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    Monarch butterflies (黑脉金斑蝶) are common in North America. What makes monarchs interesting is their migration (迁徙). They travel to find food, or     1     warmer weather. Every autumn, monarchs     2     black and orange wings begin a long journey to the south.

    However, until recently no one knew     3     they did this. Scientists have found out that the monarchs can tell the time of day. They use their eyes to measure the     4     of the sun. These two pieces of information—the time of day and the place where the sun is in the sky—allow the monarchs to decide the way to go. Finally, the monarchs make it     5     to reach the places where they will spend the winter.

    1Acare for Blook for Cprepare for Dwait for

    2Aon Bat Cwith Dunder

    3Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhere

    4Asize Bshape Cposition Dtemperature

    5Auseful Brelaxing Cnecessary Dsuccessful


    If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The book is quite interesting and popular among kids. Even if I am an adult now, the book is     6     one of my favorites. After re-reading the book recently, I have     7     an important lesson from Tom Sawyer.

    In our daily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring     8    . What’s in your mind when your mother     9     you to do some chores? Have you ever wanted to complain (抱怨)? I think most people have.

    Tom Sawyer, however, had a different thought when he was given a boring task. One day, Aunt Polly told Tom to     10     the fence (篱笆). Tom was doing his job, when his friend Ben Rogers happened to pass by. Instead of complaining, Tom told Ben that he felt “    11    ” about the task. “Only one in a thousand—maybe even two thousand—boys can do this!” Tom said.

    Tom’s words made Ben interested in the task. He even gave Tom his apple so that he could have a     12     to paint the fence. If Tom had thought about     13     but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the fence.

    This story teaches me a valuable lesson: Complaining is     14    . The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don’t complain. Unlike what happens in the story of Tom Sawyer, it is unlikely that someone will come and do the work for you. So, don’t complain,     15     you’ll feel better and perhaps even do a better job!

    6Ajust Bstill Ceven Dhardly

    7Alearned Btaught Cgiven Dattended

    8Astories Bwords Ctasks Dlessons

    9Atrusts Ballows Chelps Dasks

    10Apaint Brepair Cexamine Dcross

    11Abored Bexcited Cunexpected Ddisappointed

    12Amethod Bhobby Cdream Dchance

    13Aeverything Banything Cnothing Dsomething

    14Auseless Bendless Cpowerful Dwonderful

    15Aif Bor Cbut Dand




    Do you love sunflowers? This article will walk you through how to plant your sunflower seeds and care for them. Start it with the best temperatures: 18~33℃.

    Part 1 Germinating (使发芽) Sunflower Seeds

    1. Choose one kind you like.

    2. Put the seeds in a plastic bag. Cover the seeds with wet paper towels. Put them in plastic bags.

    Once the seeds germinate, plant them.

    Part 2 ______

    1. Choose a sunny location. Sunflowers grow best with six to eight hours of sunlight a day.

    2. Plant the seeds in holes. Plant seeds 2.5 cm deep and 15 cm apart. Cover the seeds with soil after planting.

    Part 3 Caring for Sunflower Plants

    1. Water plants weekly. Water plants once a week.

    2. Fertilize a little or not at all. If you are growing sunflowers for your own enjoyment, there is no need to fertilize.

    3. Harvest (收获) the seeds. Sunflowers usually take 80 to 120 days to mature (成熟) and produce new seeds.


    ◆Protect the young plants from pests (害虫). Cover the ground with nets.

    ◆Support plants over 90 cm with sticks.

    16Which temperature is the most suitable to plant sunflowers?

    A B C D

    17Which of the following can be put in ______?

    APlanting Sunflower Seeds BConsidering Seeds Quality

    CWatering Sunflower Plants DChecking the Temperature

    18If you plant your seeds in April, you may harvest in ______.

    AJanuary BMay CJuly DNovember

    19______ can be used when the sunflowers are 95 cm tall.

    ASticks BNets CPaper towels DPlastic bags

    20Where is the article probably from?

    AA notice board. BA travel guide.

    CA planting diary. DA gardening magazine.


    It is more than sixty years since the death of Lei Feng, and yet his spirit of selflessness is still alive, inspiring Chinese young people. In fact, the wish to help others can always be found among common people.

    On September 5, 2022, when an earthquake hit Luding, Sichuan, 28-year-old hydropower station (水电站) worker Gan Yu chose not to leave but stay at his workplace, saving villages downstream from being flooded. People think he is a hero like Lei Feng, but he doesn’t feel that he should be compared to the young hero. “Lei Feng is a role model to all Chinese young people. The things he did may seem small, but behind them was a nobility (高贵的品质) that we can all achieve,” he said.

    Zeng Qiangfei, 24, is also from Sichuan. In 2013, when an earthquake happened in his hometown, he was studying in a middle school. Zeng remembered seeing rescuers (救援者) and volunteers gather there to help. When he grew up, he became a volunteer himself. After a terrible quake hit Turkey and Syria this year, he flew there to help. During the rescue, he always saw local people bowing quietly to rescuers like them. “I grew up listening to Lei Feng’s stories. He is an excellent young man who spared no effort to help others,” said Zeng.

    This view is shared by a 56-year-old British man named James Elroy Edginton, who lives in Hunan, the hometown of Lei Feng. Working at a local college, Edginton volunteers to help students from poor families, and is warmly regarded as a “foreign Lei Feng”. “I am honored to be connected with the spirit of Lei Feng. His qualities are timeless and borderless,” he said.

    21Which of the following words can best describe Gan Yu?

    AResponsible. BSmart. CPatient. DCareful.

    22Why did Zeng Qiangfei become a volunteer when he grew up?

    ABecause he wanted local people to thank him.

    BBecause he was quite moved by Gan Yu’s story.

    CBecause he learned about volunteering at school.

    DBecause he was influenced greatly by volunteers.

    23Which one of the statements below is a fact according to the passage?

    AGan Yu is a hero like Lei Feng. BZeng Qiangfei is warm-hearted.

    CLei Feng’s hometown is in Hunan. DEdginton is a “foreign Lei Feng”.

    24How does the writer support his idea?

    ABy listing numbers. BBy giving examples.

    CBy making surveys. DBy asking questions.

    25What’s the best title for the passage?

    AThe ways of helping others BThe spirit of Lei Feng never dies

    CThe stories of young heroes DChinese volunteers are everywhere


    Recently, a research on how a new virtual reality (VR虚拟现实) experience educated children about the fire disasters (灾害) was done. The new VR experience was developed by the University of South Australia, hoping to educate children to learn how to be safe in a fire. It presents a situation for children aged 10—12. In the situation, they are tasked to look after a friend’s dog just before a fire event begins. They take part in a set of problem-solving activities to help save and protect themselves and the dog.

    The findings showed that over 80% of children could calmly tell the advantages and disadvantages of different choices. They also learned to make wise decisions to protect themselves from a fire. Children thought it especially important and meaningful, because 91% of them didn’t have knowledge of fires at the beginning, and 67% had said that they were too young to make safety decisions in a fire.

    The researchers believed such VR experiences made it possible to engage, educate and empower the young. “As children born in modern times, they are interested in such technology and they can experience events in a real situation yet within the safe environment,” said Delene Weber, one of the researchers. “Well-designed VR can provide children with surprisingly valuable learning tools.” Meanwhile, because children have fewer life experiences, aren’t as physically strong, and are less likely to have learned much about fire safety, they’re often most at risk. However, the role that children play in the fire safety at their homes should not be underestimated (低估). “Children don’t need to be always waiting for help in disasters. With these VR experiences, we can make children understand the risks and realize they can help,” said Weber.

    26What’s the purpose of the new VR experience?

    ATo describe children’s reactions to fire disasters.

    BTo teach children to save themselves in a fire.

    CTo introduce ways of avoiding a fire to children.

    DTo increase children’s interest in VR experiences.

    27From the findings, what’s the children’s attitude (态度) towards the new VR experience?

    ADoubtful. BWorried. CUncertain. DSupportive.

    28Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word “engage” in Para.3?

    engage /εn’geɪdʒ/

    verb en·gaged, en·gag·ing.

    ①to draw one’s attention and keep them interested

    ②to give somebody a job

    ③to begin fighting with somebody

    ④to fit one part of a machine into another so they can work

    A B C D

    29From Para. 3, we mainly get to know the ________ of the new VR experience.

    ADevelopment Badvantages Cquality Dintroduction

    30According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

    AChildren make no difference in the fire safety at their homes.

    BVR experiences are mainly designed for children in high school.

    CWell-designed VR can offer children amazingly valuable learning tools.

    D91% of children believed they weren’t old enough to make safety decisions.





    Daily newspapers in Britain and the United States

    Newspapers in Britain can be divided into the quality newspapers (more serious newspapers) and the popular newspapers. Quality newspapers are for readers who want full information on public things.     31     They also carry sports, cultural events, travel news and book reviews.

        32     People who want funny news prefer reading them. They have large headlines (标题), a lot of big photos, and news about famous people.

    The Times is the most famous of the quality newspapers. It began in 1785.     33     The Sun, founded in 1964, is the most successful of the popular newspapers. It sells more than any other daily newspaper.     34   

    In the United States, you can find the quality newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post.     35     You can buy the bigger ones all over the country. The US also has a lot of tabloids (小报), such as The New York Daily News, which are similar to British tabloids.

    AAround four million people read it every day.

    BPopular newspapers are also known as tabloids.

    CIn Britain, there are also several daily and weekly newspapers.

    DThey usually have the name of the city where they are produced.

    EThey have home and international news, and financial (金融的) reports.

    FIt is read by important people such as officers, lawyers and businessmen.





    How can I become a better person? This question has been in my head for long. As students, we spend most of our time    36    (study). I know that learning at school    37    (make) us better persons, but I always dream of doing more.

    Last year, I got to know a group of autistic (患自闭症的) children. We called    38    (they) “the Snails”. It was hard to communicate with them at first, because they wouldn’t like to. After    39    two-week training, I became more skilled and got    40    (close) to them day by day. I also received much    41    (please) when playing with them. What’s more, I found that every one of “the Snails” had his or her own talent. And their colorful pictures on the wall caught my special attention,    42    it was difficult to tell what they were trying to express.

        43    (deep) moved by their pictures, I decided to hold a charity (慈善) sale. We walked on the busy street, selling their creative pictures. 60 pictures    44    (sell) that day. People thought their pictures were full    45    imagination.

    Back to the question about how to become a better person, I think I’m lucky enough to get my own answer.





    As winter comes, hands can easily get cold. Thick gloves might be a good choice, but sometimes wearing them is inconvenient. However, this was not a problem for ancient Chinese people, who had a fine tool to warm their hands: hand warmers.

    There is one folk story about its invention. Emperor Yang from the Sui Dynasty visited Jiangsu in winter. Because of the cold, a local official asked craftsmen (工匠人) to make a small warmer for the emperor that could be held in his hands. So, the hand warmer was created.

    By the Song Dynasty, the warmers had become popular among the common people. Skills for producing the tool were widely used in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Many poets from this period kept a record of people using hand warmers.

    In the early days, copper () was generally used in the production process. It was more suitable than silver, iron and porcelain because it could transfer (传导) heat better, while reducing the risk of breakage or corrosion (腐蚀). Inside a hand warmer, there were coals, some of which were mixed with flowers, giving off a nice smell when burned.

    Ancient hand warmers had different designs. Round, square and octagonal shapes were typical, and there were also some fashioned shapes which looked like pumpkins, flowers and turtle shells. The patterns on the warmers would usually be animals or symbols with good meanings, such as deer, flowers or the Chinese characters for long life.

    How ancient people warmed their hands in winter


    Hand warmers: a fine tool for ancient Chinese people to keep their hands     46    .


    The history

    ●In the Sui Dynasty:

    Craftsmen made a small warmer for Emperor Yang.

    ●By the Song Dynasty:

    The popularity of the warmers had risen.

    ●In the Ming and Qing Dynasties:

    Many poets     47     the use of hand warmers.

    The   48 

    ●The outside: copper I

    It could transfer heat better.

    It reduced the risk of breakage or corrosion.

    ●The     49    : coals, some mixed with flowers

    The designs

    The designs of the ancient hand warmers were not the     50    .

    ●Shapes: typical shapes and fashioned shapes

    ●Patterns: animals or symbols with good meanings




    51.你校英语报以“Where there is a will, there is a way(有志者事竟成)为题向全校学生开展征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:








    Where there is a will, there is a way

    Have you heard of the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”? It means _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    1B    2C    3A    4C    5D



    6B    7A    8C    9D    10A    11B    12D    13C    14A    15D


    16C    17A    18C    19A    20D


    21A    22D    23C    24B    25B


    26B    27D    28A    29B    30C


    31E    32B    33F    34A    35D



    36studying    37makes    38them    39a    40closer    41pleasure    42although/though    43Deeply    44were sold    45of


    46warm    47recorded    48materials    49inside    50same



    Where there is a will, there is a way

    Have you heard of the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”? It means if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will eventually find a way to do it well. The important point is that you must have the will to achieve success.

    Take me for example. Speaking English used to be difficult for me. In Grade 7, I couldn’t speak English clearly and my classmates always laughed at me. With my English teacher’s help, I made plans to improve it. I read English texts aloud for an hour every morning. I also made a foreign friend online. I talked to her twice a week. She helped me correct the way I spoke English. Day by day my spoken English improved a lot. Last month I won first prize in my school’s English Speech Contest.

    This experience has taught me that nothing is too difficult as long as you make the decision to do it, just the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way”.



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