitely a unique challenge,”Haske said.
    She landed a sponsor and raised money from friends to create the surf board, which cost about $1,000. Haske took custom orders and helped people build their own surf boards. Making one out of trash was a first for her. Nearly the entire board was made from recycled material and litter.
    On Tuesday after school, Haske went out and attempted to ride a wave on her new board, but the mostly flat conditions made it difficult. The nose of the surfboard made by herself kept going under the water, but Haske stayed upbeat. “It’s pretty heavy up front, but it’s going to be my best friend,” Haske said after coming out of the water. “It’s made for large waves.”
    4. Why did Haske make the surf board?
    A. To put trash to the best use. B. To take a surfing competition.
    C. To pursue her passion for surfing. D. To draw attention to ocean pollution.
    5. Which of the following can best describe Haske?
    A. Proud and reliable. B. Responsible and innovative.
    C. Tough and faithful. D. Imaginative and desperate.
    6. How did Haske make the surfboard?
    A. With the help of environmentalists.
    B. By cooperating with her parents.
    C. By using the trash collected from the beach.
    D. Under the guidance of her teacher.
    7. What does the underlined word “upbeat”in the last paragraph probably mean?
    A. Optimistic. B. Cautious. C. Peaceful. D. Discouraged.
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Mallory Haske利用海边捡的垃圾来制作冲浪板,并借此提醒人们注意保护环境的故事。
    细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“She collected litter on the beach and used it to create a surf board in an effort to raise awareness about ocean pollution. (她收集了海滩上的垃圾,并用它制作了一个冲浪板,以提高人们对海洋污染的认识。)”可知,Haske 制作冲浪板是因为她想以此来提高人们保护海洋的意识。故选D项。
    推理判断题。通读全文,尤其第一段中“So when her high school English teacher assigned a passion project, Haske came up with a creative idea that connected surfing and trash. (因此,当她的高中英语老师布置了一个充满激情的项目时,哈斯克想出了一个创造性的想法,将冲浪和垃圾联系在一起。)”以及第二段第一句“She collected litter on the beach and used it to create a surf board in an effort to raise awareness about ocean pollution. (她收集了海滩上的垃圾,并用它制作了一个冲浪板,以提高人们对海洋污染的认识。)”可知,Haske注意海洋环境保护,是一个有责任心的人,用垃圾制作冲浪板说明有创意。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Over the winter, Haske, who would graduate soon, collected litter including cigarette butts, bottle caps, fast-food containers and masks along the resort area beach. (整个冬天,即将毕业的哈斯克在度假区的海滩上收集垃圾,包括烟头、瓶盖、快餐容器和口罩。)”和第五段最后一句“Nearly the entire board is made from recycled material and litter. (几乎整个板子都是由回收材料和垃圾制成的)”可知,Haske的冲浪板是由她在海边捡到的垃圾制作成的。故选C项。
    词句猜测题。通过画线词的前半句“The nose of the surfboard made by herself kept going under the water, but Haske stayed upbeat. ‘It’s pretty heavy up front, but it’s going to be my best friend,’ Haske said after coming out of the water. ‘It’s made for large waves.’ (她自己做的冲浪板的前端一直在水下,但哈斯克保持upbeat。哈斯克从水里出来后说:‘它在前面很沉,但它将成为我最好的朋友。它是为大浪而造的。’)”可知,虽然冲浪板不太好用,前端无法翘出水面,但Haske依旧很喜欢这块板,认为它适合大浪时的冲浪,upbeat应与upbeat意思相近,表示“乐观的,积极的”。故选A项。
    In one of the more unusual experiments we’ve seen recently, researchers attached a large pair of cartoonish huge eyes to the front of a small, self-driving vehicle—and it turns out that this kind of adaptation could actually improve pedestrian (行人) safety.
    A pair of eyes on the front of driverless vehicles could, according to the researchers, give people standing by the road a better idea of whether they’ve been seen. That’s one useful bit of information to have when it comes to determining the perfect moment to cross in front of oncoming traffic. “If the car is not looking at the pedestrian, this implies that the car does not recognize the pedestrian,” said one of the researchers. “Thus, pedestrians can judge that they should not cross the street, thereby avoiding potential traffic accidents.”
    For the purposes of this study, the researchers used a car which seemed as if no one was inside. A pair of large, swiveling (旋转的) eyes on the front were controlled by researchers, but in the future could be controlled by the car’s AI on an actual self-driving vehicle.
    To keep the 18 participants safe, experiments were conducted in virtual reality. The volunteers—nine men and nine women—were asked to decide whether or not to cross the road as the car approached. Four scenarios(方案) were tested in total; two when the car was fitted with eyes, and two when it wasn’t. The researchers measured how often people hesitated to cross when it was in fact safe to do so, and how often they chose to cross when it was dangerous. Overall, the presence of the eyes led to safer and smoother crossing experiences for the participants.
    However, there was a gender split in the results. For men, the eyes only really helped in dangerous situations, warning them to pause when they might otherwise proceed. For women, the eyes boosted confidence by signaling it was safe to cross.
    8. What is the function of cartoonish huge eyes?
    A. Improving the safety of self-driving vehicles.
    B. Helping people decide when to cross the road.
    C. Keeping pedestrians in a complete safe state.
    D. Promoting the appearance of self-driving vehicles.
    9. What can we know about the experiments?
    A. There was a robot in the car.
    B. The pair of large eyes were controlled by AI.
    C. The experiments were designed by 18 volunteers.
    D. Experiments weren’t conducted in real surroundings.
    10. What is the author’s attitude toward the conclusion of the experiments?
    A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. Negative. D. Positive.
    11. Why does the author write the text?
    A. To advertise a new self-driving technology.
    B. To enhance pedestrians’ awareness of safety.
    C. To inform us of a new research on driverless vehicles.
    D To introduce the influence of a new type of car.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“A pair of eyes on the front of driverless vehicles could, according to the researchers, give people standing by the road a better idea of whether they’ve been seen. That’s one useful bit of information to have when it comes to determining the perfect moment to cross in front of oncoming traffic. ‘If the car is not looking at the pedestrian, this implies that the car does not recognize the pedestrian,’ said one of the researchers. ‘Thus, pedestrians can judge that they should not cross the street, thereby avoiding potential traffic accidents.’ (根据研究人员的说法,在无人驾驶汽车的前部安装一双眼睛可以让站在路边的人更好地知道他们是否被看到了。这是一个有用的信息,当你决定在迎面而来的车辆前过马路的最佳时机时。其中一名研究人员说:‘如果汽车没有看着行人,这意味着汽车没有认出行人。因此,行人可以判断他们不应该过马路,从而避免潜在的交通事故。’)”可知,汽车前部的卡通化的大眼睛有助于行人作出判断是否可以过马路,增强了行人的安全性。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“To keep the 18 participants safe, experiments were conducted in virtual reality. (为了保证18名参与者的安全,实验在虚拟现实中进行。)”可知,实验中有18位参与者,是在虚拟现实中进行的实验,故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Overall, the presence of the eyes led to safer and smoother crossing experiences for the participants. (总的来说,眼睛的存在为参与者带来了更安全、更顺畅的过马路体验。)”,以及最后一段“However, there was a gender split in the results. For men, the eyes only really helped in dangerous situations, warning them to pause when they might otherwise proceed. For women, the eyes boosted confidence by signaling it was safe to cross. (然而,结果中存在性别差异。对于男性来说,只有在危险的情况下,眼睛才会真正起作用,警告他们在可能继续前进的时候停下来。对于女性来说,眼睛通过传递安全过马路的信号来增强自信。)”可知,实验证明卡通眼睛的设置可以提高行人的安全性,但是结果有性别差异,故作者对实验结论持怀疑、不确定态度。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“In one of the more unusual experiments we’ve seen recently, researchers attached a large pair of cartoonish huge eyes to the front of a small, self-driving vehicle—and it turns out that this kind of adaptation could actually improve pedestrian (行人) safety. (在我们最近看到的一个更不寻常的实验中,研究人员在一辆小型自动驾驶汽车的前面安装了一对卡通般的大眼睛——结果证明,这种适应实际上可以提高行人的安全性。)”可知,作者写作意图是告诉读者一项关于无人驾驶汽车的新研究,车前安装卡通大眼睛有助于提高行人的安全性。故选C项。
    Have you ever suddenly developed an appetite from a passing glance at a freeway billboard featuring a brightly colored cheeseburger, or decided to step into a candy or ice cream store displaying a window full of lively shades and hues (色调)of sweet treats? If so, you are in good company. Unless we are medically restricted or strictly dieting, we are not likely to resist inviting fare simply because we recognize the lack of nutritional value.
    Devina Wadhera and Elizabeth D.Capaldi-Phillips in A Review of Visual Cues Associated with Food recognize the impact of sensory cues (信号)on food consumption and enjoyment, and the potential they have to promote healthy eating behavior. They cite previous research in providing some interesting examples of the visual impact of different color schemes (方案)on taste and food enjoyment. They note that pink food on a white plate was considered sweeter and more flavorful than the same food on a black plate. Apparently, we consume with more of our senses than we realize. So given the rainbow of colors around us when faced with so many appealing food choices, is there any way to control our appetite? Thankfully, some research says yes.
    Oliver Genschow demonstrated that when it comes to eating less colors impact consumption. They specifically researched the effect of the color red. They found that people ate fewer pretzels when using a red plate, as opposed to white or blue, and drank less from a red cup than a blue cup. They suggest that the color red reduces food and drink intake by functioning as a stop signal.
    But when it comes to healthy eating, instead of putting on a pair of sunglasses to block the inviting hues of food cues, consider the value of discipline. Healthy eating involves intentional choices, not mindless responses to sensory cues. And before you invest in many red tableware to slim down, remember that what goes onto those plates is much more important.
    12. What may be a major reason for us to refuse eye-catching food?
    A. The shortage of nutrition. B. The rich color of fine foods.
    C. The doctor’s instructions. D. Advertisements everywhere.
    13. What might be dealt with in A Review of Visual Cues Associated with Food?
    A. Benefits of different color schemes.
    B. Interesting examples of food service.
    C. Potentials to promote food consumption.
    D. Effects of sensory cues on eating behavior.
    14. What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraph?
    A. Follow the sensory response. B. Make food choices sensibly.
    C. Wear sunglasses to block colors. D. Avoid colorful food intentionally.
    15. What is the best title for the text?
    A. How People can Control Their Appetite.
    B. How People are Tricked by Color Schemes.
    C. How Colors Impact Food Appeal and Appetite.
    D. How Bright Colors Make Food More Appealing.
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. B 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“Unless we are medically restricted or strictly dieting, we are not likely to resist inviting fare simply because we recognize the lack of nutritional value.(除非我们受到医学限制或严格节食,否则我们不太可能仅仅因为认识到食物缺乏营养价值而拒绝品尝食物)”并结合选项推知,医生的指导是影响我们是否摄入这些色彩艳丽食物的主要原因。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“Devina Wadhera and Elizabeth D.Capaldi-Phillips in A Review of Visual Cues Associated with Food recognize the impact of sensory cues (信号)on food consumption and enjoyment, and the potential they have to promote healthy eating behavior. They cite previous research in providing some interesting examples of the visual impact of different color schemes (方案)on taste and food enjoyment. (Devina wadandra和Elizabeth D.Capaldi-Phillips在《与食物相关的视觉线索综述》中认识到感官线索对食物消费和享受的影响,以及它们促进健康饮食行为的潜力。他们引用了以前的研究,提供了一些有趣的例子,说明不同配色方案对味觉和食物享受的视觉影响)”可知,A Review of Visual Cues Associated with Food探讨了感官信号会对人们的进食行为产生怎样的影响。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段的“But when it comes to healthy eating, instead of putting on a pair of sunglasses to block the inviting hues of food cues, consider the value of discipline. Healthy eating involves intentional choices, not mindless responses to sensory cues. (但说到健康饮食,与其戴上一副太阳镜来阻挡诱人的食物颜色,不如考虑一下自律的价值。健康饮食包括有意的选择,而不是对感官线索的盲目反应)”可知,在选择健康的饮食上个人自主能动性是很重要的,要做出有意义的选择。故选B。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Cellphones and Friends
    Have you ever spent time with friends who ignored you because they were busy on their cellphones? Do you ever feel that your friends are distracted by their cellphones to the point of not hearing what you say in person? Or are you the one who pays more attention to a text conversation than a face-to-face interaction? The act of chatting on cellphones and ignoring friends is now called “phubbing”. Having your cellphone with you is necessary, because you need to deal with possible emergencies. ____16____ Here are some suggestions.
    Put your cellphone on silent when you are with friends. ____17____ If you’re worried about missing an important message, you can set your cellphone to vibrate mode and check it momentarily before giving the person you are with your full attention.
    Be considerate. Isn’t it annoying if your close friend constantly checks the cellphone and ignores your heartfelt words? You don’t want to feel like someone who isn’t physically there is more important than you, and neither do others. ____18____
    ____19____ This allows you to better digest your food. Also, engaging in face-to-face conversations with your loved ones will make the dining experience a lot more pleasant.
    Don’t use your cellphone at a wedding. ____20____ You’ re invited because they want you to witness the precious moment in their lives, so respect them by being present physically, mentally, and emotionally.
    A. Speak slowly and clearly.
    B. Put your cellphone aside while eating.
    C. Therefore, treat others as you prefer to be treated.
    D. After all, you never know when there might be an emergency.
    E. Make sure you give your undivided attention to the bride and groom.
    F. This makes you stay entirely focused on the face-to- face interactions.
    G. However, it’s also important to have proper manners on a social occasion.
    【答案】16. G 17. F 18. C 19. B 20. E
    根据上文“Having your cellphone with you is necessary, because you need to deal with possible emergencies.(随身携带手机是必要的,因为你需要处理可能出现的紧急情况。)”可知,携带手机是必须的;而空后“Here are some suggestions. (这里有一些建议。)”则是引出下文说明如何避免那样无视朋友的行为。说明空处应呈上说明虽然带手机有必要,但是我们不应该有那样的行为。G选项“However, it’s also important to have proper manners on a social occasion.( 然而,在社交场合保持得体的举止也很重要。)”承上启下,符合上下文内容。故选G。
    根据段首句“Put your cellphone on silent when you are with friends. (和朋友在一起的时候,把手机调成静音。)”可知,本段主要建议和朋友一起时,手机调成静音状态。F选项“This makes you stay entirely focused on the face-to- face interactions.(这会让你完全专注于面对面的交流。)”延续上文内容,说明了手机静音后可以更专注的聊天。故选F。
    根据段首句“Be considerate (体贴)”可知,本段是建议读者要体贴他人。空前“You don’t want to feel like someone who isn’t physically there is more important than you, and neither do others. (你不希望觉得某个不在你身边的人比你更重要,其他人也一样。)”指的是你不希望的事情,联系本段主要内容,可知,己所不欲勿施于人,所以空处指的应该是自己不希望的事情也不要对别人做。C选项“Therefore, treat others as you prefer to be treated.(因此,你希望别人怎样对待你,你就怎样对待别人。)”与上文内容一致。故选C。
    空处为段首句,为本段中心句。下文“This allows you to better digest your food. Also, engaging in face-to-face conversations with your loved ones will make the dining experience a lot more pleasant.(这能让你更好地消化食物。此外,与你爱的人面对面交谈会让用餐体验更愉快。)”指的是吃饭的时候不要玩手机,专心用餐。B选项“Put your cellphone aside while eating.(吃饭时把手机放在一边。)”符合本段内容。故选B。
    根据下文“You’ re invited because they want you to witness the precious moment in their lives, so respect them by being present physically, mentally, and emotionally.(他们邀请你是因为他们想让你见证他们生命中宝贵时刻,所以在身体上、精神上和情感上都要尊重他们。)”可知,空处要提到“they”,也就是新娘和新郎。E选项“Make sure you give your undivided attention to the bride and groom.(确保你全心全意地关注新娘和新郎。)”与下文内容一致,“the bride and groom”与下文的“they”一致。故选E。
    第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Officer Dallas Baldwin was on duty in Franklin County office. When an older resident ___21___ demanding to speak with Deputy(警官)Kevin Lovett, he had a little ___22___ .
    As it turned out, 96-year-old Mary Trent was not calling to ___23___ . Instead, Deputy Kevin Lovett had gone all out to help her out of trouble, and she was determined to shine a light of ___24___ on his good deed!
    “I was recently ___25___ when I got a flat tire.” Mary told the officer that Kevin spared no efforts to ___26___ her on the roadside. “He lay flat on the ground to look under my car for ___27___ !” she explained. “What are you going to do for him?”
    Dallas must have been ___28___ by her insistence, because he and Deputy Kevin Lovett ___29___ by visiting Mary at her residence to present her with a Sheriff’s Coin.
    When they arrived, Mary ____30____ had a gift basket ready to give her “angel”. The officers were ____31____ that Mary not only noticed their small acts of service that often go unnoticed but that she went beyond to acknowledge it ____32____ . They thanked Mary for ____33____ them with her gratitude and spirit. What a great reminder of how our heroes work ____34____ to keep things running smoothly every day—and of how much it means to show ____35____ for their efforts. A little sure goes a long way!
    21. A. dropped in B. rang up C. settled down D. looked around
    22. A. fun B. curiosity C. fear D. embarrassment
    23. A. complain B. entertain C. inspect D. bargain
    24. A. declaration B. observation C. recognition D. reservation
    25. A. walking B. riding C. playing D. driving
    26. A. satisfy B. pick C. assist D. defend
    27. A. damage B. safety C. shelter D. relief
    28. A. tricked B. inspired C. amused D. disturbed
    29. A. responded B. released C. changed D. agreed
    30. A. just B. only C. ever D. even
    31. A. hopeful B. grateful C. careful D. regretful
    32. A. publicly B. casually C. quietly D. naturally
    33. A. comforting B. forgiving C. blessing D. encouraging
    34. A. behind the scenes B. on the stage C. in the back row D. on the spot
    35. A. consideration B. appreciation C. anxiety D. sympathy
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. B
    【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述Mary对警察Dallas Baldwin的帮助表示感谢的故事,及其带来的影响与思考。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:当一位年长的居民打电话要求和副警长凯文·洛维特谈话时,他有点害怕。A. dropped in顺道拜访;B. rang up打电话;C. settled down定居;D. looked around四周看。根据“speak with Deputy Kevin Lovett”可知,居民打电话来找副警长Kevin Lovett。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. fun乐趣;B. curiosity好奇;C. fear害怕;D. embarrassment尴尬。根据下文“As it turned out, 96-year-old Mary Trent was not calling to ___3___ .”可知,警官Dallas Baldwin接到居民电话,害怕是投诉电话。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实证明,96岁玛丽·特伦特打来电话并不是投诉。A. complain投诉;B. entertain娱乐;C. inspect视察;D. bargain讨价还价。根据下文“Deputy Kevin Lovett had gone all out to help her out of trouble”可知,警官Kevin Lovett全力帮助96岁的Mary Trent脱离困境,因此她打电话来不是投诉。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,副警长凯文·洛维特竭尽全力帮助她摆脱困境,她决心要让他的善行得到赞赏!A. declaration宣布;B. observation观察;C. recognition认可,赞赏;D. reservation保留,预留。根据“on his good deed”可知,Mary Trent 打电话来是对警官Kevin Lovett的善行表示赞赏。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“最近我开车的时候轮胎爆了。” A. walking走;B. riding骑,乘坐;C. playing玩;D. driving开车。根据“when I got a flat tire”可知,Mary 开着车时,轮胎没气了。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:玛丽告诉警官凯文在路边不遗余力地帮助她。A. satisfy使满意;B. pick挑选,采摘;C. assist协助,帮助;D. defend防卫。根据“spared no efforts”可知,Kevin不遗余力地帮助Mary修车。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她解释说:“他躺在地上看我的车底下有没有损坏!”A. damage损坏;B. safety安全;C. shelter庇护;D. relief宽慰,缓解。根据“got a flat tire”可知,Kevin平躺在地上查看车底受损情况。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:达拉斯一定是受到了玛丽坚持不懈的激励,因为他和副警长凯文·洛维特去了玛丽的住处,给了她一枚警长硬币。A. tricked欺骗;B. inspired激励;C. amused娱乐;D. disturbed打扰。根据下文“because he and Deputy Kevin Lovett ___9___ by visiting Mary at her residence”可知,受到Mary坚持不懈的激励,Dallas和警官Kevin Lovett去了她的住处。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. responded回复,响应;B. released释放,发布;C. changed改变;D. agreed同意。根据上文“What are you going to do for him?”可知,他们做出的回应是两人一起去了Mary的住处。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:当他们到达时,玛丽甚至准备了一个礼物篮,送给她的“天使”。A. just仅仅,正好;B. only仅仅,只有;C. ever曾经;D. even甚至。根据句意可知,Mary甚至为她心目中的“天使”准备了一个礼品篮。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:警官们很感激,玛丽不仅注意到了他们经常被忽视的小举动,而且还公开表示了感谢。A. hopeful有希望的;B. grateful感激的;C. careful小心的;D. regretful后悔的,遗憾的。根据下文“They thanked Mary for ___13___ them with her gratitude and spirit.”可知,警官们非常感激。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. publicly公开地;B. casually 随便地;C. quietly 安静地;D. naturally自然地。根据“how much it means to show ___15___ for their efforts”可知,Mary将警官们的善行公之于众。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们感谢玛丽用她的感激和精神鼓励他们。A. comforting安慰;B. forgiving原谅;C. blessing祝福;D. encouraging鼓励。根据“her gratitude and spirit”可知,警官们感谢Mary用自己的感恩之心和精神对他们进行鼓励。故选D项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:这是一个多么伟大的提醒,提醒我们的英雄是如何在幕后工作,让事情每天都顺利进行,以及对他们的努力表示感谢是多么重要。A. behind the scenes在幕后;B. on the stage在舞台上;C. in the back row 在后排;D. on the spot在现场。根据“their small acts of service that often go unnoticed”可知,警官们是幕后英雄,他们每天默默无闻地工作让一切顺利进行。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. consideration 考虑;B. appreciation欣赏,感激;C. anxiety焦虑;D. sympathy同情。根据全文叙述可知,警察付出的努力需要得到人们的认可和感激,此事意义非凡。故选B项。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Learning Chinese calligraphy ____36____ (list) as one of the must-do things when I came to China. Now, I’m in the course of learning this unique art, ____37____ value is considered very high in China, even across East Asia today. It is not only ____38____ ancient artistic form of human language, but it also reflects Chinese traditions.
    As someone who paints, draws, and loves all ____39____ (create) things, at first, I assumed I would be rather good at Chinese calligraphy. I was ____40____ (total) wrong. Using thick brush tips to produce awkward brush strokes (笔画)____41____ (be) very difficult for a beginner. I have no idea about the different types of calligraphy and the meanings ____42____ (hide) behind each one. Also, I have to hold the paintbrush in a very specific way; ____43____ (like) a pen or pencil, the paintbrush is held upright in the hand. I need to be extra careful when changing the angle or____44____ (direct) of the brush, especially if I press too hard on the paper.
    After taking the lesson, I now understand the difficulty of calligraphy and that it will take efforts and commitment ____45____ (master) this art form. Yet, I am grateful to learn such a special Chinese tradition.
    【答案】36. was listed
    37. whose 38. an
    39. creative
    40. totally
    41. is 42. hidden
    43. unlike 44. direction
    45. to master
    考查动词语态。句意:当我来到中国时,学习中国书法被列为必须做的事情之一。根据“when I came to China”可知,此处应用一般过去时。动词list意为“列举”,和主语构成被动关系。主语为动名词,谓语应用第三人称单数。故填was listed。
    考查介词。句意:此外,我必须以一种非常特殊的方式握住画笔;与钢笔或铅笔不同,画笔笔直地握在手中。根据“I have to hold the paintbrush in a very specific way”可知,此处是指与钢笔或铅笔不同,所以应用介词unlike表示“不同于”。故填unlike。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在上了这堂课之后,我现在明白了书法的难度,并且需要努力和投入才能掌握这种艺术形式。此处用it作形式主语,to do不定式为真正的主语。故填to master。
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 书面表达 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华, 你班计划与新西兰姊妹学校某班级在线共上一堂介绍“传统体育项目”的交流课。请你代表班级写封邮件给对方班长Hans,内容包括:
    Dear Hans,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Hans,
    I’m Li Hua. I’m so excited about our upcoming virtual lesson to introduce “Traditional Sports Events”. On behalf of my class, I’m writing to propose some ideas and confirm related details about it.
    The lesson will serve as a channel for students to realize traditional sports are not only the essence of a culture, but also the pride of a country. So for our part, we are considering introducing several typical sports activities, including martial arts, dragon boat race and so on. To achieve the best effect, interactive forms, such as presentations and live shows, will be adopted. As for the time and way, we’d like to have the lesson scheduled between April 3 and April 7, lasting 3 hours through an online conference application.
    Does our proposal work well on your side? Looking forward to your earliest reply.
    Li Hua
    即将到来的:forthcoming → upcoming
    代表:represent → on behalf of
    采用:use → adopt
    回复:answer → reply
    原句:So for our part, we are considering introducing several typical sports activities, including martial arts, dragon boat race and so on.
    拓展句:So for our part, we are considering introducing several typical sports activities, which include martial arts, dragon boat race and so on.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】To achieve the best effect, interactive forms, such as presentations and live shows, will be adopted.(运用了动词不定式作目的状语以及被动语态)
    【高分句型2】As for the time and way, we’d like to have the lesson scheduled between April 3 and April 7, lasting 3 hours through an online conference application.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Dog Who Saved Our Family
    We met Max at the pickup area of Alaska Airlines five years ago. He was a standard poodle(狮子狗)born on Valentine’s Day in 2017, and came to us in a small blue box. We had adopted him from an out-of-state raiser who posted the news on the social network. Our only request was that he have a calm behavior, able to bear the pushing and hugging of our eight-year-old daughter and six-year-old son.
    We were a sweet little family:me,my husband, and our children, Sophie and Jake. But for years I’d felt as if we wouldn’t really be complete until we had a dog. Also, my husband worked in a business company and had to travel some 200 days a year for his job, and I knew I’d feel safer with a large animal sleeping by the door.
    When we opened the box, the last piece of our puzzle fell into place. With his black hair and intelligent eyes,Max was beautiful. He was so small that he fit into the palm of my hand, his big paws lapping over the sides. He was also a little bit scared. As I pulled him close,I felt his heart pound and wondered if we’d done the right thing, taking him from his mother. But it was too late. Sophie and Jake were already fighting over who would hold him next and who should have the right to take a bath for him.
    Over the following months, we spent endless hours watching Max play with his Kong toy or roll around the living room floor. Like most poodles, he was smart. He mastered house-training quickly and never chewed on our furniture or shoes. He considered himself one of us.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右
    One night we were sleeping in the bedroom when I heard some strange noise.
    At that time,Max ran towards me.
    【答案】One possible version:
    One night we were sleeping in the bed room when I heard some strange noise. I thought it was Max running and hitting something, so I kept lying in the bed and made an attempt to fall asleep again. However, the noise became louder and louder, which had already annoyed me. Swiftly I got up from my bed. I opened the door and found Max was running around the living room, trying to let all the things fall down. These abnormal behaviors really confused me while it also made me a little afraid.
    At that time,Max ran towards me. He firmly grabbed my trousers and motioned me to the kitchen. As I approached the kitchen, I could obviously smell a strong burning scent and instantly knew what had happened. When I saw the fierce fire in the kitchen, I dashed into my children’s room like an arrow, waking them up at my maximum voice. Rushing out of the house together, I called 911 and asked our neighbors for help at the same time. Fortunately both my family and my house were saved. Thanks to our smart Max, we did escape from death.
    3. 词汇激活
    ①试图:make an attempt/make an effort/take a crack at
    ③接近:approach/move toward
    ④知道;know/be aware of/realize
    【点睛】[高分句型1] However, the noise became louder and louder, which had already annoyed me.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]As I approached the kitchen, I could obviously smell a strong burning scent and instantly knew what had happened.(As引导的时间状语从句)

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    广东省珠海市斗门第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期6月考试英语试题: 这是一份广东省珠海市斗门第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期6月考试英语试题,共5页。






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