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    1.(8分)The US plans to build a base camp for astronauts on the moon.They'll study how long﹣term space travel affects humans.The possibilities are exciting.But now that we have so many technologies for safely exploring space,do we really need to send people there?Some students give their opinions.

    Elisha:The earth could become overpopulated(人口过多的).One day we may need to go to space to survive.The moon base would be a step toward the bigger goal of reaching Mars.We need to find out if it's possible to live on other planets.Robots can send back a lot of information,but it won't be enough to help us understand how we'd survive on another planet.Only human exploration can prepare us for that future.

    Lino:Sending robots costs less than sending humans.Robots can stay in space longer and don't make mistakes.And robots' lives are not at risk.If they break,they can be repaired or replaced.

    Kellen:Robots can collect information,but they can't respond like humans in all
    situations.We couldn't depend on them to develop a space colony(聚居地) that
    would be fit for humans.

    Shaivi:Astronauts could become tired and stressed because of living in a spacecraft
    for a long time.Robots can also perform well,or better than humans.They could stay
    on the moon or Mars for tens of years,doing research,with no danger to human life.
    (1)Which of the following would Elisha agree with?    
    A.Humans can't survive on Mars.
    B.It's necessary to send humans into space.
    C.Humans will surely build homes on other planets.
    D.Robots are the most important for space exploration.
    (2)   believe robots can take the place of humans in space.
    A.Elisha and Lino.
    B.Elisha and Kellen.
    C.Lino and Shaivi.
    D.Kellen and Shaivi.
    (3)Lino thinks it will be     to send robots into space.
    (4)In which part of a magazine can we read the passage?    
    A.Health & Safety.
    B.Science & Tech.
    C.History& Culture.
    D.People & Lifestyle.
    2.(8分)We all want to protect our environment,but most of us may be too busy or too lazy to make big changes that will improve our lifestyles and save the environment.
    Here are some simple tips for protecting our environment.
    Use compact fluorescent light bulbs(节能灯泡).Maybe these bulbs are more expensive than ordinary ones,but they last longer and they can save energy,so in the long term your electricity bill will be reduced.
    Donate.You may have lots of clothes or things you don't need.If they are still usable,give them to someone who needs them.You can also choose to donate them to charities.
    Turn off devices(设备).When you do not use a device,turn it off.For example,if you don't watch TV,turn it off.Turn off the light when ou leave the room.It's an easy habit to keep and you can save electricity and money.
    Walk or cycle.Driving cars is one of the biggest causes of pollution.If you want to drive your car,ask yourself the following question:Do I really need my car?Walk or ride your bike if the journey is short.

    (1)What does the writer think of compact fluorescent light bulbs?   
    A.They are too expensive for many families.
    B.They can save energy,but they can't last long.
    C.They are cheap,but they are brighter than ordinary bulbs.
    D.They are expensive,but in the long term using them is cheaper than using ordinary bulbs.
    (2)If we don't like some of our clothes because of their styles,what should we do with them?   
    A.Give them to someone who may need them.
    B.Clean the floor with them.
    C.Keep them in the closet.
    D.Throw them away.
    (3)In the fifth paragraph,the writer wants to tell us    .
    A.to save electricity
    B.not to destroy some devices
    C.to take care of the devices
    D.that some devices can't last long
    (4)In which part does the writer tell us to reduce pollution?   
    A.Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
    B.Turn off devices.
    C.Walk or cycle.
    3.(6分)Why are some people on cloud nine while others are always feeling down?What's the secret?Happiness depends more on recognizing the things you have and appreciating them.It's true that money can buy you many things you like.But the enjoyment is usually short﹣lived.Remember all those presents you got during the Spring Festival when you are little?You were over the moon when you opened them,but not for long.
    It seems that deep,long﹣lasting happiness comes from intangible(无形的) things.One important factor is human relationship.People who have the support of family member and also have strong friendships are more likely to be happy.Feeling protected and respected and knowing you can trust in people around you are important.But happiness means you have to give and take.Performing acts of kindness often,for example,carrying neighbor's shopping,will make you feel on top of the world.
    It's not surprising that health is another key to happiness.Poor health will certainly make you feel down.But being healthy requires some efforts.A healthy diet is quite important and so is regular exercise.
    Talking of sleep,if you don't get enough of it,you will be likely in a bad mood.And your tiredness will prevent you from giving all your attention to something and may slow your growth.So if you want to be happy and do well at school,try to get at least eight hours a night.

    (1)According to the passage,what will happen if you don't get enough sleep?   
    ①You will fall ill easily.
    ②You will grow slowly.
    ③You will feel tired.
    ④You can't be fully focused.
    ⑤You may feel bad easily.
    (2)Which of the following is the writer's opinion?   
    A.Happiness has much to do with health.
    B.Material objects provide long﹣lasting happiness.
    C.Sleeping too much makes you unhappy.
    D.The more friends you have,the happier you will be.
    (3)What does the passage mainly talk about?   
    A.The reasons for exercising.
    B.The secrets of living happily.
    C.The ways to get long﹣term happiness.
    D.The importance of having a good sleep.
    4.(8分)The Danes are among the happiest people in the world.Denmark is neither the richest country nor the biggest one.What makes its millions of people so happy?
    Denmark is famous for its health care and education.Besides,Danes' lifestyle is also a reason why they are so happy.
    Have you heard of the word"hygge"?In English,the word means coziness(舒适).In fact,many things can bring people coziness,such as having a tasty meal with family,talking with friends in the sunshine on weekends.enjoying classical music or having a movie night.All these things can be called hygge,which is Danes' everyday life.
    Danes also have a healthy habit.They likes riding bikes.In Denmark's capital,Copenhagen,riding bikes often takes up about 50 percent of their time on the way to school or to work.Riding bikes is not only helpful in reducing pollution,but also good for people's health.It is reported that just 30 minutes of riding bikes every day can add an average of one to two years to a person's life expectancy(预期寿命)
    Trust is also important to Danes.They even trust people they don't know.In Aarhus,the second biggest city of Denmark,we can see people buy flowers when the owner isn't there.People put money in an empty flowerpot(花盆).Trust helps make them happy.
    "Danes are happy with what they have,"said Kaare Christensen,a university teacher.

    (1)Danes are happy because of the following EXCEPT    .
    A.their lifestyle
    B.the large population
    C.their education system
    D.their health care system
    (2)Which of the following may NOT be called hygge?    
    A.Watching movies at night.
    B.Working hard in the sunshine.
    C.Chatting with friends on weekends.
    D.Having a big dinner with family members.
    (3)What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?    
    A.Danes don't have dreams.
    B.Danes have to ride bikes 30 minutes a day.
    C.Many Danes often ride bikes to school or to work.
    D.Danes trust others because they want to live longer.
    (4)The writer tell us how Danes trust others by    .
    A.giving an example
    B.using lots of numbers
    C.following the order of time
    D.telling his own experiences
    5.(5分)The Dragon Boat Festival,which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(农历) month,is a traditional Chinese festival.As more and more foreigners love Chinese culture,the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival has gradually spread to the world.(1)   On June 13,2021,the Dragon Boat Festival holiday,Olga Lokshin,from Israel,wore traditional Hanfu to attend the Dragon Boat Festival with friends from Israel and Russia.
    "I have been in China for 10 years.(2)   So I'm really excited."Olga Lokshin said.Olga Lokshin told reporters that she hoped to feel the traditional custom of the festival.She said that wearing ancient costumes was one of the activities she wanted to experience most."(3)   But now with the rise of traditional Hanfu culture,we will see people in Hanfu on the street."
    (4)   "I tried zongzi once,but it was my first time to make zongzi,and we tried five different kinds of zongzi.I used my camera to make a video to record it."Olga Lokshin said.
    "I really don't want the Dragon Boat Festival holiday to pass so quickly.I've been in China for 10 years,it's a long time,but I haven't experienced enough of the traditional culture.(5)   I love China and Chinese culture."Olga Lokshin said.

    A.It's really interesting and enjoyable.
    B.There are not many chances to try Hanfu in daily life.
    C.It's the first time I try to wear traditional Chinese clothes.
    D.My friends and I are crazy about traditional Chinese culture.
    E.It also attracts more foreigners in China to experience the festival.
    F.Making zongzi is an important part of the Dragon Boat Festival.
    6.(10分)Like the body,the brain needs exercise to stay healthy.According to research,brain exercise can be anything that stimulates(刺激) the brain,like playing cross﹣word puzzles (1)   learning languages.However,researchers find that some activities stimulate our brains more than others.
    Being in social relationships may be the (2)   kind of brain exercise.Relationships with friends and family are the key (3)   our mental health,and social activities can exercise and be good for the brain.This means even (4)   with friends at weekends is an excellent brain exercise.
    Scientists say that laughing can exercise many parts of the brain.When we hear a (5)   ,we try to figure out what is funny,and laugh.Each step makes us use different parts of the brain.Laughing is also (6)   for relaxing.When we relax our body,we feel calm.
    Finally,brain research suggests that people should never (7)   learning because learning is brain exercise,too.Activities such as learning to play an instrument or cooking are (8)   useful,because they require the body and brain to work together in new ways.
    It is not necessary for us to (9)   all of these activities.However,it is important to do them more often.All these skills of exercising the brain have many (10)   .They make the brain much smarter and slow down memory loss.

    (4)A.selling out
    B.checking out
    C.hanging out
    D.laying out
    7.(15分)During the past summer vacation,a 15﹣year﹣old boy made a model plane on his own in less than a month.Then he (1)   ( fly) it successfully,which surprised all the people around him.
    The boy named Li Banghua is from Hefei,Anhui Province.He made the plane (2)   ( complete) by himself.The plane is 0.6 meters wide,has a wingspan(翼展) of 4.4 meters and (3)   (weigh)about40 kilograms.According to a local report,Li just finished his high﹣school entrance exam in 2021 and got good grades.After the exam,he threw (4)   ( he) into the work of making the model plane right away.
    Li has been interested in model planes (5)   he was a child.Besides,he has been studying and building model planes for (6)   ( year).This time the model plane is the (7)   ( large) he has ever built and he considers it the most successful one.
    Throughout the process of building the plane,he came across many failures."But the (8)   ( difficult)I had was the lack of understanding from adults,"Li said."When I said I was going to build a model plane,a lot of adults thought it was impossible.But I decided (9)   keep on working hard.That is because once I start something,giving up is not a choice for me."
    When talking about his future.he said he dreamed of becoming (10)   plane engineer.
    8.(10分)Trees are one of the oldest"citizens(公民)"of our Earth.They clean our air,reduce noise pollution,improve water quality and provide food and building materials.
    Just like us,trees change a lot as they grow.From I to 3 years old,young trees learn how to protect themselves.For example,many trees grow thorns(刺) to warn animals not to go near.Most young trees have large,deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.
    Do you know?
    What's the date today?
    It's March 12th.
    What day is it today?
    It's Tree Planting Day.

    When trees are 4 years old,they begin to grow very rapidly and become strong enough to face challenges later in life.At the age of 15,trees become young adults.They grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit.
    It is not until the tree is 20 to 25 years old that it becomes a real adult.The tree reaches its largest size.The adult tree gives us shade,oxygen and natural beauty,and it is also a great place for a tree house,or a place for us to read a book,listen to music and so on.If we give the adult tree proper care,it will go on to live healthily for many years.
    Gradually,trees begin to grow older and older and even die.At this time,they will have their important place in nature.When a tree becomes hollow(空心的) or part of it becomes dead,it provides a home for small animals.
    In many ways,the life of a tree is similar to our own life experience.When we are looking at the life of a tree,we learn that each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge.Enjoy every minute of the life of the trees and take care of the trees!

    (1)Why do most young trees have large,deep green leaves?
    (2)When is Tree Planting Day?
    (3)What can a tree be used as when it becomes hollow?
    (4)Why should we enjoy every minute of our own life according to the passage?
    (5)If you see someone cut down trees,what should you do?Why?(开放题)
    9.(20分)假设你叫李华。你们学校将要举行以"How to Eat in a Healthy Way"为题的演讲比赛,请你准备写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
    How to Eat in a Healthy Way
    Hello,everybody.I'm Li Hua.Today my topic is how to eat in a healthy way.
    Thank you for your listening!

    1.(8分)The US plans to build a base camp for astronauts on the moon.They'll study how long﹣term space travel affects humans.The possibilities are exciting.But now that we have so many technologies for safely exploring space,do we really need to send people there?Some students give their opinions.

    Elisha:The earth could become overpopulated(人口过多的).One day we may need to go to space to survive.The moon base would be a step toward the bigger goal of reaching Mars.We need to find out if it's possible to live on other planets.Robots can send back a lot of information,but it won't be enough to help us understand how we'd survive on another planet.Only human exploration can prepare us for that future.

    Lino:Sending robots costs less than sending humans.Robots can stay in space longer and don't make mistakes.And robots' lives are not at risk.If they break,they can be repaired or replaced.

    Kellen:Robots can collect information,but they can't respond like humans in all
    situations.We couldn't depend on them to develop a space colony(聚居地) that
    would be fit for humans.

    Shaivi:Astronauts could become tired and stressed because of living in a spacecraft
    for a long time.Robots can also perform well,or better than humans.They could stay
    on the moon or Mars for tens of years,doing research,with no danger to human life.
    (1)Which of the following would Elisha agree with?  B 
    A.Humans can't survive on Mars.
    B.It's necessary to send humans into space.
    C.Humans will surely build homes on other planets.
    D.Robots are the most important for space exploration.
    (2) C believe robots can take the place of humans in space.
    A.Elisha and Lino.
    B.Elisha and Kellen.
    C.Lino and Shaivi.
    D.Kellen and Shaivi.
    (3)Lino thinks it will be  A  to send robots into space.
    (4)In which part of a magazine can we read the passage?  B 
    A.Health & Safety.
    B.Science & Tech.
    C.History& Culture.
    D.People & Lifestyle.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段Only human exploration can prepare us for that future.(只有人类的探索才能让我们为未来做好准备。)可知她的观点是需要人类去太空,故选:B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第2段Sending robots costs less than sending humans.Robots can stay in space longer and don't make mistakes.And robots' lives are not at risk.If they break,they can be repaired or replaced.(派遣机器人比派遣人类成本低。机器人可以在太空停留更长时间,不会犯错误。机器人的生命没有危险,如果它们坏了,可以修理或者更换。)及第4段Robots can also perform well,or better than humans.(机器人也可以表现得很好,甚至比人类更好。)可知这两位学生的观点是机器人可以代替人类去太空,故选:C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第2段Sending robots costs less than sending humans.(派遣机器人比派遣人类成本低。)可知Lino认为发送机器人去太空便宜,故选:A。
    2.(8分)We all want to protect our environment,but most of us may be too busy or too lazy to make big changes that will improve our lifestyles and save the environment.
    Here are some simple tips for protecting our environment.
    Use compact fluorescent light bulbs(节能灯泡).Maybe these bulbs are more expensive than ordinary ones,but they last longer and they can save energy,so in the long term your electricity bill will be reduced.
    Donate.You may have lots of clothes or things you don't need.If they are still usable,give them to someone who needs them.You can also choose to donate them to charities.
    Turn off devices(设备).When you do not use a device,turn it off.For example,if you don't watch TV,turn it off.Turn off the light when ou leave the room.It's an easy habit to keep and you can save electricity and money.
    Walk or cycle.Driving cars is one of the biggest causes of pollution.If you want to drive your car,ask yourself the following question:Do I really need my car?Walk or ride your bike if the journey is short.

    (1)What does the writer think of compact fluorescent light bulbs? D 
    A.They are too expensive for many families.
    B.They can save energy,but they can't last long.
    C.They are cheap,but they are brighter than ordinary bulbs.
    D.They are expensive,but in the long term using them is cheaper than using ordinary bulbs.
    (2)If we don't like some of our clothes because of their styles,what should we do with them? A 
    A.Give them to someone who may need them.
    B.Clean the floor with them.
    C.Keep them in the closet.
    D.Throw them away.
    (3)In the fifth paragraph,the writer wants to tell us  A .
    A.to save electricity
    B.not to destroy some devices
    C.to take care of the devices
    D.that some devices can't last long
    (4)In which part does the writer tell us to reduce pollution? C 
    A.Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
    B.Turn off devices.
    C.Walk or cycle.
    (1)根据第三段Maybe these bulbs are more expensive than ordinary ones,but they last longer and they can save energy,so in the long term your electricity bill will be reduced.(也许这些灯泡比普通灯泡贵,但它们使用寿命更长,而且可以节省能源,所以从长远来看,你的电费会减少。)可知,节能灯泡虽然比普通灯泡贵,但是可以节约能源和电费,使用寿命也更长。故选D。
    (2)根据第四段Donate.You may have lots of clothes or things you don't need.If they are still usable,give them to someone who needs them.You can also choose to donate them to charities.(捐赠。你可能有很多你不需要的衣服或东西。如果它们仍然可用,把它们送给需要它们的人。你也可以选择捐给慈善机构。)可知,可以把不需要的衣物捐给需要的人。故选A。
    (3)根据第五段Turn off devices.When you do not use a device,turn it off.For example,if you don't watch TV,turn it off.Turn off the light when ou leave the room.It's an easy habit to keep and you can save electricity and money.(关闭设备。当你不使用某个设备时,请关掉它。例如,如果你不看电视,把它关掉。离开房间时把灯关掉。这是一个很容易养成的习惯,你可以省电和钱。)可知,作者相让我们节约电。故选A。
    (4)根据最后一段Walk or cycle.Driving cars is one of the biggest causes of pollution.If you want to drive your car,ask yourself the following question:Do I really need my car?Walk or ride your bike if the journey is short.(步行或骑自行车。驾驶汽车是污染的最大原因之一。如果你想开车,问自己以下问题:我真的需要我的车吗?如果路程短,步行或骑自行车。)可知,最后一段讲述了减少污染的环保建议——步行或骑车。故选C。
    3.(6分)Why are some people on cloud nine while others are always feeling down?What's the secret?Happiness depends more on recognizing the things you have and appreciating them.It's true that money can buy you many things you like.But the enjoyment is usually short﹣lived.Remember all those presents you got during the Spring Festival when you are little?You were over the moon when you opened them,but not for long.
    It seems that deep,long﹣lasting happiness comes from intangible(无形的) things.One important factor is human relationship.People who have the support of family member and also have strong friendships are more likely to be happy.Feeling protected and respected and knowing you can trust in people around you are important.But happiness means you have to give and take.Performing acts of kindness often,for example,carrying neighbor's shopping,will make you feel on top of the world.
    It's not surprising that health is another key to happiness.Poor health will certainly make you feel down.But being healthy requires some efforts.A healthy diet is quite important and so is regular exercise.
    Talking of sleep,if you don't get enough of it,you will be likely in a bad mood.And your tiredness will prevent you from giving all your attention to something and may slow your growth.So if you want to be happy and do well at school,try to get at least eight hours a night.

    (1)According to the passage,what will happen if you don't get enough sleep? A 
    ①You will fall ill easily.
    ②You will grow slowly.
    ③You will feel tired.
    ④You can't be fully focused.
    ⑤You may feel bad easily.
    (2)Which of the following is the writer's opinion? A 
    A.Happiness has much to do with health.
    B.Material objects provide long﹣lasting happiness.
    C.Sleeping too much makes you unhappy.
    D.The more friends you have,the happier you will be.
    (3)What does the passage mainly talk about? B 
    A.The reasons for exercising.
    B.The secrets of living happily.
    C.The ways to get long﹣term happiness.
    D.The importance of having a good sleep.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据最后一段Talking of sleep,if you don't get enough of it,you will be likely in a bad mood.And your tiredness will prevent you from giving all your attention to something and may slow your growth.So if you want to be happy and do well at school,try to get at least eight hours a night.(说到睡眠,如果你没有得到足够的睡眠,你很可能会心情不好。你的疲劳会阻止你把所有的注意力放在某事上,可能会减缓你的成长。所以,如果你想要快乐,在学校表现好,那就每晚至少睡8个小时。)可知,没有足够的睡眠将会使你容易陷入不好的情绪中并且影响自身的注意力从而无法保持专注,还会影响自身成长。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章第三段It's not surprising that health is another key to happiness.(健康是幸福的另一个关键,这并不奇怪。)可知,作者认为幸福与健康的身体有很大的关系。故选A。
    (3)主旨大意题。根据第一段Why are some people on cloud nine while others are always feeling down?What's the secret?(为什么有些人乐在其中,而另一些人却总是情绪低落?秘诀是什么?)以及通读全文可知,文章介绍了保持幸福感的一些秘诀。故选B。
    4.(8分)The Danes are among the happiest people in the world.Denmark is neither the richest country nor the biggest one.What makes its millions of people so happy?
    Denmark is famous for its health care and education.Besides,Danes' lifestyle is also a reason why they are so happy.
    Have you heard of the word"hygge"?In English,the word means coziness(舒适).In fact,many things can bring people coziness,such as having a tasty meal with family,talking with friends in the sunshine on weekends.enjoying classical music or having a movie night.All these things can be called hygge,which is Danes' everyday life.
    Danes also have a healthy habit.They likes riding bikes.In Denmark's capital,Copenhagen,riding bikes often takes up about 50 percent of their time on the way to school or to work.Riding bikes is not only helpful in reducing pollution,but also good for people's health.It is reported that just 30 minutes of riding bikes every day can add an average of one to two years to a person's life expectancy(预期寿命)
    Trust is also important to Danes.They even trust people they don't know.In Aarhus,the second biggest city of Denmark,we can see people buy flowers when the owner isn't there.People put money in an empty flowerpot(花盆).Trust helps make them happy.
    "Danes are happy with what they have,"said Kaare Christensen,a university teacher.

    (1)Danes are happy because of the following EXCEPT  B .
    A.their lifestyle
    B.the large population
    C.their education system
    D.their health care system
    (2)Which of the following may NOT be called hygge?  B 
    A.Watching movies at night.
    B.Working hard in the sunshine.
    C.Chatting with friends on weekends.
    D.Having a big dinner with family members.
    (3)What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?  C 
    A.Danes don't have dreams.
    B.Danes have to ride bikes 30 minutes a day.
    C.Many Danes often ride bikes to school or to work.
    D.Danes trust others because they want to live longer.
    (4)The writer tell us how Danes trust others by  A .
    A.giving an example
    B.using lots of numbers
    C.following the order of time
    D.telling his own experiences
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Denmark is famous for its health care and education.Besides,Danes' lifestyle is also a reason why they are so happy.(丹麦以其医疗保健和教育而闻名。此外,丹麦人的生活方式也是他们如此快乐的原因之一。)可知,丹麦人的幸福来源于医疗保健、教育以及生活方式,没有提到人口。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段Have you heard of the word"hygge"?In English,the word means coziness.In fact,many things can bring people coziness,such as having a tasty meal with family,talking with friends in the sunshine on weekends.enjoying classical music or having a movie night.All these things can be called hygge,which is Danes' everyday life.(听说过"hygge"这个词吗?在英语中,这个词的意思是舒适。事实上,很多事情可以给人们带来舒适,比如和家人一起吃一顿美味的饭,周末和朋友在阳光下聊天。享受古典音乐或看电影。所有这些都可以被称为hygge,这是丹麦人的日常生活。)可推理出,在阳光下努力工作不能成为hygge。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段In Denmark's capital,Copenhagen,riding bikes often takes up about 50 percent of their time on the way to school or to work.(在丹麦首都哥本哈根,骑车经常占据他们上学或上班路上50%的时间。)可知,我们可以了解到丹麦人经常骑自行车上学或者上班。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段In Aarhus,the second biggest city of Denmark,we can see people buy flowers when the owner isn't there.(在丹麦第二大城市奥胡斯,我们可以看到人们在主人不在的时候买花。)可知,作者通过列举人们买花的例子来说明丹麦人如何信任他人。故选A。
    5.(5分)The Dragon Boat Festival,which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(农历) month,is a traditional Chinese festival.As more and more foreigners love Chinese culture,the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival has gradually spread to the world.(1) E On June 13,2021,the Dragon Boat Festival holiday,Olga Lokshin,from Israel,wore traditional Hanfu to attend the Dragon Boat Festival with friends from Israel and Russia.
    "I have been in China for 10 years.(2) C So I'm really excited."Olga Lokshin said.Olga Lokshin told reporters that she hoped to feel the traditional custom of the festival.She said that wearing ancient costumes was one of the activities she wanted to experience most."(3) B But now with the rise of traditional Hanfu culture,we will see people in Hanfu on the street."
    (4) F "I tried zongzi once,but it was my first time to make zongzi,and we tried five different kinds of zongzi.I used my camera to make a video to record it."Olga Lokshin said.
    "I really don't want the Dragon Boat Festival holiday to pass so quickly.I've been in China for 10 years,it's a long time,but I haven't experienced enough of the traditional culture.(5) A I love China and Chinese culture."Olga Lokshin said.

    A.It's really interesting and enjoyable.
    B.There are not many chances to try Hanfu in daily life.
    C.It's the first time I try to wear traditional Chinese clothes.
    D.My friends and I are crazy about traditional Chinese culture.
    E.It also attracts more foreigners in China to experience the festival.
    F.Making zongzi is an important part of the Dragon Boat Festival.
    (1)根据上文As more and more foreigners love Chinese culture,the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival has gradually spread to the world.(随着越来越多的外国人喜欢中国文化,端午节的习俗逐渐传播到世界各地。)和下文On June 13,2021,the Dragon Boat Festival holiday.Olga Lokshin,from Israel,wore traditional Hanfu to attend the Dragon Boat Festival with friends from Israel and Russia.(2021年6月13日,端午节放假。来自以色列的Olga Lokshin穿着传统的汉服和来自以色列和俄罗斯的朋友一起参加端午节。)可知,此处指外国人体验这个节日,因此E项"它也吸引了更多的外国人来中国体验这个节日"符合题意。故选E。
    (2)根据上文I have been in China for 10 years.(我来中国已经10年了。)和下文So I'm really excited.(所以我真的很兴奋。)可知,这是Olga Lokshin第一次体验穿传统的中国服装,因此C项"这是我第一次尝试穿传统的中国服装"符合题意。故选C。
    (3)根据上文She said that wearing ancient costumes was one of the activities she wanted to experience most.(她说穿着古装是她最想体验的活动之一。)和下文But now with the rise of traditional Hanfu culture,we will see people in Hanfu on the street.(但现在随着传统汉服文化的兴起,我们会在街上看到穿汉服的人。)可知,此处与穿汉服有关,因此B项"在日常生活中,尝试汉服的机会并不多"符合题意。故选B。
    (4)根据下文I tried zongzi once,but it was my first time to make zongzi(我尝试过一次粽子,但那是我第一次包粽子)可知,此处指包粽子,因此F项"包粽子是端午节的重要组成部分"符合题意。故选F。
    (5)根据上文I really don't want the Dragon Boat Festival holiday to pass so quickly.(我真不希望端午节假期过得这么快。)和下文I love China and Chinese culture.(我爱中国和中国文化。)可知,此处指中国的传统文化很有趣,因此A项"它真的很有趣和令人愉快"符合题意。故选A。
    6.(10分)Like the body,the brain needs exercise to stay healthy.According to research,brain exercise can be anything that stimulates(刺激) the brain,like playing cross﹣word puzzles (1) C learning languages.However,researchers find that some activities stimulate our brains more than others.
    Being in social relationships may be the (2) D kind of brain exercise.Relationships with friends and family are the key (3) D our mental health,and social activities can exercise and be good for the brain.This means even (4) C with friends at weekends is an excellent brain exercise.
    Scientists say that laughing can exercise many parts of the brain.When we hear a (5) B ,we try to figure out what is funny,and laugh.Each step makes us use different parts of the brain.Laughing is also (6) D for relaxing.When we relax our body,we feel calm.
    Finally,brain research suggests that people should never (7) A learning because learning is brain exercise,too.Activities such as learning to play an instrument or cooking are (8) A useful,because they require the body and brain to work together in new ways.
    It is not necessary for us to (9) B all of these activities.However,it is important to do them more often.All these skills of exercising the brain have many (10) B .They make the brain much smarter and slow down memory loss.

    (4)A.selling out
    B.checking out
    C.hanging out
    D.laying out
    (2)考查形容词辨析。句意:处于社会关系中可能是最好的大脑锻炼方式。所给的四个选项都是不同形容词的最高级:A最有趣的;B最难的;C最糟糕的;D最好的;根据上一句:However,researchers find that some activities stimulate our brains more than others.(然而,研究人员发现,有些活动比其他活动更能刺激我们的大脑。)此处是表示"处于社会关系中"对大脑来说是最好的锻炼方式,因此形容词best(形容词good的最高级)符合此空,故选D。
    (3)考查介词辨析。句意:与朋友和家人的关系是我们心理健康的关键,社交活动可以锻炼大脑,对大脑有好处。A为了;B在……里面;C在……上面;D对于……;空格前的名词key通常和介词to搭配:the key to...,意思是"关键是……",故选D。
    (4)考查动词短语辨析。句意:这意味着即使周末和朋友出去玩也是一种极好的大脑锻炼。所给的四个选项是四组不同的动词短语:A卖光;B结账;C出去玩、闲逛;D摆放,布置;结合语境可知,此时是表示"周末和朋友一起出去玩",因此短语hang out符合此空,故选C。
    (6)考查形容词辨析。句意:大笑也有助于放松。A感激的;B仔细的;C有害的;D有帮助的;根据所给的形容词词义以及语境可知,大笑对于放松是有帮助的,形容词helpful和介词for构成搭配:be helpful for...,意思是"有助于……的",故选D。
    (7)考查动词辨析。句意:最后,大脑研究表明,人们不应该停止学习,因为学习也是大脑的锻炼。A停止;B避免;C后悔,遗憾;D保持;根据所给动词词义以及语境可知:人们不应该停止学习,即:stop learning;故选A。
    (10)考查名词辨析。句意:所有这些锻炼大脑的技能都有很多优点。A原因;B优点;C错误;D影响;根据下一句:They make the brain much smarter and slow down memory loss.
    7.(15分)During the past summer vacation,a 15﹣year﹣old boy made a model plane on his own in less than a month.Then he (1) flew ( fly) it successfully,which surprised all the people around him.
    The boy named Li Banghua is from Hefei,Anhui Province.He made the plane (2) completely ( complete) by himself.The plane is 0.6 meters wide,has a wingspan(翼展) of 4.4 meters and (3) weighs (weigh)about40 kilograms.According to a local report,Li just finished his high﹣school entrance exam in 2021 and got good grades.After the exam,he threw (4) himself ( he) into the work of making the model plane right away.
    Li has been interested in model planes (5) since he was a child.Besides,he has been studying and building model planes for (6) years ( year).This time the model plane is the (7) largest ( large) he has ever built and he considers it the most successful one.
    Throughout the process of building the plane,he came across many failures."But the (8) biggest difficulty ( difficult)I had was the lack of understanding from adults,"Li said."When I said I was going to build a model plane,a lot of adults thought it was impossible.But I decided (9) to keep on working hard.That is because once I start something,giving up is not a choice for me."
    When talking about his future.he said he dreamed of becoming (10) a plane engineer.
    【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:然后他成功地飞了起来,这让他周围的人都很惊讶。根据During the past summer vacation(在刚刚过去的暑假里),可知此处是一般过去时态,动词用一般过去式,fly的一般过去式是flew,故填flew。
    (3)考查名词。句意:这架飞机宽0.6米,翼展长4.4米,重约40公斤。根据前面is和has,可知此处用一般现在时,主语是the plane(这架飞机)是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单数形式,weigh(重)第三人称单数是weighs,故填weighs。
    (4)考查反身代词。句意:考试后,他立即投入到制作模型飞机的工作中。根据throw oneself into全身心投入,可知此处填oneself某人自己,主语是he(他),可知填"他自己(himself)",故填himself。
    (5)考查连词。句意:李从小就对模型飞机感兴趣。分析句子可知此处是时间状语,又根据前面Li has been interested in model planes(李对模型飞机感兴趣)是现在完成时,可知此处表示"从他小的时候",故填since。
    (8)考查名词。句意:"但我最大的困难是缺乏成年人的理解,"李说。根据前面Throughout the process of building the plane,he came across many failures.(在制造飞机的整个过程中,他遇到了许多失败。)后面was the lack of understanding from adults(是缺乏成年人的理解),可知此次表示"最大的困难",the+形容词最高级,the biggest最大的,后接名词单数,difficult(困难的)的名词形式是difficulty,故填the biggest difficulty。
    (9)考查动词不定式。句意:但是我决定继续努力工作。根据前面decided决定,又根据decide to do sth.决定做某事,故填to。
    (10)考查冠词。句意:他说他梦想成为一名飞机工程师。根据后面plane engineer(飞机工程师)可知此处填不定冠词,又根据plane辅音音素开头,故填a。
    8.(10分)Trees are one of the oldest"citizens(公民)"of our Earth.They clean our air,reduce noise pollution,improve water quality and provide food and building materials.
    Just like us,trees change a lot as they grow.From I to 3 years old,young trees learn how to protect themselves.For example,many trees grow thorns(刺) to warn animals not to go near.Most young trees have large,deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.
    Do you know?
    What's the date today?
    It's March 12th.
    What day is it today?
    It's Tree Planting Day.

    When trees are 4 years old,they begin to grow very rapidly and become strong enough to face challenges later in life.At the age of 15,trees become young adults.They grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit.
    It is not until the tree is 20 to 25 years old that it becomes a real adult.The tree reaches its largest size.The adult tree gives us shade,oxygen and natural beauty,and it is also a great place for a tree house,or a place for us to read a book,listen to music and so on.If we give the adult tree proper care,it will go on to live healthily for many years.
    Gradually,trees begin to grow older and older and even die.At this time,they will have their important place in nature.When a tree becomes hollow(空心的) or part of it becomes dead,it provides a home for small animals.
    In many ways,the life of a tree is similar to our own life experience.When we are looking at the life of a tree,we learn that each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge.Enjoy every minute of the life of the trees and take care of the trees!

    (1)Why do most young trees have large,deep green leaves?
     Because they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy. 
    (2)When is Tree Planting Day?
     It's March 12th. 
    (3)What can a tree be used as when it becomes hollow?
     It is used as a home for small animals. 
    (4)Why should we enjoy every minute of our own life according to the passage?
     Because each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge. 
    (5)If you see someone cut down trees,what should you do?Why?(开放题)
     I will stop them because trees are good for protecting the environment. 
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Most young trees have large,deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.(大多数小树有深绿色的大叶子以便它们能获取足够的阳光,并把它转化为它们的食物和能量。)可知小树的大叶子可以获取足够的阳光并转化为它们的食物和能量。故填Because they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.
    (2)细节理解题。根据文中It's March 12th.It's Tree Planting Day.(今天是3月12日。今天是植树节。)可知植树节在3月12日。故填It's March 12th.
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段When a tree becomes hollow(空心的) or part of it becomes dead,it provides a home for small animals.(当树变成空心的或者一部分死亡时,它给小动物提供了家园。)可知当树变成空心时,小动物可以把它当成家。故填It is used as a home for small animals.
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段When we are looking at the life of a tree,we learn that each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge.(当我们看树的一生,我们学到生命中的每一个阶段都有它自己的快乐和挑战。)可知人类的生命像树一样,每个阶段都有它自己的快乐和挑战,所以我们要珍惜生命中的每一分钟。故填Because each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge.
    (5)观点表达题。答案合理即可。如果你看到有人砍树,你会怎么做?我会制止他们因为树木对保护环境有好处。故填I will stop them because trees are good for protecting the environment.
    9.(20分)假设你叫李华。你们学校将要举行以"How to Eat in a Healthy Way"为题的演讲比赛,请你准备写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
    How to Eat in a Healthy Way
    Hello,everybody.I'm Li Hua.Today my topic is how to eat in a healthy way.
    Thank you for your listening!
    How to Eat in a Healthy Way
    Hello,everybody.I'm Li Hua.Today my topic is how to eat in a healthy way.Firstly,we should never eat fried food or foods with lots of sugar because they are not good for health.【高分句型一】Secondly,try to eat more vegetables and fruit.Because they can make us become much healthier【高分句型二】.(我们应该少吃、不吃及多吃的食物有哪些,并说明原因)
     My eating habits are good.For example,I often eat healthy foods,like wholemeal bread,eggs,vegetables and milk for breakfast and rice,noodles,and vegetables for dinner.(描述自己的健康饮食习惯)
     I hope everyone can eat in a healthy way.(希望大家都有个好的饮食习惯)
    Thank you for your listening!

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