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    这是一份江苏省扬州市2022-2023高二下学期期末政治试卷+答案+听力音频,文件包含江苏省扬州市2022-2023高二下学期期末英语试卷+答案docx、高二英语下学期英语期末听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。


     高二英语 2023. 6


    第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)



    1. What is the woman doing?

    A. Listening to the radio. B. Watching TV. C. Playing a game.

    2. What is the man’s Chinese animal?

    A. Rabbit. B. Horse. C. Snake.

    3. Where is the butter?

    A. In the cupboard. B. In the drawer. C. Beside the fridge.

    4. Why didn’t David show up?

    A. He forgot the date. B. It was raining. C. He was ill.

    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. The housework. B. Weekend plans. C. The weather.




    6. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Former classmates. B. Fellow workers. C. Teacher and student.

    7. What is Gayle doing?

    A. Asking for help. B. Making an invitation. C. Sharing her experience.


    8. How old is Jays a now?

    A. 8. B. 12. C. 14.

    9. Why did Jays a give the speech?

    A. To encourage people to do research.

    B. To urge the coal plant to shut down.

    C. To raise money for her health problems.


    10. Who might the woman be?

    A. A waitress. B. An air traveler. C. A flight attendant.

    11. What does the man ask the woman to do at first?

    A. Change his seat. B. Bring him some food. C. Open his window shade.

    12. What will the man have?

    A. Tea and a chicken salad. B. Milk and a beef hamburger. C. Coffee and a turkey sandwich.


    13. When did the washing machine first breakdown?

    A. A few weeks ago. B. About five days ago. C. Yesterday.

    14. What does the man think of the problem?

    A. Annoying. B. Easy. C. Difficult.

    15. How does the man deal with the washing machine?

    A. He changes a new motor. B. Here places it for a new one. C. He puts the motor back in place.

    16. What will the woman do next?

    A. Pay for the repairs. B. Check the machine. C. Have something to drink.


    17. Why does the speaker go to France?

    A. To study. B. To visit her friends. C. To meet her family.

    18. Where is the speaker now?

    A. At the airport. B. At school. C. On the plane.

    19. What does the speaker say about her parents?

    A. They were proud of her. B. They haven’t seen her for 5 days. C. They got used to living without her.

    20. How does the speaker sound in the end?

    A. Worried. B. Determined. C. Excited.

    第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)




    One of the most important aspects of a healthy community is a clear platform for communication. Here are some of them for you to use in 2023.

     Partner Groups

    Partner Groups is a common and free option to gather and grow a community of like-minded people. Whether you’re a businessman or an advertiser, Partner Groups can get your community in front of more people than almost any other community platform. With almost everyone on Partner Groups, the members will operate the platform easily.


    Heartbeat is another community app, offering mass update capabilities and the import and export of member data whenever necessary. Heartbeat allows for content management and efficient event management. Users can build an active community so that every message makes its way to the people who need to see it the most.


    Circle is a community platform that offers a bit of everything. Customer communities, education course communities, start-ups, or clubs can all get what they need to start their communities. Circle offers away for users to build a well-organized community. It also offers a lot to an experienced community manager.


    Discourse is an open-source community app that allows community creators to build their own perfect platform. While this means you may need a bit of background knowledge with open-source tools, it also means that your community will look and feel exactly the way you want. It runs on all the major browsers (浏览器) so that everyone in your community can participate.

    21. What character does Partner Groups have?

    A. Charging users for good service. B. Requiring the professional training.

    C. Attracting users with similar interests. D. Helping the community management.

    22. Which app can reflect creators’ purpose?

    A. Partner Groups. B. Heartbeat. C. Circle. D. Discourse.

    23. Where can the text be found?

    A. In science fiction.  B. In a tech website.

    C. In an entertainment paper. D. In an art magazine.


    In the U.S.A., labor songs are traditionally stories of struggle and pride, of timeless demands for respect and the hope for a better life. Sometimes they represent old songs with new words. One example is “We Shall Not Be Moved”. It uses the music and many of the same words of an old religious song.

    Also, many classic American labor songs came from workers in the coalmines of the South. In some cases, there were open wars between oppressed (被压迫) labor activists and coalmine operators. Once, in Harlan County, company police searched for union leaders. They went to one man’s home but could not find him there. So they waited outside for several days. The coal miner’s wife, Florence Reece, remained inside with her children. She wrote the well-known song, “Which Side Are You On?”

    Probably the most famous labor songwriter in America was Joe Hill. He was born in Sweden and came to the United States in the early 1900s. He worked as an unskilled laborer. Joe Hill joined the Industrial Workers of the World. More than any other union, they used music in their campaigns, urging members to “sing and fight”. One of Joe Hill’s best-known songs is “Casey Jones”. It uses the music from a song about a train engineer. In the old song, Casey Jones is a hero. He bravely keeps his train running in very difficult conditions. In Joe Hill’s version, Casey Jones is no hero. His train is unsafe. Yet he stays on the job after other workers have called a strike against the railroad company.

    Another American labor song is called “Bread and Roses”. That term was connected with the women’s labor movement. The song was based on a poem called “Bread and Roses” by James Oppenheim. The poem was published in The American Magazine in December of 1911. At that time, conditions in factories were already a national issue. In 1911, a fire at a clothing factory in New York had taken the lives of 146 people. The victims were mostly immigrant women. The following month there was a famous strike by textile workers. Due to the encouragement of the poem, they won higher pay and better working conditions.

    Since then, labor songs gained more attention. Union activists also realize that labor songs can unite and help people feel strong. This can be true even when the music has nothing to do with unions.

    24. What can we know about Joe Hill?

    A. He was good at creating encouraging labor songs.

    B. He was a train driver against the railroad company.

    C. He was a leader running laborer union successfully.

    D. He was famous for singing labor songs for workers.

    25. What is the background of “Bread and Roses”?

    A. Immigrant women found no job to do. B. Workers couldn’t get overall earnings.

    C. Women had no right to be textile workers. D. Textile workers worked in hard conditions.

    26. How does the author argue for his opinion?

    A. By asking questions.  B. By listing numbers.

    C. By making comparisons. D. By providing examples.

    27. What is the main idea of this passage?

    A. The way the labor songs formed. B. The history of the labor union.

    C. The reason for labor movements. D. The introduction to labor freedom.


    Some milk drinkers like what they call “real milk,” also known as raw milk. This is milk that has not been homogenized (均质处理的) or pasteurized (巴氏消毒的). Homogenization is the mixing process that keeps all the fat from rising to the top. Pasteurization kills bacteria with heat. Ultra-pasteurized milk is quickly heated to an even higher temperature, which keeps it fresh in stores longer. In the United States, health officials warn that drinking raw milk can be dangerous and even deadly. But the popularity seems to be growing because supporters say raw tastes better than pasteurized.

    In all of the fifty states but Michigan, people are permitted to buy raw milk only for animals. But only farms in twenty-eight states can sell it for humans, under restrictions that differ from state to state. People may also buy raw milk in stores in California, Connecticut, Maine, New Mexico and South Carolina. Besides, some people who live where the sale of raw milk is banned get it through a system of cow shares. People buy shares of cows. Other people get raw milk through milk clubs or cooperatives. Some of these clubs operate outside the law.

    In 1924, the United States Public Health Service proposed rules against the interstate sale of raw milk. Today forty-six states have passed what is known as the Pasteurized Milk Law. The exceptions are Pennsylvania, California, New York and Maryland. Earlier this year, federal health officials had another warning for the public about raw milk. They warned of the risks from bacteria including salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, campylobacter and brucella. There is no meaningful nutritional difference between pasteurized and raw milk, as supporters say. And raw milk is natural because it does not contain compounds (化合物) that kill harmful bacteria, as some also say. Among them, some activists accuse the government of a prejudice against raw milk. They argue that outbreaks of sickness from drinking it are not as widespread as reports have suggested.

    28. Why do health officials consider raw milk risky?

    A. Because it contains too much fat. B. Because it is too fresh to drink at once.

    C. Because it holds bacteria bad for health. D. Because it tastes better than pasteurized.

    29. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

    A. How to promote raw milk. B. How to operate cow clubs.

    C. How to get milk for humans. D. How to get a raw-milk permit.

    30. Why do some people buy cow shares?

    A. To take in the essence of real milk. B. To obtain raw milk as cow owners.

    C. To form clubs to sell raw milk legally. D. To avoid punishment for selling raw milk.

    31. What is raw-milk supporters’ common view?

    A. Raw milk cannot cause some sickness at all.

    B. Raw milk can kill harmful bacteria by itself.

    C. Raw milk should be legally consumed now.

    D. Raw milk should be traded with prejudice.


    Taking a trip to the grocery store with an empty belly is a risky business, as anyone who ever went to the market on an empty stomach and exited with a cart (手推车) full of chips and cookies can prove. We wonder how our brain works when making bigger decisions. A study conducted by researchers from the University of Dundee shows why we may want to have a small bite before making a big decision.

    Benjamin Vincent from the University of Dundee’s Psychology department and his co-author Jordan Skyrnka tested 50 people two times: once when they followed their normal eating patterns and once when they did not eat anything during the day. Using three different types of rewards (food, money, and song downloads) , the team discovered that when people were hungry they would choose a smaller reward immediately rather than a larger one in the future. In fact, the team noted that when presented with the option of receiving the reward now versus (……相对) double the award at some point in the future, participants would usually volunteer to wait for 35 days to earn a double bonus, but when they were hungry, they said they would only wait three days.

    “We wanted to know whether being in a state of hunger had a specific effect on how you make decisions only relating to food or if it had broader effects, and this research suggests decision-making gets more present-focused when people are hungry,” Vincent said in a story about the study on the university’s website.

    In an earlier study of the subject by a team at Cambridge University in England, the researchers noted that serotonin (血清素) plays an important role in the decision-making process. “Since the raw material for making serotonin—an amino acid (氨基酸) called tryptophan—only comes from diet, levels of the chemical decline between meals,” reports a piece in the Telegraph about the study. “This can lead to decision-making resistance and thoughtlessness, say the team. Some foods are particularly rich in the amino acid, notably chicken soup and chocolate. Red meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds, bananas, tuna, shellfish, and soy products are also good sources.” Consequently, being in a state of hunger can throw your decision-making off balance. It’s best to grab a snack and refuel before making any important choice.

    32. What could a hungry customer do at a grocery store?

    A. Purchase too many snacks. B. Eat more food than usual.

    C. Wander longer than before. D. Buy many small necessities.

    33. What did Vincent discover in the study?

    A. Hunger may have no effect on decision-making.

    B. Hunger may cause people to choose an instant prize.

    C. Hungry people prefer future rewards to present ones.

    D. Hungry people are more patient than non-hungry people.

    34. What can a decline in serotonin levels lead to?

    A. Positive influences.  B. Negative results.

    C. Energetic behaviors.  D. Favorable responses.

    35. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. How to make a diet plan before a dinner. B. Where to pick up food when shopping.

    C. Why not choose snacks when in hunger. D. What to eat before making a big decision.



    Is your glass of milk half-full or half-empty? This saying is often used to test people’s outlook in a situation; do they focus on the positives (a half-full glass) or the negatives (a half-empty one)? Thinking positively, with a belief that most things will turn out fine, is called optimism and it’s known to boost your well-being.    36    

    Why is thinking positively good for you?

    Research shows that people who are optimistic and think positively tend to experience less stress and cope well when faced with life’s challenges. People who are more pessimistic (expect that the worst will happen) may find it hard to believe that these challenges will pass. Scientists have even found that thinking positively can make you live longer.     37     This is because you believe your goals are achievable and within reach, which encourages you to work towards them.


    Everybody can worry from time to time. Worrying can help to keep you safe. If you were never worried and were greatly positive about how things would turnout, you wouldn’t recognize risks. “Worrying is our brain warning us that there might be something threatening, which functions as a fire alarm.” says child psychotherapist (心理治疗师) Rachel. “The trouble is that sometimes it goes off when there isn’t a huge danger to face.”     39   

    You should learn to think positively.

    Optimism is shaped by your genes, which carry characteristics obtained from your parents, and by what happens to you.     40     Research has shown that it can help to draw or write an outcome that’s positive, like an image of you playing guitar and having passed your next grade. Imagining this can motivate you to work to achieve it, such as practising everyday afterschool.

    A. Worrying is like a fire alarm.

    B. Avoid worrying is beneficial to our health.

    C. Asking others for help positively makes sense.

    D. The good news is that everybody can learn to think more positively.

    E. When this happens, you can feel anxious and hopeless about what lies ahead.

    F. However, whatever your starting point is, you can learn to be more optimistic.

    G. Being positive about the future goals can make you happier and more successful.

    第三部分  语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



    Zibo city has unexpectedly become famous overnight on Chinese social media since late February for its local barbecue. The latest promotion gives visitors   41   admission to 10 tourist attractions in the city with their train ticket as long as their final   42   is Zibo.

    This measure   43   the previous round-trip “barbecue tour” train between Jinan and Zibo. Passengers on the train are   44   by a banner (横幅) reading “Welcome to the Special BBQ Train”. They also   45   items including leaflets about Zibo’s culture, small gifts and snacks. Many also took videos and posted them on social media, drawing more visitors. “The high-speed trains are   46   with passengers,” wrote one netizen.

    Barbecue is popular in China,   47   Zibo’s barbecue is unique. Its made on a stove, and is   48   with flatbread (薄饼) and dressings (蘸料). The skewers (烤肉串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves, which lends a sense of   49  .

    The barbecue   50   became a hit after a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal and   51   them. Since then, many people, mostly the young, have   52   the city to try the dish. On several streets,   53   can be seen outside barbecue restaurants, which stretch for more than 100 meters.

    Zibo barbecue is bringing more and more people to the city, and the local government needs to think about how to   54   the city as a whole, and its culture and tourism. The trend will eventually endif the local government doesn’t take   55   follow-up measures.

    41. A. formal B. free C. limited D. necessary

    42. A. departure B. preparation C. destination D. quarter

    43. A. follows B. inspires C. ensures D. affects

    44. A. greeted B. blocked C. wrapped D. reminded

    45. A. reject B. sell C. share D. receive

    46. A. covered B. packed C. equipped D. surrounded

    47. A. and B. or C. but D. so

    48. A. steamed B. fried C. served D. boiled

    49. A. direction B. community C. security D. participation

    50. A. suddenly B. obviously C. slightly D. constantly

    51. A. downloaded B. posted C. deleted D. hid

    52. A. dived into B. knocked into C. poured into D. broken into

    53. A. passers-by B. fires C. sights D. lines

    54. A. promote B. transform C. beautify D. invest

    55. A. temporary B. proper C. fair D. common



    A farewell party for 22-year-old Ya Ya at Memphis Zoo took place last Saturday. Ya Ya, a giant panda, was surrounded by bamboo and given a special ice cake made of grapes, sugar cane (甘蔗) , and cookies,   56   (take) on a harmonious scene, according to pictures and videos shared online,

    In 2006, Ya Ya began to lightly shed fur,   57   skin issue leading to fur loss, which worsened in 2014. Ya Ya’s health   58   (weigh) on a majority of Chinese people. And online, people started pressing for Ya Ya’s return to China.

    Since the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens received reports of Ya Ya’s poor health condition, Chinese experts have swung   59   action to assist in the care of Ya Ya to ensure her health and well-being. “Contrary to   60   most netizens might assume, Ya Ya is in a relatively stable (稳定的) health condition other than the fur loss, having a good appetite and stable weight. China will get Ya Ya home   61   (safe) at the fastest speed,” spokesperson of Chinas ministry of foreign affairs, Wang Wenbin, said on Tuesday.

    On April 27t, Ya Ya returned to Shanghai, safe and sound. One of the local   62   (resident) said, “The number of people waving at Ya Ya’s aircraft before it lands in Shanghai   63   (be) beyond our imagination. Having anticipated Ya Ya’s return for a longtime, we, at this moment, are so   64   (excite)! It is crucial that Ya Ya be exposed to a familiar circumstance   65   is of great benefit to her health recovery.” To our shock, Chinese peoples affection for Ya Ya hasnt reduced despite the elapse (流逝) of 20 years.

    四部分  写作(共两节,满分40分)


    430日,振华中学为高二学生举办了主题为“学生择业指导与促进(Guidance and Promotion of Student Career Choices)”的专家讲座,并取得圆满成功。请你用英语为校英文报撰写一篇报道,鼓励同学们明晰自己的职业与人生规划。









    With only a week before Easter knocked on their door, Faith, the eldest daughter, sat at her old sewing machine—a special gift from her late mother aside from her sewing skills. Her father, George, lost his arm in an accident.

    “Let’s have a festive dinner, Dad!” she told George. “We haven’t celebrated anything since Mom’s death.”

    “Honey, I barely have any money left.”

    “But,” he added. “I can buy some groceries to make a big one.”

    “Perfect!” Faith screamed.

    In the street, no one noticed George carrying the groceries alone with only one arm. One of his shopping bags slipped and he knelt topic kit up, unaware of an SUV rushing toward him. The harm was done before George could act, with groceries scattering everywhere.

    Faith turned around after hearing her father scream but couldn’t locate him. When she dashed down the street, she found George in front of the SUV.

    The driver was rushing to get to a meeting and didn’t notice George. She stuffed the money in George’s fist and was about to leave. But George refused.

    “I maybe poor, but I can’t take it. My father didn’t raise me to become such a man. Have a good Easter. Try to be more empathetic to others if possible!”

    The rich woman couldn’t believe it.

    “Sorry, Faith. You have to go through Easter without a dinner.” George said.

    “Dad, don’t say that,” Faith wrapped her arms around her father and told him not to worry. She had a brilliant idea!

    For the next two days, Faith didnt sleep a wink (整夜未合眼). She sat at her old sewing machine, making new garments (服装) for an online sale. Luckily, everyone loved Faith’s designs.

    On Easter morning, Faith got a strange message from a woman named Emma, who was interested in her designs and wanted to meet her. Faith was so delighted and wrote a reply, accepting the meeting.

    The next day, Faith got up early, George preparing breakfast. When she heard the sound of tires, she raced to the window and saw a familiar SUV pull up.



    As Faith opened the door, followed by George, she found herself face-to-face with a fashion woman she’d never forget. _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Emma bought the dress from Faith, and Faith took the money politely. __________________________________






















    第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)

    1-5 BAACB 6-10 ABCBC 11-15 ACBBC 16-20 AACAB


    第一节  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)

    21-23 CDB 24-27 ADDA 28-31 CCBC 32-35 ABBD

    第二节  七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)

    36-40 DGAEF


    第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

    41-45 BCAAD 46-50 BCCDA 51-55 BCDAB

    第二节  短文填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

    56. taking 57. a 58. weighed 59. into

    60. what 61. safely 62. residents 63. is

    64. excited 65. that/which

    第四部分  写作(共两节,满分40分)

    第一节  应用文(满分15分)

    April 30th witnessed a career guidance lecture titled “Guidance and Promotion of Student Career Choices” in the school auditorium. All second-year students of Zhenhua High School attended the lecture, which went with a bang.

    Equipped with valuable insights on how to choose a career path and plan for the future, the lecture was found informative and inspiring. Also, it emphasized the importance of self-awareness, enabling students to explore different career options and set achievable goals, which were warmly embraced by students

    It’s high time that all students should make clear career and life plans, living life to the fullest

    第二节  读后续写(满分25分)

    As Faith opened the door, followed by George, she found herself face-to-face with a fashion woman she’d never forget.So you’re Emma?” Faith asked. “I can’t believe this!” “And you’re… Faith?” she paused. “Wait a minute! You’re the girl… the poor man’s daughter! Sorry, sorry, that day, I rushed for a meeting. Now I apologize for being brainless.” Sensing her sincerity, Faith and George accepted her apology and greeted her. Emma was moved by the family’s generosity and wondered if Faith could pick a dress for her. “Sure!” Faith nodded with a radiant smile. (75)

    Emma bought the dress from Faith, and Faith took the money politely. But she could barely conceal her inner excitement, saying, “I just need the money to get my family a good Easter dinner!” George felt blessed that Emma had come to their help when they really needed it. “But it is your daughter’s genuine efforts and love for a family that made the dinner eventually come true!” Emma exclaimed. The Easter dinner was plain and simple but the whole family was quite contented with its delicacy. (77)


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