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    Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous religious buildings in the world.Here are some of the famous people buried at Westminster Abbey.
    Charles Dickens
    Charles Dickens,who died in 1870,is buried in Poets' Corner,the resting place and remembrance location for writers of all kinds.
    Dickens is known for many of his works,and A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities are two of his most widely known works.It was popular opinion among the people and his fellow writers that Dickens should be buried in Westminster Abbey.
    Stephen Hawking
    Hawking was a scientist,physicist,and author,who died in 2018.Carved onto his stone is a series of rings,surrounding a darker central ellipse (椭圆).The ten characters of Hawking's equation express his idea that black holes in the universe are not entirely black but send out a glow that would become known as Hawking radiation.
    His epitaph (墓志铭) reads, "HERE LIES WHAT WAS MORTAL OF STEPHEN HAWKING".
    Laurence Olivier
    Famous actor Laurence Olivier is also buried in Westminster Abbey.Born in 1907,his career began on the stage in England,and he eventually became a film legend until his death in 1989.
    It's well known that he had won Academy Awards,while also being honoured with special Oscars.Olivier's grave is located in the South Transept in Poets' Corner of the Abbey,in front of Shakespeare's memorial.
    Isaac Newton
    Sir Isaac Newton is considered one of the most important scientists of all time.He was a physicist,mathematician,and astronomer.He formulated the Law of Motion as well as the Law of Universal Gravitation.
    Artist William Kent designed Newton's complex funerary monument,and it was sculpted by Michael Rysbrack.
    1. When did the author of A Christmas Carol die? ______
    A. In 1870. B. In 1907. C. In 1989. D. In 2018.
    2. What do Charles Dickens and Laurence Olivier have in common? ______
    A. They won Academy Awards.
    B. They were buried in Poets' Corner.
    C. They were praised by Shakespeare.
    D. They were famous actors and writers.
    3. Whose funerary monument was designed by William Kent? ______
    A. Charles Dickens's. B. Stephen Hawking's.
    C. Laurence Olivier's. D. Isaac Newton's.
    Peter Kline has run over 100 marathons — a huge feat in itself.But what makes him so remarkable is that he has finished 45 of those marathons while pushing young people with disabilities in front of him.Kline wants them to know the joy of running too.
    Kline started hitting the pavement when he was in his early 50s after running a 10 K with his nephew.Eventually,he began running marathons — with the goal of qualifying for Boston's famous race.And,years later,he did.
    His friend Scott Patrick was diagnosed (诊断) with glioblastoma,a deadly brain cancer,and asked Kline to run the race to raise money for cancer research.Kline helped Patrick and other volunteers raise about ﹩60,000.Patrick passed away the same year,but not before Kline gifted him the finisher's medal.
    Being able to help others through his beloved sport made an impression.Kline,now 66,told CBS News he knew of a father-son duo (二人组) who would run races together — the father pushing his son with disabilities as he completed the course.But,he wondered, "What about kids who don't have a dad to do that?"
    After being connected to a woman with two daughters who have cerebral palsy (脑瘫),he decided to run the Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon in 2012 with one of the girls.The little girl loved it,and Kline said his mission to share his love of the sport "just started rolling".He has named the mission, "Marathons with Meaning".
    The young people he pushes have ranged in ages from 8 to 32 and have many types of disabilities,from cerebral palsy to traumatic brain injuries. "They love it.It's like their Super Bowl," Kline gushed. "They absolutely love the sounds,the noises,the feelings.As for the other runners,they're always very generous.They give them high-fives."
    4. Whom did Kline start to run long-distance race with? ______
    A. His nephew. B. His friend. C. His son. D. A little girl.
    5. Why did Kline run the Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon in 2012? ______
    A. To win a medal.
    B. To raise money for cancer research.
    C. To draw attention to people with cerebral palsy.
    D. To let young people with disabilities experience the fun of running.
    6. Which of the following words can best describe Kline? ______
    A. Social and strict. B. Humorous and brave.
    C. Determined and caring. D. Ambitious and reasonable.
    7. What did other runners think of Kline's running with disabled children? ______
    A. They supported it.
    B. They thought little of it.
    C. They expressed their objection.
    D. They didn't understand such behaviour.
    A Dutch city will become the first in the world to ban meat adverts from public spaces in an effort to reduce consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (排放).Haarlem,which lies to the west of Amsterdam and has a population of about 160,000,will enact the prohibition from 2024 after meat was added to a list of products thought to contribute to the climate crisis.
    Adverts will not be allowed on Haarlem's buses,shelters and screens in public spaces,causing complaints from the meat sector that the city government is "going too far in telling people what's best for them".
    Recent studies suggest global food production is responsible for one-third of all planet-heating emissions,with the use of animals for meat accounting for twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods.Forests that absorb carbon dioxide are cut down for the grazing (放牧) of animals while fertilisers used for growing their feed are rich in nitrogen (氮),which can contribute to air and water pollution and climate change.Livestock also produces large quantities of methane (甲烷),a powerful greenhouse gas.
    Ziggy Klazes,a councillor from the GroenLinks party,who drafted the law banning meat advertising,said she had not known the city would be the world's first to enforce (执行) such a policy when she proposed it.She told the Haarlem105 radio channel, "We are not about what people are baking and roasting in their own kitchen;if people wanted to continue eating meat,fine...Of course,there are a lot of people who find the decision unacceptable,but there are also a lot of people who think it's fine."
    The ban also covers holiday flights,fossil fuels and cars that run on fossil fuels.The ban is delayed until 2024 due to existing contracts with companies that sell the products.
    Research suggests that to meet the EU target of net zero emissions by 2050,meat consumption must be reduced to 24 kg per person per year,compared with the current average of 82 kg,or 75.8 kg in the Netherlands,which is the EU's biggest meat exporter.
    8. What does the underlined word "enact" in Paragraph 1 probably mean? ______
    A. Lift. B. Keep. C. Draft. D. Pass.
    9. What's the attitude of people from meat sectors to the new law? ______
    A. Acceptable. B. Dissatisfied. C. Uncared. D. Supportive.
    10. What's the main idea of the third paragraph? ______
    A. The seriousness of air pollution.
    B. The benefits of eating plant-based foods.
    C. The reasons for banning meat adverts in public.
    D. The importance of protecting the environment.
    11. What's the maximum meat consumption for Dutch people annually to meet the EU 2050 target of net zero emissions? ______
    A. 24 kg per person. B. 82 kg per person.
    C. 75.8 kg per person. D. 105 kg per person.
    COVID-19 changed a lot—how we socialized,where we went,and even what work looked like.A new study shows the pandemic (流行病) may have changed our personalities as well.
    Psychologists have long believed that a person's characters stayed pretty much the same,even in the wake of stressful events.But by looking at pre-pandemic levels of neuroticism (神经质),extraversion (外向),openness,agreeableness and conscientiousness (勤奋而细心) and comparing that to data collected in 2021 and 2022,researchers found clear personality changes among the United States population.
    "The pandemic was an opportunity to see how a collective stressful event may impact personality," said lead study author Angelina Sutin,a professor of medicine at Florida State University.
    Extraversion,agreeableness and conscientiousness all declined in the US population in the years following the start of the pandemic,particularly in young adults,according to the study,published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One.
    Why were younger adults more impacted?We don't know for sure,Sutin said,but there are theories. "Personality is less stable in young adults.Then at the same time,the pandemic disturbed what young adults are supposed to be doing.They're supposed to be in school or starting their careers.Then,everything was changed.However,the results didn't hold true for each person."
    Researchers examined the data through the five-factor model,which hypothesizes (提出假说) that the various personality characters can come down to five important qualities:neuroticism,extraversion,openness,agreeableness and conscientiousness.
    Over the entire population they examined,researchers found a declining trend in neuroticism in 2020,but the changes were small.Once they took 2021 and 2022 data into account,researchers saw a more significant decrease in extraversion,openness,agreeableness and conscientiousness.Neuroticism also increased over this time.That is especially significant considering how important those characters are,Sutin said.For example,conscientiousness is important for academic and work outcomes,as well as relationship and physical health,she added.
    12. How do researchers get their study results? ______
    A. By comparing data collected in different periods.
    B. By collecting data from different people.
    C. By making experiments in a university.
    D. By building a five-factor model.
    13. Which of the following would Sutin probably agree with? ______
    A. Personality is more stable in old adults.
    B. The study results hold true for every person.
    C. Younger adults are less impacted during the pandemic.
    D. American people are more likely to be influenced.
    14. Which one of the qualities is important for relationship and physical health? ______
    A. Neuroticism. B. Extraversion.
    C. Openness. D. Conscientiousness.
    15. What's the best title for the text? ______
    A. Pandemic Has a Great Impact on People's Life
    B. Young Adults Adapted Quickly During the Pandemic
    C. Different Personality Characters Influence Social Relationships
    D. People Experienced Personality Changes During the Pandemic

    Become a Better English Student with These Study Tips
    ●Study every day.
    Learning any new language is a time-consuming process,more than 300 hours by some estimates.Rather than try and cram (临时死记硬背) a few hours of review once or twice a week,most experts say short,regular study sessions are more effective. (1) ______
    ●Keep things fresh.
    Instead of focusing on one single task for the entire study session,try mixing things up.Study a little grammar,then do a short listening exercise,then perhaps read an article on the same topic.Don't do too much. (2) ______ The variety will keep you engaged and make studying more fun.
    ●Read,watch,and listen.
    Reading English-language newspapers and books,listening to music,or watching TV can also help you improve your written and verbal comprehension skills.By doing so repeatedly,you'll begin to unconsciously absorb things like pronunciation,speech patterns,accents,and grammar.Keep pen and paper handy and write down words you read or hear that are unfamiliar. (3) ______ Use them the next time you are role- playing dialogues in class.
    ●(4) ______
    Even advanced students of English can struggle to learn prepositions (介词),which are used to describe duration,position,direction,and relationships between objects.There are literally dozens of prepositions in the English language (some of the most common include "of" "on" and "for") and few hard rules for when to use them.Instead,experts say,the best way to learn prepositions is to memorize them and practise using them in sentences.Study lists such as this one are a good place to begin.
    ●Write it down.
    Repetition is the key as you're learning English,and writing exercises are a great way to practise.Take 30 minutes at the end of class or study to write down what happened during your day. (5) ______ By making a habit of writing,you'll find your reading and comprehension skills improve over time.

    A.Practise your prepositions.
    B.20 minutes on three different exercises is plenty.
    C.There are a number of words in the English language.
    D.Some words are spelled differently and have different meanings.
    E.Then,do some research to learn what those new words mean.
    F.It doesn't matter whether you use a computer or pen and paper.
    G.As little as 30 minutes a day can help you improve your English skills over time.
    16.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    17.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    18.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    19.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    20.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

    Cheerleading (啦啦操) is a popular traditional sport at my school,and we have won many awards.Before joining the (1) ______ ,I had no idea what cheerleading was,but the impressive performances did catch my eye.So,I tried out for the team.
    This team-based sport involves pyramids,jumps and dance.As a (2) ______ ,I had to give it my all in order to (3) ______ my teammates.Aiming to improve my physical strength and flexibility,I tried some (4) ______ exercises,like push- ups.Running,jumping and leg presses were all part of my daily routine.
    Through regular (5) ______ ,my flexibility has improved a lot.And my (6) ______ was the key to my progress.As the city contest was (7) ______ ,our team practised more often every day.We expected to amaze the audience with a wonderful show.
    Then,the big day came.We were excited to (8) ______ .We helped each other apply makeup,and we stretched our arms and legs with the dance routine running through our minds.Our (9) ______ finally came.Taking deep breaths,we put our (10) ______ together and shouted "Fight!" before taking centre stage.I felt extremely nervous.At one point,I nearly (11) ______ while doing a twirl (旋转).Thankfully,I regained my calmness and the rest of the show went (12) ______ .When the judge announced that our team won first place,tired as I was,I felt a great sense of (13) ______ .
    Thanks to this (14) ______ team sport,I have become more confident.I have also learned how to (15) ______ with others as I did with cheerleading and face challenges bravely.
    21.  A. competition B. party C. team D. club
    22.  A. beginner B. leader C. specialist D. teacher
    23.  A. take control of B. look up to C. make fun of D. catch up with
    24.  A. targeted B. easy C. costly D. gentle
    25.  A. training B. pattern C. treatment D. check
    26.  A. confidence B. determination C. skill D. duty
    27.  A. organizing B. fighting C. approaching D. holding
    28.  A. dress up B. mark out C. flee away D. get through
    29.  A. notice B. result C. turn D. activity
    30.  A. arms B. hands C. feet D. ears
    31.  A. forgot B. quit C. flew D. fell
    32.  A. patiently B. quickly C. smoothly D. eagerly
    33.  A. purpose B. direction C. humour D. achievement
    34.  A. demanding B. professional C. major D. popular
    35.  A. play B. argue C. cooperate D. chat
    36. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Red Cross is an international organization that cares for people (1) ______ are in need of help.The Red Cross (2) ______ ( exist) in almost every country around the globe.A man in a Beijing hospital who needed blood,a woman in Turkey who (3) ______ ( injure) in an earthquake,and a family in Indonesia that lost their home in Tsunami may all be aided by the Red Cross.
    The idea of (4) ______ ( form) an organization to help people in need began with Jean Dunant.In 1859,he (5) ______ ( careful) observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Paris.He wanted (6) ______ ( help) the wounded soldiers despite which side they were fighting for.His efforts brought on the Geneva Convention (公约),an international treaty.It protects (7) ______ ( prisoner) of war,the sick and wounded,and other citizens during a war.
    Aside from being (8) ______ activist,Henry Dunant was also a businessman and author.He wrote the book A Memory of Solferino to keep his memories of Battle of Solferino.He was among those who witnessed the battle in Italy.The book is what led (9) ______ the foundation of International Committee of the Red Cross — ICRC in 1863.Though he was (10) ______ ( success) at some point in his life,he later went from riches to rags (穷人).
    37. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jeff来信说他痴迷于刷短视频,对学习失去了兴趣,很苦恼。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Jeff,

    Yours sincerely, Li Hua

    38. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The day began as usual,with my husband,Alan,entering his office in our home to catch up on paperwork and participate in conference calls.He had worked his way up the corporate ladder (阶梯) and now managed multiple stores for a national restaurant chain.From my spot in the kitchen,I could hear him speaking on the phone to his boss.Suddenly,I overheard words that seemed unusual.When he exited his office moments later,my fears were confirmed.Alan was fired.I hugged my sweet husband as my heart sank,and my mind raced.What were we going to do?Would we lose our house if we couldn't afford to pay our mortgage (房屋抵押贷款)?
    "We'll be fine," he said.
    "I know," I responded.
    But,frankly,neither one of us was very convincing.
    I wanted to go back in bed and pull the covers over my head,but I had to get to my own job.So,I quickly showered,dressed,and made my way to work.I was a few hours into my shift when I received a call from the surgeon's office.I had been noticing some strange lumps (肿块) in my neck,and he'd been in the process of performing several tests to figure out the cause.
    "It's lymphoma (淋巴瘤).You have cancer," he stated,way too matter-of-factly.I distinctly remember my precise response, "What?" I must have misheard.It sounded like he said I had cancer,but that was completely funny.I was a healthy runner.
    Cancer was out of the question.Wasn't it?The surgeon repeated those terrible words.It was true:Cancer was in my body.
    Alan pulled me into his arms when I arrived home,and I cried as he held me tight. "Someday in the future,we're going to write about today," he whispered in my ear, "and we'll call it Worst Day Ever.But we had to be strong and do something."
    We both got right to work.
    It eventually paid off and good news came.

    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Charles Dickens部分Charles Dickens,who died in 1870,is buried in Poets' Corner,the resting place and remembrance location for writers of all kinds.(查尔斯•狄更斯于1870年去世,葬在诗人角,这里是各种作家的安息之地和纪念地)以及Dickens is known for many of his works,and A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities are two of his most widely known works.(狄更斯以其许多作品而闻名,《圣诞颂歌》和《双城记》是他最广为人知的两部作品)可知,《圣诞颂歌》的作者狄更斯是1870年去世的。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据Charles Dickens部分Charles Dickens,who died in 1870,is buried in Poets' Corner,the resting place and remembrance location for writers of all kinds.(查尔斯•狄更斯于1870年去世,葬在诗人角,这里是各种作家的安息之地和纪念地)以及Laurence Olivier部分Olivier's grave is located in the South Transept in Poets' Corner of the Abbey,in front of Shakespeare's memorial.(奥利弗的坟墓位于教堂诗人角的南耳堂,莎士比亚纪念碑前)可知,两位名人都被葬在诗人角。A.They won Academy Awards.他们获得了奥斯卡奖;B.They were buried in Poets' Corner.他们被埋在诗人之角;C.They were praised by Shakespeare.他们受到了莎士比亚的赞扬;D.They were famous actors and writers.他们是著名的演员和作家。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Isaac Newton部分Artist William Kent designed Newton's complex funerary monument,and it was sculpted by Michael Rysbrack.(艺术家William Kent设计了牛顿复杂的葬礼纪念碑,并且它是由Michael Rysback雕刻的)可知,艾萨克•牛顿的葬礼纪念碑是由艺术家William Kent设计的。故选D。

    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段中Kline started hitting the pavement when he was in his early 50s after running a 10 K with his nephew.(Kline在50岁出头的时候和侄子一起跑完10公里后开始跑步)可知,Kline是和他的侄子一起开始长跑的。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第五段The little girl loved it,and Kline said his mission to share his love of the sport "just started rolling".He has named the mission, "Marathons with Meaning".(小女孩很喜欢这项运动,Kline说他分享自己对这项运动的热爱的使命"才刚刚开始"。他将这项任务命名为"有意义的马拉松")可以推测出,Peter Kline此次参加马拉松,目的是让残疾孩子享受跑步的乐趣。故选D。
    (3)观点态度题。从文章首句Peter Kline has run over 100 marathons(Peter Kline已经跑了100多场马拉松)可知,Kline跑了100多次马拉松,可以看出他是坚定的;从第三段中Kline helped Patrick and other volunteers raise about ﹩60,000.(Kline帮助Patrick和其他志愿者筹集了大约6万美元)和最后一段中The young people he pushes have ranged in ages from 8 to 32 and have many types of disabilities,from cerebral palsy to traumatic brain injuries.(他帮助的年轻人年龄从8岁到32岁不等,他们有多种残疾,从脑瘫到创伤性脑损伤)可知,Kline帮助残疾人找到跑步的乐趣以及帮助为癌症研究筹集资金,可以看出他很有爱心。A.Social and strict.社交和严格的;B.Humorous and brave.幽默又勇敢的;C.Determined and caring.有决心,有爱心的;D.Ambitious and reasonable.野心勃勃又通情达理的。故选C。
    (4)观点态度题。根据文章最后一段As for the other runners,they're always very generous.They give them high-fives.(至于其他选手,他们总是很慷慨。他们会跟他们击掌)可以看出,其他跑步的人是支持Kline帮助残疾人跑马拉松的。故选A。
    本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了慷慨热心的Peter Kline帮助残疾孩子跑马拉松,让他们享受跑步的乐趣。

    【解析】(1)词句猜测题。根据第四段的she had not known the city would be the world's first to enforce (执行) such a policy when she proposed it(当她提出这一提议时,她并不知道这座城市将是世界上第一个执行这一政策的城市)可知,划线词所在句子的意思是"Haarlem位于阿姆斯特丹以西,人口约为16万,在肉类被列入被认为会导致气候危机的产品清单后,该市将从2024年开始通过这一禁令",enact的含义是"通过(法律)",和pass意思相近。A.Lift.举起来;B.Keep.保持;C.Draft.起草;D.Pass.通过。故选D。
    (2)观点态度题。根据第二段Adverts will not be allowed on Haarlem's buses,shelters and screens in public spaces,causing complaints from the meat sector that the city government is "going too far in telling people what's best for them".(Haarlem的公交车、候车亭和公共场所的屏幕将不允许出现广告,这引起了肉类行业的抱怨,称市政府"在告诉人们什么对他们最好方面做得太过了"。)可以推测出,肉类行业对于法律的态度是不满意的。A.Acceptable.可以接受的;B.Dissatisfied.不满意的;C.Uncared.不关心的;D.Supportive.支持的。故选B。
    (3)段落大意题。根据第三段的Recent studies suggest global food production is responsible for one-third of all planet-heating emissions,with the use of animals for meat accounting for twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods.Forests that absorb carbon dioxide are cut down for the grazing (放牧) of animals while fertilisers used for growing their feed are rich in nitrogen (氮),which can contribute to air and water pollution and climate change.Livestock also produces large quantities of methane (甲烷),a powerful greenhouse gas.(最近的研究表明,全球粮食生产占全球温室气体排放总量的三分之一,而食用动物肉类造成的污染是生产植物性食品的两倍。吸收二氧化碳的森林被砍伐以放牧动物,而用于种植饲料的肥料含有丰富的氮,这可能导致空气和水污染以及气候变化。牲畜还会产生大量的甲烷,这是一种强大的温室气体。)可知,第三段主要讲的是生产肉类对环境的不好的影响,因此第三段主要讲禁止在公共场合做肉类广告的原因。A.The seriousness of air pollution.空气污染的严重性;B.The benefits of eating plant-based foods.食用植物性食物的好处;C.The reasons for banning meat adverts in public.禁止公开肉类广告的原因;D.The importance of protecting the environment.保护环境的重要性。故选C。
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段Research suggests that to meet the EU target of net zero emissions by 2050,meat consumption must be reduced to 24 kg per person per year,compared with the current average of 82 kg,or 75.8 kg in the Netherlands,which is the EU's biggest meat exporter.(研究表明,要达到欧盟2050年净零排放的目标,肉类消费量必须减少到每人每年24公斤,而目前的平均消费量为82公斤,荷兰是欧盟最大的肉类出口国,人均消费量为75.8公斤。)可以得知,研究表明,要实现欧盟2050年净零排放的目标,肉类消费必须减少到每人每年24公斤,荷兰人同样如此。故选A。

    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段But by looking at pre-pandemic levels of neuroticism (神经质),extraversion (外向),openness,agreeableness and conscientiousness (勤奋而细心) and comparing that to data collected in 2021 and 2022,researchers found clear personality changes among the United States population.(但是通过观察大流行前神经质、外向性、开放性、随和性和责任心的水平,并与2021年和2022年收集的数据进行比较,研究人员发现美国人的性格发生了明显的变化。)可知,为了得到研究研究结果,研究人员比较了不同时期收集的数据。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第五段Personality is less stable in young adults(年轻人的性格不太稳定。)可以推测出:岁数大的成年人性情更稳定。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段For example,conscientiousness is important for academic and work outcomes,as well as relationship and physical health,she added.(例如,尽责性对于学业和工作成果,以及人际关系和身体健康都很重要。)可知,对于人际关系和身体健康而言,尽责性很重要。A.Neuroticism.神经质;B.Extraversion.外向性;C.Openness.开放性;D.Conscientiousness.尽责性。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。通读全文,结合文章第二段Psychologists have long believed that a person's characters stayed pretty much the same,even in the wake of stressful events.But by looking at pre-pandemic levels of neuroticism (神经质),extraversion (外向),openness,agreeableness and conscientiousness (勤奋而细心) and comparing that to data collected in 2021 and 2022,researchers found clear personality changes among the United States population.(心理学家长期以来一直认为,一个人的性格几乎保持不变,即使是在紧张事件发生后。但是通过观察大流行前神经质、外向性、开放性、随和性和责任心的水平,并与2021年和2022年收集的数据进行比较,研究人员发现美国人的性格发生了明显的变化。)同时结合文章的其它内容可知,本文主要介绍了一项科学研究的结果:新冠发生以来,人们的性格因为受到防疫措施的影响而发生了改变。选项D.People Experienced Personality Changes During the Pandemic(在疫情期间,人们经历了性格的改变)符合题意,故选D。

    【解析】(1)联系上文题。上文most experts say short,regular study sessions are more effective (大多数专家表示,短时间的、有规律的学习更有效。)提出短时间、有规律的学习更有效,G项"每天只要30分钟就可以帮助你提高英语水平。"承接上文,给出具体建议:每天只要30分钟,照应本段主题句"Study every day",上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
    (2)联系上文题。上文Instead of focusing on one single task for the entire study session,try mixing things up.Study a little grammar,then do a short listening exercise,then perhaps read an article on the same topic.Don't do too much. (在整个学习过程中,不要把注意力集中在一项任务上,试着把事情混合起来。学一点语法,然后做一个简短的听力练习,然后读一篇相同主题的文章。不要做太多。)提出不要把注意力集中在一项任务上,要多种任务混合进行,B项和"花20分钟做三种不同的练习就足够了。"承接上文,给出具体建议:20分钟三种不同的练习,上下文语意连贯。故选B项。
    (3)联系上文题。上文Keep pen and paper handy and write down words you read or hear that are unfamiliar.(随身携带纸笔,写下你读到或听到的不熟悉的单词。)提出记下遇到的不熟悉的单词,E项"然后,做一些研究来了解这些新单词的意思。"承接上文,说明记下不熟悉的单词后应该怎么做:研究这些新单词的意思,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
    (4)段落标题题。设空句是段首小标题,根据段中Even advanced students of English can struggle to learn prepositions (介词),which are used to describe duration,position,direction,and relationships between objects.(介词用来描述物体之间的持续时间、位置、方向和关系,即使是英语水平高的学生也很难学会介词。)和Instead,experts say,the best way to learn prepositions is to memorize them and practise using them in sentences.(相反,专家说,学习介词的最好方法是记住它们,并在句子中练习使用它们。)可知,本段主要讲要练习介词,所以A项"练习介词。"是本段内容的概括。故选A项。
    (5)上文Repetition is the key as you're learning English,and writing exercises are a great way to practise.Take 30 minutes at the end of class or study to write down what happened during your day.(重复是学习英语的关键,而写作练习是一个很好的练习方法。在课程或学习结束时花30分钟写下你一天所发生的事情。)提出用写作来练习英语,F项"不管你是用电脑还是纸笔都没关系。"介绍了两种写作方式:用电脑和用纸笔,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。

    【解析】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.competition比赛;B.party派对;C.team队伍;D.club俱乐部。句意:在加入啦啦队之前,我不知道啦啦队是什么,但令人印象深刻的表演确实吸引了我的眼球。根据下文"I tried out for the team"可知,此处表示"在加入啦啦队之前",空格处用team。故选C。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.beginner新手;B.leader领导;C.specialist专家;D.teacher老师。句意:作为一个新手,我必须全力以赴,以便赶上我的队友。根据上文"I tried out for the team"可知,作者是新加入的,因此空格处是"新手"。故选A。
    (3)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.take control of控制;B.look up to仰望;C.make fun of取笑;D.catch up with赶上。句意:作为一个新手,我必须全力以赴,以便赶上我的队友。根据上文"As a(2)"和上文"I had to give it my all"可知,作者是新手,所以全力以赴是为了赶上队友。故选D。
    (4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.targeted有针对性的;B.easy简单的;C.costly昂贵的;D.gentle温柔的。句意:为了提高我的体力和柔韧性,我尝试了一些有针对性的运动,比如俯卧撑。根据下文"like push- ups.Running,jumping and leg presses were all part of my daily routine"可知,作者做的是一些有针对性的运动。故选A。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.training训练;B.pattern模式;C.treatment治疗;D.check检查。句意:通过定期的训练,我的柔韧性有了很大的提高。根据上文"I tried some (4)exercises"可知,此处表示"通过定期的训练"。故选A。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.confidence自信;B.determination决心;C.skill技能;D.duty责任。句意:我的决心是我进步的关键。根据上文"Running,jumping and leg presses were all part of my daily routine"可知,作者每天训练,作者是有决心的。故选B。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.organizing组织;B.fighting斗争;C.approaching临近;D.holding持有。句意:随着城市比赛的临近,我们队每天都更频繁地练习。根据下文"our team practised more often every day.We expected to amaze the audience with a wonderful show"可知,此处表示"随着城市比赛的临近,我们队每天都更频繁地练习"。故选C。
    (8)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.dress up打扮起来;B.mark out划定;C.flee away逃跑;D.get through接通。句意:我们兴奋地打扮起来。根据下文"We helped each other apply makeup"可知,此处表示"我们兴奋地打扮起来"。故选A。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.notice通知;B.result结果;C.turn轮到的机会;D.activity活动。句意:终于轮到我们了。根据下文"Taking deep breaths,we put our (10)together and shouted "Fight!" before taking centre stage"可知,轮到作者的队上场了,空格处意为"轮到的机会"。故选C。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.arms胳膊;B.hands手;C.feet脚;D.ears耳朵。句意:我们深吸一口气,双手合十,高喊"战斗!",然后才登上舞台中央。根据下文"shouted "Fight!""可知,作者他们双手合十,高喊"战斗!"。故选B。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.forgot忘记;B.quit退出;C.flew飞;D.fell摔倒。句意:有一次,我在做旋转时差点摔倒。根据上文"I felt extremely nervous"可知,作者在做旋转时差点摔倒。故选D。
    (12)考查副词及语境理解。A.patiently耐心地;B.quickly快速地;C.smoothly平稳地;D.eagerly急切地。句意:谢天谢地,我恢复了冷静,演出的其余部分进行得很顺利。根据上文"Thankfully,I regained my calmness"可知,演出的其余部分进行得很顺利。故选C。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.purpose目的;B.direction方向;C.humour幽默;D.achievement成就。句意:当裁判宣布我们队获得第一名时,尽管我很累,但我还是有一种巨大的成就感。根据上文"When the judge announced that our team won first place"可知,作者的队获得了第一名,所以作者有一种巨大的成就感,sense of achievement意为"成就感"。故选D。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.demanding要求高的;B.professional职业的;C.major主要的;D.popular受欢迎的。句意:由于这项要求很高的团队运动,我变得更加自信。根据第二段的"This team-based sport involves pyramids,jumps and dance"可知,这个团队运动是要求高的。故选A。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.play玩,玩耍;B.argue争论;C.cooperate合作;D.chat聊天。句意:我也学会了如何像拉拉队一样与人合作,勇敢地面对挑战。根据下文"with others as I did with cheerleading and face challenges bravely"可知,句子表示"我也学会了如何像拉拉队一样与人合作,勇敢地面对挑战"。故选C。

    【小题3】was injured
    【小题6】to help
    (2)考查动词时态。句意:红十字会存在于世界上几乎每一个国家。分析句子可知,此处在句中作谓语,叙述的是一般事实,故此处应用一般现在时,主语The Red Cross为单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填exists。
    (3)考查动词语态。句意:一个在北京医院需要输血的男人,一个在地震中受伤的土耳其妇女,以及一个在海啸中失去家园的印度尼西亚家庭都可能得到红十字会的帮助。分析句子可知,此处在who引导的定语从句作谓语,关系词who指代先行词a woman,和谓语injure之间是被动关系,且根据空句前后文可知,此处叙述的是发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was injured。
    (6)考查不定式。句意:他想要帮助那些受伤的士兵,不管他们是为哪一方而战。固定短语want to do sth."想要做某事"。故填to help。
    (7)考查可数名词的复数。句意:它在战争中保护战俘、伤病员和其他公民。分析句子可知,此处在句中作宾语,结合下文"of war,the sick and wounded,and other citizens during a war"可知,此处应用名词的复数,意为"保护战俘"。故填prisoners。
    (8)考查冠词。句意:亨利•杜南不仅是一名活动家,还是一名商人和作家。 activist"活动家"为可数名词,以元音音素开头,这里指Henry Dunant,所以此处应用不定冠词an,指Henry Dunant是一名活动家。故填an。
    (9)考查介词。句意:正是这本书促成了1863年红十字国际委员会(International Committee of The Red Cross)的成立。固定短语lead to"导致",to是介词。故填to。
    本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了红十字会的功能以及红十字会的创始人Jean Dunant的一些情况。

    37.【答案】Dear Jeff,
    I'm sorry to hear that you are addicted to short videos and lack interest in learning.【高分句型一】I'm writing to offer you some suggestions.(写信目的)
    Short videos do have some benefits.We can release pressure,share good times,cherish memories,etc.(肯定短视频在某些方面的好处)However,in my opinion,firstly,you should strike a balance between leisure activities and learning.Only on the premise of self-consciousness can we benefit from modern technologies rather than being slaves of such new technologies.You should focus on study,and don't waste your time on distractions.Secondly,you can join your friends in playing various sports activities,which include running,cycling or playing basketball,etc.【高分句型二】(作者的建议)
    I hope my suggestions will be of some help for you.I believe you can make it.(表达祝愿)
    Yours sincerely, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:I'm sorry to hear that you are addicted to short videos and lack interest in learning.
    高分句型二:Secondly,you can join your friends in playing various sports activities,which include running,cycling or playing basketball,etc.

    38.【答案】We both got right to work.Alan began calling everyone he could think of with possible connections in the restaurant industry.He tirelessly applied and interviewed for dozens of positions.We were able to find a brilliant doctor who immediately began to perform intensive scans and other tests to determine the stage and severity of my cancer.【高分句型一】Time dragged on.Our anxiety was high,but we kept our heads up and always looked forward.(描述Alan开始找工作,同时我们也找医生来确定我的癌症的阶段和严重程度)
    It eventually paid off and good news came.Within several months,Alan was offered a new position at a famous restaurant chain,with excellent pay and terrific benefits.And my doctor told me the results were more than encouraging.【高分句型二】She explained that my cancer was "lazy,not aggressive like other forms.You will most likely survive this".Worst Day Ever got rid of all the small stuff and reminded us to value the important things—faith,family and love.Alan and I were blessed with an abundance of these things.We'll never,ever take them for granted again.Worst Day Ever taught us how to cherish each one,on a much deeper level.(描述Alan找到了新工作,薪水高,福利好;医生也证实了我的癌症并非恶性,没有攻击性。这些让我们感悟到要珍惜每一天)
    高分句型一:We were able to find a brilliant doctor who immediately began to perform intensive scans and other tests to determine the stage and severity of my cancer.
    高分句型二:And my doctor told me the results were more than encouraging.
    分析:本句运用了told后跟that引导的宾语从句the results were more than encouraging,that省略了。


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