I. Listening comprehension
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Cats are actually surprisingly bad at catching rats
If you are annoyed by rats, think twice about getting a cat. A cat might lead to the appearance of a rat-free home, but it turns out that the rats are still there. They are just keeping a low profile.
“Cats are not the natural enemy of rats,” says Michael Parsons of Fordham University, New York. “They prefer smaller prey.”
His team ___1___ (study) a rat colony at a recycling plant in New York in the past few years. When cats moved into the plant last year, the researchers were disappointed, but decided to set up cameras ___2___(monitor) the area.
Over five months, they saw just three attempts by cats to catch rats, only two of ___3___succeeded.
Cats have good reasons to be cautious. The common rat has large teeth that can give a painful bite and carry lots of diseases. They also ___4___(weigh) 340 grams on average—compared with 25 grams for a mouse.
Parsons thinks that only starving cats will attempt to catch rats, ___5___ the rats are sick or injured. The two rats ___6___(kill) during the team’s study may have been weakened by eating poisoned food, he says.
However, cats do have a big influence on rat behaviour. “Rats overestimate the risk caused by cats,” says Parsons. His team found that when cats are in the area, rats spend much more time in ___7___(hide) and move around cautiously. That means they are much less likely to be seen by people, which could explain ___8___ most people wrongly think cats are good at killing rats.
Some cat owners may ___9___(convince) their pets are excellent ratters. But Parsons has found that many people mistake mice ____10____rats. That said, it is possible there are a few exceptional cats that do take on healthy, adult rats, he says.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. contributors B. describing C. distinct D. favorites E. invitations F. limits G. name H. pleasurable L recall J. unexplored K. useful |
The unique joy of learning new words
With all that’s happening in the news, life can feel like an exercise in determining the particular kind of bad we are experiencing. Are we anxious or depressed? Lonely or stressed?
Tim Lomas, a senior lecturer in positive psychology at the University of East London, is engaged in the opposite effort: analyzing all the types of well-being that he can find. Specifically, Lomas is seeking to uncover psychological insights by collecting untranslatable words that describe ____11____ feelings we don’t have terms for in English. “It’s almost like each one is a window onto a new landscape,” Lomas says. So far, with the help of many ____12____ he has collected nearly 1,000 in what he calls a “positive lexicography (词典学)”.
People are fascinated with untranslatable words in part because they are ____13____: How else could we talk to each other about the guilty pleasure of schadenfreude? But Lomas also sees them as a means of showing us “new possibilities fbr ways of living,” describing them as ____14____ for people to experience happy phenomena that may previously have been “hidden from them” or to take delight in feelings they couldn’t previously ____15____. Consider the Japanese ohanami, a word for gathering with others to appreciate lowers.
Linguists (语言学家) have long argued about how much the language we speak-partly determined by factors like geography and climate—____16____ the thoughts we are capable of having or the actions we can take. “The worlds in which different societies live are ____17____ worlds not merely the same world with different labels attached,” wrote the theorist Edward Sapir.
Studying the words in Lomas’ collection, at the least, is a means of reflecting on ways that we can feel good. When asked for one of his ____18____, the psychologist lists the German Femweh, which describes a longing to travel to distant lands, a kind of homesickness for the ____19____. Also delightful is the Danish morgenfrisk, _____20_____ the satisfaction one gets from a good night’s sleep, and the Latin otium, highlighting the joy of being in control of one’s own time.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Most forms of conventional advertising — print, radio and broadcast television — have been losing ground to online ads for years; only billboards, dating back to the 1800s, and TV ads are holding their own. Such out-of-home advertising, as it is known, is expected to____21____ by 3.4% in 2022, and digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, which includes the LCD screens found in airports and shopping malls, by 16%. Such ads draw viewers5 attention from phones and cannot be skipped or ____22____, unlike ads online.
Billboard owners are also ____23____ the location data that are pouring off people’s smartphones. Information about their owners’ locations and online browsing gets collected and sold to media owners. They then use these data to work out when different groups — “business travellers”, say — walk by their ads. That____24____ is added to insights into traffic, weather and other external data to produce highly relevant ads. DOOH ____25____ can deliver ads for coffee when it is cold and iced drinks when it is warm.
Such ____26____ works particularly well when it is accompanied by “programmatic” advertising methods, a term that describes the use of data to automate and improve ads. In the past year billboard owners such as Clear Channel and jcDecaux have ____27____ programmatic platforms which allow brands and media buyers to select, purchase and place ads in minutes, rather than days or weeks. It is said that outdoor ads will increasingly be bought like online ones, based on audience and views as well as____28____.
That is possible because billboard owners claim to be able to ____29____ how well their ads are working even though no “click-through” rates are involved. Data firms can tell advertisers how many people walk past individual advertisements at particular times of the day. Advertisers can estimate how many individuals ____30____ to an ad for a handbag then go on to visit a nearby shop (or website) and buy the product. Such metrics make outdoor ads more____31____ -driven, automated and measurable, argues Michael Provenzano, co-founder of Vistar Media, an ad-tech firm in New York.
However, the outdoor-ad revolution is not ____32____ -free. The collection of mobile-phone data raises privacy concerns. And ____33____ of the online-ad business for being vague, and occasionally dishonest, may also be targeted at the OOH business as it becomes bigger and more complex. The industry is ready to____34____ such concerns, says Jean-Christophe Conti, chief executive of VIOOH, a media-buying platform. One of the____35____ of following the online-ad pioneers, he notes, is learning from their mistakes.
21. A. shrink B. grow C. disappear D. emerge
22. A. obtained B. blocked C. separated D. arranged
23. A. making progress in B. getting engaged in C. becoming part of D. taking advantage of
24. A. value B. record C. knowledge D. feeling
25. A. opponents B. providers C. learners D. instructors
26. A. adding B. collecting C. targeting D. producing
27. A. changed B. forbidden C. cleared D. launched
28. A. marketing B. evolution C. location D. branding
29. A. measure B. wonder C. notice D. forget
30. A. devoted B. opposed C. related D. exposed
31. A. concept B. data C. customer D. research
32. A. stress B. conflict C. injury D. problem
33 A. aspects B. demands C. criticisms D. details
34. A. address B. share C. reflect D. emphasize
35. A. benefits B. difficulties C. challenges D. conditions
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Kim Hyo Jin, a shy junior high school student, stood before her American teacher. The smiling teacher held up a green pepper and asked in clear English: “What is this?”
“Peemang!” answered the South Korean teenager, who then covered her mouth with a hand as if to stop — too late — the Korean word that had left her mouth.
Embarrassed, she tried again. Without looking the teacher in the eye, she held both her hands out and asked, this time in English: “May I have green pepper?”
Kim took the vegetable with a bow, and ran back to her classmates, feeling relieved that she had successfully taken a small first step toward overcoming what South Koreans consider one of their biggest weaknesses in global competitiveness: the fear of speaking in English to westerners.
Kim was among 300 junior high school students going through a weeklong training in this new “English Village.” The complex looks like a mini-town transplanted from a European country to this South Korean countryside. It has its own immigration office, city hall, bookstore, cafeteria, gym, a main street with Western storefronts, police officers and a live-in population of 160 native English speakers. All signs are in English, the only language allowed.
Here, on a six-day course that charges each student 80,000 won, or $82, pupils check in to a hotel, shop, take cooking lessons and make music videos — all in English. There are language policemen around, punishing students speaking Korean with a fine in the village currency or red dots on their village passports.
South Korea has become one of the most aggressive countries in Asia at teaching English to its citizens. Outside the school system, parents are paying an estimated 10 trillion won a year to help their children learn English at home or abroad. Nevertheless, many college graduates are afraid of chatting with native speakers. That, linguists say, is a result of a national school system that traditionally stresses reading and memorization of English grammar and vocabulary at the expense of conversation.
In Korea University of Seoul, 30 percent of all classes are now in English. Speaking English with a native accent has become a status symbol.
36. What was Kim Hyo Jin’s problem?
A. She spoke English with a Korean accent.
B. She dared not talk with westerners in English.
C. She was afraid of looking at her English teacher.
D. She kept staying with her Korean classmates.
37. Which of the following is true of the “English Village”?
A. It is located in a European country.
B. It houses 460 Korean students in a week.
C. Students will be punished for not speaking English.
D. Students take turns to serve as language policemen.
38. What can be learned about the way that Korean students learn English at school?
A. There aren’t enough English classes given to students.
B. Students don’t have enough chances to practise speaking.
C. Emphasis is placed on students’ ability to communicate.
D. Grammar and vocabulary is taught by old-fashioned methods.
39. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A. Let’s Read in English B. English as a Global Language
C. A Hunger for English Lessons D. Change in Koreans’ Attitude to English
The livelihood of each species depends on the existences of other organisms. This interdependence is sometimes vague, sometimes obvious. Perhaps the most straightforward dependence of one species on another occurs with parasites, organisms that live on or in other living things and get nutrients directly from them. The parasitic way of life is widespread, A number of micro-organisms (including viruses and bacteria) and an army of invertebrates (无脊椎动物)make their livings directly at the expense of other creatures. In the face of this attack, living things have evolved a variety of defense mechanisms for protecting their bodies from invasion by other organisms.
Certain fungi (真菌)and even some kinds of bacteria release substances known as antibiotics into their external environment. These substances are capable of killing or preventing the growth of various kinds of bacteria that also occupy the area, thus eliminating or reducing the competition for nutrients. The same principle is used in defense against invaders in other groups of organisms. For example, when attacked by disease-causing fungi or bacteria, many kinds of plants produce chemicals that help to fight off the invaders.
Members of the animal kingdom have developed a variety of defense mechanisms for dealing with parasites. Although these mechanisms vary considerably, all major groups of animals are capable of detecting and reacting to the presence of “foreign” cells. In fact, throughout the animal kingdom, there is evidence that transplants of cells or parts of tissues into an animal are accepted only if they come from closely related individuals.
The ability to distinguish between “self” and “nonself” while present in all animals, is most efficient among vertebrates, which have developed an immune system as their defense mechanism. The immune system recognizes and takes action against foreign invaders and transplanted tissues that are treated as foreign cells.
40. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How organisms react to invaders.
B. How parasites reproduce themselves.
C. How antibiotics work to cure disease.
D. How the immune systems of vertebrates developed.
41. According to the passage, some organisms produce antibiotics in order to ________.
A. aid digestion
B. fight off other organisms
C. prevent disease in humans
D. create new types of nutrients
42. According to the passage, the ability to distinguish between ”self and “nonself’ enables vertebrates to ________.
A. get rid of antibiotics
B accept transplanted cells
C. detect and react to invasion
D. weaken their immune system
As Frans de Waal, a primatologist (灵长动物学家), recognizes, a better way to think about other creatures would be to ask ourselves how different species have developed different kinds of minds to solve different adaptive problems. Surely the important question is not whether animals can do the same things humans can, but how those animals solve the cognitive (认知的) problems they face, like how to imitate the sea floor. Children and some animals are so interesting not because they are smart like us, but because they are smart in ways we haven’t even considered.
Sometimes studying children’s ways of knowing can cast light on adult-human cognition. Children’s pretend play may help us understand our adult taste for fiction. De Waal’s research provides another interesting example. We human beings tend to think that our social relationships are rooted in our perceptions, beliefs, and desires, and our understanding of the perceptions, beliefs, and desires of others—what psychologists call our “theory of mind.” In the 80s and 90s, developmental psychologists showed that pre-schoolers and even infants understand minds apart from their own. But it was hard to show that other animals did the same. “Theory of mind” became a candidate for the special, uniquely human trick.
Yet de Waal’s studies show that chimps (黑猩猩) possess a remarkably developed political intelligence—they are much interested in figuring out social relationships. It turns out, as de Waal describes, that chimps do infer something about what other chimps see. But experimental studies also suggest that this happens only in a competitive political context. The evolutionary anthropologist (人类学家) Brain Hare and his colleagues gave a junior chimp a choice between pieces of food that a dominant chimp had seen hidden and other pieces it had not seen hidden. The junior chimp, who watched all the hiding, stayed away from the food the dominant chimp had seen, but took the food it hadn’t seen.
Anyone who has gone to an academic conference will recognize that we may be in the same situation. We may say that we sign up because we’re eager to find out what other human beings think, but we’re just as interested in who’s on top. Many of the political judgments we make there don’t have much to do with our theory of mind. We may show our respect to a famous professor even if we have no respect for his ideas.
Until recently, however, there wasn’t much research into how humans develop and employ this kind of political knowledge. It may be that we understand the social world in terms of dominance, like chimps, but we’re just not usually as politically motivated as they are. Instead of asking whether we have a better everyday theory of mind, we might wonder whether they have a better everyday theory of politics.
43. According to the first paragraph, which of the following shows that an animal is smart?
A. It can behave like a human kid.
B. It can imitate what human beings do.
C. It can find a solution to its own problem.
D. It can figure out those adaptive problems.
44. Which of the following statements best illustrates our “theory of mind”?
A. We talk with infants in a way that they can fully understand.
B. We make guesses at what others think while interacting with them.
C. We hide our emotions when we try establishing contact with a stranger.
D. We try to understand how kids’ pretend play affects our taste for fiction.
45. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Neither human nor animals display their preference for dominance.
B. Animals living in a competitive political context are smarter.
C. Both humans and some animals have political intelligence.
D. Humans are more interested in who’s on top than animals.
46. By the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, the writer means that ________.
A. we know little about how chimps are politically motivated
B. our political knowledge doesn’t always determine how we behave
C. our theory of mind might enable us to understand our theory of politics
D. more research should be conducted to understand animals’ social world
Section C
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Changing Someone’s Mind at the Dinner Table
Family gatherings can bring up topics we prefer to avoid. With the festive season in full swing, it might be hard to stay away from some annoying relatives. At some point, you know they will say something like: ”Genetically modified foods are not safe to eat“ or ”Climate change is a conspiracy”. (Surely, all these statements are untrue.)
____47____ “Is it worth making an effort to correct people?” says Jason Reifler at the University of Exeter, UK, who studies ways of challenging misperceptions. I think so. ____48____
Obviously, it is far more difficult to prove false beliefs wrong than to spread them.
Take a classic: “The climate has always changed, it’s nothing to do with humans.” To fight this, you need to explain how the world is now warming at an alarming rate, when otherwise it would be cooling slightly were it not for our carbon dioxide emissions.
____49____ “Parallel” arguments can often highlight logical errors very effectively says John Cook of George Mason University, Virginia. For instance, the “climate is always changing” myth is like claiming that because people have always stolen from each other, leaving your house unlocked won’t increase the risk of burglary (入室抢劫).
But you need to be aware of the backfire (适得其反的)effect. ____50____ This was discouraging news for the fight against false beliefs. “The last thing you want to do when debunking (驳斥) misinformation is make matters worse,” wrote Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky at the University of Bristol, UK, in The Debunking Handbook, a short guide published in2011. However, more recent studies are far more encouraging. It’s not as common as we initially thought,“ says Lewandowsky.
A. This is the idea that trying to change someone’s false belief can make them believe it more strongly.
B. However, more recent studies are far more encouraging.
C. Anyone can spread a lie, but it usually takes a bit of time and knowledge to explain why a statement is wrong.
D. But sometimes there are shortcuts to make your point convincing.
E. If you are not sure of the facts, do some web browsing on your phone rather than trying to wing it.
F. If this happens, you don’t have to just sit there quiet.
IV. Summary Writing
51. Summary Writing
Working Around
According to the latest statistics, young men and women from the UK are leaving their country in large numbers because they want to work abroad. Is the idea of working abroad fact or fiction and what is it like to work in another country?
In order to find answers to these questions, the Guardian newspaper recently interviewed British workers in France, Germany, Spain and Holland. What they discovered was that if you have a marketable skill and can speak the language of the country you are in, then you will have no problem finding work. Let’s take the following examples. Peter Tate moved to France in 1991. He had studied lighting design in England and had worked for eleven years in theatres around the country. He wanted a different lifestyle and certainly didn’t expect to get a job in his field immediately.
He did a number of different jobs until he was finally hired by Disneyland Paris in 1992. First he worked there as a lighting technician, then he eventually got a job in design. After all his experience, he says that you have to be realistic about finding exactly the kind of job you want abroad. “The theatre is a small world,” he explains. “Jobs are usually found through contracts. I had to get to know people first and I didn’t speak very good French when I first arrived.”
He admits that his poor level of French was a big problem. He did a three-month language course before he moved to France permanently, but this still was not enough. He says that if you want to get a good job in another country, you have to be able to speak the language well. A lack of language skills is the main problem when trying to find work in Europe.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
52. 这场失利暴露出这支全新队伍的不足之处。(expose)(汉译英)
53. 这个区域有9个大小不一、形态各异的湖泊。(vary) (汉译英)
54. 正当我因为出差无人照顾家中小猫而一筹莫展时,邻居主动伸出了援助之手。(offer) (汉译英)
55. 那篇小学生作文之所以得到人们的共鸣,就是因为它指出了我们对日常生活的漫不经心。 (The reason) (汉译英)
VI. Guided Writing
56. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
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