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    One of the best things about London is that so many of its world-famous museums are free to the public. Visitors can enjoy some beautiful paintings, portraits(肖像)and art pieces by famous artists from around the world there.

    Imperial War Museum

    Located in what was once a hospital, Imperial War Museum offers a fascinating look at war and its impact. With lots of films, photos, videos and audio recordings included in the displays, visitors will come away with a greater insight into the tragedy(悲剧)of wars, as well as the impact they have on society.

    National Portrait Gallery

    Home to over 11,000 portraits, this delightful art gallery focuses on famous British people through the ages. Portraits, photos, sculptures and drawings of some of the country's most influential and well-known figures gaze upon you as you make your way through the gallery. While its most famous portrait is undoubtedly the one of William Shakespeare, more contemporary pieces do not look out of place alongside artworks that date back hundreds of years.

    Royal Air Force Museum

    Located in Hendon, Royal Air Force Museum has over one hundred and sixty aircrafts on display and is a must-see for aviation(航空)lovers. Documenting the history of aviation and aircraft in the United Kingdom, the museum has one of the biggest and best collections of military aircraft in the world.

    Tate Britain

    Founded by sugar businessman Sir Henry Tate, Tate Britain is a wonderful museum to visit, with lots of fantastic British artworks on show. Tate Britain's masterpieces include works by William Blake and Francis Bacon. Wandering around the exhibitions and galleries is a lovely way to spend the day. With the museum lying on the banks of the Thames, you can take a boat to get there.

    1What can we know about Imperial War Museum?

    AIt houses Francis Bacon's works. BIt mainly shows artists' tragedies.

    CIt originally served as a hospital. DIt once stood on the Thames River.

    2In which place can visitors see the picture of William Shakespeare?

    AImperial War Museum. BTate Britain.

    CRoyal Air Force Museum. DNational Portrait Gallery.

    3What's special about Tate Britain?

    AIt is accessible by boat. BIt focuses on famous people.

    CIt attracts many aircraft lovers. DIt was built by a businesswoman.


    There’s no doubt that Dolly Parton knows how to light up a stage; however, she’s also spent a number of decades trying to bring a spark to children’s education.

    Through programs such as the Buddy Program and the Imagination Library, the American singer is sharing her passion for giving kids a better chance in life across the states and further in the UK, Australia, Canada and Ireland.

    Among other charity efforts, Parton was inspired to introduce the Buddy Program after seeing the alarming dropout rate in her hometown of Sevierville, Tennessee, in 1990. That year 34% of schoolkids dropped out of high school—a decision they reached around fifth or sixth grade. The figures were so shocking that Parton decided to inspire kids with her new program. So, in the same year, she invited the fifth and sixth graders to her amusement park, Dollywood. She gathered the pupils and asked them to pair up with a friend as part of a motivating buddy system. If both children went on to graduate, she said she would offer them both a $500 check as a reward. That year the percentage of kids abandoning their education dropped to an unbelievable 6%, and continues to be around that rate today.

    It was after the success of the Buddy Program that Parton wanted to address the issue of early education even further. To help give kids from disadvantaged backgrounds a better chance at school, the singer started her Imagination Library in 1995. Over the following 25 years the program has seen babies and toddlers enjoy new books every month thanks to her generosity.

    And the singer shows no sign of stopping. In 2020, she donated $1 million to Vanderbilt University to try and help research in the fight against COVID-19.

    4What gave rise to the setting up of the Buddy Program?

    ALack of charity activities. BThe alarming rate of social crimes.

    CChildren’s poor living conditions. DThe great number of children quitting school.

    5Through the Buddy Program, what did Dolly Parton do to help?

    AShe sponsored high schools. BShe offered money to dropouts.

    CShe encouraged learning in pairs. DShe organized amusement activities.

    6In what way did Imagination Library contribute to education?

    AIt offered a chance for children to go to school.

    BIt appealed to the public to value education.

    CIt helped build libraries all over the country.

    DIt donated books to those less fortunate children.

    7Which of the following words can best describe Dolly Parton?

    AInspiring and generous. BCourageous and kind.

    CReliable and honest. DSmart and patient.


    Beijing is a rather strange city to many western people. One of my foreign friends told me that when he came to Beijing, at first he couldn't understand why most people wear masks when spring comes to Beijing. He thought people wanted to keep their appearance a secret. Well, one of the symbols of spring coming to Beijing is that more and more people start wearing masks. The reason for it is the arrival of so called “sandstorms”.

    It is said that each year sandstorms hit Beijing 4 to 5 times. The sand is brought to Beijing by wind from the western part of China. Tons of soil and dust travel hundreds of miles and blanket Beijing's streets, parked cars and apartment buildings. You would be amazed to see the ground has turned yellow overnight. The storm is so violent that you do not want to have a conversation with your friend on the road. If you open your mouth and then you close it, you may have the raw taste of sand in your mouth.

    People in Beijing hate those storms. Sandstorms make the traffic jam in rush hours even more unpredictable, because the drivers have to drive slowly in order to have a clear view of the road conditions. Young students also hate sandstorms because whenever there is a sandstorm, they are not allowed to have any activities outside the classroom. It is so boring to sit in the classroom all day and the youngsters are so eager to go out and do some sports.

    It is said that the closest desert is only 80 kilometers away from the city center.There is definitely much more to do for the local government to deal with the environmental problem.

    8Why do people in Beijing wear masks in the spring?

    ABecause they are rather strange.

    BBecause there are serious sandstorms.

    CBecause their appearance are not beautiful.

    DBecause they want to keep their face a secret.

    9What does the underlined word “blanket” mean ?

    ADry. BCross. CDestroy. DCover.

    10What do people have to do when the storm comest?

    ADrivers clean the road. BThey hold some activities.

    CYoungsters go out to do sports. DStudents stay in the classroom.

    11Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

    APeople in Sandstorms BHow to Prevent Sandstorms

    CSandstorms in Beijing DWhat to Do in a Sandstorm


    If a president, a philosopher, and one of the best-selling writers credited the same secret for their success, would you try to follow it too? What if the secret was something you already knew how to do? In fact, you probably do it every day. Here's what Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: "It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth." Thomas Jefferson: "Walking is the best possible exercise." Charles Dickens: "If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and die."

    Researchers have found quite a lot of connections between walking and producing ideas. A Stanford University study found that participants were 81 percent more creative when walking as opposed to sitting. According to the study, walking outside-compared with on a treadmill(跑步机)-produces the most novel and highest-quality ideas.

    The movement aspect of walking is obviously key. Our creative thinking is triggered(触发)by physical movement, which is exactly why walking-with your dog, a friend, or alone-feeds creative thinking.

    The scenery is almost as important as the sweat. Breaking your routine with a walk can be acatalystfor fresh understanding of problems or projects. Just by going outside, you are stepping out of your familiar surroundings and your comfort zone, which is necessary if you want to open your mind to new possibilities. You can walk through a tree-filled neighborhood. You can walk through a park and observe people joking or birds singing. Being inside, you're more likely to be lifeless, which means you don't have enough energy to wonder or create.

    So instead of setting a fitness goal, why not set a creativity goal that starts with walking? Involve yourself more closely in your surroundings. Turn off your phone and give yourself the chance to be present in the world, to hear conversations and natural sounds, and to notice the way people move and the way the sun reflects in puddle(小水坑).

    12How does the author introduce the topic?

    ABy providing background. BBy borrowing phrases from great minds.

    CBy giving definition. DBy presenting well-known examples.

    13The underlined word in paragraph 4 means something ________.

    Acausing a change Bstopping progress

    Ccatching eyes Dinterrupting creativity

    14What can we learn from the passage?

    ANature exploration improves fitness.

    BWalking on a treadmill brings more energy.

    CWorking indoors makes people less creative.

    DFamiliar surroundings encourage novel ideas.

    15What can be a suitable title for the text?

    AExercise in Nature. BTrain Your Brain.

    CDevelop Your Creativity. DWalk for Wonder.




    Learning English, or any language, can be a challenging but rewarding experience. To make progress, you need to make a lot of effort and develop the right habits.

    Make a plan and set realistic goals. Planning your learning day by day and week by week can be rewarding and can make it easier to measure your progress.____16____For example, you might aim to learn five new linking expressions next week (realistic ) rather than master academic writing (extremely un-realistic).

    Record new vocabulary in an easy and practical way.____17____, it’s a good idea to organize vocabulary by topic. Experiment with different ways of recording vocabulary, including word -cards and mind maps, and see what works best for you. You should also take down the different forms, uses and pronunciation of particular words.

    Be active and manage your own learning. When in class, try to participate as much as possible. Be determined to use the language and grammar your teacher has presented. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, so don’t let that stop you.____18____, you’ll soon start to see results.

    ____19____.Go through the notes you took in a certain class and try memorizing as much as possible. Then, write to see how much you can recall. Repeat the process until you’ve memorized all the things you set at the beginning of the task.

    Find fun in English to watch, read and listen to. The English language is truly global and the opportunities to read or listen to it are endless.____20____.Get into the habit of watching TV shows or movies, listening to songs and radio shows, and reading books and magazines in English.

    ARemember where you get started

    BReview self-study notes regularly

    CThis is especially true if you set realistic goals

    DBy being active and taking control of your own learning

    EHowever, it’s crucial to make sure the topics are ones that interest you

    FAs language lessons are often based on a particular theme

    GTo succeed in English learning, you need to develop a good habit of learning grammar




    My best friend during my growing up was my grandpa Chilly. When I was 7, I started working at his Chevron station pumping gas. As I got____21____,he taught me how to____22____the oil and do inspections. Grandpa Chilly taught me about hard work and honesty. As the owner of his____23____, he didn't sit behind a desk____24____people what to do. He did all the____25____lifting himself. He also taught me to think like an____26____. He'd say, "No matter what you do, work for yourself.

    That was an important____27____. He wanted me to hold myself____28____for my progress and my____29____in life. Grandpa Chilly came to all of my games. When I_____30_____a letter of intent(意向)on Nov.14, 2002 to play football for nearby Wake Forest University on a full scholarship, he was____31____.The next day, grandpa Chilly left us forever during an_____32_____He was 61. Thinking about that day now still_____33_____me. The day after his_____34_____was the first game of my senior year. I played and_____35_____3 goals in his honor.

    In June 2005, I was_____36_____in the first round of the draft by the national team—my_____37_____ comes true. All I could think was how_____38_____grandpa Chilly would have been. In 2017, after I was_____39_____by a new boss, I bought a new house. My family_____40_____so much time together there,especially on holidays when all of my relatives come to town. But the person I wish to come most will never come again.

    21Astronger Bricher Chealthier Dolder

    22Aexplore Bbuy Ccheck Dcapture

    23Astation Boffice Chospital Dairport

    24Apersuading Btelling Cbegging Dconsulting

    25Aeasy Bheavy Cunnecessary Dsafe

    26Aorganizer Beditor Cowner Dannouncer

    27Areport Blesson Cmodel Dpromise

    28Areasonable Bavailable Cfamous Dresponsible

    29Aignorance Baddiction Cchoices Daspects

    30Asigned Bread Cscanned Dstudied

    31Aanxious Bdisappointed Cconfused Dthrilled

    32Aexperiment Bevent Caccident Dargument

    33Asaddens Bcomforts Csatisfies Drelieves

    34Afuneral Boperation Cperformance Danniversary

    35Alearned Bscored Clost Dtrained

    36Aquestioned Bwarmed Cabandoned Dpicked

    37Abelief Bdream Cduty Dfaith

    38Aproud Bkind Cfine Dsmart

    39Aaccused Bdefeated Chired Dtricked

    40Atakes Bsaves Cwastes Dspends





    Are you a tea drinker? If so, you’re not alone. There are many kinds of teas in China. Longjing tea, ____41____ has topped the list of the most ten famous teas in China, is named after its production region — Longjing Village of West Lake. The good environment and water resources have contributed much to the ____42____ (grow) of the tea, confirming the saying that “Longjing tea is the ____43____ (good) among all the teas in the world”.

    Thanks ____44____ Emperor Qianlong, the tea has earned a high reputation. The story went that Emperor Qianlong once travelled in Hangzhou and he saw some ladies picking the tea at ____45____ foot of the mountain. He was so ____46____ (interest) in their movements that he decided to have a go himself.

    While ____47____ (pick) the tea, he received the news of his mother’s illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his sleeves and left Hangzhou for Beijing. He visited his mother ____48____ (immediate) upon his arrival in Beijing, and his mother smelt the fragrance of the tea leaves from his sleeves and wanted to have a taste. After drinking a cup of tea, she found herself completely ____49____ (refresh), and she even praised it as a cure for her illness. At last, it _____50_____ (choose) as the tribute tea.







    修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    There is an old man who have a shoe repair shop outside our community and his shop always opens till midnight. Many neighbor wonder why he works so late since there are a few customers at that time. One cold and snow night, I went home such late that the street lamps had already gone out. When I was approaching my community gate, I spotted the old man sitting on a chair. On his hand, there was a lamp. Heard someone coming, he lifted his lamp light the way. I final understood him. He doesn't do it for money, but offers help to these who need it.










    A diary

    March 12, Friday




    1C    2D    3A


    4D    5C    6D    7A


    8B    9D    10D    11C


    12B    13A    14C    15D


    16C    17F    18D    19B    20E



    21D    22C    23A    24B    25B    26C    27B    28D    29C    30A    31D    32C    33A    34A    35B    36D    37B    38A    39C    40D



    41which    42growth    43best    44to    45the    46interested    47picking    48immediately    49refreshed    50was chosen








    7. Heard→Hearing

    8. light前加to



    52A diary

    March 12, Friday


    Today is the Tree-Planting Day,and we had a meaningful experience, one I’ll never forget.

    Early in the morning, some of my classmates and I bicycled to the People’s Park to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. No sooner than did we arrive than it began to rain slightly. Though, we began to work immediately, some digging holes, some carrying and planting young treesand others watering them. We had a wonderful teamwork!

    Tired but happy, we all went home with a sense of achievement. I feel it our duty to plant trees every year and I firmly believe if everyone plants a tree each year, our planet will become much more beautiful.



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