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    1—Coffee or juice, York?

    —________ is OK. I care little about it.

    ABoth BNone CNeither DEither

    2— Mark, where is Jim now?

    — He is testing ________ he can jump in the playground.

    Ahow long Bhow far Chow soon Dhow often

    3.一May I enter the laboratory?

    No, it is only open to teachers and students ________ you own a school ID card.

    Asince Balthough Cunless Dif

    4.一Mum’s birthday is coming, but I have no idea what present I should prepare.

    Whatever you give to her, it will ________ be liked by her.

    Aproperly Bhardly Ccertainly Dspecially

    5.一My parents always make decisions ________ my will. You know I was not born yesterday.

    You should communicate with your parents and let them know your feelings.

    Aagainst  Bbeyond Cover Dthrough

    6.一The new energy cars are becoming popular, but some people are caring about their safety.

    We ________ worry about it with the development of modern technology.

    Amustn’t Bneedn’t Ccan’t Dshouldn’t

    7—I think some online eating shows waste a lot of foods.

    —I do agree with you. Laws should be made to ________ food waste.

    Aavoid Baccept Callow Dafford

    8It is said the conditions along the Yangtze River are suitable for the ________ of green tea.

    Aintroduction Binvention Csituation Dproduction

    9You’d better draw a mind map of the key words while preparing for the report. ________, you may easily forget some.

    AInstead BHowever CMoreover DOtherwise

    10—I prefer to see and touch what I’m buying before I pay for it, especially for clothes and shoes.

    —That’s right. ________.

    ANo pain, no gain BSeeing is believing

    CEvery dog has its day DDon’t burn the candle at both ends

    11.一Quan Hongchan ________ to be a big success after practicing the 207C action hard in May.

    I can’t agree more.

    Aturned out Btook out Cbroke out Dput out

    12—How do you like the story?

    —I don’t know ________ , but I really like its surprising ending.

    Awhat the story is about Bwhether the story is true

    Cwhen did the story take place Dwho are the main characters

    13Peter called to tell his mother that he ________ home before 9 p.m., but he broke his promise.

    Awill return Bwould return Creturned Dhad returned

    14—Making friends on the Internet sounds great. I want to try.

    —________. It’s not easy for you to tell whether the online information is true or not.

    AYou said it BI feel the same CI am with you on that DThat’s not the case



    “I want my book back Right now!”

    “You told me I could ____15____ it!” I said confusedly(困惑地).

    “Yes, I said you could keep it, but I didn’t say you could lend it to her. I saw her ____16____ it at lunch!” Brittany pointed into the classroom at Maria.

    Now everything made sense.

    Brittany was my best ____17____.  We slept over at each other’s houses all the time. She also bought us friendship necklaces.“If you take it off I’ll die of heartbreak.” So I wore it all the time, even as the metal (金属) changed colors and made a mark on my neck.

    In Grade Five, we weren’t in the same ____18____ and I met Maria. Soon, Maria and I did everything together.

    However, Brittany was ____19____. She thought it was Maria who broke the friendship between us. So she ate with Evelyn at lunch. When I came to her, she said, “Why don’t you go and sit with your best friend Maria?” My faces turned red as if she’d hit them with her hand.

    Brittany ate lunch with Evelyn for a week. I worried that Brittany had forgotten me. But the next Monday, she acted like ____20____ had changed. “Come on. We’d better hurry if we want to get our favourite place.”

    I had started walking with her when I saw Maria and Andy laughing together. I wanted to know why they were laughing and ____21____ to look at them.

    “No!” said Brittany. She caught my arm. But my hand was holding a glass of chocolate milk. So the milk poured down my dress.

    Mum came to bring me new ____22____. As I changed, she noticed the mark on my neck.“ It’s time to take this off,” she said, unclasping (解开) it. Suddenly, I found myself ____23____ harder than I had in years.

    That was several weeks ago. Brittany and her mom had moved to a different street, without her dad. I worried about her and sometimes I would walk toward her, but then I would stop, with a ____24____ feeling in my stomach. I didn’t worry that she’d catch my arm. It was something about the way a hedgehog (刺猬) curls (蜷缩)up around its soft stomach when it feels endangered.

    “Hello?” Britany was still looking at me.

    I thought about all the things I wanted to say. And also I wondered if she ever felt that hedgehog feeling. So, I took a deep breath.

    “Brittany” I said. “Are you doing OK? I heard about your dad.”

    And then it was Brittany’s turn to cry.

    15Abuy Bsell Cthrow Dkeep

    16Aeating Bdrinking Creading Ddrawing

    17Aaunt Bfriend Cbrother Dteacher

    18Aclass Bgrade Cschool Dcity

    19Ahappy Bunhappy Cconfident Dunconfident

    20Anothing Bsomething Canything Deverything

    21Arefused Bfailed Cturned Dhoped

    22Anecklaces Bglasses Cbooks Dclothes

    23Aworking Bthinking Ccrying Dlaughing

    24Anervous Bhungry Cexciting Dcomfortable





    25The picture above is ________.

    Aa survey Ba poster Ca notice Da diary

    26You may read the picture above ________.

    Ain a story book Bin a film review Cin a charity magazine Din a food advertisement

    27The picture above is mainly about________.

    Ahow to help poor people Bhow to choose healthy food

    Chow to support local farmers Dhow to make a clever buyer


    If you find your room in a mess when you look around your room, you’re sure not to be alone.

    Cleaning and organizing aren’t the things most people want to do in their spare time, but in fact they aren’t that hard to keep up with, and they can even be fun once you get into a habit! In this article, we’ll help you form your own habit so you can keep your room, locker, and any other spaces you use neat and organized all the time.


    Choose a day where you can sit down and plan for the week ahead. A good time to do this would be Sunday night. Most people don’t have anything to do on Sunday nights, unless you have other activities. If so, maybe Saturday night will work. You need to get to know your plan, or else things will get difficult.

    Organizing ossessions

    Create a place for everything. Being organized starts with knowing where things should go — this comes in handy during clean-up and helps you keep order along the way, so that big clean-ups become less necessary.

    School life

    Do your homework every night. Stay on top of your studies, and try hard to succeed.

    Personal factors

    Learn to do your laundry. While it may be easier to depend on your parents to keep your clothes clean most of the time, it’s even better to learn early on how to do housework.


    28Which word is the most suitable for   .

    Aplans Bnotes Cvideos Dcards

    29The passage is most probably written for ________.

    Ateachers Bvisitors Cstudents Dparents

    30The passage is mainly about ________.

    Ahow to make plans Bhow to organize things

    Chow to be successful Dhow to form a good habit



    It was dark and I was standing in front of a stranger’s house in an unfamiliar street. The little bird waiting inside the house would be my first test as a volunteer wildlife rescuer (救助者).

    A kind-looking man led me inside to see my first patient. I would have to look confident, like I’d done this kind of thing many times before. I lifted the edge of the shoe box very slightly to see a bird standing on very thin legs. The bird seemed very aghast, so I decided not to catch it by hand but just move the whole shoe box into my rescue box.

    I hadn’t seen this species (物种) of bird before, so I searched the Internet for its information: a rufous fantail, so called because of its red-brown tail feathers that, when fully open, spread out into a neat little “fan”. I phoned the bird specialist of the rescue group. She told me this species hunts insects on the wing and keeping it longer than overnight would only do it harm.

    I waited until dusk the next day, which would provide the cover of darkness, to set it free. I held the bird up as high as I could to give it a good lift off and open the flap. The little bird flew off quickly into the darkness.

    My first successful rescue was not just a second chance for the bird. Five months earlier, I received a cancer diagnosis (诊断) and I was now at the point where I wasn’t planning my days around hospital visits.

    For me, it was making room in my life for wildlife rescue. I’d been interested in animals ever since I was a young girl but had always thought that I’d missed that boat. But I heard about a local wildlife rescue group that was looking for volunteers, and was holding a two-day intensive (强化的) course in wildlife rescue.

    I had a free weekend. The only thing stopping me was a lack (缺乏) of confidence. I generally didn’t put my hand up for tasks that I might fail in, especially in public. But the wildlife rescue organization was willing to take a chance on me, then I could find the courage to take on the responsibility of this role.

    And one day, there was a small bird picked up by an elderly man who’d looked out of his front window after hearing bird calls. It was in a box waiting just for me.

    31What does the underlined word “aghast” mean in this story?

    Aquiet Bbored Cexcited Dscared

    32What can we infer from the passage?

    AThe rescue was a change in direction for the writer.

    BThe rescue mainly helps these birds to search for food.

    CThe writer would like to be a rescuer when she was young.

    DThe writer felt hopeless after receiving the cancer diagnosis.

    33Which can be the best title of the story?

    AJust for Me BA Second Chance CA Kind Girl DA Successful Rescue



    The typical image of a knitter may be a white-haired lady but in the 1940s, young male Royal Air Force pilots used needles as they waited for their next task. Wartime pilots crashed a lot and knitting helped rebuild flexibility(灵活性) in wounded arms and meanwhile calm wounded minds. They were the basis of early career therapy.

    There is increasing evidence that practising creative and meaningful jobs can have a positive influence on health and well-being. Career therapist Jill Riley was part of a team from Cardiff University that surveyed more than 3,500 knitters worldwide and found that the more often people knitted, the calmer and happier they felt. Knitting in a group created happiness, improved social contact and communication with others. As one person surveyed put it,“That rhythm of making stitch (针脚) after stitch is like deep breathing. It’s a flow where you don’t have to stress about it and you’ve got the rhythm happening.”

    “Flow”is an invention first named by the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentrnihalyi. As he wrote in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, “The best moments in our lives are not the passive or relaxing times. The best moments usually happen if a person’s body or mind is in a voluntary effort to complete something difficult and worthwhile. During the flow, attention is freely paid to achieving a person’s goal because there is no disorder to strengthen out or no threat (威胁) for the self to guard against.”

    “When a person can organize his or her mind so as to experience flow as often as possible, the quality of life starts to improve.”An artist, Shauna Richardson, knows just how true this is. The artist spent 18 months in a state of flow when she knitted three seven-metre-long lions for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad.

    To complete the task, she says she had to fix all her attention and keep a state of mind driven by rhythm and process (过程). Csikszentrnihalyi also describes the opposite to flow. He points out that although people are healthier and 1ive longer, they often end up feeling anxious and bored, and they are usually cut off from satisfying work.

    Because knitting is so accessible(可到达的)—at its heart it’s two sticks and one stitch—it helps people build confidence in their abilities. After all, if you make a mistake, you can just pull it all out and start again.

    34Why does the writer mention “a white-haired lady” in paragraph 1?

    ATo give an example. BTo introduce the topic.

    CTo compare two things. DTo prove the writer’s opinion

    35According to the passage, how does “career therapy”help people?

    AFill their free time by doing handwork. BReduce their stress by breathing deeply.

    CImprove their mind and body by knitting. DPerfect their skills by completing a task

    36How do people feel in a state of flow?

    AFixed. BBored. CRelaxed DSatisfied

    37What can we learn from the passage?

    AIt is certain that young males are interested in knitting at present.

    BIt is proved that knitting has a bad effect on people’s health and life.

    CIn the writer’s opinion knitting can bring people good points and bad points.

    DIn the kitting process, knitters can enjoy it without worrying about making mistakes.




    38We spent the whole afternoon ________ (宁静地) without noisy kids around.

    39It is a ________ (常见的) sense that drinking milk can help kids grow stronger.

    40Scientists around the world are working to ________ (发现) a cure for cancers.

    41Reducing the risk of heart diseases is an important ________ ( 优势) of regular exercise.



    42The boy ________ (simple) won’t accept his parents’ decision.

    43We can clearly see the pain from her ________ (worry) eyes.

    44They will never know the ________ (true) behind what happened.

    45Peter ________ (regret) wasting much time playing computer games and failed his exam.

    46All that ________ (matter) is that you are safe. Take care!

    47Don’t worry! I ________ (help) you to complete the task in the following week.

    48The bus was late. The poor old man had no choice but ________ (wait) in the rain.

    49.一I can’t find my mobile phone anywhere. Someone on the bus ________ (steal) it!

    Are you kidding me? It’s in your hand right now.

    50Michelle Yeoh ________ (win) the Oscar for Best Actress and became the first Asian woman to get the award.

    51Billions of paper cups ________ (use) every day in the world, so recycling is necessary.

    52—You looked serious. What troubled you?

    —Well, I ________ (think) about how to write my application.

    53Thousands of people ________ (leave) homeless in the earthquake which happened in Turkey in February, 2023.




    Museums are magical places where history is kept alive. Ancient relics (遗物) and national treasures are proudly on show for everybody. One of the oldest public museums in the world is the British Museum in London.

    The British Museum is famous for its rich collection. People from around the world come to admire some of the greatest treasures in the world. From 2,000-year-old war helmets to classical Greek vases and Roman sculptures, history follows us into the present.

    Interestingly, the whole history of the British Museum started with a gift. An Irish man named Sir Hans Sloane had collected many wonderful items over the years, including old coins, medals and drawings. Before he died, he wanted these treasures to be stored. So he handed them over to the king. and in 1753, the museum was created.

    In its early days, about 5, 000 people visited every year. Before the COVID- 19 pandemic (流行病), around 6 million people flooded into the museum, according to the British Museum’s website. Also one in four foreign visitors to London would visit the museum. It has been voted the most visited attraction in the UK for many years. Its popularity makes the British Museum a British icon.


    It is one of the public museums which has the longest ___54___.Ancient relics (遗物) and national treasures are proudly on show.

    It is well-known ___55___ its collection is quite rich.


    An Irish man had collected many wonderful items, and old coins, medals and drawings were ___57___.He handed treasures over to the king so that they could be stored.

    In 1753, the museum was created.


    A large ___58___ of visitors went to the British Museum before the COVID-19 pandemic.It has been thought as the most visited attraction in the UK for many years.





    The First Slam Dunk has ________________ in China’s box office.


    People will ________________ the living conditions of oversea pandas.


    The script was shown on the forum, which ________________ a famous director.


    Parents are ________________ in children’s education.


    The girl was so careless ________________ hers.


    The Xiaomi products show clearly ________________ to our life.





    1.the purpose of the email

    2.cities or places of interest you will recommend (eg. Beijing, the Place Museum, the Great Wall, …)

    3.your recommendation reasons (list two or three reasons)



    2.词数在 100 个左右,邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;



















    15D    16C    17B    18A    19B    20A    21C    22D    23C    24A


    25B    26C    27D


    28A    29C    30D


    31D    32A    33B


    34B    35C    36A    37D











    47will help

    48to wait

    49has stolen


    51are used

    52was thinking

    53were left

    54history    55because    56Background    57included    58number


    59taken the lead

    60pay more attention to

    61happened to catch the attention of/happened to attract the attention of

    62considered to play an important role

    63that she mistook my guitar for/that my guitar was mistaken for

    64how IT/information technology makes/has made a great/big/much difference


    Dear Jim,

    I am glad to hear that you would like to visit China. Welcome to travel to China!

    Since you are interested in Chinese culture, I recommend you to visit Beijing. First, you can visit the Palace Museum. With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit. The Great Wall is another good choice. The wall was built over 2000 years ago. It looks like a dragon running across northern China. What’s more, if you are interested in Chinese art, I advise you to go into a teahouse. There you can enjoy Beijing opera with a lasting value.

    If you have any question about China, do let me know.

    I look forward to seeing you in China.

    Best wishes,

    Li Hua



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