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    Experience Creative Writing Academy
    Do you love creative writing? Oxford Scholastica’s Experience Creative Writing Academy will develop your writing skills while giving you a genuine university experience. Oxford has long inspired many of the greatest writers — from C.S. Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien. Give yourself, the chance to let Oxford’s magic work its way into your own writing skills.
    Key Facts
    Location: University of Oxford campus
    Ages: 16-18
    Length: 2 weeks
    Dates: 2nd-15thJuly, 16th-29th July, 30th July-12th August 2023
    Receive: Graduation Certificate & Letter of Recommendation
    Learning Contents
    Our courses combine Oxford-style teaching with practical challenges and debates. Small class sizes (Maximum 15 students) and expert tutors help you dive deep into your chosen subject area. By taking our Experience Creative Writing courses, you’ll get to:
    ● Master key concepts such a show to write effective dialogue, create fictional worlds and develop a book series — all under the guidance of one of our expert tutors.
    ● Develop skills in high demand by universities and employers, such as public speaking, critical thinking and teamwork, via our Masterclasses.
    ● Puzzle through the challenges that writers face when writing a book series.
    ● Work collaboratively with your peers in a “writer’s room” to come up with elements for an ongoing book series.
    Reserve Your Spot
    Ready for a life-changing educational experience? Students from around the world have already registered for our courses this year. Apply in minutes and reserve a spot for Oxford’s rated summer school programs. Join them and apply now. Click here.
    1.Why are C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien mentioned?
    A.To state the importance of writing. B.To show their contributions.
    C.To introduce the celebrities of Oxford. D.To emphasize the inspiration of Oxford.2.What’s the feature of the courses?
    A.Learning with professional guidance. B.Improving writing skills in two months.
    C.Teamwork for publishing book series. D.Expert tutors’ instructions in all subjects.3.What’s the intention of the text?
    A.Inspiring writing creativity. B.Advertising the writing courses.
    C.Explaining the entrance to the courses. D.Recommending required courses of Oxford.

    When Zhi Yueying, then 19, went to the remote Niyang village in Yichun city, Jiangxi province, to work as a village teacher in 1980, villagers were doubtful if she was going to stay long.
    Over the past four decades, Zhi has devoted herself to rural education. She is a recipient of Touching China awards that recognize the most inspiring role models in 2016. She was also awarded as a model poverty fighter by the government. Zhi has a profound understanding of the importance of education in the mountains. Over the years, she has taught the students and cared for them, since many of them were “left-behind” children whose parents migrated to other places to work. More than 1,000 students of hers have left the mountain area, and created a better life for themselves.
    Located amid the mountains, the village was very poor and far from any town. Villagers had to hike in the mountains. “I arrived at the school in an early evening, and was shocked. I had known the conditions were poor, but the reality was worse.” Moreover, local people needed to go downhill to buy daily necessities, and transport them back in their hands or balanced across their shoulders. “I had never walked uphill on a mountain road before, so I walked much more slowly than others, sometimes I walked slowly behind too much and was scared to tears,” says Zhi. Sometimes she had to walk uphill by herself with a flashlight at night. The wild boars and rabbits sometimes frightened her and she enhanced her courage by singing loudly.
    But she gradually got used to her life there. At the beginning, she found many local people valued their sons far more than their daughters, and would not like to let them attend school. Zhi went to their homes repeatedly and gradually persuaded them to send all their children to school. For those who could not afford the tuition, she spared her own money to help.
    Zhi says seeing her students do well beyond the mountains is deeply rewarding. “My dream, the same as before, is to stay by the side of more children. I know poverty will forever say goodbye to the mountainous villages, to my students, and to myself,” says Zhi.
    4.Why did Zhi choose to stay long in the mountains?
    A.She was a village teacher.
    B.She was a Touching China awards recipient.
    C.She was shocked by the poor living conditions.
    D.She was aware of the significance of rural education.5.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A.The reasons for their poverty.
    B.The ways of buying daily necessities.
    C.The tough situations in the mountains.
    D.The description of Zhi’s teaching experience.6.What can we learn about Zhi Yueying?
    A.She has a sense of achievement. B.She enjoys living in mountains.
    C.She has changed the local life. D.She likes challenges in teaching.7.What is a suitable title for the text?
    A.A Life-changing Lesson B.A Contributor to Rural Education
    C.The Teaching Experience in Mountains D.The Current Situation of Rural Education

    It has long been known that bees live in large, and highly complex societies. But Bumblebees maybe smarter than previously thought. New research from the scientists at the Queen Mary University of London, UK, recently published in the issue of PLOS Biology, shows that bees can learn how to problem-solve from one another.
    The new study has shown that bees can learn to solve even complex behaviors through cooperation. In order to test their theories researchers designed a fairly simple puzzle for bees to solve. A bee was placed in a box that could either be opened by pushing a read label or blue label and then would receive a sugary treat for their efforts. The bee was then re-released back to its colony(领地). Amazingly enough, the bees in colonies that are home to those bees who learned to open the puzzle using the red label all used the red label to open the puzzle, while the bees in the blue colony all used the blue label.
    Dr. Alice Bridges, a lead on the study, said, “These creatures are really quite incredible. They’re really, really good at learning despite having these tiny, tiny brains. Our research suggests that social learning may have had a greater influence on the evolution of this behaviour than previously imagined.”
    Professor Lars Chittka, the author of the book The Mind of a Bee, said: “We tend to overlook the “alien civilisations” formed by bees and ants on our planet—because they are small-bodied and their societies and architectural constructions seem governed by birth at first glance. Our research shows, however, that new innovations can spread like social media memes(模式) through insect colonies, indicating that they can respond to wholly new environmental challenges much faster than by evolutionary changes, which would take many generations to show.”
    Regardless of how one defines culture, the discovery that bumblebees share information is an astonishing evidence to the complexity of the natural world. Even the smallest insect is a part of a much larger ecosystem and is as much a part of the natural order of things as is humankind.
    8.What is the purpose of the study?
    A.To prove bees’ social nature. B.To explain bees’ complex behaviors.
    C.To confirm bees’ problem solving ability. D.To test bees’ ability of identifying colors.9.How do bees respond to the new environment in the study?
    A.By trial and error. B.By recognizing dances.
    C.By evolutionary changes. D.By observation and imitation.10.What can be inferred from Professor Lars Chittka’s words?
    A.Information delivery is formed by nature.
    B.Bees react to the new environment swiftly.
    C.People can be well aware of insects’ actions.
    D.New information spread among insects randomly.11.What does the author think of the discovery?
    A.It deserves to be valued. B.It gains high approval.
    C.It is overvalued. D.It is underestimated.

    There is no universally accepted age that is considered old among or within societies. Often disagreements exist as to what age a society may consider old and what members in that society of that age and older may consider old. Moreover, biologists are not in agreement about the existence of an internal biological cause foraging.
    In general the social status of an age group is related to its effective influence in its society, which is associated with that group’s function in productivity. In agricultural societies the elderly have a status of respectability. Their life experiences and knowledge are regarded as valuable, especially in preliterate (尚无文字的) societies where knowledge is orally transmitted. The range of activities in these societies allows the elderly to continue to be productive members of their communities.
    In industrialized nations, although in certain fields old age is still considered significant, particularly in the political field, older people are increasingly being forced into retirement before their productive years are over, causing problems in their psychological adaptations to old age. Retirement is not regarded unfavorably in all instances, but its economic limitations tend to further remove older people from the range of influence and raise problems in the extended use of leisure time and housing. As a consequence, financial preparation for retirement has become an increased concern for individuals and society.
    Familial relationships tend to be the focus of the elderly’s attention. However, the tendency for young people in industrialized countries to be highly mobile has forced older people to decide whether to move to keep up with their families or to remain in neighborhoods which also change, altering their familiar patterns of activity. Although most older people do live within an hour from their closest child, industrialized societies are faced with formulating programs to accommodate increasing numbers of older people who function independently of their families. Adult education programs are beginning to close the generation gap; however, as each successive generation reaches old age, bringing with it its particular tendencies and preferences, new problems arise requiring new social accommodations.
    12.What counts for the elderly in agricultural societies?
    A.Their status of respectability. B.Their value in productivity.
    C.Their rich knowledge in education. D.Their extraordinary ability to work.13.What can we learn about the elderly’s retirement from Paragraph 3?
    A.It has faded the elderly worries.
    B.It means the end of productive ability.
    C.It is considered beneficial in all distances.
    D.It influences the elderly psychologically and financially.14.What does the underlined word “formulating” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A.Planning. B.Changing.
    C.Extending. D.Canceling.15.Where is this text probably taken from?
    A.A personal journal. B.A science research.
    C.A social issue review. D.A community brochure.

    Throwing those unwanted leftovers or unused ingredients into the trash doesn’t just hurt your wallet—it also costs the climate. When food is wasted, so are the natural and human resources that go into producing, processing, transporting and storing it. 16 Food waste is a big problem. These small changes can help.
    17 Try to look around your kitchen and see what you can make with it before heading to the grocery store, because so many things can be substituted with what you already have. In other words, you don’t have to stick exactly to the recipe if it means buying a brand new jar of something that’ll just end up sitting in the back of the fridge. 18
    Cho, host of the YouTube channel, says her most common food-waste problem is one likely shared by many. “I’ll buy a bunch of items and then put them in my refrigerator and then I simply forgot about it” she says, calling it an issue of space management. 19 . Armed with glass containers and dry-erase markers, she says it allows her to quickly assess which ingredients she’s working with, then figure out how to use them.
    Once you have the ingredients you need, make sure you’re using them to the fullest extent. For one, that means using all parts of the vegetable, reminding people that broccoli stems are “perfectly eatable” and carrot tops “make a wonderful stir-fry.” Like a red onion, if you have half of it that you’re not going to be using, for example, you’ll season it. And seasoned onions are great on a toast. 20 You can also give vegetables a second life by seasoning them.
    A.So, keep track of what’s in the fridge by labeling.
    B.You have luck getting onions to last longer by storing it.
    C.Instead, create a recipe with the thing in the new jar.
    D.It just has that extra taste, and you’re not wasting your food.
    E.Those processes generate significant carbon dioxide emissions.
    F.When making shopping lists, start by surveying what’s already in your fridge.
    G.If you won’t have a regular use for that particular product, just replace the recipe.

    ChatGPT has been everywhere for the last few months. It raises 21 about their impact on everything happening in our society.
    ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool 22 by AI technology that allows you to have human-like 23 and much more. The language model can answer questions and 24 you with tasks, such as composing emails, essays, and code.
    The 25 to produce frequently accurate responses to a vast range of questions is why it became the fastest-growing app of all time, 26 100 million users in only two months. The fact that it can also 27 essays, articles, and poetry has only 28 its appeal. It is also equally 29 at coding and productivity tasks. For the former, its ability to 30 code from natural speech makes it a powerful partner for both new and 31 coders.
    Despite looking very impressive, ChatGPT still has 32 . Such restrictions include the inability to answer questions that are worded in a 33 way, as it requires rewording to understand the input question. A bigger limitation is a lack of quality in the 34 it delivers. Another major limitation is that its data is limited up to 2021. The chat robot does not have any 35 of events or news that have occurred since then. Lastly, ChatGPT does not provide sources for its responses.
    21.A.requests B.concerns C.emotions D.doubts
    22.A.driven B.followed C.inspired D.entertained
    23.A.conflicts B.challenges C.interests D.conversations
    24.A.manage B.control C.assist D.accompany
    25.A.ability B.chance C.responsibility D.purpose
    26.A.consulting B.reaching C.introducing D.counting
    27.A.cause B.return C.exist D.generate
    28.A.added to B.connected to C.devoted to D.owed to
    29.A.determined B.equipped C.talented D.alarmed
    30.A.save B.create C.choose D.describe
    31.A.cautious B.untrained C.familiar D.experienced
    32.A.limitations B.possibilities C.requirements D.advantages
    33.A.right B.suitable C.specific D.natural
    34.A.approaches B.responses C.contribution D.sensitivity
    35.A.notice B.question C.feeling D.awareness

    Experts on child development agree that children learn and develop through everyday experiences. Because food and cooking are such fundamental components of our day-to-day lives, 36 (introduce) cooking to children at a young age is essential to their experiential learning.
    Children like playing make-believe and enjoy inventing a variety of characters while 37 (absorb) in imaginative play. Cooking games are an excellent way to stimulate imaginative play. Children can act out real-life situations and behaviors through pretend play and improve 38 (they) in creativity. Furthermore, pretend play in the kitchen helps kids learn things like problem-solving, creative thinking, visual 39 (recognize), and soon.
    Various cooking games for children that are available online 40 (be) more than just a fun pastime activity. They provide a number of educational benefits as well. Free online cooking game surge kids 41 (try) new things and think outside the box by letting them experiment 42 ingredients, recipes, and preparation methods. 43 (addition), many free cooking games online require kids to perform various kitchen tasks or read the recipes and then follow the instructive tips. When kids take the initiative and finish a task, they feel proud of 44 they have undertaken. Playing free cooking games online can also help kids learn essential skills, teach them 45 to be safe in the kitchen, and increase their general knowledge about the world.


    It was Christmastime 1974. I was ten years old, but I was not looking forward to Christmas. The previous spring my mother had moved our family from rural Alabama to sunny Southern California. My little brother Todd, and I were leaving behind all of our extended family. This would be my first Christmas away from Alabama.
    I was a fat, awkward child with a high-pitched voice and a heavy southern accent. My first day at my new school, I went to the front of my fourth grade class to introduce myself. All I said was my name and where I was from. The class burst into laughter with jeers of “He talks funny”. It took the teacher two minutes to restore order.
    I was so disappointed that I went to a gas station afterschool and used the phone booth (亭子) there to place a call to my grandmother. I was going to ask her whether I could return to Alabama and live with her and whether she would send me the money for a bus ticket home. But the line was busy, and despite several attempts, I didn’t get through.
    My Granny was everything good about Christmas. Her language of love was food. She would spend weeks cooking for Christmas Eve when all of her children and grandchildren would gather at her house. Every favorite dish dessert and cakes was made. Her table and sideboard groaned (发吱嘎声) under the weight of the food. My cousins, my brother and I would burst through her backdoor, our arrival announced by the rhyme of five silver bells, which hung on the door. Her house was tiny but to us children, it was glorious.
    She sewed new night dresses for all of her grandchildren. She searched catalogs, newspaper advertisements, and stores all over town to get us exactly the toys we had requested. She was my comfort. She was magical. I missed her desperately.
    Fortunately, there was only one week left before the Christmas break. I was longing for my familiar southern Christmas.
    The next morning, a large enough package from Granny was delivered to our new house.
    Just then the phone rang.

    1.D 2.A 3.B

    1.推理判断题。根据第一段第三句中的“Oxford has long inspired many of the greatest writers(牛津大学长期以来激发了许多最伟大的作家)”可知,提到C.S.刘易斯和J.R.R.托尔金是为了强调牛津大学的启发性。故选D。
    2.细节理解题。根据Learning Contents部分中的“Small class sizes (Maximum 15 students) and expert tutors help you dive deep into your chosen subject area.(小班制(最多15名学生)和专业导师帮助你深入研究所选的学科领域。)”可知,课程的特点是在专业指导下学习。故选A。
    3.推理判断题。根据标题“Experience Creative Writing Academy(体验创意写作学院)”和最后两句“Join them and apply now. Click here.(现在就加入他们并申请吧。请点击这里。)”可知,文章的目的是宣传写作课程。故选B。
    4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B

    4.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Over the past four decades, Zhi has devoted herself to rural education.(在过去的四十年里,她一直致力于乡村教育)”和“Zhi has a profound understanding of the importance of education in the mountains.(支月英对山区教育的重要性有着深刻的认识)”可知,支月英选择长期待在山里是因为她意识到了乡村教育的重要性。故选D项。
    5.段落大意题。根据第三段中“Located amid the mountains, the village was very poor and far from any town. Villagers had to hike in the mountains. “I arrived at the school in an early evening, and was shocked. I had known the conditions were poor, but the reality was worse.” Moreover, local people needed to go downhill to buy daily necessities, and transport them back in their hands or balanced across their shoulders.(这个村庄坐落在群山之中,非常贫穷,远离任何城镇。村民们不得不在山里徒步旅行。“我很早就到了学校,吓了一跳。我知道条件很差,但现实更糟。”此外,当地人需要下山购买生活必需品,然后用手或肩膀扛着运回来)”可知,山里的村庄地理位置偏僻,条件很差,人们生活非常不便。因此,第三段主要是描绘山里艰苦的环境。故选C项。
    6.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Zhi says seeing her students do well beyond the mountains is deeply rewarding.(支月英说,看到她的学生在大山之外取得好成绩是非常值得的)”可知,支月英对于自己教育的成果感到很满意,很有成就感。故选A项。
    8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A

    8.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“New research from the scientists at the Queen Mary University of London, UK, recently published in the issue of PLOS Biology, shows that bees can learn how to problem-solve from one another.(英国伦敦玛丽皇后大学的科学家们最近在《公共科学图书馆·生物学》杂志上发表的一项新研究表明,蜜蜂可以从彼此身上学习如何解决问题)”可知,该项研究的目的是证实了蜜蜂可以从彼此身上学习如何解决问题。故选C项。
    9.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Amazingly enough, the bees in colonies that are home to those bees who learned to open the puzzle using the red label all used the red label to open the puzzle, while the bees in the blue colony all used the blue label.(令人惊讶的是,那些学会用红色标签打开谜题的蜜蜂所在的蜂群都用红色标签打开谜题,而蓝色蜂群的蜜蜂都用蓝色标签打开谜题)”可知,蜂群里的蜜蜂可以通过向同伴学习,来用对应颜色标签打开谜题;根据文章第四段“Our research shows, however, that new innovations can spread like social media memes(模式) through insect colonies, indicating that they can respond to wholly new environmental challenges much faster than by evolutionary changes, which would take many generations to show.(然而,我们的研究表明,新的创新可以像社交媒体模因一样在昆虫群体中传播,这表明它们可以比进化更快地应对全新的环境挑战,这需要许多代才能证明)”可知,这种新的创新可以像社交媒体模因一样在昆虫群体中传播,让昆虫们可以更快地应对全新的环境挑战。由此可推知,蜜蜂等昆虫会通过互相学习来应对新的环境。D项“By observation and imitation.(通过观察和模仿)”与文章内容最相符。故选D项。
    10.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“Our research shows, however, that new innovations can spread like social media memes(模式) through insect colonies, indicating that they can respond to wholly new environmental challenges much faster than by evolutionary changes, which would take many generations to show.”(然而,我们的研究表明,新的创新可以像社交媒体模因一样在昆虫群体中传播,这表明它们可以比进化更快地应对全新的环境挑战,这需要许多代人的时间来证明。”)”可知,Professor Lars Chittka认为,昆虫可以比进化更快地应对全新的环境挑战。故选B项。
    11.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Regardless of how one defines culture, the discovery that bumblebees share information is an astonishing evidence to the complexity of the natural world. Even the smallest insect is a part of a much larger ecosystem and is as much a part of the natural order of things as is humankind.(不管人们如何定义文化,大黄蜂分享信息的发现是自然界复杂性的一个惊人证据。即使是最小的昆虫也是一个更大的生态系统的一部分,和人类一样,都是自然秩序的一部分)”可知,作者认为不管人们如何定义文化,大黄蜂分享信息的发现是自然界复杂性的一个惊人证据。由此可推知,作者认为这一发现是很有价值的,值得被重视。故选A项。
    12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C

    12.推理判断题。根据第二段中“In agricultural societies the elderly have a status of respectability. Their life experiences and knowledge are regarded as valuable, especially in preliterate (尚无文字的) societies where knowledge is orally transmitted. The range of activities in these societies allows the elderly to continue to be productive members of their communities.(在农业社会中,老年人享有受人尊敬的地位。他们的生活经验和知识被认为是有价值的,特别是在尚无文字的社会,知识是口头传播的。这些社会中的活动范围使老年人能够继续成为社区中有生产力的成员)”可知,在农业社会老年人的生活经验和知识使他们依旧具有生产力价值,从而获得尊敬。由此可知,生产力上的价值对于农业社会的老年人很重要。故选B项。
    13.推理判断题。根据第三段中“… older people are increasingly being forced into retirement before their productive years are over, causing problems in their psychological adaptations to old age. Retirement is not regarded unfavorably in all instances, but its economic limitations tend to further remove older people from the range of influence and raise problems in the extended use of leisure time and housing. As a consequence, financial preparation for retirement has become an increased concern for individuals and society.(……越来越多的老年人在他们的生产年龄结束之前就被迫退休,这给他们的老年心理适应带来了问题。退休并非在所有情况下都是不利的,但其经济上的限制往往进一步使老年人远离影响的范围,并在延长闲暇时间和住房的使用方面产生问题。因此,为退休做财务准备已成为个人和社会日益关注的问题)”可知,退休问题会引起老年人的心理适应问题,并在经济上限制老年人的活动和影响力,使其不得不做好财务准备。因此,退休在心理和财政两方面都影响着老年人。故选D项。
    14.词义猜测题。根据第四段中“Although most older people do live within an hour from their closest child, industrialized societies are faced with formulating programs to accommodate increasing numbers of older people who function independently of their families.(虽然大多数老年人住在离他们最近的孩子不到一小时的地方,但工业化社会正面临着……计划以容纳越来越多的独立于家庭生活的老年人的问题)”可知,此处前后有转折,虽然大多数老年人的生活范围离子女很近,但是越来越多的老年人独立生活,这种情况需要社会制定计划去解决。由此推知,formulating意思是“制定”,与planning意思一致。故选A项。
    16.E 17.F 18.G 19.A 20.D

    16.上文“When food is wasted, so are the natural and human resources that go into producing, processing, transporting and storing it.(当食物被浪费时,用于生产、加工、运输和储存食物的自然资源和人力资源也会被浪费)”提到了当食物被浪费时,与食物相关的各个环节的资源也会被浪费;下文“Food waste is a big problem.(食物浪费是个大问题)”提出了总结性观点点——食物浪费是个大问题。由此可推知,设空处应是在进一步解释食物相关的各个环节资源浪费带来的后果。E项“Those processes generate significant carbon dioxide emissions.(这些过程会产生大量的二氧化碳排放)”符合题意,其中的those processes与上文的producing, processing, transporting and storing it对应。故选E项。
    17.上文“These small changes can help.(这些小小的改变会有所帮助)”为过渡句,说明下文即将提出具体做法;下文“Try to look around your kitchen and see what you can make with it before heading to the grocery store, because so many things can be substituted with what you already have.(在去杂货店之前,试着看看你的厨房,看看你可以用它做什么,因为很多东西都可以用你已经拥有的东西来代替)”提到了在去杂货店买东西之前,先看看冰箱里有没有可以替代的东西。也就是说,这是建议去购物前,先看看冰箱里还有什么。F项“When making shopping lists, start by surveying what’s already in your fridge.(在列购物清单的时候,先看看冰箱里已经有什么东西了)与下文对应。故选F项。
    18.设空处位于段末,根据段落主旨句可知,此处依旧与查看冰箱里的东西相关;上文“In other words, you don’t have to stick exactly to the recipe if it means buying a brand new jar of something that’ll just end up sitting in the back of the fridge.(换句话说,如果你要买一罐新东西,结果只能放在冰箱后面,你就不必严格遵守食谱了)”提到了如果买的东西只是放在冰箱里,而不去使用的话,就不必严格遵守食谱。也就是说,不是经常用的东西,可以直接替换掉,设空处应是在对上文进行总结。G项“If you won’t have a regular use for that particular product, just replace the recipe.(如果你不经常使用这种产品,那就替换食谱)”符合题意,其中的just replace the recipe与上文的you don’t have to stick exactly to the recipe对应。故选G项。
    19.上文““I’ll buy a bunch of items and then put them in my refrigerator and then I simply forgot about it” she says, calling it an issue of space management.(她说:“我会买一大堆东西,然后把它们放在冰箱里,然后就忘了。”她把这称为空间管理的问题)”提到了另一种空间管理上的浪费——买一堆东西放冰箱,然后忘了;下文“Armed with glass containers and dry-erase markers, she says it allows her to quickly assess which ingredients she’s working with, then figure out how to use them.(她说,有了玻璃容器和干擦记号笔,她就能快速评估要用的原料,然后弄清楚如何使用它们)”提到了用玻璃容器和记号笔,可以快速评估需要用的原来你以及弄清楚如何使用。由此可推知,此处是建议给冰箱里的东西作标记。A项“So, keep track of what’s in the fridge by labeling.(所以,通过标签来记录冰箱里的食物)”符合题意,与上下文对应。故选A项。
    20.段首主旨句“Once you have the ingredients you need, make sure you’re using them to the fullest extent.(一旦你有了你需要的材料,确保你最大限度地使用它们)”建议充分利用购买的材料;上文“Like a red onion, if you have half of it that you’re not going to be using, for example, you’ll season it. And seasoned onions are great on a toast.(就像一个红洋葱,如果你有一半不打算用,给它调味。加了调料的洋葱放在烤面包片上也很棒)”以洋葱为例,提到了如果不打算用另一半洋葱,可以给洋葱调味,放烤面包上;下文“You can also give vegetables a second life by seasoning them.(你也可以通过给蔬菜调味来赋予它们第二次生命)”继续提到给蔬菜调味。不管是给洋葱调味放烤面包上,还是给蔬菜调味赋予其第二次生命,都有一个好处,那就是避免浪费。D项“It just has that extra taste, and you’re not wasting your food.(它只是有额外的味道,你没有浪费你的食物)”与上下文对应。故选D项。

    21.B 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.D

    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这引起了人们对它们会影响我们社会中发生的一切的担忧。A. requests请求;B. concerns担忧;C. emotions情绪;D. doubts怀疑。根据下文“their impact on everything happening in our society”和常识可推知,对于会影响我们社会中发生的一切的事物,我们应该会有担忧。故选B。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:ChatGPT是一款由人工智能技术驱动的自然语言处理工具,允许你进行类似人类的对话等等。A. driven驱动;B. followed跟随;C. inspired启发;D. entertained使有兴趣。根据下文“by AI technology”和常识可推知,应该是人工智能技术驱动自然语言的处理。故选A。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:ChatGPT是一款由人工智能技术驱动的自然语言处理工具,允许你进行类似人类的对话等等。A. conflicts冲突;B. challenges挑战;C. interests利益;D. conversations对话。根据下文“The language model can answer questions”可知,ChatGPT可以回答用户的问题,所以应该是允许用户进行类似人类的对话。故选D。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个语言模型可以回答问题并帮助你完成任务,例如编写电子邮件、论文和代码。A. manage管理;B. control控制;C. assist协助;D. accompany陪伴。根据上文“a natural language processing tool”和下文“such as composing emails, essays, and code”可推知,在这些任务上ChatGPT作为自然语言处理工具,可以为我们提供协助。故选C。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它能够对各种各样的问题给出准确的回答,这就是为什么它成为有史以来增长最快的应用程序,在短短两个月内就达到了1亿用户。A. ability能力;B. chance机会;C. responsibility责任;D. purpose目的。根据下文“to produce frequently accurate responses to a vast range of questions”可推知,这应该是ChatGPT具有的能力。故选A。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它能够对各种各样的问题给出准确的回答,这就是为什么它成为有史以来增长最快的应用程序,在短短两个月内就达到了1亿用户。A. consulting咨询;B. reaching达到;C. introducing介绍;D. counting计数。根据上文“became the fastest-growing app of all time”可知,ChatGPT成为有史以来增长最快的应用程序,所以应该是达到了1亿用户。故选B。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它还可以生成散文、文章和诗歌的事实增加了它的吸引力。A. cause引起;B. return返回;C. exist存在;D. generate生成。根据上文“composing emails, essays, and code”可推知,ChatGPT可以生成散文、文章和诗歌。故选D。
    28.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:它还可以生成散文、文章和诗歌的事实增加了它的吸引力。A. added to增加;B. connected to连接;C. devoted to致力于;D. owed to欠。根据下文“its appeal”可推知,这些能力会增加ChatGPT的吸引力。故选A。
    29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它在写代码和生产力任务方面也同样表现出色。A. determined坚定的;B. equipped装备齐全的;C. talented有才能的;D. alarmed惊慌的。根据下文“makes it a powerful partner”可知,ChatGPT是强大的伙伴,所以应该是在写代码和生产力任务方面表现出色,be talented in是固定短语,意为“在……方面表现出色,在……方面有才能”。故选C。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于前者,它从自然语音中创建代码的能力使其成为新手和经验丰富的程序员的强大合作伙伴。A. save保存;B. create创造;C. choose选择;D. describe描述。根据上文“coding”可知,ChatGPT会写代码,所以应该是从自然语音中创造代码。故选B。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于前者,它从自然语音中创建代码的能力使其成为新手和经验丰富的程序员的强大合作伙伴。A. cautious谨慎的;B. untrained未经训练的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. experienced有经验的。根据上文“both new and”可推知,应该是对新手和经验丰富的程序员来说,ChatGPT都是强大的合作伙伴。故选D。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管看起来非常令人印象深刻,但ChatGPT仍然有局限。A. limitations局限;B. possibilities可能性;C. requirements要求;D. advantages优势。根据下文“Such restrictions”可知,此处在讨论ChatGPT的局限。故选A。
    33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些局限包括无法回答以特定方式措辞的问题,因为需要重新措辞它才能理解输入的问题。A. right正确的;B. suitable合适的;C. specific特定的;D. natural自然的。根据下文“as it requires rewording to understand the input question”可知,ChatGPT需要重新措辞才能理解输入的问题,所以应该是不能回答一些特定方式措辞的问题。故选C。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个更大的限制是它提供的回复没有质量。A. approaches方法;B. responses回应;C. contribution贡献;D. sensitivity敏感性。根据上文“The language model can answer questions”可知,ChatGPT会对用户的问题做出回答,所以应该是提供的回复没有质量。故选B。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:聊天机器人不了解此后发生的事件或新闻。A. notice通知;B. question问题;C. feeling感觉;D. awareness意识。根据上文“Another major limitation is that its data is limited up to 2021.”可知,ChatGPT的数据只更新到2021年,所以应该是不了解2021年之后的事情,have awareness of sth.意为“了解……”。故选D。

    36.introducing 37.absorbed 38.themselves 39.recognition 40.are 41.to try 42.with 43.Additionally 44.what 45.how

    36.考查非谓语动词。句意:因为食物和烹饪是我们日常生活的基本组成部分,所以在孩子很小的时候向他们介绍烹饪对他们的体验学习至关重要。分析句子可知,设空处在句中与后面的cooking to children at a young age一起作主语,表示“向孩子们介绍烹饪”,应用动名词。故填introducing。
    37.考查状语从句的省略。句意:孩子们喜欢玩假装游戏,喜欢创造各种各样的角色,沉浸在想象的游戏中。分析句子可知,句中已有谓语动词,设空处在句中作非谓语,逻辑主语Children与动词absorb之间为被动关系,应用过去分词形式,此处是while引导的时间状语从句的省略,完整句子为while they are absorbed in imaginative play,当主从句主语一致,且从句含有be动词时,可将从句主语和be动词省略。故填absorbed。
    40.考查主谓一致。句意:网上提供的各种儿童烹饪游戏不仅仅是一种有趣的消遣活动。分析句子可知,设空处在句中作谓语,根据句意及从句谓语动词时态可知,此处应用一般现在时,主语Various cooking games为复数形式,故be动词也应用复数。故填are。
    41.考查非谓语动词。句意:免费的在线烹饪游戏通过让孩子们用食材,食谱和制作方法进行实验,让他们尝试新事物,跳出思维框架。分析句子可知,句中已有谓语动词,设空处在句中作非谓语,逻辑主语kids与动词try之间为主动关系,且表示将来,应用to do不定式,此处整个to do不定式作宾语补足语。故填to try。
    45.考查疑问词。句意:玩免费的在线烹饪游戏也可以帮助孩子们学习基本技能,教他们如何在厨房里保持安全,并增加他们对世界的一般了解。分析句子可知,设空处与后面的to be safe in the kitchen在句中作teach的直接宾语,结合句意可知,此处应指“教他们如何在厨房里保持安全”,应用疑问副词how连接,此处是“疑问词+to do不定式”的结构。故填how。
    46.     An attractive exhibition themed Art and Life will raise curtain. Anyone in the camp is welcome!
    The exhibition, which features abundant traditional Chinese art works, is a must to visit. Detailed explanation will be provided to demonstrate the Chinese painting and calligraphy. Besides, you will get exposed to the paper-cutting, which vividly reflects our daily life and brings much pleasure. Undoubtedly not only will you deepen your understanding of traditional Chinese art, but also you’ll be motivated to explore more.
    When appreciating, please be careful and don’t bump or touch any artwork.
    大量的、丰富的:abundant → plentiful
    此外:besides → in addition
    快乐、喜悦:pleasure → joy
    无疑:undoubtedly → there is no doubt that
    原句:An attractive exhibition themed Art and Life will raise curtain.
    拓展句:An attractive exhibition, whose theme is Art and Life, will raise curtain.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The exhibition, which features abundant traditional Chinese art works, is a must to visit.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Undoubtedly not only will you deepen your understanding of traditional Chinese art, but also you’ll be motivated to explore more.(运用了not only…but also连接的并列句和部分倒装)
    47.During the Christmas break, a large enough package from Granny was delivered to our new house. It was too heavy for us to carry into the living room. To our surprise, it was large enough to hold a small refrigerator. Todd and I were giddy to know what it contained. We couldn’t wait to tear the box, delighted to discover mounds of homemade Christmas treats, presents wrapped in decorative paper, and neatly folded pajamas for each of us. As each gift came out, we shrieked with excitement. The box seemed bottomless and the smell of our Granny’s house was filling the air.
    Just then the phone rang. It was Granny. Todd and I chatted happily with her for nearly half an hour, a warm current rising. She asked us about school and assured us we had received the package. She did it in such a way that we both thought we were her favorite. For me, it was the highlight of Christmas. My granny packaged and shipped magic and love. She came to rescue me, softening my anxiety and lightening my life as well.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Todd and I chatted happily with her for nearly half an hour, a warm current rising. (运用了独立主格结构)
    [高分句型2] Todd and I were giddy to know what it contained. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)


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