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    035 2023 北京海淀初三(上)期末英语课件PPT
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    035 2023 北京海淀初三(上)期末英语课件PPT

    这是一份035 2023 北京海淀初三(上)期末英语课件PPT,共22页。PPT课件主要包含了Reading C,Reading D等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023 北京海淀初三(上)期末
    When I mved t America in the 7th grade, I did nt speak any English. I had n chice but t keep wrking hard. Althugh I made ___30 ___when I reached the 9th grade, peple still fund it difficult t understand me because f my accent(口音).One day, at a party, I was invited t play a guessing game. When it was my turn, I tried t ___31___ the bject that I had in mind. Suddenly smene said with a laugh, “What did she say?” I felt ___32___. Out f kindness, a girl gently advised me t repeat it, but I gt stuck n the wrd “purple”-I culdn't ___33___ it. This time, everyne laughed while I was trying hard t get the wrd ut f me.30. A. turns B. truble C. prgress D. prmises31. A. tuch B. chse C. repeat D. describe32. A. unclear B. uneasy C. unexpected D. uninterested33. A. prnunce B. recgnize C. translate D. understand
    This experience had its wn influence n me. When pprtunities were pened up fr the summer prgram I had been waiting fr, I ___34___ t attend the interview. Luckily, I gt tns f encuragement frm peple arund me. S I decided t have a try.At the interview, the ther students in my grup spke prfessinally and very naturally, but I didn't speak that much. I knew that I culd hardly be understd because f my accent. Besides, when I was ___35___ , it wuld be even mre difficult fr me t prnunce wrds clearly. After the interview, I stayed, said srry and explained t the teachers. I didn't want them t think I wasn't interested r I was being unfriendly. But they appreciated(欣赏)that I ___36___ myself. “It’s OK. Yu dn’t have t say srry. Yur accent des nt make yu less than thers, ” said ne f the teachers.34. A. failed B. feared C. managed D. vlunteered35. A. cnfused B. special C. nervus D. respectful36. A. helped B. prved C. shwed D. expressed
    Surprisingly, I was accepted int the prgram. Imagine hw I felt!Up t nw, I still feel lucky that I tk that step. It is a ___37___ that I have changed. I did nt let my accent stp me. I'm sure I will cntinue t feel anxius abut speaking English with strangers. But that's OK. It will nt stp me frm trying t be better.37. A. sign B. lessn C. decisin D. warning
    44. What can we knw frm Cruz's study?A. 100 steps a minute is a must fr lder peple.B. Step length matters in reducing dementia risk.C. Inactive peple can start with 3, 800 steps a day.D. Yung peple shuld aim fr 10, 000 steps a day.45. Why des the writer mentin the article Is 112 the New 10, 000?A. T questin the effect f a pwer walk.B. T shw the benefits f purpseful walk.C. T prve the imprtance f walking speed.D. T stress the advantages f walking distance.46. What is the best title fr the passage?A. Walk Wisely and Stay Smart B. Walk Faster r Walk Frever?C. Stay Active and Walk Ahead D. Wear Cunters r Watch Others?
    1. Research shws that there’s actually smething peple can d t reduce the risk fr dementia(痴 呆). Just put n a step cunter and start checking yur steps-walking between 3, 800 and 9, 800 steps each day helps t cut dwn dementia risk.2. The study fund that peple between the ages f 40 and 79 wh tk 9, 826 steps per day were 50% less likely t develp dementia within seven years. Furthermre, peple wh walked with “purpse” - at a pace ver 40 steps a minute - were able t cut their risk f dementia by 57% with just 6, 315 steps a day. “It is a brisk(轻快的)walking activity, like a pwer walk, " said Brja Del Pz Cruz, a researcher in health sciences fr University f Cadiz in Spain.3. The study shwed even peple wh walked 3, 800 steps a day at any speed cut their risk f dementia by 25%. “That wuld be enugh, at first, fr inactive peple, ” said Cruz in an email. “In fact, it is a message that dctrs culd use t make very inactive lder adults mve-3, 800 steps is very dable fr many, even thse that are less fit, " he added. "Perhaps, mre active and fitter peple shuld aim fr 10, 000, where we see the greatest effects. ”44. What can we knw frm Cruz's study?A. 100 steps a minute is a must fr lder peple. B. Step length matters in reducing dementia risk.C. Inactive peple can start with 3, 800 steps a day. D. Yung peple shuld aim fr 10, 000 steps a day.
    4. But there was an even mre interesting result cming ut f the study: The largest reductin in dementia risk-62%-was achieved by peple wh walked at a very brisk speed f 112 steps per minute fr 30 minutes a day. Earlier research described 100 steps a minute as a “brisk” level f intensity(强度). In their article Is 112 the New 10, 000?, Dr. Oknkw and Dr. Planalp, tw researchers n dementia, argued that 112 seemed easier t achieve than 10, 000 steps a day, and peple lking t reduce their dementia risk fcus n their walking speed ver their walked distance.6. The researchers agree this is a very interesting finding, and they nte that intensity f stepping matters mre than hw far peple usually walk if they want t stay smart after aging. Technlgy culd be used t fllw nt nly number f steps but als speed. These types f numbers can als be put in cmmn watches, but mre research is needed.44. What can we knw frm Cruz's study?A. 100 steps a minute is a must fr lder peple. B. Step length matters in reducing dementia risk.C. Inactive peple can start with 3, 800 steps a day. D. Yung peple shuld aim fr 10, 000 steps a day.
    4. But there was an even mre interesting result cming ut f the study: The largest reductin in dementia risk-62%-was achieved by peple wh walked at a very brisk speed f 112 steps per minute fr 30 minutes a day. Earlier research described 100 steps a minute as a “brisk” level f intensity(强度). In their article Is 112 the New 10, 000?, Dr. Oknkw and Dr. Planalp, tw researchers n dementia, argued that 112 seemed easier t achieve than 10, 000 steps a day, and peple lking t reduce their dementia risk fcus n their walking speed ver their walked distance.6. The researchers agree this is a very interesting finding, and they nte that intensity f stepping matters mre than hw far peple usually walk if they want t stay smart after aging. Technlgy culd be used t fllw nt nly number f steps but als speed. These types f numbers can als be put in cmmn watches, but mre research is needed.45. Why des the writer mentin the article Is 112 the New 10, 000?A. T questin the effect f a pwer walk. B. T shw the benefits f purpseful walk.C. T prve the imprtance f walking speed. D. T stress the advantages f walking distance.
    4. But there was an even mre interesting result cming ut f the study: The largest reductin in dementia risk-62%-was achieved by peple wh walked at a very brisk speed f 112 steps per minute fr 30 minutes a day. Earlier research described 100 steps a minute as a “brisk” level f intensity(强度). In their article 5. Is 112 the New 10, 000?, Dr. Oknkw and Dr. Planalp, tw researchers n dementia, argued that 112 seemed easier t achieve than 10, 000 steps a day, and peple lking t reduce their dementia risk fcus n their walking speed ver their walked distance.6. The researchers agree this is a very interesting finding, and they nte that intensity f stepping matters mre than hw far peple usually walk if they want t stay smart after aging. Technlgy culd be used t fllw nt nly number f steps but als speed. These types f numbers can als be put in cmmn watches, but mre research is needed.46. What is the best title fr the passage?A. Walk Wisely and Stay Smart B. Walk Faster r Walk Frever?C. Stay Active and Walk Ahead D. Wear Cunters r Watch Others?
    47. Intrverted peple are ften seen as bring because ___.A. they have n interest in pleasing thersB. they refuse t express their ideas in publicC. their sense f humr is ften difficult t getD. their behavir ges against cultural preference48. The wrd “deficit” in Paragraph 4 prbably means “____”.A. mistake B. weakness C. symbl D. talent49. The writer wuld prbably agree that _____.A. extrversin is mre scially beneficialB. intrversin usually leads t unhappinessC. being extrverted makes peple truer t thersD. intrverted peple are likely t get life satisfactin50. What is the writer's main purpse in writing this passage?A. T crrect a false idea abut intrversin.B. T discuss different causes f intrversin.C. T explain why intrverted peple are quieter.D. T cmpare self-fcused and ther-fcused values.
    1. In a recent study in the U. S. and U. K. , Van Tilburg and his team asked peple thrugh nline surveys t describe the characteristics f a bring persn accrding t smene they knew. Being dull and quiet, having n interests, n pinins and lacking(缺乏) a sense f humr are ften mentined.2. The researchers then fllwed up with additinal surveys. The results clearly suggest that being cnsidered bring is a negative(负面的)persnality characteristic, and is ften tied t intrversin(内向).3. S why are intrverts smetimes seen as bring? Maybe because quiet peple value their privacy and avid sharing their everyday life. Their behavir is the ppsite f the preference in a culture twards extrversin(外向). This preference leads t a fixed idea that “quiet” means “bring”, and it reflects a push tward uncntrlled extrversin - just think abut peple crazily psting nearly everything n scial media f their life and activities t attract attentin.47. Intrverted peple are ften seen as bring because ___.A. they have n interest in pleasing thersB. they refuse t express their ideas in publicC. their sense f humr is ften difficult t getD. their behavir ges against cultural preference
    4. Anther research argued that it might be prblematic t vervalue extrversin as mre scially preferred than intrversin. This wrng idea might start frm teenage years when we think having the mst friends and being the best-liked means being ppular. This type f everyne-agreed ppularity may make quiet peple see their lack f extrversin as a deficit.5. In fact, intrverts tend t have the “quiet eg(自我)”, which allws them t have the ability t put themselves in ther peple's shes and understand situatins frm a bigger picture. Accrding t researchers Bauer and Wayment, the quiet eg is a way f explaining the self that ges beynd being “self-centered” by cnsidering bth self and thers. The quiet eg helps intrverts t balance self- fcused values, like pwer and achievement, and ther-fcused values, such as kindness and care fr thers. Balancing bth values can lead t psychlgical well-being and life satisfactin. 6. Generalizing intrverted peple with negative characteristics is false and harmful because intrversin can carry many psitive influences. In fact, an intrverted style can be a strength. This is because intrverts are likely t be truer t themselves than extrverts. Mrever, accepting their intrversin as a benefit wuld in turn imprve their sense f happiness. There can be a jy t being “bring” that can g alng with a quiet, intrverted persnality.48. The wrd “deficit” in Paragraph 4 prbably means “____”.A. mistake B. weakness C. symbl D. talent
    4. Anther research argued that it might be prblematic t vervalue extrversin as mre scially preferred than intrversin. This wrng idea might start frm teenage years when we think having the mst friends and being the best-liked means being ppular. This type f everyne-agreed ppularity may make quiet peple see their lack f extrversin as a deficit.5. In fact, intrverts tend t have the “quiet eg(自我)”, which allws them t have the ability t put themselves in ther peple's shes and understand situatins frm a bigger picture. Accrding t researchers Bauer and Wayment, the quiet eg is a way f explaining the self that ges beynd being “self-centered” by cnsidering bth self and thers. The quiet eg helps intrverts t balance self- fcused values, like pwer and achievement, and ther-fcused values, such as kindness and care fr thers. 6. Balancing bth values can lead t psychlgical well-being and life satisfactin. 6. Generalizing intrverted peple with negative characteristics is false and harmful because intrversin can carry many psitive influences. In fact, an intrverted style can be a strength. This is because intrverts are likely t be truer t themselves than extrverts. Mrever, accepting their intrversin as a benefit wuld in turn imprve their sense f happiness. There can be a jy t being “bring” that can g alng with a quiet, intrverted persnality.49. The writer wuld prbably agree that _____.A. extrversin is mre scially beneficial B. intrversin usually leads t unhappinessC. being extrverted makes peple truer t thers D. intrverted peple are likely t get life satisfactin
    4. Anther research argued that it might be prblematic t vervalue extrversin as mre scially preferred than intrversin. This wrng idea might start frm teenage years when we think having the mst friends and being the best-liked means being ppular. This type f everyne-agreed ppularity may make quiet peple see their lack f extrversin as a deficit.5. In fact, intrverts tend t have the “quiet eg(自我)”, which allws them t have the ability t put themselves in ther peple's shes and understand situatins frm a bigger picture. Accrding t researchers Bauer and Wayment, the quiet eg is a way f explaining the self that ges beynd being “self-centered” by cnsidering bth self and thers. The quiet eg helps intrverts t balance self- fcused values, like pwer and achievement, and ther-fcused values, such as kindness and care fr thers. 6. Balancing bth values can lead t psychlgical well-being and life satisfactin. 6. Generalizing intrverted peple with negative characteristics is false and harmful because intrversin can carry many psitive influences. In fact, an intrverted style can be a strength. This is because intrverts are likely t be truer t themselves than extrverts. Mrever, accepting their intrversin as a benefit wuld in turn imprve their sense f happiness. There can be a jy t being “bring” that can g alng with a quiet, intrverted persnality.50. What is the writer's main purpse in writing this passage?A. T crrect a false idea abut intrversin. B. T discuss different causes f intrversin.C. T explain why intrverted peple are quieter. D. T cmpare self-fcused and ther-fcused values.

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        035 2023 北京海淀初三(上)期末英语课件PPT
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