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    1. What is the weather like now?

    A. Cloudy.    B. Sunny.    C. Rainy.

    2. Why didn't the woman buy the coat?

    A. It didn't fit her.

    B. It cost too much.

    C. She didn't take enough money.

    3. What did the man do this morning?

    A. He did some washing. B. He took out the rubbish. C. He cleaned the house.

    4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. A meeting.   B. A job.    C. A manager.

    5. What do we know about the man last weekend?

    A. He was busy.   B. He went on business.  C. He was ill.




    6. What's the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Tour guide and tourist.  B. Waiter and customer.  C. Mother and son.

    7. What can we learn from the conversation?

    A. The woman was satisfied with the dinner.

    B. The man lent his phone to the woman.

    C. They spent a pleasant evening party together.


    8. What day is it today?

    A. Friday.    B. Saturday.   C. Sunday.

    9. What does the man want to buy?

    A. Some clothes.   B. A necklace.   C. Some chicken.


    10. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

    A. An interviewer and an interviewee.

    B. A journalist and an interviewee.

    C. A professor and an applicant.

    11. What is the characteristic of the man?

    A. Knowledgeable and kind-hearted.

    B. Experienced and hard-working.

    C. Confident and capable.

    12. What may happen after this conversation?

    A. The man may get a job in the company.

    B. The man may be dismissed from the company.

    C. The woman may get a promotion soon.


    13. What was the woman planning to study originally?

    A. Business.   B. Law.    C. Medicine.

    14. What made the woman change her mind?

    A. The outbreak of COVID-19. B. The lockdown of schools. C. The reduction of income.

    15. Why does the woman apply for a medical school?

    A. She is interested in studying medicine.

    B. She wants to meet her parents' need.

    C. She looks forward to becoming a doctor.

    16. What will the man probably do?

    A. Apply for a law school.

    B. Apply for a medical school.

    C. Go to Harvard Business School.


    17. When should the listeners get to school next Tuesday?

    A. At 5:50.    B. At 6:00.    C. At 7:30.

    18. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

    A. Attend a birthday celebration. B. Read the play ahead.  C. Copy the play.

    19. How much should each listener pay for the visit in total?

    A. $ 15.    B. $ 17.    C. $18.

    20. What will the listeners do after visiting Staunton Theater?

    A. Meet at the front gate. B. Have a big meal.  C. Go to a cafe.





    Climate change is difficult to handle, but this doesn't mean people are just sitting on the sidelines waiting for the unavoidable. Everyone can join in fighting climate change. Here are some citizen-science projects in which you can take part.

    Meado Watch

    This project, out of the University of Washington, is looking at how climate change is affecting wildflowers on Mount Rainier. Volunteers collect data along hiking tracks when wildflowers bud, flower, fruit and produce seeds. The project is also collecting photos of wildflowers from across Mount Rainier National Park.

    Great Backyard Bird Count

    For four days every February, volunteers around the world count birds in 15 minutes. These observations can be made anywhere, including your own backyard. The counts provide scientists with data on where birds are found and how many there are. The count has been going on for over 20 years.

    Water Monitoring in Minnesota

    Residents of Minnesota can sign up to be a volunteer monitoring water for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Volunteers are arranged to a lake or stream. Twice a month during the summer, they take measurements of water clarity(透明度). Those data let the government see whether water clarity has been changing over time as well as assess the health of those waterways.


    Gretta Peel is an ocean ecologist at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia. She studies where sea species are moving in response to climate change. She sets up a program called Redmap. It asks people to report “uncommon” sea species they've seen in Australian waters. “We want to have an early indication(迹象)of what species were moving where they live,” she explains.

    21. Which project should be most appealing to people interested in wildflowers?

    A. Redmap.    B. Meado Watch.

    C. Great Backyard Bird Count.  D. Water Monitoring in Minnesota.

    22. What do we know about Great Backyard Bird Count?

    A. It is mainly intended for bird scientists.

    B. It must be carried out every day in February.

    C. It must be conducted in certain appointed places.

    D. It has been in existence for more than two decades.

    23. What do the four projects focus on?

    A. Saving sea species.   B. Fighting climate change.

    C. Protecting water resources.  D. Exploring causes of climate problems.


    Manute Bol played ten years in the National Basketball Association. But he will be remembered as much for his shot-blocking in the NBA as for his charity work in Sudan. He died on June nineteenth from kidney(肾)failure and a rare and painful skin disorder.

    Manute Bol was born in southern Sudan. He stood two hundred thirty-one centimeters-tall even for a Dinka, some of Africa's tallest people. His father, a tribal chief, did not think basketball was “good work for a Dinka”. But the teenager chose it over herding his family's cattle.

    He did not have much luck, though, when he first went up to dunk(扣篮)the ball. As he once told The Washington Post, “When I came down I hurt my teeth in the net.”

    In the NBA, Manute Bol averaged less than three points a game on offense (进攻). But on defense, he became one of the most feared shot-blockers in the league. Former player Rory Sparrow says he was not afraid of anyone--not even Michael Jordan. “He just laughed and said, ‘What Michael Jordan? Why should I be afraid of Michael Jordan? I kill lion. He comes in, I block his shot.’ And sure enough, he blocked his shot. Michael made a couple of dunks. But hey, Manute stood his ground.”

    He finished his career as the fourteenth best shot-blocker in NBA history. He enjoyed his fame. But he never forgot his people. Years of civil war left southern Sudan in ruins. He helped raise money for refugees. Reports say he donated nearly all of the estimated six million dollars he made playing basketball. Before his death, he was working with the Sudan Sunrise group to help bring the country together. His goal was to build forty-one schools.

    24. Why was Manute Bol remembered?

    A. Because of his great height.

    B. Because of his bravery in fighting against illness.

    C. Because of his excellent skills in shooting baskets.

    D. Because of his kind help to his country and his people.

    25. What did Manute Bol's father expect him to do?

    A. Enter the NBA.   B. Succeed as a tribal chief.

    C. Move to the United States.  D. Care for the family's cattle.

    26. In the NBA, Manute Bol was most famous for ____________.

    A. his defense ability    B. being on offense

    C. his ability to score    D. his strength against Michael Jordan

    27. What do Rory Sparrow's words indicate?

    A. No one could block Michael Jordan except Manute Bol.

    B. He admired Manute Bol for his ability in defense.

    C. Michael Jordan was quite afraid of Manute Bol.

    D. Manute Bol was quite cruel sometimes.


    For the past weeks, melting snow and heavy spring rains have caused the Missouri River to rise above normal levels, flooding parts of Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, and South Dakota. Thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes to escape the flood.

    The Missouri River is the second longest river in the United States. It is the longest river that feeds into the Mississippi River. Residents(居民)in areas along the Missouri River have been building temporary levees(堤)along the river. They hope that the levees will prevent the river water from overflowing. On Monday morning, however, several levees in northern Missouri broke.

    Because of the broken levees, the Missouri River came close to forcing the shutdown of nuclear power plant(核电站)in Brownville, Nebraska. There, the river rose to 900.5 feet. If it rose 18 more inches, officials would have been forced to close the plant for safety reasons. This nuclear plant had been preparing for possible flooding since May 30th. Workers used over 5,000 tons of sand to construct barricades around the plant. Luckily, the river stopped rising in time and the plant remains open. “We knew the river was going to rise for some time,” Nebraska Public Power District spokesman Mark Becker said. “It was just a matter of when.”

    Engineers and weather forecasters predict that the river will rise as much as five to seven feet above flood level in Nebraska and Iowa and up to ten feet above the level in Missouri. They think the river will stay high until August. The U.S. government has agreed to give $1 billion in emergency money to repair broken levees and areas damaged by the flooding along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.

    28. What does the underlined word “evacuate” in the first paragraph probably mean?

    A. Repair.   B. Change.   C. Leave.   D. Strengthen.

    29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

    A. The nuclear power plant has been closed since the flood.

    B. The Missouri River is the longest river in the United States.

    C. Workers in nuclear plant prepared for the possible flood in advance.

    D. The U.S. government has given $1 billion to provide food.

    30. What can we learn from the engineers and weather forecasters?

    A. The flood may last till August.

    B. The end of the flood will come within a week.

    C. The river will not rise in Nebraska and Missouri until August

    D. The river may even rise ten feet above flood level in Iowa.

    31. What does the text mainly talk about?

    A. A nuclear power plant affected by the flood.

    B. The U.S. government's measures when facing the flood.

    C. The flooding and damage caused by the rising Missouri River.

    D. The relationship between the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.


    Eleven of the world's languages have at least one hundred million native speakers. The biggest are Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic and Hindi. Next come Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, French and German. The United Nations says these eleven languages are the mother tongues of half the world's population.

    Bud Lane works with linguist Gregory Anderson to record words for a talking dictionary. But the world has close to seven thousand languages. Linguists predict that quite a lot of these may be at risk of disappearing by the end of this century. That would mean another language dies every two weeks.

    Members of the Siletz Indian tribe in the northwestern state of Oregon take pride in their language. Their language, they say, “is as old as time itself.” But today very few people can speak it fluently. In fact, you can count the number of fluent speakers on one hand. Bud Lane is one of them. Several National Geographic fellows helped him record fourteen thousand words and phrases in his native tongue. More than ten thousand entries can be found in the Siletz Online Talking Dictionary, first launched in two thousand seven. Smartphone apps, YouTube videos and Facebook pages have all become digital tools for language activists and experts.

    In Canada's far north, the Inuit people are struggling to preserve their native language, Inuktitut. Part of the effort involves Microsoft. The company is translating terms in its Windows operating system and Office software into Inuktitut. Microsoft has also worked with language activists in New Zealand, Spain and Wales to translate its software into Maori, Basque, Catalan and Welsh.

    In Oregon, Bud Lane says technology alone cannot save endangered languages. He points to one sign of progress: young members of the tribe are now texting each other in tribal language.

    32. Which of the following languages is Bud Lane's tribal language?

    A. Inuktitut.  B. Siletz.   C. Maori.   D. Bengali.

    33. How many entries can you find in the Siletz Online Talking Dictionary?

    A. 2007.   B. 7,000.   C. Over 10,000.  D.1400.

    34. How does Microsoft help save the endangered languages?

    A. By teaching them to its staff.  B. By recording them in a talking dictionary.

    C. By using them in its software.  D. By giving money to the researchers.

    35. What does the text mainly talk about?

    A. The efforts to protect threatened languages.

    B. The mother tongues of half the world's population.

    C. The disappearance of some tribal languages.

    D. A talking dictionary to save endangered languages.



    An indoor garden has a positive impact on your life if you take care of them properly. However, if you fail to plan before starting one on your own, you may end up with a few problems. 36._______

    Plants need an ample amount of sunlight for them to grow properly. 37_______. Before starting an urban garden, make sure you've conducted a few weeks' worth of observations about how sunlight behaves inside your home at different times of the day. This will give you an idea as to where your urban garden is.

    Obviously, the sun conditions would be useless if you don't have enough space for the garden. That said, consider where the sunlight lands. You must also determine whether you can place a garden there. 38._______ Do it in such a way that you get to accommodate your plants' sunlight needs while also maximizing the space of your home for other things.

    39._______ That's a fact. This shouldn't bother you, though. That's because, in the long run, urban gardens are actually money-savers. The money you spent on gardening essentials will return in the form of not having to buy certain things in the market because you have one at home. Before starting an urban garden, consider the budget you want for the garden. This will determine the containers and types of plants you can cultivate.

    The world will always present us with many problems that can affect us physically, mentally and emotionally. One great method for achieving a healthy lifestyle is by growing a garden. 40._______ Thanks to urban gardening, you can have a slice of paradise in the city.

    A. If not, you can try rearranging your home.

    B. You also need to consider watering your plants.

    C. To avoid that, you need to consider a few things.

    D. Without enough sunlight, all living things wouldn't survive.

    E. That means you should consider the availability of sunlight.

    F. Living in the city is not a problem for new gardeners anymore.

    G. You will spend a few dollars if you want to start an urban garden.




    Never criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes. During the past twenty-five years, I've often found that the message used to be on my fridge has helped me see __41__ from a different view.

    Once I was on my way to a party with several __42__. As we were leaving the office, we met another colleague, Wendy, who had __43__ planned to attend the event. We asked her to go together, but she __44__ our invitation roughly(粗暴地). My other colleagues were quite annoyed and clearly __45__ with Wendy's behaviour.

    __46__ how tired Wendy appeared, I commented that perhaps we should forgive her. She was __47__ having a bad day, and it wasn't worth holding a grudge(怨恨)against her if we weren't __48__ of what led to her unusual behaviour. A week later, I __49__ that Wendy had a serious illness. Wendy wasn't being __50__ to us but she had just received very bad news.

    Whether it's a family member who let me __51__, a friend who betrayed(背叛)my __52__ , or a difficult colleague, the words __53__ me. Although it's not always easy to __54__, I've been able to get rid of a lot of __55__ over the years by focusing on my magical sentence.

    41. A. consequences  B. situations  C. rules   D. reasons

    42. A. customers  B. colleagues  C. neighbors  D. relatives

    43. A. frequently  B. eventually  C. previously  D. occasionally

    44. A. refused  B. accepted  C. suspected  D. ignored

    45. A. angry  B. content   C. strict   D. pleased

    46. A. Depending upon  B. Reflecting on  C. Comparing with  D. Accounting for

    47. A. naturally  B. accidentally  C. seriously  D. obviously

    48. A. afraid  B. aware   C. ashamed  D. fond

    49. A. learned  B. guessed   C. determined  D. concluded

    50. A. selfish  B. aggressive  C. rude   D. impatient

    51. A. out   B. in   C. down   D. off

    52. A. judgment  B. respect   C. ability   D. trust

    53. A. honor  B. defeat   C. guide   D. follow

    54. A. persuade  B. achieve   C. forgive   D. appreciate

    55. A. trouble  B. danger   C. pressure   D. annoyance




    Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, ___56___ caused millions of people to die, until a British doctor, John Snow, ___57___ (show) how it could be overcome. In 1854, he began to investigate. By marking on a map ___58___ exact places where all those died had lived in Broad Street, Snow suspected the water pump was ___59___(blame). What's more, a woman and her daughter who had the water from the pump delivered to her house after moving away from the street also died from cholera. ___60___ a result of this evidence, Snow announced that the pump water carried cholera ___61___(germ). Accordingly, he had the handle of the pump ___62___(remove) so that it could not be used. Through Snow's ___63___(tire) efforts, water companies started selling clean water. Finally, King Cholera was defeated. Thanks to the work of Snow, cholera is much ___64___(easy) to be treated than before. For this reason, Snow ___65___(consider) the father of modern epidemiology.















    It started out as a normal spring morning. Fern was busy setting the table for breakfast when her father had been to the hoghouse(猪圈)with an ax. Fern, who was only eight, just wondered why he needed an ax. Curiosity drove her to ask her mom.

    “Well,” replied Mrs Arable, “some pigs were born last night but one of the pigs is a weakling(虚弱的猪). It is very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your father has decided to do away with it.”

    Fern trembled with anger, unable to believe what she had heard. Noticing Fern's reaction, Mrs Arable continued to explain, “Your father is right. The pig would probably die anyway.”

    Fern pushed a chair out of the way and stormed outdoors. The grass was wet and the earth smelled of springtime. Fern's sneakers were sopping(浸湿)by the time she caught up with her father. Desperately, she begged her father not to kill the pig, sobbing it was unfair. “Fern,” Mr Arable turned to his little girl and said gently, “you will have to learn to control yourself.”

    “Control myself?” yelled Fern. “This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself.” With tears streaming down her cheeks, she reached out for the ax and tried to pull it out of her father’s hand.

    However, Mr Arable took no notice of her words, thinking it was another mischief (胡闹)and went on with what he had been doing. Anxious but determined, Fern cried out, “The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?"

    Saying a firm “No” as an answer, Mr Arable smiled in great amazement and looked down at his daughter with love. “This is different. A little girl is one thing, a weak pig is another.” It seemed he didn't intend to change his mind. Fern would not give in either, still hanging on to the ax. “This is the most terrible case of injustice I've ever heard of!”


    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

    Paragraph 1:

    A complicated look came over Mr Arable's face. ________________________________________


    Paragraph 2:

    Fern loved the little pig more than anything. ___________________________________________



    高二年级英语学科 参考答案

    第一部分  听力(每题1.5分,共30)

    1-5 BABCC  6- 10 BAABA  11-15 CABAC  16-20 CABBC

    第二部分  阅读理解(50)


    21-23 BDB  24-27 DDAB  28-31 CCAC  32-35 BCCA


    36-40 CEAGF

    第三部分  语言运用(30)

    第一节  完形填空(每题1分,共15)

    41-45 BBCAA  46-50 BDBAC  51-55 CDCBD

    第二节  语法填空(每题1.5分,共15)

    56. which   57. showed    58. the      59. to blame   60. As

    61. germs   62. removed   63. tireless   64. easier     65. is considered

    第四部分  写作(40)


    Dear David,

    I am so pleased to learn that you are to spend some time in China.

    I recommend you stay in Beijing, the capital and cultural center of China. The city enjoys a high reputation for its abundance of ancient architecture, which represents the traditional local lifestyles. And there are also plenty of museums where precious relics of historical interest are waiting for you to explore. Besides, the exceptional Peking Opera performances there are also what you can’t miss

    I wish you a very happy and meaningful time in China!

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Yue


    Paragraph1: A complicated look came over Mr Arable’ sface. This was the first time that he had been questioned about the decision on a pig’s life. Meeting the determined red eyes of his beloved daughter, Mr Arable felt himself being left in a dilemma, not knowing what was the right thing to do. “Dad, please, please...” Fern kept begging. Looking at her miserable face, Mr Arable was lost in deep thought. After what seemed like a century, he gave in to his beloved daughter, saying “All right! He’s yours!” (82w)

    Paragraph 2: Fern loved the little pig more than anything. Fern named the pig “Lucky”, considering herself lucky to have the pig for company. She loved to pet him, to warm his milk, and to put him to bed. Meanwhile, Lucky loved his milk and he was never happier than when Fern was warming up a bottle for him. He would stand up and gaze up at her with adoring eyes. Scooping Lucky up against her cheek, Fern smiled lovingly, “With love, you’ll never be a wealking any more!” (81w)


    Paragraph 1: A complicated look came over Mr Arable’sface. The words his daughter just said still echoing in his head, never did he know the weakling meant so much to her. He lowered his head with an unprecedented wave of hesitation only to catch sight of her daughter’s determined eyes and firm grip. Reflecting that killing the small pig may hurt her daughter deeply, he was stuck in a dilemma. After seemingly a long time, there came a sigh of Mr Arable, “All right! He’s yours!” (83w)

    Paragraph 2: Fern loved the little pig more than anything. The following days witnessed Fern fed the pig devotedly and inexhaustibly. When the sky barely dawned, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him with love, then at noontime, and again at suppertime. Simultaneously, the pig would grunt, leap forward to sniff Fern and gaze up at her with adoring eyes. Seeing her baby gaining pounds as days went by, she felt a great sense of achievement and understood taking good care of a life did make a difference in this normal yet meaningful spring!(90w)


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